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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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wally~!! LOL at ur self-imposed skinship xD u're just too funny! but ahh i'm the same but i do not go to the extend of twisting my body for it kekeke. i experimented it on my bf instead kekeke. he was giving me a "watcha trying to do?" look. haha if he only knew... :phew: it felt nice, tingly & different (or could it be 'cause of the yongseo effect that i think it's nice & tingly? xD) as i'm used to have my hand interlocking his. heh heh i shall try to use yongseo-style from now on :lol:

*waves @ shawie* yahhhh... *winks* guess what i'm trying to tell u here xD

wow lovekin! u're really good at what u're doing! hhaha the realist in go-chun!

i didn't realize the facts behind yong's ideal answers. come to think of it, i remember there was some news about yong who kept staring at sulli during his performances in Inkigayo. i believe that was before the b'day event. in the beginning or should i say towards the mid... i'm sure yong liked hyun a lot but he has his own taste too. so it's no surprise that he'll tend to notice someone who's close to his type. moreover, he still treated WGM as his work & nothing more at that time, though there must've been some feelings involved already but the feelings were still at a controllable stage. ahh no wonder he got the shock of his life when he got a ring from hyun! haha he didn't expect his controlled feelings to be shaken so badly that it totally showed in the b'day ep. and he just had to get his feelings in check before he made any further move by pulling the mildang act. who knew he was already unknowingly smitten by the innocent beauty that he used to want to take care of. he knew he has the chance to not only care for her but also to have her as his own. and his final decision? it may or may not be true that yong has finally made his decision about hyun at that time. (sorry it's getting longer & may not be interesting so the rest is in here -->

ok this is just my other POV... but what choice did he have when he's still filming WGM? he still hafta face hyun. with the ring being filmed already, it would be bad if he didn't wear the ring during WGM filming. however, the fact that he wore the ring very randomly for the 1st time on air while being interviewed by a non-WGM show (NII photoshoot) speaks otherwise. he made his decision already, but it didn't take him as long as what is stated in the WGM ep. i guess he must've been feeling very nervous about the mildang. fearing his relationship with hyun might take off the other way round. fortunately, the side effect of the mildang didn't last long. finally, he was able to get thru' to hyun with his sincere actions. and look what we have now, a truly wonderful YONGSEO COUPLE!

i believe like many others, that they're in a REAL relationship. it must be since there have been so many clues already. Jinwoon backing off. Jungmo Oppa's & other Suju bro's warning to yong. taeyeon's wish for hyun. yong's mom's actions. and what other better clues than what we can feel from what we see from yongseo's interaction? yahhh they're indeed very beautiful.

uhh sorry for the rambling. i know these have been discussed already but... i can't help myself to repeat -.-"

jnj, i agree with u 1000000%! :D whatever that happened in between the time they like to the time they love isn't important. but what's important is that yongseo genuinely love each other. i just hope that they'll be able to carry on their relationship even after WGM. :wub:

phoebe, thanks for the tweet! i'm, excited! haha who knows aisuo's theory would come true! :lol:

magdal~! haha i also luv the idea of them staying at home. i hope to see more intimacy~! oh, thanks for the link! hyun's so stunning... :wub:

tennistensai, i love ur wallies!!! thanks a bunch :)

lastly, thanks to "someone who would wanna remain unknown", here's my latest fmv... ^^

[FMV] YongSeo - Say It, Hyun

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Guest nikijenlo




Hey guys..check new hyun's new intel CF MV with her unnies....


chincha.....hyun is soooooo aaadddoooorraabllle in this video...and she's the QUEEN of the vid tooo....


the vid director must be hyun biased..:w00t:...


not that i'm complaining.... :D










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Hi again..































































































































































































Wanna sleep now, but, saw the Intel MV...































































































































































































Got to watch it b4 sleep..































































































































































































Then... just capture some pic of Buin here..































































































































































































so wanna share it some of them..














































































































































































































































































































Can I say, she is the cutest Buin....









































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The MV, upload by sment.































































































































































































