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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Ermm...Is it just me or everyone notice that Seohyun kept calling yonghwa "Oppa" ?




























Oppa mean older brother rite ? I googled it and i found this




























Additionally, when girls want to specify whether or not they are interested in a guy or if he is just a friend, they specifically say that he is just an Oppa (meaning he is like a brother and just a friend to her) rather than a boyfriend or Eyin (애인).
























































Is Seohyun trying to be respectful or she wan to ___________ ?























































Yongseomania, to explain the word "Oppa" better, head to Dramabean's Glossary of the word. Read link below.
























































"Oppa" according to Dramabeans, is a word with power!




























So which one do you think Yong is? :phew:





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Guest winbros
































































































































































































Annyeong Go-Chun Chingus….
































































How is everyone this fine Wednesday (argghhh!!! I can’t believe it’s still Wednesday!!  Sat paliiiiiiiiiiiiii)?
































































First off, my apologies to the moderators and any friends who were worried about the discussion on CNBlue, I take full ownership on that although the discussion was initiated on the basis if being in WGM cough*relationship*cough with Hyun had caused Yong’s songs to undergo any noticeable change.  Seeing that the CNBlue brothers are in WGM in quite a few episodes featuring their music, I hope we have some leeway here….. In any case, go listen to their music if you haven’t done so yet, they are seriously good, and if you want links to Yongseo, howzabout this -- Yong has transformed from “a Loner” to seeing someone in “Love Light” now, and expressing his emotions to his “First Time Lover” (oh well, Yong is Hyun’s first in any case)….. so there you go, immediate linkage. :rolleyes:
































































I wanted to write a bit about honeyjade11’s post in page 1927 on Ring-Ding-Dong on Seobaby at the 2 recent SNSD appearances.  While some may consider our fixation (for some of us) on the couple ring appearances as bordering on the unhealthy and even question if uri fav couple wearing the rings has any significance, (correct me if I’m wrong here all) but it is worth pointing out that none of the other WGM couples (both seasons) have been as diligent/faithful to wearing their couple rings than uri Yongseo…. (Solbi lost the ring Andy bought her immediately in the next episode….. I was dumbfounded…. really…. <_<).
































































Wae bring this up all of a sudden oppa winbros you may ask?  Here’s my story. 
































































I’ve never been one for jewelry, no pendants nor rings.  When I married my lovely wife, we exchanged wedding bands.  That is my first and only accessory that I have on me.  I was actually uncomfortable wearing it, and after 5 years decided that it was alright not to wear it as often, if at all, so long as I continued to love my wife, that was all that mattered right?  Right??  (That plus I had gained a couple, ok many couple of pounds and wedding band was kinda tight LOL).  Understanding, beautiful, fantabulous-cook wife who loves me did not raise a storm when I stopped wearing said band as well, so all was at peace in the winbros household.
































































Well, as of last year when I had to manage my health (not so young anymore unlike you cough*youngsters*cough), I actually shed quite a bit of weight and said wedding band could fit again.  And it was about that time that I started stalking following uri Yongseo.  I came to realize that if a simple couple ring was so significant to them that they wore it despite not filming WGM in various other schedules, what more a wedding band that signified a commitment to my understanding wife of our love in our own life journey.  Thusly chided, I have since been wearing my wedding band again since last year, not taking it off for anything (don’t worry, it’s made of white gold and won’t rust nor break unlike that cheap stuff that Yong bought, thank goodness sensible Hyun went to re-make their rings in silver).  My wife has noticed and commented as well that I've taken to wearing it again, I can sense that she is happy :wub: with this change although I didn’t tell her that it was due mostly to Yongseo (I think she’s beginning to think I’m too obsessed with them :phew:).  I’ll come around to telling her one day, not sure what her reaction may be, LOL.
































































