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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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although i didnt understand a single korean words, but i find myself laughing hard at today episode...




those tiny little images which give slight impression of what is going on, is really funny. plus YongSeo couple = my weekly dosage of happiness. kekeke! cant wait for next week. anyw, hy~un and yo~ng are looking so much charming nowadays ^^ the power of love?




and yep, i laugh when i heard yonghwa singing the "kissing" part and quickly change to cover the mistake.







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"Kiss Yonghwa"
































"Kiss me tonight..."
































Well they certainly have planted that idea in her heart and mind.... :lol:
































Seulong is pretty funny; I think he's as big a fan of them (and Yonghwa apparently!) as MC Kim!
































The song is really nice and catchy and it has been stuck in my mind since watching the clips. In the last show he said that he wanted the song to be his message to her... "please accept me I love you"... but now it becomes a "couple" song and he either added or changed the lyrics to "tell me you love me." What will Hyun's response be??? Looking forward to hearing what she writes!
































Yay! _d3seohyun missed your screen-caps! Didn't know how much until they were gone.... ;)

















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a few months ago when they both started out ,it was painfully awkward, but now both of them are very comfortable with each other. Its so cute.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seobaby looked absolutely beautiful today, her style is so neat and age appropriate. Simple but chic, i love her style. She must've put in a little more of effort on her hair and clothes so that Yong would notice.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Awww..Yong-ah do you listen to Hyun's laughter everyday or something? he probably has a folder full of Hyuns, laughter and screams. He's a really good musician and composer too, Hyun must be so proud to have a hubby like him.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































JH and JS were hilarious in this epi ,the whole underwear thing on speaker phone.lol.and the greeting they did for the couple. Boys were So adorable but i wonder where MH went.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks guys for sharing!this thread rocks!

































































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Guest Crystal392
















































































































Thanks to everyone for the pics :D






























































































































































































































































More pics from dcmarried:





























































































































































































































































































































































~It's so sweet of them to give Gogumas to lots of people ♥~










































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YongSeo jjang! ^___^

















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Guest wishwash
































































































































































































































































































































































































now i have been watched today's episode for 4 times hahaha,
































































































































aigoooo this couple, how could they be so sweet like that and makes us addict with them hahaha*quoted image**quoted image*
































































































































































































































































hyun in here was really cute. i think this was when PD asked her comment about saranghae lyric
































































































































i will post in my wild imagination hahaha
































































































































*quoted image*
































































































































































































































































"should i tell the truth about my real feeling?"
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*quoted image*































































































































































































































































"hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, but im too shy"













































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































*quoted image*



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































"how about this become my answer"































































































































































































































































































*quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image**quoted image*
























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































woooooooooooooooooow goguma fellows!  hyun was wearing necklace that yong gave for her birthday 

*quoted image*































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hehe... actually after seohyun "unfroze" herself, she kind of replied in that interview that she has said it many times already. (in caption -> is it "oh oh oh oppa reul sarang hae"?)
































































































































































































































































Seohyun is shy to admit, but isn't what she said an indirect admission of her feelings for yonghwa? Aww I love this part! <3

































































































































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Guest glennpaulo












Preview for next episode




I've been thinking now what is their mission in this preview.




This is the first time i see them puzzle..




Do u have an idea?????? I very curious now...kekeke




When they open the Mission card(in the preview) there's something in the side of the card(writing)




can anyone make a caps and let's figure out what was written there..




Im very curios to know, because from their reaction, it seems that both of them can not do the mission.





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Guest Soshimunky






Annyong Gogumas :D






Daebak episode, wasn't it? Seohyun was very pretty in today's episode, very matching with cool husband. Yonghwa bitting on guitar pick while concentrating on his computer monitor really got me into fangirl mode /blush






Sometimes I forgot how very young our couple is. Yonghwa is such a charismatic band leader who shoulders a lot of responsibilities and commitment while Seohyun, we know her as being very mature for her age. When Yonghwa became flustered after singing "Kiss me to.." and immediately tried to 'mend' the situation by singing "Love you girl", that scene remind me of his young age. He's just a boy, and boys love girls. He must've been ecstatic having his 'girlfriend' in his room for the first time, sharing precious time with her doing what he loves best - music.






