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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest YukiAgne





Is this already posted? This video made me want to watch previous episodes of Goguma again....




Must watch!!! XD


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Guest maybelove












Thank you so much for sharing all the GDA clips and screencaps!! the sisters in law reactions are so funny and cute~ teasing Hy~un and Yo~ng :wub:
















MBC reveals their artist line-up for “2010 MBC  Music Festival”!












*quoted image*












2010’s line-up for the MBC Music Festival (scheduled  for December 31st) has finally been unveiled!












Because of the huge list of artists performing on their show, MBC has  decided to dedicate three of their studios for the live  program.












The list is as follows:












< At the ‘Ilsan MBC’ lobby:  >






















✶ ......












< At Ilsan MBC’s Studio 5: >












✶ ......




















✶ .....




The live program will begin airing on December 31st at 21:55, and  will run for a total of 225 minutes.




We know that a few artists have been repeated, but perhaps MBC is  planning multiple stages? In any case, stay tuned to allkpop  for more updates!




CR: Allkpop
















Hmm....... I wonder what that means. both SNSD and CNBLUE will perform at the same studio. We could hope for some collaboration between SNSD and CNBLUE :D












EDIT: Oh, I just realized that it's MBC...... Yongseo stage maybe?? :wub:












Btw, when i saw the part where SNSD and CNBLUE are next in line for the performances, could it be that their new mission is to perform BANMAL SONG together on that MBC stage????? w00t.gifw00t.gif




This thought came accross my mind becoz , firstly, it's an MBC stage performance (WGM is owned by MBC) and secondly, last week episode was shot about a month plus (or so). Thus, they have plenty of time to prepare for the lyrics of the banmal song. It definitely makes sense if the mission is to perform the song on that MBC stage.. kekeke :rolleyes: That's why their expression for this week's preview is like 'stressed' :lol:




What do you guys think??



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Guest YukiAgne




Ok.. That's it... Imma gonna watch Music Core first beacuse CNBlue is now playing and i'm loving it... 


See you later guys...


Anticipating for wgm!!



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Guest YongSeo
















I don't know whether has this been mentioned/ noticed. As I rewatched the last epsiode, I found a particular scene familiar. The scene when they realised they have to do a banmal song in their house. They were sitting on their sofa. Hyun tilted her head slightly to look at Yong's direction and rested her head on her knuckles. The way that she looked at him is no longer awkwardly but is in such a loving way. I remember in episode 8 when they went to donate blood to commemorate their 22-day anniversary. When they realised that only Hyun is eligible to donate blood, they sat on a couch and comtemplating whether to still go ahead with their original intention. Yong also tilted his head and rest his's on his knuckles. I remember this scene very clearly because of the way Yong looked at Hyun. It was full of love and admiration too.




Sorry that I did not make any screencaps because I still do not know how to do so.




I would also like to share why I like Yongseo. I watched WGM season 1 before and came to like AnBi couple alot. After they left, I do watched other couples occassionally but the interest did not last long. Hence, I stopped watching WGM. After watching  "you are beautiful" drama, I came to know who  Yong is but are not that interested in finding more about him. I decided to give WGM another shot because finally there is someone that I know. There are alot of couples in this program that I do not know who they are so when finally there is someone that I know in this program. I decided to check it out. I became addicted to Yongseo immediately after watching the first episode.  Without fail, I will always login to this forum to read fellow gogumas' posts everyday. Even when I'm in overseas for vacation, as long as I found out that there was free wifi connection, I will login thru my iphone to keep me posted of Yongseo's news. This has become my daily routine. So no matter whether do they win the award, they are my favourite couple of all the couples that I watched. Let's keep loving them and support them.







Lastly, wish all of you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! 





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Thanks to the GDA BTS! At last we are able to see SH reaction when she saw his husband on the stage performing! Love that jazz version of Loner!
















Months ago, we will be spazz to death if they ever have the slightest touch and now we are hoping for a kiss? Ha! Goguma villagers, you guys expectation are getting higher! :P
















Although i have no idea what kind of mission that required them to read it at 9pm but am just glad that at least they can to spend almost the whole day together! kekeke And most likely they would have 2 meals together, wonder what do they chat about while they ate. ^_^
















Have just re-watch last eps in anticipate for today esp and notice that YH was at 1st sitting in comfortably (u know guy sitting style – with leg wide open) at the couch when SH was showing him the photos but when she started to try to get the camera from him, he was crossing his leg..Too close for comfort , YH? Hehehe..
















And oh, maybe am a bit too late but i just want to say i love it when SH said "YA YA YA" when she realised that YH is writing banmal song. Never saw her react in this way, it show that she is getting comfortable with YH. This scene rank as high as the one when they were holding hands for me!
















Can't wait for the next esp and Merry X'mas to all!

















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Anyeong Guys,.. ^^"^_^







I've been reading this thread for a long time... and I wanted to join here but I was shy because my English is not that good..













now after I knew every thing behind the stage here I decided to join here no mater what in addition I'll learn a lot from you guys..