So what struck me as I was recounting this and putting my thoughts together to pen this post was the effort that Hyun took to re-make the couple rings.  Chingus, if you have a special partner (married or in the process of heading towards marriage), you would probably have fretted over the right present to give him/her on those special occasions….. whereas for a friend or colleague, you would likely just buy a present without as much fuss?  For a program like WGM, if Yong were simply a friend or working colleague, wouldn’t it be so much easier for Hyun to just buy Yong something that he may like for his birthday?  Perhaps a new guitar, or something music-related, or a book on how self-improvement helps you have a better birthday? (LOL).  For Hyun to go to lengths to remake their couple ring as a birthday present gives me the impression of something significant, as re-making (or reuniting since Yong’s ring had melted/disappeared) their couple ring shows how much thought Hyun put into the action and how sensible she is, as well as the possibility that there could be feelings she had never felt before stirring within her.  
































































Again, am I making any sense here?  LOL.  Well in any case, I’m sitting here typing this out, with my wedding band going bling bling (on my left hand fourth finger – what do you really call that finger?  The wedding band finger???) listening to a mix of CNBlue & SNSD songs on iTunes and feeling all melancholic…..  before I go back to watching episode 45 and episode 46 preview again, a few more thoughts & comments on the 5-6 pages that I had to catch up on today.
































































@kay77 – thank you for being a fount of knowledge on our CNBlue boys. I think its safe to say that FFTL is THE song that was influenced by Hyun, for the rest, we can only guess. 

I managed to find the 5 episode Bluetory and absolutely love it, and I’ve got my grubby hands on Re-Maintenance now and the songs are really nice.  Looking forward to their first full Korean album, and I’m trying to get my grubby hands on Thank U (wish me luck!)  Will forever support them alongside you and the other BOICES!
































































 I rely on you and others like MrsAthenaG to bring me up to speed on them since I chanced upon them late.  Kamsahamida for sharing!  Hesperide you have to spazz with us, and we can spazz on CNBlue in spoilers together!!
































































@lovekim – thanks for Re-Maintenance, I love it!! You’re DAEBAK!  Also thanks for translating, with Singlish as well LOL!!  Let’s catch up soon with the other SG-shippers to spazz together! 
































































@pink2loveful & deeana55 – I like your info on
































































Jang Dong Gun and wife (see, old dog learning new tricks, non-Yongseo goes into spoiler































































































































, let’s hope that Yongseo has that kind of relationship as well!!
































































@WLingNg37 – welcome to Go-Chun!  And keep posting & spazzing along with us yah!
































































@jnj – on your question on wedding, I can’t say I know how Yong is feeling, especially since it was a photoshoot and not his actual wedding.  I do remember that I didn’t remember most of my wedding day proper though, the day was a blur…. For my own wedding photoshoot, I remembered that it went alright, but all that went through my head then was how gorgeous my wife looked, she was in wedding dress, 2 evening gowns, traditional Chinese outfit and casual clothes, and she looked hot in all of them… if that’s how Yong felt about Hyun, then yeah, I felt the same way.  Ha ha!  Thanks for putting up all the scaps of Yongseo, they’re gorgeous… and the pics are great too, LOL.  And who needs dramas when we have one major drama happening now…. in a variety program to boot!!
































































@soshi3, yonghyunforever, M3 (thanks for the trans on MC Jake’s tweet – you always come through for us!!  Plus I love your fanfic!!), dreamyboo, etc. - I LOLed at your daily schedule.  Recently, my schedule appears to run as follows:
































































Morning (0600-0900) – wakes up and send younger son to school, off to the office listening to CNBlue & SNSD muzak (sigh…… obsessed ain’t I??)
































































Mid-morning (0900-1200) – do real work (hey that brings in the bacon so I can afford toys for my boys, my wife’s supplementary card, and all the CNBlue/SNSD CDs & merchandise including the SNSD Phuket Photobook which is absolutely gorgeous…. my wife rolled her eyes :rolleyes:), soompi is on Alt-Tab (thank God I have my own office LOL).  My colleagues who are newly converted Yongseo-shippers occasionally drop an internal msn to see if there’re any new news of uri fav couple
































































