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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest gita_23












First of all i hope goguma in Japan will okay. Pray for Japan.




Finally, i want to write something before this thread will reach its limit.




I try not to pay more attention to this couple since two months ago coz i know when their decide to leave wgm, i feel sooo sad. I love yongseo and i want they become a real couple but suddenly i realize that wgm only a reality show. Y_Y




I learn many things about relationship not only from yong and hyun in but also everyone in this thread (luvtokki, lovekin, wimbros, soshisoshisoshi, dduk, mountainmadman, aneng, magdal, jnj etc à i hope I write ur name in the right way). Thank you soooooo much.




Before join this thread I never know that fans will act like everyone in here. I cried when I read ur post, see ur gift and when you spazz about them. I really appreciate it.








For thai goguma, I get jealous coz you always be the first ... thanks for sharing all about yongseo in thailand. :wub:




Sorry if my post bothering u all, FIGHTING!!! <3




special to ayanapunya:

terima kasih sudah ngenalin sama wgm dan thread ini <3





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Guest ninyaah
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































When the rumors about their leave started surfacing days ago, I felt really numb. I couldn't cry because deep inside, I wanted it to remain what it is: a plain rumor. But my logical mind was telling me that out of all the rumors we've all had to go through, this was IT -- the most legit and most believable one. I lurk here almost everyday even though school has been taking over my life. And when I saw how the page jumped so much after only a few hours, my gut feel was telling me that it's either good news or bad news. God knows how much I wanted the page jump to be caused by another daebak picture, like how it was before. But as fate would have it, it was all about the inevitable end.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































As I read the different posts in this thread, I started to tear up. Never have I been this attached to a TV show before -- and a fake, manipulative one at that. It finally dawned on me what was about to happen: no more Saturdays to look forward to, no more live streaming no matter how laggy it gets, no more lurking on this thread for hours waiting for our awesome translators to post. The realization was like ice cold water splashed on my face. Truthfully, I still feel sad and empty. When I first started watching WGM, I never thought how much impact this couple would have in my life. I still cannot believe that it's been over a year since I started watching their episodes. My friends know that I have a commitment problem when it comes to watching TV shows -- heck, I couldn't even finish watching dramas. So it must be some sort of miracle that I sticked with WGM, which aired a ridiculous 15-30 minutes once a week.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I admit that the first 10 episodes where painfully awkward to watch. Up until now, I find it hard to watch their first few episodes. Yes, they were that awkward, so much that I feel secondhand embarrassment just by watching them. But I don't know why I decided to stick with it all. Maybe it was because of Seohyun's quirkiness and her innocence. Or maybe it's the fact that she doesn't like guys. I wasn't a fan of CN Blue before WGM, but after seeing how Yonghwa is as a leader, as a friend, as a son and as a husband, I began to appreciate him more. I started to realize why he is so well-liked and popular even though he's technically new in the business. He's not perfect, but he is close to being one.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































On the surface, both of them are vastly different. But the truth is, they are one and similar. It amazes me how dedicated and determined they are when it comes to their careers. This is one of the reasons why I love them. I'm in the same age range as them, but it's so admirable to see how much they have accomplished. They inspire me to be better, to dream and strive harder. In the crazy world of K-Pop, it is hard to find a gem who uniquely stands out amongst all the beautiful idols. Yonghwa and Seohyun are not only beautiful people outside -- they are even more beautiful inside. I get hurt when people say they are boring. I respect everyone's opinions, and I cannot do anything about that. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what others say about Yongseo, because I know for a fact that there are more people who love and cherish them in the same way that I do.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun mentioned in the first episode that she joined this program for 'experience.' I remember that line of hers very well because there was only a single thing running on my mind at that time: "Girl, you'll be getting so much more than what you bargained for." Was I right? You be the judge :) My only hope for them is to be successful with their respective careers and be happy with their personal matters. I have faith in them. I know that whatever has transpired in this show was and is real. I know that they will still be friends after this. Who knows? Maybe one day, years after the show has ended, we'd be able to read a headline that says they are getting married ... for real this time. Who  knows? Anything is possible in Go-Chun. We have goguma superpowers, right?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































