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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest bezbezbez










































































































































































that must be the question on the mind of others, right?


























































































































I posted about this request yesterday but it seems like some have skipped my post so they ended up confused so I'll explain it again.


























































































































I bought to giant cards yesterday in the bookstore. First is for the 1st Year Anniversary Congratulatory Card and the other is for the Valentine's Day Card. I'll be sending the cards along with the other gifts on February1,2011. I hope you can leave your messages here so I can send them to YongSeo.


























































































































REMINDER: Please limit your messages to three sentences because I don't have that much time to summarize it. Please make it easier for me by following the rules :) I know that you want to say a lot more things, just please reserve it for the 1st anniversary day itself and just post it here. Thank you so much!


























































































































If you have any question, violent reaction, or what not just feel free to PM me :)





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Hi In-Go-Paem!

(Lmao now we are so similar with 'doo-maek-paem')

Firstly I thank MountainMadman and DDuk for always providing us the translations of woori YongSeo..

And I heard MountainMadman even did a live translation??

Omo, that's so jjang!

Thank you for your hardwork.. You did it even you have to stay up late..

And I want to thank all of you who share those beautiful pics, fan arts, GIFs, etc etc..

Gogumas jjang!

I'd like to share some videos from today's SBS Inkigayo:

110123 Inkigayo MC Cut 1

110123 Inkigayo MC Cut 2

110123 Inkigayo MC Cut 3

cr. 2ONEDAYTV @ Twitvid

Ring ~ ding ~ dong!! I think I saw "IT"!wub.gif

And for woori YongSeo's 1st Anniversary and Valentine day:

Happy 1st Anniversary, YongHwa~ya, SeoHyun~ah!

I've been watching you two since your 1st episode, and you two make me learn lots of new things about feelings..

I wish all the best for you two, and for both of your respective groups: SNSD and CNBLUE; do your best in this 2011 ~

Stay healthy! ^o^


Happy Valentine to woori YongSeo bubu!

Please get married soon, for real!! Kk XD

From Erika - Indonesian Goguma smile.gif

*oops, I edited it, since it has to be 3 sentences long.. For my 1st anniversary, I made it 4 sentences though.. Sorry bezbezbez :(

And thanks for your hardwork ^o^ *


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Guest chilipadi_22
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































for 1st year anniversary:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































continue to be each other's love light and stay happy and sweet always.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































its been great seeing you both grow so close and comfortable with each other.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































for valantine's day:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yonghwa yah~ marry seohyunnie for REAL!!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest blueshoes









SEOHYUN Endorsing - WGM



Fancam 110120 Seohyun - SMA intro by Goldenjyh w00t.gifw00t.gif





credit DC WGM


Fancam 110120 Seohyun - SMA intro2

Fancam 110120 Seohyun - SMA hoot encore~





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Guest icegabrielle







I want to share my messages for the YongSeo Couple's One Year Anniversary and Valentines.. But before that, just want to say thank you to MountainMadMan for the fast translations, and advance thank you for Dduk's translation for next week's episode sweatingbullets.gif.. And also thank you in advance for synykiss...






One Year Anniversary





Happy Anniversary YongSeo Couple!!!  May you be blessed more, both for your individual careers and for your groups..  Stay happy always, and trust and protect each other...  blush.gif







Happy Valentines YongSeo.. This is not the first valentine's that you'll be celebrating together, but unlike last year's valentine's, you two are a lot closer to each other now.. Enjoy the day.. Have fun!!!  Happy Valentines!!!


icegabrielle from Philippines



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tks for clarifying things, bezbezbez.

hug u for your hard work.

and here is mine..

Congratulations, Yongseo.

U both have come a long way.

here's a toast for many many more years to come.

Happy Valentine's Day, Yongseo.

Cherish the love.

And pls continue making more beautiful memories together..


i feel like reposting this since its going to be their 1st anniversary :wub: ..


credit to raindrop.

tks girl!

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Guest gauri92
















oh we are posting messages??? yayyy!!! bak out of lurker mode!!!








1 year anniversary: congratulations guys!!! It has been quite a long journey right??? May all that both of you do in the future bring happiness and success. All the best and stay together!!!



















Valentines day: Stay together and always love each other the way you do right now. Your relationship is strong and do not let any one or anything shake it.