Lunch (1200-1300) – outside with colleagues (the abovementioned newly converted Yongseo-shippers for more spazzing of latest episode & news), hey at least I get out of the office unlike you gollums lunching in and surfing soompi or the other sites for latest news and all….
































































Afternoon (1300-1800) – get more work done (brings in bacon blah blah – see above please), followed by 20min spazz break with newly con….. shippers over a hot drink at about 1600hours.  If you noticed, I sometimes sneak in a post during office hours too…. LOL.
































































Evening (1800-1830) – headed home for quality time with family and more major spazz with Go-Chun Chingus on Seohwa/Yongseo thread, listening to.. yeah you know it, CNBlue + SNSD muzak…..
































































Night (1830-2100) – dinner + quality time with family.  Boys in bed by 2100, wife usually tucks them in and she doesn’t make it out of the bedroom at times.
































































Yongseo moment (2100-0000/late) – surfing the net (CNBluestorm, Soshified, AllKPop blah blah) for news, doing facebook stuff, trolling Seohwa/Yongseo official thread, drafting a witty (I wish) reply to the many posts….. reading fanfics, watching FMVs, re-watching Yongseo episodes, CNBlue + SNSD muzak going on full if not watching videos, blah blah.































































































































and so ends a day in the life of winbros currently.  Sheeeesh, do I need therapy you think?
































































@YSInternational & fairy – love the pictures of the gifts for uri Yongseo, you gals really came through for us all.  Don’t be a stranger fairy, come home to Go-Chun from time to time yah!
































































@yongseorockin, Trent (you are going to start another fanfic right? J), yonghyunforever -
































































I can dig your views on Asians singing in English (or Engrish as posted by SeLeNe_Alai07).  Personally I’m bored of English music although English is my first language, Mandarin/Chinese being secondary language.  I don’t listen to Mando-pop and am a retro-English music-phile (call me old school).  I was playing my retro music in my office the other day and my colleague commented that I should have more modern music, so I promptly went out and bought Lady Gaga, Adam Lambert & Justin Bieber CDs…… played the songs once and the CDs are in a discount store now LOL. Don’t mistake me, I think the English musicians today are highly talented, but one man’s meat is another man’s poison I guess, they don’t hook me unlike JPop & KPop.  When I started listening to JPop (Ayumi Hamasaki
































:wub: sooooooo roxxors my boxxors…) and subsequently KPop, what I really enjoy are the melody and tunes, I don’t understand a word of what they’re singing but the music really reaches to me unlike today’s modern English music.  So when I listen to CNBlue sing their pseudo-Engrish songs, I enjoy them, and I think they are expressing themselves as best as they can.  Fun songs, and catchy too, do they make grammatical sense?  Hell no.  But (to me) they sound nicer than the current English music.































































































@luvtokki – brother, I totally dig how you feel about uri Yongseo.  On Saturdays when I spazz alongside all of you, I feel guilty neglecting my sons for that hour (live broadcast) and subsequent spazzing.  I spend time with them but sometimes think I can do more (spend more time) with them.  Aish….. whereabouts in the world do you hail from by the way?  And keep the quality posts coming ay, you notice details that most of us fail to spot in any case.
































































To all the chingus who put up scaps and pictures – keep them coming please, I love them, there’s just too many of you to name, off the top of my head are jnj, dreamyboo, aneng, zealous, honeyjade11, etc…. keep them coming.
































































To all the chingus who write fanfics – keep them coming too, they are a means to get us through Sun-Fri LOL.  I read most of them and applaud your creativity and (over-)active imagination!  ^_^
































































@Dduk – get well soon yah, well enough to spazz for the coming epic episode.  Given what the blog translates to (thanks lovekim!), it sounds like uri Yongseo is going to trump last episode this Sat!!
































































Aish you guys/gals had me going for a bit there, so it was Hyun’s hand doing her hair not Yong’s hand doing her hair and going for a possible headlock….. ROFL.  Oh woe to us and our (over-)active imaginations….
































































