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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest soshisoshisoshi
























Blushing thinking of all the possibilities of our couple practising the art of kissing... :wub:
















Ponder this...























Hyun: What's the difference between like and love...??




























Hyun: Oppa, what's the difference between kissing and deep kiss..??


















































sorry to cut your post! wah, this really made me come out from my lurker mode........... what if they had that conversation, I can't think no more :wub:. can't imagine if Seohyun were to spit out those words from her mouth, and Yonghwa's reaction will definitely priceless.....














okay, just now I looked at sally7's calendar, and there is one that I believe a VITAL and IMPORTANT difference from the calendar I saw on DCMARRIED. in sally7's calendar it is posted that YongSeo had filming at 19th january at MyungDong, for the shopping right?? but then looks at this.
















they had filming on the 18th of January in Sangdodong????? this is what the K-Gogumas found.......... maybe I missed out this news? then they had 2 day filmings in a row?? they slept there????? OMGOMG delusional me :wub:.
















Oh, and apart from that, I'm planning to drop a message on WGM mission board. would you guys mind if I take your ideas to be posted by me, or perhaps you want to do it by yourself???
















nonetheless, happy spazzing to all ^^









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Guest anne0129
































































































































































































































































































































































































Hello!~ For those who wants to watch the KRD subs of episode 42. Here is the videos....stay tune for part 3 of the episode though.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YongSeo Ep42 part 1






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YongSeo Ep 42 part 2































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks to KRD subs once again.

































































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will a kind goguma please translate this article?
































































































































































































































































apparently it describes how yonghwa created the banmal song & includes WGM PD's comments about it's appearance on the show.
































































































































































































































































maybe it will help to clear any confusion among various fans?





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































반말송, '용서부부' 듀엣버전 안 나오는 이유?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































반말송'이 오는 14일 정용화의 솔로곡 음원으로 공개될 예정이다. 






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































'반말송'은 MBC 예능 '우리 결혼했어요2'(이하 '우결', 연출 강궁 정윤정)에서 소녀시대 서현과 가상 부부로 출연 중인 정용화가 두 사람만의 추억에서 영감을 얻어 오랜 기간 준비해 온 자작곡이다. 






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































특히 방송을 통해 정용화와 서현이 '반말송'의 일부 가사를 함께 완성하며, 기타 연주로 듀엣 하는 모습이 그려져 시청자들의 뜨거운 반응을 얻기도 했다.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































이에 시청자들도 정용화의 '반말송' 발표에 반색을 표하고 있다. 그러나 정용화와 서현의 듀엣 버전 '반말송'을 기대했던 일부 팬들에게서 아쉬움 섞인 반응도 나오고 있는 상황. 






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































이와 관련 '우결' 강궁 PD는 "'반말송'은 방송과 관계없이 정용화가 오랫동안 개인적으로 준비해 온 곡이기에 정용화의 노래로 발표하는 것이 맞다고 생각했다"라고 설명했다.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































이어 "방송을 통해 영감을 얻었다고는 하지만, 정용화가 개인적으로 정성들여 만든 곡이다. 이곡을 방송에서 공개해 제작진으로서는 고마울 따름"이라며 "서현도 정용화의 '반말송' 음원 공개 소식에 무척 기뻐하고 있다"라고 전했다.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thank you to whoever comes around to it.
































































































































































































































































i appreciate everyone feeding the goguma addiction

































































































































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will a kind goguma please translate this article?

apparently it describes how yonghwa created the banmal song & includes WGM PD's comments about it's appearance on the show.

maybe it will help to clear any confusion among various fans?

it was briefly summarized but I feel like that summary is biased.



반말송, '용서부부' 듀엣버전 안 나오는 이유?

반말송'이 오는 14일 정용화의 솔로곡 음원으로 공개될 예정이다. 

