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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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First...thanks to everyone for all the pics/translations/videos...all of them make my days a happy ones n_n








































































I dont know why I still dont say what I think of them...but always get excited of everything that happens about Yongseo.








































































I was wondering something...that Im pretty sure you have already discussed...but I didnt see it so I want to ask to clarify my thoughts haha








































































Its about the UCC of the banmal song... I noticed in the episodes of the BTS, it shows that It was upload the 26th at around 2am. Also, the recording and the upload of the video where made the same day...so probably they met each other like 2 or 3 hours before 2AM? So..THEY SPEND THE LAST HOURS OF CHRISTMAS DAY TOGETHER!








































































I dont know if Im correct...Its just the conclutions I made... sooo I was thinking, even though they didnt have a christmas special broadcasting..perhaps they DO have an exchange christmas gift...or at least they greet each other! If they did, I guess we wont know what they do but at least it makes me happy to think that they spend some hours of an "special" day together.









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Guest full-of-love
































































































































































































First...thanks to everyone for all the pics/translations/videos...all of them make my days a happy ones n_n
































































































































I dont know why I still dont say what I think of them...but always get excited of everything that happens about Yongseo.
































































































































I was wondering something...that Im pretty sure you have already discussed...but I didnt see it so I want to ask to clarify my thoughts haha
































































































































Its about the UCC of the banmal song... I noticed in the episodes of the BTS, it shows that It was upload the 26th at around 2am. Also, the recording and the upload of the video where made the same day...so probably they met each other like 2 or 3 hours before 2AM? So..THEY SPEND THE LAST HOURS OF CHRISTMAS DAY TOGETHER!
































































































































I dont know if Im correct...Its just the conclutions I made... sooo I was thinking, even though they didnt have a christmas special broadcasting..perhaps they DO have an exchange christmas gift...or at least they greet each other! If they did, I guess we wont know what they do but at least it makes me happy to think that they spend some hours of an "special" day together.































































































































































































































































@lizsch i believe they met at 9 on the 26th in korea and then finally uploaded the song at 2 Am on the 27th.. B/c when i checked their youtube account it said they created the account on the 25th (i live in America) so technically it's the 26th in korea and it showed that they uploaded the song on the 26th = 27th in Korea.. hopes this help :D

































































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Guest fabiistar07












Hello & good morning/night to everyone




first, i want to say thank you sooo much to all subbers & translators :D







&& to everyone that posted caps, fanarts, etc...














i haven't had a lot of time in the past couple of days to read this great forum but it has skipped like 30 pages :blink: so i just randomly chose pages to read and on every page i read everyone's spazzing keke ^^




what i loved most about this episode was how they slept together on the train :wub:




i almost died when i saw that, they looked adorablee!!




especially when they were being playful about it at the beggining, and when yong~ wouldn't move his hand and hyun~ touched it to move it, it was daebak!!! :wub:




of course the rest was really amazing too, what yong~ said about hyun's eye smile :wub:




how yong~ remembered hyun~ back in his trainee days (although i didn't get why people would be sleeping in a bookstore(?), but anyways..)




Also, how touchy and playful hyun~ has gotten :wub: (i loved when hyun~ was about to hit her hubby and he flinched and said "you have this side to you :lol: )




i find myself very similar to seohyunie..so some of the things she does are things i do or have done, i find it funny hehe




like how she reacts when yong~ acts all mushy, she's aware of what he's saying but since she's not used to it, it's the best way she can react, she's not a person to show her feelings so she will not answer in a flirty way, she just makes a face but ends up smiling and laughing about what yong~ said ^_^




the rest is in spoiler b/c it's about a dream i've had




well...i wont be writing so much




just share one more thing




i think i'm addicted to this couple now! is it a virus that's spreading?!?




i dreamt about them today!..that's like the 3rd time..




i don't remember it well




one thing i remember about it is..they were both in a car at night and hyun (since she loves to teach her hubby how to dance) wanted to teach him to dance to "Gee" so she ended up grabbing his hands and follow the music (sort of like a puppet, i do this to my sisters when they don't want to dance, so maybe that's why i dreamt this scenario lol) ... so she was teaching him by moving him herself, he was a little bit in front of her and she was behind him grabbing his arms, so after she got really tired (b/c doing that is tiring, esp. if the person doesn't colaborate lol) and she just dropped her arms and crossed them arounf yong~'s neck, so it was like she was giving him a back hug, it was so adorablee! :wub:




ohh~~ how i wish this couple would show more skinship..but right now they're doing so well that i'm just enjoying everything and look foward to what they'll do next =D