From the very start, Yongseo has been interacting through music. I love how that never stopped in WGM. It's how Yonghwa always said that music brings people together. He said this in an interview in one of CN Blue's documentary.






One more thing I love about them is how they never fail to mention the word 'Parents' in most episode. They are very unselfish, these kids. And I'm proud of them :)


Edit: Dear txrk, thank you for the translation :)



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Guest krissylia



i think the mission for the nxt ep is they are going to play ball and the loser should kiss the winner:w00t: :wub::phew::D my imagination running wild right now.....still watching todays ep for about 13th times in a row srysly i think i need to consult a doctor...just love this couple...YONGSEO JJANG


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Just stopping to share these caps with everyone. happy.gif See the difference. Their awkwardness disappear as time goes by...




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































They sat still side by side watching Avatar (awkward!!!!!)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Now they are comfortably snuggling on the sofa watching movie on the ceiling 





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ah!!!!! just can't get over their sweet closeness 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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hi guys! ive been spazzing to much with the cuteness of this couple! love them so much!!!!! they really look adorable and inlove with each other!!!! cant wait for saturday anymore! by the way, any news if seohyun went to his hubby yong concert today!? 
































merry christmas to all!!!

































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Guest synykiss
















































Only here to mini-spazz.






























































They sit beside each other so naturally now!































and it was pretty sweet of them to actually give their goguma's away!






























































Thank you goguma lovers for all the screen-caps and gif's and all the lovely spazzy-opinions. <3






























































I'm just thankful, this episode wasn't kind of 'boring' (and I use that word lightly) I seem to feel i've gotten into a pattern lately with goguma.































1 fantastically good episode = 2 'boring' episodes.































by boring i mean ... the episodes just seem to drift along with nothing too exciting happen.































(^ just my opinion/how i see it. not ment to be taken seriuously)






























































But i love this weeks. so it was a plesent surprise!






























































Update on subs:































Just waiting for translations!!















































(why so late this week? though, I'm not complaing, our translators do a wonderful job, week in and week out!)

















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Guest mrsjoker
































































































I notice when Yong was singing along to the english lyrics and flustered when he "unconciously" sang "Kiss me tonight...", the background music he was singing to is actually a pre-recorded material isn't it? Not the one that he was recording in front of Hyun in the room that day... :rolleyes: 































































































































aigoo.... So he was actually singing along the "original" version of the song/melody with english lyrics that he himself recorded perhaps months/weeks ago when he was starting to compose the "banmal" song with Hyun in mind... because the background music also has his voice in it and it sang "Kiss Me tonight" and Yong was actually singing along to it, and that's why he got flustered when he realize he just sang "Kiss me tonight" out loud...in front of Hyun...on cam...and so he quickly covers it by correcting it to "Love you girl"...(he might thinks it's more subtle, but i think it's just the same.  you Jasshik...such a brave soul you are boy).














































































































































































































How you keep on raising up the bar on every episode is seriously beyond this noona understanding. :wub:































































































































muahahahaha Jasshik... I see what you're doing there Yong~~ Jasshik... yaaa punk see...you're not that preserve are you?!































































































































*sigh* aigoo...the things Seo JooHyun made you feel... :wub: :wub::wub:














































































































































































































Yaaa... Seo JooHyun...JooHyun... aigoo...he is something isn't he? how cool was your Yong nampyeon today huh? and naturally linking your arms now huh... good girl. I sense you'll be "greedy" for more skinship...just wait...it'll come to you if it's not there already...































































































































and did this unnie hear right? in the blackroom interview when you finally manage to answer the PD's question...my guess is the PD asked have you ever said saranghae right? you said "but i've said it many times/a lot", REALLY? WHAT have you said a lot?? SARANGHAE??? TO HIM???? REALLY?????  Can't be what you mean is the line in "OH" right? "oh oh oh oh oh oppareul saranghae" aigoo... you're not THAT naive and oblivious are you? you must've understood the PD's question crisp and clear... or is it really the crew twisted editing again?














































































































































































































aigoo... The things YongSeo's do to me.... They are writing/living their own fairytale and i'm enchanted by it.   :rolleyes: 














































































































































































































ps : and oh... synchronise steps again... You two... why so adorable...:wub: 

















