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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Soshimunky






It must be because I love the two of you so much that I sacrifice my sleeping time for this. *shakes head*








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honestly, i have to change my style now. today i spend from 9am till now (5pm) front of my computer to read news about yongseo, my eyes all swollen. and my head is hurt. and still feel not enough. while i still have pile of work need to be done before tommorow. yeah. yongseo if you know how much you did to this old lady. then better live happy together.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest yongseorockin




honestly, i have to change my style now. today i spend from 9am till now (5pm) front of my computer to read news about yongseo, my eyes all swollen. and my head is hurt. and still feel not enough. while i still have pile of work need to be done before tommorow. yeah. yongseo if you know how much you did to this old lady. then better live happy together.






Really, linh80, you arent the only one glued to the computer reading about Yongseo. I was "stuck" here trying to clear backlogs of thread. Gogumas here are just Daebak. not only have they done this to the "old lady" but to a youngster as well. Regardless of age,race, nationality, we just love them. ^^


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Guest nurulzminoz
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hello, In-Go-Paem!!~ ^^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I wanna say thanks for all the translation, video subbed and awesome caps :DD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And I also wanna posting MY WISH FOR URI YONGSEO
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































"You both are really an amazing couple for me, so my wish for Yong and Hyun just one, to become A LONG LASTING COUPLE together and forever."
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































kkkk. Sorry, if I don't post much here, thank you thank you so much, and good night fellow gogumas~ ^^

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest reiran18








I have read a post here before  that talks about Hyun's feet. It was said that Hyun doesn't shows his feet in a variety show because of some reasons Maybe she was shy about it, i don't knowunsure.gif. But after this episode when I saw her feet for the first time I said to myself "Is that she was embarrassed about?!" ohmy.gifTo tell the truth she had really nice feet. No varicose veins or large veins whatsoever...They said that SNSD has ugly feet for wearing high heels while dancing but HELLO!! I think they got it all wrong!! hehe!! Hyun really knows how to take good care of her body..At first when I saw Hyun I'm not attracted to her face but what I love about her is her legs. Even if they say that Sooyoung posseses slim and long legs but when I saw Hyun's legs I immediately became her fan. And also Tiffany because she has beautiful legs. The two of them posses nice shape of legs. I'm a girl but I admired girls with beautiful legs..hehehe!wub.giflaugh.gif



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hello IN-GO-PAEM! i've been good at lurking lately. nahh actually i've been busy with my Lunar New Year activities :phew: so that's why i've been lurking much these days. and goshhh the page-jump is daebak! LOL 'cause of the NAGGING issue eh. btw, i agree with many of u: YSinternational, Dduk, winnieho, jnj, shawie, magdal, scatterbrain, trent & aigoo so many of u... on the nagging issue.

my POV about nagging issue (mianhe, but this will be a short one):

the way he told hyun to stop nagging was quite wisely executed with the aegyo tone & face LOL (who can resist that?! i know i can't xD). from hyun's face, i'm guessing that she was slightly hurt by his words. she's a fast learner though! afterward, u can see her trying her best not to sound like a nag. aigooo, i wonder what'll come next??

i can't help but to make a gif outta yong's aegyo retort~ :lol:


hmm i'm still quite tired from my activities so i won't repeat the spazzing topics. however, i somehow feel quite sad when i watch this latest ep. it seems like i'm prying into their private issue. in this ep, it's health issue. i'm sure one of the main reasons yong didn't wanna go for the check-up was 'cause he knew that it's gonna be filmed. he must've imagined the worst-case-scenario back then. imagine him getting a bad result & he doesn't really want others to know/worry about his health... :( IDK, i kinda pity yongseo right now 'cause it seems like they don't have much air to breath lately? so i really feel for them now. aiggooo sorry for this sad post. :ph34r:

btw, it seems like they're showing lesser skinship (especially from yong). waeyo??? issit 'cause they're getting more & more REAL?! :w00t: but i LIKE it even without skinship... :wub:

oh ya i'd like to join u guys on the WISHLIST!

my wish:

- i wish that each of YongSeo's fans will fully support them in whatever that they do (unless it's truly a sinful act).

- i wish YongSeo will be real.

- i wish YongSeo will have some free time so that they can spend more time with each other if they do turn out to be real.

