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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest hijinx90








CallMeDayDreamer: lol I wonder if the writer of that article is a soompier too? hehehe and lives with us in Goguma Planet :P








Hi there, that writer would be me, and what card carrying Kpop blogger isn't a Soompier? I visit Planet Goguma often, but since I live and work on Planet Seoulbeats not as often as I'd like. LoL.



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Guest Crystal392





Hijinx90: hehehehe :lol: Hiii *waves* :)



Goguma Planet is soo quiet, probably everyone is saving energy to spazz on Saturday! :P



I was sad because I missed my YongSeo so much but we had Hyun on 'Happy together' and Yong on 'Night after Night' :w00t: and also all of yo who made the wait more easy.



2 more days! Yay!



Btw, I wonder if Hyun called/texted Yong congratulating him and CNBLUE boys for winning 'New Style Artist award' ;)


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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































We are so quiet today, ain't we?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I see some of the frequent poster right now
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































crystal_malfoy, magdal, Kerube-Chan, .:love_ya:., BluMistLaydee
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and many more, what's up everybody ? :sweatingbullets:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2 more days right? fighting! I know you guys can endure all of the killing waiting like this LOL

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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hihi_hehe:  Hi hi, i was here but I wasn´t haha, I was trying to watch NAN with subs but twitvid has been rude to me, cause I just can´t :crazy:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Can´t wait for this saturday!, I´m dying to know how many gogumas left for Yong LOL, but she is so sweet in the preview, I think "left" is not an  appropriate word :rolleyes:.
































































































































































































































































































































































































hijinx90:  haha, as expected, we have gogumas all over the web, good article.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Gogumas, When Starking is going to be aired?, I want to watch Hyun and Brother in Law and everybody´s friend Jungshin chingu! :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































And since there is not news about our YongSeo couple, I´m going to share this, fancams from Mnet 2010., because Yong nampeyeon was singing his wife´s song, (and again he didn´t sing that Very special part ) :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































Have a good day/night gogumas, just 2 more days!!!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Edit: weird soompi ¬¬, is acting rare today































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Here is Seobaby,  Starking?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr: yongseofacts @twitter
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest MountainMadman

Just checked MC Kim's Twitter.

Nothing WGM-related, so far.

But something interesting posted on his profile:

이번주우결은 방송하는걸로알고있어요. RT @animo0 : @jake82054이번 주에는 우결 정보 안날려주시나요? ^^결방을 참으려니 기다리기 더 힘들어요 ㅜㅜㅜ


I think WGM will be broadcasted this week. RT@animo0 : @jake82054 No news about WGM this week? ^^ It's even harder after waiting two weeks...

I'm not a Twitter user, so I don't know what the part in the middle means - if anyone who's fluent with Twitter would care to tell us what the middle part means, that'll be awesome. Here's the link to his page - the tweet in question is the second one down (at the time of this post).


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Guest LiyLiy14






I have the same problem as mentioned by anne0129 & gauri92.


Since no WGM being aired last week, i keep rewatching the previous episodes of WGM to keep my day alive.


Every time my brother pass by my room, he will asked me the same question "SWEET POTATO" again, bcoz i always rewatching the WGM n reading the sweet potato blogspot and this thread.








Very curious for this coming SATURDAY episode!!!!


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Guest toomuchsmiling




I watched Yong's Night after Night and really enjoyed it. I just made a quick little...cap? Yong's expression was just too cute to pass up








my.yonghwa.baby Thank u for capping!!! It's so much more adorable to see his face slowly transform into that cute expression. :lol: I was even thinking when i was watching this "hmm, maybe i should record his face with my video cam on my phone" (i know i know, but it was just TOO cute)


lol, but then me being a COMPLETE Goguma villager was all :unsure:darn i can't. it would be wrong of me cuz the man has wife. I can't have someone's husband's FACE recorded on my cellphone u know??? I'd feel like i was one of those evil girls who was trying to take away a man from the heroine. (silly of me, i knoooow)


in the end i couldn't. hahaha. but it was a super cute face indeed.




ahhh wgm soon!!! i can last!! xP


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Guest littlebiebie

Hi, Goguma Villagers...

The thread is so quiet today..

Mountainmadman Welcome!! Thank u for translating & I love ur fanfics.. It's awesome so I will keep on stalking for any update :phew:

Btw, what do u the middle part of the tweet?Is it the "RT"?

The twitter message is animo0 asking mc kim (jake82054) about WGM news this week and mc kim Retweet his/her tweet and the answer is the first line of ur translation (he think wgm will be broadcast this week)

I dont know if this is what u mean though -_-

Caliope Thanks for the subbed video.. appreciate it so much :)

So, I rewatch yongseo epi 31 (again).. And I found out some things to be spazz about (sorry if someone already shared before).

On Hyun letters to Yong she wrote about the banmal thingy even before Yong said it's the invisible wall between them.

So, I checked the timeline on SPD blog.

The school uniform date filming is on Aug 29, a day after Epi 21 being broadcasted.

In Epi 21 there was Yong's darkroom interview which he said Hyun could speak banmal to JS and MH and he felt It's more difficult to him to be closer to her.