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About him asking for compliments... I'm a girl and I do the same thing lol it's not the fact that I actually want to be complimented, but to me it's just a fun and playful way to make someone laugh and therefor easier to get closer to that person. Obviously I'm joking, but by somewhat making fun of myself (as in actually asking for a compliment despite the fact that doing it might be embarrassing), it loosens up that person as he/she can laugh about me. Just to have you maybe understand his behavior more. ^^
































































































































































To be honest, I'm still somewhat surprised Seohyun rested her head on his shoulder that easily. After he patted his shoulder and told her to lean on it, all she said was: 'Alright, alright.'
































































































































































I've been following SNSD, therefor Seohyun, for quite some time and I'm starting to think I've never really gotten to know all of this girl after all until more recently. I've seen her serious, angry, sad, happy and playful side, but... I don't know. It's fascinating to witness how there's even more about her than I initially thought haha I've expected her to make a face and whiningly say 'Why?' and hesitantly gently lay her head down. Yet she even took his hand away so she can comfortably lie down. All I can say is THANK YOU to whoever brought these people together.
































































































































































Yonghwa was ruining the mood here and the MCs were going all 'Eeeh..' on him, but you can see Seohyun totally enjoyed it lol
































































































































































































































































































































cr: gogumalove@tumblr

































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Guest Fluorescent.Flower























































Fany:    "Do you get nervous/excited when you meet Seohyun?"
















------------------------------- - March 31, 2010.  Episode 12 [broadcasted June 26]


















































Lol, Fany is totally awesome. She asked Seohyun a similar question on SNSD's Guerilla Date. At the end of the date, each SNSD member was supposed to turn to the person next to them and ask a question, luckily for us Fany (a Goguma) asked Seohyun "Do you get butterflies when you see your husband?" and Seohyun replied "Aigoo...Yes". In another translation, the words were interpreted as "excited" rather than "butterflies". It's still spazz worthy though!
















Edit: @_d3seohyun: I didn't notice before but the last screen cap you have there (episode when her unnies visited her home), Seohyun is wearing pink and coincidentally Yonghwa is wearing blue. I remember when Hyoyeon asked Seohyun why she went and wore that when she's already wearing something flowery. Awww, she wanted to match her hubby~~
























To  be honest, I'm still somewhat surprised Seohyun rested her head on his  shoulder that easily. After he patted his shoulder and told her to lean  on it, all she said was: 'Alright, alright.'



























Me  too. I never would have thought Seohyun, the sweet-potato-loving girl,  could be so comfortable around a guy. The strange thing is, people  assumed that she had no interest in guys (even her unnies) but I think  it's because no guy had confidently approached her the way Yonghwa has (even though it's because of WGM) and so she could never find it in herself to choose one guy over another  when they've both equally shied away from her. On top of that, unlike  her unnies who swoon at the sight of a handsome man like Daniel Henney,  she is more the type that is attracted to personality as opposed to  appearance, although I'm sure it won't hurt for her if he has a good personality and is handsome - like Yonghwa. About her resting her head on Yonghwa's  shoulder, I'm so glad to see that she's become less stubborn with doing  things. Of course, she would never agree to them unless she wanted to do  it as well.
















P.S. Sorry for cutting your posts _d3seohyun and aisuo415.









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Guest .:love_ya:.
















































































I don't even know where to start spazzing :lol:
































































I might have said this soooo many times but this time it's totally totally DEABAKK!! :wub:
































































I've watched the episode for a gazillion time already, and it still amazes me how these two celebrities might have forgotten that they're on a show and currently being filmed!! :D
































































not that I'm complaining, I would love MORE!! of these love-is-in-the-air episodes :lol:
































































So I was re-watching the episode, and maybe it's just me, but I think Yong was nervous when he told Hyun to rest her head on his shoulder, you (or at least I) can see that his breathing was getting heavy hehe Another favorite scene is the one when Yong's mom was asking Hyun if she cooked. Yong was just sitting there, getting all smilie and enjoying the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law questioning session. hehe









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Guest crystalblue
















After all the excitement and our glowing in the aftermath, I'm questioning if I'm going be able to take it when the wedding photo episode shows. (give me a cigarette please. hahaha I don't even smoke but I want one after watching this episode 8X this weekend!).








Seriously? I am sooooo happy watching this episode, I want to just fly to Korea and find them and shake them physically hard and make them go get married for real and then I can be at peace for the rest of my life. OMG, they just are so loving a couple and soooo darn cute - Otteke??? I am waiting with baited breath for wedding photo episodes!!! that and Yong meeting his in laws.