On a lighter note, Thai fans, you are jjang! Your hard work finally paid off. Hope you enjoy tomorrow's concert! I'm hanging on to the daebak tweet of MC Kim. Looking forward so much for tomorrow's episode. Thanks to the translators, the resident gogumas who keep this thread alive and the people who post amazing screencaps and pictures, news and videos. See you all next time!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Hiiiiii it's me again :lol:





























































































We love to do big things for our couple ( banners, balloon and our t-shirt to the con)






























































Now, I have something else to share with you again and it is BIG!!!
































































These giant teddy bears is 60 inches tall and sure to be pretty. Of course, for our couple :wub:






























































































































































































































































We also have gift for  the BIL and SIL so I put it in spoiler to save space :sweatingbullets:
































































































make a guess whom to get which one
































































For our black dragon and BIL
































































































































































for our goddess and SIL
































































































































































Items we will sell at the booth for the courier charge ( to send the giant teddy bear :sweatingbullets:)






























































































































































































































































we will give this one to our fanclub who bought the ticket with us































































































































postcard (5 different designs)































































































































































































































































































I hope you guys like the bears






























































We, thai fan will do our best to tell them how much we love them and hope it will change the couple and producer mind to stay on the show for longer.






























































We also hope that our Japan friends will be alright, we are praying for you guys, so fighting!!

































































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Guest transformer86










Well i just have a thought, if... its just if... wgm pdnim got 2 more new couple and they are boring to death... and make the rating drop to 1%, they can call adam couple and goguma couple back... just in case.... because the reason for they stopping is bcoz they are too busy with their schedule.... but... if they already done with their promotion.... with snsd mr taxi, cnblue new album, yonghwa new drama, adam couple all my love and etc.... or another past couple... they can summon them back.... well its just my thought... because there is no rule for them not to coming back to wgm... just to make a nostalgic episode...






Because rating is everything (maybe), and theres nothing wrong about bringing the couple from the past that we love most, its the same like making a comeback from girl or boy group, for one reason: rating (i hope)






I think we can hope right? and no matter how long, we can wait for them to come back in wgm.... i really hope pd nim will consider this, 1 eps for every month is fine... because we are curious about their relationship update... because we really attach with them, i really attach with them.... and this isn't a normally reality show... its a feeling we talk about.... so please make an exception...






I swear i don't want to post this at first... but.... my hand is itching to write something.... sorry for my poor english...   :tears:






and Pray for japan, i already saw the vid in the news... thats just crazy... hope they will recover in no time....



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Guest yongseorockin


This couple is really different from the other couples I have watched. They made me invest my feelings in them (even though I knew right from episode 1 that all good things has to come to an end eventually).




I don't have much to say but I just want to highlight these points to Gogumas.




Yong was very very smart in doing the mildang stunt. Really very smart. By doing it he not only



  1. Created a changing point in their relationship.
  2. Ensured that in future when they are separated for long periods of time, they can still overcome it.


Hyun did miss him in that one month. She still felt a thing towards him in that one month. It didn't go away.




In future and many years to come, since they have survived that one month of mildang period, slowly but surly their relationship will be able to build up to the extend where Hyun will still love him when he goes to the army for 2 years. (Not forgetting all the in between packed schedules where they will not be able to see each other.)




I didn't really get it like Hyun at first on why he did it but now that the show is coming to an end in April, it suddenly hit me the point in doing mildang. It will make their relationship stronger to overcome all those days where they are unable to see each other in future.




P.S: Now I am assuming that is if they are together ( which I personally feel is that way.) But whoever they end up with, I will still support them and not bash the other person.




P.P.S: Se7en's girlfriend, Park sth, actually say she felt like she sent him to army 3 times (due to their schedules and venture overseas). But she stood by him all that time, they even overcame the long distance and time of not seeing each other. I hope YongSeo would develop to such an extend that they are able to do that as well.rolleyes.gif




With that said, I will keep replaying those episode like I have for the past few months just to reminisce them. And I will keep supporting them in their respective works. So I hope Gogumas are able to support them as well. 




Even if its another person they are acting with or they have kiss scenes or whatever. Acting is still acting. Nothing beats the real thing. And if they are not meant to be, then they are not meant to be. 




