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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest nikijenlo




i found this yongseo WGM fancam:









credit to: marsh1588@soompi




wowo..look at all those people gawking at them...:w00t:



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Just wanted to add some random things I've noticed and which hopefully haven't been mentioned before :)




when Yonghwa and Seohyun were running at the beach they played the Secret Garden OST(my man I think). I thought maybe it's a tribute as Oska(character from SG) pulled a Yong(holding your girlfriends hand in your pocket) in the drama. too far fetched?! maybe, could be, lol.




Another thing I've noticed was in the backroom interview where Yong mentioned that they will bring the seagulls to Sangdadong and 300 of them. why 300?! Is he pointing/thinking of a special day to come :)




regarding the ratings, it's not bad. I think people currently have to digest the loss of AC and it will pick up eventually(hopefully) :)





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Guest tinkershellsoompi








Wow! the message compilation sounds so interesting...I had to de-lurk again...my message for yongseo:




1st anniversary message:
















may you spend 100 more anniversaries together spreading your sweetness to gogumas around the world..LOVE<3




Valentines Day:












Happy Valentines Day~~...hope both of your hearts beat as one! :)



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by the way,,where i get last episode with engsub??,,today i think there is not link upload last episode with engsub translate,,,i jut found with chinese subs :tears:

































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Guest yongseocouple












for YongSeo's 1st year anniv:








Hello Yonghwa oppa, hello Seohyun eonni chukhamnida for ur first anniversary. i hope u can keep celebrate the more more more and more anniversary together. thanks so much for being there for us goguma. watching you two feels like i'm peeking for two people's dating. i'm embrassed sometimes keukeukeu. Chukamhamnida once again. i hope you two can become real and experiencing more exprience together as real couple kekeke :)) love from goguma indonesia








For Valentine's day








Yaaaaaa, this is the lovely day! i dont know what you guys two doing, maybe filming? whatever r u doing, can u guys give each other call and tell SARANGHAE! this is the right time to say it hehehee. happy valentine's day!! hope u can share more love to each other :))



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hi there! its my first time posting here.

I'm a total goguma shipper. Thank M3 for the subs. APPRECIATE IT TONS and to all the Goguma family, thanks so much. I had fun reading your posts.

1st year anniversary message:

Happy anniversary yongseo! Hope there'll be many happy anniversaries ahead that  can be spent side by side!! All the best for it! Remember, a relationship is something that can last as long as it is held preciously no matter what the circumstances are.


V-day message:

Hope Valentine's day is not just for wgm! Hope you two will be  able to continue celebrating it together outside wgm. Hyun, make taeyon's new year wish come true!! Yongseo fighting!!


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Guest xxxiloveyouxxx
























Hi In-Go-Paem! :)




















Before everything else, I want to say thank you so much to MountainMadman for providing such fast translations. You are such an angel. Although, I understood quite a bit. My hangul is still so poor. So you're translations are of much help in the comprehension department. I also want to thank all the other goguma's (I can't name all of you) who posted links for the raw videos.




















So my post today will contain two different parts: First, is of course to spazz with all of you. Second, is to address some of the topics that have been brought up by some of you, just for my two cents. :) So I'm sorry, as usual this is going to be a long post. I'll try to make it brief. :sweatingbullets:




















Here goes the first one: SPAZZ!




















- I don't think I will ever stop saying that each of the episode of YS is always better than the other one. This episode is so DAEBAK! It's like the powerpuff girls: Sugar, spice and everything nice. But can you say extra sugar and extra everything nice with a little spice?! LOL! (forget it! you goguma's get my point, right?)




















- Skinship! okay OMGosh! Yong was totally just grabbing here and grabbing there, patting here and patting there the whole time! haha.. and I loved every second of it as much as you all do. And LOL! Did Yong just "wrist grab" Hyun while they were running for their lives (okay, exaggeration but 'ya know what I mean) from the seagulls? I thought that that only happens in dramas. The only difference though is that she was also totally holding onto Yong's hands like her life depended on it. She wasn't resisting like any girls in kdrama world. LOL! For me personally, wrist grabbing is a no-no. Why don't you just hold my hand? Why do you have to awkwardly grab my wrist like you're dragging me somewhere? haha.. but that's just me.




