'반말송'은 MBC 예능 '우리 결혼했어요2'(이하 '우결', 연출 강궁 정윤정)에서 소녀시대 서현과 가상 부부로 출연 중인 정용화가 두 사람만의 추억에서 영감을 얻어 오랜 기간 준비해 온 자작곡이다. 

특히 방송을 통해 정용화와 서현이 '반말송'의 일부 가사를 함께 완성하며, 기타 연주로 듀엣 하는 모습이 그려져 시청자들의 뜨거운 반응을 얻기도 했다.

이에 시청자들도 정용화의 '반말송' 발표에 반색을 표하고 있다. 그러나 정용화와 서현의 듀엣 버전 '반말송'을 기대했던 일부 팬들에게서 아쉬움 섞인 반응도 나오고 있는 상황. 

이와 관련 '우결' 강궁 PD는 "'반말송'은 방송과 관계없이 정용화가 오랫동안 개인적으로 준비해 온 곡이기에 정용화의 노래로 발표하는 것이 맞다고 생각했다"라고 설명했다.

이어 "방송을 통해 영감을 얻었다고는 하지만, 정용화가 개인적으로 정성들여 만든 곡이다. 이곡을 방송에서 공개해 제작진으로서는 고마울 따름"이라며 "서현도 정용화의 '반말송' 음원 공개 소식에 무척 기뻐하고 있다"라고 전했다.


thank you to whoever comes around to it.

i appreciate everyone feeding the goguma addiction

This article says, Yonghwa has made 'A song for first time lovers' for long time by himself regardless of wgm airing.

The director appreciated Yonghwa for showing this song in the show.

Another lyric writer of 'A song for first time lovers' is Han Seung Hoon, one of FNC composer who composed 'Black flower', not FNC president.

Since drum is performed by Minhyuk and Bass by Jungshin, can't we say this is CNBLUE's song?

The credit says Yonghwa did singing, chorus, composing, lyric, arrangement, guitar, piano, synthesizer.


hope its ok to post it here;)

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This article says..........
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Oh thank you!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i appreciate your fast response!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i'll share this
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i found it on dcmarried
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































it's like the dark version of yongseo

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest soshisoshisoshi
























This article says, Yonghwa has made 'A song for first time lovers' for long time by himself regardless of wgm airing.








The director appreciated Yonghwa for showing this song in the show.
















Another lyric writer of 'A song for first time lovers' is Han Seung Hoon, one of FNC composer who composed 'Black flower', not FNC president.








Since drum is performed by Minhyuk and Bass by Jungshin, can't we say this is CNBLUE's song?








The credit says Yonghwa did singing, chorus, composing, lyric, arrangement, guitar, piano, synthesizer.








































hope its ok to post it here;)



























Hi! thanks for the translation of the article! However, there's one sentence that I don't get the meaning.









Yonghwa has made 'A song for first time lovers' for long time by  himself regardless of wgm airing.










what does this mean?? He has been making the song BEFORE or AFTER he got into WGM????? because Yonghwa himself said that the "Banmal Song" was made by 2-3 months into WGM....... can anyone please enlighten me? thanks in advance!
























EDIT: OMGOMG seychan!!! I'm so in LOVE LOVE LOVE with your picture :wub:. do you have the high-resolution version?? I want to download it! thanks by the way

















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Guest Seychan
































































































































































































'I have designed it. because I totally fall in love with this ep and YongSeo couple make me crazy. I'll write something about my pic after. because my mom.
































































Happy Chinese New Year everybody. At soompi, I have a big family and I love you guys. Thank u, jnj, magdal & mrsjoker for supporting my pic. <3
































































Hope u like it <3 Thank u so much
































































Good night YongSeo :wub: I love you guys so much. Be happy together. Don't worry anything.
































































































































From Seychan with love.

































































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Guest bizzie_b


Hello In-Go-Paem!  It's ben a while since my last post here. 




