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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Cont from previous based on Chinese from Baidu



Yonghwa played with the room mist and told the shop lady that it was the legendary smell from Thailand and also the smell of 200th days.



He wanted Seohyun to explain why she pretended not to remember the date. It was because there were lesser Gogumas now and she wanted to know the reason behind the push & pull too.



Yonghwa felt that there was a wall between the two of them and that she was very comfortable to use banmal with her chingoos (cn blue brother in law).



Yh: Why you can't used banmal with me?



Sh: You really want to hear banmal?



Yh: No, this is not important now.



Sh: emm



Yh: It is ok not to use it, really, I am not concerned about it anymore. I really feel that we are closer now, especially today.Should be very sad about it? I tried very hard to open your heart to it. Maybe you cannot understand, but.... (understand my intention)



Sh: I know! (banmal)



Yh: It's ok, don't use it (Busan accent), use the polite form, the polite form only.



Sh: let me think about it



Yh: Don't need to think about it, use the polite form



Sh: this is what you want?



Yh: using the polite form, you will feel the respect for the other party?



Sh: yes



Yh: That is good, I will use banmal with you. Really!



Sh: I know.



Yonghwa told her to read the handbook before she sleep that night. She promised to do it. She felt that they really looked like high school students in the picture. Seohyun joked that her hair looked like avatar. It ended with Yonghwa asking her what will she do if she miss Korea. Seohyun answered that she will look at the photos.



To be cont.





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Guest Stephanie_tran
















































Woolylamb: thanks so much for translating the preview :D thanks a million!!!
































About their house and comparisons to other couples: I agree with most of you, each house suits more each couple. Adam first got a trailer, YongSeo a small house and Khuntoria a big house. I am really happy and think the Pds were smart to give uri YongSeo a small house because that forced them to be closer ^^
































I think I understand why Yong said no to Hyun when she asked him if he wanted banmal, he doesn't want her to feel obliged to use banmal and just do it for his sake, he wants her to use it because she feels comfortable enough with him :)
































As someone said, I think we got super spoiled by uri yongSeo's gifts to each other. As many of youhave pointed out I am also grateful that she at least prepared something, we all know why Yong did the mildang thing and I am really glad he did it because we saw a side of Hyun we had never seen before (not even on other shows). But Hyun hadn't understand the reason yet (before their 200 day ep) and when she bought the gift (when she was in Thailand).
































Omo Yong asked how many gogumas he had? Maybe Hyun will say it on the black room interview? :o























































I also agree with u cos' PDs give YongSeo a small house.The reasons that : First: the house is so cute and suitable with them.They designed the house by themselves,so it have meaningful than others.And the second:With a small size they will get close with each other easier and they can chat together although they r bedroom or living room,it is both ok.So we,gogumas should feel happy for uri Yongseo ah~~~~~~
































And so happy with Yong cos' he is so thoughtful for his wife.He did not make hard to Huyn (no need use banmal),so i dispose Yong into The Good Husband Group just like Huyn thought about him in the first eps.
































Finally,the next ep. will be my second best episode because this is the first time they spend the night with each other.We watched the last eps,they just have spent a day together but not through the night.So it's so excited to me.I'm must wait the next ep 2 next weeks that it's so terrible.I wanna cry.So longggggggggggggggggg timeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T_______________T

















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 Anneyeong Goguma's :wub:


After watching today's episode for the third time, one thing I can say for sure this couple really have a special way of communicating, the way they look/stare at each other is so flirty which me makes me think are they sending messages to each other? and, another thing I noticed with this two, aside from the stares they love doing something with their mouths... Hyun loves to pout which makes her cute and Yong on the other hand loves to bites his lip which makes him look sexy...gosh :wub:. I'm a married woman and here I am melting each time I see him do that :lol:  I guess today's episode because of the above mentioned observations are enough to last me for the next 2 Saturday's that I'll miss them.......I wish...well, I can always do some marathon watching, right?:phew:



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Guest Crystal392



I enjoy so much reading all your posts.

