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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest SophiaPia








































OMGGGGGGG! so lovely to see our YongSeo couple filming today even for short time. I guess they really missed each other, they look happy and according to fan acct sweet. Although they might call/text  each other from time to time but still to be together still the best.  wub.gifw00t.gifwub.gif i hope they continue filming after hubby Yong guesting in gag show. Wife Hyun  might be waiting at home kekeke! coz the heater is fix i guess hahaha! So they had lunch together, go shopping (i know hubby Yong loves shopping :) ) Normal couple coz YongSeo Real that's why sweet couple kekeke!
























It's always lovely to see them together. YongSeo a beautiful couple indeed.























































Thanks to all kgogumas who shared the filming photos in DC,  twitter, etc... w/out them we will not know all these. Thanks to all chingus who shared it all here. PLS. UPDATES US MORE :) 
























Cheers to all
























that last pix looks like wife hyun looking at  hubby yong poster/image/billboard outside that shop hahaha









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Guest scatterbrain

i personally don't mind hyun giving yong books. each gave the other what they think is best. yong likes fashion and want to share his interest with hyun, so he gave hyun boots, glasses. it just happen that hyun likes books, so she gave yong books, and lots of them. yong also won't mind. maybe he now likes reading because of hyun's influence and he really wants books as his gifts. we'll just have to wait for this episode to be broadcasted to know the reason behind hyun giving yong books. and maybe there's something else other than books, but the fans didn't capture it.

and it's also makes hyun unique. other girls rarely gave books, so it's kind of hyun's 'trademark'.

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Fancam: http://gall.dcinside.com/married/627240
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































There are so many tweets from the filming. D: Too bad our translators aren't around.

































































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Guest miel_1301








































Can any kind-hearted Goguma confirm this?













































































































YongHwa's "Banmal Song" will be available/released in a physical disc?















































































































































































source: http://www.rainbowbus.co.kr/contents/work_list.php?ptype=view&idx=5139
























Am I getting such info correctly? If so, then that would be great!














































































First, digital sales... and then later, disc sales --- a majority of which would be in YongHwa's account, I suppose.









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Guest Kerube-Chan
















































































































^ I want the CD. I want it, I want it, I want it!!! Where do I buy this, please someone help!!! YesAsia is selling it????
















































































On another note, Did you see the credits, almost everything was made by Yonghwa... I am so proud of him.
















































































And ahhhhhhhh they filmed something, I left the thread for 6 hours to sleep and look what happens... I am so excited... About the issue if SH buying books for YH, I found it nice that she wants to share her interest with him but I hope she got to buy him something... Just a little bling, bling, sparkly, sparkly thing will make YH happy, maybe glasses or accesories... He doesnt have to get "use" to receiving books, it is his right to receive at some point a thing that he likes from her... Just my personal Opinion.
















































































Thanks for sharing my fellow gogumas have a nice day!!!

















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Guest mach8infinity


Hi everyone!


looking at the credit picture of the cd cover, it seems that yonghwa illustrated and contributed to the design of the cd cover? i can't see the words on the credit picture clearly on my screen... can anyone else verify?




on a sidenote, i noticed there are about 900 plus goguma villagers checking the site out at about 5.30 plus +8 UTC... can't help but feel amazed since it is not even Saturday




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I dreamed of a CD to be released. I WANT IT!!!!




I want to hold it with my two hands and treasure it forever!




And thank you very much for sharing all the goodies, great to see that they are filming. It's a pity though that we have to have wait so long to watch it, but I am not complaining, there are still the ski trip, the wedding shoot and many more things to come.




I cannot wait!!!





