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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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one of the many things i love our In_Go_Paem is that, there is always someone arnd

to give a helping hand whenever one of us is in need of a guide,

be it related to some IT stuffs etc etc etc..

such is the wonderful goguma love that we shared..

deeana, congrats on your first batch of daebak caps!

magdal, what a spot on!

looking at the banmal cover again, yup,

it sure looks like the guy indeed wore a pink scarf.

any idea who drew those cartoon figures?

yongseoisreal, (your nick has some sort of becoming a mantra to me)

tks for yong's NAN pic.

i've said to myself before that even if he doesn't wear the precious,

it doesn't matter, because as per your nick, yong seo is real.. :wub:

but i realise that once a gollum, always a gollum

spot the precious, and i go ga-ga again.. :sweatingbullets:

BUT... i'm not the gollum who will bang my head on the wall, if the precious is missing

from that finger.. :phew:

u know gogumas, i've just finished watching CN Blue's Zepp Tour vids, and i feel so touched

each time the precious is visible. this guy is soo committed, he may not be obliged

to wear it, but we see the precious is always with him like 24/7.

sometimes i get the feeling that

there is some kind of a promise that has been made btwn him and hyun.

like a real gf/bf thing? ;)

sorry for being such a hardcore delusional me..

on a side note

i gasped after watching MH threw a bottle of water onto the audiences..

in his excitement, this boy forgot how dangerous that kind of act can be.

even Yong and JS were surprised he did that..mh ah...tsk tsk tsk

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Hihi, drop by again and share something... I never been so active in a forum before.. YongSeo love make me do so... ^_^
































@greed_island: Thanks for liking my writing. :rolleyes: That was just my thought after I've been with YongSeo for the past one year and I do hope they end up being together really. I do agree with you that Yong really put have the heart and put his mind for Seohyun. He did has the heart and affection towards Hyun. Every single little thing about Seohyun he knows, just that he did not spell it out, like the complaint by Seohyun that he never compliment her with the butterfly necklace.
































@winbros: Thanks for loving my post. Haha, I will try to write more next time and share with you all then... Btw, I like your post very much, especially those POV from a guy's standpoint. Like it very much..
































@jnj: Thank you. I like your randomness as well.. Providing thoughts and sharing from time to time... jjang!! :w00t:
































@Seychan: I like your artwork very much. Espcieally with the beutiful words you always have in your mind, so romantic...I bet you are a very romantic person..
































@magdal: LOL. What an eagle eye you have... spotted the boy wearing the-one-and-only scarf on the cover of FFTL. The crazy shipper in me would believe that this is not coincidence. :lol:
































*Applause applause* to those who participated in the YongSeo 1st anniversary projects. Congratulations on the recognition and attention from the Korea media, chukahamida~~ I bet Yonghwa and Seohyun are so proud of you~~ you guys are jjangg!! ^_^
































Well, do you guys find these scene familiar?
































































Lets see, the same scene from episode 7 when YongSeo went to the sauna with BIL.
































































Spot the different reaction of Seohyun from this two?
































































































How comfortable Seohyun now with Yonghwa, she pampered him after she knocked and laugh freely but back then, she just laugh shyly and covered her mouth with her hand.. :wub:

































































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Guest dwidwidwi
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hi goguma-villagers :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































even tough i'm a silent fan, but now i just want to share my first post to all of you :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































--> in chunseok special, Yo~ng asked this question because the closeness between Adam Couple.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yo~ng asked : "When we're together for a year, can we be like that too?"
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































--> Now, they reached their 1st anniversary and the answer is....... jajang!!!! :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and this
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credit to RDRsub and SONEms Subs :)

































































































































































































































































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hi hafiq~! i loveeeeeeeeeee ur dream! i hope it'll come true or least give us a good sign about yongseo :wub:

soshi3... danggggggggg that spoiler of urs!!! gahh too daebakkkk!!!!!!!! *dies the nth time* xD

sophiapia, LOL that's a lot of love all right kekeke nonetheless, love it~! :wub:

oh ya, magdal~! good spotting there! i'd like to think that it's the scarf that hyun gave him :phew:

ahn_annann, thanks so much for the HQ caps~! *saves them* can i use them for something? :phew: will credit u...:D

ok, this is my 3rd time trying to save this FMV of mine. it's not the latest, but i just got rid of the copyright infringement, all thanks to uri goguma1207~! she's jjang!! :wub::w00t: pls tell me if u still can't view it. i hope my next song won't get the same outcome! am still doing yongseo's wedding MV... heh heh tortoise me :P


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Sorry to cut your post Boo...totally agree with your closing remarks on the fmv, journey has just begun for them indeed :wub:
















Thanks for this, loved your song choice and just so thankful to be able to watch it.

