Thanks thanks thanks a million to all the gogumas who have shared translations <3

you are jjang! Really :D

Their convos are really meaningful, I think this is one of the things I love about thm and what has made me stick to them since February. I love them individually and together :D

So they will spend their first night together on next ep?

Woah if one week is long, two weeks is like torture! :lol:


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redtulip, wolly, iryna, kubih... thank you guys so much for share the translation with us... I´m so melted right now!! What amaze me the most is that everytime I see them they get even deeper in my heart!!































































































































































































 This couple is really something :wub:






























































































































































































































































































































these are better quality´s links (youtube)































































































































































































part 1































































































































































































part 2































































































































































































part 3































































































































































































































and this is even better, but just first part ^^






























































































































































































































































































































































































part 2






























































































































































































































































































































I´m so loving this ep, waiting for translation ^^




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest krissylia












a little translation from BETTYLOVEGOGUMAS from sweetpotatodays










after receiving their mission,










one week later, 8:15am, hyun appeared,










MC NY: ths place appeared in a movie before,










 hyun (nervous): otokee~?










yong asked a passerby "where is XXX?"










MC NY ASKED SELUDONG: do you know how to speak japanese as well?










 seuldong: of coz!










yong, who was happy, arrived first, pointing at the restaurant: A SET!










so yong arrived at 8:25am, then the couple talked on the phone.










yong: are you standing inside or outside?










hyun: this is a place for renting cars.










yong: ok (then realised he went to the wrong place),










 hyun didnt know yong went to the wrong place, and kept waiting~then yong asked another passerby where MEI SA KA is. he couldnt find it, so he called hyun again.










hyun: we should just hang the phone, i will keep walking, then yong suggested a place to meet, which says "EAST EXIT". then his phone died all of a sudden.










yong: oh, my phone ran out of battery!










ALL THE MCS: oh, out of batteries? otokee??










 hyun finally found the place,while yong was in the other side of the road.










MC PARK: oh no!










yong, talked to himself: hyun will come, then answered the question himself: coz it's seohyun!










 MCPARK: its like the ending of a drama, shouting buin~~`then hug each other.










 jinwoon: or maybe do a backhug,,,










then tinally hyun went inside, and she talked to herself: it's not here, it definitely is not here. (at the same time yong was just in the opposite end),,,,,,,,then the couple finally met each other!










so this part is when they finally saw each other.










 background music is AND I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU~










hyun: how do you know?










yong: i was walking back and forth in this same place,,,










then MCKIM: should hold hands.










MC NY: should have a hug.










yong (handing a drink to hyun): this is your favourite apple juice.










hyun: thank you! yong: i drink coke.










hyun: your hair grows much longer!










yong: i straightened my hair, that's why.










hyun: oh reli?










 yong: ya,,ya,,










hyun: oh, i found you, its a miracle!




















HYUN: hair colour is lighter, hair is longer, also, his face becomes V-LINE. (seeing him)was reli reli happy! on the other side,










yong: i need to make an analogy again,,,(being shy) its like, we got lost in a very crowded place, then, we met each other after two days,,the feeling of meeting again!










n the sub: after not seeing each other for a month, the coupld is a bit happy, yet a bit strange/distant..










hyun: a! (saying the restuarnt name)!










 yong: have you try it yet?










 hyun: not yet.










yong: oh, reli? in the sub:










yong's japanese handbook recommended A SET from this restaurant.










yong: you didnt have time to try this previously, now we can try it.










hyun: now? now?MC KIM: oh, i wanna eat too!










MC NY: what will it taste like?










so they went to the second floor and sat down, both of them ordered A SET










.yong: snsd is on ORICON CHART!










 hyun: ya.










yong: it's number 4 now!










hyun: reli? oh, its a miracle!










in the sub: even in japan, yong monitors his wife.