Edit: and I also need to add that often times on WGM, couples are so awkward being physically close during wedding photo shoots. Boy, am I glad WGM PDnims waited for these two to grow closer and now that we've seen how truly close they are to each other, their wedding photo shoot will be THE BOMB!! I think Seohyun is REALLY into her husband because she is not a bit shy any more with touching and flirting. I don't think they'll kiss on the lips for everyone to see (but they will in private!!!)- they will more than likely have cheeks touching and kisses on the forehead or on the cheeks during the shoot. ok, I need to stop visualizing....









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Guest justbulan









Seriously? I am sooooo happy watching this episode, I want to just fly to Korea and find them and shake them physically hard and make them go get married for real and then I can be at peace for the rest of my life. OMG, they just are so loving a couple and soooo darn cute - Otteke??? I am waiting with baited breath for wedding photo episodes!!! that and Yong meeting his in laws.
































shall we go kidnap them and make them sign the "We-Will-Be-Real-For-Sure" paper? 
































lol.. just kidding  :P
































i think during these episode we can se CLEARLY that seohyun already considered yonghwa as one of the person she close too... since i've never saw her hiting people who teased her before (except her unnies in GDA) anyway.. anyone boice here notice, CN blue will oficially releases their first full album on febuary.. and they got 2nd position on daily oricon just a day after they released their album...w00t.gif chukahamnida... i bet seohyun was really happy when she know it.. since she is a kind of supportive wive.. seems like their wish in the shrine is really happened.. i'll definetly go to that shrine if i go to japan laugh.gif
































but i tought that there was a rumour that they won't release it in nearer time? blink.gif
































oh well rumour... just rumour... 
































anyway.. found it in indonesian forum... 


















































































































































































































































































































































































sorry if i replied it in your upper post... too lazy to make a new post :P 































































that's definetly really nice idea.. what if we put it on their 1st year aniversary gifts? it will be great if we can give it to her.. w00t.gif









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Guest crystalblue
































































































































@ justbulan - SERIOUSLY? can we do that? kidnap them? I need some assurance that they will end up together!!! hahaha.... this is how much they are occupying my mind right now-- earlier tonight, while I was cooking dinner, I was thinking that I would be HAPPY to teach Seohyun how to cook. I consider myself a fab cook- Italian, Mexican, Thai, Vietnamese, American, cakes, cookies, I can do it all very well! I was dreaming that I would make up a recipe book with photos and send it to her and she was so touched (since she loves hand made books!) that she invited me to Korea to give her personal cooking lessons! hahaha OMG, I am going nuts!!! what is wrong with me?
































































But now, THAT would be kind of a cool idea actually! Since our thread is made up of so many nationalities, maybe we CAN make up a cook book gift for Seohyun!!! Hey- can we do that? :D

































































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Guest loybing

ahh finally watched the newest episode.

i cant help but giggle everytime Yong made some cheesy talks.kekeke!

i love the mother-daughter in law tandem. Yong's mother is so cool and so beautiful.

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Guest ainigoguma
















@ justbulan - SERIOUSLY? can we do that? kidnap them? I need some assurance that they will end up together!!! hahaha.... this is how much they are occupying my mind right now-- earlier tonight, while I was cooking dinner, I was thinking that I would be HAPPY to teach Seohyun how to cook. I consider myself a fab cook- Italian, Mexican, Thai, Vietnamese, American, cakes, cookies, I can do it all very well! I was dreaming that I would make up a recipe book with photos and send it to her and she was so touched (since she loves hand made books!) that she invited me to Korea to give her personal cooking lessons! hahaha OMG, I am going nuts!!! what is wrong with me?








But now, THAT would be kind of a cool idea actually! Since our thread is made up of so many nationalities, maybe we CAN make up a cook book gift for Seohyun!!! Hey- can we do that? :D























we should make "an international foods recipes book" for Seohyun








 aaa~~~~~~!!!! that's gonna be so cool !!!!








i wanna give her a special Indonesian food recipe...








guys !! goguma villagers!!! LET'S DO IT !!!!








KAJA ~~~~~!!!

















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Guest crystalblue
















Ok- last post then bedtime for this unnie. Some of us were concerned that if CN Blue members accept drama offers, then Yong might be too busy to film WGM. Well, click on the link below... that tells you what the boys will be busy doing in early 2011! Yes... Yongseo power goes on!
















