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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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So this thread is moving really slowly. Its thursday, two more days to go before we all get to see how that floor scene played out. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!! :wub::wub: :wub::wub: :wub::wub:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I don't know about other gogumas, but I for one am dying from the lack of news, information, a snippet, a viewing, a rumor, anything about Yongseo couple.....I need something to spazz about!!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And of course when my mind is idle, it comes up with ....... nonsense!
































































































































































































































































































































































































This is my version of the poem that Yong was trying to compose in the first scene in Episode 44 (on my most favorite piece of furniture in the entire world!!!)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































A cold winter's day
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Falling snow
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Iced coffee in my cup......
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Your nostrils flare
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Is this LOVE?
































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm sure I'm going to regret giving in to my (not sure if they really are) pals and posting this, please don't flame me!!!

































































































































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Guest kasia3goguma






























































































































































































































































































































@kasia3goguma, there will be a music program they will attend in thailand, the MBC Korean Music Wave on 12th March 2011 :































































































































Thank You for info :) March? Aigoo, there is still a lot of time...! :tears: I'm missing the time when SNSD promoted Hoot and we could see soo many news/pics with them! I think that's why it's more quite here now...






























































































































































































































































just_a_dream - I found it on tumblr, but from what I remember, it's from one of CNBLUE Japanese concerts, You can watch them on dailymotion for example (look at CNBLUE thread), You should watch it, cause Yong's during concert is sooo hot :wub:

































































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Guest yongseocouple










Hi All!















These are some clips from DCmarried. Uri YongSeo in Seoul Music Awards on Y Star Program.















The last clip of this program made my days so maybe these ones as well?!!















Could someone pls translate to us? Thank you in advance. :wub:
























Cr : DCmarried















Cr : yongseocodelove@YT
























YongSeo in YStar Seoul Music















Seohyun in YStar Seoul Music
























Cr : ytmsyjsh@YT















This is the longer version. :wub:















YongSeo in SMA BTS
























whoaaa another so love moment of yongseo!! please please any kind people please come to translate it. yongseo is sooooooo love :wub:















and thanks cherimerci who shared it :))))



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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































































hi everyone































































































































































































































































































































































as always thanks for everything, you all shared for the love of our YongSeo couple. From raw videos, translations, sub videos, all sweet screencaps, Rumors ( when it comes to rumors about YongSeo i love it even its only rumors kekeke)































































































































































































































































































































































what will happen again this saturday, is wife Seobaby will lay down beside hubby Yong or ??? dugun dugun! i hope she will :) it's hard to guess what is wife Seo wish cause she is unpredictable. She always surprise hubby Yong lol but i love her to lay down beside hubby Yong w00t.gif































































































































































































































































































































































thanks CheriMerci
































































































































































Cr : DCmarried































































































































































































































































































































Cr : yongseocodelove@YT






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YongSeo in YStar Seoul Music - yes i hope someone can translate this pls :)































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun in YStar Seoul Music - yes pls translate I think they talking about how high Seobaby shoes :)





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest winbros



















@kasia3goguma, there will be a music program they will attend in thailand, the MBC Korean Music Wave on 12th March 2011 :








MBC KOREAN MUSIC WAVE IN BANGKOK will be one of the biggest concert this year. There will be more than 18 popular Korean bands to attend such as 2PM , Girl Generation , KARA, CN Blue , 4 MINUTE ,T-ARA, FT island,MissA, 2AM , SG wannabe, B2ST,MBLAQ,BROWN EYED GIRLS , AFTER SCHOOL, SECRET, SISTAR and NORAZO


























Sorry to cut your post gogumaforever.








I think it's great that both groups will perform together in Bangkok, though I heard in Soshifieds that SNSD may not be there as they could be busy promoting in Japan.  However, IF both groups are in the same concert in Bangkok, what if, CN Blue/Yo~ng sings For First Time Lovers during the concert with Hy~un in attendance, I can imagine many goguma villagers dying of spazzsms.... :phew:








Imaginations should be running wild for most of you by now, for me, it's Yo~ng with his guitar starting of on the song with his CNBlue brothers backing, and Hy~un walking out in the middle of the song with the biggest smile on her face, in awe perhaps? 








