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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest pinkksoupp
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































blueshoes, thanks for the capture of the ring ding dong! :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































after not being a gollum for some time, it's kinda refreshing to see the precious again ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































by the way, when was the last time they had a WGM filming? i'm just curious :sweatingbullets: , cos we haven't heard any new filming news about them so far. the most recent one was the shopping trip where he bought her boots right? do correct me if i'm wrong okay?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i find it curious though, that even though there hasn't been any WGM filming in a while, yonghwa still faithfully wears the couple ring like the faithful *cough*boyfriend*cough* that he is :lol:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i mean, if we're talking about accessorizing here, we all know yonghwa probably has a huge collection of rings/gets sponsorship for his accessories, being the fashion forward person that he is. but to choose the ring ding dong over a multitude of rings speaks volumes doesn't it? ;)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































it's like he's affirming their relationship in public :lol: without actually saying it. *rubs chin thoughtfully*
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i dunno, i could be wrong, but what do you guys think? something to ponder over in the Goguma Mystery Room? :ph34r:

































































































































































































































































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yasihsn: I think it is a photoshop :), I remember one goguma bringing the picture here^_^ (or was it another picture?)
































































































Hi Gochun, I´m showing up cause I didn´t thank to Dduck for the amazing translation :wub:. Thank you so much!!!!!
































































































I also was spazzing with his glance at the camera but wanted to know what he said and OMG! he didn´t dissapoint me!... that boy... jashik :wub:.
































































































And it´s amaze me that Yong, being as detail-oriented as he is, didn´t notice that she changed her dress, LOL!!! He wasn´t paying attention at the clothes at all ^^, thank you so much Luvtokki oppa for explaining us your point of view as a man :rolleyes:.
































































































Hyun´s smiling eyes were sparkling so much, she was really happy trying the dresses and looking at him in his clothes. I can sense her love going out from her eyes...
































































































She was so amazing that he felt she was an angel! OMO, he really loves her pure side, right? and now thoughts of him are coming to my mind while he was describing his ideal type and his face when he was asked if SeoHyun is the most beautiful celebrity...:wub: and MinHyuk words...
































































































Talking about him, it is a pitty that he wasn´t there, I think, between the 3 brothers, he is the one who tease Yong the most about his wife :P, and also is the one who brings the Jealous Yong to live, kekeke. But I love love love JongHyun and JungShin so much ^^. That little talk they had about Yong´s marriage was pure win!!!.
































































































I really love the relationship between Hyun and her Brothers in law, she really got her own F4 guys haha!!!
































































































The photoshoot that they showed us was full of emotions... I think their feelings were runing through all the people in there. That photographer seemed so happy (and I think he also fell for Hyun, like a musa or something LOL), I believe that people really can feel the magical aura between them. The eye-ship, the smiles, the sexual tension can´t lie...
































































































LOL at Yong when the photographer told them "you can´t be really close"  and he replayed "You have no idea how much effort I made" hahahaha... he was almost annoyed by the petition LOL!
































































































Love this part too

Photographer: Seohyun has to take out some of her emotions.

Y: Yes, that is my specialty.

































































































OK, I love the whole episode!! ... Hyun is really the most beautiful angel and Yong is so handsome, I can´t wait for next week!!!
































































































Thank You SONEms so much for the subs!! and to all of you, annann, Seychan, jnj, Dduck, missBarbietch, thisismariel, Lumpier, pen(..^^..), M3, insideout, intoxd, Hesperide, rxp, gettawa, sally7, ITTNE, shinhdeplop, aneng, kerube-chan and many many more for amazing captures, gifs, wallpapers, fics and all!!!Thank You Semi-fly!!!!






























































































































































































































































































































EDIT: M3 thanks for translation! :)

































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I was in the mood for sharing caps...








































































































































Yah Jung Yonghwa, I bet it's your first time actually seeing how Seohyun gets to do your favorite hairstyle, right? Or were you pretending to just watch the hair stylist do her job? I saw your eyes quickly shifting from her face to her hair! ^__^








































































































































Now we've all seen the obviously smitten Jung Yonghwa even right before they went to the wedding dress shop. But Seohyun had her own fair shares of equally smitten moments too! Our Seobb loved what she was seeing too!
























































































































































































































































































































































































































Surprise, surprise. This is what her eye candy looked like! Yonghwa-yah, always remind yourself how lucky you are to receive all these appreciation from 'once indifferent from male species' beautiful girl. Let it be for show or not!








































































































































Define flustered, embarrassed and shy all at the same time. Jung Yonghwa. It's adorable to think that he doesn't like the spotlight he will get from standing at the platform/middle. I mean come on, he's had concerts and performed in front of hundred thousand people in total but him getting all that cutely embarrassed in front of a girl? That was definitely something. And the way he looked here...so darn adorable!








































































































