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Guest archiehon








































Anyeong! >< Ican't get over the sweetness of this eps! They are very comfortable and happy together. Also I noticed that the missions they got nowadays are in advantage to Yong Hwa (compose song, Basketball- may not be a true mission, Busan- his hometown and skiing!)This is his chance to shine and show off his talent and capability to his wife!
























This is certainly something that we should welcome because I'm sure it will give a lot of confidence to Yong. I mean we can see that Seo Hyun is an excellent learner. you can throw anything to her and she can catch it - books, guitar, pool,driving license ( not cooking though but she can improve!). It's not good if a man feels less than a man in a relationship. Yong is only 21 (born in 1989) and his experience in relationship was not as extensive or as mature as what I thought. So I guess it's time to let him be at the driver's seat, so to speak. He thought he had it during the mildang period but it backfired. I'm thankful that the PD is giving us a chance to explore Yong in action and give Seo Hyun that sparkle of amazement and pride in her beautiful eyes. There no better looking man than a man who's working hard!
























Though,I still love his childish antiques! I mean he may not seem like it but he's actually very mature and considerate and sensitive. What I love about this particular episode is when they were working in Yong's room. He....he....he.... His most private sanctuary and he shares it with his lovely wife.









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Guest mluvzsx3
















































OMG I haven't spazzed on Yongseo forever... it's so sad how I spazzed more when they first came ot :(
















Anyways! For my share! I just wanted to say...
















You know that bag of gogumas that Seohyun and Yonghwa gave to 2AM? I feel like Jinwoon is going to be esstatic. (I was shocked that they mentioned how Seohyun is still Jinwoon's forever ideal type in today's ep! )
















The sticky note says..
















2AM Oppas
















+ Jinwoonie ^^ <3

















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Guest yasmin_waldz






Been watching for three times already... haha... so many to spazz about, eventhough I was not able to understand what they are saying... love is truly a universal language... *sigh*


there are just too many things I love about this episode... I can't even anymore name a favorite episode... I love all of them...


First off, I absolutely love Seohyun's whole outfit, especially the headband she is wearing match perfectly well with her waves. Yonghwa looks handsome with casual clothes on, I really love it... Yonghwa lying down, throwing a tantrum and refusing to dance was really funny and heartwarming... But Seohyun's insistence and pulling Yonghwa to get up just made me grin from ear to ear... I would never do that to a guy that I am not absolutely comfortable of... Just goes to show how comfortable Seohyun is with Yonghwa now... I absolutely love it... Even her holding up Yonghwa's elbow when she was teaching him the dance made me smile... Skinship is already so natural for them...


Watching the pictures with the lights off and side by side at the sofa is such an intimate moment that even I felt like an intruder... haha... I think that Yonghwa felt the intimacy of the moment, that is why he moved away... haha... It could have been another daebak moment if he really took advantage of the moment... haha, my imagination is running wild...


Speechless Hyun made me laugh so hard... She is normally a composed girl and for her to be reacting that way... hmmm... I will patiently wait for the subs before fully spazzing on that scene... haha...


Jungshin and especially Jonghyun are just so adorable... what a welcome... I do not feel any awkwardness anymore with Seohyun and the guys, loving it so much... Yonghwa getting all serious and focused brought out the fangirl in me... haha... And him teasing Seohyun with her laugh and scream made my sides hurt from laughing too much...


For the rest, as said before, I will patiently wait for the subs before fully spazzing on them.. haha... Would like to thank in advance all the wonderful people who so generously give much of their time and effort for translating and subbing so that all of us can fully spazz on every single thing... Also all those who share every information and news about the couple... You guys are truly daebak!