JINWOON: snsd is very popular in japn.










MC PARK: right, so the A SET arrived at their table.










yong: but, the imporant thing is, you have to eat the rice together with the meat, and he asked hyun to put some sauce onto it.










hyun: spicy?










yong: no










MC PARK: if this is not expensive then international students can eat this.










yong: look at the sauce from the meat.










hyun: yummy.










 yong: yummy right~have u seen the book i gave u?










hyun: of coz, i refer to it many times.










yong: reli? (being reli happy) then yong took out the avatar toys (the spiders)










yong: oh, the children kept staying at home.










MC PARK: what? childish yong is out again~










hyun: aaa~(talking to the toys), long time no see! y










ong, imitating the frog: its fun, then he imitated the spider: so happy! why dont we go home?










IN THE SUB: the fotos taken in the one month period. after looking at yong's foto, it's hyun's turn.










 yong: what are u deleting?










hyun: some fotos arent that good,










yong: show me quick, why do u always hide it? you took fotos with other guys again?










hyun: no~yong: no?










 hyun: maybe.










 yong: ...










hyun: this foto is taken when i was shooting the mv with trax.










yong: saw it.










hyun: the song is nice right?










yong: i said hi to jungmo.










 MC PARK: he taught hyun guitar...










yong: when i first saw him, jungmo asked, yongwha, i heared that u are especially jealous of me? then i said no, no, i was just joking,,,










hyun: show u something, zzang!










yong: oh, because of this you wore wedding dress.










 hyun: yes.










hyun: jay oppa and jungmo oppa.y










ong: oh, goddes? (busan accent) seohyun is goddess?


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Guest CallMeDayDreamer

































Anneyeong Goguma's :wub:

After watching today's episode for the third time, one thing I can say for sure this couple really have a special way of communicating, the way they look/stare at each other is so flirty which me makes me think are they sending messages to each other? and, another thing I noticed with this two, aside from the stares they love doing something with their mouths... Hyun loves to pout which makes her cute and Yong on the other hand loves to bites his lip which makes him look sexy...gosh :wub:. I'm a married woman and here I am melting each time I see him do that :lol:  I guess today's episode because of the above mentioned observations are enough to last me for the next 2 Saturday's that I'll miss them.......I wish...well, I can always do some marathon watching, right?:phew:































































































































I totally agree with you...






























































































































































































































Khuntoria & Adam couple may have skinship, our YongSeo have EYE SEX... :sweatingbullets::lol:






























































































































































































































If the other couples are taking their skinship to the next level, our YongSeo is also  taking their EYE SEX to the next level too... :lol:






























































































































































































































Who cares about skinship anyway if we get to see them making gooey eyes at each other all the time, right??? :sweatingbullets:




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hmmmmmmmmm.... Eye Sex... :sweatingbullets:
































































































































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Cont from previous based on Chinese from Baidu.



Yonghwa misunderstood the place that Seohyun was originally waiting for him. However, the handphone battery went flat when he tried to contact her again. When they finally found each other, Yonghwa told her that he kept going to and fro around the area. The MCs were disappointed that they did not hold hands or hug each other.



Yonghwa gave her the apple juice that she like while he drank coke. She stated that his hair was longer and was surprised that they could find each other.



In the black room, she also observed that his chin is now more v-line and was very happy to see him again. Yonghwa described the feeling as losing someone in war where there were lots of people and finding the person again after 2 days!?



They went to Yoshinoya and ordered the Set A meal recommended by Yonghwa in the handbook. Yonghwa was awared that SNSD's album was number 4 in the Japan chart. Seohyun said that she read the handbook many times. Yonghwa took out the avatar kids that he brought from their house in Korea as he felt sorry for them always staying in the house.



They showed each other the photos they took during the month. Yonghwa suspected that Seohyun was deleting those photos that she took with guys. She finally showed him those that she took at Trax MV. Yonghwa met Jungmo and the first thing that he said to Yonghwa was that he heard Yonghwawas especially jealous of him. Yonghwa told him it was a joke.