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expect the unexpected... ^_^

so...there IS a shooting after all..

even tho its just them going on a shopping spree,

goguma village feels like heaven! hahahaha

since yong has to rush for another filming, wouldn't it be better if they did

the filming in their cozy house?

but i'm not giving up hope that, maybe, just maybe, after the gag concert,

yong will go back to the house, knowing that hyun will be there with his fave healthy drink! ha!

okay..i'm being delusional again..

special tks to aneng, bolmaejung, phoebe, callmedaydreamer for links, pics

and fanacct.

abt hyun giving yong books...again

aigoo...hyun ah... :sweatingbullets:

u are at Myung Dong, the shopping heaven (i've been there, i know)

there are lots and lots of nice winter clothing and stufs..

u could've bought hubby those nice winter jackets, or scarfs, girl. :rolleyes:

hehe..i want to believe that besides books, she might've bought him

something else too.. :phew:

woah! why does it feel like Sat is here already!.. :lol:


hacker, i am hyun biased, but i have to agree with u on this one.

anw, we should just be happy they filmed today and not think too much abt hyun's gifts..

who knows..she might bought yong something else besides books.

i hope no one will 'bash' hyun 'harshly' for her gifts.

or else me & my chingus will feel hurt again.. -_-

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I am so glad that they filmed again!
































































































































































































































































Assuring our anxious, fragile hearts.
































































































































































































































































But... I have to say this... please let me...
































































































































































































































































Hyun, books again???!
































































































































































































































































You love reading books,
































































































































































































































































I love readings books, too.
































































































































































































































































But I don't think those are the things that can make Yong say, "Yipee!"
































































































































































































































































(Remember his reaction in Tours Les Jours when you gave him books?)
































































































































































































































































Hyun, it's time to give Yong other things.
































































































































































































































































Find things that interests him.
































































































































































































































































Oh good god, help this girl. :tears:
































































































































































































































































Where are those 8 unnies?
































































































































































































































































Jungmo oppa, what does a rocker want?
































































































































































































































































To all Seo biased, please kindly use your soshi powers.
































































































































































































































































So, now, kill me...give me those (-)s.

































































































































































































































































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명동 버거킹 앞 노점에서 서현에게 귀마개 씌워주는 용화씨,, 꺅~!! 기여워
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: dc married
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































They have the same gloves....

































































































































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Guest pau-chan






yay! another filming! w00t.gif






I do hope they continued their filming at their house after that. it would have been totally daebak if he did. coming home after a tiring day at work to his lovely buin. and she would make her delicious ma that yong keeps asking for sometimes. or maybe hyun trying out some of the stuff  they bought just now in front of him. wee~ wub.gif


about the hyun's gift for yong, I know it is kinda disappointing that she keeps giving him books. I am too. but it's the thought that count right? who knows, there maybe something about the book hyun wanted yong to read or it came with something else. we just have to be patient and just see the broadcast to find out happy.gif


EDIT: if the cd is real, I WANT IT SOOOO BAD! the casing and the cd looks really awesome. and what some gogumas are saying that most of the credits have yong's name it (I can't see it clearly too), to me, that just really shows how hard he worked to make the song for his buin. awwww~ wub.gif 



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Waaaaa thank u so much for everyone here who's share all the pictures and fancams ^^


I just so curious what makes them do the shopping together?


Was it another mission from the PD?


My guess now they have to do some photoshoot together maybe? So they have to buy the clothes together......heheheee




Omo2..!! Lots of episodes to watch..! Their unfinished Busan trip..skiing at oak valley..wedding photoshoot and now this one! :)


Hope they really do filming again after Yong's gag concert *crossing my fingers* :)




Anyways happy spazzing Gogumas ^^




Sorry I topped the page with nothing to share :(


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Guest one_isa






Hey fellow gogumas! rolleyes.gif Just like anyone here, I am really happy that they are filming today in Myeongdong. I don't know with others here but as a girl, I feel really excited for the both of them since I like shopping. It is therapeutic for me. I hope they do feel the same way as I do because they're idols and they need to have breather activities like this one. 


I like to thank all the gogumas who have been posting pictures, translations and updates. You guys are JJANG!!! I think Hyun looks like a real fashionista here (not that she isn't) but there's something about her style today that makes her one. Moreover, she looks really beautiful, head to toe perfection. It reminded of the time that SNSD went to Taiwan and she was photographed going out of the hotel wearing a red cardigan, skinny pants and brown boots. She looked really mature but at the same time her clothes was age appropriate. 


