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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest octoberday




Last time I checked on you guys, there were some rumors going around…so, naturally, I had a bit of a panic attack when I realized the thread had moved so fast…




But then I saw the picture…ah, what a relief! Lol




Look at how gorgeous they are! And don’t they look so in love? ^^




…do you guys think our YongSeo will get more than the standard 20 minutes for this next episode???



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I also want to participate ^^




Seohyun brought the glasses:














Yonghwa brought the glasses:












Can't wait for Saturday to come..so they will be shown us the rest of last week episode (UCC) and Busan right? :):)


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Guest omgirly
















































i've given myself the allotted few hours to find some semblance of calm and rational thinking when i look at that picture and i'm still arriving at the same conclusion... something has blossomed between these two. maybe they're not officially dating, but she is quite obviously smitten with him. the BTS-GDA video confirmed it. she wears her heart on her sleeve when it comes to him. sure, she may play it coy, but she's in knee-deep. he, on the other hand, seems to have shrunk away from openly expressing himself, as if trying to control his reactions about and with her from prying eyes and further speculation. perhaps to offset hyun's bold-faced reactions? if they acted the same, the red flags would definitely go up. 































































the precious fancams that captured how close they were in proximity to each other, but intentionally "ignored" each other, began to make sense. to greet each other in that situation would mean that they are still uncomfortable, but being entirely aware of the other without having to greet implies the intimacy is in place, so there's no need to greet. they are aware of the fancams at events like these, so to avoid further attention and speculation, they appear to ignore each other, immersing themselves in the joy of the moment with their closest friends, while being very well aware of the other.
































then i began to wonder, is the WGM experience making hyun more comfortable around guys? i remember a few variety shows before last year when they would pair up the SNSD girls with other idol guys and how painful it was to watch. hyun was entirely uninterested.  































































so i watched a few moments of the Come to Play episode and watched carefully hyun's interactions with and reactions to the guy idols on the show. i was looking to see if the WGM experience would have her appear more comfortable around guys because of her closeness with yong, trying to see if she will be able to better interact with guys with whom she does not know as well as him. 































































during the clips, she seemed uninterested in the activity and indifferent about the guys. leeteuk is an SM-oppa, and probably someone who could make her feel comfortable, but I noticed, the comfortable disposition she displays with yong, was no where to be found, even if she's known leeteuk for longer than yong. and did anyone catch her reaction when lee joon was dancing? the camera zoomed in on her and as her unnies were laughing, and she didn't find anything at all interesting about what he was doing.  































































i thought that because of yong, she would now be more comfortable around guys in general, but it doesn't seem the case. she's comfortable with yong. 
































edit: sorry for the essay and rambling speculation! and to answer trent's poll... i think seohyun brought the glasses. wub.gif









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Guest Ae-Rin








































































































Oops, I didn't see the poll! Well, I'm adding my answer, then ;)
























































































Seohyun brought the glasses: 









































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa brought the glasses: 



















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And to answer your question, dezadee, I don't think they will air the rest of last week episode. I mean, now that they showed the recording, I guess there's nothing much left to release ;)
























































































Oh, and I just realized that, actually, the recording of the UCC took place WAY after the Busan trip! That's why Seohyun looked so confortable leaning on Yong's shoulder after she made a mistake while singing! Hehe









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Guest yasmin_waldz






Oh my, I have been gone for a day and the thread jumped 12 pages... Internet connection is so slow right now, it's frustrating... It took me an hour to read all the post from my fellow gogumas... But it was totally fine as I can see the wonderful picture on every page and read all those wonderful information as well as share in the spazziness of everyone... haha... Seriously, how do this couple do it? Just when I think I could not love them more, pictures like this goes out that will drive us all crazy... A simple "her head leaning on his shoulder while his head leaning against hers" can spread this much happiness around the world... Til now, I am grinning like a fool... I love going on travels and being with someone you like/love makes it all the more nicer and sweeter... Just looking at the picture conjures up sweet thoughts and a warm, fuzzy feeling... I thank my sister everyday for introducing me to this wonderful couple that had added extra color and sparkle in my life...


@Trent: Would love to join your bet... My vote goes to Seohyun... Though I feel that it is something that Yonghwa is more likely to do, my money's on Hyun... Wasn't it Hyun who brought the couple pillows and eye masks(from their first train ride)?


Seohyun brought the glasses:


















Yonghwa brought the glasses:











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Guest arimihyo
















OMG...adam couple will end.....








they said about that on the radio><








so sad....








dont cry Gain~~~we know you two are real couple!!!
















Thanks adam couple n their love forever!!!