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Guest ahn_annann





dreamyboo, wow.. I love your vid, can you put download link also? -- thank you so much



Of course you can use my HD caps to make everything for YongSeo ..






Fanarts by AraShi teiru @ wgm.pantip.com








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It has been awhile I didn't post here with the Gogumas... ^_^
































































































































































































































































































































but last week episode just need me to spazz it out!!! :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































The talk of the GoChun and WGM viewers, THE KISSES!!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































Seeing how Seohyun let Yonghwa kiss her just meant something big... this is the first time she's letting someone to kiss her and seeing how gentleman Yonghwa is by asking her whether he should kiss her or not, just so SWEET!!! :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































and he even said sorry to her after that... >_<
































































































































































































































































































































He really try to protect Seohyun because he knew to Seohyun, everything is first time especially in relationship...
































































































































































































































































































































AWWWW!!! How sweet of him...
































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun, finally, she agreed to kiss her seobangnim... ^_^
































































































































































































































































































































Her first kiss, she have given it to Yonghwa... even if someday they didn't end up to be together (but I definitely want them to be together ^^) in future, Yonghwa will always remember as the guy who got Seohyun's first kiss... how special is that? ^^
































































































































































































































































































































Their whole relationship is special actually... Since the beginning.
































































































































































































































































































































Just like when they interviewed the WGM's PD that said KhunToria happened because Khun wanted Victoria and Adam Couple also have the same reason as they wanted to be paired with each other. However for our YongSeo, the fate that brought them together... It's their DESTINY.
































































































































































































































































































































I love the picture when Yonghwa grab Seohyun's waist tough as the GUY :wub: and love the pic when Seohyun's headlocking Yong. Before this, people just photoshop the picture where Sulli headlocking Yonghwa but through this photoshoot, they did the scene themselves. Another favorite part of the wedding photo is when Yonghwa lift up Seohyun. They really gave the Newlywed feeling... awwww... I was totally giggling watching this episode. This wedding photo shoot really answer a lot of our wishes. They kissed. There is backhugged... :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































Seeing how Seohyun worked really hard on that scarf, she really, TOTALLY open up for this relationship... The backhug from Yong and the hug from Yong when he thanked Hyun for giving him the scarf... each of their little skinships really make me giggling so much... ^^
































































































































































































































































































































Watching their progress since episode first, I never regret being a Goguma.
































































































































































































































































































































They show the innocence scents of first love...
































































































































































































































































































































It totally make me want to experience one.
































































































































































































































































































































I pray to GOD to meet a guy like Yong~
































































































































































































































































































































A considerate, responsible guy, always try to make his partner feel more comfortable... :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































It just so sweet. I'm so glad that seeing Seohyun changed so much after she being Yong's wifey. She's the girl who said, "Eeewwww" when the unnies said anything about guys and relationship and now she's someone wife... :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































I'm appreciating so much the efforts both of them have made to make the relationship become more comfortable and sweet. The most important thing is they didn't just do it for the viewers sake but it's for themselves as well. they showed their true feeling throughout the show and it showed. we saw it. it true. they didn't pretend.
































































































































































































































































































































CN Blue and SOSHI comeback soon... can't wait!!! rooting for both of them!!! ^_^
































































































































































































































































































































I can't wait for this week episode. Watching the preview and seeing Yong got kicked out, and how cute mad maknae is... make me so anticipated!!!
































































































































































































































































































































Saturday come fast!!! :w00t:

































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Guest Lumpiere



Super late to the party cus i went on a work trip immediately after that amazing episode. 

Seriously, how amazing was this ep? like AHHHHMAZINGLY JJANG!

Every single minute of it was pure gold. I kept trying to check on the thread on the laptop when i was away but boy it was you so hard to catch up. You amazing goguma-ers. 

MY favourite scene? 