As for Yong, can I clone him so that I can have also? I really envy Hyun. Yong knows how to treat his girl properly. It looks like they were shopping for her but I think he doesn't mind following her and even buying something for her. In addition to this, he is really a real gentleman. He doesn't let her carry the shopping bags. I like the fact that he carries them because it shows that he is 'owned' by someone else. 


Anyway, I am a little bit confused about the filming. It said that it was done already earlier but the new pictures that I have seen on twitter and dcgallery, I think they are night shots. Am I just being blind or what but I think the lights are turned on. You could see the signages of the stores are lit. FBI gogumas, what do you think? phew.gif



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wow Ueno Juri tweeted!! Maybe she went to see CN Blue concert in Japan that would be sooo DAEBAK, lol.




I am still confused about twitter and trending and so on. I registered for the sake of Yonghwa's banmal song, but I didn't know what to do next, just typing 'Banmal song' into the searching field, there were differnt answers and nothing seemed right, hehehe.




Oh god the CD has to be true, I'll buy it whatever it costs(hopefully not to much) ;)





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Guest -insideout
















































































*quoted image*












































































credits: http://twitpic.com/3re51x












































































*quoted image*












































































credits: twitkr.com/blarra2












































































*quoted image*












































































credits: dhttp://twitpic.com/3redds












































































Fan account: http://gall.dcinside.com/married/627209























































































































































*quoted image*












































































credits: dc married












































































They have the same gloves....























































































































































omg i totally don't have the time to be doing this right now but i cannot resist!!!!!! here are the translations for these~~












































































눈스퀘어 맞은편에 서현이 떴습니다 멀어서 뒷모습을 찍었지만 ㅋㅋ 우결 찍고 있는거 같아요












































































Seohyun appeared at Noon Square, because [i am] far, I only took a picture of her back but keke it seems like they are filming WGM












































































지금 명동에서 용서커플 봐땀 정말 사람 마니 몰림ㅋㅌㅌㅌㅌㅌㅌ












































































그럼에도 꾿꾿이 자기할일하는 두사람ㅌㅌㅌㅌㅋ












































































Just saw Yongseo couple at MyungDong, a lot of people gathered ke























































































































































Nonetheless, the two who are minding their own business ke ke












































































대박!!명동에서현용화커플 우결찍는당 ㅋㅋ이뿌다ㅜ












































































Daebak!! Seohyun Yonghwa couple are filming WGM at MyungDong ke ke They're pretty T_T
























































































































































Seohyun Yonghwa couple just passed by ke ke ke ke Real life and on screen is different ke ke












































































명동에서 우결 용서커플 발견! 정용화 티비랑 똑같구... 서현 너무 말랐어ㅠㅠㅠ 살빼야지ㅡ












































































Found WGM's Yongseo couple at MyungDong! Jung Yonghwa is the same as on TV... Seohyun is too skinny T_T I have to lose weight-












































































and OMG THE BEST ONE!!!!!!












































































명동 버거킹 앞 노점에서 서현에게 귀마개 씌워주는 용화씨,, 꺅~!! 기여워












































































At the street vendor in front of MyungDong's Burger King, Yonghwa putting earmuffs on Seohyun,, kyaak~!! Cute












































































i know there are a zillion other tweets but i just tl'ed these cause they were on the previous page! thank you so much to those who shared the pictures<3 omg you guys MADE MY DAY!!!





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Guest MQPheartsYS
































































hey everyone!
































thanks for sharing everything!! you guys are awesome!!
































































got this from spd cbox. everyone is wondering what it is, so i thought i'd post.
































a dosirak event for banmal song?

































































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crystal~! annyeong! ^^

thanks for the clarification. i actually know that. i think u misunderstood me? keke sorry for being vague. i wanted to add that sulli's friend told the host in some variety show that also featured yong & jokwon that yong kept looking towards her side. i don't think sulli would've told her friend about this if it isn't true. besides, there could also be some kinda conspiracy to frame yong since he has so many admirers & fans even within the entertainment industry? haha well, if we were to think of the extreme possibility LOL (and i believe that could be a possibility though). but again, sulli could've mistaken yong's staring as something more if yong truly was just staring blankly here & there. there're many possiblities to it and that's just my POV.