Visual Dreams (Intel Collaboration Song) _ MusicVideo













































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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@ Boo...Boo...Boo...  I got your message right away.  And you made one goguma happy here with your latest MV.  Kamsahamnida and big hugs to you :wub:
















@ Soshimunky... about the wedding pictorial.  As far as I can remember, first season of  WGM do not have any sponsors for the photoshoot, if, I'm not mistaken, usually when they reached their 100 or was it 300 days, each couple were tasked to have their wedding pictorials.  I think it was only with the Adam couple that a magazineoutfit kinda invited them to do a wedding photoshoot.  So if our Goguma couple did not have any invites from any publication, then, theirs maybe is really a WGM thing.  I am really excited to see it.  If they have it published the more it becomes wonderful.....hehehe, for sure everyone of us here would want to grab a copy blush.gif

















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Guest Phoebechiu

No filming today!  

According to the information from goguma couple baidu, the reason that MBC employees were there is because the landlord asked MBC to find someone to fix the heater.  Sorry guys!tears.gif

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^ lol That got me laughing. XD But thanks for the update!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thinking about it, I would rather have them film on the 25th in Japan. I mean, Yonghwa is welcomed by SMTown. I'm sure it would be a lot of fun if he'll be at their concert (This remind me of Taeyeon and Hyungdon at SMTown concert in Thailand).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Since I don't want to go to sleep...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Update on how Banmal song is doing on online charts:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Melon #1
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Mnet #2
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Soribada #3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Dosirak #1
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Bugs #8

































































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Guest Soshimunky



@ Soshimunky... about the wedding pictorial.  As far as I can remember, first season of  WGM do not have any sponsors for the photoshoot, if, I'm not mistaken, usually when they reached their 100 or was it 300 days, each couple were tasked to have their wedding pictorials.  I think it was only with the Adam couple that a magazineoutfit kinda invited them to do a wedding photoshoot.  So if our Goguma couple did not have any invites from any publication, then, theirs maybe is really a WGM thing.  I am really excited to see it.  If they have it published the more it becomes wonderful.....hehehe, for sure everyone of us here would want to grab a copy blush.gif


Oh my. Why have I not consider that. Yes, it could just be for WGM! I actually thought the previous WGM season 1 batch also did magazine shootings but it was only the Adam Couple. Thank you for answering :)


Edit: Apparently I'm not the only one who laughed about the WGM filming update (thank you Phoebechiu). Now I feel weird :P



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Guest Seychan
















































Dreamyboo: I'm totally agree with you. This is my opinion
















I also think that  they're in a REAL relationship.  must be since there have been so many clues already. No coincidence that in December, YS shipper we have a lot of information about YS. The first is Jungmo and other SJ's bro warning to yong. Then it's taeyeon'swish for  hyun. Then there yong's mom's actions and yongseo's interaction. Many people can say YS act, but if they want to act like a real couple, please only in WGM, they should not drag on the taeyeon more because she's a leader, her words have weight . Yong's mother, and Jungmo, they say, and they are responsible with their words. They may say differently, do something differently and Nobody can talk about them. Busan trip and banmal song, Yong do it coz they want, not the mission of WGM. IF Yong & Huyn don't meet parents at Busan, no one can tell him off. And on banmal song too, Yong can not release singles, and nobody would say what he was all because he did a duet with her then. But he carried her into the Busan and issued a formal banmal song. Even he does post on twitter about it. Maybe people just assume that because today "For the first time couple in love" is release. But I think, it is another purpose. He wants to speak with his wife and expressed emotion. I think if two people did not really have a relationship seriously (relationship admits two people) he will not do so, because we have our pride. If partners have no interest to us, we will never do that. Especially saying things like: "I wanted u say more personal words and say u love me." if they are merely acting or friends, they do not need to do things like that.
















