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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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just love today's epi
































here are some of my fave scene for today
































































































































Hyun's gaze
































































look how close they are
































































































@ the Yong's dorm

















































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Guest hottest-generation





LOL @ jonghyun welcome dance(?) ^^

I can't get enough of it , it's so shorttttttttt!!!

LOL , now i've to wait seven days again :(

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Guest ahn_annann
































share my caps..
















- they separated gogumas by group for Parents, Members, Staffs in the studio like they said before.































Hyun teach Yong to dance Hook but Yong seems like too lazy , hahaha then Hyun showed him CDs.
















































- Hyun tured off and open pics.. OMG this scene they're so close.. kekeke
















































- They got the mission to compose a couple song ( I guessed ) Yong called to brothers JH, JS ..































then moved to CNBlue's room.. Again, this scene was so sweet..
















































Preview they played the basketball together .. Oh can't wait for Next week























































wait for translate.. T-T:









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Guest luckynew
































































































That was a funny episode of Yongseo.
































Sadly we didn't get to see the rest of them making the banmal song.
































Hopefully next week.. we'll get to see the rest.
































But, I've heard that WGM won't be on air for two weeks??? Awww..
































So sweet when Yong was singing the song (he blushed) on the couch.
































Hyun was speechless at one time. Lol.
































So much to talk about...

































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I have to say, Hyun is so beautiful in this eps. if i was i guy i will compete with Yong for Hyun. hahhaha. when she tried to do like in the photo. oh my god, she is so cute and beautiful. i think Yong's heart runs fast. adorable interation in this eps. really cant wait for next week. i think Yong is moving fast now, because he knows hyun is ready. hahah i want her to kiss him for sure. But i dont know how his heart can bear it :rolleyes:


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OMG!!! Sweetness overload happy.gifhappy.gifhappy.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif I'm gonna be diabetic due to all the sweetness from uri YongSeo. Today's episode is simple and 'normal' but full of sweetness. GOD!!!!! 'm lovin' it wub.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gif










Can't wait for the raw vid and sub. I'm smiling & grinning silly here biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif Thank You in advance to our usual angel translators. wub.gifwub.gif



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Guest synykiss
































































































































































































































































































































































































Does anybody know where monmonsnow downloads her/his videos so HQ???
































































































































(and yeah, sorry if this counts as spam coz it's not a big long richard simmons essay)
































































































































Ummm I didn't watch the live stream =(
































































































































































































































































































































































































KISS THE GIRL!!!!! you idiot. Inniate it first.

































































































































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More scaps

















































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest dan_glitz
















Oh wow! im just gonna lurk in here and wait for the raw video. So jealous of those who can stream online!cool.gif








Anyways, wow! look at how many of us yongseo lovers/goguma villagers here... 700++w00t.gif








We all know what we are waiting for right?? :) laugh.gif





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Guest missmoomin101




Next Weeks preview:





Yong and Hyun record the song, Yong tells Hyun to write lyrics with her real feelings.  They then went to play basket ball. Cute!! And also got another mission... Most probably performing ^^




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hello gogumas..
















































what a loving episode ha!!our couple is so adorable and you can see hyun so happy, now she laugh openly unlike before so timid, she is now what you will see is a lady in luv and happy in the company of her love one kekeke
















































and yong hmm the same but more nicely bolder in words, i mean more open and daring to say whats in his mind kekeke
















































oh im just too happy..now waiting for the raw from our kind gogumas and the trans as well...
















































yongseo and gogumas fighting...

















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Guest bettechai




the episod today was so short...


aigoo.. but its ok atleast i saw the couples.....booyah,...


omo.. yong could not hide anymore that he likes to kiss with hyun..!! hahahaha i love that part


and the part that yong imitated hyun with the picture in the hoot abum love it...


nomu nomu love it...!! hahahaha ♥♥


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preview next episode
















today is so sweet they're very close when looking slide together
















and compose song really fun
















arghhh yong want "a kiss" cute.









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Guest Nett_Prinzessin








preview next episode


today is so sweet they're very close when looking slide together


and compose song really fun


arghhh yong want "a kiss" cute.










Couple Song 1


Couple Song 2




thank gogumalove_@twit sharing video.




edit: @sally7 From your pics preview next episode I see SeoHuyn wear YongHwa's clothes (coat??)right??

















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YongSeo ep. 36.1
































































































































































































































































YongSeo ep 36.2
































































































































































































































































Preview ep 37
































































































































































































































































credits to putputys
































































































































































































































































EDIT: oops last link is last eps preview. sorry blush.gif i posted this before watching the current ep. guess, i was too excited to watch it and was in a hurry posting it at the same time.

































































































































































































































































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hey everyone just find raw links for today's episode


without sub!!!! hope you can enjoy it hehehehe and there are the links:


Couple Song 1


Couple Song 2


meet you in go-chun gogumas!!!!  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  


edit: ahahaha looks like people have found the links too and @hacker8 that's not the preview for next episode. that's preview for today episode :D



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wah....first time streaming and succed^-^ i'm soooo happy!!!!



is it me..or anyone else feel this ep came to and end so guick??? it's like when i'm gigling an so into them and out of nowhere it's adam couple, maybe bcos i'm enjoying i too much and fells like time fly.....i want more of Yongseo.....



but anyway i'm soo thrill and looking forward to hear the banmal song...this episode is cuteness overload!!!! daebak!!!! can't wait 4 the translation. now i'm going to spazz in gochun hehe...


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Guest WendyLoveSoshi
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































You guys want preview? Here you go.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seems like they are in for a shock. ^_^ Looking forward to it. :) Hope the translations would be up. :)

































































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