- Okay, so maybe it's just me. But that whole time while they were running away from the seagulls, it looked like a hollywood couple running away from papparazzis. When they got to the stairs, it's like dead end for them and they had to concede defeat. And while they were on the wall where Yong was leaning on while "wrist grabbing" Hyun and Hyun was looking around, dodging here and there. LOL! I felt like I was intruding their privacy. If it weren't for the seagulls, it looked like they were on a beach date, talking all serious (confession because of the whole wrist grabbing) but with a hint of getting embarrassed by passers by hence Hyun was looking around. (Oh my imagination! Was I really the only one that felt this?) And the time when after Hyun fed the seagulls and she looked at Yong so happy. It was so much bliss. Also, did you guys notice that after that Yong was feeding the seagulls again, Hyun was just watching. Then she kind of leaned to Yong a little bit. Was I the only one thinking that their faces were so close to each other that one wrong move, something else could've happened? Good for them they were just looking forward and up but too bad for us they didn't "accidentally" face each other. It must've been so awkward if it had happened.




















- Regarding aneng's question about these caps:




















imageproxy.php?img=&key=2dbee9df824d5219' alt='' class='ipsImage' >' alt='' class='ipsImage' >' alt='' class='ipsImage' >' alt='' class='ipsImage' >




















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I'm so glad I'm not the only one trying to figure that one out :whew: Well, my hypothesis is: You can actually see that the position that they were both in was quite awkward - walking forward but holding/wrist grabbing Hyun's right arm with Yong's right han - what are they doing? Getting ready to tango?! I personally think that Hyun just got tired of the whole wrist grabbing thing. LOL! Anyhow, you can actually see, if you super slow motion it, that Hyun kind of nudged Yong's arm thus he let go of her wrist and their hands just kind of find their own way back to each other. It's like magnet. Right(+) + Right(+) = wrist grab; Opposite hands(+&-) = holding hands. LOL!




















- And while they were walking towards the boat tour and held hands again. Before that happened, you can actually see that Yong looked down and smiled while grabbing her hand and when they were holding hands already Hyun looked down a little embarrassed/shy. haha.. it was cute! Oh this two with the cute, it makes my heart flutter! And LOL! at that lady at the ticketing booth. She looked so uninviting/unfriendly when they were buying tickets. Maybe it's the shock.




















- "Will you save me or the goguma?" LOL Yong, do you like mommy or daddy? haha.. he dug his own grave. Kudos to Hyun for picking goguma. She totally pulled Yong's leg. She's totally getting better at retaliating Yong's jokes/chodingness.




















- While on the boat, oh! everything is so saccharine sweet, I'd die of diabetes. It's like, "Oh! You're cold? Here I'll warm you up." but "You're cold too. So here, I'll also keep you warm too." hence "Okay, let's just share a scarf!" :wub: But Yong was totally cold. In the end he put on his jacket + scarf and Hyun was just wearing her sweater + scarf.




















- When they were walking and getting onto the topic of the necklace. What I like about YS is that when they have something important to talk about when it involves feelings, they sit it down and talk. And that's exactly what they did here. But you know, it just so conveniently happened that there was a bench there. haha! Hyun's so cute wanting attention and Yong is just like :adore, adore, adore: And OMGosh at MC Park telling off Jonghyun, "Is that so hard?!" guys will be guys, girls will be girls.




















- Meeting with friends. Yong's friends are so funny and nice. I like them all. It seems like they're all restricting themselves since they're on TV and also shy around Hyun. But I bet it'll be comfortable later on. And Yong and his friends seems to have the same gestures and behaviors as well, ex: hair touching when shy, talking while drinking, etc. They're also really loyal to McDonalds. haha... kudos to JinSuk though for not bringing burgers in the car. :lol: And I know it wasn't translated since it's a caption but when Yong was trying some of JinSuk's drink, he offered it to Hyun first and the caption actually says "Anae, monjo" which is to my understanding means "Wife first". I think Yong actually said "SeoHyun" instead of "buin/anae" though. LOL! but it's sweet. Offering the drink to Hyun first but Hyun refused. Afterall, it wasn't Yong's. And if I let my imagination run wild, I will say she refused because she doesn't want JinSuk to inderectly kiss her. LOL! The whole meeting with friends for now seems awkward as they are all not comfortable yet. But I think Hyun is doing her best at trying to comfortable. I think what she is uncomfortable about though is




















the fact that her husband's friends look at her as a celebrity. I mean it's inevitable since their still soaking in the idea that she is Yong's wife/gf but she is still someone they see on TV, but you know, I feel she feels a little uncomfortable with that. And about Yejie, since people have been putting their two cents into her "role", I will be talking about that later.




















