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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest edluvsyen






hello there!









your post gets buried, since this thread now moves v v fast!









i wish i know what this 'shipping to the other side' means..









but the one thing i know is...soompi will never closed down...NVR...














and since u've already made your very post here, i hope to see u more often..  :)



















i am so going to camp here tonight for more goodies from Thailand..









i am not tired to say my thanks to Thai gogumas, at the same time,









am feeling jealous too..














abt the prev, it looks like yong did make a major mistake..









oh pls....not the scarf.. -_-



















Owh, What i mean is I saw ppl keep saying they must at least write something before it reach 2000. So it will continue for 2001 or it will be shift to another new forums? 





And I will always be here even though i didn't write anything : ) I am really a huge fan of yongseo couple ! And I am really happy that you're replying me : ) Thank you so much!!


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Guest pretty_92868








































This two lovely couple really affects our life very much.
































Up to this date, I can't imagine my life following diligently
































the life of some celebrity.
































Even here in our country, no celebrity affects my life this much
































as our goguma couple affects me.
































As everyone of you feels for this ending, I feel the same.
































But life has to go on, and as everyone here says
































































Just pray for their success, and hopefully after ten years,we will
































heard news about their honeymoon in Italy.(It's free to dream right?)
































thanks Thai Gogumas for the info.You guys are the best.
































Hoping for all the good news tomorrow.
































I also pray for Japan and for the world as well.
































Thanks God,they lift the tsunami alert here in the Phil.
































Hope everyone is okey.





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Guest kasia3goguma








Ok, I don't want to make any rumours, or anything like that, but I was looking at some tweets from SNSD fans, and Yongseo fans, and what I read is that in few hours there'll be a rehearsal for all artists, which CAN MEAN (possibly) that Yong and Hyun will meet there, and maybe (if it's true) rehearse their duet!




It is also said that Yong just arrived to the hotel. I wonder, is it the same hotel as Seohyun? :rolleyes:




Please don't kill me if it's not true... blush.gif



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@edluvsyen..aah...i see.


in soompi, when a thread reaches its 2000th pages, it will get a 2nd thread (Part II)

that means, something like a continuation of the first thread..


yongseo thread is in its 1995th pages, and with all the recent news of yongseo

we might be able to move on to our 2nd home..


i hope u understand my explaination, since i am not good at explaining things..





@kasia..O M G

let it be true..pls...


so...the fancam that we saw could be hyun on her way to rehearsal?

and she is wearing an orange dress!!! w00t.gifw00t.gif


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hello there!































































































































your post gets buried, since this thread now moves v v fast!































































































































i wish i know what this 'shipping to the other side' means..































































































































but the one thing i know is...soompi will never closed down...NVR...





























































































































































































































































































































































































To jnj and edsluvyen ... just want to share my understanding on the concern that bothof  you have, "shipping to another thread", if i understand it correctly, per thread has only a maximum of 2000pages so since our thread is only a few pages away another thread has to be created in order for us continue spazzing our fave couple.  Hope I've said it correctly.

































































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Guest MissBarbietch_0106










Hi Gogumas..

























Just finish watch SNSD Win-Win ep 11 where all SNSD Member including uri HYUN is there.











This is an old show actually (Seo Hyun already in WGM at those time), but what i found amazing is THE SNSD GOD MOTHER-Ok Joo Hyun (Fin.K.L) is there too as a guest and she tells that IDOLS are dating secretly. The best part is, SHE as SNSD GOD MOTHER even suggesting SNSD Members to go on date, whether open or secretly. so that meansssssss what??? that means despite the ending of Yongseo in WGM later, Uri SEO JOO HYUN can date JUNG YONG HWA secretly!!!! :wub::wub:(yeah, don't mind us the gogumas, please date him  *cough*secretly*cough*, we'll be so incredibly happy)






watch by your self: My link






and i put the caps on spoiler:









































