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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest gogumaforever






i cant post pix in soompi even i uploaded it on imageshack. its says that the link is not supported or something, please help me....






and can anyone translate Yong's guest appearance on Gag Concert, i know someone requested it already (sorry i forgot the name) it looks funny that they  discuss about wifey hyun, banmal song and cnblue hit charts. im just guessing kekeke.









anyway thank you for the English SUb of ep 41. been waiting for it since last saturday. i really appreaciate the effort and the time they are spending just to sub it for the entire goguma planet. thank you thank you thank you.






@kaptenkeirin- thank you.


regards to everyone, hope we have another sweet goguma week again, (i'am getting used to it tsk tsk tsk) wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif



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guys, if you already have the download link, please post it here.. i cant download it from youtube.. sweatingbullets.gifsleep.gif













 thank you so much biggrin.gif









































Hope we will see Yong come to SM concert tomorrow...



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Guest mischa317


it's a GREAT Morning here in Go-chun!


thanks for the translation...



to yong and hyun:

“The most wonderful of all things in life, is the discovery of another human being with whom one's relationship has a growing depth, beauty, and joy as the years increase. This inner progressiveness of love between two human beings is a most marvelous thing; it cannot be found by looking for it or by passionately wishing for it. It is a sort of divine accident"

Happy Anniversary YONGSEO couple!

for a year, you two have overcome many troubles (because of missions,push and pull and etc) and that's because of the magical power of love. happy MAGICAL year to both of you!

Happy Valentines day!

It is said that two persons truly in love aren't looking at each other but in the one direction.please continue to walk in one/same direction as you continue fulfilling each dreams.Be each others valentine forever. continue loving each other. cherish and treasure each day you have spent together.


ruby and family


this is to my fellow PINOY...lets support Yong

just type MYX[space]VOTE[space]LOVE and send to 2366

a long time goguma fan and lurker in this thread. thank you so much for this link. i hope that this will pave the way for CN Blue to be finally and rightfully recognized in our country. mopre power to uri YONGSEO, the couple who never fails to send us straight to go-chun every saturday and even during other music events outside of WGM.


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Guest aya otohata

I have a question gogumas...which did the yongseo couple film first? busan trip or cnblue dorm/basketball game?

I love the last episode but I felt like something was missing. And, I figured it out now after watching it a couple of times. The thing that's missing is the lack of MC spazzing lol. I really look forward to watching them spazz about our couple and I also enjoy their point of views, especially MC Jake lol...(I think he sees himself in Yong) but we barely heard from them last episode and I guess it's because of the studio and host switching.

Also, about the Yongseo staring contest lol...I noticed that too. Yong seems to avoid Seohyun's eyes. Hmmm...I wonder why...

or maybe because he's wearing eye glasses...that's why we can't really see the way his eyes sparkles lol

I really miss their eyes flirting like on Episode 30-31, before the Japan trip and during the push-pull period...the way they stared at each other in those episodes was just really something...ahhh.

I agree with what some of you have said about Yong, not knowing what to do with himself now that Seohyun's becoming more and more confident lol. Oh, choding.

I was rereading some of the first comments on this thread...and it was funny how they judged how these two couple would do in the show...they said that the couple would not match coz both Seohyun and Yong are very quiet people lol...and now almost a year later...we learned that Yong's a choding and Seohyun's a rapper especially when they are arguing lol...they're so cute!!! Happy 1st Anniversary Yongseo couple!!

About the wedding photoshoot? Is it just them? Would the bros-in-law and sis-in-law be there?

Butterfly: a universal symbol of change, resurrection, transformation, celebration, young love and the soul.

I guess Yong got the perfect gift for Hyun afterall.

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Guest baby_bo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































annyeong haseyo :) let me try and answer this since im bored and got nothing to do heheh hope this helps :)
































































































































































































































































I have a question gogumas...which did the yongseo couple film first? busan trip or cnblue dorm/basketball game?
































































































































































































































































About the wedding photoshoot? Is it just them? Would the bros-in-law and sis-in-law be there?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1. CNBLUE dorm/basketball game was recorded first :) but if you're confused.. the banmal uploading at youtube was recorded after the busan trip :)
































































































































































































































































2. Wedding photo shoot, NO news about the 8 unnies and cnblue inlaws being there but people from DC and as per bezbezbez it was Magical.
































































































































































































































































After watching the Busan trip, i can totally imagine how sweet our couple were during the WEDDING SHOOT.. kyah!
































































































































































































































































oh and FYI.
































































































































































































































































YONGSEO EP41 with Eng Subs is ready for download.
































































































































































































































































credits to SONEms
































































































































































































































































WGM YongSeo Ep 41

































































































































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Guest scatterbrain

gag concert

gagman(GM): i heard CNBlue JUngYongHywa is here today

Then the camera showed Yong(Y)

GM: heard you are in 2nd place in japan oricon


GM:Excellent...but what is ORICON? is it like a radio?


