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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest b229b24k

apart from being seohyun fan

i think yong's mom want a daughter

if im not mistaken there are only yong and his older bro,correct me if im wrong tho

n seohyun is a good daughter, and ideal one i might add

maybe that's why she hug hyun on their first meet

oh i want to join the guess too

it's yong and hyun together

they bought it before during their private meet up,lol (in my dream)

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I want to join the guessing game..








I think they both bought it at the train station. :)
























Yong's mother will be very happy with Hyun.








A perfect role model for a daughter in law. A nice personality and etc..(Can't write all of them here).








It'll be nice to see how Yong will behave infront of his mother. Will he be more choding than usual??








Can't wait for Saturday's episode!!









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Guest zcanby


















HEY GOGUMAS!!!!! It's been a little while since my last post and I know I'm a little late in saying this but OMO!!! THE TRAIN PICTURE!!!!!! *SPAZZ ATTACK* When I saw the picture earlier today I almost fell out of my chair, seriously B) Ahhhh I immediately saved that picture to my computer. I want to make it my desktop background haha. And I'm really excited about this saturday's episode! Busan trip and Hyun finally gets to meet her mother-in-law sweatingbullets.gif I know she'll do great!! Thanks to everyone for all the goodies, you're all so wonderful and make this thread one of my happy places blush.gif love you all!!














Trent, this was such a great idea!! I agree, we should do fun little games like these more often! ^_^ I really want to think that Yong bought them but my gut feeling is telling me that Hyun bought them so I'm casting my vote for SEOHYUN!














Seohyun brought the glasses:














1. Trent














2. anne0129














3. magdal














4. shawie














5. dezadee














6. omgirly














7. Ae-Rin














8. K1L1On1Mr4














9. Souhir














10. melibu














11. wishwash














12. bizzie_b














13. areu1510














14. Adrianakian86














15. yasmin_waldz














16. R4TU














17. intoxd














18. sierralainewalsh














19. uh-ohxev














20. sweetcake_














21. maedang














22. cooleet














23. zcanby














Yonghwa brought the glasses::














1. soshisoshisoshi














2. yongseorockin














3. Seychan














4. Hesperide














5. hafiq890














6. Fluorescent.Flower














7. ikekeyou














8. fabiistar07














9. kasia3goguma














10. InLove_WithYou














11. manimani25














12. Lizsch














13. winnieho














14. gita_cinta














15. justbulan














16. K.rivera19














17. Hapiangle














18. areu1510














19. lennieyongseo














20. ninashelovely














21. xxxiloveyouxxx














22. aisuo415














23. pangg














24. crystalblue














25. yuyusaiyuki














yong's omoni:














1. aya otohata














2. calculator














Fans(including SNSD and CNBLUE members).














1. glennpaulo














2. lain_laen



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I want to join the guessing game..
























I think they both bought it at the train station. :)
























Yong's mother will be very happy with Hyun.
























A perfect role model for a daughter in law. A nice personality and etc..(Can't write all of them here).
























It'll be nice to see how Yong will behave infront of his mother. Will he be more choding than usual??
























Can't wait for Saturday's episode!!















































Oh that never occurred to me lol now I wonder too. I keep thinking about Seohyun and how she'd do meeting her husband's mom and how it is going back to the place he grew up in that I totally forgot about Yonghwa.
























I think he would be really supportive of Hyun and encourages her to be herself (as she's perfect that way already) and relax, stuff like that. But I wonder how he'd be around his mom and his wife. Though not a 'real', it's still a pretty big step meeting someone's parents. He'd probably joke around even more to have both women be comfortable. But from the preview it seems like his mother is liking Seohyun already, very much so even.
























About the guessing game and the list, maybe we can put the names next to each other instead of under each other. It's a bit of a shame to say, but it's not convenient as I'd see these lists and just scroll through them and therefor miss some fun and interesting posts, going 'Huh? What?' and backtrack again to check.
























Edit: Another thing occurred to me. Haven't Seohyun and Yonghwa's mother met already during the CNBlue concert? Seohyun was confirmed to be there and if I'm correct Yonghwa's parents were there too. It wouldn't be the first time meeting then. It'd be weird not to introduce her while his parents were there.





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let me join this guessing game! :wub:












































i bet it's hyun!! :wub: i just get this REALLY strong feeling. :)) girls tend to like couple stuffs so i think it would be hyun. about 60%! for yong prolly 30% and 10% i leave to the rest. ;)























































































Seohyun brought the glasses:










































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa brought the glasses:











































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































yong's omoni:























































































aya otohata












































Fans(including SNSD and CNBLUE members).




























































































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Guest omgirly
















































i am absolutely in awe of this thread. it's been rocking hard for the past 24 hours. screen caps and pics from cherimerci and bomaejang, and trent's couple glasses poll have all resulted in 13 pages of spazzing goodness from the goguma nation. there's no other group of people i'd like to wait patiently with for saturday's busan episode, which is sure to be daebak. 































































it's totally understandable why this thread was acclaimed by the korean media. goguma fighting!