PS: MISS SEO JOO HYUN, You better listen to what your GOD-MOTHER said!! :wub::wub:
































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Guest Anink








































CNBlue arrived the hotel and then will go ahead to Ratchamangkala Stadium for rehearsal. Cr.TanzzLoner









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Guest Kerube-Chan












































So it was confirmed... Woah I am proud of myself I take the news really calmy, as I said before my best best best wishes for Yonghwa and Seohyun, hope they appreciate this great relationship they have and stay together... ahhh we dont know what is going to happen so lets pray for them to stay healthy and keep the succesulf life they have in front of them...




































My mind is not working well because I am really sick but I cant pass to opportunity to thanks the Thai fans for their great work... they are lovely presents I am so proud of our fellow gogumas!!! Please have fun in the concert and scream your lungs out when YongSeo is on the stage... Ahhh How I wish I could be there... sniff I will be screaming like crazy tooo!!!




































Good Luck my fellow gogumas... A new chapter is begining in everyone is life, what I am going to do on saturday now.... Lets stay positive!!! Lets pray for Japan too.





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Guest Luv_cheese
















I've been reading a lot of Yonghwa and his band lately. I can say this guy is really AMAZING. He is naturally caring to his brothers and he allows them to excell and grow. Gosh he's only 22 and already thinking like a responsible 28 year old man. I love his bandmates too.  Their growth as a band is admirable. Their humble beginnings keep them tight as brothers in one goal, and that is not to be popular or play in a bigger venue but to share to us their love and passion for music. These guys are extremely talented and they continue to work harder to better themselves. I personally think that nobody in kpop world that works harder than this group of young guys who actually gives talent a much classier meaning!  Those who doubt their abilities should go see one of their live perfomances outside studios before saying anything hurtful. Nobody is perfect but they are actually EXCELLENT at what they do.









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Guest melibu
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































annyeong everyone, i was not really planning to write anything but since we are 5 or perhaps 4 or maybe 3 (by the time i am done writing this) pages shy away from a new house, i thought what the heck, i am gonna contribute a post at least.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i guess no point going into the whole how i got into yongseo post since i already did that many pages ago and besides it's a boring story.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































actually, after watching the last episode, my gut feeling told me that the end is near but i did not say anything because i don't have proof of any sort but just a gut feeling so better to not cause an uproar. when i first heard the news, was kinda skeptical cos profit wise no station would be dumb enough to leak out news so far ahead. it can affect their rating and revenue. but after listening to reliable sources, it's inevitable that the end is really near. then today when the news came out for real, well honestly instead of feeling sad i feel very relieved. it's like seeing the clear skies after a heavy downpour. to say i am not sad at all ain't true but i guess the re alistic person in me would always remember that it's a variety show. don't get me wrong, i am not saying the affection between yong & hyun is not real but at the end of the day WGM is nonetheless a variety show. i mean you mean two people together and they are suppose to be 'married', doing the things (apart from the bedroom part) like a loving married couple suppose to do, you tell me how can they not feel anything for each other. plus they are not playing a character but themselves.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































from this, i got to know cnblue and their great music. they are so talented and yes i do have a thing for guys who play instruments. they are so good in my eyes that i can overlook the weird english they use in their songs. of cos it does not hurt at all that the four are easy on the eyes esp (in my eyes) black dragon. i got to know more of snsd and the tight bond they have. i really like to see them on variety shows. they are pretty funny. to be honest, their songs (don't kill me) are not really to die for but from an ex music exec - their songs are catchy so it will sell and you will remember.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































having said that, besides getting to know about two great individuals, one great & talented rock band and a hardworking group of girls, i have gain many many many great friends from all around the world. friends who don't care what you do in life, who don't care if you own a sports car or not, who don't care if you have a coach bag or not, etc but friends who would greet good morning, who would not hesitate to give you a hug, who would empathize with you if need be. that's one of the best thing i got out of this fandom. friends who stand by each other through thick and thin and defend each other if needed.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so yah... thank you to all!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Walk with the dreamers, the believers, the courageous, the doers, the planners, the successful, people with their feet on the ground and their heads in the clouds. Let their spirits ignite a fire within you to leave this world a better place than you found it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































till our new home :)

































































































































































































































































