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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest MountainMadman

Hi, guys!! just curious..

Look at the WGM official site.. seems preview out already for tomorrow.. but (13/11)..

용화♡서현 : 고구마 나라의 용서부부♡

고구마 천국 가와고에 거리에서 자유여행을 만끽하는 용화♡서현!

두 사람은 온통 고구마로 만든 간식거리들에 푹 빠져 헤어 나오지 못 하고~

‘인연을 맺어주는 사원’에 걸어 둘 팻말에 요옹과 혀언은 서로에게 뭐라고 적었을까?

어느 덧 날이 저물고 하룻밤 묵게 될 일본 전통 여관인 료칸에 간 두 사람!

저녁식사로 나오는 일본식 가이세키 요리를 처음 맛보는 두 사람의 반응은?

그리고, 둘만의 오붓한(?) 뒤풀이를 위해 근처 편의점으로 산책을 나서는 용서부부!

현 부인이 난생처음 용 남편에게 스스로 시도한 깜짝 스킨십은 과연?

YES! Finally something to whet our appetites! :D


Yonghwa <3 Seohyun: Goguma Land's YongSeo Couple <3

Enjoying their trip to Gawagoe, Goguma Heaven!

They don't notice the time passing amid the goguma snacks~

What did they write to each other on the "relationship-strengthening" wall?

The sun has set, the couple goes to their traditional Japanese inn to spend the night!

Their reaction to the traditional Japanese dinner, gaiseke?

Seeking some alone time, they go for a night walk to the grocery store!

Hyun wife's first attempt at skinship, how will it turn out?

Then he/she shared this additional link. http://gall.dcinside...827&page=1&bbs=

He/She said its a reaction from a fan.

Maybe someone can translate it. pleaseeerolleyes.gif

I've quoted what it says in Korean below:

이후 두 사람은 여행의 마지막 밤을 장식(?)하기 위해 산책을 나서게 됐다. 이 과정에서 현 부인은 난생처음 스스로 용 남편에게 스킨십을 시도했다고. 예상치 못했던 현부인의 스킨십에 용남편은 아주 특이한 반응을 보였다는데. 스튜디오 녹화를 통해 이 장면을 먼저 지켜본 [우결] 캐스터들은 마치 화산이 폭발하는 걸 보는 것 같은 느낌이라며 환호성을 내질렀다는 후문. 

The couple goes on a late-night walk to celebrate (?) their last night of the vacation. Hyun attempts skinship for the first time. Apparently Yong shows a very curious reaction to her unexpected advances. There is a rumor that watching the (We got Married) MC's cheer, as they were recording, were like watching a volcano explode.


 Thanks to yslovelightys and shml for the original links! :D

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Guest lunasol


Yong should watch his buin at the 8th Korean Film Awards biggrin.gif




Hyun looked beautiful and sexy. SNSD sang Hoot and she was posing and strutting her stuff full of confidence at the beginning. She literally looked like a model walking. Maybe she wants to show off to someone who have said on several occasion that he is monitoring her wink.gif. Since Tiffany could not perform, Hyun was also singing her part at the end and doing Tiffany's movements upfront. However, for some reason its a little difficult to hear her clearly at that part and you will hear her voice like an echo but she did well.




Then they sang part of Genie with award show MC/actress Song Yoon Ah appearng to dance for Tiffany. She did fine but I am sure Yong would have been a better Tiffany replacement wink.gif Can you imagine him performing with them? hahahaha




They also did a lot of closeups of Hyun and I think I saw the ring.




Heres is the video


[101118] SNSD - Hoot + Genie (w. Song Yoon Ah)






OMG!!! Thank u MountainMadman for the translation and shml for posting the preview!!




So they are going to spend the night and Hyun will initiate skinship!! Even if it does not work, because as we know this is Yongseo (aka the couple with bad timing when they try to do something such as putting an elbow on her shoulder), what will count is that she will make a move!!! Now I really can't wait for the episode!!




Volcano reaction!!! WOW!!!




This is more evidence that Jessica's comment at the fan meeting was really referring to Hyun's night with Yong in Japan!!!






GOGUMAS!! What do you think she attempted to do?