And on the common pose that frightens Yongseo, my guess is hug or light peck (aka kiss) to forehead…..  woooohoooooo I can’t wait….. either would be epic, Hyun’s lying there waiting for what’s to come and Yong’s sounding nervous confirming with the photographer to shoot it right first time, LOL.  SATURDAY PALIIIIIIIII!
































































Alright, that’s a fairly lengthy cough*long-winded*cough post, and I’m off to do other stuff before bed.  But before that, one last comment........
































































@soshi3 – good luck with doing non-yongseo related stuff tomorrow, wahahahaha….. you addict, first thing in the morning you’ll be reading my post….. and you know you can’t help it as you read this last line, shake your head and realize that you can’t cold turkey from Yongseo yet.

































































































































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Guest yongseomania
















winneho,, I understand now :D.... Now i remember... The fake seohyun oso called yonghwa OPPA~~ during the gag concert... LOL ...BTW my surname is oso ho :)









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Guest basketsfruit89
































































































































































































Ermm...Is it just me or everyone notice that Seohyun kept calling yonghwa "Oppa" ?
































































































































































Oppa mean older brother rite ? I googled it and i found this
































































































































































Additionally, when girls want to specify whether or not they are  interested in a guy or if he is just a friend, they specifically say  that he is just an Oppa (meaning he is like a brother and just a friend  to her) rather than a boyfriend or Eyin (애인).
































































































































































































































































































































Is Seohyun trying to be respectful or she wan to ___________ ?































































































































































































































































































































I don't know much about Korea culture, but I watch a lot Korea dramas. As I see, some wives in Korea call their husbands is "Oppa" , and girlfriends call their boyfriends is "Oppa" too. I can tell u, it seem the boy enjoy so much when the girl call him "Oppa". So I feel so sweet when I heard Seohyun called Yonghwa "Oppa" ^^. And her voice when she said "Yong oppa" just so adorable & different when she call other boys
































































































































































































































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Guest Mamablues






Hi fellow gogumas,




I was just spazzing through when I found out something. Seohyun's photo is in Yong's Busan house! Look carefully! Inside the couple's figures display box, there is a photo of the couple. DAEBAK! Can't wait for Sat to come....Times flies so slow....




Germbaby........ emmm......like a photo of the couple..but  still not clear....







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Guest redbeans84
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@me272 wuaahh i've been searching for this song..it's from indonesia? (they played mocca's song before,,now this band) i've never heard it,,thank u very much,,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@M3 & lovekim,,thank u so much for translation,, can't wait for this saturday ep.. yayy it must be daebakk!!'coz it's the climax,, :wub::wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@yongseomania,, at the first time, seohyun always called yonghwa with.."yo~ng" but now "oppa",& they seem more comfortable with that..i think there's improvement on their relationship..yeah definitely!! (*cough* is in bf/gf relationship, girlfriend usually calls the bf "oppa"~??*cough*)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest myblue
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Germbaby........ emmm......like a photo of the couple..but  still not clear....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*quoted image*































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@mamablues;) yes its their picture.. actually 3 pictures!  i have it with me but unfortunately i dont know how to add pictures here;) sorry;) but i'll try my best.. or rather you want to share the steps;) thanks
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































please check this one;)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Germbaby




@mamablues;) yes its their picture.. actually 3 pictures!  i have it with me but unfortunately i dont know how to add pictures here;) sorry;) but i'll try my best.. or rather you want to share the steps;) thanks






please check this one;)








Hee.... So I am not the only one who noticed the photos. Thank you for confirming it myblue. I am so happy. I wonder whether Yong display thier wedding photo now in dorm or Busan house? I hope so!


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Guest yongseorockin



Thank you jnj ^_^... I was talking about the CN Blue posts talking only about music, without connection to YongSeo in it.




 I guess I still can´t forget the last time we saw a moderator here,  when she/he told us that we can´t talk about SeoHyun or YongHwa out of  WGM ... that was a big, What the hell? for me too, (but I think they decided to allow us that ^^?)  That is why I got a little scared when I started to read the  CNBLUE  posts talking only about  music without  connection to YongSeo  in it.




