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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest sprinkle_kitty








Hey goguma fans








I posted the prologue and chapter one of my story that I mentioned last night.








Here is the link:





















I'm sorry that it's not in the fanfic forum in soompi but I have some reasons as to why I don't post it in there but all in all I hope you enjoy.








And I'm sure we're all excited for today's episode^^





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Guest Phoebechiu

For someone who worries about the ring:


 This fancam should make you stop worrying (http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/no7SneqSqTg/).

 This is the fancam about the Yong's rehersal for Music Bank yesterday. 

 It's clear that Yong wore the ring in his private time. 

 Actually, I am glad that they stop wearing the ring in public. 

 That means their relationship goes deeper and they really treasure it and want to protect it.

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Guest scatterbrain

here's another proof that yong wears the ring but not in public.

this is a CNBLUE fancam for KBS Music Bank rehearsal, the ring can be seen very cleary and it seems that it's the only ring yong's wearing.

hope you guys can see the clip.

My link

thanks to the gogumas in baidu. they found this video. they also care about the ring apparently...

so i hope even though we dont see them wearing the rings in their performances or music shows, we still believe in them. i think both yong and hyun will be very sad if they know their supporters doubt them just because they are seen not wearing their rings.

so please dont doubt our yongseo couple coz we now know the truth that both of them wears their rings in private.

edit:seems phoebechiu posted the same video same time as i did

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my first and last comment about the famous rings. Before I was really worried when I didnt see the rings on their hands. Now, Im really happy that they dont use it in public. Of course I would love to see them, but Im happy cause it means that they dont have to show what they feel to everyone. We can take it like its enough for them that they know how they feel, and of course that we know hehehe.
























Another thing...I really want to show wgm live, but dont know where. Can anyone help me please? I would thank them the rest of my life!! Finally, I CANT WAIT TO SEE THE EPISODE! hohohoho





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Guest hihi_hehe
























SPECIAL THANK TO scatterbrain AND phoebechiu
















Now, WE'ARE CLEAR :w00t:
















Enough? GDA's rehearsal, Yonghwa wore the ring, Inkigayo backstage, and now Music Bank :lol:
















Clear? right?, Extra special, he wore it off cam =]]
















no more attention focused on the ring , more private matter :phew:





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Guest glennpaulo



Wow, they are wearing their ring in private and not in public..

I smell something fishy here. Seems like we don't need to worry if WGM is reel or real or they are just acting or not.

Or what will be their relationship after WGM. With wearing their ring in private all has been already answered.

and there's nothing to worry. 

Wearing their ring in public is for WGM and wearing their ring in private means it is for the two of them only.

Thank you to those who provided fancam for us. Seems like if there's a person who open the topic about the ring again.

we just have to repost it.


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Guest hihi_hehe
























Guys, if we may have a high hope, I would like to say this
















SNSD and Cnblue (also with many artists) will appear on Music core for Xmas special (12/25)
















and If you know what I mean , you will have the high hope for "Banmal song" LOL





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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































please no more worrying about the "she/he didnt wear the ring".....
































































































































lets just say if they wear it its a plus and if they don't it's okay
































































































































let's only spazz if they DO wear the ring :D
































































































































this thread have been going through alot these past couple days so let's end it (:
































































































































from the link above yong is wearing the ring at the rehearsal of the mubank! nice!!
































































































































thanks for those who upload the link :]
































































































































we all know they both treasure the ring (:
































































































































but here is my take on the ring
































































































































i think that we wont see them wearing it as often as before (esp. when they are performing)
































































































































since the korean media wrote an article about it on i forgot what performance but yeahhh....
































































































































so i think that is the reason.... (but then again i could be wrong)
































































































































anyways, (dont hate me but) if they dont wear the ring, please dont ask "why he/she didn't wear the ring?"
































































































































or have negative thought or something... it's not that big of a deal
































































































































but like i said... i don't think we will be seeing the rings as often as before
































































































































anyways again!! i cant wait for the next episode with is on in less than an hour!!!
































































































































then we get to spazz spazz spazz again!!
































































































































































































































































hey guys if have WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER and want to stream WGM live
































































































































click this!!
































































































































its not HD clear but it doesnt lag and it's better than nothing
































































































































if you know what i mean :]
































































































































































































































































































































































































so what happened was.....
































































































































- seohyun showed yong the dance to HOOT!!!
































































































































