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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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SNSD’s Seohyun ranked #1 for best natural beauty

SNSD’s maknae Seohyun was recently picked as the best natural beauty out of girl group members.

According to a poll that was conducted by a cosmetics surgery hospital in Seoul, results showed that out of the 781 netizens who participated, 348 (44.5%) voted for Seohyun as the “girl group member who shows the best natural beauty”.

A representative of the cosmetic surgery hospital explained, “First place taker SNSD’s Seohyun has a friendly face. Her natural beauty results from her confidence and ability to showcase her strong points.”

Other girl group members who ranked in the top three were KARA’s Han Seung Yeon (210 votes, 28%), and 2NE1’s Sandara Park (189 votes, 24.1%).

Source + Photo: MyDaily


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sun_sun, palli! palli! for episode 3! i'll wait for you to upload it before i watch the whole fireworks.








i know you are having a hard time timing and typesetting maybe because you spazz after every second you watch. but i cannot blame you. this episode either makes you hold your breath or gives you hyperventilation.








ok, my heart says "palli! palli!" to you but my mind says, "do not pressure the subbers!" kekek! :D








Hearts to you sun_sun and j2dlee!





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Guest wallpaperfood

hi gogumas! i just had an absolutely daebak thought...

after they ended filming for that ep, they would have HAD to ride the bus back to Seoul from Daehwangmyung right??...^^

I'm so hoping Seobaby slept on Yong's shoulder on the way back (i mean, she got 1.5 hrs sleep after all, so it's quite possible) :D :D :D <333

the atmosphere was so romantic after all ^^

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Guest ichigo_kawai

Hi everyone.... "Waves"

Thanks for all about yongseo couple

@Sun_sun & J2dlee Thanks for your hardwork..

@ Raindrops: sorry for late comment...Thanks for watching my videos  ^_^..... I love your artwork...:wub:

 And to everyone here is my fan mv yongseo couple lovely skinship 25-27 (song  "LOVE LIGHT"

here is the link:

I think this episode is full of meaningful skinship... :wub:

I love this episode very much.......


Thanks everyone  :wub:

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Guest heartbreak_warfare22








I don't know how many times I've watched this episode. Yong and Hyun's face must have hurt after that day from smiling from morning till night. Yong was definitely surprised by Hyun's event. and if you watch the episode again (and I know you will ^^,) the part before Hyun started singing with the gag man mask on, Yong was teary eyed and he even wiped off the tear from his right eye.



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Guest Crystal392
















































I should be really finishing a project because I will meet with my teacher in an hour but I can't concentrate because our YongSeo! ^^






























































I'm soo happy uri Hyun~ got #1, she is beautiful inside and outside.






























































redtulip: Thanks for sharing that, I also loved Yong thanked Hyun's mom.






























































wallpaperfood: Thinking about it makes me excited and happy! I'm sure both were super tired and I wonder if they filmed WGM on their way back to their dorms... maybe Hyun put her head on Yong's shoulder as you said! :w00t: Remember the ep on the train, when they began their married life? Some episodes after that ep Jungshin showed a pic he had found on Yong's room and it was Yong's with his head on Hyun's shoulder ♥

















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Guest shenibabi














Posted Image










%7Boption%7D"http://img695.imageshack.us/img695/1747/55271790201010091708000.jpg" alt="Posted Image"










Yesterday's Top Searched [Trending] Terms~










1 Jung Yong Hwa










2 Seohyun










4 Love Light










5 We Got Married










cr:fudgee snsd thread



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sun_sun, no pressure ok. and take care of that heart!

*i take it, your heart is bursting with joy while subbing?* :lol:

u already did part 1 & 2, which is good enough.

i bet we'll faint again when all subs are done!

hacker, u still waiting for the WHOLE epi to be sub huh?

u got strong will power there girl (u're a girl right?)

have to give u a bag of goguma for that! ^_^

i rmbr i said way back that even if yongseo is not wearing their ring,

it doesn't matter to me.

boy! am i wrong! i take it back!

seeing one of them w/out the ring leave my heart kind of... heavy?

its :crazy:... i know..