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Guest gogumaforever






Anniversary message:


Love changes both of you in a very beautiful way- keep your faith to each other and live a wonderful sweetpotato life forever. p.s. hyun, please kiss yong on your anniversary kekeke. (im not weird, kekeke)



Valentine Message:



Have a happy hearts day our dearest goguma couple.  grow in love for life.



love from gogumaforever- philippines 



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Guest aya otohata

Hey guys, here's a pic of Seobaby from SMA...she's probably telling Hyoyeon how she's gonna kiss Yong lol


She's so cute...Yong's so lucky!

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Guest isdupt15











it's been a while since i posted.. i'll contribute for the project.









1st year anniversary









To YongSeo couple:









Congratulations and Thank you for sharing your beautiful love story to all the gugumas all over the world.









Continue on caring, understanding, trusting, respecting and loving each other.









May the love and friendship that you have built through the show continue forever :]]









Happy Valentines Day!!









Happy hearts' day Yong oppa and Seohyun unnie :]]









Enjoy this day and continue on giving happiness on each other's heart :]


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Guest CallMeDayDreamer
































































































































































































































This episode is just DAEBAK!!! smiley-gen014.gifIt's definitely on my top 5 fave episode list ever...































































































































































































































































































































I watched the 1st Episode again last night, and gosh, I still can't get over how close they are right now and how much they changed, Seohyun especially.
































































































































































I'm with the others that i do miss their awkwardness, maybe because it's what me made love them from the beginning. smiley-love017.gif
































































































































































No matter how cringe-worthy their awkwardness was at the beginning, it was still darn adorable. 
































































































































































I giggle like an idiot whenever they got all awkward. And mind you, I never giggle...smiley-laughing002.gif
































































































































































My fave scenes from this episode:
































































































































































  • Of course, the epic seagull attack - that scene was just precious. They look just like an ordinary couple enjoying a day on the beach, plus the skinship there is definitely a bonus.































































































































    The boat ride - i have no idea why or maybe i'm just being weid, but i can't seem to look straight when yongseo rubbed their hands together. i feel like i'm invading their private moment ^_^... That scene still gives me a tingle when i watched it...































































































































































































































































































    The little pat hyun gave yong when they were on the boat - I'm going to say this again, I’ll probably be forever amazed at how comfortable Hyun is with Yong right now. That little pat was just enough to send me into spazztic mode. smiley-love008.gif Before, it was reluctant-awkward pat (gosh what a description :blink:), now it just seems so natural for her to do it..
































































































































































  • Their cute little argument - it was unexpectedly adorable. And the fact that Hyun open up about it was just awesome. I never thought she had it in her. Yep, goguma is definitely not on her top list any more...smiley-laughing002.gif

  • When he introduced her as "Seo Joo Hyun" - I just about died at that part. smiley-love008.gif... One thing I noticed about Yong is that whenever he's REALLY happy or overwhelmed about something, he tends to call her "Seo Joo Hyun"... smiley-love017.gif































































































































































































































































































































and oh, the thought of Hyun jealous at Yong's girl-friend never really crossed my mind. Curious, yes, but definitely not jealous. ^_^

























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1st Year Anniversary Message:
































































































































































































































































































































Your a very special couple and that's plain for all to see,  I wish the two of you many, many anniversaries to come and may they be spent side by side in the future... 































































































































































































































































































































Valentine's day Message:
































































































































































Can you guys get married for real? smiley-love010.gif





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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 actually this is my first post in here.. I just want to say "HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY" to uri YONGSEO COUPLE wub.gif  and of course HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! I hope this couple will be real forever.. wub.gif






    thankyou to M3 and Dduk for the fast translation! really appreciate it! wub.gif






and last but not least.. I LOVE YOU ALL GOGUMA FAMILY!! laugh.gif






  chika- from Indonesia






edit: For the message






happy anniversary for uri Yongseo Couple.. may your relationship become REAL ...








happy valentine day! please continue your love together...