I think its holding his hand. But if it is a kiss on his cheek I will faint, and if it is a kiss on the lips (yeah, too much dreaming hahah) I think we will die! wub.gif


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Guest Kerube-Chan
































































































































































































































































































































I received some intense news in my work today... Not a really good day, but then I came here and there is a Goguma Explosion!!!!
































































































































































































































































@MountainMadman I cant begin to thank you for the translation... I am totally spazzing, I am so proud of SH, OMG I feel like jumping around in circles and roll around in my bed :w00t: ... But my sister is looking at me funny and right now I am just smiling like silly to my computer... I have to control myself... but I cant!!! Ahhhhhhhh!!!! :D
































































































































































































































































I am so proud of SH... OMG I hope YH was not too shocked, so SH doesnt feel weird about it... Arghhh I am so happy!!!
































































































































































































































































My goguma family is Daebak!!! As always I love you all...
































































































































































































































































Special thanks to shml and yslovelightys for sharing the news and links!!!!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Now a little more calm I was thinking this is why they say Japan trip was a turning point, what more permission or confirmation needs YH if a girl (that told everyone that she was in love with sweet potato) begin physical contact... YH this is THE SIGNAL... I am so happy for YH too, all his patience have paid him big time... I cant wait... I am spazzing tooo much, I can die a happy goguma after this episode!!!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@Lunasol: I dont want to hope tooo much, just the idea of SH making the first move is totally daebak... probably she was trying to hold his hand, but we have learned to expect the unexpected from Yongseo... Hope for a Kiss on the cheek maybe... But just the tough of SH iniciating skinship made it totally worth it, this is a really big step for her... Now we know what her unnies where trying to say to her in her letters in the fanmeeting, they totally know and they really know how serious she is about it!!!! Arghhh I am too happy to be good to my health!!!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I cant stop spazzing, I think we need a virtual group hug and a lot of jumping around in happiness... Who wants to join me!!! :w00t::P






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@Lovekin, here is the link to the translations of her unnies is message...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Part 1: http://sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com/2010/09/9262010-seohyun-snsd-fanmeeting.html






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Part 2: http://sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com/2010/09/9262010-seohyun-snsd-fanmeeting-part-2.html






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It is in part 2 what they wrote to her.

































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Guest toomuchsmiling


MountainMadMan- MY HEAD PRACTICALLY EXPLODED. w00t.gifw00t.gif I was gonna provide some VAGUE translations but i saw ur daebak post and was like "Thank God" :lol:




From the links provided by yslovelightys, looking at the comments on DC Gallery...it looks like fans are ECSTATICALLY spazzing (and are hoping apparently just as much as WE are) and it also looks like there are a couple fans i guess more of Yongseo as individuals who are kinda crying their eyes out. :lol: but MOSTLY spazzers.




what the heck does it mean 'Yong's curious reactions to Hyun's unexpected advances'??


Yong...u better not tell her to not do whatever she attempts to do like you did when she was gonna surprise you with her Banmal. :lol:




Plus "MCs reacting like watching a volcano explode"?? OMOOO. OH MY GAAAWD. How has MC Kim resisted posting any news about it on his twitter???


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Guest eintann


Hello fellow goguma villagers..

I just need to post something today..

10 million views?? :w00t: WOW! talk about the power of goguma villagers..

This thread has its ups and downs but no matter what I am proud and glad that I am a part of this all.

Cant wait for tomorrow's episode.. May it be as sweet or even sweeter than the b'day episode..

But in any case I know I'll still enjoy it..

My love to all the sweet people here :wub:


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Guest bizzie_b


OMG! w00t.gif Thanks MountainMadman!  You made me delurk!  Seriously!  I feel like crying of happiness!  This must be how Seulong felt when Yongseo first held hands during their double birthday celebration!  I was literally screaming on the top of my lungs! Whew!  Screaming and spazzing!  What a nice way to release the stress I'm feeling from not having Yongseo for 2 weeks! LOL!  I was really stressed! ahahaha phew.gif




Can' wait for tom's episode!  Guess, we will explode along with the MCs! ahaha.  laugh.gif  For sure, a lot of active and even inactive volcanoes are going to erupt! Whew!  Can't wait!  Makes me super giddy with excitement! wub.gif


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Guest chilipadi_22






OMG~ the translationof tomorrow's preview just made my day!!!!


Omo Omo Omo!! Uri Hyun has grown up already! Initiating skinship!!!!


This is making me crazy.....:@


Uri yongseo couple never fails to surprise us with their actions.


Yong~ u better dun react like when Hyun wanted to use banmal with u!!


This is making me crazy. It's one more day!


I will endure! Fellow gogumas too!!



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Guest lovekin




YES! Finally something to whet our appetites! :D








Yonghwa <3 Seohyun: Goguma Land's YongSeo Couple <3




Enjoying their trip to Gawagoe, Goguma Heaven!


They don't notice the time passing amid the goguma snacks~


What did they write to each other on the "relationship-strengthening" wall?




The sun has set, the couple goes to their traditional Japanese inn to spend the night!