Anyway, I've been watching last Saturday's episode only-God-knows-how-many-times! haha biggrin.gif  I love every second of it.  I can't help but think about their little sweet moments even before I got to sleep.  I even rewatched and reviewed their activities right after filming (ex. GDA).  You know how Goddess like Seohyun was last GDA most especially during the Run Devil Run performance.  I rewatched the fancams and my oh my, I was like thinking as if I were on Yong's shoes.  If I'm Yong, I'd be thinking like, "Oh Hyun is such a Goddess tonight.  Back off fanboys!  I just made her the most delicious breakfast she has ever eaten two mornings ago!  She just met my mother a week ago and she really left a big impression.  My mom loves her to bits and told me not to let go of her.  Of course, I won't!"




And of course, I rewatched CN Blue's performance again as well as the YS Star BTS!  Gosh!  The way he pointed at Hyun during the last few seconds of the performance was ust like, "Fanboys, she's mine!"  (My oh my!  I'm ust so crazy, I'm sorry chingus.  I can't help myself!)tongue.gif




Anyway, regarding their feelings towards each other.  It could be possible that they are not in a relationship yet.  However, they already like each other.  Or maybe Yong already loves her.  And that's the reason why he badly wanted Hyun to go to Busan to meet his mom and his friends.  They might still be in the courting stage.  As what he said during the backroom interview, "I like that now Seohyun knows me more."   It's seems like he really wanted Seohyun to know him more.  To know the real ung Yonghwa.  And WGM just paved the way to strengthen their current status. 




Oh anyway, I son;t know if I'm making sense.  I haven't slep for like 24 hours already.  Forgive me chingus!  Til next time!  I really can't wait for this Saturday's episode!  The pinkyship is ust LOVE! wub.gif


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That CNBLUE boy needs to stop staring like this to that SNSD girl.


































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Hi! thanks for the translation of the article! However, there's one sentence that I don't get the meaning.

what does this mean?? He has been making the song BEFORE or AFTER he got into WGM????? because Yonghwa himself said that the "Banmal Song" was made by 2-3 months into WGM....... can anyone please enlighten me? thanks in advance!

EDIT: OMGOMG seychan!!! I'm so in LOVE LOVE LOVE with your picture :wub:. do you have the high-resolution version?? I want to download it! thanks by the way

hi soshi;) i  myself is wondering as well with that 1 sentence.. as far as i remember  its like a crystal clear statement from yong that he composed the song during the wgm filming its their 39 epsiode if im not mistaken.. sorry i just got the translation form the cnblue thread.. anyhow,  we've heared it directly from him so no need to worry;) have you got my private msg? ;)

@rxp080100.. welcome, its not a big help anyway hehehe;) wow! nice pics.. rock and roll baby! i think the original girl from that picture is sandara?;)

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Guest quisty86
































































































soshisoshisoshi I understand it as... regardless if it was going to be featured in WGM - meaning he did this on his personal time and NOT FOR WGM. Do I make sense? Maybe they wanted to clear that up bec. "some" people think that it's only for WGM publicity when it's his own creation, own work of love. 
































Haha don't be alarmed. 
































So I keep rewatching the episode, lost count already but until now I get a jump from some scenes!
































1. Have you guys noticed how excited Seohyun was when she saw the photos she practically screamed? Her voice was really loud hahaha. And the way yonghwa reacted while eating the cake was cute.
































2. I love it when they exploded in laughter bec. of Seohyun asking who the girl is. So carefree. Just imagine how wild it would be without the cameras.
































3. People have posted screencaps of it - the way Seohyun stared at Yonghwa when she was saying yes she was interested in his life from childhood to highschool. Like a drunk lady and smitten with the person in front of him. 
































4. When Seohyun was ending her conversation with mom-in-law, yonghwa scooted to hyun and hyun moved to yonghwa and omg i get a jump everytime bec. they were so close like almost hugging! This was when yonghwa last talked to her mom on the phone. See how the transition is. I'm really surprised. What is personal space??? 
