- Oh! and Yong calling and introducing Hyun as Seo JooHyun. It gets me all the time. It crosses the line for it being reel or real to me. And this time, it was so REAL. :wub:




















-end of spazz!




















There are just some things I want to point out though. I don't know if you goguma's have noticed these also but I just want to throw it in.




















- When holding hands. First, they don't do it in mass public. Second, since the Japan episode, you have never seen Hyun crossing her arms anymore when they walk if she does, they link arms. Hence my third observation, that when they hold hands, their hands have to be free. If it's not, they hold onto something. Like in this episode for example when they were walking to the boat tour. Yong's right hand was just swaying back and forth, his left was holding onto the bird snack, then his right touched his hair. And while he was doing all those, Hyun was holding onto the straps of her bag, then she lets her hands be free... then that's when Yong swiftly grabbed onto it. Then, my final observation is that they never hold hands before or after they enter a door or a walkway. Do you notice that? They always let go when there's a door. LOL! WHY!??




















- When shy they both touch their hairs. LOL! Yong always does nowadays, I guess it's because his hair is long. But he has a way of touching it when he's embarrassed/shy/or caught off guard. And with Hyun, I guess it is her trademark that she let's her right side hair be free while the ones on her left side has to be tucked in under her ear. And when she's embarrassed/shy she touches her hair or tucks it in her ear although it doesn't really need to be tucked in. She does that all the time, in this episode you'll see that particular habit in her backroom interview after she talked about the necklace issue.




















- Eye contact. Okay, in Go-chun YS eye smex is a hot topic. But lately, I just noticed, again since their Japan episode that when talking casually Yong now avoids eye contact with Hyun. I mean, their eye smex is still there but not as much as before. Before, they would look straight into each other's eyes whenever, wherever. Hyun is still like that. But Yong on casual talks just evades/avoids. Although, when they talk seriously, he looks her straight in the eye with puppy wide eyes full of tender loving care and so much adoration. Maybe it's due to the fact that his heart flutters when he looks at her. So he tends to avoid it in casual talks because he doesn't wanna get carried away. LOL!




















- When they sit they always pick the edge part of a bench. LOL! I don't get it. They always sit on the edge. Well, except on their couch in their house. On their couch they always sit in the middle. Unless Yong is tired so he tends to lean at the edge of his side. But on their couch always on the middle. Every other chair/bench always at the edge.




















This is for MountainMadman. I was just curious because I think it wasn't in your translation. But on the part where they were in JinSuk's car on their way to pick up OoHyuk and DongHyeon, after Yejie offered and gave them gum. Yong said something to Yejie that somehow made Hyun embarrassed/happy/appreciative. The caption says "anae jaeng gyojooneun" (btw, what does that mean?) and after he said it Hyun's caption showed two hearts. Do you mind telling me what he said? Also, in Hyun's backroom interview during the necklace issue. Just right after she said "Should I try it?" She said something like "I-huei item mojo" what does that mean? Coz to me, in my comprehension, it feels like she said "this is a number one item" or something like "this is an important item" Will you please clarify. I don't know if these are important but I was just curious. Sorry and thank you :)




















I guess, I'll write my second part on another post since this post is excessively/uselessly longer than what I have imagined. Sorry gogumas. :sweatingbullets: I really tried cutting it down.




