So I think Hyun might watched this and make that letter to him.

Aug 28 [Episode 21] The one where they cook at CNBLUE's dorm Aug 28 CNBLUE concert @ Chuncheon Aug 29 [WGM Filming] Incheon Korean Music Wave. Performing Run Devil Run and Love Light together. Filming also occurred at their house before and after the concert

"Korea" is the next code I found.

Hyun said he will read the Japan journal/guide if she miss Korea (Yong).

I remember on one of CNBlue interview in Thailand (It's on Sept, 8-11), The interviewer asked Yong whether he miss Hyun.

And he diplomatically replied that after arriving to Thailand he missed Korea but after he saw their fans he didn't think about it (missing Korea) anymore. It's something along that line.

My realistic mind say he just answered it diplomatically but my goguma's mind keep thinking Hyun = Korea? ;)

Another interview in Thailand CNBlue were asked to name the Thailand interviewers look alike whom in Korea (celebrity).

And Yong said one of the interviewer who was wearing a "11" tshirt should be Hyun since It's Hyun number.

Of course he knew it, He already searched the web to find Hyun buin's number,, keukeukeuk :D

Thank you everyone for ur translation, fmv, fanfics, caps, gifs, insights, etc.. Can't name u one by one but this thread keeping me sane through the waiting (Am I exaggerated things?:lol:)

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Guest MountainMadman

@littlebiebie: Yes, that's exactly what I meant! Thanks for clarifying...I hope that wasn't MC Kim's weekly tweet of what happens on WGM! I need more information, thank you very much..."I think WGM's on this week" just ain't going to cut it. ^_^

And the next installment of Love Story is now up!


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Guest mrsjoker


@dreamyboo : aww...I miss you too... ^__^ Been busy with work lately so haven't had the time to post although i am itching to post something every time i lurk here and read all of the post and discussion going on... anyway, work is tamed at the moment so I'm all hype up. :lol: oh... and I LOVE your FMV!!! kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... :wub:



@CallMeDayDreamer : Hahaha...you totally make sense and we are kinda in the same page there. I too don't spazz that much on the ring ding dong, I'm happy when they wear it and i'm ok if they didn't. It's just that lately i'm thinking what if the sign that we are looking for is actually right under our nose. Just as simple as that. just maybe... :wub:


@Wallpaperfood : I do think it was all started out with Yong fear of losing things easily and so he wears it. The 2000 won ring they had previously was mainly seen on Yong's hands outside WGM filming while i don't recall seeing it that much from Hyun side, but it all changed when they had the new silver ring that Hyun made for both of them. I began to see Hyun publicly wore it a lot outside of filming and even recently we see her spotted in school wearing the ring...that kinda piqued my curiosity as to what does this ring ding dong actually meant for both of them now. again i know this is easily debatable as some "promotional tools" but then again it is a 50-50 situation, the possibility that it meant something special to the both of them is also present. ^_^


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Guest sun_sun
































































































































































































































Hi all Goguma here ^^
































































































































































I really miss you all and YongSeo also...almost 2 weeks I didnt here...I sent my notebook to check and now everything ready for new Episode tomorrow...cant wait to see ^^...Ohh How many news that I missed about Yong and Hyun... and I just saw vid that I subbed from j2dlee's trans ...they were deleted by YT already T^T... and here link >>My link   all vid that I sub from j2dlee's trans If you wanna see them again ^^
































































































































































Edit : Ahhhh so sorry ...I think tomorrow is SAT..lol ... maybe I miss YongSeo so much ^^

































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Guest t.sarahsarah
















































hey hey gogumas..i just watched style icon awards and i think yonghwa used the couple guitar that he bought in WGM..i need gogumas eagles eyes to prove it..hehehe

















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Hi all Goguma here ^^


I really miss you all and YongSeo also...almost 2 weeks I didnt here...I sent my notebook to check and now everything ready for new Episode tomorrow...cant wait to see ^^...Ohh How many news that I missed about Yong and Hyun... and I just saw vid that I subbed from j2dlee's trans ...they were deleted by YT already T^T... and here link >>My link   all vid that I sub from j2dlee's trans If you wanna see them again ^^






Thank you sun-sun for your sub. i want to ask you what can i download the videos from you. i really want to download videos with j2dlee's trans. but i dont know how to do it. do you have any downloads links for your videos? i hope i dont ask too much from you. thank you again for your work. fighting:-)


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Guest SophiaPia




















Hi every one



























As always thanks to all of you who shared anything about our lovely couple YongSeo. yes! i must admit i miss them, i wish to see them together not only in wgm, i hope 1 of this day to see them together guest in any show esp MBC program. I hope 1 of this day YongSeo will walk together in red carpet whether they are presenter, performers. Still wishing they perform again in any show. So that they will always meet coz of rehearsals kekeke! still no news if they film wgm.



























Missing wgm. I guess 1 week no wgm is enough. Saturday paliiiii. Still i'm happy watching that fancam of hubby Yong @ Love sharing concert watching his wife SeoHyun and singing along the part of his wife. Sweet.



