I swear this scene is extra special. The way her face lit up and her smile when Yonghwa called him and sang 'Oh My Goddess' (which btw, I have to thank Trax and SM for releasing the song or else Yonghwa might just collapse if he wouldn't let out his amazement towards his girl. He might know the whole song but that's all he's been singing ALL day every time). It's (the smile) so beautiful in another level that I'm positive she only did for Yonghwa. I mean, it's like 'aww-baby-stop-it-now-I-understand-I'm-totally-blessed-having-you' kind of way.








































































































































And more HQ version of the photos












































































































































































































credits: 완소용서@dc married




































































Hah. You like this? I like this too! And I might do it again. XD











































































































































































































You've all seen this but I HAD to share this with my thoughts on it.




































































This happened for a split second but the feelings he left for us, viewers, were beyond his imagination. This probably is one of the moments when he totally forgot (or maybe ignored) the cameras and the fact that it's rolling and it can caught all his emotions. He unconsciously gave out a strong feeling of admiration. His eyes were so soft and loving that someone who only feels the most sincere and true emotion towards another person can ever do. It might be strong emotion as love.




































































Something that Seohyun is getting so close in doing too.




































































credits: dc married





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Guest BluMistLaydee
































































































































































































So I meant to post my thoughts on this episode yesterday but I chose to wait until all of the subs were out to get a better understanding.
































































































































































So without further ado. I LOVED this episode :wub: . But not for the reason why would think I did.
































































































































































I loved it because of Yong :wub: . He is without a doubt one of the best "husband" material I've ever seen in my 29 years on this planet. He's gentle, caring, goofy, cheesy, playful, serious, etc. I sure I could come up with a 100 more adjectives to describe him. But the way he handle himself in this episode, makes me happy for the girl who ends up with him. *cough...cough*Seohyun.... :phew:
































































































































































Despite how she appeared you can tell that Seohyun was nervous about everything on a deeper level but he put her at ease, from the beginning like he always do, by making her laugh. And omg the way he looked at her, well if that's not someone in love then I don't know what else that it. When he first saw her in the wedding dress, he was really and truly mesmerized but her beauty and I just loved how he all of sudden looked at the camera and pretty much moved away. Like he briefly forgot there were cameras around. It makes me wish that the WGM just mounted the cameras on the wall and left these two kids to their own devices. It's kinda frustrating because it's pretty much evident at this point they hold themselves back because of the crew being around and in the way :ph34r: .
































































































































































Now let's move on to why I think some people may have found this episode to be somewhat lacking.
































































































































































1. The Editing. I have no words to describe how much I abhor the editing that's done on this show. fury.gif They really need to fire that person and hirer someone with some damn common sense. There was a lot of jumping around this episode and a lot of things just pissed me off. fury.gif
































































































































































2. The MCS... BRING BACK SEULONG AND JINWOON DAMNIT!!!! excl.gif Not to knock the other MCs but they don't contribute anything. The dynamics of the old spectators was hilarious. Especially with Seulong and Jinwoon's inputs. And I miss the whole Seulong/Nayong interactions.
































































































































































3. This episode is just the warmup. I've noticed WGM love to this this to us. If we remember the Goguma harvesting episodes. Ep34 was a bit lacking but then we saw the awesomeness and the endless flirting of Ep 35. So my advice Gogumas.. patience is a virtue.
































































































































































This is one thing that's been bugging me for a while now. All the couples have pretty had their own specials except the Goguma couple. Personally I think how long we've been we waited for this, the PD's couldve given fans at least this much.
































































































































































ok sorry again for the super long posting. hehe :lol:

















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Guest lovelorngirl








































I found this article on Nate. Can someone translate this please.
















































용서커플 '결국' 웨딩 촬영, 그다음엔 이별?
























용서 커플의 웨딩 장면 촬영이 화제다.
























26일 '우리 결혼했어요' 방송에서 정용화와 서현은 웨딩 촬영 장면을 소화해내면서 달콤한 모드를 연출했다.
























특히 서현은 순백의 웨딩드레스를 입고 아름다운 자태를 뽐냈다. 정용화는 촬영 내내 바비인형 몸매를 자랑하는 서현의 아름다운 모습에 넋을 잃었다는 후문.
