I've been thinking a lot about this because in December is truly an unforgettable month for YS & YS and shippers. And after watching ep 40 and other information, I absolutely think that now they are in love. They're in real relationship.















































zealous: Thank u for pics. Happy when see Huyn buin wear the couple ring and more more beautiful today <3

















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Guest yongseolove




Hello Gogumas,



         This is my first time posting here. I'm not We Got Married avid viewer. I've only watched some of Dota couple episodes that SNSD members were the guest because I'm SNSD fan. I'm really happy when I've heard that Seohyun will be the new couple of We Got Married. By then I started to watched We Got Married again. I really like the flow of their love story. It's really unique and special than any other couples of We Got Married. I watched We Got Married episodes through youtube. I would like to thank those people who upload and translate every episodes. By the way, I'm from Philippines. I'm sorry if my english is bad.





         I don't know how to put spoiler. I want to share this. It's from a live journal I've read just today. The title of it is The Brother Side. I don't know if this is reallyYonghwa's older brother. That's why I want to put it in spoiler because I don't want people to jump to conclusion. Because I know that once the couple announce they real they have to be pulled out at We Got Married. That's why I don't know if it's really Yongwa's older brother live journal post it there. It's too risky. Maybe it's fake. I don't really know. What did you guys think? For me as a Yongseo fan, ofcourse I hope it's really true. They are too perfect for each other. It's such a waste if they didn't end up together. They are such a lovely and talented couple. It's like they are made in heaven.





People say, sometimes you want to be in your sibling’s life because it looks so much more fun and greater in such way. I never thought much about it before, and I was so sure that I would never feel that way. How can I? Well, while he’s struggling in Seoul trying to achieve his dream to become a singer, I live my happy life in US and am a good college student and also having the greatest time in my life. I had so much support for him. I kept cheering on him, listened to his complaints about how hard it was to debut, from my mom of course. When he starred in a drama, I was the one who told my Korean friends to watch it. I even swore I would kill them if they don’t. Then the drama became a hit. People called him Shinwoo, praised him lots and said he was a great rookie actor. Me? I was the first one to smile, called him from US to give him my congratulatory message, indirectly told him to keep learning and improving. There again, when he was getting all the attention from people and I had no slightest envy. I felt nothing but proud of him. Later I know, he became MC, a bad one I must say. He called me, saying that he wanted the world to crack up and swallowed him, never to spit him back. That day I told him to face the reality and the fact that he was new to all of that, it wasn’t bad at all. I lied to him though, he was so bad, worse than I imagined. But that didn’t change one thing that he still had much time to improve his skills and I believed in him. So he stood up, forgetting those MC nightmares and became the leader of CNBlue.





He sang on that stage, I live-streamed it from my room. A grin never faded and I admit he looked so cool. With his guitar, his hand-gesture that came naturally, he didn’t look like a rookie band. He enjoyed the performance, same as my other 3 brothers at the back. I smiled, praising him on the phone telling him I would buy their CD and let my friends in US listen to them. I did as I promised, and to be frank, I was the one who helped them promote themselves to my friends especially girls who later became hardcore BOICEs. There again, I felt No slightest envy but full of pride for him. In February, he told me that he was getting married. My jaw dropped on the ground, yelling that he was out of mind. All that screams for nothing as he told me he was going to marry someone for a show. I relaxed, leaning on my chair again and asked him who it was. He said he didn’t know and he needed advice. Trust me, although he had relationships before, he was still too naïve. Thinking that all girls were nice, or that relationship could last long based on this level: as long as they like each other. That was ridiculous of course. Relationships need a lot more things than just ‘like each other’ part. Anyways, I still told him to be himself, that was his best charm or so his ex said. And again, I did not feel bitter. Who wanted to get married for a show? Tsk.





“It’s Seohyun, Hyung!” he screamed on the phone as soon as he got home from their first date. It needed quite some time for me to register the name. “Seohyun? SNSD’s Maknae SEOHYUN?” I asked him, yes and I was screaming too. Well, how could I not? If you are a big fan of SNSD, which makes you a SONES, you will know about her. Seohyun is the youngest of the group, the prettiest beside my bias Yoona and she is the purest, most innocent one, and I knew she had never been in relationship. I am a HUGE fan of SNSD, well which boys in Korea aren’t, right? So I knew all these facts, that she was awkward around boys. Never been in love, never like someone, her love was sweet potato. I knew it all, more than my brother. So that night, rather than be jealous of him, I prayed for him instead; may he be successful in his marriage.





