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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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mrsjoker~!! thanks for the link~! :D oh, merry christmas!!

hahahaah skinship!!!! luv u the piggyback the most!!!

here're some scaps just in case u guys missed it. sorry i forgot to scap the beginning & ending -.-"

discussing about their banmal song


yong taking something outta hyun;s hair! hah he just wanna touch her hair xD


trying out hyun's lyric on the banmal song


before going onto a boat... holding hyun's hand tightly, trying to keep it warm :D


after playing basketball... PIGGYBACK!!! kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


piggyback for quite some time... LOL! yong can't get enough of buin! xD


sorry, my scaps are incomplete. hopefully some other gogumas did better ones than mine! :)


sally7, u're daebak!!! :D

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Guest rosa12244
































T_T i was waiting to see live the las episode but i fell sleep is there any link where i can see the last episode









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Guest soshisoshisoshi
















I'm still a little confused now.......... you guys are saying that it's gonna be uploaded onto YouTube. Is it really YouTube, or another site?? coz I didn't get to make a cap of the website address on the mission card.......
















sally7..................AWESOME screencaps. You managed you make many caps in a short time
















arghhhh, seems like it's a cliffhanger epi again. MBC sucks!! they should have given WGM more airtime, since it's christmas special. Oh well, gotta wait for another week.......... Oh right, could they upload the song sometime next week?? it's a possibility right, maybe at WGM official site???? K-Gogumas will find out. Hope the song will be a big hit just like Adam Couple's song wub.gif wub.gif























Really....their mission is uploaded it in youtube?? wow i want to see it now...keke














Ok guys, now its our turn to make them happy...When they uploaded it in youtube let's find all the copyright and report it right away. So the only copy of it is in their name.














EDIT: Is the episode end when they know the other mission. So next week episode is maybe they will uploaded it and maybe our new year gift is the complete banmal song MV from them.
























glennpaulo, let's do it!!! I bet other international fans are waiting eagerly   laugh.gif laugh.gif















































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840 users---wow, can't wait to see!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much for all the subs, pics, gifs... such great, great fans of our Goguma Couple. Merry Christmas all and a Happy New Yeart, Happy Holiday to all!












Thanks so much!



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Guest MissBarbietch_0106



i was watching the streaming, but still not enough to see.. lots of skin ship!!! 

i swear after that episode, yong hubby cannot sleep well, since his room was fulfill with wife sweet smells.. he must be thinking something "other" just both in the room, if there's no camera around.. hahaha

anyone have the youtube link?? thanks a lot..


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Guest Crystal392










Thanks to everyone for the screencaps! :D Hopefully someone will share the links to YongSeo cut.


















More screencaps from dcmarried:

























~This makes me remember of their last day as engaged couple and first day as married couple, when they were at the beach and Yong was 'playing' with Hyun's hair that was out of place because of the wind










































~Kiss me... beneath the milky twilight♪♪ :lol:~



















































~I'll keep you warm blush.gif~




























































































The banmal song is just awesome ♥ I wish I knew the meaning.....



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This epi is so impressive, especially while hyun was singing her banmal lyrics, there were old scenes  of them since the first day the met and I feel like ahhh so touched. my eyes suddenly hurt and had tears although I dont really understand what she was singing. Their storyline seems like a romantic novel or drama. My  X'mas wish is they can be a real couple without antis after WGM.wub.gif  





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Guest gingerbreadmae
















































hi! just my 2 cents on today's episode. hyun is genius to give her inputs on the banmal song in that short span of time while yong is too witty to make bets on hyun that surely at the end he will benefit. lol! though i felt today's episode is somehow short from the usual, still happy and satisfied, every second is worth watching.

















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Guest tinybeatingheart
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just watched Music Core today from Youtube. The ending was so cool. Seohyun memorized Jingle Bell Rock? That's way too OSM. wub.gif CNBLUE and SNSD there on one stage. And, guess what? I caught someone stealing glances. Guess who?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And you know what? He was kind of disappointed after that. Maybe because Hyun ddn't look back. D'awww. mellow.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyway, the vidlink was from here -> Closing - Jingle Bell Rock
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































HEY GUYS, Thanks for the screencaps. I seriously need the YT link rn bcos I didn't caught up w/ the streaming. Post it ASAP Gogumas bcos this is my only source haha

































































































































































































































































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Guest LalaCAKES
































































































































Ok I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but I was on USTREAM waiting for the preview and.... there was no Yongseo preview WTF?! I probably shouldn't jump to conclusions, right? It was probably just bed editing on the producers part, ..... right?!?! I mean khuntoria couple got soooo much airtime today while we only got the standard 20 minutes. So they can't possibly cut out our couple completely from next week's episode :( WAAAAH PLEASE MAKE ME FEEL BETTER GOGUMAS!

































































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Guest Crystal392










I just remembered that song lots of Gogumas love, I think it is from GNA... there is a part that's like a list you would do with your boyfriend/girlfriend and they mention piggybackride:


































































Btw, did anyone see the preview?



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hello my dear gogumas...































































































finish making caps. I am streaming today even tough a bit lag.
