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Guest Aki_yongseo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks to EVERYONE for the translations, caps and videos of today's ep. Today's is another DAEBAK ep!! So cute and so funny!! :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong as always, like to imitate Hyun's movement but don't like to dance! And can see that he is very interested to know how Hyun is like in her SNSD's dorm. (Hyun~ah, isn't it about time you bring your husband home? You should know that your hubby is very eager to see your room..keke My guess is he wants to see if you also have a photo of you two in your room! lol)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And JH & JS are really hilarious!! Jonghyun in only his briefs and relaxing while answering the phone call and National chingu, Lee Jung Shin!! I feel that whenever the other members are around Yong, they show their funny and choding side. Another Yong's ability?? keke. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong's very talented!! Hyun must be mesmerised by his talents and skills, and, of course, only to be waken by his chodingness. :P He definitely is having so much fun playing with Hyun's laughter!!  As for the couple song, although I don't understand what Yong is singing, we definitely heard him loud and clear for "Kiss me to~(night)" or his "Love you girl~" hahaha..Poor guy, he must be wanting it so badly that he is voicing out his wish on national tv!! lol
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hope this christmas, his wishes will comes true, not by Santa but by Hyun. :wub:

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Caliope


I want to say...






Yongseo preview 37: Timing is done :lol:




I'm waiting for the subs ^^




I try to upload to Youtube (and mediafire) when I finish it.






synykiss... Omonatheydidn't subs?? I know it's another name, but don't remember... :lol: EDIT: Oh!! Korean Rainy Days




If you want, when I upload the preview (in Mediafire) ... you can take the link and put it in your blog (I have no problem ^ ^)


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Guest pinkksoupp
































































































































I didn't think I'd be able to watch today's episode live cos I had to go over to my in-law's place for a while. But my hubby noticed me fidgeting and looking anxiously at the clock from 4pm onwards (Singapore time - WGM usually starts at about 4.15pm for us) and while my mum-in-law was busying herself with some random stuff, hubby sneaked me into his younger sister's room to watch WGM on TVU..heheh (thanks baby!)
































































Oh boy, time really flew by quickly for today's episode. By the time TVU was done loading the channel, they were already at the part where Hyun was projecting the slideshow of the photos in her camera (AWESOME cam btw, I am so gonna google it later). So glad that I didn't miss the closeness they portrayed when they were practically snuggling on the couch :wub: while looking thru the pix.
































































The way they naturally linked arms while walking was so sweet. I feel so proud of Hyun for finally coming out of her shell and proud of Yong seobang for being such a patient, caring and affectionate husband to her. I think he's done an excellent job of coaxing Hyun to open up more to him, to share her thoughts and feelings honestly without being awkward and he did all this without needing to be forceful. Ah, the powers of persuasion of the CEO of Go-chun, hehe. I love how Hyun has been blossoming with each episode that we watch, she is indeed the image of a 'goddess' in Yong's eyes ^_^
































































Italy sounds promising as a honeymoon trip for the couple, but I would imagine the travel expenditure to be expensive, taking into consideration that it's not just them going for the trip but the manager oppas/hyungs, crew, stylists, PD-nim etc. Ah well, even if they end up going somewhere in Asia like the Adam couple, I wouldn't mind..as long as they have a good time together and enjoy the experience. I think it would be awesome though if they could visit the hot springs in Japan ;) or if they could go parasailing in Phuket or something.
































































LOL, I am totally getting carried away with my thoughts. In any case, let's hope they get to fulfill their wish list soon! <3 I'm already anticipating next Saturday's episode of basketball fun! Hopefully there'll be some skinship where the both of them end up falling and rolling onto each other while chasing after the ball? Or the person who loses has to give the other person a kiss on the cheek like what the Joongbo couple did..heheh..smart move there! I'll probably need to sneak into hubby's sister's room again to watch WGM cos my sister-in-law's getting hitched next saturday and I have to be at my in-law's place the whole day! hehehe..can't help thinking that watching WGM is more exciting than witnessing an actual wedding, LOL. And me, being the impatient brat that I am, I can never wait to watch the raw episode :P
































































Anyways, good nite gogumas - pleasant dreams about CN Blue brothers-in-law lying around the dorm in their boxers! Teehee ;)

































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