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Praise the Lord for yesterday's episode! :w00t: and is it just me or does anyone else finds Yong calling Hyun "Seo Ju Hyun" felt very intimate :wub: and I love how they ended their part by putting in SNSD "Kissing You" as a background ... and someone should really make a GIF over the part where Yong put the ring on her finger and as he slowly slides it in he looked at her briefly sweeeettt !!!!!!!

































































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Guest fara_m7






i bet they can't sleep that night after such a romantic birthday date!! smiling all night remembering each other face, remembering how seohyun sing the song & how yonghwa look at seohyun with a sweet smiling eyes, remembering how they exchange ring and their first holding hands!! omg~ can't stop my imagination!!


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Now that I've calmed down after watching the episode 14841564854161x...




I noticed that Yong almost put the ring to his finger by himself then he swiftly takes it out and asks Hyun to put it on for him. Not only that but Hyun could have easily put the ring on her own but she decides to let Yong put it on her fingers for her. If this was the old Hyun, she would've done it by herself. Was it because she was yearning for "skinship" as Yong has for quite some time now? I think so. You can even see her nod as Yong asks her permission through "telepathy" (with his eyes) if he could touch her hand. I think that was one of the sweetest moments I've seen by far.




Their events were so simple compared to other couples that it is so believable. Is it possible to fall deeper in love with these two?


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Guest fazie86




hye goguma...i've been a silent readers for a past few day...




what can i say...i just like everyone else..still spazzing r8 nw and i can't believe what i saw.. ^^




this is my fav ep ever...both of them look so sincere. Yong really look like he touch by surprise made by Hyun..(well,,hear the tone of his voice after the surprise!!),,he look really fall in love or i can say he know that his love is NOT one sided.




Yong..u r one lucky guy..and Hyun...u r one lucky girl...both of u r the luckiest person.. please keep this relationship coz u two r just toooooo SWWEEEEEEEEEEEEETTT!!!




thank to everyone who give a translate and to Goguma FBI..i admire u guys...hu^^..keep up your good work..if i can,,i want to help but since my busy schedule and limited sources,,i left it to you guy.. a BIG thanks from me...




i don't know how to post a pic or a gift coz i try many2 time,,its still not working... next time i try again..




i really wonder what next episode gonna be.. more eyes 'LOVE' staring?? huuuuu^^



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Guest wallpaperfood

panGG- read ur spazz.  :w00t: it's like how i completely felt almost XDDD


chyme_31 & wallpaperfood- LOVE wat u guys say!!!!!! ahhh, makes me spazz even more!

okay so GUYS (fellow gogumas) i THINK I CAN DIE IN PEACE it was SUCH a great ep i was SQUEEING all over the place. and after re-playing so many parts (mostly in the 2nd part) i even got a bit teary eyed from happiness!! seeing Seohyun hold his hand it was just SOO  

:wub: so shocking!!! they looked REAL.

(see Yong seobang, wen u give women the answers they wanna hear u get amazing/rewarding results!!!!!)

"SEO JOO HYUN" Yong totally made me die by saying her real name so many times. and i LOVE HIM FOR BEING SO BOLD!!!!!! he didn't just let the issue hang. he was all "JUST SAY IT BOLDLY. DID YOU WRITE THE SONG FOR ME OR NO?" LOVE the MCs reaction b/c it was just like mine.  :w00t:  :wub: and i LOVE his happy reaction after. was it me or was that AEGYO?? the way he said "u couldn't look me in the face, i saw it all" and "you were embarrassed huh?" AND SEOHYUN WAS ALL O__O hahahah ahhh~~ <3 <3 <3

JUST IMAGINE, if her unnies have SEEN this... i mean it's ONE thing for Seohyun to go home that night and SPILL everything, it's ANOTHER to see it happening on screen for them to witness themselves. they musta SPAAAAZZED like how we are right now.

Another thing. MC Kim Jungmin- we owe it to him BIG TIME. he's the gogumas representative MC right now. u can tell, he's a spazzer. "i'm going to go home and listen to Love Light again" (LOL) or wat he said to the PDS "DON'T CUT NOW OR U WILL DIE" XD

SOOOOOO~~ he IS our hero.

