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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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uwaahh the wedding photoshoot ...































































































































the one all of us waiting...































































































































I hope there will be CN Blue brother and SNSD unnie... 































































































































wonder what concept they choose for their photoshoot....































































































































Can't wait to watch but still there are BTS banmal song, busan filming, ski resort filming, and the other filming that we might didn't know about it. Will wait patiently...































































































































We got so many good news this month. This month is goguma month biggrin.gif































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks rxp for the info, let's hoping that the wedding photoshoot is true.
































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Claude71






For those who are worried about Yongseo couple leaving WGM. Read this (:



Credit: 小雨 from BaiduGoguma






















Gogumas, do not need to worry about Yongseo couple leaving WGM.



YH and SH will be busy during January and they will have very little time in Korea. (all the overseas schedules I think)



Thus, lots of shooting are taken during december. 



Yongseo couple contract will only end earliest next year (mid)



The information above is from one of the WGM staff. So everyone, don't worry. 



Also, it is rumored that SM company want SH's 21st birthday to be in WGM. 



Believe it or not, is up to everyone. 



MBC won't easily let go of this couple.






Hmm, whether is the information reliable, is up to us to believe.



Anyway, is it confirmed that they had wedding photoshoot today? It would be better if they have photos!



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Guest luv_yesung
































so happy that finally they have their wedding photoshoot,and about some of gogumas worried that they might end their filming soon,some people on youtube say that wedon't need to worry coz they at least will keep filming at least six month ahead ,well i pray that they will stay together forever :wub:

















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Guest kerobear
















































I heard that they might stop filming after wedding photos
















I hope this isn't true. can someone confirm this?

















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Whaaat!?!?!? Wedding photoshoot?!?!?!




I don't want to think about it right now. They haven't shown the Busan trip and ski resort trip yet......




I'm going mad right now!?!?!?!?!




I have a feeling that they might show this on their 1 year anniversary episode. Wishing that I might be wrong about it because I will certainly die of madness!




Can't wait for it....


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Guest shenibabi








































what wedding photoshoot?
























iam so excited and happy
























hope anyone can confirm
























oh my god iam so tired because of our lovely couple
























they make me czay









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Guest shawn_daebak
































































































HI...FELLOW GOGUMAS (HI, MGA KAMOTE) <--- in tagalog word....(Pinoy Language)
































































dont worry fellow gogumas...
































































(its just the same with adam couple...)
































































adam couple shooted their wedding photos before their anniversary...
































































































































dont need to worry...
































































YongSeo gave us too many gifts, so we are worrying...
































































I just want a kiss from that wedding photoshoot if that is true...:wub:

















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NO NO NO They kill us with these news!! There are still so many episodes to come(not that I am complaining) till the wedding ep. can't they just reveal the week before the actual airing of the wedding eppi. the anticipation is killing me NOW! And about the rumours, I am anxious too but what can we do?! Is there no official statement about till when their contract lasts?! Heard some rumours that they extended their contracts but official clarification is always better, lol.




But Claude71 post makes sense, both CN Blue and SNSD will be busy the coming months yayaya





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aigooo thanks rxp & claude71 for the info~! after reading claude71's post, i'm feeling more sad than happy right now. to read this sentence hurts me a lot somehow --> Yongseo couple contract will only end earliest next year (mid) :tears:

IDKW do i feel so anxious/upset/sad/gloomy when i think about the time that they'll end their contract. sigh, whatever happens... i wish them the best! i really hope they'll still at least be good friends... or even better, continue the special relationship that they have right now & bring it to a "higher level" :wub: YONGSEO HWAITING!!! :tears:

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





























































































































fanacct of yongseo wedding photoshoot
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2 hours ago they were having their wedding photoshoot in one of the studios at Apgujeong (my unnie's boyfriend's workplace). it's wedding photoshoot~~ Everybody please anticipates it!!! cr.bestiz
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































via shikshin@twitter

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest shenibabi
































































































































































































































































































































so it was confirmed,right?
































































































































































































oh my god
































































































































































































i cant believe it
































































































































































































iam dreaming
































































































































































































this is the best news i have ever heard
































































































































































































yongseo just killed me
































































































































































































iam died

































































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Guest pamparampap






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































first Banmal Song, and than wedding photos news !































































































































































































































































ohh i'm in heaven :wub:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































Marry for real YONGSEO !!!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































ohh i think i'm going crazy .. oh no i think i already have ..:crazy:






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































can't get over this powerful yongseo effects w00t.gifw00t.gif

































































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Guest kasia3goguma
































































Yongsarang - thank You for the video with subtitles :D! Great work!:)
































Claude71 - Your post made me happy, cause we don't have to worry about the end, well at least not now!
































We still have some time, and still they can do something about the contract in the 2011;D
































I read at the Youtube page that the rumor is confirmed!!! ??? I still can't believe it!
































How I wish to have even one small pic to see if they really did it today...!
































I'm sooo excited, our Couple is the BEST!!! :D:D:D:D
































I think I'm going crazy because of the happiness....!

















