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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest slylychee

Just finished subbing CN Blue's appearance on a Taiwanese variety show they taped when they were in Taiwan. SUPER FUNNY. Check out the video on Viikii:

CN Blue appearance begins 2:20 minutes in on Part 1, so remember to skip ahead.





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Guest leechee2






@cloiee18 I watch through TVUplayer. :D










Just started listening to SNSD songs a month and happen to got to know about this reality show. Now I also like others stalking this forum ever day/






Pardon me, what is the broadcast time in Singapore time? Thanks











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Just finished subbing CN Blue's appearance on a Taiwanese variety show they taped when they were in Taiwan. SUPER FUNNY. Check out the video on Viikii:
































CN Blue appearance begins 2:20 minutes in on Part 1, so remember to skip ahead.







































































































































can you share to youtube??
















so i can download....pleaseeeeee........:wub::wub::wub::wub::wub:
































okay...okay...sorry my fault..:tears::tears:(because my english very very bad)
































I LOVE YONGSEO because..
















They make me change my life...make me more cherrful, more positive life,..
















I never liked the actress / actor (singer) as much as I like them
















they are so easy to be liked, to make learning about the pure love,.
















haahh .. they really really really changed my life ..
































Cingli, 24, Indonesia

















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please edit your post and make it longer...i know u guys just want to ask short question and want to help answer question...but other forums had been closed due to this.




short msg but making it into a few lines dont count also....




i love tis forum too much..for that to happen!!




and also i notice so many newbies...so this might gv them some insights also about soompi rules...




dont quote image also






: u might want to edit ur post instead so that u wont keep getting thumb down and get warned by the Mod




pandasoori notice ur post is rather short, not sure if it is considered one liner or not, just to be on the safe side...maybe please edit and make it longer




for the rest...all good guys...no worries...as gogumas...we support each other


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Guest miel_1301

An exciting day [23 October 2010] this will be for all of us Gogumas!

In less than four hours Seobaby and her unnies will be landing Singapore [sG LT] and in less than three hours KST Episode 29 will be aired. I am hopin', wishin' and prayin' that we'll be witnessing the FINAL RESOLUTION to this "MILDANG" thingy which Yong Seobang started. Seobaby, don't be too hard on Yong. And YongHwa, I hope you learned your lesson well that Seobaby is indeed a "cut above the rest". Didn't you yourself say that she is one tough nut to crack? Geez! I am so excited about Hyun's presents from Phuket to Yong. Equally exciting would be the BTS from the Incheon Korean Wave. And oh! There's one more that I am looking forward to--- the pin/badge with the number 200 signifying their 200th Day Anniversary. I would like to know the story behind it, if any. Was the badge/pin given by any one in particular say a YongSeo fan? Or Was it an accessory that only YongHwa himself decided to put on his guitar strap?

This thread will surely jump hundreds of pages today and until later.

To ALL SG Gogumas ----we will be on stand-by here in the thread awaiting your blow by blow accounts, photos and vid clips from the Kpop Night Concert today, 23 October 2010. Please extend all the LOVE of Sweet Potatoes in the thread to Seobaby. And GOOD LUCK and Take Care, Ladies! I'm pretty sure you'll all be having a once in a lifetime experience again.

Thanks monie, kubih and genxv for posting the text of what seems to be the explanation of the "Push-Pull [Mildang]". I hope someone who knows Hangul will be kind enough to give us a translation. It is rather a long article.

PanGG, Awww! You did it again! Nice wallie you've made. Yeah, that was indeed one big capture of Yong. THE RING looks so defined.

shane, I saw your gif. Nice work again. Is there a gif already made out of that scene when Yong gave that "sarcastic" look on Hyun as he said "So, did you like it?" [after Hyun showed him her photo in a wedding dress]?

hachimitsu, awesome art work as always. I love your wall paper with Yong and Hyun by the window. Geez! Why are you all so talented?

kubih, thanks for the screen caps of the girls at the Music Station in Japan and to Haeanna for posting the fan account translated by silis@snsd thread. Hahaha! Even Japanese fans are obsessed with THE RING.

See you all later, Gogumas!