Sorry if I offended someone, it was not my intention.blush.gif




M3, lovekim (you are here again ^^) thank you so much for the translations... OMG!, I need to prepare psychologically for next episode :wub:, my poor heart!!! LOL.




It is Hyun´s hand... too bad! but maybe we'll have more luck next episode :). Thanks for all the goodies Gogumas, please keep bringing them ^_^.




EDIT: I´m sorry, I hate myself for be on top of page again -_-                                                   




Hey no worries magdal. I wasn't offended at all. In fact I plus you back in the morning when I saw the negative. I just wanted to see more replies before I post anything else. (seeing that posting something requires time and that I wasn't suppose to be spending time here but should instead be doing my work.)

And thanks to Trent, yonghyunforever,  SeLeNe_Alai07 & others who supported me and thought the same as well.




@winbros Yea, mandopop just isn't my type of music either.






I'm grateful for Singapore's bilingual education system allowing me to read Baidu. I wish it was trilingual or quadlingual so I could have learn japanese and Korean as well



Just to share with you what I have done today.




- Woke up, do the routine stuff.


-Computer, check soompi.


-Check baidu


-Try to do work


- Fails, big time, watches Episode 46 again.


-Back to work.


-Unable to resist, went to check out seohyun and yonghwa videos on youtube.


-Watches preview 47 again!!


-Watches episode 46 again.


-Probably checked soompi again


-Back to work (but heart is with yongseo.)




-Work (all the while thinking of yongseo)


-Can't resist and watch episode 46 again. ( because i really really really like Hyun in wedding dress. First time I felt someone looked totally like a goddess and angel as well. I am a girl.)


- Wastes time voting at the kids site for Yongseo couple.


-Checks out baidu again to look at new YongSeo signatures and news. ( that person who does it, I swear the banner siggies are really pretty)




I was never such a stalker in my life. YongSeo made me that way. Now I am worried I cant finish my work and hand in. Gosh!! :tears:




EDIT: Germbaby. I think it will be at their Sangdodong House instead just like Adam couple. So in future, when we see the house, we can admire the photo as well!!


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and this is for the gollums


cr gg thread

whether it is yo~ng or oppa, it is up to us to define their level of comfortness...

i am just waiting for the day where she will call him 'yonghwa ya' :w00t::wub:

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Guest bolmaejung


Cuple figure in Yong's busan house~♥

Yong took it to parents house. This is so romantic and cute. kk

more image... DCinside WGM

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Guest Mamablues
















































Hee.... So I am not the only one who noticed the photos. Thank you for confirming it myblue. I am so happy. I wonder whether Yong display thier wedding photo now in dorm or Busan house? I hope so!







































okay ...... i get it~ thanks Germbaby & myblue....

















































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Guest yongseomania

















*quoted image*
















I think they drew the eye wrongly....Look at the pic on the left....Seohyun look so mischievous while yonghwa look so innocent...LOL....

















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Guest silverkey_






our spring break just started, and i really want to catch up with the episodes, but all youtube videos were already deleted OTL please help me! i really really want to watch from episode 41 up to the recent! and after seeing the pictures i'm dying to see the episodes where seohyun is in her wedding dress...


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our spring break just started, and i really want to catch up with the episodes, but all youtube videos were already deleted OTL please help me! i really really want to watch from episode 41 up to the recent! and after seeing the pictures i'm dying to see the episodes where seohyun is in her wedding dress...

















Hi silverkey, someone posted this link before and sooo sorry I couldn't remember who he/she was:sweatingbullets:  . They have it up to the latest ep, fill your heart with the couple sweetness :wub:  and enjoy your break













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Guest yongseorockin


Hello Gogomas, Just want to share this link. Its a radio with video broadcast on SNSD w/ Heechul. 




So, Heechul asked if Seo Hyun was comfortable with We Got Married questions, or should he sidestep it.


She really look uncomfortable in answering WGM questions where she previously would have just answered about them.