shawie, jnj~! kamsahamnidaaaaa *hugs* :D

seychan, i love ur burning passion for this couple. kekeke and i agree with u 100000% too ;)

whoa so many posts about uri yongseo's filming! thanks so much for sharing gogumas~! (sorry for not naming u guys... there're just so many of us right now keke! we're one big gogumaq family eh! xD) :wub: hmm about yongseo's gift for each other. maybe they could've discussed about it earlier on. i'm sure hyun has bought yong some things that he likes off-WGM. it just so happens that today they decided to buy the things that they bought. isn't it more than a coincidence that yong bought hyun shoes/boots, which is something that he likes most & hyun bought yong the thing that she likes most too! aigoo they didn't even dare to hold hands in public! btw, that's just my POV. and aishhh what a shy couple they are! from the fancam, they seemed uncomfy to be filmed in public. i pity them for not being able to have much privacy. but i'm also happy to know that they managed to spend some time with each other despite their killer schedules. i want saturday to come fast! palliii!

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Guest BigSmileAgain
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So Happy ^^ that They still filming...and in DC said weather at MeungDong -7C...Yong, you should give her a hug lol ..just imagine of mine 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Every pic cannot see Hyun's face clearly...I really wanna see T-T

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest AuRevoiR

it's been a really long time since the last time i posted here and i gotta said tht i couldn't help but smile like a lunatic eveytime i watched every progress on their relationship, they're just too cute for words. anyway i just wanna say thanks to all translators tht had put lots of efforts & time for us *belly-button bow^^*

regarding seohyun's habit of giving books to yong, i just laughed at that, it's cute i think tht's the way she showed him tht she cared for him. the last time she gave him on their 200th days, she wrote sumthin like when ur life/career is gettin harder u have to read books. maybe she thinks tht all those stuffs & accessories yong likes, he can get it himself, but being 'book worm' she is, she wanna recommend what's good for him. but what she didn't know is tht givin 'small' gifts w/o havin so much thought behind it or givin not necessarily bcuz there r special events r also important just to show tht she's always thinking of him. ths is what seohyun has to learn from yonghwa and i believe tht she'll eventually gettin there.

well i'm not blaming seohyun for thz cuz both of them brought up by different families' way of teaching. for seohyun's family all those tangible goodies is not the way of how u show tht u care for someone. ths proved when MCs of Come to Play asked the thing she had gifted to her parents, her answer was grown up w/o being fussy and to make her parents proud, and when they asked r gifts r not important she said sumthin small like scarf or healthy products *whereas her unnies answers were home/apartment, insurance, etc* and i remember her mom gift for her 19th birthday was *instead of sumthin flashy* seohyun's baby diary.

so yea w/ yonghwa patience she'll learn all those things tht normal couple do in their relationship, YongSeo fighting~

btw thanks for all recent news & pics, i guess we need to wait months ahead to see wht they're filming now.

and wedding pictures ep pls come quick, i can't wait to see how gorgeous they r in wedding dress & suit, at least release some teaser pic *wishful thinking*


aww they look really happy in above pic~^^

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Guest justbulan
































































































another fan account:






























































































































































































































횽들 나 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ














































































































































































































드디어 서현이를 봤어ㅠㅠㅠㅠ































































































































물론 용화도ㅠㅠㅠ














































































































































































































오전에 회사 끝나고 바로 명동으로 왔어































































































































애들 볼수있다는생각 눈꼽만큼없이..아니 그냥 생각도 안했어































































































































용화 개콘스케줄도 있었고 다 찍고 끝났다고 생각했었으니간...ㅠㅠㅠ














































































































































































































그냥 내일 하루 회사 연차써서 































































































































하루 휴가 번거 같은 생각에 잘 가지도 않은 명동으로 그냥 지하철 타고 그냥...그냥 갔었어.














































































































































































