Another capture of Seobaby at the Music Station Japan yesterday, 22 October 2010


cr. vjunsak@twitter + silent_scream@gg thread


Awww~ pancakes&flappyjacks, nice to see you again in the thread! Hugs to you for the summarized translation of that article. You're one "savior" indeed. The thread misses you, you know that!

shane, thanks again for heeding my request, as always. Hugs to you, too!

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Guest CallMeDayDreamer


Pardon me, what is the broadcast time in Singapore time? Thanks


If i'm not mistaken Singapore and Philippines have the same time zone,

So the broadcast time of WGM in Singapore will start around 4:00 or 4:15 PM...

Hope that helps...

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Guest pancakes&flappyjacks
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hi GOGUMA villagers,
































































































































































































































































































































































































Alerted by monie1909 on the article....thanks babe!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































Lecturer decides that he wants to hold us back...so can only give you guys a summary....
































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm still a beginner..i'll try my best...please feel free to edit....
































































































































































































































































































































































































Title is: WGM Jung Yong Hwa's 'push-pull' project, even the WGM crew didn't know
































































































































































































































































































































































































Article mentioned how in the last broadcast of WGM, it was revealed that he had not contacted Seohyun for a month and did not even wear his couple ring. And how he explained that relationships needed a turning point and he thought that if he didn't contact her, she would think of him more.
































































































































































































































































































































































































He continued his 'push and pull' stunt even outside of filming and the crew realised this when they had dinner with the two.When they were not able to film, the crew had dinner with both of them but Seohyun's attitude towards Yong Hwa was different. Seohyun then confided with the crew that Yong Hwa did not contact her.
































































































































































































































































































































































































The crew got worried and they even thought maybe he already has a girlfriend. And they finally found out out his 'push and pull' project.
































































































































































































































































































































































































After seeing how Seohyun became closer to the other CNblue members her age after she dropped her honorifics, he decided to plan a way how she can also speak comfortablly with him too. And he felt that after she was touched by the potato field gift, it was the perfect time to carry out the plan.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Edited after scatterbrains post...thanks!
































































































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun is known for being pure/innocent. But apparently so is yong Hwa and that is why he decided to do this project.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Again...might not be accurate.... blush.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































peace out till laterz...PURE LOVE..... :wub:

































































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Guest monie1909




pancakes&flappyjacks. Just need to come out from lurker to thank you for your time to do the translation .Sorry again for bothering you with your tutorial.You really are another angel in this thread. :D




Edit : Exceptional.chic its 82048



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Guest exceptional.chic








HOORAY! a few more hours to go. i'm getting hype. :D




i lost my notepad that contains the channel of MBC at TVU. can someone please tell me the channel. its 82 something. i can't recall it. :|








can't wait!



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@pancakes&flappyjacks thank you for translating the articles for your fellow gogumas and @monie1909 for the tips. i never thought that yonghwa would carry out his 'mildang' attitude to outside of the wgm filming. that's mean he really means business with seohyun. even the crew get worried if yonghwa has a girlfriend. poor seohyun, she surely endured a lot during that period. i wonder what she must be feeling at that time. it must be terrible. while yonghwa, he and his jealousy of banmal haha. i applaud you dude for being courageous in carrying out such plan towards a pure girl. yongseo are beginning to step out from reel to reality.





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Guest cosmochiq
















@l1nn3 OMG!! I'm so sorry I didn't know that.. :(








Yeah I was just trying to help and answer his/her question. :(


























but thanks for calling my attention.. I think I need to review the guidelines so I won't be committing any mistakes again. :D


























and to answer the follow up question.. yeah.. Philippines and Singapore falls on the same timezone.. so the show starts at 4PM Phil and Singapore time.:D


























if you have other questions.. I think u should just send me a private message so we won't have a negative reputation.:D


























hope that helps.. :D
















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Guest glitterspark
































































it's only two hours before the d-day!!
















just dropping by to share a weird dream i had last night about our Goguma couple...
