GM: anyway, congrats.i want to teach you something. come up on stage.

All: (shrieks and shouts and claps)

GM: don't be so slow, quick come up

GM: when you sing, you made a lot of hand gestures. is it like this?(made LOVE hand gesture). i think it's missing something. Let me see how you do it


GM: wait. open your hand like this

yong opened his hand

GM:yes, it's like this. it can fully cover your face. you will succeed if only you cover your face. understand?

GM: also, in WGM, seohyun is unable to speak banmal with you, right?


GM: Do you know why she can't speak banmal with you?....because you have an 'old face'.

GM: if seohyun look at me, she will be like 'GA GONG' everytime.

GM: anyway, you're so lucky.

recently, your wife has become the most favourite BABY GLAMOUR. BABY face, GLAMOUR body. chih. i will show you what is the real BABY GLAMOUR. (points at yong) don't be nervous. it'll be over soon.

GM: here look, BABY stomach, GLAMOUR face. this is the true BABY GLAMOUR(makes 'cute' face)

GM: (looks at yong)why?have you become crazy and want a kid like me?

GM: Go back down. called you on stage since you are already here

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Guest Tetsuya9
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































110122 Seohyun & YongHwa @ We Got Married S2E41 English Subbed
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Download links are up. So, after I'll upload part 1 again. I will not reupload anymore :(
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































You have to Download it
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Phoebechiu




Translation for Gag concert ( credit: China Goguma couple baidu.  Translated from Chinese by Phoebe)


Host: I heard CNBlue Jung YongHwa is here today.

Host: I heard your single is in the second place in Oricon.

Host: It's nice.  But Oricon?

Host: Is it something like a radio station?

Host: Anyway, congratulations!

Host: I want to teach you something.  Just come to the stage first.

Host: Hurry!

Host: When you sing, your hand gestures are so complex.

Host: is it like that? (host is doing the gesture of love love love).  In my opinion, something is missing there.

Host: Do it again.  (Yong is doing the gesture).

Host: wait.  Open your hand like this.

Host: When you place your hand in fron of your face, your hand  totally covers your face.  You will succeed, only if

          you cover your face.  Understand?

Host: In WGM, Seohyun can not speak to you in banmal and you write a banmal song for her, right?  Do you know

         why Seohyun can not speak to you in banmal?

Host:  It's because you look old.

Host: Every time when Seohyun saw me, she......( Here the host just wants to say that Seohyun treats him like a

         kid or a friend at her age because he looks young)

Host: Anyway, you are so lucky.  Recently, someone with baby glamour like your wife is very popular.  Baby face

         and Glamour body.

Host: I will show you what's real baby glamour.

Host: don't be nervous.  It will be over soon.

Host: see!  A tummy like a baby and a glamour face.  It's my version of baby glamour.

Host: What?  You must want a baby like me badly, right?

Host: Go back to your seat.  I call you up since you are here.



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Guest omgirly














































































































GM: anyway, you're so lucky.































































recently, your wife has become the most favourite BABY GLAMOUR. BABY face, GLAMOUR body. chih.












































































































































































thank you scatterbrain and phoebechiu, for the translation!































































went back and watched the clip again and watched yong's reaction to the quoted line.































































proud? embarrassed? naughty thoughts? oh boy, yong... you've been found out.






































































































here's the gag concert link from nikijenlo, in case you're looking for it...





































































































































































gah! i love this couple!! :wub:
















































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Guest inorhaniza














Happy 1st Anniversary to YongSeo Couple






























"Life without love is a book without its words. May you and your beloved live like a complete story.Love puts the fun in together, the sad in apart, and the joy in a heart....so i wish forever love for both of u."






























Happy Valentine's Day YongSeo Couple






























"Wishing the best Valentine's Day to two of you. More love for today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow. May ur love will bring miracle in your life, your jobs and ur future."