I love it because it shows really shows how close they are. And how un-choding that yong choding could be. And how hyun gets all shy around her hubby. It was awkwardly cute and i just, omg this two. 

Delusional me is delusional but i am so convinced that these two are dating, it's just. UGH, the looks they give each other? WHAT IS THAT IF NOT THE LOOK OF LOVE THAT IS FILLING THEIR EYES?

I only started watching WGM this season and my first love was the Adams, but even then you could distinctly sort of distinguish the line that they had between reel and real even though they were mad cute. 


These two is the total opposite, i consider myself someone who is good with observations but wah they are clouding my judgement, i'll slap myself if they say they're not in love with each other. 

Also, sidetrack a bit but


This scene stuck out to because of the particular placement of Yong's hands and head, i get it yong, it totally explains that smile on your face. 

Lol kidding. 

Long rant is long and as usual, WHY IS SATURDAY SO LONG AWAY. 


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 Annyeong to all YongSeo shippers!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This is my first time posting, hope to add my count to mark this thread to page 2000...:)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just like everyone, reading this forum has becomes part and parcel of my daily life. I’m a fan of CNBlue so I started watching WGM because of Yong Hwa but now I just fell in love with YongSeo. YES YES!! We YongSeo shippers are in cloud nine for the past two weeks. Saturday pali pali!! I can’t wait for yet another Daebak episode.

































































































































































































































































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Guest Lumpiere



Ok back again!

翻译:2011.7 作家李明淑 导演表民洙 出演郑容和 



Writer : Lee Myung Suk  Director: Pyo Min Su  Actor : Jung Yong Hwa

CNBlue's Jung Yong Hwa will be heading this show about an art university's students realizing their dreams and their engaging love stories. 

]I got this off baidu, which is actually apparently Yong's upcoming drama. Well, we can always hope that they will cast his wife too? 

credits to 多啦美哒 @ Baidu

Edit: Apparently the picture cant be posted but its just an short article about the quite possible new upcoming drama that yong will be doing. 


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Lumpiere: Thank U, so you were the brave enough to post it here ^_^.
















































































































Such a sensitive topic, but please gogumas, allow me to ask you this.  Since I´m from latin american culture, I really REALLY don´t see  anything wrong with Yong staring in a drama and WGM at the same time  but, I have read somewhere else that it will be not good for the Drama  storyline?. (No one has said that he will leave, don´t panick, please)
















































































































My POV, YongHwa is in WGM as YongHwa and he will be in the future drama  as *insert the character´s name here*, so I can´t see the conflict in  it, cause a drama is always a drama, and he will not be Jung YongHwa  there, but his  character... Or it is that people always ship the actors behind the  characters?:unsure:.
















































































































I can´t help but think in Kim Hyun Joong (JoongBo/ Ssangchu couple), and  the reason of why he left WGM. I´m pretty sure I read that was because  he  started to fall asleep during the filming, and the WGM staff was all  the time trying to keep him awake, but it was not because of his  character in BBF.
















































































































So please, M3, kay77, korean and asian gogumas, can you please give your points of view about  why some people think it will be bad for the drama if he stay in WGM?
















































































































I love U all my beloved In Go Phaem, YongSeo fighting ^^.

















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Guest yonghyunforever


:wub:hey guys dont be sad or panic because of YOnghwa'drama. we will hope for him the best. OUr couple already go futher than any of us expected, we should happy now. Yong and Hyun will be very busy later. we dont know they will continue WGM or not. but we wil wish for them the best.




I think it is the time for us, for Yongseo back to the real life. to let them check their real feeling behind the camera. and focus on their career. if they really mean to each other. they will find their way back to each other. and we gogumas will be happy forever :wub: . we hope that, they will really have bright future. Yongseo is jang


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Lumpiere: Thank U, so you were the brave enough to post it here ^_^.
















Such a sensitive topic, but please gogumas, allow me to ask you this.  Since I´m from latin american culture, I really REALLY don´t see  anything wrong with Yong staring in a drama and WGM at the same time  but, I have read somewhere else that it will be not good for the Drama  storyline?. (No one has said that he will leave, don´t panick, please)
















My POV, YongHwa is in WGM as YongHwa and he will be in the future drama  as *insert the character´s name here*, so I can´t see the conflict in  it, cause a drama is always a drama, and he will not be Jung YongHwa  there, but his  character... Or it is that people always ship the actors behind the  characters?:unsure:.
