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Guest Luv_cheese
























To jnj and edsluvyen ... just want to share my understanding on the concern that bothof  you have, "shipping to another thread", if i understand it correctly, per thread has only a maximum of 2000pages so since our thread is only a few pages away another thread has to be created in order for us continue spazzing our fave couple.  Hope I've said it correctly.



































:) yes,  that's how i understand it. It's basically the continuation page since we have reached the maximum of this thread.... :)









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Hi my beloved gogumas!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Actually, this is my first time posting here, so I believethat only a few of you know who I am. I posted now because I feel the need to.It’s like I need to say all the feelings I have kept to all the peopleconcerned. So here I go.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































First, to my one and only bias, Hyun’s hubby, JUNG YONG HWA.Six months ago, I fell in love with your multi-talented, awesome, sweet rockerself. And not so long after that, I discovered how awesome of a husband you canbe. From the moment you first laid your eyes on your wife as she entered thosedoors, I know from the look in your eyes how excited you were to “act” as thatpretty girl’s husband. And as the days go by, you proved to the whole world,and most especially, to her, how you are the MOST PATIENT, MOST CARING, MOSTDAEBAK HUSBAND anyone can ever have. When you lost the very first letter shegave you, the effort of making it up to her was worth more than any supply ofletter for a lifetime. Then, when you thought you lost your very first couplering, the look on your face was enough to tell us how much you care for yourwife. You have been her husband for more than a year now, and you have sharedmany firsts with her. You are a choding, yes you are, but more important thanthat, you have made an impression on our hearts, most especially on hers. Thosetender looks that you give her, we didn’t miss that, and I hope she didn’t,too. Now that the show will end, we will not be able to continue investigatingyour every move. I hope you will still continue the goodness you have shownHyun even if we’re not watching. And I certainly believe that you are as trueas you can get. Please take care of her and do not break her heart.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Now, to our one and only goddess maknae, SEO JOO HYUN.  For 19 years, you have been living your lifeas the innocent angel. For many years, you have been the well-kept and quietmaknae of SNSD. When you decided to join WGM, people must have thought that itwill not work out, knowing how you like sweet potatoes more than boys. But asyou entered the doors of MBC, and as you laid down your Keroro blanket on Yongthat fateful night, things have taken a new, magical turn for you and for us,gogumas, as well. I already expected you to be the caring, health freak thatyou are. But then, you surprised us when you started showing a side of you wedidn’t know actually existed. We saw how you were a caring wife, who is onlyconcerned about the well-being of her husband. We saw, for the first time, thejealous Hyun, who wants her husband to look at her, and only at her. We saw howyou initiated skinship, and how you were willing to do it, not because you wereforced to, but because you wanted it to. Being a girl myself, I know how youwant to spend your firsts in a special way. And I will be damned if I say thatthose firsts you shared with Yong are not special.  In this more than one year of your marriage,all of us know how your heart is being carried out in those actions you did.  Though this show will end, I wish you all thebest in your life and keep discovering more firsts with that special someone ofyours, hopefully, your now-hubby, Yong.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































To both of you, we have seen how your relationship grew frombeing awkward, to now that you seem too real to be just starring in a show. Ihave been watching you for six months now and as I wake up each day, I put asmile on my face knowing it will be another chapter added to your love story. Ihave watched you when I was happy. I have watched you when I was sad. I havewatched you when I was angry. Different moods those may be, one thing’sconstant, how you made me smile and my heart go dugeun dugeun each time youshare your special moments with us. I will be forever thankful to have you inmy life. Short-lived it may be, you have left a legacy that I will forevercarry in my existence. Please be true to yourselves and please stay in love.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Lastly, to my goguma family. All this time, we have beentogether in spazzing. Together, we watched out for the rings, the skinships,the eyeships, the cheesy lines, everything! You have been my constantcompanions as I go through the emotional rollercoasters being presented to me.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