I'm very happy that I finely met my mates














can't wait for these two hours to pass so I can watch our lovely couple YONGSEO~ <3^<3:wub:













forgive me for my poor English,,, ><"


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One thing I love from Hyun is that in this "flashy" world she lives in, where pretty faces boys with honey abs and occasional hip thrusting is always ready to bewitched you, yet she choose to be amaze and enchanted by a boy with a crooked smile, funny tooth, mischevious antics, sweet personality, who loves his guitar and has burning passion for music. :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I just have to quote this.lol.I Love the way you describe our Yong~seobang here. That s what i love most about yonghwa the hard working mischievious kid with the charismatic stage presence. He doesn't need to be the tallest guy with the killer abs and killer dance moves, he has his own special charm,all he has to be is his own awesome choding self and that is enough for his hyun. I hope in the future he continues to be his carefree self and lives his life to the fullest.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Lately i've been so proud of seobaby, she's much more confident and beautiful. She expresess herself more and you can clearly see the difference in her performance. She has this look and sparkle in her eyes. I bet it has a little something to do with the time spent with yong.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Can't wait for today:-)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Merry christmas everyne and a happy new year. Hopefully all our dreams and prayers will come true next year and may our goguma couple continue to grow and fall in love with each other more and be healthy and happy<3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































v awww thank u for sharing. The ring! i get this warm fuzzy feeling whenevr i see them wearing it outside of wgm. Yong looks so handsome<3

































































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Guest mrsjoker
































































































Finished streaming live for MBC mucore chirstmas special... Yong and the CN Blue boys are so cute... CN BLUE Feliz Navidad + Love Love Love
































































and while waiting to stream WGM live here's a little something something from dcinside... :wub:














































































































































































































Do you see what i see?






























































































































































































































































































Edit : This week episode is another DAEBAK one.































































































































kyaaaaaa.... the banmal song is so sweet... and I think jealous yong strikes back again... (naughty Minhyuk...) and and and Yo~~ng finally gave Hyun a piggyback...kyaaaa...cute... *squeal*  :wub:































































































































and the mission turns out to be uploading the song into youtube or something...make like a UCC video... whoooooaaaaaaa
































































@Crytal_Malfoy : *waves* I saw you again at Prolupa channels...kekekeke...and Yes, Yong is a cancer baby... Cancer is from 22 june-23 july (if i'm not mistaken)...Both are cancer babies...:lol:

















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Finished streaming live for MBC mucore chirstmas special... Yong and the CN Blue boys are so cute... CN BLUE Feliz Navidad + Love Love Love







and while waiting to stream WGM live here's a little something something from dcinside... :wub:




















Do you see what i see?







*quoted image*




















yeah ,,, I saw it ,, I saw the ring ^^







than you ,,,


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Guest dan_glitz
















Ooh,is that picture from mbc music core just now? wow. yong showed his faithfulness. how about hyun. im sure goguma fbi will investigate again. anyways, I was hoping for live streaming links. But I couldnt find it. my phone's streaming are laggy. Our couple is on now. guys, UPDATE!!





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Guest LalaCAKES
































































































































































































kekekekekek let the adorableness unfold :)

































































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Guest Crystal392










lunasol: Happy birthday!! *throws lots of confetti*


















YongHwa so handsome and SeoHyun so pretty on MuCore ^_^


















I just finished watching YongSeo part :)


















Aww when they were composing together and WGM PDs showed past scenes I felt so nostalgic... uri YongSeo has changed so much, they are super comfortable know, they now know each other :D


















And when Yong gave Hyun a piggyback ride *squeals*


















I am curious about the mysterious mission..












Lalacakes: Thanks soo much for that.. so I guess we should be expecting they will upload the banmal song on YT on the next few days right?






Merry Christmas to everyone!!! *hugs*



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Guest soshisoshisoshi
















KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THEY PIGGY-BACK wub.gif wub.gif wub.gif wub.gif. The whole episode is sooooooooo romantic................. by the way what's the mission???? there's something with WEBSITE??














here's the pic
























By the way the song is PERFECT!!! Yong is really talented at composing and Seohyun learned writing lyrics sooo fast.







































EDIT: So the mission is uploading to YOUTUBE??? wow it will be a hit...... wait, does that mean THEY ARE GOING TO MAKE AN MV?? OR JUST UPLOAD THE SONG??









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Guest cosmiclatte
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OMG YOUTUBE!!! I bet all of us international gogumas are jumping with joy!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Finally something we can take part in...imagine Yongseo reading our comments!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Today's episode is another daebak! The banmal song is really great.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OMG I'm just going to cry now. The best christmas gift T___T
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Merry Christmas to everyone here, have a goguma sweet christmas!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest wishwash
































If they are to upload the banmal song to youtube, doesn't that mean they have to shoot some sort of MV to go with it as well? Bet it will go along with the usual cute and funny YONGSEO STYLE. Looking forward to it!
































EDIT: I just read the caps posted by sally7 below... the mission reads "To let many people listen to Yongseo couple's first couple song."

















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Guest hottest-generation


kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa , that piggy back is so cuteee!!!











the banmal song was great! i can't wait for next week nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww


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Guest gmanalangster










Just watch the streaming and the way I understand it.. they will create a UCC (User Created Content-->just like Youtube) of their Banmal Song....



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wow! so many people viewing the forum. for some reason, my line sucks so i can't really stream very well. 5 secs, stop, 5 secs, stop...so i did not get to watch at all! ahhhhh, so the mission is more or less none of what we said...except the similarity is using the banmal song. can't wait! but the episode is so short? since adam and khuntoria is mix, sigh... why can't they have yongseo a bit longer? can't wait for the raw and translation. thank you in advance!


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today episode cute I like Piggy back part feel warm inside
















cliffhanger agian!!! arghhh

























































































































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Guest glennpaulo












Really....their mission is uploaded it in youtube?? wow i want to see it now...keke




Ok guys, now its our turn to make them happy...When they uploaded it in youtube let's find all the copyright and report it right away. So the only copy of it is in their name.




EDIT: Is the episode end when they know the other mission. So next week episode is maybe they will uploaded it and maybe our new year gift is the complete banmal song MV from them.





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