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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I don't think the real BOICE fans would even want to stop their idol from doing something he enjoys. I am a Cassie and sure, I do feel sad at times when I see my favorite member is the main character and has to act all in love with his partner. It hurts to see them tired or sad, but when I see that what they have done is all worth the troubles and I see them beaming again, I smile as well.




Boice or not, those fans are only after YongHwa and are beginning to see the potentiality that he and SeoHyun might actually end up together. Their chemistry is strong, the bond and the trust they've built are strong. So why was this issue not as big as it was back then? When people started calling them the most boring couple on the show? The fans could have persuaded him to stop when he and Hyun were still so very awkward with each other, but why now? When they are so close and more expressive than before?




They are not the 'loyal' fans that they claim to be. If you were loyal, you'd accept your idol no matter how low he's become, or how ridiculous he's become; much like how the Shawols had accepted JongHyun's relationship with Shin Se Kyung. They may have objected it and angered by it (esp now that JonggKey will never be the same T_T), but they've learned to accept it and love their idol no less.




This is what a true fan and a friend is about. You support your idol, raise his mood up when he's down, scold him when he's done something ridiculous, and never abandon him.








goguma1207, you are JJANG!! Your videos are pure love :D






totally agree with you on this! if only i could give you more than 1+ for that post :)


those fans obviously saw a potentiality that yonghwa and seohyun might end up together in real life and maybe even non-WGM fans think that this couple really look good together! i just hope that those fans realize how wonderful person seohyun is, how big her heart is and how pure her intentions are! i wouldn't worry if yonghwa ends up with seohyun because i know he's with someone who inspires him in many ways, who is capable of making him happy and seohyun with no doubt will take care of yonghwa like how much she takes care of her unnies, especially when it comes to his health! seohyun and yonghwa look genuinely happy when with each other, who are we to resist the happiness of these two wonderful people? blush.gif


whether or not YongSeo ends up together(my goguma heart hopes they do end up together :wub: ) i think it is wrong for us fans to ask them stop the things they do just for the sake of our own personal interests! celebrities have feelings too, let's try to consider them always :)




anyway, idk if this one's been shared already (thanks to the owner of this pic) anyone knows when this was taken? seohyun looked so happy, cute and adorable here plus of course the, you know..ring :)






thanks and let's all enjoy YongSeo's episode later on it's gonna be daebak for sure..



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Guest love~eastsea~
































































































































































I really like it when Yonghwa laughs because of what Seohyun said. We often see Seohyun laughs because Yonghwa said it himself he wants to be funny just for his girlfriend but Seohyun's ability to make Yonghwa laughs on her words is something worth to be noted. We rarely see a guy laughing so hard because of what his loved one said.
































































































































I just think that, that image of Yonghwa laughing over Seohyun remarks is beautiful.
































































































































and can't wait for the show! I love Saturday!

















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Guest quisty86












shanic - I think that photo, with SNSD wearing pink and all preppy - wasn't there a report saying SNSD is appearing on a  Japanese show? Like a cameo? It said they were caddies and wearing pink. And the captions of the picture is in japanese so that's probably when they were filming for it in Japan. Was it October? Before Fany was injured. 




Year end programs are always stressful. I feel bad for them. Normally students would get stressed during finals and deadlines but imagine having to travel from one place to another in just a matter of hours? It's physicall demanding. Poor them. If anything, fans (including myself) should prepare for care packages (vitamins, tea, soothing music etc.). Ahh but it's too late now. Next time? :)




What's my Christmas wish for YongSeo? Oh nothing big. Just that they can spend time together is already a big one (especially with their schedules). Relax and spend quality time. Baking? Haha do they even have an oven at their house? 




Scenario: Hyun wearing Santa dress and singing "All I Want For Christmas Is You". That would shock Yonghwa again haha. 




WGM PD-nims, if you're stalking this thread, I won't stop wishing for a piano! tongue.gif





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Guest my.yonghwa.baby
























TheG1art's video has been removed by YouTube 























Although I think it was only removed because of Blossoms copyright claim, thank you Gogumas for all the dislikes and comments. 








Before the video was deleted, TheG1art disabled ratings, deleted comments, and blocked users. 























BOICES worldwide are stoked for today's concert. Thank you happy.gif








On another happy note,








I'm so excited to hear the Banmal song. And I'm really exicted to watch the CNBoys and Hyun's interaction. I would hope that they're close now.