Yes I totally agree with what u say too!!! I bet the Soshi household was spazzing and being loud,bright,crazy,active unnies, this time to the power of 987654567886!!

I'm sure they must have all been waiting for the magical ep where they see what Seohyun told them!

Cn Blue as well :P. After seeing a dazed hyung, they must have harangled him until he told them stuff, so I bet they're all in major teasing mode right now to Yong :P

Yong sounded so damn loving when he said "Seo JooHyun"...so affectionate and...and..KYAAAAAA. Made me wish I had someone who'd call me that way too ><

And yeh man, Kim Jungmin has been secretly following Yongseo cos he knows so much about them. His reactions would have been much bigger if he was sitting alone at home watching, instead of MBC taping hehehe.

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Guest Crystal392






shenibabi: Reposting your pic of top searched terms (because it didn't show) :














Our Yong~ and Hyun~ are on top 2. Their article was top 1 yesterday on NATE too ^_^














d3j1k0: I was also wondering the same until I watched the latest ep, I fell even more for them xD






I really can't stop spazzing! :lol:






YongSeo jjang!






I'm sure Korean Gogumas are as excited and giddy as we are :D



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hyun's Good Example Of Future Husband

these are what she wrote on her book reviews during their train trip.

- polite and has established a set of good values

- has big dreams and always tries his best

- has an optimistic mindset and knows how to balance

- a comfortable friend and has good humour

- honest and knows how to be thankful in all circumstances.

and she admitted to her unnies that yong is her ideal oppa/husband.

i'm feeling nostalgic reminiscing the past episodes while we continue our yongseo journey :wub:

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Guest shane09




DEar jnj, I can't see the scene that you request for gif....







































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This is the story when Yonghwa and Seohyun were playing with the dandelions. It's called 'A Shower' and it's actually quite sad. I was curious so I searched for it :sweatingbullets:

A Shower

By Hwang Sun-Won (1953)








































Translated by Brother Anthony of Taizé








































As soon as the boy saw the girl beside the stream, he realized that she must be the great-granddaughter of Master Yun. She had her hands in the water and was splashing it about. Probably she had never seen a stream like that in Seoul.








































She had been playing with the water in the same manner for several days now, on the way home from school. Until the previous day she had played at the edge of the stream, but today she is right in the middle of the stepping-stones.








































The boy sat down on the bank. He decided to wait until she got out of the way.








































As it happened, someone came along and she made way.








































The next day, he arrived at the stream a little later. This time he found her washing her face, sitting there in the middle of the stepping-stones. In contrast to her pink jumper with its sleeves rolled up, the nape of her neck was very white.








































After washing her face for a while, she stares intently into the water. She must be looking at her reflection. She makes a sudden grab at the water. Perhaps some baby fish were swimming by.








































There is no knowing if the girl is aware or not of the boy sitting on the bank as she goes on making nimble grabs at the water. But each time to no effect. She simply keeps grabbing at the water as if for the sheer fun of it. It looks as though she will only get out of the way if there’s someone crossing the stream, as on the previous day.








































Then she plucks something from the water. It was a white pebble. After that, she stands up and goes skipping lightly across the stepping-stones.








































Once across, she turns round : " Hey, you."








































The white pebble came flying over.








































The boy found himself standing up.








































Shaking her bobbed hair, she goes running off. She took the path between the reed beds. Then there was nothing but pale reed heads shining bright in the clear autumn sunlight.








































The girl would soon reappear on the far side of the reeds. Then he began to think she was taking a long time. Still she did not appear. He stood on tiptoe. And he began to think she was taking an extremely long time.








































Far away on the other side of the patch of reeds, a bunch of reeds was moving. The girl was hugging the reeds. Now she was walking slowly. The exceptionally bright sunshine shone on the girl’s reed-like hair. It was as if a reed, not the girl, was walking across the fields.








































The boy remains standing there until that reed can no longer be seen. Suddenly he looked down at the pebble she had thrown at him. The moisture had dried. He picked it up and put it in his pocket.








































Starting the next day, he came down to the stream a little later. There was no trace of her. A good thing, too.








































It was strange, though. As the days without a sign of her went by, somewhere in the boy’s breast a feeling of loneliness was growing. He got into the habit of fingering the pebble in his pocket.








