- once, they're real... i wish YongSeo will be happily married & that their love will last forever.

ohhh, i really hope so!!! :wub:

oh ya... A BIG SHOUTOUT TO mrsjoker too~! kekeekek... love ur post as always :wub: *hugs*


aigoo where are my manners!


- M3 & scatterbrain for the trans

- tetsuya for the subbed vids

- and everyone in IN-GO-PAEM who have contributed fanarts, FMVs, infos, vid links, pics, POVs & etc in this wond4erful thread!

*hugsss ya all*


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Y: How old are you going to live?








H: I’m going to live healthily.








Y: Around 100 years?








H: That seems about right.








Y: Then I’ll live until 101.








H: That’s too much.








Y: Why?








H: We need to die together…








Sub: blurting out random comments in the middle of pain








H: What am I talking about? It’s nothing. Pretend I didn’t say it.















Y: Yeah.








H: Do you really want to live until 101?








Credits: Mountainmadman. (Thanks a lot for translations ^^)















Instead of being disappointed with Yong for saying that Hyun is nagging (which honestly, for me, was just a natural, stereotypical couple joke) I'm more surprised ~ okay disappointed with Yong because he didn't answer Hyun's cheesy line with his usual witty remarks.








But then again I wouldn't want to dwell on it. Instead, I'll just hold to the idea that this was Hyun's first time saying a cheesy line, wasn't? Maybe Yong was just surprised and stumped to say anything. His expression said it all. He was loving the idea. Heheh.








Question: What did Yong said between








H: We need to die together…
















H: What am I talking about?








around 10:34-35 at What did Yong said?








jnj, i agree! And I've been meaning to post this long time ago but just didn't have the right timing:








They should hug! Kiss I would really, really like but i think it's impossible at this point. Besides a hug is more meaningful (for me). It's a very comforting feeling. It's like you feel that someones loves you and you feel sure of that feeling. It's a feeling of security, as well. There have been many times when I wished Yong would hug Hyun. Can't remember at this point but for this episode, I just want Yong to console Hyun when Hyun said "I'm seriously going to cry" when Yong surprisingly touch her sole. After Hyun slapped Yong's arm, I hoped Yong would just hug her. Hahah. Crazy me.








Anyway, thanks to Mountainmadman, Aisou45, Scatterbrain and Tetsuya!








seohyungeneration, i agree with you that Yong should buy Hyun flowers, out of the blue! Also, with your thoughts that Yong (i know that you are referring to him) should know that a date is truly enjoyable when both parties enjoy it. Don't worry when JYH watches this episode he'll know that. Hahah! That will be a lesson for all of us. (But you know what? When I am being given a good massage, I really tend to forget everything!)









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Guest firstimelovers































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Helllllo Goguma shipppers!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































My first post here!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































My greatest wish of all is....























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And, hopefully at least a kiss in the forehead. hehehehehe!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































:wub: :wub: :wub::wub: :wub:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest justephoy
































































































































































































































































Annyong Gogumas Villager / In Go Poem *waves*
































































































































First time posting but always being a loyal silent riders frm the beginning pages on soompi .. before that I only watch kdramas then goguma couple came into my life. I come out frm my cave for saying my wish anniversary for both of them :
































































































































All of gogumas in the world want they both become real couple after this show, me either..they made in heaven and fate brought these cute singer met on wgm for being 'fake' married,, that snsd girl lack of experience in many things esp relationships with a man and that cnblue boy eventhought had girlfriend before but none of experience to facing of girl like seohyun.
































































































































For Jung Yong Hwa and Seo Joo Hyun please follow your heart and ignore negatives vibes, antis/ extrim fans , just go the secret dates like ur unnie’s said im officially 1000% to support u both
































































































































Makes a couple song (real song) n gets hits, play a dramas together and duet performance with hyun’s play a piano and yong’s play a guitar like last year they played  falling slowly on the mid of March (ep 4)
































































































































Last but not least, SNSD and CNBLUE to reach the top of higher and higher  in music industry not only in Korea but the whole world including in US :D
































































































































 Thnx for all of gogumas in go poem im really really enjoy reading ur posted, screencaps, fanart, fanvid , etc. and thnx for M3, Dduk, aisuo n others for the translation, I miss j2dlee and sun_sun too (whr r u guys??)
































































































































And thnx to indi aka bezbez & ys international team for ur hardwork and had made this great project to be realized
































































































