5. I was actually wishing for Seohyun to hold Yonghwa's hand when he was trying to wake her up hahaha. 
































6. During the necklace thing, Yonghwa's hand and Seohyun's shoulder were in constant contact. Subtle? HAHA uhmmmm but guys, you both are totally obvious. 
































Now let us all replay the scene of writing on the sand and suddenly the song, that special song played :) Hyun was super happy that time! She was like a child! And at one time Yonghwa was just looking at her. I loved the whole visiting the high school scene :) It's just... I don't know no proper words. I was telling an unni the other night, their story started when Yonghwa was still in high school...when he supposedly skipped class. And now here they were, he brought her back to that school. Oh young love :) 

































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Guest k.rivera19
































































































































































































































































































































































this is the question i want to ask yong right now :P

































































































































































































































































































































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Guest anne0129

































































































































Yonghwa has made 'A song for first time lovers' for long time by himself regardless of wgm airing.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hi! thanks for the translation of the article! However, there's one sentence that I don't get the meaning.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































what does this mean?? He has been making the song BEFORE or AFTER he got into WGM????? because Yonghwa himself said that the "Banmal Song" was made by 2-3 months into WGM....... can anyone please enlighten me? thanks in advance!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































From how I understood the sentence....Yong created the banmal song despite the hectic schedule and filming for WGM. So I do believe that Yong composed the song while doing WGM. He created it himself from lyrics to music composition to arrangement and so many more. In terms of another lyric writer, I think he just got help in polishing it up. Since his company still credits him from doing the bulk work for the song. With JS and MH helping in the music with bass and guitar....I mean they are his bandmates...who else would he have asked to helped him in the music production? At least he was able to find a way to at least give work and in essence salary for the boys in doing the song....(don't know if I am saying it properly, I just wanted to say it's extra income for his 2 dongsaengs right) If I was Yong, I would hire my bandmates in doing the music too. I would know that they understand how I work and all.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So that is how I understand it anyway. Sorry for my not so good English. blush.gif

































































































































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i wonder why yong seo make us nonstop discussing. i watch adams couple and i enjoyed it a lot, but afterthat i dont need to think about that anymore. but with yongseo, i always puzzed myself with tons of question.


they bring me happy but also headeache.


i never think that i will beleive in this kind of show.noway this i a reality show, just purely a show. but now i cant say that anymore. i cant find a "yes or no"answer for the questions scripted or unscripted? real or reel? honest or all fake? and those questions still running in my head everyday. why i put myself in this kind of addiction.


Hyun and Yong is really speacial people. the more i watch the more i can read Hyun, but i seem can not read YOng anymore.


Hyun feelling is really logically running just like her. from beginning she showed her curious in the relationship but not put her feeling in that yet. but step by step she knows him more and the feellings growing slowly. and she really shows how she feel from her eyes and her action.


But YOng, how can i understand him. i beleive and not beleive him, his actions sometimes so naive but sometimes unexplainable. and Hyun even asked his friends, what she should do if he is annoyed? that speaks a lot. he has been annoyed with her. that is normal in a relationship. he is a wise guy, he havent done tons of sweet things to Hyun. but sometimes his actions are not clear enough, it is really between the line. also like his song to Hyun, it is also not clear enough, he didnt say all the song is for Hyun, and we still thinking is this Yong's version totally delicated to Hyun. always (?). maybe that make us more addicted to them. if everything is so clear how can you want to discover.


watching Hyun growing up like this, make me happy.but i really want her tobe more flexible and know what she wants for her career. she is an intelligent her but i wonder why she didnt choose music to study but instead of acting. but Yong he choose for his music from beginning. he has very clear vision of his future, and i really like this side of him.


i think i gonna have (-) point for this post. hahaha i should spend time to work on my paper but ... yeah because of Yongseo. sorry for stupid post :wub:


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Guest ayanapunya
































































































































































































sorry to cut your post! wah, this  really made me come out from my lurker mode........... what if they had  that conversation, I can't think no more :wub:.  can't imagine if Seohyun were to spit out those words from her mouth,  and Yonghwa's reaction will definitely priceless.....






























































































































okay, just now I looked at sally7's  calendar, and there is one that I believe a VITAL  and IMPORTANT difference from the  calendar I saw on DCMARRIED. in sally7's  calendar it is posted that YongSeo had filming at 19th january at  MyungDong, for the shopping right?? but then looks at this.
































































  *quoted image*
































































  they had filming on the 18th of January in Sangdodong????? this  is what the K-Gogumas found.......... maybe I missed out this news?  then they had 2 day filmings in a row?? they slept  there????? OMGOMG delusional me :wub:.
































































































































Oh, and apart from that, I'm planning to drop a message on WGM mission  board. would you guys mind if I take your ideas to be posted by me, or  perhaps you want to do it by yourself???
































































































































nonetheless, happy spazzing to all ^^






























































































































































































































As I remember, on january 18th, SNSD have to performed their new song for Intel. And that day we also get news about wgm crew's car at sangdo-dong to fix the heater.  Maybe after Intel performance hyun meet yong at sangdo-dong? who knows ? :wub:






























































































































Sorry for my poor english

































































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Thank you so much -insideout for the translation and the compliment. I really appreciate it. Hah. Yonghwa must know that the doctor may find something wrong in his health that's why he kept on whining about not having the check-up. I've been watching the subbed version and noticed how annoying Seohyun can be when she's nagging. I was like, wth Yonghwa you must like that girl so much for absorbing all her rapping.
















































































Anyway, it's weird how this article: http://news.nate.com/view/20110131n13124 puts Seohyun's name on the title but did not exactly talk about her. It's about Yonghwa and his never-ending endorsements.









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Guest soshisoshisoshi
















Haha, you guys sure are fast! thanks myblue, ayanapunya, quisty86 and anne0129 for the enlightenment, because for some time I was a little bit worried about that first sentence......... maybe I'm just too worried, am I?? :sweatingbullets:I'm glad that you replied very fast, or else THAT sentence would really trouble my mind all night! :lol:
















myblue ....... I received your PM already, so they did saw each other to get the wedding photos huh? I'm really anticipating WGM to air that too! and I also sent you a PM hehehe
















linh80 ......  I know right!!! gosh these two! I just need to sort things out after watching their episode, like many things are missing, notably because editings by the PD <_<. and regarding Hyun, I believe that's because she is the only child in her family, so I believe her parents influenced her decision alot...... oh well, she is one unique character isn't she?

















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will a kind goguma please translate this article?
































































































apparently it describes how yonghwa created the banmal song & includes WGM PD's comments about it's appearance on the show.
































































































maybe it will help to clear any confusion among various fans?





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































반말송, '용서부부' 듀엣버전 안 나오는 이유?































































































































































































































반말송'이 오는 14일 정용화의 솔로곡 음원으로 공개될 예정이다. 






























































































































































































































































































































'반말송'은 MBC 예능 '우리 결혼했어요2'(이하 '우결', 연출 강궁 정윤정)에서 소녀시대 서현과 가상 부부로 출연 중인 정용화가 두 사람만의 추억에서 영감을 얻어 오랜 기간 준비해 온 자작곡이다. 






























































































































































































































































































































특히 방송을 통해 정용화와 서현이 '반말송'의 일부 가사를 함께 완성하며, 기타 연주로 듀엣 하는 모습이 그려져 시청자들의 뜨거운 반응을 얻기도 했다.






























































































































































































































































































































이에 시청자들도 정용화의 '반말송' 발표에 반색을 표하고 있다. 그러나 정용화와 서현의 듀엣 버전 '반말송'을 기대했던 일부 팬들에게서 아쉬움 섞인 반응도 나오고 있는 상황. 






























































































































































































































































































