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When SNSD was a guest in Come To Play, the MC asked SeoHyun :








And she answered :








The MCs asked her again : "Like what??" And she answered :












I guess, SeoHyun Umma love her present, which Yong Seobbang gave her, the couple necklace for mother and daughter.


Is this somewhat a green light??


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Guest sweettaeng

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































한편, 이들의 하차로 `우리 결혼했어요`에는 현재 출연 중인 서현-정용화, 닉쿤-빅토리아 커플만 남게 됐다. 아직 조권과 가인의 바통을 이을 후속 커플은 정해지지 않은 상태로 한동안 `우리 결혼했어요`는 2커플 체제로 프로그램이 꾸려질 예정이다.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In 'We Got Married', there are Seohyun-Jung Yonghwa, Nickhun-Victoria couples left. As for now, the follow up couple for Jokwon Gain have not been determined. So from now on 'We Got Married' will be be broadcasted with 2 couples.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Cr: Nate, snsd baidu, sweettaeng@soompi/rdrsubs
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So as for now we know that the PDs won't be putting in a new couple that soon. Which leaves more airtime for our couple.

But i'm still VERYYYY sad about Adam couple leaving T_T

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest MQPheartsYS








Hi everyone!




This is the first time ever in my life I've joined a forum thing.




I've been thinking about joining for awhile ever since I found this forum a few months back.  I've just been happily lurking and reading all the awesome posts all y'all have made and spazzing along with you.




But after finding out about the Adam couple news tears.gif, I decided I should join too before our couple ends and I regret not joining in on all the fun while the ride is still on.




My cousin actually told me about WGM and I watched YongSeo's first episode with her way back in February. lol so long ago, but yes I was there from the beginning wub.gif (a pity I only found this go-chun a few months ago).  Through WGM, I got to know Seohyun and SNSD better and I discovered Yonghwa and CN Blue.  Seriously, what a talented bunch.








Anyways, my reaction to daebak train pic was just like everyone else's, I imagine.  LOL.  Serious spazz mode I've been on.





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Guest myblue
































































Oh that never occurred to me lol now I wonder too. I keep thinking about Seohyun and how she'd do meeting her husband's mom and how it is going back to the place he grew up in that I totally forgot about Yonghwa.
































I think he would be really supportive of Hyun and encourages her to be herself (as she's perfect that way already) and relax, stuff like that. But I wonder how he'd be around his mom and his wife. Though not a 'real', it's still a pretty big step meeting someone's parents. He'd probably joke around even more to have both women be comfortable. But from the preview it seems like his mother is liking Seohyun already, very much so even.
































About the guessing game and the list, maybe we can put the names next to each other instead of under each other. It's a bit of a shame to say, but it's not convenient as I'd see these lists and just scroll through them and therefor miss some fun and interesting posts, going 'Huh? What?' and backtrack again to check.
































Edit: Another thing occurred to me. Haven't Seohyun and Yonghwa's mother met already during the CNBlue concert? Seohyun was confirmed to be there and if I'm correct Yonghwa's parents were there too. It wouldn't be the first time meeting then. It'd be weird not to introduce her while his parents were there.































































@ aisuo45.. yes i agree with you, I think this is not the first time of hyun & Omma meeting up together, its just Yong's Omma missed hyun so much thats why she is really excited to see her again.. and seeing the scenario when Omma is hugging Hyun I think Yong is full of joy in his heart because infront of him is the two most precious women of his life..;) can't wait for saturday!!!

































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Guest xxxiloveyouxxx
































































































Hi Villagers! I'm just going to be posting some screencaps of






























































































































































































from the new































































































SNSD music video, Beautiful Girls.































































































I made these caps by myself and I don't know how to put them all in 1 picture. So I beg your pardon if the page is going to be image heavy































































































































































Oh! By the way, before anything else. I'd like to thank






























































































































































































for posting the link of the preview






























































































































































































































































































for answering my question regarding "bolmaejung"































































































































































Now, off to the caps. Click for bigger view.

















































































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Guest myblue
































































Hi Villagers! I'm just going to be posting some screencaps of






























































from the new































SNSD music video, Beautiful Girls.