 ~ If they really love each other a lot, nothing can separate them. And if they don't, no amount of force can put them together. ~






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Guest morningblue
































































































































































































































Dear Gogumas
































































































































































i'm coming out of lurker mode..
































































































































































Finally, the sad news was came. When I heard rumors yongseo will end I was so sad and I cried after reading all your posts. I never cried for a TV show before. But I know one day Yongseo it will end and we as fans should be able to accept it.
































































































































































I remember when we were asked to wrote our wish to Yongseo on the first anniversary of their marriage. I wrote on this forum that I have only one hope that is before Yongseo ended their WGM I wish I can see them perform together on stage singing the Banmal Song .... And tomorrow my wish will come true.
































































































































































































































































































































@ ouichan: Thanks for the good newa. When you said you've got good news about Yongseo .. I pray that the good news is Yongseo will perform together (cos AC will also appear together) .. and my prayers were answered. ..
































































































































































Thank you  Thai Gogumas.. your the best..
































































































































































Thank you for Yong & Hyun ... because of yours I can join  this forum and meet with many Yongseo Shipper from around the world.I'm very glad to know you all
































































































































































Thanks to my lovely Gogumas for: translating WGM episode & all news about Yongseo, subbing videos, making beautiful MV, Screencaps, writing good fanfiction, and etc..
































































































































































For all Gogumas writers (M3, Trent, ladylia, etc): I hope you guys will not stop writing even though yongseo has ended. keep writing stories about yongseo. I will be happy to read it.
































































































































































I do not know what else should I have to say. because you have say everything that I wanted to say.
































































































































































I'm so sorry for one year I dont give anything in this forum. But I always love reading all your post.
































































































































































Japan Gogumas: be strong..I hope you all fine
































































































































































Adam Fans: thanks for all yours support
































































































































































































































































































































(sorry for my bad English)

































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Guest basketsfruit89
































































































































































































I just watched arirang in der duet song was in top 4..
































































































































































i was really shocked to see der UCC,,,,,.WOW!! International goguma really shows how they love Yongseo couple..































































































































































































































































































































Really? Can I ask u which program on Arirang? Showbiz extra or Pop in Seoul? I'm from Vietnam, I have arirang channel too so I want to watch it when they rerun tomorrow































































































































































































































































































































I occasionally watch Arirang (I watch KBS World more) so maybe I've already missed some info about them T.T






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ready to watch tomorrow episode with u guys, I hope it'll be debaek like MC Kim tweet :). And can't wait for their special duet tomorrow <3

































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Guest miraahanaa

Annyeong GogumasVillagers! :)

*cough* it is my first post HERE :) it's been a long time that I wanted to posts here, since I always lurking, keke~ 

but, I think now, before uri couple ended their show, I need to show up (posted) here, *even though, 'once' in this precious thread >,<

Maybe I'm a bit late to joined this thread.. hope you guys don't mind. ^^ (I know you guys are kind-hearted ;p)

*A bit introduction from me*

I've in love with this couple on February last year - their first episode after my friend told me that CNBlue YongHwa and SNSD Seohyun are in WGM show. At first, I only watch their first 3 episode, then I stopped because I was super-duper busy that year. ^^ then, on September/October *I can't remember >,<* I followed them back. I re-watch all their episode and downloaded them. After that, I knew YS Soompi, SPD, etc etc. 

I spazzed about them with my friends, but, they weren't so interested about it. heh ._. because, 1) they are not interested with yonghwa nor seohyun, 2)My besties are other couple shippers(Khuntoria/Adam). 3) THEY DIDN'T WATCH WGM SHOW! =_____='

  So, I only spazzed about uri couple in my blog - in my mother tongue language(Malays / Bahasa - So, it means I'm from Malaysia) 

p/s ; I'm a high schooler. ^^=  and sorry of my grammar. 

Past four-three days, I'm lurking in this thread, but, it makes my heartbroken - the rumours. 

And, today, I just saw in SPD - YS really going leaving WGM this year. I got all teary, REALLY - sad :'( tears.giftears.gif

But, it's okay. Everything got their ends right? Even human got to die. 

So, cheers! It's not like they were becoming enemies or something like that, they only ended their show (just that we can't watch their intimation every saturday ;p), still, they can contact each other aren't they? sweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gif (sorry if I'm wrong)

Okay, just think positive :) I know it's hard but it's reality and I hope I can be strong too when it's been the time to watched their last episode. PD-Nims ! makes a REALLY REALLY DAEBAK DAEBAK LAST EPISODE. Episode that will make GogumasVillagers and YongSeo themselves remember it forever. it is my last dream for them for YS and we all :')

To YongSeo : Stay healthy, Be happy, Have A Good day everyday, and, I hope that you can be really really successful in your career :) Hwaiting YongSeo! :')


S : I'm going to live until 100 years old.