            To my sunbae-nim, @KyuubiNim, youwill always be that cynical love guru that I super duper love!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































            To my mom,@sierra_walsh, I love you and yes, I will be your daughter for the next 80years. And the 80 years after that.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































            To my appa,@kubih, we might not talk that much, but I have learned a lot from you and Iwill always cherish the memories we have shared, though it is only in leaks.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































            To myninang, @katsy_jung, thank you for the silly talks that we have and will stillhave. I love you.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































            To myhalmeoni, @jktdreams, thank you for being the sweet and quiet grandmama to me.I miss you!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































            To my twin,@anacapridge, thank you for sharing your thoughts with me! I love you!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































            To myunnies, @dhilaputri, @donewdubu, @Khadmunky, @graxhaie23, indi unnie, and carlachingu, you will always be my favorite spazz buddies and always remember that Ilove you!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































            To thosewhom I have not mention, thank you for sharing a part of your life with me andfor listening as I share mine.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Knowing you, I have realized that friendship knows noboundaries. I will always cherish you in my heart, FOREVER.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YongSeo, thank you for sharing your love with us.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And with this, I sign out. J

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest soshisoshisoshi
































































































Ok, I don't want to make any rumours, or anything like that, but I was looking at some tweets from SNSD fans, and Yongseo fans, and what I read is that in few hours there'll be a rehearsal for all artists, which CAN MEAN (possibly) that Yong and Hyun will meet there, and maybe (if it's true) rehearse their duet!
































































It is also said that Yong just arrived to the hotel. I wonder, is it the same hotel as Seohyun? :rolleyes:
































































Please don't kill me if it's not true... blush.gif












































































































































































yeah, definitely there must be at least one rehearsal time for them right??? I mean, this is THE GRAND FINAL STAGE OF THE CONCERT!! MBC better make this performance the MOST EPIC ONE!! I rely on you MBC!
































































seriously can't wait for the NEW THREAD TO BE OPENED! I'm really really waiting to make my first post there........ MODERATORS, please prepare the thread beforehand, so that we can keep this thread a perfect 2000 pages when it comes. I believe all GOGUMAS here have been waiting patiently to make their posts in the second thread......
































































IF YONGSEO have a house in SANGDO-DONG, then GOGUMAS have 2 houses in YONGSEO THREADS(1 & 2)@Soompi!
































































byebye all! the second day I'll be able to sleep peacefully after the roller-coaster ride here :w00t:

































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Guest edluvsyen















@edluvsyen..aah...i see.














in soompi, when a thread reaches its 2000th pages, it will get a 2nd thread (Part II)









that means, something like a continuation of the first thread..














yongseo thread is in its 1995th pages, and with all the recent news of yongseo









we might be able to move on to our 2nd home..














i hope u understand my explaination, since i am not good at explaining things..





































@kasia..O M G









let it be true..pls...














so...the fancam that we saw could be hyun on her way to rehearsal?









and she is wearing an orange dress!!!    w00t.gif   w00t.gif









Owh ic ic : ) So this is definitely going to continue rite : ) I guess I have nowhere to go if this thread is close down : ( 





By the way, if new thread is open, it will be announce rite : ) 





When I heard the news of YongSeo leaving WGM, i knew the day has come. But no matter how, both of them had taught me a lot and giving me a lot of wonderful saturday! 





And all the gogumas as well ! : ) you all are jjiang !!! 