I can´t help but think in Kim Hyun Joong (JoongBo/ Ssangchu couple), and  the reason of why he left WGM. I´m pretty sure I read that was because  he  started to fall asleep during the filming, and the WGM staff was all  the time trying to keep him awake, but it was not because of his  character in BBF.
















So please, M3, kay77, korean and asian gogumas, can you please give your points of view about  why some people think it will be bad for the drama if he stay in WGM?
















I love U all my beloved In Go Phaem, YongSeo fighting ^^.































Hi Magdal blush.gif
















About the drama? Well it's too early to actually make a reaction since no confirmation has come out yet,it is purely hearsay if I am not mistaken.  But to share my POV on your query, I'll comment anyway <_<, I think it's more on the marketability of his upcoming drama that makes it bad for him to stay in WGM.   Tendency is the company/station that will be producing the drama will of course have a hard time marketing/promoting it to the audience specially if the story's plot  is somewhat romantic, if he stays with WGM then he will still be so identified as Hyun's husband.  In short, his accepting the drama or him staying with WGM is just a question of which show will gain him more benefits.  Though, I personally think that audience are intelligent and company should not worry on whether fans will support his new drama if he stays with WGM? Still, I think producers will never risk on that idea.  Cause to be honest, fans can make or break the status of the stars they are supporting thus no producers will bank on the idea of getting him if he will not let go of  WGM unless the show he will be taking on does not involve romantic plot.  Well, I hope I'm making sense with what I'm saying, Magdal :wub:
















But one thing that Yong and his company should remember, Goguma's will support him 100% with whatever endeavours he wish to take for as long as he will not leave WGM.....hahahaha....do you agree on this Goguma family? :)

















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Guest bbblyzu3










@Lumpiere  thanks for the news :)






when will he start to filming the drama






and who is going to be his partner ??






I'm okay with the news :) I'm happy as long as they happy with what they are doing ^_^






to all in-go-paem we should always think positive and don't become a rotten gogumas  :P












I can't wait for saturday to come :lol:











YONGSEO fighting !!






CNBLUE & SNSD fighting:excl:



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...Well, I hope I'm making sense with what I'm saying, Magdal :wub:
















































































































But one thing that Yong and his company should remember, Goguma's will support him 100% with whatever endeavours he wish to take for as long as he will not leave WGM.....hahahaha....do you agree on this Goguma family? :)































































































































































































































Very sorry to cut your post :sweatingbullets:... Thank you so much!!!! I understand now, and you did 100% sense to me ^^.   I think in this part of the planet we, the public, are a little more relaxed about these things, but bussiness are always bussiness...
















































































































I also agree 100% with your last words. We, gogumas can be so openminded with the work of our beloved couple, because we love them together hahahahaha!
















































































































One last thing, for me they are always going to be Nampeyeon and Buin, no matter what :w00t:.































































































































































































































YongSeo Hwaiting!!!

















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Guest soshisoshisoshi
































































































Lumpiere: Thank U, so you were the brave enough to post it here ^_^.
































































Such a sensitive topic, but please gogumas, allow me to ask you this.  Since I´m from latin american culture, I really REALLY don´t see  anything wrong with Yong staring in a drama and WGM at the same time  but, I have read somewhere else that it will be not good for the Drama  storyline?. (No one has said that he will leave, don´t panick, please)
































































My POV, YongHwa is in WGM as YongHwa and he will be in the future drama  as *insert the character´s name here*, so I can´t see the conflict in  it, cause a drama is always a drama, and he will not be Jung YongHwa  there, but his  character... Or it is that people always ship the actors behind the  characters?:unsure:.
































































I can´t help but think in Kim Hyun Joong (JoongBo/ Ssangchu couple), and  the reason of why he left WGM. I´m pretty sure I read that was because  he  started to fall asleep during the filming, and the WGM staff was all  the time trying to keep him awake, but it was not because of his  character in BBF.
































































So please, M3, kay77, korean and asian gogumas, can you please give your points of view about  why some people think it will be bad for the drama if he stay in WGM?
































































I love U all my beloved In Go Phaem, YongSeo fighting ^^.















































































































