Goguma is Jjang ,, YongSeo is Real !!!!!!! *back to lurker again*
































































































































For Indonesia Gogumas :
































































































































Yukkk gabung di twitter @yongseo_indo kita spazzing brg2 dsana
































































































































































































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Guest orchid81

































































































































I have read a post here before  that talks about Hyun's feet. It was said that Hyun doesn't shows his feet in a variety show. But after this episode when I saw her feet for the first time I said to myself "Is that she was embarrassed about?!" To tell the truth she had really nice feet. No varicose veins or large veins whatsoever...They said that SNSD has ugly feet for wearing heels while dancing but HELLO!! I think they got it all wrong!! hehe!! Hyun really knows how to take good care of her body. At first when I saw Hyun I'm not attracted to her face but what I love about her is her legs. Even if they say that Sooyoung posseses slim and long legs but when I saw Hyun's legs I immediately became her fan. And also Tiffany because she has beautiful legs. The two of them posses nice shape of legs. I'm a girl but I admired girls with beautiful legs..hehehe!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I read somewhere that Korean traditional type girls think that showing their feet means showing their whole bodies.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































That may be the reason why Hyun always covers her feet.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































When I saw Yong sliding his hand over her leg for only a second, I screamed "OMOH OMOH" like crazy for nearly a minute.

































































































































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Guest Soshimunky






Third batch! Oh please don't let this be at the top page....




Will sleep now and continue tomorrow (when I can think clearly again). Hopefully the said-article will be translated by then.


Good night gogumas :)



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Another wishing list???
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































 Well 1.- I wish them to kiss to release the sexual tension LOL!  and after they do that 2.- I wish them to grow older and die together :wub: ( I can´t  get over it, sorry)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hacker8 : aisou415 already explained it to us. He said nothing, he was going to say something but didn´t finish his sentence, the only words that can be heard are "I" and "you"... (anyway I like the I and you thing LOL) The whole explanation in the page 1810 ^^































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks for the captures to all of you who shared them, they are amazing!, same with fanart ^^.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































dreamyboo: LOL! I didn´t say a thing about the nagging issue :P, but I will say something now...  the only thing I can think about this is that women are from Venus and men from Mars :lol:. Let´s move on In-Go-Paem!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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credits to Baidu & Tiffany@iloveyongseo.
















Ep 43 Rating
















did the rating going up from last week?
















since everyone here is posting their wish for yongseo 1st anniversary,here is my wish for them...
















Another year to create































precious memories together.































Another year to discover































new things to enjoy about each other.































Another year to build































a life rich in love and laughter.































Another year to strengthen































a love that defines "forever."
















Happy Anniversary Jung Yong Hwa & Seo Joo Hyun!please cherish your love until both of you become 100 and 102 years old arabeuji and halmoni!





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Guest hihi_hehe
















































































































































Hi! Do u remember this article ? Linkposted by aneng?
















































































































Here the translations for this article, U will smile while reading it :wub:
































































































WGM' Our Seohyun Has Transformed, from Upright Maiden -> Animated Clown
































































































Recently in WGM, Seohyun had a visible change.
















































































































At first, the awkwardness shown by the stubborn and upright maiden in front of her virtual husband Jung Yonghwa captured the audience's attention. But, as time passed by, the two slowly revealed sides that could not be seen in the beginning.
















































































































In the February 5th MBC broadcast of "We Got Married" (WGM), Seohyun and Yonghwa went together to the hospital for a health examination. Yonghwa changed back to his childish form. Seohyun began to nag Yonghwa like a mother, a surprising change from the past where she could not even say a word.
















































































































In today's broadcast, the two's skinship also attracted attention. The two held hands during the course of the massage. The scene where Seohyun held onto Yonghwa's pinky had a lot of fans very excited. Seohyun also joked to Yonghwa '(We're a couple) Of course we need to die together'. Seohyun's past atmosphere cannot be found anymore.
















































































































Changes slowly appeared.
















































































































Seohyun said she likes to read books, and greatly respects UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, and have read all of his books. At the same time encouraging Yonghwa to read, making the audience feel refreshed.
















































































































Many fans have said, Seohyun "Feels different from recent idols, an upright image that is very charming'. Her love of sweet potatoes and all healthy food also makes people feel her peculiarity. The production staffs say, they have witnessed Seohyun's transformation from a long time ago. The first time the change was seen, was when Seohyun hid in the trunk of a car and scared the CNBlue members.
















































































