Y : Okay, then I'm going to live until 102.

S : Deal?

Y : Deal! 

(this is real + my imaginative conversation. p/s : this wedding picture - looks like they were 'promise something' not wrestling hand to me. hehe >,<)

Annyeong. Himnae Gogumas! :)

update : oh great. it's my first post and I topped the page and nothing to share sweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gif

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Guest winbros
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hey dreamyboo, its not just me but quite a few of us believe that they are already in the beginnings of a relationship.  We'll just have to see what news we can get after they finish I guess, no one really knows but them and their close friends/family.  To this cup-half-full-ajusshi-shipper, all the signs I see during the WGM episodes and outside of them scream to me that they are a couple.  So I'll choose to believe that, until Hyun marries someone else 2 months after WGM ends ala ShinAe LOL..... then I'll ban WGM forever..... fury.gif
































































































































































































































































For the final episode, I think they will do something simple, maybe a bike ride, maybe cook at home 1 last time, sit on the yellow couch and have a serious conversation..... that appears like their style.  I prefer them to talk about what they've went through than to rush through activities, as they probably have at most 30mins?  If a new couple is introduced before that, maybe slightly less than 30mins.  But I'll enjoy every last second of it.  And I'm still hoping MBC will release a Yongseo DVD with all the unseen footages.... LOL.   What I don't think will happen would be them revealing that they are a couple, though they may still surprise me, but I think that Black Knight Yong will protect his beloved Goguma Queen Hyun.  :wub:
































































































































































































































































I've been wondering about this song, its Don't Say Goodbye from CNBlue's latest Japanese single "Re-Maintenance", here are the lyrics (in spoilers of course):
































































































































































































































































C.N. Blue
































































































































































































































































Don't Say Good Bye lyrics































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I don't know how to live without you
































































































































































































































































I don't know hoW to breath in life
































































































































































































































































Tell myself I'd stop everyday knowing that I won't
































































































































































































































































because of you, because of you
































































































































































































































































It's the truth
































































































































































































































































I don't know how to sleep without you
































































































































































































































































I don't know how to fix my heart
































































































































































































































































Tell myself I'd stop everyday knowing that I won't
































































































































































































































































even if I did I don't know, If I'd try
































































































































































































































































Do I wanna believe you think the same
































































































































































































































































I am missing you
































































































































































































































































And I want you believe same love as me
































































































































































































































































I am missing you
































































































































































































































































You've given me your one last ADIOS, but
































































































































































































































































why do I still wanna believe
































































































































































































































































I don't know I'm missing you in good time,
































































































































































































































































don't say good bye
































































































































































































































































I don't know how to smile without you
































































































































































































































































I don't know how to wait for you
































































































































































































































































Tell myself I'd stop everyday knowing that I won't
































































































































































































































































Even if all the things were true, If I'd try
































































































































































































































































Do I wanna believe you think the same
































































































































































































































































I am missing you
































































































































































































































































And I want you believe same love as me
































































































































































































































































I am missing you
































































































































































































































































You've given me your one last ADIOS, but
































































































































































































































































why do I still wannaa believe
































































































































































































































































I don't know I'm missing you in good time,
































































































































































































































































don't say good bye
































































































































































































































































I don't wanna say good bye
































































































































































































































































I don't wanna say good bye
































































































































































































































































I don't wanna tell a lie for love I'll be your love
































































































































































































































































And I want you to come and give me your love
































































































































































































































































I'm missing you
































































































































































































































































You've given me your one last ADIOS, but
































































































































































































































































now I believe your true mind
































































































































































































































































Now I know
































































































































































































































































I'm missing you whole time,
































































































































































































































































Don't say good bye.
































































































































































































































































As the song was written by Yong, I wonder if it was also influenced by Hyun... :wub:  Maybe kay77 or MrsAthenaG can help this deluded shipper out... :rolleyes:
































































































































































































































































On the MBC Hallyu concert in Bangkok tomorrow night, I believe our Thai chingu (ouichan?) apologized for not being able to fancam as MBC was recording for re-broadcast in Korea + International?  That means we'll get to see it too!!!!  I'm excited... it will go in my collection alongside last year's Gayos and the Incheon Music Festival.   Yongseo love....  can you feel it??!!!
































































































































































































































