Their reaction to the traditional Japanese dinner, gaiseke?


Seeking some alone time, they go for a night walk to the grocery store!


Hyun wife's first attempt at skinship, how will it turn out?










I've quoted what it says in Korean below:








The couple goes on a late-night walk to celebrate (?) their last night of the vacation. Hyun attempts skinship for the first time. Apparently Yong shows a very curious reaction to her unexpected advances. There is a rumor that watching the (We got Married) MC's, as they were recording, were like watching a volcano explode.













 Thanks to yslovelightys and shml for the original links! :D






AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.  you know, i don't like losing my composure very often, but this was so warranted.  and coincidentally enough, i was playing teenage dream in the background.  and you know how certain types of music intensify whatever it is you're reading?  aw!  i am seriously flipping around with joy if that's the case.  i'm really curious as to how seo initiates skinship, if it's at all nervous electricity that you can feel through the screen.




i think i might die.  wub.gif  mountainmadman, you are the light of my life for translating this.  thank you!






EDIT:  what was it that jessica said about seo's trip in japan again?


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Guest lunasol






Jessica said:




5. Maknae... You got married lucky you... You're awesome(?)

On that day that night in Japan.. You were jjang... You were like a different person... I love you... (Jessica)




Some fans at first were saying out of nowhere that she was referring to a massage Hyun did to Jessica. But it didn't make sense if you look at all her phrases in context. Besides, a massage does not take a day and night, 




You got married lucky you...


You're awesome(?)

On that day that night in Japan.. You were jjang... (From what we see in the preview Yongseo spend the day and at least part of the night together)


You were like a different person... (If she initiated skinship it will definitely qualify as being different compare to her usual behavior)






As I said in the other post:



I also think what she will do is try to hold his hand.


At most a goodnight hug


Any kind of kiss will be too forward when she can't even initiate holding his hand. 



But since Yongseo always do the unexpected I will leave open the probabilty that another kind of skinship that is not holding his hand will occur (ex. the skinship may be an innocent attempt to stroke his hair, touch his face, to a kiss hahaha). We should just be prepared. Even if it becomes a failed attempt, the important thing is that she is attempting something. 


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Guest BluMistLaydee




I vote for a holding hands... kiss on a cheek is just too out of character for her but then again you never know what to expect with the two lovebirds.


lol oh HiHi.... I saw you post. Sorry bb, I wasn't on at that time. Soompi seems to never log me off, especially when I visit the site through my phone. I was dead asleep at my end of the world at the time you made your post and I just saw it.


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Guest MountainMadman

Everyone: Thank you! I'm just as excited as anyone else! OMG. I honestly can't wait for tomorrow, it's going to be daebak.

I'm not sure what it means by  "Yong's curious reaction". From what I can read, it seems like it could go either way...I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens!

The biggest spazz-worthy part, though, was the rumor about the MC's going crazy during the recording session. If they completely lost it, then can we take that as confirmation that whatever happens is going to be good? ^_^

lunasol: would you happen to have the link to the actual video of that interview? I've heard about it before, but never got a chance to see it for myself.

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It's been a looooong time since my last post here >.<








and i just read the article above Hyun wife's first attempt at skinship, how will it turn out? omoya? this is for real?? I can't believe my eyes hahaha...i can't wait for tomorrow episode!








there's not only the MCs who reacted as volcano explode, but thousands goguma spazzers will react the same way in their own house hahaha...and i believe there will be another volcano explode reaction in this thread :P:D



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Guest LiyLiy14


Goguma Lovers... Annyeong..




Actually i'm still in the blur-ing mood coz i'm on medication. Down with flu, fever and cough for several days.




After i read the PREVIEW translation by MountainMadman suddenlly i felt so excited. Excited to max for tomorrow episode..


Suddenlly all the blur-ing are gone from me. Even i'm gigling while reading all the posted by the goguma lovers.




MountainMadman, you are DEABAK. Thanks for your kind translation.


You bring back my mood. Million of thanks.




I think we can start guessing what is the SKINSHIP from HYUN??




1) Banmal and hold hands


2) A light kiss


3) ................................


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Guest raindrops_919

THANK YOU so much for MountainMadman, you're definitely HERO OF THE DAY!! *bow 120 degress*

i vote for holding hands (because it's the only one that sound realistic) but i won't mind if it's hug or kiss, well i'm really dying to see it!! *crossed fingers* saturday pallliiii  :w00t:

i wonder how yong will react to it!! YONGSEO DAEBAK!!  :wub:

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Guest Crystal392

I am really really really tired and was gonna go to sleep as soon as I arrived home. I got into my bed and grabbed my itouch to check what was new in Goguma planet and I'm so glad I did that!

