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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Yong just get marry for real ok ..





Stop with all WGM and get marry to seohyun..





Hell yes i am spamming this thread.





It is already 12.15 am in the morning @1.15am KTS





Now i cant even sleep..tomorrw i have korean class and mandarin class i wonder if i can get up ^^





Thanks for everyone who help translation the lyric





wow so many goguma in here..


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Guest bubbly_zu




OMG.. Im speechless..I don't even know what to say now..:D  blush.gif  :D


everything just amazing about the song.. :wub:  :wub:


If I could find someone like yong Im surely not going to let it go :rolleyes:



YONGHWA & SEOHYUN fighting!!!


GOGUMAS VIL fighting!!



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Guest deeana55


oh my god...faint...wake up ...listen to the song....faint again....and it keep repeating like a rewind track...


oh my god....definetlly daebak song ...daebak voice and an extrem daebak 1000x gift from a man to a woman....




oh my god...speechless....


yongseo...how i really hope they are real.....


yongseo definetly real guys....




if you think about it...


1. the couple ring : they're the only couple that use it outside WGM....even now they used it only for private occation where there is a less publication


2. the way they act when they together at music show ; pretend like they don't know each other....but the body langguage speak itself...


3. and last they never talk about each other at other variety show utwhen the host ask about it they always smile in a meaningfull way....






ooohhh....i'm flying to goguma land now with the song....


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Guest pen(..^^..)




































wow! this thread is moving really fast xDD
































there's 609 users reading it's not even Saturday when we have a new episode here!
































gogumas who have the music card, don't forget to stream online the song, because from what i heard, it helps the selling too although just 60% if i'm not mistaken. :D
































gosh i'm addicted to this song already..loving the sweet melody and lyrics also <333
































yong's voice is also daebakkk! he must be using his all feeling to sing this :wub: to confess to her buin kkkk~



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Guest scatterbrain

i bought it too, and download at my work, but the problem that i couldnt find the files. even i saved it. now i click to download again and they just refuse me.

Crying now, dont know how to download it again, maybe they not allow to download the same song. hic. so stupid.

Does anybody know how i can download the same files again. so frustrated now.

hmmm...i don't have this problem...when i downloaded it, they asked me where i wanted to download it...maybe it's in received files or donloaded files in your comp.?

My link

maybe this site helps?it was posted couple of pages ago

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Guest CallMeDayDreamer
































































































































































































































Banmal Song is Trending in Indonesia right now...
































































































































































Let's make it trend worldwide gogumas...
































































































































































































































































































































































~ ~ ~
































































































































































and also, for the first time in my life, i actually bought a song... happy.gif
































































































































































Can't understand a single word from it, however, it's worth my every penny...
































































































































































oh the things i would do for this couple... wink.gif






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OMG!!! We're Trending worldwide now!!!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































great job gogumas!!!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest kasia3goguma
































































































































OMG !!!!!!!!! :w00t:






























































































































































































































I can't stop listening to it!






























































































































































































































I made a mistake, I thought it's gonna be released tomorrow!!! .... argh!































































































































But the lyrics just made my day! Lately we have REAL GREATEST GOGUMA WEEKS !!!!  :wub::wub:  :wub:
































































I know that Banmal Song is great when they both sing it, but this version is soooooo great as well, haha!
































































It's true. It's Yong's present for Hyun, and I mean A REAL GREAT PRESENT!
































































It's like their story...! For the first-time couple in love ---> everything's new to them but it's sooo lovely...
































































Whole lyrics are like their story. We know everything Yooong!!! ;)
































































































































The day when I first saw you































































































































Your bright smile full of shyness































































































































every day, I have heart-fluttering expectations































































































































what to say to you































































































































how to get you to laugh ---> He spoke about how to talk to a girl he likes in NAN (with PSY), so I just remebered it. He cares about everything and want her to have great time with him.
































































The day when I held your hand































































































































I felt my heart stop beating































































































































I don’t even remember what I said































































































































All I feel is a flutter in my stomach ----> Birthday events!!! What to say more, it was such a meaningful evening!
































































Hopefully we can fall in love with each other































































































































I’ll never let go of your two hands from my grasp ---> I just love this part! All GOGUMA World hopes that they're gonna be together forever!































































































































 Looking into your eyes, my two eyes































































































































they’re talking to you































































































































I love you ---> Do I have to write something?! Aaaawww,  it's a lovely song! :wub:
































































And YONG has a great talent, and can even write such a beautiful song to HIS HYUN!
































































PS. I should gooo now, because I have some important exams... Gogumas keep you fingers cross for me!!!

































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Guest Faith_memory

Let's do a million HITS!!!