See you later guys in my next post! :)



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Hello Happy Gogumas...











































First and foremost, million of Thanks and appreciation to M3 and Dduk for the translations. Thank you bezbezbez and crsytalblue for your hard work in organizing project after project for uri YongSeo. You guys are THE BEST!!!











































To all the regular spazzers and the new members, Thank You for every single details, photos, caps, news and everything about Yongseo shared here.











































Things have been moving too fast with life, work & studies that sparing a few minutes now & then to just lurk in the thread had been a total bliss. It’s been a while since I last posted here (months actually). But it doesn’t meant I left Go-Chun forever. I always come & lurk whenever I have the time. I feel happy reading all the posts posted by Goguma family. The members keep on increasing, You people are the best. Though we might not know or might know each other personally (we could be back door neighbours who didn’t realise that we both love YongSeo so much)  but we’re all bound together because of YongSeo couple. That’s how special Yong Hwa & Seo Hyun to us the Goguma Shippers.




















 However, I feel bad for missing some interesting games or projects You guys had in here. Sometimes I even missed the spazzing, but I’ll always make sure not to miss any new episode of YongSeo.




















These are my messages to both Yong and Hyun for their 1st anniversary & Valentine’s Day.




















Both of you were thrown together by fate. You don’t know each other, yet here you are ‘married’ to each other. As you met each other for the first time, it was the most awkward moment for both of you. As days passed to weeks, weeks passed to months,unknowingly both of you are reaching A year of ‘married’ life.




















Both of you went on a beautiful journey of discovering each other, the beauty of friendship as well as the sweetness of love, and along the way making unbelievably sweet and unforgettable memories.




















Yong: At first You met her as Seo Hyun the maknae of popular SNSD.  Now,to you,  she is the simple, sweet, smart and kind-hearted girl, Seo Joo Hyun.




















Hyun: At first you met him as Jung Yong Hwa, the leader of a rookie band CNBLUE. Now, to you, he is the 'choding' but talented, caring and gentle guy, Yong.




















The jouney is still haven’t reach it’s ending. Keep on going till the end of the long road and make more beautiful and long lasting memories with each other. Always support each other in the many years to come. Happy 1st anniversary to Yong and Hyun@YongSeo Couple.smile.gif




















You started off as strangers and now you are ‘friends’. If love comes knocking to your heart, open the door and nurture it until it grows strong. When it’s strong keep the sparks alive and cherish it till the day you die. There’s nothing more precious as LOVE in this world. Forever Love for YongSeo Couple. Happy Valentine's Day wub.gif




















I know they’re very long bezbezbez, not to worry I’ll summarize them. I just post the long versions here so that I could share them with the others. Here goes the simple version as required.




















1st Anniversary message;




















It’ been a long journey of close friendship, beautiful love and sweet memories. Congratulations for reaching 365 days. Please don’t stop and make it beyond 36500 days. wub.gif




















Valentine’s DayMessage;




















If it is LOVE, nurture and cherish it till the day you die. Hope the ‘love’ between you two will grow strong as time goes by. wub.gif





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Guest rieyzajunkisshi






I'm so happy with the progression in their relationship! Together they discovered new things to enjoy about each other. It's crystal clear & obliviously seen that both of them are happy while being together~


There are a few things in life as important as love & nothing as important as trust. Make trust the foundation of your marriage & the life you build will be solid & strong!


Happy 1st Anniversary my beloved Yongseo couple~  May both of you look back on the past with joy, celebrate the present with laughter and love & anticipate the future with heartfull of hope! Enjoy every moment of your life & keep create precious memories together >_< Always cherish each other and the happiness will always be with you! May all your dreams and wishes come true...



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Guest hafiq890














hye anneyosaeo to all gogumas family~~~










i did congratulate them for the anniversary~so i wont write it back~ :) just for safe my time..no offense~










anyway, i'm still waiting for the subbed video.. or did anyone posted the subbed video EP41 before?i did not notice it ..chongmael mianhe~










i'm thirst of spazz right now~ uhuk..HELP me gogumas~~~



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With their 1st anniversary coming, I have a feeling the wedding photoshoot will be aired on the week of their anniversary. There's two more saturdays of WGM before that so either they will continue with busan next week and then skiing date the week after or the next two weeks will be skiing episode. It is possible that next week episodes will be half of busan and the start of the skiing date though.
















The main point is my guess is that wedding photoshoot will be aired in the second week of February! hehehe... i cant wait for Saturday!!









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Guest Soshimunky






Annyeong in-go-phaem w00t.gif





You gotta love Yong's Engrish + his habit of word shortening because some of the words in gogumaland are derived from him. Add some more words and we'd be making a Goguma Encyclopedia just like that of Harry Potter.