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Guest Crystal392
















































































































*Screencaps from dcmarried :wub: :





























































































































































































































































































































































~They are so adorable together~


























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































~Hold my hand...~












































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm so excited for the next ep! ^_^

















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I just had a WGM-YongSeo cut marathon and reached the episode in which they were having that train ride to that place to watch the sunrise. I think everyone remembers that episode. Yonghwa was quizzing her and told her to imagine walking on the streets with him and then proceeded to have her choose out of four options;





1) Have his arm around your shoulder





2) Have your fingers locked





3) Hold each other by the waist





4) Whatever's your partner's preference





She first chose option 1 but went for number 2 eventually and as Yonghwa even remembered her wanting to wear a school uniform and eat patbingsoo, I hope he hasn't forgotten about this one.





They've been holding hands pretty well now, but haven't interlocked their fingers yet (as seen so far). I believe that that is something that will come with time and that their fingers will naturally intertwine when they feel more comfortable doing it. I just hope that that is something we'll be able to see in future episodes as holding hands like that is much more 'personal' and shows the level of closeness you have and how connected you are. My little wish to see them at that stage before the end of the beginning for them.


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Guest Revelmonk






I just had a WGM-YongSeo cut marathon and reached the episode in which they were having that train ride to that place to watch the sunrise. I think everyone remembers that episode. Yonghwa was quizzing her and told her to imagine walking on the streets with him and then proceeded to have her choose out of four options;




1) Have his arm around your shoulder


2) Have your fingers locked


3) Hold each other by the waist


4) Whatever's your partner's preference




She first chose option 1 but went for number 2 eventually and as Yonghwa even remembered her wanting to wear a school uniform and eat patbingsoo, I hope he hasn't forgotten about this one.




They've been holding hands pretty well now, but haven't interlocked their fingers yet (as seen so far). I believe that that is something that will come with time and that their fingers will naturally intertwine when they feel more comfortable doing it. I just hope that that is something we'll be able to see in future episodes as holding hands like that is much more 'personal' and shows the level of closeness you have and how connected you are. My little wish to see them at that stage before the end of the beginning for them.






They have already interlocked fingers, check episode 35 when yong lets go of hyun's hand and hyun looks for his hand they interlock fingers at that precious moment.



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Guest EnVogue

I've just finished my Goguma Couple marathon

and well I just simply love them

the first meeting was just really awkward but now they seem to be a real couple

with ups and downs

however what really bothers me is yonghwas make-up haha

have u noticed that he is ALWAYS so pale and white?

I mean the make-up is always some tones brighter than his natural skincolor.

Can't wait to listen to the full"banmal" song haha

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Guest WendyLoveSoshi








































































I'm Here To Make You Guys More Excited. :w00t:
























































[NEWS][12.18.10] Seohyun - Yonghwa First Couple Song
















































































































The Goguma couple's song, how would it turn out?
























































On MBC's We Got Married 2 that would be aired on December 18th, which is later today, Goguma couple Yonghwa & Seohyun's couple song making ''Behind The Scenes'' would be aired. Yonghwa sang the incomplete ''Banmal song'' last time at the Seafood Shop (?), When Seohyun heard that, she was touched.
























































This week With ''Please use the Banmal song as the main topic and finish making the Couple Song'' as mission, both of them decided to complete Yong Hubby's incomplete Banmal song.  In order to officially start making the couple song, both of them came to Yong Hubby's dorm,  making the song's job would be Yong Hubby's and Making the lyrics would be for No-Experience Seohyun Wife. From the starting, she started learning little by little. It is said that during the progress, Seohyun would do something special to the banmal song. (?) Remember to catch the Banmal song making today!
























































Credits: Baidu Goguma
























































Translation Credits: WendyLoveSoshi@SoNyuhShiDaeNews
























































Don't Edit Anything.









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Guest lunasol


I only could skim through the posts these days, but overall the thread have been tense due to different topics that have been discussed. The only thing I am going to say about that is that we should try to be patient and supportive (Yongseo's own qualities!!!). If they don't wear there rings, for example, please be patient and wait for awhile (we have seen that in the case of Yong he may be just wearing it at more 'personal' activities, i.e., backstage, rehearsals, etc, and he also have a contract for ring endorsement that sometimes impedes him to wear personal accessories). In other words, just try to wait before getting alarmed.