One day, the boy sat down in the middle of the stepping stones, just where the girl had sat playing with the water. He dipped his hand in the water. He wiped his face. He stared into the water. His darkly tanned face looked back at him. He hated it.








































The boy grabbed at the face in the water with both hands. Several times he grabbed at it. Then he suddenly sprang up in surprise. Why, the girl is coming, walking in this direction!








































‘She was hiding, watching what I was doing.’ The boy started to run. He missed his step on a stone. One foot went into the water. He ran faster.








































If only there was somewhere he could hide. On this side there are no reeds. Just buckwheat fields. He had the impression the perfume from the buckwheat flowers was pricking his nostrils as never before. His head was spinning. A salty fluid seeped between his lips into his mouth. His nose was bleeding.








































Blocking his bleeding nose with one hand, the boy went running on. He had the impression of a voice following him, repeatedly calling out, ‘Silly boy, silly boy.’








































Saturday came.








































When he reached the edge of the stream, the girl, whom he had not seen for several days, was sitting beside the stream playing with the water. He started to cross the stepping stones, pretending to ignore her. A few days previously, he had simply made a fool of himself in front of the girl, so today he crossed the stepping stones cautiously, whereas before he had walked across them as if they were a highway.
















































































He pretended not to hear. He climbed up the bank and stopped.








































‘Hey, what kind of shell is this?’








































Unthinkingly, he turned round. He found himself facing the girl’s bright dark eyes. He quickly turned his gaze to the girl’s palm.








































‘It’s a butterfly clam.’








































‘That’s a pretty name.’








































They reached the point where the path divided. From here the girl has to go a mile or so downhill, the boy two or three miles uphill.








































The girl stopped and said, ‘Have you ever been beyond that hill?’








































She pointed beyond the end of the fields.
















































































‘Why don’t we go? Down here in the country, it’s so boring I can’t stand it.’ ‘It’s a long way, anyway.’








































‘How far do you mean by far? Up in Seoul we used walk a long way on picnics.’ The girl’s eyes seemed to be saying, ‘Silly boy! Silly boy!’








































They took a path between two paddy fields. They passed close to where the autumn harvest was under way.








































A scarecrow was standing there. The boy shook its straw rope. A few sparrows go flying off. The thought comes to him that he was supposed to go home early today to scare the sparrows from their main paddy field.








































‘This is fun!’








































The girl is holding the scarecrow’s rope and is tugging at it. The scarecrow sways, seems to be dancing. A light dimple appeared on the girl’s left cheek.








































A bit further away there is another scarecrow. The girl goes running toward it. The boy is running behind her. It’s as if he’s trying to forget that today he was supposed to go home early and help with the work.








































He just runs on close beside the girl. Grasshoppers strike their faces and leave them stinging. The perfectly clear azure sky of autumn starts to turn before the boy’s eyes. He is dizzy. It’s because that eagle up there, that eagle up there, that eagle up there is turning.








































Looking behind, the girl is shaking the scarecrow he has just run past. It sways better than the other one. At the place where the rice fields ended was a ditch. The girl jumped across it first.








































From there as far as the foot of the hills was all fields.








































They passed the top of a field where millet stalks were stacked together.








































‘What’s that?’








































‘A shelter.’








































‘Look, little yellow melons. Are they good?’








































‘Sure, they’re alright, but water melons taste better.’








































‘If only I could eat one . . .’








































The boy went into the field where white radishes have been sown among the remains of the melon plants and came back with two radishes he’d pulled up. They were still not fully grown. After he had twisted off and thrown aside the leaves, he handed one to the girl. Then, as if to say ‘this is how you eat it,’ after taking a bite at the larger end he peeled away a strip of the peel with his nails and bit into the flesh beneath.








































The girl followed suit. But before even three mouthfuls, she exclaimed, ‘Oh, it’s peppery and it stinks,’ and hurled it from her.








































‘It tastes awful, I can’t eat mine either.’








































The boy threw his even further.








































The hills had come nearer.








































Colored autumn leaves drew close to their eyes.
















































































The girl went running toward the hills. Now the boy was not running behind her any more. Instead, he was picking more flowers than the girl had gathered.








