Hi there magdal^^































































































okay, sensitive topic here!!! some of us are worried (yes, I won't deny it) should Yonghwa participate in an upcoming drama....... many people think that it could be one of the reasons for Yonghwa to pull out from WGM, because of the filming schedules, which may clash with WGM filming. This is what I don't really understand about Yonghwa (or maybe his company, FNC). It is known that Yonghwa and CNBLUE members want to focus more on music, instead of pursuing acting. So I guess the decision for him to be casted in a drama, be it YAB or the any new dramas, would be his agency's decision, unless it's Yonghwa's decision to pursue an acting career once again. So far, Yonghwa himself hasn't comfirmed this whatsoever, so I guess IT IS STILL A RUMOUR































































































I'm asian, but I have no problem with Yonghwa being casted in a new drama, because it will be a good opportunity for him to increase his acting skills. However, (note that this is my personal opinion) I prefer him to focus more on his music, because it is his objective from the very beginning since his debut, maybe before his debut). Even so, if he were to be casted, I will still support him like fans do, and I believe Seohyun will also be very happy for her nampyeon for getting more and more attention..































































































































































okay sorry for rambling in the middle of the night (it's night here^^). currently watching UEFAChampions League match between Barcelona v Arsenal (GO BARCELONA!)........ any Barca news here?? just asking... phew.gif






























































































































































































come one guys!! post more if you want that SECOND THREAD! w00t.gif

































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Here's my two pennies' worth regarding Yonghwa's possibility of taking up a new drama:






My first thoughts that came was 'how will Seohyun feel or think?' and without any hesitation I know... She will be very proud and happy for him... Why? This is Seohyun we are talking abt. The really kind hearted, respectful, career driven young lady that we all come to love and know more abt through WGM. I don't know abt u all. But I've been affected a lot by Seohyun this past year watching this show and I'm in my 30s. She is so focused on what she wants and expects of others, never afraid to speak her mind especially when she thinks is for the person's good or health, looks after herself so well cos she doesn't want to worry her parents and not to be a burden or trouble to anyone including her SNSD unnies. I personally have now watch what I eat & I do not munch on ice cubes no more!!! Hahahaha! I know.... I'm a complete Yongseo addict ;)






We as fans, of course will be concern of the show, whether Yongseo will continue filming, etc. But this is due to our own selfishness to hold on to this lovely couple... To call ourselves all here in Go-chun as supporters of Yongseo, I think we must also see it from their point of view. Definitely without a doubt, Seohyun will give her full support to her hubby's future and whatever he does, also vice versa.... Don't u all agree? ;)



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Guest pseudonykkaii




hmm. It seems a bit tense in here~ well on a lighter note... Has any one shared that yong's gonna be in runningman again?? He just seem to love it there! Anyways, regarding the yongdrama, ill support him nomatter. and did we not have a similar rumour not too long ago? The members were to chose whether to pursue acting or another album--and they chose the music route right? Although it got delayed, it was still music they chose. So im a bit skeptical about this yongdrama-- but like i said, id still support him--them(yongseo)--whatever. <3




Anyways, i gots work tomorrow morning. Nightnight gogumas!!!:)



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Guest lovekin
































































































Hi there magdal^^
































































okay, sensitive topic here!!! some of us are worried (yes, I won't deny it) should Yonghwa participate in an upcoming drama....... many people think that it could be one of the reasons for Yonghwa to pull out from WGM, because of the filming schedules, which may clash with WGM filming. This is what I don't really understand about Yonghwa (or maybe his company, FNC). It is known that Yonghwa and CNBLUE members want to focus more on music, instead of pursuing acting. So I guess the decision for him to be casted in a drama, be it YAB or the any new dramas, would be his agency's decision, unless it's Yonghwa's decision to pursue an acting career once again. So far, Yonghwa himself hasn't comfirmed this whatsoever, so I guess IT IS STILL A RUMOUR
































