It was summer, on July to be exact, that a little part in my heart yearning to switch place with him for one night. It was CNBlue’s first concert. As a brother, I came home to meet my family and to cheer on him. He was…well, great. I never knew his voice had matured that much on live performances. But it didn’t start right there, I didn’t feel it because I saw how he got praises from everywhere, fans screaming his name, people sang along with him and were immersed in his charisma. It was her, the one who made me feel that new feeling inside. As the concert ended, my family headed backstage to personally meet them. There I saw her, SNSD Seohyun, for the first time. Gosh, she was stunning! She’s so pretty, and her smile was very, very, very beautiful. The way she talked was so polite, chatting briefly with my parents. How does it feel like? To have your wife coming for you, support you and meet your parents? That’s the questions that kept ringing on my head. He looked so happy, so proud that his virtual-wife was there, sincerely congratulating him and his band mates. She grinned a lot every time he talked to her in excitement about his concert. Telling him “You are great! That was so cool!” or “You did a great job oppa. No, your voice didn’t crack, believe me!” or “Oppa, change clothes now! Your parents are waiting to have dinner with you, pali!” I shrugged in my place. Those are the words I wanted to hear from my girlfriend, earnest encouraging words. But that night I decided to forget it, they were not real after all.





It was a night in September, the night when I got a major shock. He called me, laughing like a fool on the phone. “YAH! ARE YOU CALLING ME TO JUST LAUGH?” I remembered scolding him. Again, I heard him laughing, even louder, and that made me wanted to punch him if he’s right in front of me. Sometimes, being the youngest, Yonghwa can be truly annoying. Like spoiled and playful, as well as irritatingly mischievous. “Hyung” he paused, laughing some more. Really, I would surely kick his richard simmons at that time. “Hyung” he said again. “AH! WAE??!! AREN’T YOU GOING TO SAY ANYTHING OTHER THAN HYUNG?” he was getting annoying, he disturbed my sleep and just say Hyung for over and over again. Did he seriously think I have all the time in the world for him? “I finally did it! I asked her, and she said yes. I need to tell you right away after making sure she’s asleep. I think I need to tell Omma and Appa too” He talked in the speed of light, like I could understand him. Who is she? What’s he talking about? Is he drunk? Were things that came to my mind. “Are you high? On drugs? Under influence? Sick? Took too much aspirin?” I blabbered as he screamed “HYUNG!” So I stopped, but still I could not understand what he was talking about. “Hyung, Seohyun just officially became my girlfriend! I finally said I love her, care for her and all the things I have been hiding all these times. And she said she feels that way too!! Hyung, can you believe it?! Yah yah! Listen, the best part is, we are in Japan! Don’t you think this is so romantic? I got the greatest girl in the world! Yah! Do you want to know what she said to me? Yah! You have to imagine yourself in my shoes! You know what?...” and so on, and on, and on, and on. I didn’t hear the rest of his brag, my mind was occupied with something else. How great is it to be in his place now? To have Seohyun as my girlfriend?





Christmas eve in Busan, I always love that moment. Me and my family would shop together, having dinner and honest talks in our dining room. This year is different though. Today, my brothers have a concert in our hometown. I came with my parents as well as Jonghyun’s. We had a great time, seeing them so energetic throughout the show drifted us in the aura they gave off. After it ended, we came home. And here we are now, sitting in the living room, watching an old Christmas movie, a tradition for our family. As we laugh, a cellphone rings, startled me and my parents but not this punk. His face lights up upon seeing the caller ID, and my guess? It’s gotta be her. “Yeobo!” Right? Yea, it’s her. “Oh wait, I will put you on speaker phone then”. What is he trying to do? Showing off that he has a girlfriend now?





“Annyeonghaseyo” her voice echoes in our living room. My mom smiles, my dad grins, me? I shrug.





“Annyeong Seohyun-ah” My mom greets back with a little chuckle. I shrug a little more.





“Eomeoni, have you been well?” her satoori comes out again, and I have to admit it is a successful attempt.