Also, the topic about Yong being very serious/sad recently. I don't know if it has been posted but it was said that he was serious for example at the MME awards but then in a BTS fancam taken of the boys while the pre-recording of Love was shown on TV, you see him being goofy and smiling. So again, try to be patient before jumping to catastrophic conclusions wink.gif. [Fancam] 101215 Melon music Awards CNBLUE 외톨이야 + LOVE cr. kimjiyoung85




I also wanted to share the following, especially for crystalblue who have been giving particular attention to certain body parts hahaha  




In the last episode we saw Yong staring towards Hyun's chest for a second, right? That moment, in my opinion, was just a casual glance because he was trying to see what she was really doing. However, I was re-watching episode 15 three days ago and in THIS case it cannot be mistaken where and why he was staring at a certain part of his buin hahahaha Lets just say as someone mentioned recently, that he is not just a 'celebrity' and fans should understand he is also human with feelings as well as <cough> male hormones wink.gif I am not a man, but I bet it has something to do with his buin super tight, thin and light pants that day.




She stood up and Yong eyes quickly went south hahaha






Then he quickly looked up






but he couldn't resist it and then down again hahaha






She is still innocently walking and he is still staring...






and when she almost reached the counter without noticing she had a wolf behind her, he decided to try and multitask by starting to bring the cup to his lips and drink while still staring and smiling w00t.gifbiggrin.gif hahaha





This occur relatively early in their relationship. If you ask him, his excuse will be that he was just trying to read what she had written in her butt and that it is her fault for putting on pants with words there wink.gif hahaha. But Yong, it doesn't really take that long to read that, right? So why did you kept staring? I promise we won't get mad happy.gif






Gogumas, I also hope this made you smile and happy in preparation for next episode! Remember, Hyun is going to be alone in the wolf's own room at least for a while smile.gif


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Guest yongsarang































































I dont know how to put Youtube video so








here and download here [cr: MC @ jyh dc gall ]























I will post SNSD's perf later. I'm still looking for the TS version for it.





































































By the way, its CNB's concert today and if you have Twitter we are going to trend #FeeltheBLUE 6PM KST^^ and its also Saturday that means WGM and the couple song. I really want to see whats inside Yong's room!! So excited but too bad (again) I cant watch I will be at my dad's company xmas part. OTL 
























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Guest lovekin


fisheye lens



love is a fickle thing:  sometimes it stops loving, and sometimes it never does but has to



a one-shot, yay!  i finished my finals!  i'm so happy~ smile.gif  i actually started writing this last night, and it was supposed to be something entirely different, but it ended up having a mind of its own.  sweatingbullets.gif  longer than i intended, too.


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Guest calculator

hey guys is it just me or yong really do look sad when he sang on mubank? i wonder why. just keep watching his eyes. those eyes really showed that he is not good or sad or something? maybe he's too tired? or.............................. i cant say more. maybe this is just me

You're right and if you look at both of them.

They both didn't have their rings on. Hopefully I'm not the only one who figured that out by now, lol!

Anybody agree with me or?

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Hi Goguma Villagers
































































First off thanks for the Pic. of Youngseo snow boarding, they look like their having loads of fun can't wait this ep. to air w00t.gif. And for the translation of MC Kim's Tweet, this Saturday is going to be good (well every Sat. with our Youngseo couple is the bestwink.gif) and You guys are the cherry on the big cake that is Saturday. Cause you all are SIMPLY SWEET wub.gif































































































































Second: about the ring I personally never put much importance in it anyway, until I started reading this forum. But recently I had decided that them not waring the ring is not that big of a deal. We especially have to remember that their are IDOLS in the first place (with some fans who, let's face it can be too possessive at times). But I think the reason Young and now Hyun are not waring their rings is because of the anti fans (and possibly the media) attention, its their way of protecting each other and themselves. So I'm going to be totally understanding of whatever reason there is for them not waring the rings. So don't fret my fellow SHIPPERSblush.gif































































































And lastly this is to my fellow GOGUMA VILLAGERS this week this forum has become a little bleak. We fellow readers, posters, lurker or whatever form of observers we are we depend on this forum; to inform and also keep an upbeat/hopefull attitude towards our Younhseo couple(while keeping us some what grounded phew.gif). This is ware I come to brighten up my day and fuel my hopes/wishes (well mainly yours, don't get me wrong I'm not saying that I'm not as enthused as anyone else about this couple. But I'm not as eloquent as some of u guys). 
































