OKAY i dreamt that i was their child and sleeping between the both of them at night...
















then i woke up during the night and saw yong staring at hyun's sleeping face...
















i was thinking at that time, wow! my dad really loves mummy and stuff like that (and felt a tiny bit of jealousy)
















when i woke up, i found that i was still inside the dream, and that hyun was teaching me how to read with an english storybook... can't remember the title though XP
















then when i actually woke up, i was SUUPER surprised with myself for having such a dream~~
















sorry for sharing something so random... the anticipation of waiting for today must have been killing me to bits...































scatterbrain + pancakes&flappyjacks: thanks for sharing!! AWWWWW~~ yong is sooo cute... maybe in that way, hyun and him are similar...
















fellow SG gogumas who are going to meet our hyun: lucky people!!! will be anticipating your pix, fan accounts and many more!!!

















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Guest scatterbrain

adding to pancakes&flappyjacks regarding the last paragraph...

i translated it from baidu>>>

the staff expressed that everybody knows how pure seohyun is, but it turns out that yonghwa is as pure as she is. the staff imagined that he shud have many girl friends, but looking at all the pictures in his cellphone,all are pictures of him and guy friends. and his friends are all pure and innocent...that's why because of his pureness, he may come up with such immature pull-push act

EDIT: since i topped the page, might as well try to translate the whole article...

WGM Jung YongHwa Push-pull plan, WGM crews didn't know

WGM "YongSeo CP" Jung YongHwa planned the push-pull act alone. in WGM broadcasted on 16th oct, it was revealed

that Yonghwa dind't contact Seohyun for a month and dind't waer his couple ring.

thru blackroom interview, seohyun expressed her unhappiness towards yonghwa, but yonghwa mentioned that as time goes,in order to grow, a turning point is needed. during this time if i don't contact seohyun, she may miss me a bit more.. thus he started the push-pull act alone.

WGM crews founf out about yonghwa's project later on. WGM crew were interviewed on the 22nd and expressed that yonghwa continued his act outside filming. because there was a long period of time where they couldn't film, seohyun yonghwa and the crew went out for dinner together to maintain their relationship. but yonghwa showed different attitude towards seohyun. the crews couldn't help but raised some questions. during the push-pull act, yonghwa was cold towards seohyun and seohyun also confessed to the crew that she hasn't been in contact with yonghwa.

the crews were worried and thought of every possible reason behind yonghwa's act. maybe he has a girlfriend?maybe he has a change of heart?Finally they found out about yonghwa's plan after they interviewed him alone.

the crew asked why yonghwa had this project. yonghwa expressed that seohyun couldn't speak banmal with him comfortably, and watching her seemed comfortable with CNB boys after only a short period of time, he thought that a change was needed. from that time to the moment where seohyun was very touched with the goguma field present, he decided that this is the right moment. so he started the push-pull project alone....

and the last paragraph is as above...i know i have many grammatical mistakes....sorry for that :sweatingbullets:

hmmm...that's why seohyun dared to confront yong about him not contacting her. i think seohyun already knew about his plan from the crew, she just wanted to hear it from yong in person...

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will the live performances of the couple on their 200th day be shown in today's episode? hopefully some footages of them walking off the stage after their duet can be seen! sweet moments like that definitely needs to be recorded and aired.
































snsd seohyun - gee (japanese version) live performance at music station, japan
















cr;uploader and shared by ♥i love_sica♥ at snsd thread
















snsd seohyun - hoot teaser at music bank, korea
















cr;uploader and shared by keoconvoi at snsd thread

















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Guest SophiaPia








well done kamsahamnida for translating the news. Now i have idea :) hmmm! so hubby Yong really want to be playful i guess don't do it too much hubby kekeke! anyway, we might see the episode later half mildang half sweet again :) but even though they having mildang both looks sweet anyway. Already excited of what's gonna happen later and tomorrow and next week lots of YongSeo HOOT.



Thanks also scatterbrain yeah! i guess Yong is pure as well like SeoHyun so they are really A MATCH lovely indeed



Catch u all later after wgm :) Cheers


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pancakes&flappyjacks, oh thank you very much for the translation. Also, thanks everyone for the posts, pictures, and everything you contribute.
























































The article shows how much Yong wants to hear Hyun speaks informal to him. Both of them are so cute that cannot be described by words. Yes, indeed it is pure love. Now he knows that how much Hyun cares about him.
























































Only 2 more hours we will see our sweet potato couple again. How happy I am. It will be 1:15AM here in California. And after that we will spazz about our lovely couple. I'm so in love blush.gif









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