출구 나와서 ㅠㅠㅠ































































































































한참을 걷다가 사람들이 뭉떼기 웅성웅성..하더라































































































































그것도 번쩍번쩍한 카메라랑 ...남성분들 몇분이 들고있은 카메라 발견!!














































































































































































































난 사실 이때만해도 일본에서 촬영나온지 알았어































































































































일본사람들이 좀 모여있었거든.....아님 명동 그냥 취재나온지 알았어




























































































































































































































































































































































































































여신영접했어 드디어ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ































































































































서현이 정말 여신이더라































































































































말로만 서현이 여신이다. 여신이다.













































































































































































































































































































































얼굴이 너무 작아.































































































































그 작은 얼굴에 눈 코 입이 딱 자기자리 찾아서 오밀조밀하게 있어(눈도 크면서 코도 오똑하면서 그 작은 얼굴에 자기자리 찾아서 ㅠㅠㅠ)































































































































무엇보다도 눈빛이 완전 초롱초롱!!































































































































정말 작진들이 처음 레전드때부터 서현이한테 초롱초롱이라고 썼던 이유를 보면 알게돼































































































































그냥 눈이 일반사람들이랑 달라































































































































다른사람들이 들으면 망상족 망상한다고 해도  난 보았네































































































































서현이의 눈을(서현아 눈에 뭐 넣고 다니니? 아무리 생각해도 그 눈빛은 .....정말 서현이 눈만큼은 안잊혀져 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ)














































































































































































































그리고 입이 붙었어..!!!































































































































너무 놀라서ㅠㅠㅠ서현이 만나면 서현아~~~ 언니왔다 이러말 저런말 할수있을줄 알았지.































































































































그냥 넋놓고  ㅎㄷㄷㄷㄷ하게돼














































































































































































































그리고 웃을때 눈이 씽긋..하는 느낌..ㅠㅠ






























































































































































































































































이건 표현할수 있는 단어가 없어 그냥 눈이 씽끗하면서 말하고 씽끗하면서 웃어 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ































































































































그냥 서현아서현아 하고 울어ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ














































































































































































































나 지금 이글 쓰면서도 후덜덜하다














































































































































































































그리고 작진들이 용화한테는 정말 편하게 이것저것 이야기하고































































































































작진들이 서현이를 다 우쭈쭈하더라ㅠㅠ































































































































나도 우쭈쭈하고싶더라














































































































































































































그리고 용화야































































































































너도 실물영접하니. 이리봐도 저리봐도 잘생깄더라.무엇보다도 콧날.......































































































































그리고 난 네 눈 보고 또한번 허걱했다.(네둘은 눈들이 다들...어찌 그러니...보는 사람 애간장 녹게.....용화는 눈동자가 정말 커서 놀랐어 ㅠㅠㅠ)































































































































눈이 어쩜 그리 크고 눈동자가 그리 똥글똥글하고 ..뭔가 눈빛이 애잔...































































































































(나 망상??ㅎㅎㅎ)














































































































































































































무엇보다 놀란건 키.!!































































































































서현이가 크긴크더라. 네키가 어찌보면 화면에서 커보이지 않았던 이유































































































































서현이가 정말 늘씬하더구나































































































































네가 고생이많다. 키에 대한 이런말 저런말 많이 듣고다니느라.ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ














































































































































































































길을 지나갈때마다 주변 사람들 































































































































서현이 몸매랑 얼굴 크기 실물이야기에 다들 넋놓고 ㅎㄷㄷㄷ하는데 































































































































괜한 팬심에 왜이리 배가 부르고 내가 기뿐건지..














































































































































































































그리고 두명































































































































정말 뭔가 잘 어울리는 한쌍이었어































































































































팬심이런거 다 제껴두고 































































































































정말 따숩게 어울리는 































































































































정말 그 두사람 모습보면 그냥 잘 어울리는 한쌍이었어(용서야ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ)














































































































































































































용서용서하고 울어야지 난 그냥 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ'





























































































































































































































































































횽들 ,.































































































































근데 스포하나 풀어도돼나?































































































































스포라기 보단 용.서.....



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































그리고 왠지~~~~~~































































































































오늘 상도동 갈듯하네 

















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