@ bezbez i hope i still can send them my wishes :wub:



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Guest Tetsuya9
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Youtube Part 1 is up again for Goguma E41 English Subbed
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































110123 YongHwa @ Gag Concert Seohyun HD - English Subbed
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Same for WGM. Download only available in the forum post here

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Just wanna share this pix that I found on CNBlue thread


This fanart is so adorably cute!! LOL. Its very very cute hope this can make you smile wider.




Credit goes to gogumalove@tumblr for sharing.



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Guest uh-ohxev
















































Are you sure Yo~ng bought her that coat? Didn't she arrive to the filming wearing it already? If he really did buy it, I'll be so excited! :wub: But, a lot of time things like that are posted without confirmation, so we get our hopes up only to find out later that it was all a rumor. That's why I rather wait for the episode before I can really get my hopes up.















































Everyone has already posted their spazzes about the episode.. and mines are all the same! Therefore, I won't go into too much detail. Just want to name my favorite parts -
















- Feeding the seagulls. Absolutely hilarious! Just like a real couple... always try to do something romantic, but those things only happen in movies! XD
















- Kimbap scarf... sooo sweet! When Seohyun touched his shoulder and asked if he was cold.. GO-CHUN! So thoughtful. I'm sure it was obvious since he was wearing a pretty thin cardigan. And in the end, they compromise and share the scarf.. aigoo.. these 2! :tears:
















- The natural skinship. It's everywhere in this episode! No big deal made out of it by the MCs.. it's just so natural. It always has been. Yonghwa is also getting extra touchy feely now..:phew: keke.. let's get a hug, or arm over the shoulder now, yes? :lol:
















- The small argument.. so cute. I absolutely loved the way Seohyuns voice changed from upset to a sweet sounding aegyo voice in the middle of her sentence.. that made Yonghwa smile so much.. and that little tap on her leg was so cute! :3 He's totally smitten.. you can see it in that big, cheek bursting, smile of his!
















- The most meaningful part to me was her meeting his friends. In WGM, they always introduce the wife/hubby to the band members, sometimes family,etc. but never the friends from childhood.. It was very meaningful to me that Yonghwa introduced her to the people that know him best. That have seen him through everything. In the car ride, I love how he always made sure to attend to Seohyun. Not trying to leave her out, and make her as comfortable as possible. Especially when he asked Yejie to take good care of Seohyun since they were the only 2 girls present. Very sweet and thoughtful of him. I think it would've upped the awkwardness for Seohyun, if there had been only guys.
















Also, I want everyone to pay close attention when they're sitting in the cafe and he's naming everyone and introducing them to Seohyun ( Link to this part @ 11:10 ).. everytime he says one of their names, he stares deeply at Seohyun. Looking for her reaction... to see if she approves? Not to say that Seohyun needs to approve of them. Afterall, they've known him their whole lives... however, more like he wants to see what her impression of them is. Like "How does my wife feel about my close chingus?"
















Anyways, this episode was VERY good and has shown their progress up to now beautifully. I always feel very happy and proud to know that I never gave up on this couple. From the very first episode, I knew that these 2 would become my favorite. Why? I saw their awkwardness and I knew that with that, a beautiful relationship would blossom. I really appreciate how natural these 2 have been, and how they've never gone out of their way for attention in the media. Everything has always been very natural and at their own pace. To me, that's more meaningful then holding hands on the first day they meet.. that isn't special at all to me. It's also extra meaningful because unlike any other person whose appeared on WGM, Seohyun is the only one who was oblivious to anything regarding love or boys. But, now she's come a long way and we've all seen her mature into a beautiful young woman. To some people, they might say that Yonghwa can't be her "first love" because it's a show. But, in this show.. your real feelings get played. And to Seohyun, someone who has never loved a boy before, it's difficult not to fall for the boy who was your first for so many things.. even something as innocent as holding hands or linking arms.
















YongSeo fighting!
















Didn't mean to make this such a long post, but I always end up getting carried away with these 2 :x

















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Guest puukpui






Cr: 용서사랑하라@dcmarried













Yongseo Couple 1st Anniversary Story Calender








more info about this >>> http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=married&no=629490&page=1&bbs=




Cr: 아줌마밴드@dcmarried















'For the First-Time Lovers' in Weekly Music Charts





Soribada #1








Dosirak #1








Monkey3 #1







Other Chart























































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Guest raindrops_919

i'm always grateful for you all, seriously HAPPY for our fan club! THANK YOU for those who working so hard to make that happen, we would never have it without you!!