- hyun gave yong 2AM CD AND SNSD HOOT CD (funny messages) lmao! at yong doing the dame pose as his buin in the picture! ahahaah
































































































































- they divided the gogumas they harvest and decided who they were going to give it to; parents, members, studio family (i like that name! ahahah) the other couples on the show, 2am
































































































































- then seohyun brought out her camera and they looked at the pictures they took during the harvest
































































































































- they got their mission to compose a song together
































































































































- yong called jonghyun (hilarious talk! too bad i dont know what they are talking about!)
































































































































- they linked arms walking to cnblues dorm (now that is natural alright (:)
































































































































- as the two went in the dorm jungshin bust on a song! lmao! that part was hilarious!
































































































































(now we really get to see these cnblue boys hahahaha)
































































































































- the couple went in yongs room and they mess with the dj stuff
































































































































(omg sneaky yong recording hyun's laugh was hilarious and then putting it into the song!!) lmao!
































































































































this episode was full of cutesy stuff (:
































































































































cant wait for translations :D

































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so they were in Yong's room messing around with the music...
















yong's singing the melody
















and he's using the filler lyrics and then all of a sudden we hear "KISS ME TONIGHTTTTT"
















and as soon as he says it he has this look of shock on his face
















and the way he reacts means that he didn't mean to say it out loud...but you could tell that he was thinking
































this is such another awesome episode

















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Guest YourStar




awww! this episode was so cute! both of them are so carefree and teasing each other. their heads were so close together when they were viewing the pictures on seohyun's cam.



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dont understand a thing, but our couple is so cute and CNblue so cute. really cute. their dorm looks totally different. all the boys so comfortable with Seohyun. and Yong sing .."kiss me tonight"in his lyrics hahah, he gonna greedy now. but it is good greedy in love. hahahah cant wait for the sub. so cute couple. i think a lot of people gonna love our couple. i will try to love other couples. but Yongseo is the best :wub:


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Hey guys! I've always been a lurker but I just have to post something this time round!

I just finished watching Yongseo's WGM. IT IS HILARIOUS. EVERYTHING IS SO FUNNY I SWEAR. With Jungshin chingoo and jonghyun acting as DJ when yongseo stepped into yonghwa's dorm to Yonghwa becoming a DJ and mashed up their Banmal song with Seohyun's creepy laughters! It's really entertaining even without subs! One of the best episodes 8)

Can see that our yongseo are enjoying each other's company as well~

Love them~ <3

P/S: Yonghwa sang "Kiss me tonight" to seohyun and felt shy. :wub: Awwww~

P/P/S: Seohyun hooked onto Yonghwa's arm so naturally! DOUBLE AWW!

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it is just me or yong was so red while singing the missing part????? :wub: ottoke, I´m spazzing like crazy!!!!
















And what was that kiss me??? hahahaha, we need translation I think, but for now I can spazz just like that!!!!
















What a cute episode ^^, thanks in advance for all of you gogumas!





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Guest yslovelightys




























today's episode was really funny.




















well, i can't understand a thing but that's what it appears to me. sweatingbullets.gif




















BUT i feel like it's very short though.




















I want more yonghwa-seohyun moments. rolleyes.gif




















Btw, will there be WGM on the 25th and on Jan. 1??? 




















Edit: OMO! OMO! Really? The missing lyrics were something about kissing???w00t.gif





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Guest missmoomin101


Short Episode Summary:




Am giggling uncontrollably!!




That was a cute funny episode, especially towards the end!




The couple divided the gogumas, with a lot of teasing from Yong to Hyun.




They then went onto the dorm where they were greeted by Jungshin chingu and Jonghyun dancing to New York by Alicia Keys... LMAO




Onwards to Yong's room where he was showing her the art of recording, and possibly the funniest moment between these two!! He recorded Hyun's laughter, repeated it and played it back in a continuous loop. LOL




I almost died from laughing! It was too cute.... *sigh* am in goguma heaven


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Guest missmippy






WAAAA~ our couple was so cute today XD the way hyun was looking at yonghwa at the start of the vid ... wowwww <3




and when they were walking in the street, they link arms so naturally now! waa, hyunnie ... you've really grown, haven't you? 자씨이이ㄱ ... ㅋㅋㅋ




the couple song sounds really good so far ^ ^ but they were more fooling around today, like adding hyun's "euhahaha" laugh over all the tracks and her screaming at the end XD