OHMYGOD! MountainMadman saranghae!!!!! You are seriously a Goguma archangel next to our lovely j2dlee <3

I really don't want to get my hopes too up because always expect the unexpected from YongSeo and I'm very nervous about what will Yong's reaction be but OMG Hyun is going to try to initiate skinship!!!! *squeals* I'm so proud of her! :)

For some reason the 'volcano iabout to explode' made me uneasy... :3 Is it something good or bad?

OMG I really hope it's something good *using goguma powers*

YongSeo :wub:

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Guest MountainMadman

Quickly wanted to point out a mistranslation on my part: I forgot to add the word 'cheer' when I translated the part about the MCs and the exploding volcano. ^_^

Here's the correct translation:

There is a rumor that watching the (We got Married) MC's cheer, as they were recording, were like watching a volcano explode.

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I want to share one song which lyrics is so sweet and i think this is match with goguma couple :rolleyes:
























Beautiful - Jim Brickman feat Wayne Brady








From the Moment I saw you,








from the moment I looked into your eyes








there was something about you








I knew I knew








that you were once in a life time








a treasure near impossible to find








and I know how lucky I am to have you
















Cause I've seen the rainbows that can take your breath away








the beauty of the setting sun that ends a perfect day








and when it comes to shooting stars, I've seen a few








but I've never seen anything...as beautiful as you








Holding you in my arms








no one else has fit so perfectly








I could dance forever with you, with you








and at the stroke of midnight








please forgive me if I can't let go








cause I never dreamed I'd find a Cinderella of my own
















Cause I've seen the rainbows that can take your breath away








the beauty of the setting sun that ends a perfect day








and when it comes to shooting stars, I've seen a few








but I've never seen anything...as beautiful as you








Chorus repeat:








Cause I've seen the rainbows that can take your breath away








the beauty of the setting sun that ends a perfect day








and when it comes to shooting stars, I've seen a few








but I've never seen anything...








Oh Oh, Oh no, I've never seen anything...as beautiful as you








from the moment I saw you,








from the moment I looked ïnto your eyes...








This song would make every girls the happiest person in her life when some guys sing it to them :wub:
















credit pic to ichigo kawaii



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Guest victoria1_1


















Thanks @MountainMadman for your translation!














Juz can't help but kept reading the translation with a smile pasted on my face. For one week of no WMG, this preview sort of make up for the lost feeling and hopefully the show tomorrow will complete all the lost feeling..Yipee.














I think any kissing or peck on the cheek is really not possible...juz not like her at all. I suppose maybe linking her arms with his when walking? More her style...



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I think Jess said something like "one day, one night in japan...jjang...you look different".  At the time I think Jess and her other unnies explained it as a time when Hyun's showed loyalty to her unnies in Japan.  Hyun did say though that it was a day that she will never forget.


I'm happy that Hyun initiates the skinship.  So that's why her unnies were commenting a lot about Japan and whether she likes Yong at SNSD fan meeting - soon after the Japan trip.


At the same time, I'm very nervous about what it means by "Yong's curious reaction to Hyun's skinship".  I have butterflies in my stomach right now.  What could this possibly mean?  I think his reaction will carry more importance after his "confession" or "relationship question" on Monday at NAN.  I just hope Yong reacts positively to Hyun's skinship even if he may be startled by it at first.  Or even better if he then takes the skinship (whatever that may be) to a new level.  Hyun has so far (after NAN) continued to wear the ring so maybe its a good sign to what happened in Japan and the state of her relationship with Yong.  Please let the Japan ep be so sweet we'll get diabetes from it.


Maybe its hand holding?  But for a volcano reaction - it may be more than that?  I do remember though just a couple weeks ago (before the silence) Hyun saying on an interview that her unnies always tells her to hold  Yong's hand, but Hyun is shy doing so.


Wonder whether the volcano in the studio is due to Hyun initiating skinship, Yong's reaction to it, or Yong and Hyun's ending to the evening (which I hope will be sweet)? 


Ohhh, Saturday palliiiiii.



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Guest karrymiss




hello yongseo fans




this is the first post i am making about my favorite couple




ever since heartbreaking cancellations of the WGm episode last week i seriously cannot stop thinking about yongseo already and top of that the post about hyun being intimate has completely killed me now. i cant even concentrate on my exam preparations. i made a huge mistake visiting the thread today. i just cant stop spazzing about the coming up episode.*sigh*.but extremely happy. three more days and i will be done with my exams and then peacefully watch my yongseo with a huge smile on face.





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