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One Year Anniversary































































Congratulations to Yong Hwa and Seohyun! You are among the few who kept their relationship alive for so long. May you continue to enjoy each others company for as long you are able to.






























































































































































Happy Valentine's Day! Remember it's the one day where you openly express your feelings. I hope, you are able to say what  feel inside.
































































































Best Wish! Andre from the Philippines

































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First of all, big thank you to M3 for the real-time translation and the full translation... and to those fanfics, screen caps, fanvid owners (sorry that I couldn't spell out each of your name...), thank you very much...
































































































































































































































This week episode, what to say, another good one~!! Well, I think my favorites moments are the same as you all here.. the seagull moments, the naturally held hand moments, the boat riding moments, the necklace bickering moments, the friend's meeting moments in car and in the cafe.... all of them~~ my favorites moment of this episode.
































































































































































































































Oh, here comes my message for the 1st anniversary and the valentine days~~
































































































































































































































Happy 1st Anniversary:
































































































































































































































Yong & Hyun, I wanted to sincerely thank you for letting me know you. Through out this year, I really learn a lot from you. From bottom of my heart, I really hope both of you stay healthy, stay close and appreciate each other well. Down the road, when both of you look back, you will know how precious these memories were. Memories that only belong to both of you~~
































































































































































































































Happy Valentine Day:
































































































































































































































Yong & Hyun, wish both of you are able to celebrate your valentine day together despite your tight schedule. Happy Valentine Day~~!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong~ pls do me a favour, pls kiss Hyun and ask her to be your girl on that day~~!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Love ~ SFern from Malaysia...
































































































































































































































Cheers!! Thx!!
































































































































































































































Edit: Forgotten to Thank bezbezbez. Thanks bezbezbez for your initiative and hard work on the project. Appreciate it~~ love you..

































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Guest billieberlian

oh, this thread is sooo addictive that i keep on refreshing the page every second (haha, exaggerating)..but yeah, so thankful to those who have shared pictures, links n everything..u guys are daebak!!

i would love to share my wishes for them to:

for the 1st anniversary:

congrats!! please stay for more anniversaries..jaebal!!

for the valentine's day:

i hope every day is a valentine's day for the both of u :-)

thank you..n im from Malaysia :-)

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Guest Lildedprinxez

To Yongand Hyun

One Year Anniversary Message:

THANK YOU for showing us how Love works. How two strangers become good friends, until they finally become LOVERS.Wishing you again HAPPY 1st Year anniversary. Gogumas looking forward for more happy YongSeo. :)

Valentine's Message:

More love for both of you. Make this day a very special and memorable one, that both of you can cherish for a long time. :)

*edit: ok shorter version haha sorry for posting a long one. Overwhelmed. Hope you add my message to that greeting card. THANK YOU!

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Guest archiehon








































Thank you to MountainMadMan, I'm confused really coz I I thought M3 is a girl. Am I wrong?
























Anyway for the couple we love:
























First Anniversary Wish:
























Happy First Anniversary :) ! I hope both of you will celebrate many more anniversaries together in the years to come. Continue to be true to your selves and do not worry about what others thought about you. We love you both just the way you are.
















































:wub: It is your first Valentine Day together. Make it meaningful, as always!:wub:









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I'm just reposting bezbezbez posting regarding the 1st anniversary and valentine's day message. I'm here to remind everyone that he/she requested that we limit our message to 3 sentences. The messages are getting longer, please don't make it harder for bezbezbez to compile our messages.






























































































































































that must be the question on the mind of others, right?






























































I posted about this request yesterday but it seems like some have skipped my post so they ended up confused so I'll explain it again.






























































I bought to giant cards yesterday in the bookstore. First is for the 1st Year Anniversary Congratulatory Card and the other is for the Valentine's Day Card. I'll be sending the cards along with the other gifts on February1,2011. I hope you can leave your messages here so I can send them to YongSeo.






























































REMINDER: Please limit your messages to three sentences because I don't have that much time to summarize it. Please make it easier for me by following the rules :) I know that you want to say a lot more things, just please reserve it for the 1st anniversary day itself and just post it here. Thank you so much!






























































If you have any question, violent reaction, or what not just feel free to PM me :)
















































































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can i post the message for them?

1st anniversary:


Once in a blue moon, someone may take your breath away. When that happens, hold them dear to your heart.

Valentines Day:

Love, respect, trust and honesty defines a relationship.

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Guest SaltandLight






Hello again In-Go-Paem...








first i want to say thank you to bezbezbez for your hard work :)




now this is my message for our YongSeo~




1st Anniversary...




Congratulation for both of you~




1 year already gonee and my wish for both of you




keep respect, support, and love each other in the future 




Valentine day...




Wish both of you have a wonderful and daebak Valentine day..




kekekeke~ :P


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