Caliope thanks to the NAN video, hubby Yong facial expressions and body language, touching his couple ring says it all. kekeke! Lovely.



























magdal SeoHyun and her unnies recording 17th Nov "enjoy today" which is the second half of MBC's "Sunday Sunday Night".



























All POV about the couple ring, i feel the same :) Who knows that lovely simple ring that i'm looking at all the time got lots of meaning behind it wub.gifwub.gif












Cheers to all


















































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Guest Kerube-Chan
































































































































































































































































































































Hello! Talking about red carpet.... during season1 and 2 in WGM the couple. always were present for MBC entertainments aawards, there is a category for best couple and the couples of WGM are always nominated... I remember I watched it during season1 and all the couple got there together walking down. The red carpet and posing for couples... I remember thinking they looked like hollywood couples.
































































































































































































































































The thing I want to say is that (wishing really hard with my goguma powers) I want to see them walking down the red carpet for the MBC entertainment awards and Winning the best couple....
































































































































































































































































The issue with this wish is that the Gayo Daejun of each major channel is between 29 and 31 of december so propably they will have to perform in the gayo thing and cant make it to the awards.... really sad but I really wish they could be there. Well maybe MBC. can make an special stage with the WGM in the their gayo thing...
































































































































































































































































Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas, I love you all! we are almost there, we can make it!

































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Guest sun_sun

































Thank you sun-sun for your sub. i want to ask you what can i download the videos from you. i really want to download videos with j2dlee's trans. but i dont know how to do it. do you have any downloads links for your videos? i hope i dont ask too much from you. thank you again for your work. fighting:-)
































































































































































It's not too much I can do it ^^ ... I will upload at MF and I will post link here later ,ok??? ...pls give me more time to upload ^^.... Do you want all?? Ep. 21 - 31 ?? ...or what Ep. you want?? ^^

































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caliope, thanks so much for uploading NAN in MU & MF. MF works like magic for me~! :D

baby_bo, thanks for the pic... hyun looks gorgeous~! ^^

whoaaa crystal! i didn't realize hyun was raising her hand when she saw yong! thanks for the gif~! ^^

hijinx90: haha no wonder the news sounded so goguma-like xD thanks for making it sound that way. keep it up LOL!

magdal, thanks for sharing the tweet from yongseofact... hyun looks cold in there. her face looks thinner?

mountainmadman, i'm still veryyyy glad that u decided to be one of our translators~! :D so happyyyyy! oh, thanks for the trans~!

littlebiebie, i thought i was the only one who noticed about the korea thingy... LOL! and u might have noticed why yong asked hyun to be in the front of his camera when they were preparing to take some shots initially... he wanna be able to see most of his buin's face clearly when they're away. kekekeke plus the fact that the camera produces instant photos... LOL! this makes me think that maybe it's true about yong & his bros seldom carry their cellphones around. so to yong, it could be more convenient to fill his hunger for buin immediately with her instant photos. xD

mrsjoker~! glad that u like the fmv :D *hugs*

kerube-chan, thanks for sharing about the gayo daejun thingy. i dunno why, somehow i'd like our goguma couple to be low profiled. no doubt i'll be happy for them if they do win as the best couple. but to me, that's superficial. IMO, uri yongseo is not that type of couple. they're yongseo, the couple that capture the hearts of many thru' their sincerity. ;) yongseo, hwaiting~!

sun_sun, thanks for ur effort in subbing for us~! we really appreciate it :D it would be great if u could upload them in MF or MU next time. haha most of us are keepers of yongseo-related-stuffs xD

yooong's checklist:

1) cool [checked]

2) charming [checked]

3) endorsement is visible to everyone [checked]

4) ring is visible to buin [checked] :lol:

owh sorry for being lame :Pbebebfa3baedb7e7c1a4bfe.jpg


haha jnj chingoo~!!! glad that u like it... kekeke i actually had no idea how to end it, but decided to make it seemed like a cliffhanger? xD anyways, thanks so much for liking it! *hugs* ^^


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dreamy ar...your fmv make my heart wants to go burst!

that last scene of them running towards each other makes this heart

bursting with more love for yongseo!!! :w00t::wub::wub:

hug u tight for making such a beautiful mv. keep them coming! ^_^

caliope, tks for putting up the links. am d/loading them now.

this clip is such a treasure for us, gogumas!

callmedaydreamer n hijinx90, tks for the article.

crystal, i love love love the gifs u shared.

What If, yongseo did hug each other?

that will be BIG TIME EPIC!!

mrsjoker, after reading your last post, i seem to have lots of What If going in my mind.

my boss once said that What If is the beginning of an analysis.

so What If..

the one that got a massage from Hyun (in Jpn) was not sica but yong himself? ;)

*hmm...i think my What If is more on the delusional side...* :lol:

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It's not too much I can do it ^^ ... I will upload at MF and I will post link here later ,ok??? ...pls give me more time to upload ^^.... Do you want all?? Ep. 21 - 31 ?? ...or what Ep. you want?? ^^






Thank you so so much, if it is possible can it have it all what you have:-) i dont know what i can help you because i dont know a lot of technique. just want to say thank you 100xxxxxxxtimes :-)


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