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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest seohyun_yh
































































































































































































I think Yonghwa not want to show his feelings ...
































































his last interview in Thailand,  unconsciously he described to Seohyun as  his ideal girl, maybe Yonghwa doesn´t want to admit that he  feel attraction towards  Seohyun  or he has feelings towards seohyun and  he´s scary  about it.
































































the last three episodes:
































































1.- : recorded  banmal song,
































































2.-  wedding shoot
































































3.-  When they went shopping.
































































last episode:
































































i guess  Yonghwa really wanted to teach perfectly to her.
































































he was something cold, perhaps it was for the circumstances of the episode.
































































Happy Valentine Day!!

































































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Hi to all my GOGOMA family here. Wish you all Happy Valentine Day~~!! And to our Yong & Hyun as well, Happy Valentine Day ~~!! Hope that both of you are able to spend few hours together to celebrate this special day.
































I've finish watching the latest episode and the same I would say this episode is DAEBAK and heart-warming. Why I would say heart-warming? Let me share some of my favourite moments in this episode, which make me feel so heart-warming.....
































1. The scene when Hyun using Yong's goggle as mirror and she asked him back whether he needs the mirror from her as well. Yong smiled and tap her head with his glove, like saying "ok, enough, let's go". Haha, to me, this scene is so natural and yet intimate. Intimate not in term of physically, but the action/interaction between both of them only can be seen in mature couple.
































2. When Yong suddenly dropped the snowboard and demonstrated to Hyun how to attach the board on her feet. Later on, he asked to figure it out how to detach it. Yong looks so manly and tough and strict. Hyun saying "what teacher is this, ok, I will do it myself" and she was about to carry the snowboard on her own, this is the moment I'm talking about ---> Yong just grab it and carried it for her. Haha, how sweet is this. You know, something like when a guy being strict and his voice is a little bit harsh (something like commanding in a strict voice tone) but then later on, from his action, he will do everything for you, something like that. Sweet sweet sweet... :wub:
































3. When Hyun sliding down and she got it wrong. Yong yelled at her "again, again.. don't do the wrong thing again purposely". Hyun yelled back "no, it just goes like that, I'm not do it on purpose" (something mean like that, as I'm not able to on the video to re-check on the sub now). And then Yong soften his voice " alright, alright" and his palm waving like asking her to "come come come to me"... How sweet is this. I'd tell you, this kind of interaction... more than words... :wub:
































There are still a lot of favorite scene I would wanted to share, it is hard to describe it one by one... so I will conclude that, the whole episode is my favorite...
































In regards of some of your POV on Yong's distance to Hyun after the shrimp's episode. Well, I would say, there are a lot of things in between them which we are not able to see and know as an audience. Only both of them know what is exactly going on. For me, I still believe in my sense and feel that, there is definitely something mushy between them as time goes by. Undeniable, in this episode, Yong is being strict and serious b/c he needs to make sure of her safety (dangerous sport-- always safety comes first) and their determination and enthusiasm to learn at least a S turn or a C turn.. And Hyun's is indeed a fast learner and intelligent girl, I see nothing wrong with this. Anyhow, at the end of the day, it is Hyun's understanding on him is the most important, right? Don't you agree?

































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Guest gembul10

Happy Valentine everyone!

I like the Sky episode!

Considering some of you who saw that Yong probably is holding back the way he react to Seo Hyun, let me just share my POV here.

I was once a teacher, so I know how a feeling of teaching someone a certain skill.

I understand Yong's feeling. As I want to teach someone precious in my life, I really want to be successful in teaching the person and I really want the person to understand what we taught and do a good job in the field that we taught.

When I teach, I become very serious, and focus to what I am doing.

That's why, I understand the situation, the seriousness of Yong in teaching Seohyun to snowboard. He doesn't want Seohyun to end up like his friends, which couldn't sustain a day of his teaching method. He wanted Seohyun to succeed, thus both of them can enjoy snowboarding together with fun and laughter. The mooshy..mooshy or lovey dovey things can come later. So don't worry about lack of skinship of lack of showing emotions. I think this is their true colors.

Yong is a serious person when it comes to work, and don't forget the WGM show is also a work for him. Moreover, I think he wants to maintain the image of Yong as the person who can do snowboarding like a pro.