“Of course! How are you, dear?” This time, my dad responds to her. Oh please, she was talking to mom, father!





“Oh, Abeoji… Annyeonghaseyo… I have been well… How have you been?” I see a satisfactory grin on Yonghwa’s face. He sure is enjoying this, A LOT.





“We all have been well Seohyun-ah. Are you still in Japan?”





“Oh yes, Eomeoni. I will be leaving for Korea soon. I will visit you once I have the time, I promise” Oh man, isn’t this living room getting hot suddenly?





“Oh, you don’t have to sweetheart, we will be visiting Yonghwa tomorrow for Christmas”





“Really? Then I will see you tomorrow Eomeoni. I have something for you, Abeoji and brother-in-law” A present for me? Wow, isn’t her heart is like one of angels’? But this makes me more…uncomfortable. Will my girlfriend think about greeting my parents on Christmas and get present for them and Yonghwa?





“You don’t have to do that, dear”





“It is okay Eomeoni, hehe. Oh, I am so sorry, but I think I have to go now, I’m sorry”





“Okay then, take care Seohyun-ah” followed by Yonghwa’s “Take care, babe. I will see you tomorrow” Yack!





“Thank you Eomoni, Abeoji and Ajubeoni. Okay Oppa, you take care too. Merry Christmas everyone!”





A last merry Christmas from all of us then she hangs up. I see Yonghwa smiles so wide, it makes me want to hide myself in the deepest hole. But the safest and the most possible one to do is to run away to my room. Unfortunately, this brat keeps following me. He has no sense at all, I see. “Why are you following me?” I retort. “I want to talk”. So, here he is, in my room, lying on my bed like it’s his’. His hands are playing with some weird toys that I don’t remember ever have. A grin plastered on his face ever since he got the call.





“Hyung” I hear him call me, so I turn to face him.










“Don’t you want to find a girlfriend?” OH WHAT NOW? IS HE BRAGGING, AGAIN?





“Don’t worry, I can do it in jiffy!” I cannot lose, not this time. Just this time.





“I can ask Seohyun you know. She has a lot of friends which she can introduce to you” he says, which I know was a joke.





“Well, thank you. But I don’t need it. I can do it on my own without your help. Besides, I am better in courting girls than you”





“But I’m cooler!” his eyes widen, I know he doesn’t accept what I just said.





“Well, sorry. I happen to have better brain than you!” Yeah! Take that!





“That brain of yours, still cannot make you get a girl like Seohyun. Oh wait, Yah! Hyung! Hajima, hajima! AAACCKKK” I spread his legs and twist it a little bit. He won’t get injury because of that, so it’s okay.





“Say that again?”





“It’s true! AH, AH, AH! HYUNG! I AM SO TELLING MOM!” Mom? What is he, a 5-year-old?





“Tell mom? Grow up, Yonghwa!”





“I will tell mom to get you a girl! Like from match-making company or something like that” WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH THIS BOY?!





“You are so gonna die!”





“Wait, wait, wait!! I was kidding, I will not force you to have a girlfriend. I was just too happy, that’s all” And that was even worse than him bragging about Seohyun. He is indeed in heaven, so happy that makes me want to feel it too for once. For…5 minutes?





“You are that happy?”





“What if I marry her?”










“Why? She is a great girl!”





“You are freaking 22, little brother! You need more stable career first, before courting one of the best SNSD girls” I say, matter-of-factly.





“I don’t mean now, smarty-richard simmons! I mean later, few years from this day!”





“Tsk, let’s see if you guys are still together”





“And what is that supposed to mean?” he furrows his eyebrows, his expression shows a little annoyance.





“Yonghwa-ah, you live in entertainment industry. In there, you sell your privacy, including love life. And in that kind of world, it is hard to maintain a relationship. People tend to come and go”





“Not her, not Seohyun” he says, firmly. How can he be so sure about that?