이와 관련 '우결' 강궁 PD는 "'반말송'은 방송과 관계없이 정용화가 오랫동안 개인적으로 준비해 온 곡이기에 정용화의 노래로 발표하는 것이 맞다고 생각했다"라고 설명했다.






























































































































































































































































































































이어 "방송을 통해 영감을 얻었다고는 하지만, 정용화가 개인적으로 정성들여 만든 곡이다. 이곡을 방송에서 공개해 제작진으로서는 고마울 따름"이라며 "서현도 정용화의 '반말송' 음원 공개 소식에 무척 기뻐하고 있다"라고 전했다.






























































































































































































































































































































































































thank you to whoever comes around to it.
































































































i appreciate everyone feeding the goguma addiction
































































































I think we already discussed about this article just check @p.1657 onward
































































































and about co-writer (Han Seung Hoon) help yong for banmal song I think because the first intention Yong want to give this song(message) to hyun so the lyric he make it specific toward hyun but since F&C want to release it as single they need the other writer to polish it for public

Psy composed 106 songs, 40 songs out of them are forbidden because of various reasons.

Psy answered that he would like to make various songs, not just love songs.
































































































Suddenly Yonghwa asked, "Can I ask you a question as myself a lyric writer and composer? When you make song, which do you consider more? the general public or your mania fans?"
































































































Psy answered immediately, "I make songs for the general public 580% or 1000%. A song which can't gain sympathy is just a complaint."
































































































Yonghwa's face was so serious.
































































































from NAN ep.1































































































































































































about 18 jan it's MBC's staff fix heater day (when the episode on-air and we know for sure they filming that day I will update calendar, sorry if it isn't accurate)

































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Guest yasmin_waldz

















Hi! thanks for the translation of the article! However, there's one sentence that I don't get the meaning.what does this mean?? He has been making the song BEFORE or AFTER he got into WGM????? because Yonghwa himself said that the "Banmal Song" was made by 2-3 months into WGM....... can anyone please enlighten me? thanks in advance!EDIT: OMGOMG seychan!!! I'm so in LOVE LOVE LOVE with your picture :wub:. do you have the high-resolution version?? I want to download it! thanks by the way
















From what I understand from the translation, Yonghwa made the song not for WGM. It is not something that the PDs asked him to do, but something that he made outside of WGM. That is why the PD was thankful that Yonghwa agreed to use it for the show.
















My mother got addicted to Sungkyunkwan Scandal and has been using the laptop for quite some time now. She must have seen it more than ten times (the whole drama). That is why I rarely get to visit the thread and I miss it so much. I can't even do live streaming as she is using the laptop all the time,, haha. Thank god for all the wonderful people who provided all the raw videos, translations and subbed videos. Thank you so much. I may be super late in all my spazzing but it still worth it all. My god, the progress of their relationship is simply stunning. I can't stop smiling all throughout. Yonghwa's mom and friends are so cool and Seohyun handled it all splendidly. I got goosebumps even on my face when Yonghwa whispered Seohyun's name when he woke her up. I just can't handle it... Hahaha... With so many things happening, I can't even talk about them one by one, all of it is super amazing... Seohyun's massaging is simply to die for, how much more for Yonghwa who was the recepient of the massage... Yong teasing Hyun about the necklace is just so cute, even Seohyun can't help but giggle.. Haha... Love it, love it... Am off to watch again the videos before my mother comes again and take over the computer... Haha... See you again guys... Happy spazzing all of you...
















Oh, by the way, I am loving Yonghwa's new hair... A refreshing change...

















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Guest Claude71






Finished watching both English & Chinese subs for this week's episode. 


Okkhun was the last to give his speech right?




The english sub was mentioning about don't let a scandal erupt,




However, the Chinese subs mentioned " Do not suddenly mention break up news". 


I am not too sure which one is more accurate. Just wanna mention the difference with Chi & Eng subs (:


Haha, Yong~ Please listen to your best buddy and yes, don't suddenly mention break up news. 



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