I made these caps by myself and I don't know how to put them all in 1 picture. So I beg your pardon if the page is going to be image heavy
































































































Oh! By the way, before anything else. I'd like to thank






























































for posting the link of the preview  






























































































for answering my question regarding "bolmaejung"
































































Now, off to the caps. Click for bigger view.
































*quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image*
































Ah! Yonghwa-yah your wife is very beautiful.
































There are more caps, it's just that soompi is not letting me post all of it due to the limited image post. But gogumas did you see? Hyun is actually wearing a ring. I think it's the couple ring (not that it's disappointing if it isn't, it's just fun to point out since it's a habit of us to point out if they wear the ring or not). In some part of the video though like when she was putting on the shoes, she wasn't wearing it. Though, in all of her other scenes she is.
































...and regarding pikoo's question about if Yong would still act choding in front of his mom. I think so, though a little less. But I'm pretty sure he'd act the same since you know, his mom is someone that knows him best. She is his parent afterall, so him being a choding isn't anything new to her. Just my two cents.































































@xxxiloveyouxxx.. thanks for the pictures.. yes indeed, hyunie is so gergeous and sexy on their latest video!! ofcourse Yong must me mesmirized by his buin's angelic sexy face;) regarding the ring, yes, i think she is wearing it been repeating it several times last night and  feel proud of her!!!

































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Hi Hi,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































All these guessing whether it is Yonghwa or Seohyun who bought the couple glassess reminded me so much of "Betting Time". We were a much smaller group then but all of us joined the two of them on the bet on who will get the higher score for the driving test. The losing group supposed to do some punishment. In the end, uri couple failed the practice test, Yonghwa danced, Seohyun spoke Banmal for a day and all of us laughed without anyone doing any punishment. Best outcome! Such Sweet memories.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So me going for the "Expect the unexpected' choice if there is one!. If not, please put my name Red Tulip under they bought it together list. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Gentle Reminder to all goguma to quickly submit your entry for the Seohwa International project as soon as possible. We still need MORE, MORE and MORE of your support. The entries are starting to come in but it is still not enough. So please start soon.

































































































































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hi everyone.. ^_^




just in to bring some news..sorry it's not a happy one :tears:




i read this in dkpop news..




so the Banmal Song will not be release officially?




now i wonder why Soribada confirmed the song release on January 14th




[News] ‘Banmal Song’ by YongSeo couple may not be released officially afterall




It seems that Seohyun and Jung Yonghwa’s ‘Banmal Song’ will not be released officially, despite huge demand and anticipation from fans.




The ‘Banmal Song’ was composed and sung by Seohyun and Yonghwa on MBC’s ‘We Got Married’. The music and the lyrics for the chorus was written by Yonghwa while Seohyun helped to complete some other parts of the lyrics. The couple uploaded the ‘Banmal Song’ video clip on Youtube and to date, it has recorded more than a million views.




However, despite its popularity, this song might not be released officially. On January 5th, CN BLUE’s agency told Newsen, “There will not be a duet. Even if CN BLUE plan to release it as their own song, the part of the lyrics Seohyun composed will not be included”.




The duet between the ‘couple’ is rather impossible at the moment in view of SNSD and CN BLUE’s activities. Nevertheless, there have been talks among netizens about the release of the ‘Banmal Song’ on various sites.




A representative in charge of MBC’s ‘We Got Married’ said, “The song was composed based on Yonghwa and Seohyun’s feeling of being in love. That is why the song is so meaningful to them”.




Meanwhile, on the episode of ‘We Got Married’ which will be aired on January 8th, Seohyun will be making a trip to Yonghwa’s hometown, Busan to meet his mother for the first time. During the meeting, the ‘mother-in-law’ mentioned some of Seohyun’s favorite, the seafood kimchi and fist-sized fermented bean paste stew. Make sure you catch the goguma couple on January 8th to find out their reactions.







Credit: nate.com/newsen.com, dkpopnews




Shared by: fanwonders.com


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When SNSD was a guest in Come To Play, the MC asked SeoHyun :
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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I guess, SeoHyun Umma love her present, which Yong Seobbang gave her, the couple necklace for mother and daughter.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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hmm...i think there's a slight mistranslation there.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyun said "목도리" which means scarf, not necklace...:)

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest AngelVillian

Personally, i think it's YONGHWA!

Since he's into the glasses (I kinda saw him wear in on a few occasion)

Wahahahaha i can't wait for this saturday

*Side note : Though adam couple has left the show, i bet their together in real life! That's why they left. Haha no other reason. LOL!

Seohyun brought the glasses: 



















Yonghwa brought the glasses: 


















yong's omoni:

aya otohata

Fans(including SNSD and CNBLUE members).