Seohyun, on the other hand is very diligent when it comes to learning on any subject. So, I think she doesn't have any objection on the method of Yong's teaching as she already mentioned in the black room interview.

What I anticipate and I really want to know in the future episode is, whether or not they become comfortable with each other presents. What I mean is that a true couple is actually experiencing the happyness, sadness, tough time, happy time together. Each of them can give words of encouragement, sympathy, share of joy and sad feelings, thus they feel comfortable to show their true emotions. If one person is not around, then the other person will feel the void in his/her heart, because he/she will seek the comfort feeling to share anything with the other person. If they reached that feeling, I can tell that they become the real couple.

So even, if the emotions that we saw is not lovey-dovey kind of thing, as long as they are feeling comfortable, and want to be near each other, that will be oke for me. Probably this episode is one of the process where they show the true colors of them. As in the preview, Seohyun said that she will probably see another side of Yong, I think it is also the process to understand deeper about each other.

Sorry for the long post. Hope I am not offending anyone.

Before I forgot, I want to thank all the gogumas who have provided links to raw episode, translation, link to subbed episode.

Thank you to our dearest translator j2lee, M3, dduk, juhee, and subbers sun-sun, keoconvoi (where are you now??).

I love this thread because I can see all gogumas POV and understand different opinion, but we can also learn different culture here right? Goguma planet is awesome!


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Guest kjtodd08























































































omgsh! who cant wait for the next episode??! I know I cant~
























As usual this weeks episode is cutee~^O^
























Just dropping by to post my FANFIC!!!I hope you guys will try to read it...
























Here's Chapter 4!!First Love: Chapter 4-->Confessions?









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dcmarried scaps






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YongSeo couple are so gorgeous






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa & Seohyun































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa eagerly eying the snowcapped mountains:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun so adorable on this date:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































& cute YongSeo interaction while putting on snowboard gear ♥






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































there's more scaps





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Say hello to WGM's Yellow Chick Couple or Yellow Ducky Couple































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(take your pic 






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Spread the love to everyone n_n































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Love the episode!
































































































































































































































































































I wish I could have a teacher like Yong haha
































































































































































































































































































rxp080100 love the last pic!
































































































































































































































































































I think, for our next project, we should take selcas wearing a yellow hoodie and eating a goguma LOL

































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Guest bittersweet_
































































































































































































































I think YongHwa is consciously with a purpose acting cool toward Hyun.
































































































































































It is not completely cold. Just cool enough that he wants to see some kind of reaction from Hyun. & With their current comfort level, I am sure Hyun would have no problem bringing it up. Someone said earlier that he is trying to win back his masculinity or whatever back,from the hospital trip, I absolutely agree with you.
































































































































































Honestly tho, it takes lots of patience to teach someone an activity where you are good at. Like if i go ice-skating with friends, I will try to teach them for the first few mins, and run away myself.
































































































































































YongHwa is being very patient, cautious, and smart in his teaching for Hyun. Gaawd, isn't he just too perfect? Snowboarder plus a guitar player, song-writer, that's a heck of a combination.
































































































































































& the preview amazed me. I have never seen Hyun acting so coy and flirty before! Can't Wait!

































































































































































































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Happy Valentines Day!






I just wanted to drop by and share this cap from this week's episode. It's from my favourite moment this week, I've watched it again and again! I love the part when Seohyun is trying to fix her hat after the fall and when she asks Yonghwa if it was ok, he said no then proceeded to fix it for her. She was so embarrassed but when he said 'look at me', she looks at him with complete trust in her eyes.












Again and again in this episode we see how much Seohyun trusts Yonghwa. I love it!



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Guest chandrawd












I guess i know what seohyun wish for next week episode. she wanted to do the wedding photoshoot!





















btw Happy Valentine's day Goguma! Happy Valentine's day Yonghwa-Seohyun!!




Dont let date in calendar be the only time you celebrate your love, make everyday a valentine's day or an anniversary!




make everyday special!! :):wub:








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Guest transformer86








Sorry guys I know this is irrelevant and silly but I can't stand the Kpopsecrets hate forYongseo, I wouldn't care but a comment in which someone called Yonghwa a "S.O.B" got 7 likes, please restore my faith in humanity by not condoning such behaviour:

















Whoa, what a awful link you have there... :crazy: absolutely not for yongseo lover.... well in my opinion u dont have to worry about it, because im a SNSD fans and a fanatic one... but i really dont mind if i see my idol to date and close to another idol, well just be real... i know what   antis think about... u just want your idol to be yours only right? well just be real, idol is idol, u just need to idolize them.. not restrict them from what they want to do right? and if they happy... we also get happy... like if seeing our chingu get married and etc... we are happy because we see them happy... be real.. dont be egoistic and just want the idol only for yourself... they have the right to be happy too....