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hello goguma villagers, my first time to post here but i have been a lurker since forever! i have watched and downloaded all the episodes of our couple! i'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this (if not, i'm sorry and i'll just edit my post) I rewatched the banmal mv on its official channel on yt just now and i noticed that in the box where the description is, it is now stated "as seen on: allkpop.com. Has that been there since yesterday? Cause I'm pretty sure that it was not there before! So that means that the user edited it, right? And the user has probably been monitoring all the activities in relation to the song and the MV!... so sorry to bother you with my irrelevant question!

well, thanks to everyone's contribution! hoping for another year filled with goguma love! let's all eagerly wait for the coming episodes as each one seems to be getting better and better!

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@dreamboo: Yongseo couple's contract will end "earliest". That means, there's a good chance that they will continue ... they didn't write "at the latest". I interpret that as *very* good news, dreamboo. Plus, there were rumours about them extending their contract last month. I really wouldn't worry. :)

Best regards,


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Guest violet1988

So rumor about wedding photoshoot is true, isn't it?

Our dream came true.....

I can't believe it, so this week so many good news came with us : Piggy back, Banmal song and now Wedding Photo.

I can't wait anymore....

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Hello Gogumas! I don't know if anyone's done this yet. For those that play guitar, here are the chords + chord fingering positions for Banmal Song.

Banmal Song chords with chord fingering positions

Am x02210

Am7 x02010

Bm7 x24232

C x32010

D xx0232

Dm xx0231

Dsus4 xx0233

E7 020100

Em 022000

G 320003


G D Em D

Verse 1 (Seohyun):

G D Dm E7 Am7 Am C D-Dsus4-D

G D Dm E7 Am7 Am C D


G D Em D-G C-D Bm7-Em C D-Dsus4 D


G D Dm E7 Am7 Am C D-Dsus4-D

G D Dm E7 Am7 Am C D

Verse 2 (Yonghwa):

G D Dm E7 Am7 Am C D

Chorus + Ending:

G D Em D-G C-D Bm7-Em C D-Dsus4-D

G D Em D C-D Bm7-Em C D

G Gsus-G


I may repost it again with romanisations later ^_^

If taking out, please credit cedge@soshified

If you would like to retweet it, please RT from TwitLonger: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/7p350p

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Guest ichigo_kawai








YongSeo Couple just  SHOOT all gogumas with Banmal MV....














GEE.GEE..GEE...I keep repeating banmal song...







I DONT KNOW WHY 4339? but I know that sign of LOVE LOVE LOVE....







And now Another "SHOOT" from yongseo couple with  "WEDDING PHOTOSHOOT" news....







HIMNAE my BEST FRIENDS & bad mood please RUN DEVIL RUN RUN....







coz YongSeo couple love us too







They really know we love them







Let just think positive







And let's continue to spread "LOVE LOVE LOVE"












And here is I wanna share this wallpaper....





















Here is the link for download this wallpaper (2168x2522 pixels):







Wallpaper yongseo 2168x2522pix












Thanks everyone for all goodies about yongseo couple







 Nomu..nomu kamsahamnida...^_^







@jnj: Unnie..I miss u..ke.ke..ke







@Boo unnie: 'waves' I'm happy u like it...^_^  



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from not having a prev <_< to uploading of the banmal song in their very own

channel :w00t: and now this..a wedding photoshoot! :w00t::w00t:

this thread is indeed a heavenly place to be!

a wedding photoshoot is what we've been waiting for!!

what theme will they choose? ah! i'm so excited

will there be an intimate pose? ack!!!! giddy giddy.. :w00t:

d3, looks like your laptop is doing great in capturing all the

sweet moments of yongseo. love love your caps!

but unlike u who cover your face while watching 'certain parts' ;)

i watch the vid with eyes wide opened, chingu! :P

hachi, u know i'm also a fan of your artwork right?

continue with your manga dear. i love it!

to gogumas who think or feel sad that yongseo forgot abt them since

they (yongseo) do not greet u in your language, do not take it to heart..

yongseo loves us all equally...hehehe

jerbear, your spoiler isn't correct. do it like this

[type spoiler]type your comment[/type spoiler]

dreamy, we're in the same boat!

feeling uneasy after reading claude's trans on yongseo's contract ending

somewhere in the middle of next year.

ah! no no no...lets not shed that kind of tears yet..not now..

looks like geumjandi's post has somewhat confirm the rumour as true!


gie! i'm saving that wallie! huggies!

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So happy to hear about the wedding photoshoot...no wonder Yong was so confident when he said that Hyun is already his when they had that role play conversation at the shop while having their drinks at last Saturday's episode...they know all along that they're gonna shoot their wedding anytime this month...wow....aren't we lucky goguma's? we just had a nice christmas episode and gift from the couple, and now!  the new year has not even began and yet we are given another wonderful news?!  
































To all goguma's, let's take this all in stride to avoid having a heart attack...lol :lol: 
































Cheers to the New Year!  A toast to the couple!!!
































Sorry guys, I just can't contain my happiness :w00t:

































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