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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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the filming was so fast!  Hmmm, maybe they are going to meet again after work and film at Sangdodong perhaps!? LOL.  Well, if they don't, the at least they we're able to spend some time with each other. *quoted image*







BTW, thanks to all the fan account, fancams and pictures!  This thread is really GOCHUN!  I so love how "model like"  Hyun is on the pictures!  She looks so fierce with her straight her, strutting her stuff!  She's getting hotter and hotter!  I wonder how Yong thought when he saw Hyun!? Aish!  *quoted image*













That would be my guess...








There is a reason why an MBC staff  went to Sangdodong. Well we will find out later, I do hope some gogumas would drop by at Sangdodong to confirm it.








I never expected there would alot of fancams on them....








I guess Yongseo couple is really popular!





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Guest deutzy_ice








thanks for the pictures gogumas. i was sad when i read that there is no filming yesterday and then a sudden change of mood, because of the pictures and fan accounts. goguma villagers are really DAEBAK! :)






i was thinking of the same thing. seems the filming time is too short :)



i hope there will be a continuation at their Sandodong home.





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Guest gogumaforever






they're done filming? that was fast. waahhh btw, have anyone noticed the picture? they are walking in sync again:wub::wub:


propbably they are together since last night after hyun intel core conference? just a hunch. kekeke


thanks to all gogouma fbi and goguma ninjas. you're really the best among the rest!!!


i hope i can share something for you as well... mianhamnida :(:(:( but for now, i want to give my warmest appreciation to all the efforts and hardship of the entire goguma family.  from the bottom of my heart... komapsumnida



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:wub: WOW!!!:wub:
















Thank you soooo much for all your update and pics, so happy to see them together again after their busy schedule.









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Is she alone? O__O
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: dc married
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































...not? She's still wearing Yonghwa's coat, right?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And no worries guys, they'll still see each other tomorrow. Seoul Music Awards 2010, right? (:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































V So she must be alone? Okay whatevs. XD

































































































































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Guest i.said.hi














^ like i mentioned in my previous post..












i don't think that's yong's jacket... i believe it's her own jacket because in previous fantaken pictures we see yong wearing his own jacket while hyun is also wearing her own ;)


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Guest lexi_yOongSeeororo






does anyone know where i could find link of all soshisubbed eps of yongseo's wgm?


aside from soshified because i can't seem to get in...please helpsad.gif



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Guest Phoebechiu


Fanaccount update:


The boots that Hyun is wearing in the picture (#34211, the eighth picture which just shows the sight of their back) is the gift from Yong.

PS: Sorry.  I don't know how to paste the picture.


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Guest ikekeyou
























wow im happy to hear and see that our favorite couple filmed!!!
































awwww yong is such a gentleman holding his wife's shopping bag! (:
















yong bought her boots?
















i hope hyun bought yong something too (but we happen to see it) :D





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Guest chilipadi_22

i hope hyun bought yong something too (but we happen to see it) :D

hyun bought books for yong AGAIN!!! haha:)

if yong keeps collecting books as gifts, i think he's gonna have a library soon. hahaha:) 


YONGSEO LIBRARY! sounds good! haha:)

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Guest uh-ohxev
















































Wow. Seohyun looks like a boss with those heels.. so elegant! And Yo~ng looks like her little server boy who carries her stuff around! XD Awww... Hyun, be careful how you dress! You're going to drive your husband into a coma if he sees you like that! :lol: So pretty! :wub:
















He bought her boots?! How sweeeet! And she got him books.. again?! :lol: Nothing wrong with that, but I wish she would've taken this chance to buy him something he really likes.. maybe another pair of shoes to add to his crazy collection? Something for his guitar? Again.. I'm not trying to be a downer.. it's just that I think he'd be really surprised and happy to receive something other than books from her. Unnies should remind her of this! I'm sure they know! They're more experienced. ^_^ Hopefully, for Valentines Day she gets him something nice.. other than books! :lol:

















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credits: dc married
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Why are they doing things that real couples do? And why do they give out such feeling? D:

































































































































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Guest vmasterpiece


just when i thought there is no filming this week. suddenly photos of them shopping together

are everywhere... LOL..

thanks for sharing it guyz!!

they do look like real couple doing what normal couple do (except when whole bunch of people gather around them

we know they are not just 'normal' couple...)