“Oh yeah? And how do you know this exactly? Are you a psychic? The last time I check, you are still this innocent boy who says you like a girl thus she is the one, based on that emotion only”





“Because, she is one of a kind, bro. I don’t like her, I love her, so much. She is not that girl who you would let go easily no matter how hard the situation is. She keeps me strong, hangs me on my place, makes me go on my knees. We will have fights, huge ones even, but I am sure of this one, that I will never let her go, ever. No matter how hard it will be, I will stand for us. And deep in my heart, I know she will do the same. Because she is that kind of a girl, THE ONE”





I look at his eyes directly, wanting to find little sign of joke or lie in there. But no, I find none. Instead I find tenderness, honesty and admire. He is really into Seohyun and I never knew it was this big. He is really in love! MAN! Now how should I response to this?!





“Uhh, uhhh… well, then good luck marrying her” Okay, I am not an idiot! As I said, I am the brain of the family. It’s just that it’s not functioning properly right now.





“I don’t need luck on that, Hyung. Ah, I need to go!” he sits up, a smile doesn’t fade even a bit.





“Go then, get out of my bed you freak. You make it messy. Take care” I say, nonchalantly.





“Hyung, are you being sensitive?” before I can throw him with something, he closes the door and I can hear him whistle in happiness. Then a mere sound comes from outside “Yeobo! Call me as soon as you landed! I miss you already Ah, and I think hyung needs a girl, can we set a blind date?” and I cannot hear the rest. His voice is disappearing as well as my pride. WHAT THE HECK? I will surely kill him later today, just you wait Yonghwa! Apart from those embarrassing words, I hate to say this but, for this once let me make a confession. Hhh, now this is the part I despise the most. I envy him so much, THERE I said it. Not because of his guitar skill, nor his awesome vocal or his drama acts. I envy him because he is right, he gets a great girl and it will take me quite some time to find someone like her. Damn! Yonghwa gets it all, huh?




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Guest b229b24k


i want to be skeptic here since wishing for too much will hit me real hard later on

it sounds more like fanfic to me

of course if it's true i'm all for it

that's very daebak...

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so no filming today huh. disappointed..

tks for the confirmation, phoebe!


of all the days, why do they have to fix the heater on a Tuesday?

could it be a decoy to distract the fans?

could yongseo be the one who complain abt heater not working?

ahh..looks like i'm on denial mode right now... :sweatingbullets::lol:

magdal, i hope yongseo's beautiful journey will take the path that we,

gogumas have always been dreaming of.. ;)

hi dreamy, nice one again! tks for sharing

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Guest yongseolove






I guess you're right. Maybe it's just a fanfic. It's too good to be true. Well, I just got really excited when I first read it.


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Guest dancer87




did anyone know about the adam couple kiss for their wedding shoot before, like any hint to it or fanaccount or was it just known when they showed it on air? I'm just wondering cause the yongseo couple hasnt had any fanaccount about what happened have they? and theres no fancams of them afterwards so i dont know how comfortable they have become. Im hoping there is something really spazzable when they did there shoot, i would be happy with just a hug really haha ^^ but that it just hasnt been revealed yet :)








And ive posted here a few times so i think its my turn to say thankyou to dduk, mountainmadman, and j2dlee from before and all the people who have translated soemthing! Thanyou really a lot, it helps so much when you translate and keep up the good work!! :)



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Dreamyboo: I'm totally agree with you. This is my opinion
































































































































































































































































I also think that  they're in a REAL relationship.  must be since there have been so many clues already. No coincidence that in December, YS shipper we have a lot of information about YS. The first is Jungmo and other SJ's bro warning to yong. Then it's taeyeon'swish for  hyun. Then there yong's mom's actions and yongseo's interaction. Many people can say YS act, but if they want to act like a real couple, please only in WGM, they should not drag on the taeyeon more because she's a leader, her words have weight . Yong's mother, and Jungmo, they say, and they are responsible with their words. They may say differently, do something differently and Nobody can talk about them. Busan trip and banmal song, Yong do it coz they want, not the mission of WGM. IF Yong & Huyn don't meet parents at Busan, no one can tell him off. And on banmal song too, Yong can not release singles, and nobody would say what he was all because he did a duet with her then. But he carried her into the Busan and issued a formal banmal song. Even he does post on twitter about it. Maybe people just assume that because today "For the first time couple in love" is release. But I think, it is another purpose. He wants to speak with his wife and expressed emotion. I think if two people did not really have a relationship seriously (relationship admits two people) he will not do so, because we have our pride. If partners have no interest to us, we will never do that. Especially saying things like: "I wanted u say more personal words and say u love me." if they are merely acting or friends, they do not need to do things like that.
































































































































































































































