So perk up don't let the ring business or their possible brake-up (divorce) get you down. I love this couple as much as you all do, so let's enjoy our time with them and we'll cross that depressing bridge when we get to it. Seriously  we (or mainly ME) will need some real therapy when this couple leaves this show laugh.gif I'm totally in LOVE LOVE LOVE with this couple.
































































































































































PS: d3j1k0 and catkat  that's also my mom's nick name and spelled like yours d3j1k0, who knew smile.gif
































































Everyone enjoy the show today happy.gif
































































































WOW top the page again with my 3rd post 
































got nothing new to share except LOVE 

































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I just read LoveKin & MountainMadman fanfics, Wow.. amazed at how talented you guys are, such good writers here among us goguma villagers & that not including the many others such as Clumsy, Jossa, Trent, and many others, sorry if I forgot to include your name here, but I have very bad memory hehe, anyway thanks to all who contributed so much.
































































































































I'm looking forward to today's episode, Thanks MountainMadman & WendyloveSoshi for translating the preview, I wish they would include a piano solo piece for Hyun haha, coz I'm dying to see/hear them perform together with their own instruments (Yong with guitar & Hyun with Piano hehe)
































































































































anyway, my wish for this couple have all been granted (I wished for Busan Trip & Snow Resort Trip) so I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy the ride, whatever happens to this couple, I'm glad that I know this couple, who has inspired us in many ways.
































































































































and also hope for a successful concert for CNBLUE tonight :)

















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Guest archiehon








































Wow.......This thread has been going on and on with so many issues and i'm really scared to comment on any sensitive issues that might explode out of proportion. He..he..just kidding. can't wait to see what today's episode will reveal.









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First of all, thanks lunasol and wanso for the BTS fancam of CN Blue Melon Awards BTS Fancam CN Blue. It puts my heart as Yong was perfectly with his goofy and self during this time (which was recent - it was just last Wednesday after the WGM shooting). I've been worried, as well as other gogumas and Boice, with Yong's health. For those here who are past their mid-20s, you know what I'm talking about. Health is really wealth! When you are young you may feel that you own the world but as you get older you realize that you are a mere mortal. So, I really hope Yong is in tip-top shape even with his jampacked schedule. I always have this WGM scenario that Hyun would visit Yong in their dorm and take care of him before his concert, cook for him, prepare medicinal drinks, massage, while Yong is just lying on the sofa or n his bed. I'm sorry if it sounds so stereotypical (and feudal) but Hyun would understand because she value health and career most.
































































































































































































































































d3j1k0, you were right on spot! That's the way real fans should feel and act.
































































































































































































































































I have colds these past few days because the climate has already turned cold, particularly those in the northern hemisphere. So please, Gogumas, Sone, Boices, stay warm and well!
































































































































































































































































Later it's our boys' concert, I'm sure they'll do well!

































































































































































































































































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Guest MissBarbietch_0106

MountainMadman, anyeong.. i just read your new fanfic..the cast away is super cool..

can't stop grinning from every word that you wrote.. i cannot imagine if this could be happen in real, where uri yongseo got trap in an island in the middle of nowhere..

many "things" will happen..w00t.gif hihihihihi.. okey, i start to think about strange *things*..maybe not just holding hands but "others" phew.gif:phew:phew.gif hahahaha (since i'm 26th years old-expecting romance more than usual), sorry for the under-age reader/gogumas..

i wish you could finish the 2nd and 3rd part sooner, but of course you have other things to do, and since today is our yongseo day, we should get them as priority.. but thanks once again for all the fanfic that you made, it fills my day..

And for  all goguma villagers, i know how many times we have been up and down by looking uri yongseo interaction whether in WGM or in other show, please believe that uri couple is still together despite the ring issue or not, feelings are not something that you can grow or vanished in just 1 day. it takes time, from uri couple first meet until their progress now. that's make me believe, instead all of the issue, our couple is believing each other, so we gogumas, we should believe to both of them too. their both are a grown-up, of course their know the consequences of their act.and .i'm sure they will not make us (gogumas villager) disappointing, right?

so, to wrap up my speech.. HAPPY SATURDAY EVERYONE, HAPPY GOGUMA's DAY!!!

PS: Can't wait for the banmal song :rolleyes: it will be daebak, isn't it??

A Proud Sone, Yongseo Shipper, and Gogumas Villager

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