이 방송을 접한 팬들은 "너무나 달달하다" "가상커플이 아니라 실제 맺어졌음 좋겠다"는 바람 등을 나타냈다. 또 이날 웨딩촬영한 한 사진작가와 작업을 한 우결 커플들은 모두 하차했다는 사실을 지목하며 "이젠 용서 커플도 방송을 떠나는거 아닌가"라는 아쉬움을 나타내기도 했다. 이정혁 기자

































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Guest juita_ejet77
































































This is my 1st time posting after being a very loyal lurker to this thread...GOGUMA COUPLE DAEBAKK!!!! LOVE YOU GUYS!!! Nothing much to say just wanna express my trouble heart..how am I supposed to sleep peacefully for the next 6 days while waiting for the next episode to come...? I couldn't even sleep last night after watching the raw video...just thinking about the sub...
































































I'm known as someone who's always commited to my study during my schooling days...and now to my work...Never had I imagined that I will also be so committed to this couple...Always finding spare time to read about them in this thread..dilligently everyday...
































































Thank you to all the subbers for enabling us (those who doesn't understand korean)to know all about this lovely couple...the meanings of every words spoken by them & those around them...really appreciate your hard work & keep up the good work guys!!!!
































































Dugeun..dugeun!!!! Need to go to work tomorrow..but I think I need to watch this episode again before going to bed..this time it will be like the 20th time I watched it...hopefully I can sleep after this..if not, I'll be in big trouble tomorrow at work..!!! Aisshhh....!!!!

































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I´m spazzing with this FMV!!! ahhh so cute :wub:
































































































YongSeo- Oh My Goddess all the credits for mew7102525
































































































and by the way... (Sally7 picture)































































































































































































Did he just flare his nostrils??? :)































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest eloiseM




Firstly, thanks to dduk and the subbing team for their speedy sub. Without you guys, the many of "us" whom are non-korean speaking would not be able to enjoy WGM as much.




I only started watching WGM in Oct last yr after i watch a chinese subbed episode on the adam couple. Then, i happened to come across a familar face...an actor whom star in YAB, curious who his wife might be i started watching the goguma/yongseo couple and i started watching their first meeting. It's was simply awkward and it fun to watch both couples back to back with their great contrast. Slowly, i find it addictive and wanted to watch our yongseo couple more and i just love to see them getting "closer"...and wanting to know more of their lastest update. I googled and found this thread and here i'm joining the big family whom all love yongseo...Hehehe^^




After seeing Winbros post, i decided to influence my sister to watch WGM too. My sister happened to be watching their first episode with me and she think that it kinda boring. Just now i manage to convince her to watch last week episode on Yonghwa's makeover, she was suprise to see their interaction, immediately she ask me if they are together for real...Hahaha...& i was like its a reality show no one will know except for themselves but deep down i do hope that they relationship will materialise into husband-wife/gf-bf even after WGM and i sincerely hope that they can stay on WGM as long as possible. And guess what my sister is asking me where she can watch the earlier episode!!!




Actually i intented to place this in the spoiler but have yet master it. So would really apprecipate if someone could pm me on how to add spoilers and post screencaps. Thanks in advance.




(Btw, i'm oso from sg...)



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I am an Adam Couple fan, too -- and after replaying and replaying this week's episode, I can't help to watch Adam's wedding photoshoot episode, too -- specifically, when Gain tried her dress. I found some little trivias -- this post isn't really about Yongseo, but all my POVs has been written by other posters :sweatingbullets:














1. f(x)'s Luna was also a guest MC... so she witnessed Adam's wedding dress fitting, and now Yonghwa/Seohyun.







2. Jungshin was a guest MC, too (lol this is random but.. yeah)














and the most important thing is the groom's expressions. Yong and Kwon said their bride is sooo beautiful, speechless, lost of  words, etc. And Gain was also somewhat complaining why he couldn't express more (she said "I thought he'll faint because of my appearance!")... LOL! Boys will always be boys -- Kwon said at his blackroom interview that she's so beautiful so he can't give her proper words and he didn't have any experience (lol ofc) how to say it well... and Yonghwa, he said 'beautiful' countless times while this episode is just a warming up for  the ~*~main course~*~ !














and again, eyes is a window to your heaaaart.~ Yong, you're busted. :rolleyes:














the episode was amazing, beautiful etc, and I keep thinking I need a new wallpaper for myself and I need to make new wallies, but my stubborn side keep says to replaying the video again and again. Okay I'll go to bed after watching the epi again for the nth time. Nitey nitey, folks!








































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Guest yongseorockin


Was searching for how Seo Hyun came to have the nickname Goddess and I found this upsetting tweet. For gogumas who don't want to upset yourself, dont read the spoiler. I just don't understand how people can mindlessly bash someone they don't even really know of...











I think if she saw it, she would be upset too. This saying is very true,"You can't expect the whole world to like you." I hope for all idols out there to always remember this in heart. So don't take them to seriously.






Once watched GD & TOP Night After Night episode where Yong was in it too. GD mentioned how people were asking him to commit suicide. To these people out there, that person is someone's family, friend etc as well. Who are you to tell people to go die and for what wrong have they done! Who are you to judge their character when you are nowhere near in relation to them. People without morals.







EDIT: As requested by a fellow goguma, I have removed the content. dun want to cause fan warss...^^


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Guest just_a_dream
















































So, can anybody here tell me how to post caps using imageshack?
