THANK YOU for M3 for DAEBAK translation!! you're jjang!

and for bezbezbez, here's my message:

for valentine's day greeting:

pink for so nyuh shi dae, blue for CNBLUE

when it's valentine's day, let love flow in you

happy valentine's day!

for 1st wedding anniversary:

To the beautiful couple in all the land,

May your anniversary be Happy and Grand.

Happy 1st Wedding Anniversary!

THANKS to jnj for reposting the invitation *hugs*

and here's yongseo 1st wedding anniversary invitation, spare that day, you all have to come!


my bad, i made a mistake on the invitation, THANK YOU winnieho for the correction, i'm so sorry, here's the RIGHT one:


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Guest Phoebechiu




Consider that people are wondering whether the cape Hyun wore was a gift from Yong.  I will post the fanaccount which was posted in China Goguma couple baidu. (credit: China Goguma couple baidu)




Yong picked the khaki cape for Hyun and paid for it in Judy and Joshua in noon square.  I don't know whether it will be broadcatsed.  I am curious as well.




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Consider that people are wondering whether the cape Hyun wore was a gift from Yong.  I will post the fanaccount which was posted in China Goguma couple baidu. (credit: China Goguma couple baidu)


Yong picked the khaki cape for Hyun and paid for it in Judy and Jushua in noon square.  I don't know whether it will be broadcatsed.  I am curious as well.

thank you for the information;) but it said last time that he bought her a pair of purple boots? anyway 2 gifts is much better! hehehe he loves to buy her stuffs! i hope we can have a concrete details on this..

i hope yonghwa will attend the snds concert in japan tommorow;)

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Consider that people are wondering whether the cape Hyun wore was a gift from Yong.  I will post the fanaccount which was posted in China Goguma couple baidu. (credit: China Goguma couple baidu)




Yong picked the khaki cape for Hyun and paid for it in Judy and Joshua in noon square.  I don't know whether it will be broadcatsed.  I am curious as well.






thanks for d info...... 


waahhh..... it seem yongseo becoming more real.... laugh.gif


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Hi peeps!


Stopped by to share one wonderful CN Blue fancam by the the wonderful Blossom. It's from their performance at the SMA and at around 4:46 you can hear the audience reaction to the cameraman zooming in on Seohyun:wub: (you cannot hear anything in the actual video) -_- 


Ahhh it must have been so romantic at that moment with all the other celebs around them, seeing the real deal before their very eyes?! :phew: 


 Here we go:




bhlee0203 aka Blossom, watch it before she puts it in privat :)


And regarding Yonghwa avoiding Seohyun's eyes I've noticed it too. It's like she is searching for eye contact and he is avoiding it  ^_^


Like bittersweet said  I also have this feeling if he tries to hold eye contact/ship with her(like in the earlier episodes) he might steal a kiss from her. :wub:



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Hi gogumas....I and _hachimitsu now doing album cover for Yongseo International Project (Yongseo’s fan song compilation) . _hachimitsu is in charge of designing the cover while i’m doing the inner part...as a tribute to the supporters... I’m giving chance for you to b part of the album. It’s easy, just e-mail me(at my personal email add : kaptenhisyam@yahoo.com) ur full face photo with ur name.

Only the first 20 single pic +5 for group pic(max 3 person) will b selected

as the deadline for the design to b finished is this Wednesday, so the deadline for u to send me the pic is till tomorrow 8a.m. Malaysia time...thanks for ur support!!Gogumas Fighting!!

p/s 1 : Don’t miss the chance cos we are going to send the album to Yong n Hyun!!!

p/s 2 : I’ll update the 1st 20 person+5 group name here ^^

Single pic:

1. kun_cheero (Thailand)

2. Fabiola

3. Klyde(Canada)

4. joann(Philippines)

5. Nikki

6. Liz(Peru)

7. KelsyAnne(Canada)

8. loybing(Philippines)

9. niiychan(Indonesia)






15.Farah Hanum(Malaysia)






Group Pic:

1. hilda(Malaysia)

2. Ewit n friends(Indonesia)

3. bezbezbez n fren(Philippines)



hi guys...jinjja mianhae...i accidentally click at quote n it repost my previous post...mianhae...anyway above is the latest list of ppl who hv sent their pic for the project..hurry send urs ^^

p/s: raindrops_919 : wow its beautiful ^^

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