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OMG,, finally im able to post again after a long time
































































College is really crazy and im still in the mid of my busy schedule, But I can’t help to post something about our couple seriously,, I can’t concentrate with my work,, I can’t even celebrate my bday yesterday at 4th,, but its all ok since i dont really like it,, anyway yongseo has pay for it XD
































































































First I would like to send all my best regard to our WGM family adam bubu fans, It’s really sad and heartbrroken to see it T__T,, yongseo couple is the first couple that I watch on wgm, but I watch adam couple too since 4-5 month ago bcoz of their huge chemistry to each other,,When yongseo give me all these giddy feeling,, adam couple never fail to give me laugh really hard when I watch them since eps 1
































































So for adam fans.. HWAITING,, it’s just the end for their reel relationship but the start point for their real relationship,, I will keep all my adam eps as a precious memory to cherish forever
































































 Second,, kekke this is the point of my post.. I wanna join u guys to spazzing about the preview for this Saturday,, OMGGG I cant stop staring their train pic,, hyun leaning on yong shoulder and yong leaning at hyun head,, maybe for other couple it’s just a trivial thing but for goguma.. kekke I know just staring at each other will make us fly to heaven,, ottohkeee…. How can I become like this XDXD,,
































































finally yong able to bring his girl to hometown
































































When I first saw the pic my mind is suddenly back to YAB memory when shinwoo invite gominam going to busan, but since he is not the main cast he cant bring the girl and NOWWW he is the king of go-chun and of course anytime can bring his lovely goddess wife to his hometown,, Bring seohyun is even better to the previous one *please no offens* hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































And I just wonder if.. they hold hand under seohyun coat?? Their hand is really close anyway, and got cover under the coat.. XDXD im sure I will fly too high this saturday
































































And about the couple glass.. Umm I think I need to join this one too hehe
































































Im sure that’s seohyun who bring it,, as everyone though here seohyun is the one who always bring couple outfit,, like the last trip to jungdongjin, she brought couple pillow and the others, but I can’t make sure either,, im on seohyun^^
































































I wish they visit yong home too.. I wanna see his father *im obsessed with doctor nowadays* and his dog jjing XDXD,, i remember once tiffany mention at the prev eps that seohhyun nickname is jjing-jjing,, did yong remember it?? If he did how would he react about that?? His dog name and his wife nickname is similar kekke.. and yonghwa love BOTH of them aaaaaaaaaarrrgggghhhhh…
































































And not to forget their meeting with yong highschool friends XDXD,, I wanna see jealous yong, He sure wanna protect his popular wife from his highschool sone friends… They’re all SNSD fans haha.. YOONNGG let’s just show off that your wife is SEOHYUN.. that popular SNSD member..
































































I cant wait for this Saturday seriously,, MBC is soo cruel to let me see that preview pic.. Why did they show that pic?? On Thursday??? I cant believe it,, they sure wanna raise other couple popularity since adam is not join anymore,, well positive side for us!!!
































































And more pic keep coming tsk tsk.. Im gonna die right away.. mother in law hug her son’s wifeyyy. And look that happy face on yoongg XD.. I wish yong meet hyun parents too huh,, he’s the one who keep mentioning that he need to visit his mother in law,, but now seohyun got the first chance, Yoonngg u must come to meet your parents in law,, IT”S A MUST!!!
































































Upps im sorry I make another essay,, maybe I will comeback 2 weeks again,, need to do my job^^
































































Happy spazzing for this Saturday,, and im sorry if my post is already post or have similarity with another post,, I just wanna share my though and I don’t have time to check everypage,, sorry
































































Bye bye gogumaasss *hug, kiss, wave*

































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Guest likelove8993
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































come out from lurking mode :sweatingbullets:
































































































































































































































































wooooww.. i`ve been spazzing myself about how they leaning each other while sleep 'together', then the preview this week episode come out.. OMG,, i hope mom-in-law can teach hyun how to cook yong`s favorite dish,, :wub::wub::wub:
































































































































































































































































saturday ppali nawa !!!
































































































































































































































































and about the bet : i guess those couple glasses was bought by HYUN

































































































































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Guest hannah_cao89
















































Nice to meet everybody. I'm a new here so please guide me much :)
















love YongSeo couple so much. YongSeo couple is the reason why I made an account in soompi and wanna join in this forum to get more news about YongSeo couple. 
















Reading those comment of yours, i feel very happy and fun because you  guys are very interested in YongSeo couple just like me. they made me going crazy and know about the true love. I hope they still keep it going up and their relationship will last forever! 
















About the small game, I thought the glasses was bought by YONG seobang kekeke

















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