3:33 MINUTES. <333

don't forget to LIKE!

and if im not mistaken... today is CNBLUE's 1st Anniversary!! o.O

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TO Jusbulan and omigirly

yes, i agree with both of you. i still doubt but sometime my head cant think, my heart just go for the feeling. i have quite a lot of evidence just to find out this is a show, but just a mere stare of Yongseo made i forgot everything.

it made me really frustrated, one day totally on the cloud, another day on the ground, confusing, they really know how to play with our heart, i hate that but i love that even more.

cant explain how i can feel like that

like when i hear the song, i jump up and down in the toilet where i work because of happy, but then when i read the title again ( the first time lover couple) , i want to cry. because they play with us again.they can say it is just modified version of Banmal. how i wish Yong just say direct to Hyun, i love you. why both of you just want to play with all the goguma.

but i still love them, and beleive in them, and try to ignore all the doubt as much as i can

listening to the song and imagine all kind of thing can happen between those two. I just wish i can spam this thread just for now with all love love sentence. but have to control myself because i dont want this thread be closed.


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Guest LifeMadeSimple923







The song is totally daebak!!!! Yong's voice is so sweet,I think he just wants the whole world know how he really feels. Yong,you've done it!!! :wub:





I'm really in Go-chun right now,don't know what to do else except replaying and replaying this sweet song :wub:





I really hope FNC will release the song in CD, so all gogumas can buy and have our own copies :w00t:





edit: Sorry for the link,I'm really carzy now!!I really want to buy it too!!!


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Guest albeechan




I'm a silent reader in this thread for so long time already and now i decide to comment here because the love for Yongseo is totally explored from my heart after listen to the song of Yong..lolz.. :wub:


The song is so awesome that i can't help but keep repeating it...and just set it as my ring tone..lolz..how crazy am i..kkk..???..Yong~~ voice is so sweet and who will not fall in love with him..Huyn~~~...Please becaome a real couple pleaseeee..kkk..


PS: Yes,and i am a gugoma from Vietnam..please add me in the country list also as i really don't know how to make the spoiler..Thanks.. :P



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OMG! OMG! OMG!!!!!!
















































































































This song is really sweet and amazing and I can say that, Yong is really confessing to Hyun~~
















































































































Yong is really a talented person. His voice is nice, the arrangement of this song and the emotional throughout the song, from entry until the end~~~ really brings out the feelings and the real meaning of his to his Hyun.... I personally like the bridge part (the last part), really touching and meaningful....
















































































































Honestly, I got tears in my eyes when I'm listening to this song, though I'm totally not understand Korean language. The voice, the emotional inside the song... make me tears....
















































































































Yong & Hyun, you both are meant to be together~~~ Truthfully hope both of you really dating for real and have a happy ending (get married of course!!)... I love you both~~
















































































































@Faith_memory: Yea.. I notice the 3:33 of this song as well.. haha.. really is LOVE LOVE LOVE....

















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Guest mrsjoker
































































































Thank you for all the translators and all the amazing gogumas who provided links and tutorials for buying the single. Thank you!!














































































































































































































and so i bought it already, it's safely put under Yongseo's playlist on my ipod. Been repeating it over and over for the past 15 minutes. I love it. Beautiful song, Beautiful Melody, such a sweet lyrics and not forgetting to mention Yong's romantic voice, all of it is seriously guaranteed to make any heart flutters if not melting at the first strum of his guitar.:wub:














































































































































































































Aigooo Yonghwayaaaaaaa~~~ You have outdone yourself again. How can you be such an amazing gentleman and a total sweetheart... :wub:  You keep on going mesmerizing this noona. I don't know whether the lyrics you wrote here is the real romantic thing you wanted to express or you just simply inspired, to this noona, this song you sang here sounded so much like a sweet proposal. A sweet proposal dedicated to that lovely girl with the shy bright smile, pure sparkling eyes that goes by the name Seo Joo Hyun.














































































































































































































Simply enchanting.














































































































































































































@omgirly : Agree with the whole thing you said in your spoiler. it's a win win thing anyway, i don't mind! ^_^ 














































































































































































































Edit : Gogumas, i know someone has posted a free download link to this single and it'll be useful for the gogumas that can't buy it online but to the gogumas that have a credit card could you please buy it online? it'll be nice to support Yong nampyeon as much as possible. ^_^
































































oh and about the country list thing... I'm from Indonesia.

