Oh and she texted Kara's Nicole & 2AM Jinwoon to ask which animal she looks like. (I guess she is cautious and didn't ask Yong instead. And if she did ask Yong, Go-Chun will be jumping like crazy.)




Anyway heres the link to watch. (And yea!! YouTube is able to stream 1 hours shows now!! Meaning no more cut parts!)





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Guest lovekin












Hello Gogomas, Just want to share this link. Its a radio with video broadcast on SNSD w/ Heechul. 







So, Heechul asked if Seo Hyun was comfortable with We Got Married questions, or should he sidestep it.




She really look uncomfortable in answering WGM questions where she previously would have just answered about them.








Oh and she texted Kara's Nicole & 2AM Jinwoon to ask which animal she looks like. (I guess she is cautious and didn't ask Yong instead. And if she did ask Yong, Go-Chun will be jumping like crazy.)








Anyway heres the link to watch. (And yea!! YouTube is able to stream 1 hours shows now!! Meaning no more cut parts!)





















actually - and correct me if i'm wrong - but i've always noticed that interviewers/hosts typically avoid asking her about yong or WGM.  if they do, it's indirect or, like in this radio show, they immediately side-step it.








now i wondered about this for a while because i remember people used to be eager enough to ask her questions about yong or WGM and wait for an answer, but it seems more and more that it's a subject one's not to cross.  compare that to yong and his own experiences, people seem more willing to ask him questions. (maybe, i don't know what it's like lately; i think more and more people are interested in what his ideal types are than talking specifically about WGM and seohyun.)








i don't know what that means, but i was wondering if gender/respect has anything to do with it?  it's like asking a woman her age; you just don't do it, whereas rules are a little lax with men.  so basically i was wondering if it has anything to do with that.  because if not, i generally attribute that to her discomfort (because i don't think she can be careful and, at the same time, truly express how she feels without garnering hawk eyes her way) OR because yongseo's managements have a say in how invasive the questions can actually be (for whatever reason).








i mean, i don't want to jump the gun and say, "ooh, everyone is conspiring with each other to keep a potential relationship on the down-low!" but i do find it - not suspect, but definitely amusing.





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Guest winbros
































































































































































































































































actually - and correct me if i'm wrong - but i've always noticed that interviewers/hosts typically avoid asking her about yong or WGM.  if they do, it's indirect or, like in this radio show, they immediately side-step it.
































































































































now i wondered about this for a while because i remember people used to be eager enough to ask her questions about yong or WGM and wait for an answer, but it seems more and more that it's a subject one's not to cross.  compare that to yong and his own experiences, people seem more willing to ask him questions. (maybe, i don't know what it's like lately; i think more and more people are interested in what his ideal types are than talking specifically about WGM and seohyun.)
































































































































i don't know what that means, but i was wondering if gender/respect has anything to do with it?  it's like asking a woman her age; you just don't do it, whereas rules are a little lax with men.  so basically i was wondering if it has anything to do with that.  because if not, i generally attribute that to her discomfort (because i don't think she can be careful and, at the same time, truly express how she feels without garnering hawk eyes her way) OR because yongseo's managements have a say in how invasive the questions can actually be (for whatever reason).
































































































































i mean, i don't want to jump the gun and say, "ooh, everyone is conspiring with each other to keep a potential relationship on the down-low!" but i do find it - not suspect, but definitely amusing.































































































































































































































































It seems like their colleagues/friends are treading on eggshells around the 2 sometimes, and I wonder if it is with regards to their involvement in WGM or beyond.   For instance, the look on Simon D's face when Yong admitted that he had Hyun's number in his mobile phone after stating to the Happy Together MCs that he did not have any female celebrities' numbers, only his parents & FNC management.  Also in the recent music awards show where Yesung had to hold Taeyeon's hand instead?  LOL.  Or are we reading too much into all these seemingly innocuous moments?
































































































































With regards to questions posed to Yongseo on WGM.  I get the sense that the questions came fast and furious earlier when they first started off, especially after viewers/the world saw their awkwardness together, but it has been a year and they've grown closer on TV and hence less questions on WGM/the other half?
































































































