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Guest itsprettybabyy






Anyeong goguma chingus!! 


its my first time posting here on this thread,i couldnt help but post something before moving to a new thread.hehe


anyways let me introduce myself, my name is Pretty, 19 and lives in Hawaii. any gogumas from Hawaii?





















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With so much love in this thread I feel happy that I could fly. Just like many Gogumas here, I too feel thankful and blessed to have found another family and group of friends that share a great interest for two of the most amazing people in the world. Both Yonghwa and Seohyun have taught us countless meaningful things in life that we usually take for granted and show us a new world throughout their one year in WGM. I sincerely thank both YongSeo and In Go Paem for this priceless experience. Together with YongSeo many of us have grown up a lot this past year, I know I did.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ouichan, a million thanks for frequently updating us with the Korean Music Wave activities in Thailand. It really means a lot to us and I feel like I’m actually there witnessing the event myself. Hehe. Thai Gogumas are the BEST! Thanks also to beside11 and Phokar for the awesome work. I love the gifts for YongSeo, CN BLUE and SNSD!! :wub: They’re the cutest! I’m sure that they’ll feel ecstatic when they receive the gifts and I can imagine how proud Yonghwa and Seohyun will be of their Thai Goguma Fans. Thank You for the hard work. Now we’ll just have to wait for the main event to take place tomorrow.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































We’re almost to our 2000th page! And not to mention, the constantly growing members in the YongSeo Soompi fanclub-2573 members and counting. I can conclude that we’ve a very successful year. :lol:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I’m sure that the thread will reach its 2000th page when I wake up tomorrow so I’ll post an advance CONGRATULATIONS to Gogumas all around the world. I can’t thank everyone enough for making this thread a Goguma Heaven (literally) for me. This calls for a celebration ~YongSeo style.





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Good night lovely In Go Paem^^

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest angels.disguise

































































































































Ok time to lighten the mood here...All pic are cr to : cnbluestrom.Rockers Yong seobang heading to Thailand with FNC boys...*quoted image**quoted image**quoted image*The ultimate pic...*quoted image*With the boys.. Almost hard to recognize from here.. hahaha.. Black Dragon indeed..*quoted image*zealous
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Glad to see the ring on both Seohyun and Yonghwa (:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Totally random but fail to the guy pretending to take a picture. You still have your lens on!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm really disappointed that the Yongseo couple is coming to an end on WGM but i'm not so sad this time
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































around. I guess it's because when the rumor hit I also felt the stages, denial->anger->sadness->realization.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I knew they would be ending but not so soon and not when so much skinship was happening. At least they're not
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ending till next month.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Well now that it's confirmed i'm taking it really well and I know that it's not ending for them.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I really hope that they will keep in touch and actually date!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Am very excited for their stage together, please thai fans take videos and pictures for the rest of us (:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you so much for what you've done so far! If we felt the love, Yongseo felt it too.

































































































































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Guest Cjbaby12


From the moment that they posted news about the photographer jinx that whenever he shows up something bad happens I've never believed it. I said to myself YONGSEO will break that curse. Then things were fine after that so I said I knew they will break that curse!

Then the news of the drama came about, but I still believed that it will be ok because I know YONGSEO will continue on since nothing is confirmed. Then the drama got confirmed, but still I believed that YONGSEO will continue on because no one said anything about a cancellation on WGM.

Then the rumor came about that they will be filming their last episode... I was in complete denial and I remember posting here that things will be OK because YONGSEO will find a way. Then the details were vague so I held on to every bit of hope that I had left that they will stay with WGM.