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omigoshhh the song... so daebak!!! it's the only song on my playlist now & it's on repeat. :wub: it truly makes one feel veryyyy much in love! IDK how to express it but i'm on cloud infinity & beyond right now! :wub: *spazzing-mode at its peak* :w00t:

wow... so i guess LOVE LIGHT was yong expressing how he discovered love in a different light/perspective thru' hyun (he could've realized that this is what love is all about! xD). then, I DON'T KNOW WHY was when yong realized how much he likes hyun & started to fall in love with her but was still in the state of confusion as to whether hyun really likes him or not & whether he should pursue his "intention" phew.gif and the later, BANMAL SONG/FOR FIRST-TIME LOVERS was written when he's head over heels with hyun & i guess he still is! dangg i can feel so much love flowing thru the music that even a dummy would know that the guy is seriously in love! ahhh u'd better get the message, hyunnie! reciprocate~! speak banmal~! say I LOVE U to yongg~! :w00t: haha i bet hyun's unnies will go berserk after hearing the lyrics! :lol:

wow, it's like reading a love story... except that this love story is in the form of music :wub:

*floatinggggg* :wub:

k1, where can i DL the instrumental banmal song???? can u gimme the link? thanks in advance ^^ owhhh i found the DL link already -.-"

aigooo, i feel bad! although i honestly did DL the songs >.< but i still intend to get the original CD too! i've bought 2 of their albums so far, am asking my friend to get I DON'T KNOW WHY album. hopefully she'll be able to get it for me.


mrsjoker~!!!!! *waves* same here!!!! xD

wally, yes... so far, i think yong is the best composer ever! he writes soulful lyric & it's truly from the bottom of his heart.

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Guest reiran18




I can't stop listening to this song..it's so sweet..i'm sad wen i learn that yong will only sing this song but now i think it's a good decision to let him sing this..


Seo hyun ur so cool!! marry for real!!!wub.gif



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Guest wallpaperfood

s**t I'm crying

what a confession..

I don't understand immediately without having the lyrics in front of me

but this just brings back memories of all their episodes

I hope Seohyun realises what a gem she's got ~

Looks like Yong obviously realises the treasure in Seohyun, so guys, just GO FOR IT! <3

My heart is doing funky acrobatics right now and I can't think

I just sent an email to my anti-Yongseo friend consisting of my spazzing, the link, and the lyrics LOL

If I have ever been sceptical (yes) or doubtful (yes) or critical (yes) of this couple, like my.yonghwa.baby, I am ONE HUNDRED PERCENT convinced, if not, just shoot me already!

This makes up for Yong's lack of backroom interviews for nth amount of episodes.

Really, this guy, he sings from his heart, with his SOUL. The ending of the song gets me too emotional - it's so tear-jerking and intense!

Guys are they REAL OR ARE THEY REAL?!

Yes, I thought so too.


dreamybooooo, i love your post!!!!! <3

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Guest CallMeDayDreamer
































































































































































































































Please DO NOT POST any Download Links...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































DO NOT ASK where you can find Download Links...
































































































































































Let's show our support to Yong & also to Hyun by buying this song legally...
































































































































































~ ~ ~
































































































































































@ LifeMadeSimple923: Please edit your post. Do NOT include the download link in your Post.
































































































































































Let's support Yongseo... happy.gif

































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Guest yongseorockin




search realtime


*quoted image**quoted image*






realtime chart


*quoted image**quoted image**quoted image*




Mnet: 3


Melon: 17


Bugs: 15


C; dcwgm





Yea! Its out!!

Can someone teach me how to buy from this Korean Sites. I don't understand a word of it!




EDIT: sorry didn't specify clearly. I want to know how to download from melon since he can stand a chance to get awards for it.


EDIT: I topped the page. For those who don't know, here is the news.








CNBLUE’s Jung Yonghwa released a special digital rearrangement of the ‘Banmal Song‘ that was created by him and his ‘wife’, SNSD’s Seohyun, on MBC’s “We Got Married.”




Re-titled to “For First-Time Lovers (Subtitle: ‘Banmal Song’),” the track was released on January 14th and features lovely lyrics expressing Yonghwa’s message for first-time lovers in helping them get closer.  The rearranged version has an easy-to-follow melody with a light acoustic sound.




The ‘Banmal Song’ itself has been attracting wide popularity ever since the couple composed it as a UCC mission.  It has received over two million views since it was uploaded on YouTube, and various parodies have also emerged.




cr: allkpop












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Just wanted to say,




"This is LOVE!" -Sweet Holiday




"LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, everybody clap clap clap!" LOVE




"[This] is more beautiful than the stars above" LoveLight.




This song or gift truly is, one of a kind. YongHwa is one of a kind (ONE HECK OF A FIND!) so SeoHyun, the goddess and genie that you are... just grant everyone's Christmas wish and be with this beautiful, loving and talented man.




I bet every girl in the world whose heard this song and read the lyrics the first time grind their teeth from jealousy of having such a wonderful, sweet guy falling for SeoHyun. I did XD If I were in Korea, I'd kidnap him myself and make him mine!!! @_@ Rabid fan girl here lol. Jk.




But in all seriousness, I think I can empathize why some BOICE were against YongSeo's relationship. Who would want to give up such a romantic, handsome, cunning and charming guy like him? Then again, I think after seeing all that they've gone through and all obstacles that are in their way, I think it is fair to let him choose who to be with. YongHwa, your efforts will not go to vain. <3



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