Maybe some of you already make it. But, i want to share my caps..































































































yongseo with brother in law. There's minhyuk. I think Jungshin go to his schedule






























































































































































































































































cute yongseo































































































































discussing the song































































































































































uri yong































































































































hyun buin writing the song































































































































read it































































































































yong read































































































































some liric
































































































what's that means?































































































perform the song































































































































































































































































































play basket































































































































































































he change his bag, but it's cemula bag again. he promote that bag. I want one tough































































































































piggy back moment
































































































































so cute































































































in some cafe































































































































































































fighting over mission card































































































































































































































the mission is to upload banmal song in youtube or something along that line































































































they "faint"































































































































we really didn't the mission will be like that. haha.. always expected the unexpected.





























































































































































































































































































































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Guest mrsjoker
































































































WAIT...What??? I waited patiently to catch Yongseo's preview but there is none. WHY??? PD-NIM WHY???? where is Yongseo's preview??? What are you trying to do.... :tears:














































































































































































































Gogumas here catch any Yongseo's preview? Perhaps i missed it *crossing fingers* but when i stream prolupa channel they only shown Kuntoria and adam couple preview...no yongseo...































































































































If there is no yongseo preview than does that mean no Yongseo's segment for next week? anyone have any idea?














































































































































































































ps : For those who want to catch today episode in a tidbit (not full scenes apparently) ...Not youtube also though... Yongseo ep 37 credit to :Yongseofacts@twitter for the link

















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Ok I don't want to be the bearer of bad news, but I was on USTREAM waiting for the preview and.... there was no Yongseo preview WTF?! I probably shouldn't jump to conclusions, right? It was probably just bed editing on the producers part, ..... right?!?! I mean khuntoria couple got soooo much airtime today while we only got the standard 20 minutes. So they can't possibly cut out our couple completely from next week's episode :( WAAAAH PLEASE MAKE ME FEEL BETTER GOGUMAS!
































































































































































































Adam couple wasn't featured at all..except for Kwon when he was recording the song with Khun. Looks like they might get a longer episode next week to make it up. Hopefully Yongseo are at least shown in next week's episode. -_-

















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Guest my.yonghwa.baby












Just going to say a few points before I head off to bed:




1. There was no preview.




2. This probably does not mean that there's no YongSeo, but that they don't want to give anything away. I'm actually really stoked for next week.




3. Seohyun's lyrics to the Banmal song are epic.




4. Our Yong knows how to play ball.




5. I almost cried when they sang together. It was beautiful.




Good night, all.





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ok now I mad!!! those on the ice rink  (preview) were Yong and Seo right?... aishhhhh so unfair!!!!:tears:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyway I loved today´s episode, so romantic, I found myself teary eye again....:wub:... dying to know translation ^^. The whole episode was just pure love, I can´t chose a particular scene...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you guys for pics, links and everything! Thanks in advance for translations and subs and for all the goodies I´m sure you will bring here :wub:.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Edit: it seems that instead of YongSeo´s preview they aired a short film of Khuntoria ¬¬... at least they are wanting to keep the secret for next week (busan maybe?) -_-

































































































































































































































































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Guest chachann
















































did anyone see the preview?
















i was waiting until the end for the preview.. but there seem none..
















i thought there's something wrong with my internet connection...
















the song sound sweet.. although i know nothing but it make me grind..LOL..
















how i wish they ended up together in real life..

















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Guest soshisoshisoshi
















Oh my, I'm gonna cry now............. NO PREVIEW of Yongseo!! sheesh, what's the reason for that?? making us curious huh. Actually I don't want to think that there will be no Yongseo next week. Just like lalaCAKES said, it could be a bad editing by the PD... I hope there will be Yongseo next week, or else there will be an uproar by YONGSEO fans all over the world, especially the K-Gogumas























EDIT: my.yonghwa.baby..... thanks for clearing up the misunderstanding. Yeah I'm really curious now about next week's episode. Maybe the whole Yongseo episode next week is too lovey-dovey to be revealed on the preview w00t.gif w00t.gif who knows wub.gif























The best for us now is not create  rumour about Yongseo not airing next week. There should be people who can explain the situation, especially MBC









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i even couldnt stream. ah, so unlucky, just wait for the video. really cant wait. this is the first time i couldnt stream, i channel was offline for me. so bad. now cant wait for video and translation.






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Guest vanilla88
















































Annyong my Goguma FamiLy..
















first of aLL MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!
















OMO I watched today episode "ophigi" piggyback hug hyaaaaaa!!































That's one is including my Xmas gift today..































I'm sooo happpyyyyyy...hahaha..






























































And for the mission card someone translate it that uri couple have to upload their banmal song to i'net?































is that true?






























































Hmmm...today epi was soooo shorrttt timee..*sad..sad..sad..*































and i donn't see preview for Yongseo couple next week.. :tears: or maybe i don't see it?






























































but after WGM there's a music show on MBC..and it's LIVE!































I can see Yong and Hyun there!!































Aaahaaa..they meet this X'mas..just make me smiling so wideee.. :wub:






























































I feel soooo proud when Yong gave Hyun piggyback ride..and i think it's for a far distant..































Feel so warm when Hyun arm around you Yong?































maybe your back is shaking when Hyun dugeun dugeun heartbeat faster and louder on your back? heeehhh.. :w00t:





























































































back to celebrate X'mas again with my family..































We're gonna have dinner..































and for my Goguma Family Let's spaZZ together..






























































Crystal_malfoy : I see u when stream at chelupa..woah..u get up so early!! Happy Xmas siS!






























































And for great translators thanks in advance!































For everyone link,pic,and everything..Thank You very much!































Saranghae.. :wub:

















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