The production staff said they "Felt a prankster within the expressions of the normally sincere Seohyun", a change in personality.
















































































































Skinship also began on the path to the massage. Seohyun grabbed on to Yonghwa's arm during the Japan trip, shocking the audience. At the time Yonghwa was also surprised, which can be seen by his stiffened expression and stiffened arm.
















































































































Beginning from that awkward skinship, they slowly began to become more natural. Regardless of holding hands or linking arms, no signs of awkwardness can be found from their expression.
















































































































Seohyun's manager that appeared on the program said 'Seeing that sort of change in Seohyun was shocking'. In the (February) 5th broadcast, you can see sweet skinship like the pinky-holding scene. Right now, aside from not being able to naturally speak banmal, there is no other situation. Succeeding the strongest 'Adam' couple, perhaps we can look forward to the adorable skinship of the Yongseo couple.































































































































































































































Credit to Baidu
















































































































Eng trans: Saqua85@spd cbox
















































































































Happy spazzing!

















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‘우결’ 우리 서현이 변했어요, 바른생활⟶익살쟁이
































































































































































































































































                        //                          뉴스엔                      | 뉴스엔                 | 입력 2011.02.06 15:37                                                                                                                                          [뉴스엔 박정현 기자]
































































































































































































































































최근 '우결'에서 가장 눈에 띄는 변화를 보인 것이 서현이다.
































































































































































































































































최초 바른생활 이미지를 고집하며 가상 남편인 정용화 앞에서 어색한 모습을 보여 눈길을 끌었다. 그러나 시간이  지나며 서서히 그간 보이지 않았던 부분이 드러나기 시작했다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    2월 5일 방송된 MBC '우리 결혼했어요'(우결)에서 서현은 정용화와 함께 병원을 찾아 건강검진을 받았다. 정용화는 이미  어린이  이미지를 갖게 된지 오래다. 투정을 부리는 정용화에게 서현은 마치 엄마처럼 달래기 시작했는데 과거의 말 한마디 건네지  못하던  모습과 비교하면 놀라운 변화라고 할 수 있다.
































































































































































































































































이날 방송에선 두 사람의 스킨십도 눈에 띄었다. 두 사람은 마사지를 받는 과정에서 손을 잡았다. 정용화의 새끼손가락을  서현이  붙드는 장면으로 많은 팬들을 즐겁게 했다. 서현은 정용화와 말장난을 하며 "(부부인데) 함께 죽어야죠"라는 말까지 했다.  이미  과거의 서현에서는 찾아볼 수 없는 분위기다.
































































































































































































































































변화는 천천히 찾아왔다. 서현은 독서를 좋아한다고 했다. 반기문 유엔사무총장을 존경한다면서 그에 관한 책을 읽었다. 정용화에게도  독서를 권장해 시청자에게 신선함을 전했다.
































































































































































































































































많은 팬들이 서현의 그런 "요즘 아이들 같지 않은 바른 모습에서 매력을 느낀다"고 말해왔다. 고구마와 건강에 좋은 음식을  좋아한다는 것도 특이할 만 했다. 제작진은 오래전부터 서현의 변화를 목격해왔다. 최초의 목격지점은 서현이 씨엔블루의 차량에 숨어들어 그들을 놀라게 하는 장면이었다.
































































































































































































































































제작진은 "평소 진지한 모습만을 보여왔던 서현의 표정에서 장난꾸러기의 그것을 느꼈다"고 밝힌 바 있다. 그렇게 캐릭터에 변화가  왔다.
































































































































































































































































그러던 중 스킨십도 시작됐다. 서현은 일본 여행에서 정용화의 팔짱을 끼어 시청자에게 충격(?)을 안겼었다. 당시 정용화 역시  놀란  듯 보였으니 굳어진 표정과 굳어진 팔이 이를 증명했다. 어색한 스킨십이었으나 이후 그 모습은 점점 자연스러워졌다. 손을  잡아도  팔짱을 끼어도 두 사람의 표정에선 어색함을 찾아볼 수 없었다.
































































































































































































































