Well about your link, i see people always saying that they always looks awkward, doesn't like real couple... well then ill tell you about me: " i have that kind of girlfriend ", awkward, kind, health addicted, and kinda annoying (lol) but still i feel that feeling of love for "real" ... so if someone saying that this couple isn't real... well just say that im living proof ^^... in my opinion, since im a boy, ill feel this way for a long time and will not forget about my gf.... and i believe yonghwa too... and the most important is destiny... if they destined to be together... so what will antis do? they can't do anything about it.... so don't worry... :wub:






One more thing, we are "chosen" to love this couple... some people maybe love adam then goguma like my sister, so not everyone can feel the love of goguma... We are lucky to be "chosen" to love this couple, because not everybody can understand this new kind of love....:wub:



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Guest lunasol








I also don’t see any problems or awkwardness in the episode and Yong behaved perfectly for the circumstances they were in. As has been mentioned by a lot of Gogumas here, for me Yong was just in a serious mood while teaching her how to Snowboard because:

















1) He is passionate about Snowboarding; he really loves it, so obviously he wants her to learn well. Do you remember his words about what he would like to do with his girlfriend? He said that if his girlfriend did not know how to snowboard, HE WILL TEACH HER IN ALL SINCERITY. That is what he did with Seohyun, by seriously teaching her in all sincerity and not teaching her with half-hearted attempts or babying her, by treating her as an equal. In addition, he also knows Hyun is the type of person that must learn things properly.

















2) He also knows this is the only opportunity, not only for him to snowboard after 4 years, but for him to teach her in god’s know how long. Remember, they are busy Idols.  

















2) He knows Snowboarding is an extreme sport that you need to focus and learn properly, because if not, there is the risk of injury. 

















3) As he said in the black room interview, because of those photos taken years ago at a ski resort, EVERYONE expects him to do good so he must also be nervous about it.

















4) Other factors that may influence his mood during this day: Yong’s extremely busy schedule that week with awards show, performances AND a CNBLUE Concert. His schedule was so busy that he recorded WGM until midnight (yes, the famous bed scene in the preview, if they slept, it must have only been a nap), because then he had to go to pre-record one of the performances of the Awards show of the next day. I don’t remember correctly, but according to accounts, CNBLUE was recording the performance until nearly 3:00 am in the morning. 

















Although he was kind of strict as a teacher, he was patient and his caring side was there when was really needed numerous times by certain words, certain gestures and/or certain actions he did towards Hyun. As many have mentioned, the clear example is when she fell down hard. He literally jumped, crawled and clawed himself all the way up in an instant. What he did just there was not an easy thing to do,especially when Yong must be so tired about a super complicated week and he was not in perfect condition.

















In fact, to make it physically easier for him he could have taken off the board and then walk up the hill. But you know what? He didn’t think an easier way for him. In that moment his only thought was reaching Hyun quickly without any thought of how hard it was. In addition the fact he bought for her protective gear (butt pads, knee pads), socks, mask, etcetc shows to me he cares and wanted to protect her. 

















For people who may have some romanticized/idealistic idea of a ski/snowboarding date, this is not going to a picnic date or walk at a park or going to a movie theater, etc.. Snowboarding is an extreme individual sport and you don’t go down the slope holding hands together romantically as if you were doing couple ice skating. Yes, you will snowboard together, but you will just be near each other and you will definitely not look  like the most romantic couple. One scenario where you would possibly can be romantic with your partner is at the lift, but its impossible to feel like it if you are a beginner. Remember that Hyun had problems? At that time she was still learning how to sit on the lift, how she should accommodate herself, when and how to lower the bars because if not you may fall down, when to bring up the bar and how to get out of the lift at the end. Also, in Yong's mind, as the instructor and protector, he must be focusing on everything they are doing because she is a newbie. 


