Then I checked the forum almost every hour after that. I read the news last night, but I didn't know what to say. Because up until then I was holding on to my emotions and not break down or anything. But now... I... feel this sort of unexplainable sadness... I've been thinking about it... What am I feeling? What should I say? I'm trying to stay positive, but I can't help but to feel this feeling... I'm feeling empty... Like all of a sudden there's a whole in my heart :tears:

For now... I think I just want to take time and just be honest with myself and be sad about this whole thing. I think if I keep denying myself more I will be worst when the actual day comes... I think I should let out some of that emotion now. I hope you could all understand where I'm coming from. I know everyone wants to look at the bright side and I have... All this time I've tried to post about people not to forget they could be real after or that things will be ok. But Now i just want to take a quiet moment and let it all sink in. I hope no one gets mad. I will really miss watching them... like seeing them every week. I'm scared that in a way they will be like what happened to Joongbo couple when we couldn't even see them together because their agencies got scared of scandals and both of them just got really very busy. I don't know what will happen in the future, but I sure hope that what we saw will continue on without the show. I really, really want to believe in love and that anything is possible. Idols or non-idols that love can connect two people in whatever shape, way or form. For the YONGSEO... I don't want to say goodbye to both of you... But I have to. But in my heart I'm really really really hoping it's a goodbye only because of a show. It's like finishing this particular chapter in your life.

I hope you both stay true to what you really feel and just show what you want to show to each other. I don't think what you've shown us on the show is fake because you can't fake something like that... SO I really pray that you continue on. It will really break my heart that if after the show we won't even see a glimpse of what's going on between both of you anymore. Don't be afraid of what you feel and just remember that there is nothing more worthy in this world than to love and be loved by someone in return. That is hard to find. A career you could always just re-build and fans if they are truly fans will support you all the way. So just be happy and be yourself.




Now if by any chance... I don't want to say it... I'm really sad... I didn't think I would be this sad, but I am... Goguma friends... help me... I'm sorry... I don't want to drag everyone down... I just want to let it out. I will really miss watching them every saturday and see them bloom and change together and cherish each other. :tears:




ENOUGH! I don't want to be like this anymore!!!! :(




I know I will be ok later... There's so many things to look forward to, right? The new episode and duet! Once we've reached 2,000 pages we will have a new forum/ thread, right? Did anyone discuss how that will work? I hope someone posts about how we will get the new thread and that this thread will stay viewable after.




To my YONGSEO fellow supporters, Goguma friends and other friends all over the world... Thank you! For making this whole journey amazing and staying by each others side all through this time! To the Kkapliners... thank you for the support you're giving us and to our YONGSEO.


I will be back with a brighter self later... and like what I've done the whole year with all the rumors and the negativity... I will just continue to pray for them, hope for the best and believe!!!!








YONGSEO FIGHTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll be watching this again for now: My link


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Guest Jess22803
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thai Gogumas you are chinca jjang.  I wish to thank you for your effort and hard work.  I love u all.wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I am looking forward to the performance of banmal song and please take a lot of fancams and pictures.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































please show your ultimate love to uri yong and hyun.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I do not want to write about the E issue here as it will make me sad again.  I have been very very sad
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































after reading the MBC kang pd comfirmation.  I keep on repeating cn blue and snsd songs, keep myself  
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































away from this thread, and now i am ok. NO MORE TEARS NOW, i am trying.......and i am sure i can do it.wacko.gif































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you all the goguma chingus, you all always try very hard to cheer everyone up.  we still can
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































see them until mid of April, by then i should be prepared for the farewell. sweatingbullets.gif































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I am proud to be gogumas and i am proud to be yongseo shipper. I love you all goguma villagers.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Only few more pages to our second thread.  Gogumas fighting. YONGSEO FOREVER.





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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maybe07, hug u.

those gifs are how i felt when ouichan shared that

yongseo will perform banmal song tomorrow!


btw, i read your spoiler, and i have embraced myself for the ultimate...


has hyun been practising her guitar skills? will we get to see her

show it to her nampyeon?

i am soo looking forward to yong's free style.... :w00t:


after being yongseo deprived for more than a mnth, we will get to see them

together again..i feel blessed!




winnie, what a beautiful post!

and i think i owe u guys at spd an apology for running out like that yesterday..

i was having an effect of the roller coaster ride..sorry


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