프로그램에 출연했던 서현의 매니저는 "서현이 그렇게 변화한 모습에 놀랐다"고 밝혔었다. 그런 스킨십이 5일 방송에서  새끼손가락을  잡는 달달한 장면으로까지 이어졌다. 이제 남은 과제는 자연스런 반말 밖에 남지 않은 상황. 혹은 최강커플 '아담'에  이어서 깜짝  키스신도 기대해 봄직하다.
































































































































































































































































박정현 pch46@newsen.com
































































































































































































































































기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com
































































































































































































































































copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지
































































































































































































































































original souce LINK

































































































































































































































































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Guest kaydee_






i finally saw the episode and now it's my weekly spazz!time. haha!









i was quite uncomfortable with the check-up scene. well, maybe it's just that i really hate going to the doctor's but i was kinda feeling for yonghwa and seohyun because their health results are going to be broadcast-ed all over. it maybe just me, but i find it too personal. though, i must admit that i lol-ed on yonghwa having a slightly high body fat content. laugh.gif 









i swear, reality shows are majorly catch-22's for me. sleep.gif









anyway, cap-time!









who doesn't like flustered yonghwa? i think he was caught off-guard here. but, who isn't? i think it might be seohyun's first killer line and i do hope won't be her last. i can't get over it -- we should die together. major lol. 















and it just NEEDS to be shared again. (additional note: major love for mc jake's face laugh.gif)















and lastly, last episode we saw seohyun's just-woken-up face and now, we have yonghwa's. it's probably the best non-sleep he's had in ages. 















just *sigh*. omg, these two. 












and not to forget, big thanks to mountainmadman, dduk, tetsuya and everyone and anyone for translations, videos and explanations. 



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Guest kaklongshah
















































wah,,everybody around seohyun had seen many changes to her. i'm sure her unnies will totally tease seohyun right now






























































totally deabak!!!!!!






























































by the way, i'm a silence lurker. even though i'm seldomly posting anything in this thread, i'll check this thread everyday. i like to read everyone's opinions, argument, advices, etc..






























































thanks a lot to all goguma because share your pictures, comments, videos, translations, cartoons, etc..

















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The first time the change was seen, was when Seohyun hid in the trunk of a car and scared the CNBlue members.

The production staff said they "Felt a prankster within the expressions of the normally sincere Seohyun", a change in personality.































Credit to Baidu































Eng trans: Saqua85@spd cbox
















thanks so much hihi_hehe for sharing this,you really made my day!i really love this part because now we know it was from that moment hyun start to change to what she is now..kyaaaaaaaa i'm so happy!!!off to go-chun now,sweet dream and good night in-go-paem!^________^





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Aside from the nagging issue debate discussion, I'm going to spazz~ IMO, their convo seemed so normal for me, I don't see anything wrong with Hyun taking care of her husband and Yonghwa's reaction about her being worse at nagging than her mom. It was qt, TBH. :wub:




I'll just posted my comments at omona@Lj lol. For somewhat strange reason I keep repeating the part when Seo and Yong talked about caffeine with the doctor... IDK I just love it because Hyun knows Yonghwa's habit a lot. And the way she looked at him when the doctor said, "Well, if you love coffee more than your wife..." is so lovable. ♥ Their body-language in this scene seemed... well, intimate? affectionate? you know it better, my vocab is really limited lmao.




Seohyun, you need to gain more weight. Someone posted that the Soshi girls eat about 1500 cal per meal (or day? IDK), which consists 5 pieces of broccoli, 100g rib chicken meat, etc. Oh yeah, pieces. With their jam-packed activities? Seo really is not the thinnest between the girls, how about Jessica? Or Sooyoung? I'm worried about them, seriously.




And Yonghwa, too much caffeine's really bad for your health. I was a coffee-addict too, I used to drink about three or four cup of coffee a day since I was 14, and I'm now 19 (._.) I stopped drinking since... well, six months ago or so. Watching this episode made me enlightened since I love eating raw ice, too. Ugh then how about my intestines O_O




And... legship! Since everyone were mentioning it, I don't have to mention it again rite? It showed how comfortable our couple are now... sigh. I'm such a proud umma! LOOOOOL




Another hilarious moments (for me), is when Nayoung pointed out at Yong's legs and she's like, "Wow, Yonghwa's truly a man!" lmao. I guess most of Korean idols removed their body hair? I saw Siwon's (Super Junior) armpit (sorry lol) once, and I was like, "WOW WHERE'S THE HAIR?" 8DD




I watched the raw video first and didn't find this episode interesting, maybe because the last-morning-super-flirting-episode scene. But with subs, this episode is not less enjoyable than the last one! All their conversations were lovable and meaningful. And intimate (I have to say it again!)