Yonghwa was disappointed that Seohyun was not awared that CN Blue was on the same Japan Chart too with SNSD. They both wanted the CD with signatures.



They met a fan along the way and Yonghwa attributed it to his drama "You are beautiful"



The end


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Guest krissylia
























yong: i also has something to show you.








 hyun: oh?








yong: new cd!








hyun: oh~~~








yong: kekekek,,,,








hyun: it must be tiring taking these fotos,,,








yong: its fun.








hyun: reli?








 then he showed her the expressions,








yong: when you snsd entered the oricion chart, we were also in it.








 hyun, who was a bit surprised: oh, reli? wa~~`








yong: u didnt see it?








hyun: no,,,








yong: actually, i reli thought u knew,,








hyun, was a bit sorry: aa,,,,








yong: if you check everyday you will find out,,,








hyun: i will treasure your cd, and will listen to it.








 yong: (refering to the trax cd) is this for me? oh, i will buy it.








hyun: its ok.








yong: i will buy it and listen to it.








hyun: ok.








yong: i will have a signed cd..








hyun: me too, i want a signed cd too.









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Guest lunasol

Here is the link for yukiandjudy subbed preview

Yongseo WGM - 31 (PV)

From what we see in the preview:

a. Does that mean they spend the night together at the same place? Although I think its possible they just spend part of the night and flew to Korea early in the morning...

b. Does it mean that Jessica's comments about Hyun's night in Japan was really referring to Yongseo, but since they couldn't really say they try to say it was a massage??

    no 5. maknae ah, it's good being married.japan on certain day certain evening...zzang...you really look different now...sarang hae (jessica)

Just by reading the comment I think its Yongseo. From where people started to say it was a massage she performed on her unnie? It doesn't make sense writing married and "you look different now" to a massage performed by the maknae on her.

c. How did they come back to Korea? Did the comeback together as some people were speculating?

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I just watched that episode and ... well, sprayed my tea all over everything when Seohyun attempted to "avatar" Yonghwa with her hair. Don't get me wrong, but don't have those avatar dudes like ... <uhm> SEX </uhm> that way?????? Talking about furthering their relationship! And from SEOHYUN no less!!!

Best regards,


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Guest starfish_29






I just watched the video and no I am contemplating on few things in the episode:






How can the KhunToria couple have a big house? When the Adam couple started they had a small house and moved to a much bigger house. While Uri YongSeo has a small house and haven't moved? I want them to move to a bigger house just like AlShin couple had before. There's a garden in that house too. A garden that Seo Hyun wants.. Anyway, no matter how I contemplate I can't seem to find the answer.












I love this episode especially when after the two of them ate and was about to leave Yong dance jokingly. It was so cute, even though he isn't a great dancer but I suppose Hyun liked that. I loved it when the two of them can still see each other even though they are so busy. They are seriously cute. And the poor spiders that Yong seobang brought kkk. The spiders who haven't seen their umma for a while kkk. I will really look forward to the next episode.






And one more thing, this episode is like the episode when Kang In and Yoon Ji went to Japan to have a honey moon and they also went to this cute Japanese house that had a small hot bathtub in it. It was so cute back then, and I loved that couple back then.






Anyway, I shall sleep now and wait for the subs tomorrow. :)


안녕히 주무세요!



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LOL ^ I thought I was the only one who thought of the avatar thing!! Oh SeoHyun, have you grown XD

Anyway, although the episode was not as exciting as I'd expected it to be, I was actually taken aback of when Yong and Hyun finally found each other. It was dramatically hilarious yet it was one of the most touching thing I've seen them done. I have been to the airport so many times before, seen people come and go, even my mom, and if there is one thing I am sure of is that they missed each other immensely. They couldn't even hide it nor could they hold back. They ran towards each other. That was romantic in itself.