Also, one problem with this episode that I think is influencing the perception of coldness from Yong POV is the editing and the camera angles. It is noticeable that Yongwa does not have a lot of close-ups compare to Hyun and in the first part when they are changing and preparing themselves we can’t see Yonghwas expressions clearly. All we see its pretty much his back or side, so there is an overall feeling of lack of shall we say ‘happy’reaction from him when its not. If you notice carefully, he smiled several times but we only see glimpses of it (example, when he gave her the socks and she was happy). Also while they are snowboarding down the slope, we see a lot of Hyuns reactions, but Yonghwa constantly has his back towards the camera or he is far aways waiting for Hyun to come down. 













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Guest monkie2804

@lunasol: your comment is great! I have the same thought too, which I already posted in my previous comment, but it seems like a child's writing after I read yours. I agree with every little bit that you pointed out, esp the camera issues. In many instances, I saw Yong smile after Hyun doing something cute or make mistakes, etc. but the camera only focused on her face so we only can catch a glimpse at his smile if we look carefully at his face. In a lot of those scenes, if they added one scene of Yong's smiling face and the loving eyeships, I think our opinion about his attitude would've been different

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Guest honeyjade11
































































































to the post a while ago,, I believe that we can't satisfy all people and fans. GOGUMAS, we have our own haven, no need to worry with their opinions, just enjoy the moments YongSeo allows us to spend with them.. Don't mind hater, antis and bashers,, :-)

































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Guest toomuchsmiling




fabiistar haha, i cut ppl's posts all the time so its totally ok!! ;D Glad some other people have the same thought process as me. haha, and i must admit, even though WGM is g-rated, and even though we know it's no bed scene, the thought still makes me excited too to see next week's ep! :lol:






just to lighten the mood a little bit but come let be honest here, who else was hoping for SeoHyunie to "accidentally" fall into the Yong when they were facing each other as he was helping her snowboard backwards? Come on picture it. her lying on top of him on the snow? ok... yeah I'm getting perverted a bit there ehehe.




Had that been me, I admit that I would've had no qualms to do it.






BluMistLaydee- i thought the same thing! :lol: i don't think it's perverted! And i was was re-watching the ep a second ago and noticed that in the comments section on the youtube link, someone said the same exact thing. lol, either we're all pervs or we just want some drama-style romance to sizzle the snow when it comes to Yongseo. :wub:




btw, maybe we can hear it better in next week's episode, but i noticed a song playing in the background at the ski resort (not the beyonce song lol) at the veeery end where Yong is having Seohyun practice going backwards. idk, sounded like a romantic song, i could have just imagined it but i thought it was good timing for the moment~



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Guest nurunung




I also don’t see any problems or awkwardness in the episode and Yong behaved perfectly for the circumstances they were in. As has been mentioned by a lot of Gogumas here, for me Yong was just in a serious mood while teaching her how to Snowboard because:






1) He is passionate about Snowboarding; he really loves it, so obviously he wants her to learn well. Do you remember his words about what he would like to do with his girlfriend? He said that if his girlfriend did not know how to snowboard, HE WILL TEACH HER IN ALL SINCERITY. That is what he did with Seohyun, by seriously teaching her in all sincerity and not teaching her with half-hearted attempts or babying her, by treating her as an equal. In addition, he also knows Hyun is the type of person that must learn things properly.






2) He also knows this is the only opportunity, not only for him to snowboard after 4 years, but for him to teach her in god’s know how long. Remember, they are busy Idols.  






2) He knows Snowboarding is an extreme sport that you need to focus and learn properly, because if not, there is the risk of injury. 






3) As he said in the black room interview, because of those photos taken years ago at a ski resort, EVERYONE expects him to do good so he must also be nervous about it.






4) Other factors that may influence his mood during this day: Yong’s extremely busy schedule that week with awards show, performances AND a CNBLUE Concert. His schedule was so busy that he recorded WGM until midnight (yes, the famous bed scene in the preview, if they slept, it must have only been a nap), because then he had to go to pre-record one of the performances of the Awards show of the next day. I don’t remember correctly, but according to accounts, CNBLUE was recording the performance until nearly 3:00 am in the morning. 