A truckload of gogumas to our Gochun angels, Mountainmadman (and Dduk) for being selfless. Gochun won't be the same without you guys.


To gogumas who contributed pictures, news, screencaps, raw videos, thoughts and who went through sleepless nights doing Yongseo projects, thank you very much. There's nothing more I can say other than that you guys are awesome.


I wanted to say more on last episode (because it was jjang!) but most gogumas already steal what I wanted to say. Reading your opinions are fun!







1st Anniversary message: 


Jung Yonghwa and Seo Joohyun! In one year, many beautiful memories accumulate. Always cherish them and be each other's strength ^^





Valentine message:


It's Valentine, the day for lovers. We look forward to the chocolates Hyun will be giving Yong. Be happy, always ^^



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Guest bezbezbez
















































Hi Gogumas!!!


























































































































I know that you want to say a lot of things to YongSeo, but please consider that the space for one's message is limited. I'm just asking for 3 sentences with a meaningful message, don't give me an essay. I'd be happy to accept your long posts if only I have time to summarize it. I hate to sound mean to some of you but please shorten it.


























































































































I don't want you to hate me for this. If you really can't summarize it... then I have no choice but to spend hours shortening your post.


























































































































To those who followed the limit, thanks you very much for making my life and task easier :) I really appreciate that consider my time and energy...





















































































































































































































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Hello, Goguma chinggu!!..














Please help bezbezbez... I feel sorry for her.. Let give her a short msg congratulation for our Yongseo cp anniversary.. I know you can do it..I cut my msg already... yup...for the 3 sentences... we share everything, right? so let we share our msg....














Goguma chinggu... daebak!!





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Guest gita_23
































































































hello goguma family
































i wanna say thanks to translator and everyone who help me to understand what happen between uri yongseo. i like to read what u all write here. something that make my days more colorful than before.
































for 1st anniversary message:
































to yonghwa <3 seohyun, i hope u both will live happily ever after! hwaiting! :wub:

































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hello everyone! my deepest appreciation to all of you who've been working alot, for sharing caps, translations, new updates, and everything THANK YOU SO MUCH!  hugzzzz and kisses! tsup


1st anniversary message:


Yonghwa & Seohyun.. May you always continue to hold each others hand, always hold into each others heart, always find each day a new and always stay and never be part.. Happy first year anniversary. I pray that God will always give and guide whatever your heart 's desire;)


Valentines Day message:


May your love to each other overflows on that very special day!


thank you bezbezbez  for all of your hard work! your the best! godbless you



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Annann, i borrowed your pictures. I hope you don't mind.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just want to say that I feel a couple vibe here. I don't know. Maybe because they are in front of Yong's childhood friends who are not celebrities, real people who don't have to act (i truly hope so). It is as if Hyun has to depend on Yong and Yong is so proud of Hyun. Yong don't have to say that Hyun is his wife because the friends know that already. It is given, thus the couple vibe.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks M3 for the translation!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And for the messages:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Valentine's is celebrating love. Yong and Hyun, celebrate each other as finding each other is magic itself.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1st Anniversary:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Congratulations for being together for a year! May you create a lot of beautiful
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































memories together in the future, take care and cherish each other, grow more fondly of each, express more your feelings towards each other as this would help you understand yourselves better and appreciate each other more.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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hi all...just wanna share my congratulation message for uri Yongseo couple :)

1st Anniversary:


Congratulations for your 1st year together...!


Thank you for all the sweetness, love, fun and joy that both of you have shared to all of us


Wishing you all the best in the future and pleaseeee1000x be together for real :)








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Hey guys, wanna join in the project as well. Below are the messages. Thank you so much for compiling them and summarizing them!! Thank you!!
































































































1st yr anniversary.
































































































Congratualations!! You have come a long way from being awkward to knowing each other better now! Please continue to be yourself and enjoy the company of one another, be there to support one another for the many years to come!!
































































































Valentine's day message.
































































































A sweet day for all lovers!! May you enjoy this special day with lots of love from us goguma fans as well as each other's comanpany!!
































































































once again thank you so much for compiling!

















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