My link








SORRY I guess you can't post a link leading to allkpop site here. so copy and paste this link:

















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Guest kevin1320



I have this thought but I'm not sure it would be a good idea or not...

Since we here love them so much and want them to get married for real....How about we should make a married license for them and send it to them...:))) I believe we also know their signature , that's how the marrid license would look more real...

Anyone here who study law or someone know how to do photoshoop and stuff that can help us to make 1 for them...

Let me know what u think guyssss


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got few q to ask fellow gogumas..

hyun was not wearing her ring in the CN Blue concert BTS...

- so was the footage taken by her manager, as in personal footage,

or was it a part of wgm filming?

- also what does hyun mean when she said 'glasses is suspicious'

and one last Q...(since this part is not subbed)

- in the restaurant, when mom praised yong to be a lovable child,

yong said something like a deol i ra seo (pardon the spelling)

what does that mean?

would appreaciate any help. :)

just me being crazy wanting to know EVERY single thing they said... :rolleyes:

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Guest crystalblue































































































































































































We would like to put together a cook book to be included in Yongseo's anniversary present package! I have volunteered to help coordinate this effort. Although we don't have much time left since the present package is due by end of January... but knowing how passionate this group of fans are, we can do it - no problem!






























































































































So the idea is to collect recipes from around the world. SIMPLE TO COOK recipes with EASY TO FIND INGREDIENTS in Korea. Remember Seohyun is a newbie at culinary so please provide a recipe that YOU yourself has successfully cooked! Here are the guide lines:






























































































































1. Submit your recipe by Jan. 25th, 2011 to me. You can PM me and I will reply to you with my email address.































































2. Test cook your recipe as you've written it and make sure it's easy, tastes good and fool proof.































































3. Take photos of the steps and most importantly, a photo of the finished dish to show what it is supposed to look like. Please make sure your photos are in High resolution with minimum of 300 dpi. 4 x 6 inches in size. 1 inch = 25.4 mm.































































4. Keep in mind what kinds of foods they like. If you are an avid fan, you'd know!!!































































5. Savory and sweet dishes are welcomed.































































6. WE NEED KOREAN Goguma Villagers ESPECIALLY!!! for some great Korean dishes too!































































7. No outdoor BBQ recipes since they live in dorms.































































8. Make sure ingredients are easy to find in a Korea grocerie store. (Just imagine what they won't have...)






























































































































We hope to get recipes from a wide assortment of countries to show them they are loved internationally! We are thinking about 52 final recipes representing 52 weeks in a year because 365 recipes in 19 days is too unrealistic. QUALITY OVER QUANTITY!!






























































































































Thank you in advance! :wub:

































































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Guest YSforever




got few q to ask fellow gogumas..






hyun was not wearing her ring in the CN Blue concert BTS...






- so was the footage taken by her manager, as in personal footage,



or was it a part of wgm filming?






- also what does hyun mean when she said 'glasses is suspicious'






and one last Q...(since this part is not subbed)



-  in the restaurant, when mom praised yong to be a lovable child,



yong said something like a deol i ra seo (pardon the spelling)


what does that mean?


would appreaciate any help.  :)


just me being crazy wanting to know EVERY single thing they said... :rolleyes:



Hi it's my first post here but I've been reading the thread for quite a while now.


Hope I didn't break any rules.  It's kind of scary to post here ^^;


I watched Ep 39 with Chinese sub so hopefully I could be of some help. ^^


1) I also noticed that Hyun didn't wear the ring to CN BLUE's concert...not sure why though.


    Meanwhile, Yong had a ring on his left ring finger but I'm not sure if it's the couple ring..any goguma FBIs?


2) Glasses is suspicious? do you mean what she said before putting on the glasses?  Sorry I didn't see the Eng subs..


    But if so, from Chinese subs what she said was like "I don't look good wearing glasses"


3) Yong's response to his mom's compliment is like "that's because I'm your son."


BTW I'm also so goguma-addicted!  I've been reading posts in China Baidu forum, Soompi and Taiwanese forum.


All are great but I find soompi to be the most "sophiscated" one with so many fantastic analysts and screen-cappers!!


Thank you so much and I will try to share more here! ^^



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Guest ainigoguma


Ok- last post then bedtime for this unnie. Some of us were concerned that if CN Blue members accept drama offers, then Yong might be too busy to film WGM. Well, click on the link below... that tells you what the boys will be busy doing in early 2011! Yes... Yongseo power goes on!

My link

SORRY I guess you can't post a link leading to allkpop site here. so copy and paste this link:


I'm so curious with your LINK , but I can't open it...


what is it about??

and about the recipe book!!!