Especially since they've just sung it during the fanmeet in Bangkok, you can catch FMVs on YT.  Totally DAEBAK!








Something to spazz over while we wait another day or more for Sat to arrive.  :rolleyes:





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Our yoong seobang / black yoong...on Hazzy he just TOO COOLLLL...
































































































































































































































































And you can spot Ring Ding Dong on this video ... what i can said he just Sweet Husband
































































































































































































































































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Guest MissBarbietch_0106
























Just to share my favorite collected caps whenever YONGSEO start to do play-act..fun isn't it? :lol: really just like an "ordinary" BF-GF, except in fact they are superstar..hihi..





















































































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goguma village is on a dry spell and everyone is feeling it..

so thank u to the gogumas who came out to share caps here. :D

doesn't yong look good in a pair of jeans? :w00t:


he is going skiing but he is so well groomed :phew:


it could be why buin is embarrassed when her hair is flying all over the place :sweatingbullets:


and this is soo random of me.. :rolleyes::phew:

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Wow Anink thanks for the link!

Yonghwa is wearing Precious on the interview on Valentines Day!! :wub:  But he seems kinda tired out, hopefully everything is alright with him and it was just a routine checkup.

Are the K-Netizens on holiday or what?! No news, pics, vids, fanaccounts?! *double sigh*


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Guest ahn_annann








































Preview EP45
























my caps :
















































































































































Yong.. you are Daebak~
























*new pic

























































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Guest gembul10

Anyeong In-Go-Pam!

Since the thread is so slow.... I was wondering of some of the hints that the people surrounding YongSeo Couple have left us.

1. SNSD unnies already gave us information that Seohyun has changed since she joined WGM or since she met Yonghwa.

2. SNSD unnies said that now SeoHyun can understand better the meaning of the lyrics of the song, thus can express the feeling of the song better.

3. JongHyun of CN Blue said that YongHwa has taken the WGM show too serious than he should do.

4. Taeyon wish, that SeoHyun will date in real life with YongHwa

5. YongHwa describing his ideal girl, which we know it's a description of Seohyun.

Now, for the fourth point above, I take this as a hint from Taeyon to both of them to take action.

For Seohyun, she should be more open to Yonghwa and probably should give him the hints or lead the conversation so that Yong can comfortably tell her to propose for them to become the real couple. ( I hope you understand what I mean).

For Yonghwa, this is the hint that actually all of the SNSD unnies already give approval for him. And based on Yonghwa description, I think he understand the hints gave from Taeyon, thus he catch it and mention about the description of his ideal guy.

Now the ball is in Seohyun hand again, whether she will give the hints to Yonghwa that she is also in love with Yonghwa, does give him assurance that if he say he loves her it won't be decline?

What do you think?

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Guest honeyjade11































































































































































































































































hello, GOGUMAS,, since we are a bit quiet... I hope you can have some time to view my first ever FMV of YongSeo... sorry if it's not that good... but I'll try my best next time.. :-) and I'm just using a trial version,, so the quality may not be that good. I just really wanna dedicate this FMV to our beloved couple,,, hope you'll enjoy watching.. ♥






























































































































































































































































YongSeo - Fallin'
































































































































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Guest thunderstix
































































































so cute! jjjang jjang goguma couple!









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Guest saintvalentinedove




Our yoong seobang / black yoong...on Hazzy he just TOO COOLLLL...




*quoted image*




And you can spot Ring Ding Dong on this video ... what i can said he just Sweet Husband











thanks for the link Anink!


I'm jumping with joy because before this interview, i saw a BTS clip of this photoshoot and notice he wasn't wearing the ring.




After watching this video, realise he did actually wear the ring but took it off maybe due to the shoot which require not to wear any accessories.




Happy at the fact he make the effort to put it back on after the shoot! :wub:


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Guest Muddy_shj

Hi, all my senior goguma. I’m a newbie in this “posting” field, but a pro lurker, so please, please treat me well.