The last question to Yong about WGM was the eNews interview on TvN I believe?  Maybe its just that Yong is soooooooooooooooo hot that there's a pressing need to know who/what his ideal type is hence the recent questions about it.   His responses are interesting though, LOL.
































































































































Then again, it could also be as you pointed out the extent in which their management allows such questions to be posed in view of their image?  Especially since SME would have more "muscle" than FNC in K-Pop-dom?
































































































































No real answers but I watch with a tinge of suspicion and amusement as well.
































































































































It's THURSDAY!!!  Have a great Thursday all!

































































































































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Guest lovekin
































































































It seems like their colleagues/friends are treading on eggshells around the 2 sometimes, and I wonder if it is with regards to their involvement in WGM or beyond.   For instance, the look on Simon D's face when Yong admitted that he had Hyun's number in his mobile phone after stating to the Happy Together MCs that he did not have any female celebrities' numbers, only his parents & FNC management.  Also in the recent music awards show where Yesung had to hold Taeyeon's hand instead?  LOL.  Or are we reading too much into all these seemingly innocuous moments?
































































With regards to questions posed to Yongseo on WGM.  I get the sense that the questions came fast and furious earlier when they first started off, especially after viewers/the world saw their awkwardness together, but it has been a year and they've grown closer on TV and hence less questions on WGM/the other half?
































































The last question to Yong about WGM was the eNews interview on TvN I believe?  Maybe its just that Yong is soooooooooooooooo hot that there's a pressing need to know who/what his ideal type is hence the recent questions about it.   His responses are interesting though, LOL.
































































Then again, it could also be as you pointed out the extent in which their management allows such questions to be posed in view of their image?  Especially since SME would have more "muscle" than FNC in K-Pop-dom?
































































No real answers but I watch with a tinge of suspicion and amusement as well.
































































It's THURSDAY!!!  Have a great Thursday all!















































































































lmao, i actually disagree with regards to their friends, etc.  i always get this feeling that yong and seo are being purposefully ribbed by their respective bandmates.  i mean, as friends and knowledgeable companions of the persons in question, it would be hard not to keep from teasing them or making pointed glances (assuming something beyond wgm is happening).  such instances are the ones you mentioned - simon d elbowing yong on HT, yesung holding tae's hand instead (i still don't know what this was about, but okay, i'll entertain myself in the idea that it's yong-related tongue.gif) - but there was also the holika interview where minhyuk gets cheeky and says, "the girl you like becomes your ideal."
































































speaking of which!  i can't remember if it was aisuo who translated that, but can anyone point me in the direction of said translations?  whether or not they're both secretly referring to seo, i just get a kick out of it.
































































Or are we reading too much into all these seemingly innocuous moments?
































i think this is always the problem and why there's a constant flow of questions.  we can interpret situations after they've happened by applying things we want to see.  could be true, might not be, but the coincidences are sometimes very funny and uncanny.
































































and about yong's answers ... i'm not trying to read too much into it, just citing what i've observed thus far and from what i've personally seen.  but in the beginning, he used to be very succinct in his answers and now he's a bit more elaborate ...?  supposing he and seo aren't anything but friends, it wouldn't surprise me if meeting her has somewhat given him more of an idea of what his ideal type should be.
































































Then again, it could also be as you pointed out the extent in which their management allows such questions to be posed in view of their image?  Especially since SME would have more "muscle" than FNC in K-Pop-dom?
































haha, i actually posed that question to mean like ... FNC and SM aren't doing it so much for their image but more like ... because they're the little darlings who like each other and ... okay, that was a little wub.gif than realistic but yeah.  for some reason, i always have this perception of SM where, while i think they do cherish/value (depends on your own opinions of SM) snsd as a whole, they all have this soft spot for seohyun.  so it's not so much they want to protect her image because she can certainly handle that on her own, but because ... lmao, i have no idea where i'm going with this.  i just think it'd be exceptionally sweet if they accept yong as family and you know ... you know.

































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