LET'S DO IT !!!! YEAH !!!!!

goguma fighting !!!

OH SORRY , my connection is lagging.

ok. I'll see it now.


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I really enjoyed this ep.  I especially liked the going back and forth between Hyun and MIL about the Kimchi and cooking.  It seems such a real meeting between MIL and DIL/gf.  I also got the impression that MIL was telling Hyun things about Yong so Hyun could understand Yong better - like the rare phone calls. 


I tend to like to have the timeline and details of a story to fit together so a few minor things kind of bothers me.  Do you think that Yong may have asked a staff to reserve a seat for Hyun if she could go to CNBlue concert?  As I remember, it was a sold out concert and from the little clip - seems like Hyun got a seat.   She could have bought the seat - but I think this is unlikely.  I think she might have told Yong that she may/may not make it because that day she had to go to Yuli and Tiff goodbye stage on Music Core as MCs and Tiff had her birthday party that night.  So Yong may have told them to reserve a seat just in case but he didn't know where that would be?  I saw her also mouth abujchi (father)...but not omoni when she met the in-laws. I wasn't sure in that scene whether she was surprised at meeting the in laws or surpised at seeing Yong's father (kinda like Oh, this is his dad kind of moment).  I'm not sure whether WGM film this because the quality of the video seems different to me.   


Some posters have written how surprised they are that Hyun agreed easily to sleep on Yong's shoulder.  This is only my opinion, but sometimes I think that Yong and Hyun purposely hold themselves back when it comes to skinship and the way the ep is edited my also help them.  Their comfort level seems to jump a lot from one ep to the next - at least that's my impression.  So the prawn ep was in early Oct - hand holdin in jacket pocket (although I wondered why they made such a big deal about hand holding since they've done it before - but perhaps because its really rare that Yongseo holds hand), the making banmal song (Nov 8th or so) - Hyun got a piggy back, then Busan ep (Nov 30) - sleeping on shoulder.  Ok, they may meet/call each other between filmings, but probably still not that many times or the whole day I presume since they are two very busy people.  So to me its interesting how their comfort level seems to jump around.  Also, when they were uploading the banmal song, Yong started to lean on Hyun's shoulder because he couldn't watch it, but the camera quickly swing away from that scene - I wondered why.


There seems to be very few backroom interview with Yongseo lately - just one or two per ep unlike KT couple.  Maybe its because in Japan Yong said that he is always surpised by what Hyun said in the blackroom - and how its contradictory?


Anyways, really daebak ep - really looking forward to the next.  Thanks for the translations, pics, vids and news.  Really appreciate it.



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Yonghwa's contentment. Lovely.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: dc married

































































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Hi it's my first post here but I've been reading the thread for quite a while now.

Hope I didn't break any rules.  It's kind of scary to post here ^^;

I watched Ep 39 with Chinese sub so hopefully I could be of some help. ^^

1) I also noticed that Hyun didn't wear the ring to CN BLUE's concert...not sure why though.

    Meanwhile, Yong had a ring on his left ring finger but I'm not sure if it's the couple ring..any goguma FBIs?

2) Glasses is suspicious? do you mean what she said before putting on the glasses?  Sorry I didn't see the Eng subs..

    But if so, from Chinese subs what she said was like "I don't look good wearing glasses"

3) Yong's response to his mom's compliment is like "that's because I'm your son."

BTW I'm also so goguma-addicted!  I've been reading posts in China Baidu forum, Soompi and Taiwanese forum.

All are great but I find soompi to be the most "sophiscated" one with so many fantastic analysts and screen-cappers!!

Thank you so much and I will try to share more here! ^^

aww..don't be afraid of the rules..

no-one liner, no quoting of pics...just rmbr these 2, and u'll be fine..

i'm glad my q got you to post here, YS forever, and thank u for answering them.

hug u! and oh! welcome to Go-Chun!

my 2nd q is when hyun received the gift from yong, and she said 'glasses is suspicious'

am not sure if that is just a figure of speech OR there's a meaning to it..

hope to see u here more often..

and to quisty...tks!

i totally forgot abt 'that' ;)


i want to add to aneng's post abt yong being jealous over the phone call.

as for me, he already 'retaliate' by calling PSH. :lol:

i thought he would've called Simon D, i wanted so much to hear how cool

Busan guys talk!

lulu, me too.

hope to see yong shares his thoughts abt his mom's meet up with wifey.

and also i really want to see MIL darkroom interview more than ever.. :lol:

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