On a separate note, my friend text me saying that she arrived at the Bangkok airport together with Brown-Eyed Girls (GaIn!) and T-ARA..... looks like I can pass my T-ARA CDs to her finally.... LOL...  she's going to camp out at the hotel where she thinks the groups are staying so she can grab autographs.... she's after Yong's and she's got my SNSD photobook so I'm hopeful for a full SNSD autograph or just Hyun's!!   woooohooooooo!
































































































































































































































































I'm hoping everyone will stay strong till the end, our lovely couple is moving on to bigger projects, and they've blessed us already for more than a year, we have to throw our support behind them in whatever they do.  
































































































































































































































































OMG ouichan!! You and your Thai Chingus put the rest of us to shame!!! DAEBAK!!!!  Good luck showing them our love.  And if you need any support, let us know!!!  THAI GOGUMA CHINGUS HWAITING!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest gogumaaa.




wow thai gogumas.im speechless!you guys are AWESOME!:lol:


anyway.i was just wondering.


the previous photos of the FNC guys. are those taken in the korean airport or thailand airport?


cos i think i saw korean wordings on the signboards in the background in one of the pictures posted.


and im curious about whether the thai gogumas stayed for yong's arrival with the banners and all.


hehe. so is yong gonna see the same thing as  hyun?i would LOVE to see his reaction too! :lol:


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Guest _d3seohyun












Did the boys arrive yet? What's this?




from soshi thread...




20110311 YongHwa+SeoHyun at Centara 태국 직캠















False alarm. Just Seobaby :P




so it's probably one of the soshi managers then





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Guest uh-ohxev































































































































































Guys this fancam says it's YongSeo! Is this real? Can any Thai fans confirm or deny this? I don't want to get my hopes up but I'm spazzing at the possibility !






























































































































edit: Sorry, didn't see it was posted! Omg.. please let this be real. I hope it's not a false alarm.
































Sigh! Too bad it was a false alarm. I hope a real fancam of the 2 of them pops up though! :P
































Thanks for all your corrections guys! ^^

































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OMG _d3seohyun is that fancam real? or i'm in Go-chun already?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Kyaa!! I can't believe my eyes, Hyun in Orange sundress and Yong looking suave in white (if that is Yong):wub:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OMG I can't stop spazzing and replaying the fancam over and over again!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Haha, my reaction was 100% like Captain Jack Sparrow in ur signature
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































oh, thanks for verifying lanlady, i was too excited i guess :P

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest lanladay
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Did the boys arrive yet? What's this?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































from soshi 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
































































































































They haven't arrived here yet. I think their arrival time is about 23.00 hrs.(have to wait 30-60 mins more)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and after that they will go to the concert venue to have a rehearsal.

































































































































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Guest myblue
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Guys this fancam says it's YongSeo! Is this real? Can any Thai fans confirm or deny this? I don't want to get my hopes up but I'm spazzing at the possibility !
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































edit: Sorry, didn't see it was posted! Omg.. please let this be real. I hope it's not a false alarm.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































sorry to cut your post.. i think seohyunie is with her manager when this fancam is taken, as reported at thisvery hour CNBLUE & FT ISLAND just landed at Suvarnabhumi Airport.. ;)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Luv_cheese
















Ops, my bad. I thought the boys arrived already. lol.  That vid is awesome though it's quite far from reality that it's them. We all know that Yong doesn't mind carrying Hyuns bag :) no harm in making ourselves believe its them. lol. Just to put a smile on our face :)









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Guest glennpaulo






























Guys this fancam says it's YongSeo! Is this real? Can any Thai fans confirm or deny this? I don't want to get my hopes up but I'm spazzing at the possibility !














edit: Sorry, didn't see it was posted! Omg.. please let this be real. I hope it's not a false alarm.



























maybe not because they not yet arrived according to:



























They haven't arrived here yet. I think their arrival time is about 23.00 hrs.(have to wait 30-60 mins more)



























and after that they will go to the concert venue to have a rehearsal.






































































If its true....wahhhhhh!!!