I've been thinking a lot about this because in December is truly an unforgettable month for YS & YS and shippers. And after watching ep 40 and other information, I absolutely think that now they are in love. They're in real relationship.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seychan, I don´t know why but suddenly I felt emotional with your post ^^.
































































































































































































































































It is good to know that the hardcore "Delusionals" gogumas are still here, sometimes "reality" is just to much for my hopeful heart. Well I´m not quite sure if they are in a relationship now, but I think same as you. December was an "ok, wait a minute, Did I miss something? " month.  And I didn´t take Taeyeon´s words that simple either. I think behind her words there is really SOMETHING, I don´t know what, but there is something there.
































































































































































































































































Yong not only tweeted once but 2 times about how good was Jan 14th for him :o, I mean, they are constantly releasing songs right? But he decided to celebrate about this particular event, and of course CNBlue b-day  :rolleyes:.
































































































































































































































































I think the reason for them to act like if they didn´t see each other is simple and I think it is normal too. They both are shy, and they both were surounded by a lot of people at those times. We have seen how people tease Yong about YongSeo, they have even dared to ask him if he is in love with her, LOL poor boy, so I think that was their way to stay cool and not give reasons to the teasers to do it. Besides we only got to see the stage part, We don´t know what happen back stage, so we can´t conclude that they act as if they don´t know each other. I have the idea that if they were dating for real, only close friends would know about it by themselves and the rest of the people only by rumors. I think they would prefer to keep it reserve and not show up hanging around like bf/gf.
































































































































































































































































Lastly I think they still are in the stage "You know I like (love) you and I know that you like (love)me but I need courage to talk about it" keke :wub:.  Come on, no one invest 5 month composing that kind of love song for someone who he is not interested in ¬¬. And Hyun, I must confess something, Lately I think the "crush" is most notorious in her than him ^^. It is just that she is still not ready for the big step, but she will be, she will be.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So it was a heater trouble!! LOL hahahaha... but anyway s good to know that WGM is in charge of that kind of stuff ^^.
































































































































































































































































Thank you so much for the goodies

































































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just another one of those posts showing how undeniably close/comfortable they've become, kinda old.








so i was rewatching the train episode, and they got to the topic of hyun choosing johnny depp over him. then hyun was trying to explain herself. then comes the 'merong'/choding in a more toned down manner, and he tunes her out. hahaa. compare that scene to the one where they're practicing their duet where yong choding comes out full force. :D i miss his chodingness, he was kinda mellow in the last episode.
























sharing - it's not much.








more found here























also, i find it kinda odd that the landlady goes through MBC(a broadcasting company) to find someone to fix the heater... 









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Guest Crystal392










Awww I got so excited when I read that they had filmed today, but thanks Phoebechiu for clarifying that :lol:






Hopefully soon we will get some news about them filming (:






dreamyboo: Hi :)

Just wanted to clarify something about YongHwa looking at Sulli, he actually said that during his perf with CNBLUE he sometimes looked at the MCs seat and because she was an Inki MC (with 2PM boys -Woo&Taec-) when CNBLUE perfomed on Inki he would look at MCs seat... that's why ???? (don't remember exactly who) thought he was looking at Sulli... and he probably did but just as he would look at Woo and Taec






jnj: I agree with you, this is not only a learning experience for Hyun, also for Yong... :D






I wanted to thank all of you for sharing all that info, pics and lots of things about uri YongSeo ♥ I just read the last 3 pages, I still have lots of catching up to do with the thread but sadly I don't have much time :( Thanks again to all the Gogumas for everything you've shared!