It's like I'm dying to post caps and failed. It says that image extension is not allowed in this board something.
































Please do help me, I really want to join you guys in spazzing but now with caps.
































So please, anyone, anybody and everybody.,hehe.,HELP ME!.
































Thankies in advance..mwaaahwub.gif 









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Guest ayanapunya
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































For me, this one was epic. We can't see his reaction from the first time. But these eyes told everything :wub:





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you for all translator on this thread, M3, Dduk, Lalacakes and of course for Tetsuya for the subbed Video. And also big thanks to Aneng, Seychan, AhnAhn, Soshisoshisoshi, Magdal, jnj, luvtokki Oppa, Winbros Oppa, lovekin, zealous, Bezbezbez, YSInternational, new member, and others goguma who keep this thread lively (I'm really sorry I can't mention many names here)

































































































































































































































































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@yongseorockin.. what can i say is its really something normal chingu.. we cant pleased people and hoping that they gonna love uri couple just like we do... there is more harsher word/comment since they started WGM until now...they bashed yong,they bashed seobaby..























seriously, i have read more than this..and its really :angry:fury.gif























btw,its all about jealousy/childish fan who think that they gonna have their idol for their owned.. what we can do is, just keep supporting,love and enjoy every moment with all of our heart.... YONGSEO,jjang!!























p/s haters always everywhere..












ah, next saturday, palie!! :wub::wub:



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Guest yongseorockin




@yongseorockin.. what can i say is its really something normal chingu.. we cant pleased people and hoping that they gonna love uri couple just like we do... there is more harsher word/comment since they started WGM until now...they bashed yong,they bashed seobaby..

seriously, i have read more than this..and its really  :angry:fury.gif  

btw,its all about jealousy/childish fan who think that they gonna have their idol for their owned.. what we can do is, just keep supporting,love and enjoy every moment with all of our heart.... YONGSEO,jjang!!

p/s haters always everywhere..




ah, next saturday, palie!! :wub::wub:








Yea. I am only just concerned about the impact of such negativity on celebrities. Even if fans may not take it to heart, massive negativity can affect an artist greatly. I only hope when Yong and Hyun face such negativity, they are able to find strength from it and become even better people than they already are.



At least give constructive criticisms~~ EDITED

By the way!! I was reading some very old posts on this  cough*some person*cough request for YONGSEO CUTS with NO SUBs. Just wondering if someone with all those episodes can create a website and put them there for this *cough*person*cough* to download.




My alternative solution for this person and all gogumas in general. (who wants fan video or whatever.)




Find raw versions on youtube or anywhere else.


and just use this website to download videos off youtube, etc.






(depending on quality of video found, it allows for high definition downloads of  videos off sites like youtube.com, dailymotion etc.)




PS: 1080i videos are really really hard to find, and probably take a long time to process and upload hence the rarity of it. let alone the raw version.






gogumas in here who have done research would know that *cough*person*cough* is quite impt.




and sorry, it only suddenly hit me to have such a suggestion. perhaps someone could help us with some place for raw downloads.





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Hyun is present again @today's Inkigayo

































































































































































































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Photographer: shall we have a bit of tea?
































































































































































































Photographer: oh the wife is pretty!
































































































































































































Y: she’s pretty!?
































































































































































































Y: what did you just say!?
































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: Kill!?
































































































































































































S: You won’t die!
































































































































































































I'm pleased and chuckling at the same time!;) seohyunie your such a sweetie;) ofcourse you want to die together! :wub:  What a Superb,wonderful,brilliant episode!;) i really really love it!;) cant wait for saturday!
































































































































































































thank you to all the mighty Gogoma's! Good job guys! clap! clap! clap!:wub:;) 

































































































































































































































































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Guest pen(..^^..)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hi gogumas :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i want to share the rest of the wedding photos.. hope you all like it <3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































never get bored repeating yesterday's episode kkkk~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































nite gogumas :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i'll put some in spoiler
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Before this episode I wished for the SIL to take part at the wedding shoot. But after watching it I was totally fine and glad that they weren't there. Don't misunderstand me but you get the feeling that Seohyun didn't need her Unnies.  She just needed Yonghwa, his opinions and advices. He being beside her,  no one else.


He eased their tension and the addition of the BIL is just great. Seohyun is so comfortable with them it feels like a real family there.


I like SNSD unnies, really. But I think their presence would be to intimidating and dominant and Yonghwa's charm couldn't unfold.




What everything makes so real are the little things which always seems to get lost in translation like:


- when the stylist said "Chukaminida = Congratulations " to YongSeo after finishing Yonghwa's make up :wub:


- thanks to bolmaejung YH: we will live long long and happily








It's funny to know that MC NaYoung was already at the wedding shoot and knows what happened. Her loud "Bravo" over the Bling Bling gown.  Hyun looks really breath-taking in it!



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