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Guest luna21















dear gogumas...














my heartfelt thanks go to everyone in go-chun. thank you all for providing endless spazz regarding our favorite couple. thank you also to the translators, subbers, uploaders, screencappers, and to the individuals who make this thread such a wonderful place to be in. it was a great day when i found this thread. although i spent most of my time lurking, i couldn't help but join you guys spazz once in a while.














i can't help but be saddened by the news and at the same time happy for yong's great opportunity and hyun's japanese promotions. because of my conflicting emotions, i wanted to lurk this week due to the rumored E** of yongseo. after reading the inevitable news...T T














anyway, i hope that this thread continue to provide news/videos/images regarding our yongseo to the non-korean speakers. i'll continue to support both individuals, as well their respective groups.














i'll see you guys in the new thread after we reach 2000pgs.







i can't wait what our couple have in store for us in the coming episodes...i hope that there would only be happiness... T T














YONGSEO Fighting!





















pls pray to those who were affected by the japan earthquake.





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Dear all Gogumas,


for the last 2 days I have got anxiety attack and the only witness for that is the pillows on my bed (yup, I got it so bad, since I couldn't channel anywhere I just banged those). Good thing it's not feather kind :lol: I tried to be strong and I excedeed to a certain point until I heard FFTL. I cried. I even compared my feeling when I broke up with my last boyfriend. Wacky me :w00t: of course it's nowhere near. Yongseo is still the winner.


Then this morning, I just told myself I refused to be in this situation, I DESERVE TO BE HAPPY. 2 Ways to do it, either I run away or stick with it. I chose the later one, although it hurts I come back again to this forum, reading the rest and praying for the best. And TADA ....................... Thai Goguma did it. They will sing the Banmal song together. Oh ............ this is what I've been waiting for. And what a better time than this one.


Thank you ..................................... Thai Goguma and they will perform as finale, talk about surprise, rite? I love the idea and finally God answered my pray that Yongseo will have a footage that I can cherish and spazz forever. Since I feel we are in the limit time (I don't like using the borrowed time, I don't live in the borrow life and I believe Yongseo either), I am going to grab whatever left. Be it the upcoming episodes, the last episode, the whatever surprises. I still expect the unexpected thing from Yongseo.


About the eternity ring, I just don't want to tangle and feel dissapointed at the end, so I am going to let it slip away this time. The thing that I want to mention is I DO BELIEVE both of them are going to be fine and will be best friends forever (I am still hoping as a REAL couple). This part is probably from seeing how Yonghwa interacts with his Busan friends and all the people along the way that he's befriended from. I got a feeling if he is ever stranded somewhere in this world, he can call ANY friends and they will be appear. About Seohyun, she is one of the person that if you know her, then she will give her all to you. And Yong knows her inside out. If she still keeps Jinwoon number, of course Yonghwa's will be embeded in her brain, I mean her heart (this is really out of context, ha .......... ha .......... can't help it)


I am still waiting Seohyun talks Banmal with Yonghwa. He asked her to do that in the first episode and he even wrote a song about that. I still don't get it why she can't do it (don't get me wrong, I understand she has trouble talking banmal if the person is older than her, but still ................) Now I'm curious whether she's refusing to do that because its her last resort (I hope surprise) for Yong.


One more thing, since nobody mention it. On ep. 46, did you hear the "ducky" sound when he's waiting for Hyun to come out and he's flapping the album? And again before he's checking out the bling bling dress. Now, if duckduckduck wants to make it clean for us, shouldn't we have "the person" post something or anything on this forum before we say our goodbyes? This is one of the mysterious thing that I still spazz about.


@Winbros, I know this is late, but I want to response for your question. In my language, the 4th finger is "SWEET" finger. Don't ask me why, I asked people around and they are like, what the hell are you asking about? It's like don't ask question, just accept it, it's sweet, period. Maybe because we have this tradition. If you are engaged, you put the ring on the left (contrary to the western or even any other country custom) and when you got married, you move it to the right. Sweet isn't it :) Only one ring to simplify the eternity.


I know I am rambling here and there and it seems a long post, sorry 'bout that. But this is theraupetic and I encourage the lurkers out there to do it, trust me, it helps :) One more thing, Yong hasn't given any flower to Hyun (this is because of the FFTL cover), so I hope on the last episode he will give one to her, that will be SWEET :D


PS: For the Japanese Goguma, I'll pray for your country. We are all one big family, I hope the best outcome in this situation.





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