‘This is chrysanthemum, this is bush clover, this is bellflower . . . ‘








































‘I never realized that bellflowers could be so pretty. I love purple! . . . But this flower like a sunshade, what is that?’








































‘That’s valerian.’








































The girl pretends to be holding the valerian like a parasol. At the same time, the delicate dimple appears in her slightly flushed face.








































Again the boy picked a handful of flower for her. He selects only fresh flowers to give her.








































But the girl says: ‘Don’t throw even one of them away.’








































They climbed up by way of the ridge.








































On the slopes of the valley opposite, a few thatched cottages were grouped harmoniously.








































Neither said anything, but they sat down side by side straddling a rock. All around them seemed exceptionally quiet. The hot autumn sunshine was spreading the fragrance of grass drying, that was all.








































‘What kind of flower is that?’








































On a rather steep incline, the last flowers of the season were blooming on a tangled arrowroot creeper.








































‘It looks just like wisteria. There was a big wisteria in our school up in Seoul. Seeing those flowers makes me think of the friends I used to play with underneath it.’








































The girl stands up and heads for the slope. She seizes a creeper where there are many flowers blooming and starts to tug at it. It does not snap easily. Making more of an effort, she ends up slipping. She grabbed hold of an arrowroot vine.








































The boy, alarmed, came running over. The girl held out a hand. As he was pulling her up by the hand, the boy apologizes that he would have picked it for her. Drops of blood were seeping from the girl’s right knee. Automatically the boy applied his lips to the scratch and began to suck. Then, struck by some thought, he rose and went running a little way off.








































Returning a moment later, out of breath, the boy said: ‘If you spread this over it, it’ll get better.’








































After he had spread pine resin over the scratch, he went running to the place where the arrowroot vines were and bit off with his teeth several that had a lot of flowers; these he brought back up to her. Then he said: ‘There’s a calf over there. Come on.’








































It was a yellowish calf. It had not yet had its nose pierced with a ring.








































The boy seized the bridle tightly, pretended to scratch its back and mounted it with a bound. The calf bucks and begins to turn in circles.








































The girl’s pale face, pink jumper, indigo skirt, together with the flowers she is holding all turn into a blur. It all looks like a great bunch of flowers. He feels dizzy. But he’s not going to get off. He was proud. Here was something the girl could never imitate, that only he could do.








































‘What do you think you’re doing?’








































A farmer was coming up through the high grass.








































He leaped off the calf’s back. He expects to be scolded – ‘Suppose you hurt the calf’s back by riding it, what then?’








































But the long-bearded farmer merely glanced once toward the girl, grabbed the calf by the halter, and said, ‘You’d best get home fast. There’s a shower coming up.’








































Indeed, a dark cloud is rising over their heads. They suddenly find themselves surrounded on all sides by noises. The wind blows past with a rustling sound. In a flash everything around them turned dark purple. As they make their way downhill, raindrops can be heard striking the oak leaves. Big raindrops. The napes of their necks felt cool. Then in an instant a curtain of rain bars the way ahead. Through the rain, they could see a shack standing in a field. They would have go and shelter there. But the pillars were all aslant and the roofing was in tatters. He helped the girl up, pointing out a spot where the roof was leaking less.








































Her lips had gone blue. Her shoulders kept trembling.








































He took off his cotton jacket and wrapped it round the girl’s shoulders. She raised her eyes and simply looked at him; she remained silent, letting him do as he wished. Next, he drew from the bunch of flowers she had been hugging those with broken stems and crushed flowers, that he spread under her feet. Rain soon began to drip onto the spot where she was standing. They could not shelter there any longer.








































After looking outside, the boy went running toward the millet field, as if struck by a thought. He pushed apart one of the stacks formed by leaning the millet stalks together upright, then carried over another stack and added it to the first. Then he parted the stalks again, before waving her to come over.








































The rain did not penetrate inside the stack of millet. It was a dark and very narrow space. The boy sat beside the stack and let the rain soak him. Steam rose from his shoulders.








































The girl told him, in a kind of whisper, that he should come and sit inside. I’m alright, he replied. Again, the girl told him to come and sit inside.








