Let's see... Hyun knows a lot of Yong's habit, Hyun's voice when she said Oppa (and Yonghwa'a voice when he answered it. GAH boy I love your voice so much), Their little conversation about dying and so on.




as usual, thank you for all images, caps, gifs, Raw uploader, and especially, translations and subs team. I don't know if you're all gone, I don't understand korean and maybe I'll just going cray cray at the corner of my room *hyperbolic*




Looking forward for the next episode as well, though the most anticipated episode is... the wedding photoshoot! Happy 1st anniversary, Yongseo. My wish for both of you is, though this show may be ended, I hope you'll keep your good relationship, be it friendship or girlfriend-boyfriend relationship. I love you two, I ended being a boice because of watching Yongseo cuts, rofl. The CNBlue boys are so lovable I don't even. And since Yonghwa's taken, I'll take Jonghyun... ok let's cut my rambling.




I'm such a stan, it's just a simple episode... not really skinship-y but I'm spazzing about them after all.

Also, Say hello for all Indonesian Gogumas! Haloo, saya baru aja nyoba bikin yongseo fic di screenplay section-nya FanFiction.Net lho *digempur karena promosi*





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tks hihi_hehe for sharing this here.

tks also to sagua for trans.

and to hapiangle and aneng too


WGM' Our Seohyun Has Transformed, from Upright Maiden -> Animated Clown

Recently in WGM, Seohyun had a visible change.

At first, the awkwardness shown by the stubborn and upright maiden in front of her virtual husband Jung Yonghwa captured the audience's attention. But, as time passed by, the two slowly revealed sides that could not be seen in the beginning.

In the February 5th MBC broadcast of "We Got Married" (WGM), Seohyun and Yonghwa went together to the hospital for a health examination. Yonghwa changed back to his childish form. Seohyun began to nag Yonghwa like a mother, a surprising change from the past where she could not even say a word.

In today's broadcast, the two's skinship also attracted attention. The two held hands during the course of the massage. The scene where Seohyun held onto Yonghwa's pinky had a lot of fans very excited. Seohyun also joked to Yonghwa '(We're a couple) Of course we need to die together'. Seohyun's past atmosphere cannot be found anymore.

Changes slowly appeared.

Seohyun said she likes to read books, and greatly respects UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, and have read all of his books. At the same time encouraging Yonghwa to read, making the audience feel refreshed.

Many fans have said, Seohyun "Feels different from recent idols, an upright image that is very charming'. Her love of sweet potatoes and all healthy food also makes people feel her peculiarity. The production staffs say, they have witnessed Seohyun's transformation from a long time ago. The first time the change was seen, was when Seohyun hid in the trunk of a car and scared the CNBlue members.

The production staff said they "Felt a prankster within the expressions of the normally sincere Seohyun", a change in personality.

Skinship also began on the path to the massage. Seohyun grabbed on to Yonghwa's arm during the Japan trip, shocking the audience. At the time Yonghwa was also surprised, which can be seen by his stiffened expression and stiffened arm.

Beginning from that awkward skinship, they slowly began to become more natural. Regardless of holding hands or linking arms, no signs of awkwardness can be found from their expression.

Seohyun's manager that appeared on the program said 'Seeing that sort of change in Seohyun was shocking'. In the (February) 5th broadcast, you can see sweet skinship like the pinky-holding scene. Right now, aside from not being able to naturally speak banmal, there is no other situation. Succeeding the strongest 'Adam' couple, perhaps we can look forward to the adorable skinship of the Yongseo couple.

the nagging issue is done and over with.

lets spazz more on this!

i still have not gotten over epi 43 and now this? wow!

their skinship attract attention..and i thought they are the slowest :rolleyes:

looks like their Jpn trip has indeed broken more than one wall..

hyun initiate skinship and what follows after is just plain daebakness

right up till now.. :wub:

and she is slowly getting the feel of speaking banmal with yong.. ^_^

aahhh...i want to add one more wish in my wishlist..

i wish for yongseo to remain the sweetest couple forever..

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