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Guest ♥♥PowerOf9

Hyun teaching Yong the 'arrow dance'

  • Wow Yonghwa's skills are no joke
  • YongSeo in Yong's room
  • Minhyuk is not there
  • they went all dj and hyper
  • omg lol what happened to the cnblue boys
  • YongSeo linking arms ;D
  • Yong calling Jonghyun
  • It seems like Hyun wore the butterfly necklace when she was in the black room (not sure if you call it that lol)
  • I must say that Seohyun looks really pretty in today's episode :)
  • This must be to do make a song together~
  • YongSeo got a mission!
  • Hyun is filming Yong with her camera
  • They sat reaaally close on the couch. Hyun was like leaning towards him.
  • or maybe not lmao they're looking through their photos
  • YongSeo takes a picture together :D
  • hahahahah Yong imitating Hyun's expression
  • Seulong wrote "Yonghwa-yah you're the best! I Love You" lmao
  • I think Seulong wrote that YongSeo should kiss or something lol
  • She brought 2AM's CD and Hoot 27
  • LMAO she's gonna learn him the arrow dance!!
  • Lmao Hyun dragging Yong up
  • YongSeo in their house with Goguma all over the house

These are basically all my tweets from watching the stream ^^

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Guest LalaCAKES
















Wahhh this episode just show how much closer our couple has really gotten. Linking arms like it's nothing and constantly playing around... the slow progress was definitely worth it!








As for the missing lyrics, they were basically "Now can you look me in the eyes and say I love you~", in banmal of course HEHEHEHEHE!








So it wasn't what we thought last week. Yong wasn't saying I love you to Hyun, but asking her to say it to him which in my opinion is a looooot sweeter and more meaningful. Sigh :) I wish that they had showed more of the composing because I really want to listen to the complete song! And is it just me or did this episode seem incredibly short..









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Guest mrsjoker
































































































Just finished streaming YongSeo's episode...and can i just scream this out..































































































































IF THIS IS NOT LOVE... I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS!!  :wub: :wub::wub:














































































































































































































The level of their comfort is beyond adorable... This episode is another heartwarming one... They started off at their house and busy splitting up their gogumas and packing them up for their loved ones... and then Yong made a short video promoting Yongseo's gogumas...and then they watch a projection of the pictures they took at the farm (and must i say...Hyun's camera is a must have! it projects the picture directly), and there I love the way they sat so close and the way Hyun's head tilted so close to Yong's shoulder to the point it looks like she's resting her head at Yong's shoulder... and then Yong saw Hyun's pic at her room back at SNSD dorm and i think he said that she's adorable in her pajamas... kekekekeke...^_^














































































































































































































and then they receive the mission card, Yong sang again the banmal song, now with a more complete lyrics to it...and i think he changed it a bit... I think at the last episode the last lyrics he sang was will you take me... I Love you... He changed that to can you speak the words to me... I love you (so he kinda makes the banmal song like telling a story that he wanted Hyun to speak "saranghae" in banmal...or so i think...must wait for the translation from our lovely translator).














































































































































































































They went to CN BLUE dorms to compose the whole song...and Hyun naturally linking her arm to Yong's. and when they get to the dorm The members set up the dorm looking like a club... it was fun and cute (full of cute moments here. Yong's close relationship with the members is so heartwarming...they are a bunch of fun to hang around with...and i'm happy that Hyun clearly has a special place in their circles...). Yong was showing off his composing skills...with the sound mixers and other stuff (HE WAS MAD COOL and I sense Hyun thinks her Yong is cool too), anyway they were playing around with the tools, and again Yong pull out his adorable dorkiness... But then there's this one time when he was singin the songs melody (with the english lyrics...) He sang " Kiss me tonight..." but then suddenly blushing and change it to "my lovely girl or My love girl (i can't catch it well)"...































































































































so there you guys... This episode is FULL OF LOVE, ADORABLE MOMENTS, HEARTWARMING SCENES... :wub:














































































































































































































I Feel Good!! :lol:

















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Guest yasmin_waldz






just came back from goguma heaven.... wait, i think am still here... can't stop the spazzing yet... haha... i love every single moment of it... seriously, them linking arms seems so natural now that i was taken aback with the lack of reaction... haha...


the episode does seem short... yonghwa's incorporating seohyun's laugh and scream into the song was totally awesome... can't stop laughing...



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