He had no choice but to enter backwards. As he did so, he crushed the flowers the girl was still holding. But the girl thought it did not matter. The stench from the boy’s wet body filled her nostrils. But she did not turn her head aside. Rather, she felt that the trembling in her body was diminishing on account of the warmth of the boy’s body.








































Abruptly the noise on the millet leaves stopped. It was clearing up outside.








































They emerged from among the millet stalks. Not far in front of them sunlight was already shining down dazzlingly. Arriving at the ditch, they found a great flood of water filling it. In the sunlight it shone red, a muddy torrent. They could not jump across it.








































The boy turned his back to her. The girl obediently let him carry her. The water rose as far as the boy’s rolled-up breeches.








































The girl cried out, and clasped the boy’s neck.








































Before they reached the stream, the autumn sky had cleared and soon it was completely blue, cloudless, as if nothing had ever happened.








































After that there was no sign of the girl. Every day he ran to the stream to look, but she was not to be seen. At break-time in school he used to search the playground. He even stole a secret glance into the 5th-grade girls’ classroom. But she was not to be seen.








































That day too the boy came out to the stream side, rubbing the white pebble in his pocket. Lo and behold, if the girl was not sitting there on the bank of the stream!








































The boy felt his heart begin to race.








































‘I was sick all this while.’








































Certainly, the girl’s face had grown paler.








































‘Wasn’t it because you got wet that day, in the shower?’








































The girl nodded silently.








































‘Are you better now?’








































‘Not yet . . .’








































‘Then you ought to be lying down.’








































‘It was too boring so I came out. . . . You know, it was fun, that day . . . only, somewhere that day this got stained and it won’t come out.’








































She looked down at the front of the pink jumper. It was stained with what looked like dark red mud.








































The girl silently displayed her dimple, as she asked, ‘What kind of stain could it be?’








































The boy was simply staring at the front of the jumper.








































‘You know, I’ve figured it out. That day, when we crossed the ditch, I rode on your back, didn’t I? This stain came off your back then.’








































The boy felt his face flush. At the parting of the ways, the girl added: ‘Here, we picked the jujubes up at our house this morning . . . . for the ancestral rites tomorrow . . .’ She offers him a handful of jujubes. The boy hesitates.








































‘Taste one. My great-grandfather planted the tree, he says. They’re very sweet.’ The boy held out his hands cupped together, saying: ‘Why, they’re really big!’








































“Then this time, after the ancestral rites, there’s something more. We’re vacating the house.’ Before the girl’s folk had moved down here, the boy had already heard his parents talking; he knew how Master Yun’s grandson’s business in Seoul had failed, so that he was unable to return to his home. It looked as though their family house was going to pass into other hands now.








































‘For some reason, I hate the thought of moving house. It’s the parents’ decision, of course, so there’s nothing I can do . . .’ For the first time, a sorrowful look came into the girl’s dark eyes.








































On his way home after parting from the girl, the boy found himself repeating countless times to himself, ‘The girl is moving house.’ He did not feel particularly regretful or sorrowful. However, the boy was unaware of the sweetness of the jujube he was chewing.








































That evening, the boy went in secret to old Deoksoi’s walnut orchard.








































He climbed the tree he had singled out during the day. Then he began to beat at the branch he had singled out with a pole. The sound of falling walnuts was strangely loud. His heart froze. But the next moment he was wielding the pole with unsuspected vigor: You big nuts, lots of you, come on, fall down, lots of you, fall.








































On the way back, he kept to the shadows cast by the nearly full moon. In two days’ time it would be the autumn full moon. It was the first time he felt grateful for shadows.








































He stroked his swollen pocket. He did not care a bit about the saying that peeling walnuts with bare hands often brings up a rash. All he could think was that he must quickly give the girl a taste of these walnuts from old Deoksoi’s trees, the finest in the whole village.








































At that moment an alarming thought struck him. He had failed to tell the girl that once she was better, before they moved away, he wanted her to come out one last time to the streamside. You fool! You fool!








































The next day, on returning home from school he found his father dressed in his best clothes, holding a chicken.








































He asked where he was going.








