Although he was kind of strict as a teacher, he was patient and his caring side was there when was really needed numerous times by certain words, certain gestures and/or certain actions he did towards Hyun. As many have mentioned, the clear example is when she fell down hard. He literally jumped, crawled and clawed himself all the way up in an instant. What he did just there was not an easy thing to do,especially when Yong must be so tired about a super complicated week and he was not in perfect condition.






In fact, to make it physically easier for him he could have taken off the board and then walk up the hill. But you know what? He didn’t think an easier way for him. In that moment his only thought was reaching Hyun quickly without any thought of how hard it was. In addition the fact he bought for her protective gear (butt pads, knee pads), socks, mask, etcetc shows to me he cares and wanted to protect her. 






For people who may have some romanticized/idealistic idea of a ski/snowboarding date, this is not going to a picnic date or walk at a park or going to a movie theater, etc.. Snowboarding is an extreme individual sport and you don’t go down the slope holding hands together romantically as if you were doing couple ice skating. Yes, you will snowboard together, but you will just be near each other and you will definitely not look  like the most romantic couple. One scenario where you would possibly can be romantic with your partner is at the lift, but its impossible to feel like it if you are a beginner. Remember that Hyun had problems? At that time she was still learning how to sit on the lift, how she should accommodate herself, when and how to lower the bars because if not you may fall down, when to bring up the bar and how to get out of the lift at the end. Also, in Yong's mind, as the instructor and protector, he must be focusing on everything they are doing because she is a newbie. 












Also, one problem with this episode that I think is influencing the perception of coldness from Yong POV is the editing and the camera angles. It is noticeable that Yongwa does not have a lot of close-ups compare to Hyun and in the first part when they are changing and preparing themselves we can’t see Yonghwas expressions clearly. All we see its pretty much his back or side, so there is an overall feeling of lack of shall we say ‘happy’reaction from him when its not. If you notice carefully, he smiled several times but we only see glimpses of it (example, when he gave her the socks and she was happy). Also while they are snowboarding down the slope, we see a lot of Hyuns reactions, but Yonghwa constantly has his back towards the camera or he is far aways waiting for Hyun to come down. 



*quoted image*



hi lunasol, I'm sorry to cut your post. :)






I think the same about yong behaved and awkwardness. indeed in this episode was not as brave as they skinsip in ransom. but somehow in this episode, I feel they're more comfortable now.






and on-choding yong, yong still choding although not much is shown.






- yong reaction when they receive a message that They are going on a ski trip. stand up to the table, haha very yong reaction






- while wearing snow board hyun, yong deliberately jumping because hyun said "you're getting snow all over me"






- yong dance beyonce's 'single ladies'. although I do not know the purpose of it because of what dance yong.






arrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhh, this couple makes me jealous. oh God, please send it to me a guy who is almost like yong. * haha I think I'm getting mad * :sweatingbullets:






Ohya, thank you soooooooooooooo much for the M3 for a live translation, juhee to translate, Tetsuya for video subtitles, and all of you gogumas, to caps, fanfic, opinions, etc. thank youu. and for Dduk, good luck for your thesis. :)



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Guest stormsandsins

Hello all. First post here although I've been lurking everyday for the past few weeks :D and coincidentally Trent mentioned my comment about Yong's groan and Hyun's timid look of interest (imo) during the massage, earlier.

I guess, as a northerner myself (I'm from Canada [Montreal, more specifically] and we're current many feet deep in snow, not to mention it's perfect skiing temperature to boot) I wanted to weigh in because I can totally understand Yong's behaviour. I'm a skier myself, granted, but I know that snowboarding is that much more difficult because your sense of balance is really what gets you down a slope without falling a billion times. It's hard to teach someone something that feels natural to you. I've been skiing since I was two, and even though it's been seven years since I last saw a slope from the top down, I'd most likely pick it up like biking in an instant because my body knows how it should be positioned and how much pressure to put on the skis to turn and how to brake instantly and blah blah blah. It's difficult to put into words the theory behind how you do all that, but it's even more difficult because no one's bodies are the same, so what feels natural to you might not feel the same to someone else. It seems that a lot of people here are criticising Yong for his lack of playfulness, his tough teaching methods or the general lack of skinship this episode and I think that's too bad. The point of learning how to snow (slang) isn't skinship or joking around like a little kid.