I remember the anxious feeling of waiting for someone, especially those who I hold dear to me and there was only one time I've ran like that to greet someone: My mom. (XD I was a little kid then)

To see SeoHyun run to Yong, I felt that "Ah~ this girl has really missed her choding." ^-^

I'd also like to add that this episode has confirmed that Yong needs someone like SeoHyun in his life. She guides him, protects him and nurture him. When he got lost, you can feel Hyun get irritated yet she quickly ran and searched high and low for Yong.

Hyun on the other hand needs someone like Yong. Someone who brings excitement, joy and light in her life. I have said this many times here before and I will say it again, Hyun was a very stoic, robotic, apathetic girl. She bottles up or stow away her emotions to avoid getting hurt; as she mentioned on the 1st or 3rd episode, her only haven for the stress of being forced into the business world at an early age. And now that she is with Yong, one can feel that she pours out everything to Yong. She can have fun, be a choding without being judged and be herself.

I think this episode made up for the mildang depression for me :)


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I just watched that episode and ... well, sprayed my tea all over everything when Seohyun attempted to "avatar" Yonghwa with her hair. Don't get me wrong, but don't have those avatar dudes like ... <uhm> SEX </uhm> that way?????? Talking about furthering their relationship! And from SEOHYUN no less!!!




Best regards,











now that you mentioned it. yeah, seo hyun 'avatar-ed' yong hwa. ohmy.gif did you see yong hwa's reaction there? it's like, 'what are you doing hyun?' haha i don't think that both of them knew what it REALLY means to connect the 'tail' of an avatar or whatever they called it to each other.. OM gee.. i know that seo hyun was just playing around.. BUT STILL!! 




*censored thoughts crossing my mind* ugh! vicx.gif





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Guest Rouenna
































































































































































It only occurred to me that the dance Yong was doing when they went out of the resto was Tell me your wish. :lol:
































































































































He was singing the part "sowaneul marebwa" and doing that side step. He seemed so happy.
































































































































Thanks for all the translations! I keep laughing at the part Yong talking to himself, "Hyun will come", "Why?", "Cause it's Seohyun!". He really knows her. :lol::wub:

















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this epi has the least skinship but u guys are talking abt PG18 thing? blush.gif:lol:



lunasol, the more i see the prev, the more

'Yongseo Honeymoon In Jpn'

comes to mind..

1. spend the night at the inn

2. jpn on certain day certain evening...jjang (jessica's message looks suspicious now)

3. massage....so the tiger balm does come in handy now ;)

4. hyun's yellow sweater looks a bit big to me..wearing hubby's sweater?


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Guest Faith_memory
















I do believe that seohyun speaking informally to her husband would be a great gift to him. but right now, i think for yonghwa, it doesn't matter anymore. ;/ atleast that's what i think after analizing their movements and what he said. since it shows how difficult it is for her to do it to him.












I just wish that she won't use banmal with the other cnblue members infront of yonghwa. he'll definitely feel uncomfortable or left out. from the looks of it, for me, yonghwa dropped the banmal thing for his wife, he just don't want it anymore. ;/ even though he just jokes about it. should this be a good thing? hmmm.. ;/ well atleast, now, seohyun knows what her yonghwa feels about the banmal thing. since yonghwa already said a piece of his thoughts about her talking informally with his bandmates. and after yonghwa said not to use banmal while talking to him, it seems that seohyun got confused. lol. ♥ *you could notice her arms crossing* sign that she is embarrassed according to yonghwa.












i like how yonghwa monitor snsd's activities... seohyun's activities really. ♥ this shows that this 'marriage' is not just a show but also their personal lives are being affected. lol. it seems that seohyun is not unto monitoring his husband.. which is quite sad. :( not what i expected at least. I thought she knows her husband's activities. ♥












i wanna see seohyun expressing something different in the coming episodes. really.












anyway, can't wait for the future episodes!! kekeke!
