If only my boyfriend is willing to do 1% of what yo~ng did to hyu~n. LOL

how can he look so nice while paying the bill... ^^

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Guest lovekin




Wow. Seohyun looks like a boss with those heels.. so elegant! And Yo~ng looks like her little server boy who carries her stuff around! XD Awww... Hyun, be careful how you dress! You're going to drive your husband into a coma if he sees you like that!  :lol: So pretty!  :wub:




He bought her boots?! How sweeeet! And she got him books.. again?!  :lol: Nothing wrong with that, but I wish she would've taken this chance to buy him something he really likes.. maybe another pair of shoes to add to his crazy collection? Something for his guitar? Again.. I'm not trying to be a downer.. it's just that I think he'd be really surprised and happy to receive something other than books from her. Unnies should remind her of this! I'm sure they know! They're more experienced. ^_^ Hopefully, for Valentines Day she gets him something nice.. other than books!  :lol:






i have to agree with you.






actually, it's probably the only thing that makes me 

wacko.gif about seo.  i think when she gives him books, her heart is in the right place and she is definitely well-intentioned.  i also feel like yong has sort of started to accept this and, after all, he was able to read and find a book he liked thanks to her.  but i kind of wish she stepped it up a bit.  as i said before, he's been doing a lot of giving lately.  and while i don't think materialism is necessarily needed for a relationship to work, it actually does have some influence.  like you said, i think it would be nice if seo got him something he liked - even if it is just an accessory.




and to an extent, it really isn't about materialism.  at its most basic, you're letting your partner know that you know what their interests are, what they like, and that you're willing to cater to those whims occasionally.  i think seo has everything else down pat, but she's been ... sort of lacking in this particular area.




it almost makes me think that she still has a lot more to learn about how relationships work.  i think she's stuck on caring and worrying about the other person - something i think reflects how she often looks out for SNSD - that she's forgetting the more superficial aspects, which are often just as important.




honestly, i only think of this as a problem because sometimes yong isn't that good at hiding his disappointment.  if i were yong, i wouldn't consider this a disappointment.  on the contrary, it's rather interesting because when she does present him with a gift he likes, i find that it would be more meaningful as opposed to showering someone constantly with gifts.



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Guest Phoebechiu




*quoted image*


*quoted image*


credits: dc married




Why are they doing things that real couples do? And why do they give such ambiance? D:









while Yong paid for lunch, Hyun was waiting there.  Yong went back to the seat  after he paid the bill.  Yong talked to Hyun for a while before he took off. 


The filming continues???:w00t:


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OMG yea i can't agreed more with u guys
































































































































seo looks like a paris hilton going shoping with her guide *from back view*
































































































































oh no but yong is husband,, HUSBAND..
































































































































with that boots and glamour coat,, ckck
































































































































I love how yonghwa bought a lot of thing for seo
































































































































just like MC na young said I love how he jusst randomly bought it XDXD *well, maybe*
































































































































and books again for yong?? huuffftt
































































































































its not that bad but i wanna see another thing beside BOOK
































































































































geezzz,, seo still need to learn more and more about guy uuppsss i mean about Yong
































































































































simple thing other than book will make yong happy right..
































































































































thanks for all who sahring pic and fanaccount^^

































































































































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credits: http://twitpic.com/3re51x
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: twitkr.com/blarra2
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































눈스퀘어 맞은편에 서현이 떴습니다 멀어서 뒷모습을 찍었지만 ㅋㅋ 우결 찍고 있는거 같아요
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: dhttp://twitpic.com/3redds
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































지금 명동에서 용서커플 봐땀 정말 사람 마니 몰림ㅋㅌㅌㅌㅌㅌㅌ
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































그럼에도 꾿꾿이 자기할일하는 두사람ㅌㅌㅌㅌㅋ
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Fan account: http://gall.dcinside.com/married/627209

































































































































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Guest yongseorockin




*quoted image*


*quoted image*


credits: dc married




Why are they doing things that real couples do? And why do they give out such feeling? D:






They were at Crystal Jade?? Thats a Singapore Brand restaurant by the way. Cheers for Singapore! But Crystal Jade doesn't sell Chilli Crab though...haha!


I wonder what they ate there though...


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Guest ayanapunya
































































































































When i read Myong Dong..I feel it's like deja vu again. Are you guys remember one of YAB episode when Shinwoo stalk Minam at Myung Dong? Are we talk about the same Myung Dong? At that time, Minam left Shin Woo for Tae Kyung. And now, Yong Nampyeon accompany Hyun buin for shopping at Myong Dong. Another coincidence after Busan trip :D































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest yongseorockin


Apparently from what I found out, there is only 1 Crystal Jade La Mian Xiao Long Bao concept restaurant in Korea, while the rest are of different concepts. So the only place the 2 could have possibly gone shopping is this place, 翡翠拉面小笼包 Crystal Jade La Mian Xiao Long Bao

• Noon Square Building, 6th Floor, 83-5 Myung-dong 2-ga, Choong-gu

Found out through here. http://www.crystaljade.com/southkorea.htm

So next time you go South Korea, you know where they got some of their shopping items from! ^____^


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