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Oy, everyone,
















































to bridge the days until D-Day I have a suggestion. How about we make a friendly bet as to who brought the glasses, Yonghwa or Seohyun? I'm saying Seohyun, mostly because afterwards (in all the fan-taken pix) he was the one who wore his - same time in the beginning with the Couple Ring. She bought it, but in the beginning, it was him who wore it all the time. (Things have changed now - I'm just saying this to intercept another debate about the C-Ring.) Yeah ...
















































Seohyun brought the glasses: Trent
















































Yonghwa brought the glasses:
















































Best regards,















































































































































Yonghwa brought the glasses: Rushgiri
















































Have all kinds of weird reasons in my head but none of them make complete sense even to me!
















































On another note, decided to watch the Banmal song making episode (37) for the umpteenth time and I have a question. What exactly did Yong say in the backroom interview after he piggybacked Hyun? That bit is completely lost in translation to me. Someone, please help.
















































And I was too late to spazz about it then, but I found the whole conversation in the cloud cafe very revealing! Yong may have laughed off his 'You're mine' comment but he was totally trying to figure out Hyun's response to that statement. I love how these 2 are always playing catch up with one another. In the early episodes Yong would lead (love, love, love his patience!), and Hyun would gamely follow (clap, clap, clap to her for trying so hard to come out of her safety zone!) And more recently Hyun's been surprising him with her moves (such as the epic arm grab), but he always does catch up very quickly and then takes it a step further (the hand in pocket move - which I can never get enough of).
















































If one was to see Hyun and Yong individually, they seem to be completely different personality types, with music being the only common ground. But as we have seen so clearly in the last 38 episodes, they truly complement each other in many many ways. Sometimes the most wonderful relationships can be created purely by chance. And I for one, am really, truly, madly delighted that chance knocked on the door for these 2.
















































Am really looking forward to the next episode though I'm not sure if my heart will be able to take the load! If one picture can do this to me.....
















































Edit: Just read about the Adam couple leaving and am really sad at this news. I started watching WGM season 2 only because of them. It must be heartbreaking for the fans to get such an amazing episode one week, and then a goodbye the next. My sympathies to all Adam fans.

















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Guest hafiq890
























i bet it was bought by yonghwa~










cause yonghwa likes n tends to wear a glass like that~ :)










Seohyun brought the glasses: 
















































































Yonghwa brought the glasses: 





















































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This is the fist time i write here even though i'm always here just watching.
































































































































































































I'm Ella btw. xD
































































































































































































Anyway,  although i was really happy few moments ago with the Busan pic i'm kind of sad since in few weeks...maybe 2 ep...well it's official now that Yongseo couple is gonna be the senior couple in WGM.unsure.gif
































































































































































































I wish Gain and Kwonnie wouldn't have say it T-T
































































































































































































But now i wonder how is WGM gonna work now...does this mean a new couple? or longer ep for Yongseo and Khuntoria?
































































































































































































I don't even wanna imagine how will it feel when our couple leaves... i guess i'll take it way better if they actually end up dating xD wub.gif

































































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Guest linh80




OMG...adam couple will end.....




you should change your post to at least 25 words.


i know you are really sad but we have to follow the rules.






we YOngseo fans are really sory for Adam fans. i feel even teary in my eyes when i heart the news. i am not watching all epsiode of Adams couple, but they are really lovely couple. they had a long journey like our couple. and now they say goodbye. feel empty when WGM just 2 couple left. really. I hope our couple can stay long but the day to say goodbye will come late or soon.




All three couple fighting.


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Guest Fluorescent.Flower


Tricky question.




Seohyun - pink and blue neck pillows


Yonghwa - pink and blue book he made




Both of them might have bought it together!  :w00t:...or  not. The thing is, I can't imagine Seohyun buying something as goofy as  those round glasses even though she is all for the pink and blue  symbolism. It would make more sense if Yonghwa bought it. Then again, she has changed a lot and Yonghwa has influenced her in some ways so maybe she is able to buy cool couple-ish things like the glasses. Maybe though, last time Seohyun bought the neck pillows Yonghwa may have thought he should bring something pink and blue this time and thus he decided on the glasses. So, for the  sake of the poll, I'll guess and choose Yonghwa.



Seohyun brought the glasses: 


















Yonghwa brought the glasses: 


















Edit: Awww...I feel bad for fans of Adam couple. I'm a fan of them too, actually the only couple I watch is YongSeo and Adam (sometimes Khuntoria as well, only when I'm really bored though =.=). So, I'm sad to hear such bad news. However, on a more positive note, they might be ending a pretentious relationship and starting a real one instead! They did say before that they would want to date for real once the show wraps up so perhaps that's what they're going to do.