Ultimately, snowboarding can be dangerous. With your two feet strapped to that board, you're terribly vulnerable. I've heard so many horror stories of people's knees snapping because they were strapped when they fell -- because their legs had no freedom of movement. If they'd fallen the same way with skis, the damage could have been greatly avoided. With skis, you're much less vulnerable because both your legs are free to fly however they want when you fall... and your skis might actually snap off your feet, therefore they won't hit you in the face when you fall. Snowboarding is fun, but it can't be treated lightly, therefore I praise Yong for being so focused on teaching her right. Snowboarding is no laughing matter, no matter how fun it is in the moment. You still need to seriously pay attention to (teaching/learning) the basics.

And another thing about his "harsh" teaching methods. It can be easy to give in to the temptation of just going easy on your student so they won't think badly of you (I've been a dance teacher so I know the feeling to some degree), but ultimately, Yong was right: you'll only learn if you fall. And again. And again. Personally I'm an "expert" (heh, feels weird saying that) and I take on some underbrush trails like a right daredevil sometimes, and yet I still fall and get up and try not to make the same mistakes again. (I'm sure Yong still falls sometimes -- after all he nearly did when he stumbled and righted himself in the nick of time). Falling is all part of teaching your body what it should and shouldn't do. If Yong had just held her from start to finish and never let her experience for herself, she wouldn't have learned anything and I doubt she would have even liked the trip in the end. Kudos for letting her experience for herself. She seems to have enjoyed herself through it all, because she did it by herself. Pride. It goes a long way, doesn't it.

And skinship...? Has our couple been a PDA type since the start? Nope. Are PDA's really needed on a ski trip? Nope. I've skied with friend and non-friend (strangers) couples and the point isn't skinship. Must there be skinship all the time in a relationship? I mean, I've never been in one but I sure as heck don't see random couples on the street being saccharinely lovey-dovey touchy with each other all the time. It doesn't mean they're pissed off at each other or uninterested or bored, it just means they're mature enough to not need to show their affection in public.

Sorry if this (first) post sounded pissy. I'm really not, haha. I'm a realist, that's all.

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Before watching this week's episode, I came onto the thread and read through the posts about uri couple and the latest episode and I became a little disheartend/worried. A lot of gogumas seemed to think that Yong was acting strange or distant in it. So I lost a lot of excitement for this episode! I was actually surprised when watching the episode though, I didn't get that bad of a vibe from Yong! I was able to gain my excitement for this episode back :)












I felt like he was being really understanding and patient with Hyun, which was nice to see. I guess we can't get that sweet skinship every week, huh? Ahh well, there's always next week! And it looks promising! I really wonder what Seohyun's wish is. I know our mind's are going crazy trying to guess and think about what it was. But the editors of WGM are notorious for hyping things up that sometimes aren't as grand on the actual episodes as we all expected (and hoped) they would be. I bet her wish is just something small and trivial (I'M HOPING BEYOND A DOUBT THAT I'M WRONG!).












Anyway, this episode was really DAEBAK! These two are just too cute together. Every episode I love them even more! It really is amazing how far these two have come. Especially Seohyun. At the beginning of WGM she was even uncomfortable sitting too close to Yong. Now she lets him hold her from behind and teach her how to snowboard :wub: And the award for MOST IMPROVED COUPLE goes to................... B)












Really anticipating next week's episode as usual. Saturday, BALI BALI!! Thanks to everyone here for making this thread so amazing! Yongseo fighting!!!



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Popping in to say that I think maybe everyone is right in part. There is a movie that I love called "And the band Played On" about the early days of Aids research. In the movie when they were trying to justify their funding and the director said, List what you think and what you know. I think that goes for everything in life.















































































What we know:















































































We know that in December-















































































Both Yong and Hyun had really busy schedules















































































Yong was not only scheduled for all of the major awards but all of the year end events plus the 4 concerts and trying to finish the songs for the Japanese record, and finishing the original banmal song. Also he had to finish the lyrics, tape and upload the video of the banmal duet for us on the 27th.















































































Plus Yong was also dealing with the antics of his "fans". And also aparently the flu.















































































Even when he didn't wear his ring for the shows, he always wore it for the rehersals and after the performance.















































































After December, he is almost always shown wearing the ring.















































































Even though Yong seemed to be very reserved at the shows, Hyun almost always wore her ring and showed us how happy she was for the awards that CN Blue received.















































