yong~ imitating the smiley that seohyun drew! haha! ♥
























*sigh* young love... ♥
























seriously, someone should collect yong's imitation of seohyun's eyes. haha! ♥



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Guest cindyle






The translation from dearest BETTYLOVEGOGUMAS from sweetpotatodays:


in the letter hyun wrote to yong: nampeon, if there's difficulty in life later on, you should tackle it through reading books!and always remember your dream! and yong said that he would definitely read the books when he travels overseas.the books were both seohyun's favorite type of books - self reflection type books


yong: so why dont u speak banmal to me?


hyun: so, you really wanna listen to my banmal?


yong: no, now i wont force you anymore,


hyun: hmm~~


yong: you dont have to, really, now i dont relli care anymore.i really  feel that we've became closer alot, especially today, you must be sad  right, because of this, you never know how hard i try! but,,,,


hyun: i know (using banmal!)


yong: ok, dont use banmal, just use respected terms, respected terms, only respected terms,


hyun: let me think,,,


yong: dont need to think, just use respected terms.


hyun: do you reli want that?


yong: we can feel that the other's respecting you right?


hyun: right! i know!


yong: read the handbook thoroughly!


hyun: i will for sure!


yong: read the book once more before going to sleep!


hyun: ok, i will!


 the part when they took fotos:


hyun: how should we pose?


yong: dont stand at the back


hyun: what?


yong: you stand at the front


hyun: ok. boss: 1,2,3~~~


hyun: i look better in this foto, and oppa looks better in the other, looks exactly like high schoolers, right?


 then she used her hair to connect with yong.


yong: what are you doing? you want me to connect with u? am i an avarta?


hyun: just to show you~


yong turned his back to hyun: connect the tail, connect the tail!!


hyun: hahahah, aigo~


yong: what should you do when u miss korea/ ?


hyun: look at the fotos!


(link with Krissylia's previous post)


after receiving their mission,


one week later, 8:15am, hyun appeared,


MC NY: ths place appeared in a movie before,


 hyun (nervous): otokee~?


yong asked a passerby "where is XXX?"


MC NY ASKED SELUDONG: do you know how to speak japanese as well?


 seuldong: of coz!


yong, who was happy, arrived first, pointing at the restaurant: A SET!


so yong arrived at 8:25am, then the couple talked on the phone.


yong: are you standing inside or outside?


hyun: this is a place for renting cars.


yong: ok (then realised he went to the wrong place),


 hyun didnt know yong went to the wrong place, and kept waiting~then  yong asked another passerby where MEI SA KA is. he couldnt find it, so  he called hyun again.


hyun: we should just hang the phone, i will keep walking, then yong  suggested a place to meet, which says "EAST EXIT". then his phone died  all of a sudden.


yong: oh, my phone ran out of battery!


ALL THE MCS: oh, out of batteries? otokee??


 hyun finally found the place,while yong was in the other side of the road.


MC PARK: oh no!


yong, talked to himself: hyun will come, then answered the question himself: coz it's seohyun!


 MCPARK: its like the ending of a drama, shouting buin~~`then hug each other.


 jinwoon: or maybe do a backhug,,,


then tinally hyun went inside, and she talked to herself: it's not here,  it definitely is not here. (at the same time yong was just in the  opposite end),,,,,,,,then the couple finally met each other!


so this part is when they finally saw each other.


 background music is AND I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU~


hyun: how do you know?


yong: i was walking back and forth in this same place,,,


then MCKIM: should hold hands.


MC NY: should have a hug.


yong (handing a drink to hyun): this is your favourite apple juice.


hyun: thank you! yong: i drink coke.


hyun: your hair grows much longer!


yong: i straightened my hair, that's why.


hyun: oh reli?


 yong: ya,,ya,,


hyun: oh, i found you, its a miracle!