I'm asian, but I have no problem with Yonghwa being casted in a new drama, because it will be a good opportunity for him to increase his acting skills. However, (note that this is my personal opinion) I prefer him to focus more on his music, because it is his objective from the very beginning since his debut, maybe before his debut). Even so, if he were to be casted, I will still support him like fans do, and I believe Seohyun will also be very happy for her nampyeon for getting more and more attention..















































































hi, sorry, but i just wanted to clarify something.  sweatingbullets.gif  yonghwa actually has expressed his desire to act again, which, if i recall correctly, was typically expressed in the form of nostalgia over his role as shin woo in YAB.  so while yong being cast in this drama (that is supposedly said to be geared for him, specifically) is just in its rumor stage, i'm most certain that he is keeping an eye open for something he likes (and this particular drama seems to fit the bill, especially since it plans to incorporate music into its storyline).
































































































i feel like music is so ingrained into him that it'd be nice to see him branching out with his acting skills because he's already got the foundations, and i'd like to see him improve.  likewise, it'd be nice to see seohyun helm a drama because she does have the potential and is capable of being more than just a pop artist.  also, it doesn't hurt to dream that serendipity will somehow pull these two together for a drama post-wgm ... one day.  tongue.gif
































































post-wgm thoughts behind a spoiler because i'm kind of getting ahead of myself over here, considering nothing has been officially confirmed.
































































































that aside, i have to admit that i'm actually a bit sad over it.  obviously, these two will go and do their thing, take advantage of what WGM has done for the both of them, and we'll all be proud and support them in all of their endeavors.  however, considering the time i've spent tracking these two, it's going to be a bit weird not being able to read articles that connect the two together, and they don't have the luxury of having another show together that adam did.
































































and just a side-bar, but i have to wonder how they'll present their image to the public after WGM - if their answers will change.  i'm actually dreading and looking forward to such an event.  furthermore, i wonder if the both of them will continue to wear their rings.
































































i mean, granted, i remember someone posting here that when WGM started, yong had said that wearing the rings was something that they were duty-bound because of MBC.  but i always felt that after seo had personally customized those rings and actually made them wearable (e.g., made them silver), it kind of gave those rings a bit more meaning.  i'm actually hoping that they continue to wear them.  it doesn't have to be from a romantic angle but more because of the thought that went into them.  i don't think rings have to have some secret message behind them (especially if they continued to wear them on their left ring finger), but it would be nice to see that they're still connected in some way.
































































which is the only time i'll ever say that those rings are symbolically important for me to see.  (i do have to admit that these "ring! ding! dong!" pictures that have been posted lately - even though i don't place very much significance of them currently - have recently been rather comforting in the sense that i don't need any wgm-related news at all.  just seeing them is good enough.)































































































eh, anyway.  those are just some of the thoughts floating freely in my head.  on the whole, i actually don't know how i feel about the whole thing (unless, obviously, if we're getting down to specifics).  we have CNB's comeback, SNSD doing their thing in japan, yongseo somewhere in the middle of it all, potential drama in the works, potential completion of WGM.  i don't know about anyone else, but i find it quite overwhelming - rumor(s) or not.  wacko.gif

































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Guest intoxd
































































































Hello gogumas!! While waiting for Saturday, which is in ... 4 days (for me)!! I used @ahn_annann's wonderful HQ pictures to make up a sort of "YongSeo fairytale book". So you know how the concept of the wedding photos was to recreate some of their past moments? Well I tried incorporating them into the "book". The story is loosely based on both the concept of the wedding shoot and their adventure through WGM until now. I'm really sorry for my poor grammar, I really suck at writing lovely texts and such like our fellow Fanfiction crew xD But I tried my best...Hope you like it :)
































:wub: YONGSEO'S FAIRYTALE :wub:    
































YSStory1.png YSStory2.png 
































YSStory3.png YSStory4.png
































YSStory5.png YSStory6.png
































YSStory7.png YSStory8.png
































Rest is under spoilers because it is awfully big and there's lots of pictures, so I don't want to make computers crash due to the overwhelming awesomeness that is YongSeo xD
































YSStory9.png YSStory10.png
































YSStory11.png YSStory12.png
































YSStory13.png YSStory14.png
































YSStory15.png YSStory16.png
































YSStory17.png YSStory18.png
































YSStory19.png YSStory20.png
































YSStory21.png YSStory22.png
































YSStory23.png YSStory24.png
































THE END :wub:































































Hope you guys like it :D Also, I'll be doing graphics (wallpapers, banners, icons etc.) sometime this week (if I have time xD) so feel free to request or message me if you'd like something :)

































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