During the GDA and Year End Shows he didn't smile much. He really didn't look like a happy camper. The few times he smiled was when he was talking to Jinwoon, closing ceremonies when he would work his way close to her and the SILs, or the times walking to the stage to accept and award and would see her and smile or point to her in his song. Most of the shows were pretaped or he was finding it hard to see her (Interview where he said he hadn't seen her and would go to their dressing rrom)















































































The interview that Yong did (with his brown hair) saying that Hyun was the prettiest celebrity had to have been done before the infamous "I don't have a lot of criteria for the ideal type but I'll give you a bazillion things I want and all adds up to Hyun" statement.















































































So, what do I "think".















































































I think it is important to see when they get missions and when they don't.















































































Showing the rings outside of WGM was something that Yong suggested in the taxi ride.















































































Bookstore was not a mission.















































































Guitar buying was not a mission.















































































Goguma field was not a mission, necklace was not a mission and new rings was not a mission.















































































Busan was not a mission.















































































They only seem to get missions when they need help. The amusment park because they were just starting out, the duet when they were at odds and, Japan I think, was just because they couldn't find better filming time, but WGM had no idea how epic it would be. I think that maybe the couple talked to the WGM staff and told them of the problems going on in December and WGM came up with the hospital, sauna and ski trip. I think it was to help them during a sticky situation with fans and the media and such. There wasn't a lot of skinship so it didn't offend the Yongwha fans and still there was just enough to satisfy the Yongseo fans. And I will always think Yong asked for the Busan trip until someone can prove otherwise.















































































I am going back to some of my first gut feelings and I think Yong told Hyun that he liked her after the shrimp date and when he told her about the song. I think that was when we saw Hyun really open up to Yong. And I think this was when Yong asked WGM to arrange the trip to Busan.















































































But, I think the problems with the concerts and the fans then happened and WGM did their best to come up with ideas for them to film and still not upset the fans. (This maybe why the editing is not to our liking) If the problems are with his fans then Hyun can show affection to Yong but they will be upset if it looks like he is showing affection to her. I honestly think that Yong and Hyun talked all of this out and made a decision between the two of them as to how to best handle the situation. She never seemed upset when he didn't wear the ring and in these episodes where Yong seems to be a bit distant, Hyun is not taken aback or upset. I think she knows what is going on with Yong and supports him.















































































Also, like so many have said before, this couple does not show affection in public and the ski trip is a nice way for them to be touchy feely without offending anyone.






























































































































Sexual tension or otherwise, yes it is there and I really think what we are seeing now is Management saying to Yong to back off (first priorty is to their chosen profession and the band members) and to do that is hard for him at this stage of their relationship. I think both of them want to be touchy feely but just don't know what is OK to do and what isn't given the situation with the fans and such.






























































































































As for a bed scene. Excuse me but with Yong, Hyun, two cameramen, a manager, and who knows how many stylists and make-up people in the room, I for one don't expect much.






























































































































There is one thing that really bothers me and that is the so called fans that seem to dislike the fact that Yong is on the show. I don't know if they think that they will somehow meet him and capture his heart or if he should be always be portrayed as the Shin Woo character from YB but Lee Jun has said that Yong was crazier than Mir. So for Yong to have his childish side shown should not be a surprise to anyone. That is the real Yonghwa. Also, if you are really a fan, would you really rather see your idol lonely, miserable, unhappy but single, or happy, excited and a heart filled with joy but in love and attached to someone. If you chose the first then to me you are not a fan. If you really are a fan you want to see your idol succeed and be the happiest that they can be.






























































































































I want to say something about the WGM staff. We might complain about the editing and such but given the initial interview where the PD said they wanted to show young love and what young people in love would be like-I think they have done a wonderful job in showing us that. I think they were as taken aback as we were about how loved and popular this couple would become. I think they have really tried their best to protect and still promote these two young people. We may complain about the editing of the episodes but it might be for their protection that they do it. We KNOW that even after filming the shopping trip that Yongseo talked and laughed together after they stopped filming so what is edited out might be things that we, the public, shouldn't or don't need to know. I think that no one knew at the beginning of all of this that their schedules would become as demanding as they are now and I guess WGM is doing the best they can to film without hurting the health or schedules of these two precious people.






























































































































One thing I was wondering about is whether we know if they have extended the contract or if they will end with the already filmed episodes.



































































































































































































































































































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