YongSeo fighting! :w00t:



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Guest hafiq890
















































































Hello Gogumas,































































































































































         This is my first time posting here. I'm not We Got Married avid viewer. I've only watched some of Dota couple episodes that SNSD members were the guest because I'm SNSD fan. I'm really happy when I've heard that Seohyun will be the new couple of We Got Married. By then I started to watched We Got Married again. I really like the flow of their love story. It's really unique and special than any other couples of We Got Married. I watched We Got Married episodes through youtube. I would like to thank those people who upload and translate every episodes. By the way, I'm from Philippines. I'm sorry if my english is bad.































































































































































































































































































































































































































sorry to cut your post..
















































































anyway,anneo yongseolove...
















































































i read your post and its kind a like a tsory for me..but it can be truee feeling wrote by yonghwa brother...we dont know right?
















































































just want to ask, where did you find this story? :)
















































































allo again..can anyone tell me how to make a SPOILER here...
















































































i think there are a lot of shippers need to know to..
















































































help us please...
















































































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Guest Fluorescent.Flower


I think that Yonghwa and Seohyun have developed feelings for  one another. It would be totally absurd for their relationship to be  mentioned (by people close to them) outside of WGM boundaries, if their  feelings were not significantly worthy of it. As Seychan said, Taeyeon's  statement, JungMo's "Don't make our Seohyun cry" and the inclusion of  family in a show that's centered on a virtual marriage would all be  uncalled for if the two only had mere regard for one another. And if by any  chance, they don't get together at the end of WGM, then (I believe) it  won't be because they did not harbour romantic feelings for each other,  (I'm more inclined to think) it would be because the circumstance didn't  call for it. They are, after all, young idols who are just starting out  in the industry and have bigger dreams to achieve. Seohyun comes across  as someone who sets her dreams ahead of everything else and even though  we witnessed a refreshing side to her in 'Come To Play' (when she  demonstrated her stubbornness to the imaginary situation where her  parents disapprove of her boyfriend), I'm doubtful of whether she would  be as stubborn if she was given a choice between her dreams and Yonghwa.  Likewise with Yonghwa, even though he's previously said he won't let  anything come in between if he fell in love, to that I say - It's easier  said than done, Yonghwa. At this point, I blame neither if these  stepping stones (progress in WGM) lead to nowhere, because they should  be thinking about themselves right now, their occupation requires them  to. It's not only the obsessed fans (that don't want the two to be  together) who would be an obstacle, but also their schedule which is  worth consideration; doing this for a year for a show, no  problem. In reality, things work a little differently (no mission cards,  lol), the relationship needs extra time and effort invested in, it  would be much harder to cope with. Especially when you know the rest of  Asia is breathing down your neck, your family members are looking upon  you and you're being watched by every pair of eyes in S. Korea. Okay,  that sounds like WGM anyway, but it's quite different because there's no  pressure in trying to make things work. In WGM, they get a contract and  once that contract expires so does their relationship but in reality  they don't get a contract, and the relationship doesn't expire when it  doesn't work out. They would be held responsible for the remainder of  their lives and labelled as that someone's ex.




I wrote a lot, I could have used the time to write my History essay  and revise for Chemistry (mock) exam (both tomorrow) *sigh*...By the  way, sorry if I offended anyone in what I wrote.




Edit: ITTNE: I love your screencaps, especially the one where Yonghwa is facing the window, showing his back to Seohyun (her reaction was funny).


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Guest aya otohata

@yongseolove The Brother Side is a fanfiction written by dhiey23, one of the best goguma writers out there :) She's written a lot of good Yongseo fanfiction!!! DAEBAK!

The Brother Side

All SNSD girls look so cute doing the robot dance!

does anyone here visit the winglin.net/fanfic site...everytime I try to open it a screen pops out saying not to proceed because of a malware...I wonder if does that for everyone or it's just my security being so overprotective of my computer lol.

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Guest Beluga14






Did anybody notice something today? I saw this...the ring ding dong...Seohuyn unnie worn it today during the Intel Conference... Yonghwa oppa did wear it during the concert.


Beside, it does feel a little disappointed as there was no WGM recording.....Anyway YongSeo Couple Fighting  hahaha



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