I want to post here from a long time, esp during anniversary week, it’s such a big event, right ? But for some odd reason I missed it :tears:

Although it’s late and out of topic, happy anniversary yongseo couple. It’s been a year allready. A year full of emotion for both of them, right? 365 days for yong and hyun but we’ve just seen total 1114 mins 12s for 44 eps and some precious moments outside WGM of that 365 days. Too small, right? And because its too small so I wont use that 1115mins to judge their kind of relationship right now (although I really can smell st between them and sadly how I smell feel is just my personal feeling). God knows how happy I was when I read those rumour but its just rumour after all. They are a very happy couple right now and till the end, too. But when it ends, it’ll be their decision to continue as a couple or not. All i aks for them is please be honest with their feeling. Wgm is a part of their life, that part whatever they consider it as it will a very good and beauiful one, and let hope that they will see it as a beautiful love story (and continue that story) instead of good experience or beautiful memory.

Please tell me if  i break the rule, duguen duguen for the first post :( and yongseo me i mean forgive if that too long for the first post.

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Guest DJHinata

well, this picture wish, its from a latin fan in my blog of yongseo , really... i can´t wait to see that weddig photoshoot, like every goguma lover we are sooooooooo ilove with them XDD hhahahahah Fightiing !!! Thanks for all the opinions and comments!!

pangg, dreamyboo, crystal_malfoy, girls hugs !!!!




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Guest bbblyzu3
































































































































































































































































































































our thread a bit quiet lately..:vicx:   Idon't know how many times I refreshing these thread :D
































































































































































































maybe other gogumas busy with their work or study :ph34r:
































































































































































































hopefully today  we can get preview text  for tomorrow episode ^_^
































































































































































































since I'm bit bored just now so I made these (yongseo black hair version )

































































































































































































































































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Guest kasia3goguma
































































































































































































While waiting for a new episode and having a free evening I just wanted to watch randomly one episode. I like to recall some older scenes. And I like to see the differences in their relationship, because after all these months I really feel the reality and emotions between them! And it makes me happy! So I made some screencaps, just to share with you. It's quite a bit, so posting something totally random isn't bad? Recalling it, all gogumas will be happy!:D
































































First of all: Hyun's famous stare! I think Yong knows now what does it mean and knows now when he should stop with his talking/jokes or anything... Haha I love it, cause we can see real Hyun's emotions, she can be jealous as well! And I love it ! :D
































































































































And something more. When I saw this I just recall some other new scene, and I like how everything change, there's a huge progress! Now Hyun talks 'on the same level' with him. They understands each other very well, and they have the same jokes :wub: Before, she only could laugh, but now she knows what to say etc.

































































































































































































































































































































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Guest fabiistar07






Ohh! It's so weird seeing this thread move so slow these past couple of days :mellow:



Well..only 2 more day 'til Saturday!



That's when this thread will be going crazy again :D hehe


I was just watching this VIDEO



It was seriously so funny to watch, I wish there were english subs :sweatingbullets:


But to any that have watched it ... am I the only one who's feeling kind of jealous ?? haha



I mean, every girl would love to be in such a cute/romantic photoshoot with Yong~



but besides that, my jealousy comes because I wish he was doing this photoshoot with Hyunnie :wub:



It's such a cute concept and looks so fun that I wish they'd get the chance to do a photoshoot like it [AH! talking about photoshoots...can't wait to see their wedding photosoot~!]


Sharing some caps [LQ because I only print screen and paste hehe] :sweatingbullets:


This one reminded me of every time Yong~ would hold Hyun's bag/purse



He looks so handsomee ^^



And also, the purse has a design ... i think it's an animal, but it also looks like an 'h' ... h for hyu~un ^_^ hehe




photoshoot concept was probably Valentine's DaySo Yong got some chocolates ... I wonder if he gave Hyun chocolates too ??


...this made me laugh soo much! the girl/reporter/interviewer is seriuosly so funny! xD


Awh<3 Yong~ should feed chocolates to Hyun~ like that...or a more romantic way ^_^




And this one was just really cute



the bouquet of flowers is so pretty!



If only Hyun was on the other side recieving them :wub:




waaah~ they really need to make a valentine's day mission or something haha


EDIT: Also thanks to everyone that has shared wedding pics ideas =]



But my most favorite one would have to be the one posted by DJHinata






Some pictures actually involves the couple to kiss, so it wouldn't be possible for our couple



but this one is just a sweet kiss on the forehead ^^



I just find it to be so cute, adorable, romantic, sweet,...and any other positives that you can think of :D



I'd just LOVE for uri YongSeo to have such a picture :wub:



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