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Guest intoxd





I really really love the second pic. It gives us the feel that they are boarding the train, heading for PARIS for honeymoon  :wub: :wub::wub:.........SQUEEEE!! seeking love in Italy :wub: *dream mode on*. Maybe one of you guys can make another pic using florence / firenze duomo since it's the place they badly want to go....






Sorry to cut your post :sweatingbullets: I just saw the picture this morning while waking up and TOTALLY SPAAZZED!! They are sooooo cute!! I'm just gonna imagine that their hands are intertwined under that coat! :wub: And since Soshisoshisohi requested a picture in Italy...I thought I'd try and make the picture! Hope you guys like it!! :D





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Guest oxoziy

Hey YongSeo Shippers!!! Let's Check out my YongSeo's video

YongSeo - The Right Chemistry : Their Relationship Development

This video is about their relationship development.

Those pictures are from aisuo415 from this thread.

I wanna say THANK YOU again for aisuo415 and all the YongSeo's members.

I'm really really happy to be around this thread hahahaha

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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i want to play too!!! (:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun brought the glasses:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa brought the glasses:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i think yonghwa bought it!! (:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































just read that the digital single of the banmal song wont be made
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































it's okayyy.... and that the fact that cnblue's management wont use hyun's lyrics
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so does that mean that we get to hear yong's complete lyrics//thoughts//feelings toward hyun and her banmal?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ahahahah if so i cant wait for that~!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































remember how when she was leaning on yong's should when yong made a mistake on the recent episode and someone sorry i dont know who said that it felt so natural that it looked as if she has done it before?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ahahahh now we know she has done it before!!! :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































regarding the ADAM COUPLE
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































awwwww i just read that the ADAM COUPLE is ending their ONE YEAR AND 5 MONTHS relationship. my heart goes out for them and their fans.. they have come a long way...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































makes me sad to think when news like this for our favorite couple will come...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cause it will































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































anyways no more sad thoughts and more happy thoughts!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































mc is sure a yongseo shipper!!! ahahahaah only tweeting our couple!!! ahahaha
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































maybe because our couple has a longer airing period saturday?? lets find out!!

































































































































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Guest fabiistar07












Seohyun brought the glasses:
































Yonghwa brought the glasses:




































i think yong brought them just because i've seen him wear those types of glasses more, so it's more likely to be his idea




EDIT : all my support to all Adam couple fans; even though I only watched a couple of their episodes I liked that couple, they r really cute together ^^




as hard as it is be strong, hwating~!





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Wow, regarding Adam couple I have a question:




They recorded their last episode and it will be shown this saturday?! or do they have still footage left, like YongSeo Couple?!







I am lost in confusion here :o




What have I done to myself,  with starting watching WGM I have to take pills against high blood pressure. I am kidding but me feeling like this the last couple of days.





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Guest BluMistLaydee
































































































































































































OMG HOW COULD I MISS THIS SPAZZ SESSION???? I've been avoiding soompi all day so I can get some work and then I saw the news about the Adam Couple :( so I came on to leave my condolences but I saw that this thread jumped about 10 pages since last lurked and my oh my what a wonderful wonderful present. They look some believably cute together. Just DaTE already (although I am one of the ones who prefer that they date in secret)

















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Guest Crystal392










I am super tired right now... And it's just 258 pm where I am xD it's been a loong day but the picture of Yong and Hyun on the train cheered me up and I HAD to comment on it.






When I saw it I went all awwwwwwwwwwww. I will try to comeback early from my friends bday and stream WGM this Saturday... Can't wait to see Yong and Hyun in Busan :w00t: it's going to be daebakk!!!!






Hmmm about the glasses... I think both brought them but the idea was Yong's. Or maybe they were walking on the train station or shopping for a gift to Yong's family and they saw the glasses and decided to buy them? ^_^ hehehehe



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Guest aya otohata

Can I play too? lol

Seohyun brought the glasses:








Yonghwa brought the glasses:









I think Yong's MOM brought the glasses lol. It's such a wild guess but my imagination just goes there. Will it be too weird if I put the DAEBAK picture of Yongseo as my desktop background. And, if I only know how...I would make a Yongseo screensaver...

About the Adam Couple...sooo sad...like Yongseo I don't them to end either...I think WGM is perfect as it is right now and taking the Adam couple our will destroy the good balance that WGM has. If they're gonna add a new couple, I already feel sorry for them. They have big shoes to fill in and I'm sure netizens would be over critical (not to mention crazy) on them.

Ok back to Yongseo...hope that Yong's mom liked Seohyun...although I would be totally dumbfounded if she didn't coz who wouldn't love Seobaby!

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Guest DJHinata

*Really happy about that preview and everything about yongseo* ! Thanks for sharing* 

i made this 




and yonghwa bought the sunglasses XD 

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