HYUN: hair colour is lighter, hair is longer, also, his face becomes V-LINE. (seeing him)was reli reli happy! on the other side,


yong: i need to make an analogy again,,,(being shy) its like, we got  lost in a very crowded place, then, we met each other after two  days,,the feeling of meeting again!


n the sub: after not seeing each other for a month, the coupld is a bit happy, yet a bit strange/distant..


hyun: a! (saying the restuarnt name)!


 yong: have you try it yet?


 hyun: not yet.


yong: oh, reli? in the sub:


yong's japanese handbook recommended A SET from this restaurant.


yong: you didnt have time to try this previously, now we can try it.


hyun: now? now?MC KIM: oh, i wanna eat too!


MC NY: what will it taste like?


so they went to the second floor and sat down, both of them ordered A SET


.yong: snsd is on ORICON CHART!


 hyun: ya.


yong: it's number 4 now!


hyun: reli? oh, its a miracle!


in the sub: even in japan, yong monitors his wife.


JINWOON: snsd is very popular in japn.


MC PARK: right, so the A SET arrived at their table.


yong: but, the imporant thing is, you have to eat the rice together with the meat, and he asked hyun to put some sauce onto it.


hyun: spicy?


yong: no


MC PARK: if this is not expensive then international students can eat this.


yong: look at the sauce from the meat.


hyun: yummy.


 yong: yummy right~have u seen the book i gave u?


hyun: of coz, i refer to it many times.


yong: reli? (being reli happy) then yong took out the avatar toys (the spiders)


yong: oh, the children kept staying at home.


MC PARK: what? childish yong is out again~


hyun: aaa~(talking to the toys), long time no see! y


ong, imitating the frog: its fun, then he imitated the spider: so happy! why dont we go home?


IN THE SUB: the fotos taken in the one month period. after looking at yong's foto, it's hyun's turn.


 yong: what are u deleting?


hyun: some fotos arent that good,


yong: show me quick, why do u always hide it? you took fotos with other guys again?


hyun: no~yong: no?


 hyun: maybe.


 yong: ...


hyun: this foto is taken when i was shooting the mv with trax.


yong: saw it.


hyun: the song is nice right?


yong: i said hi to jungmo.


 MC PARK: he taught hyun guitar...


yong: when i first saw him, jungmo asked, yongwha, i heared that u are  especially jealous of me? then i said no, no, i was just joking,,,


hyun: show u something, zzang!


yong: oh, because of this you wore wedding dress.


 hyun: yes.


hyun: jay oppa and jungmo oppa.y


ong: oh, goddes? (busan accent) seohyun is goddess?                                                 


                        yong: i also has something to show you.


 hyun: oh?


yong: new cd!


hyun: oh~~~


yong: kekekek,,,,


hyun: it must be tiring taking these fotos,,,


yong: its fun.


hyun: reli?


 then he showed her the expressions,


yong: when you snsd entered the oricion chart, we were also in it.


 hyun, who was a bit surprised: oh, reli? wa~~`


yong: u didnt see it?


hyun: no,,,


yong: actually, i reli thought u knew,,


hyun, was a bit sorry: aa,,,,


yong: if you check everyday you will find out,,,


hyun: i will treasure your cd, and will listen to it.


 yong: (refering to the trax cd) is this for me? oh, i will buy it.


hyun: its ok.


yong: i will buy it and listen to it.


hyun: ok.


yong: i will have a signed cd..


hyun: me too, i want a signed cd too.      








apparently they went to a japanese temple to write a message for each other, also, later at night, they went to a traditional japanese hotel/restaurant, it was a celebration party for the two of them.


yong: buin, we need to write


hyun: need to write? wait`


yong: why do u do it so secretly?


hyun: there's no secret.


yong: i havent ask this for a long time, how many goguma am i now?


hyun: huh?


yong: 123.


hyun: NO~~


yong: you dont understand me




Credit: BETTYLOVEGOGUMAS from sweetpotatodays


Enjoy goguma lovers :wub:



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