Without bothering to reply, his father weighed up the chicken he was holding: ‘Will one this size do?’








































His mother handed him a mesh bag: ‘It’s already been clucking and looking for a place to lay for several days. It may not look very big, it must be fat.’ This time the boy tried asking his mother where his father was going.








































‘Why, he’s off to the house of Master Yun over in the valley by the old school. He can use it for their offerings . . .’ ‘Then he should take a really big one. That speckled rooster . . .’ At those words his father laughed out loud and said, ‘Hey, there’s flesh enough on this one.’








































The boy felt abashed for no real reason, so he threw his school books down, went across to the stable and gave the cow a good slap on the back as if he were killing a blowfly.








































The water in the stream matured daily.








































The boy went up to the parting of the ways and turned downhill. The village round the old school looked very near beneath the clear blue sky.








































His parents had said that the girl’s family was moving to Yangpyong the next day. There, they were going to run a tiny store.








































Unthinkingly, the boy caressed the walnuts in his pocket while with the other hand he was bending and breaking off a host of reeds.








































That evening the boy kept returning to the same idea, even after he was lying down to sleep: Tomorrow, suppose I went to see the girl’s family leaving. If I went, perhaps I might see her.








































Then he must have drifted off to sleep, but then: ‘Well, really, what a world we live in . . .’








































Father must have come back from the village. ‘Just look at the family of Master Yun, now. All their fields sold off, the house they’ve lived in for generations handed over to other folk, and then the child dying before the parents . . .’ His mother, sitting sewing in the lamplight, replied: ‘That great-granddaughter of his was the only child, wasn’t she?’








































‘Yes. There were two boys but they lost them both when they were still small . . .’ ‘How can a family be so unblessed in its children?’








































‘That’s a fact. The girl, now, she was sick for several days and they couldn’t even afford any proper medicine. Now the whole family line of Master Yun is cut off. . . . But you know, that little girl, don’t you think it’s a bit odd? Why, before she died, believe it or not it seems she said that if she died, she wanted them to bury her in the clothes she’d been wearing every day, just as they were. . . .’
















































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Guest scatterbrain

from the story book, we found out that they took quite a few personal photos...with hyun's camera...and don't think they were taking it for the show since we never got to see them taking picture together except their first meeting...conclusion...? :wub:

and about hyun not wearing the ring as often as yong..my personal opinion:

1. coz hyun's the one who bought the ring. it already showed that she is commited enuff. don't have to prove it anymore. she doesn't have the obligation to wear it. while yong has to prove his sincerety and faithfulness to hyun by always wearing it. i don't know if this makes sense...

2. like someone mentioned, SNSd has jobs that requires changing accessories, dance. so hyun keeps the ring safe so as not to lose it

3. to avoid antis. SNSD is well loved, but i think they also have many antis as well. people might have negative comments.also, CNblue(i believe, not really sure, but generally)has many fangirls. fangirls usually get jealous more easily than fanboys...

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cn blue attended a radio interview on 30 june, the day after filming yesterday's ep and yong sang "love light". meaningful, right ? he did not sing the theme song "love", kekeke. curious ?

i noticed that starting from that day, when yong was asked about ideal girl. he no longer mentioned hyun. before that day, he kept on mentioning hyun is his ideal type. that day, he started saying uj (the japanese actress) as his ideal type, on the 30 june and 5 july radio interviews. curious ?

they did not film in july because of their hectic schedule. what a pity ! only memories were with them the whole month. when was the first day meeting each other after 29 june ? what did they do ? curious...

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Guest Caliope

Yesterday, was written here (in soompi) more than 20 pages O_O

I don't know how many times I've seen the episode, but that I never tired of seeing.

I do not think there's anything more beautiful than Yooong and Hyuuun face.

My face hurts me so much smile...

jd2lee, redtulip and sun_sun: You're DAEBAK!!

Very beautiful how compare the hands.

Who said they were bored? Because I do not find boredom anywhere.

It's a beautiful episode for several reasons:

- Yooong gifts

- Photos with the dog.

- Hyuuun sings (She was the first person who sang that song)

- Yooong's face

- Hyuuun gift (couple rings)

- Love Light secret

- Hyuuun's face

- Holding hands


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