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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest soshisoshisoshi
















































Okay I hope I don't get penalize or something but I was re-watching some of the episode and I was watching the episode where Yong was teaching Hyun how to play pool and he told her to wear the jacket...why??? At first I thought it was what her shirt said and then I realize he did the same thing when she played with the CN Blue brother-in-law but why did he do that??? I'm sorry if this is a stupid question I'm just curious XP























































hi there......






























just to answer your question. I think Yong was being protective of Hyun at that time, thinking that her blouse was too revealing. It's what a boyfriend would do to his girlfriend. hope this answer your question ^_^

















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101005_Profile_for_Twitter__Gee_Ver__01_normal.jpg@Yurui912Yurui (LovAEnAi)[Rumor] Seohyun & Yonghwa are recording『WGM』and skiing at Oak Valley in Wonju.

































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Guest MountainMadman

From another post in the DCMarried gallery:


밑에 사진  뜬 걸 보니 초급 코스에서 지도를 받는 것 같은데~

알려지기론 우리 용화가 스키를  꽤 잘 탄다고 하죠~ㅎㅎ

스노우보드 실력은 수준급이라고 하고~

용화가 멋지게 보드 타는 걸 볼 수 있을지도 모른다는 기대감에 없던 기운도 펄펄 나는 오후네요~ㅎㅎ

그래도 오늘 가장 추운 날이라고 하니 감기 걸리지 않게 조심조심~^^

From the picture it looks like they're getting trained on the beginner course~

It's known that Yonghwa's quite good at skiing~ hehe

And his snowboard skills aren't bad either~

My afternoon has gotten fired up realizing that it might be possible for Yonghwa to display his snowboarding skills~hehe

But today's going to be a very cold day so hopefully they're careful to not catch a cold~^^

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Guest anne0129
























^Okay, don't get me wrong. I am happy that they are still continuing filming, and I know that from CN BLUE Thread that Yong's schedule for the week is jampacked which worries me so much as a fan of his and his brothers. But I honestly wished that they weren't filming a skiing episode or something....just because it is a very physical activity and it is very cold right now. Yong and the CN Blue boys are having a concert this Saturday, I don't want him to catch a cold and be unable to sing in his full capacity....I was hoping that if they were filming today they would just spend sometime in their house again because he needs to rest for the concert as much as he can. Again, I am just worried and concern about Yong and the concert of CN BLUE for their fans. I just hope he doesn't tire himself to much going snowboarding and such. :(:huh::(
















On the other hand....one of my wish came true for this couple...I wanted them to film a skiing episode and it has come true. Hope that for a meal they will have an intimate meal in front of a blazing fire place.....kind of romantic don't you think. :wub::wub::wub:





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Guest Crystal392










While stalking dcmarried I found a post with DJHinata awesome fanart (btw girl where are you? :o), and I think they mention us (Soompi Gogumas): http://gall.dcinside.com/married/579694


















I also saw some posts about ski and ski resort but I thought they were just wishing hehehehe











Thanks to all of you for sharing that info!!


















Yong~ Hyun~ drink a hot chocolate after that and take care! :)




































anne: I know how you feel because I am worried too (actually KGogumas are also a bit worried: http://gall.dcinside.com/married/579730) ... but there is nothing we can do. Just wish that they won't cath a cold and that everything will go smoothly ^^ Btw I hope the same :)



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Hello to all!
































































































































































































































































Lovekin, coming from you that you doubt our couple's stint (i don't like to use this word but i'm running out of words) in WGM is coming to an end, gives me a relief and a ray of hope. Thanks so much!
































































































































































































































































Soshisoshisoshi! i have downloaded all the videos, too!
































































































































































































































































Zealous, i'm glad you said that you love this place because everyone can discuss things peacefully. I think we have matured as goguma fans. We try to keep our minds open and respects everyone's opinion.
































































































































































































































































Hihi_hehe's post kept me hihihehe because even she post her one-liner she was given (+) marks because her news is just so great!
































































































































































































































































Now, that i've let things heavy things out of my chest, i'm ready to spazz again!
































































































































































































































































Skiing??! For real? Isn't that a wish of gogumas, to have Yong and Hyun ski so that Yong can teach Hyun. Can we have some tumbling down, rolling around, and accidental kisses? :wub: Hahah! Too much to ask for, I know.
































































































































































































































































I hope the news is really true but I hope they would not catch cold since Yong's concert is this Saturday. I hope Hyun is Yong's vitamin C. :wub:

































































































































































































































































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Guest full-of-love

^Okay, don't get me wrong. I am happy that they are still continuing filming, and I know that from CN BLUE Thread that Yong's schedule for the week is jampacked which worries me so much as a fan of his and his brothers. But I honestly wished that they weren't filming a skiing episode or something....just because it is a very physical activity and it is very cold right now. Yong and the CN Blue boys are having a concert this Saturday, I don't want him to catch a cold and be unable to sing in his full capacity....I was hoping that if they were filming today they would just spend sometime in their house again because he needs to rest for the concert as much as he can. Again, I am just worried and concern about Yong and the concert of CN BLUE for their fans. I just hope he doesn't tire himself to much going snowboarding and such. :(:huh::(

On the other hand....one of my wish came true for this couple...I wanted them to film a skiing episode and it has come true. Hope that for a meal they will have an intimate meal in front of a blazing fire place.....kind of romantic don't you think. :wub::wub::wub:

anne0129 I totally agree with you. i wish they would delay this trip for the week after Yong concert or something b/c if yong does get sick the Boice might get mad and start to say that WGM is affecting Yong in a bad way again. But then again thinking about it, Hyun can be his dosage of medicine or the boost to his energy :rolleyes: before the concert!!

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Guest MountainMadman

From http://gall.dcinside...736&page=1&bbs=

EDIT: These are pics of Yonghwa at a ski resort PRE-DEBUT. Again, these ARE NOT PICTURES FROM TODAY! Sorry about that, I was confused in the beginning too... ^_^





이게 전부네요ㅠ 제작진이 막아서요ㅠ 지금 정용화가 서현 강습중이에요ㅋ

Yonghwa's teaching Seohyun! :DDDD It also says that the PD blocked everything else from being released. T.T

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another rumor about recording....































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But, I agree with anne0129 CN Blue has a concert this 18th. And I think they attend Melon Award at 15th (is it true?). And they have special stage at Music Bank too. I just don't want Yong to get sick again. But, it's nice if we have a rumor about their filming. So our couple can meet and spend time together.biggrin.gif































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Apparently our couple has nominated in sexiest male singer, sexiest female singer  and most-want-to-be girlfrind/boyfriend in 
































































GoKpop Award . So if you have time you can vote for them. And of course vote for CN Blue and SNSD as well. Yong has nominated in best male solo, best user of english, best musical ability too.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest eishazumi










anyone can confirm about the rumor.






























Is it really true our YONGSEO couple went skiing?















what a lovely day!kekeke! hope the rumor is true.















I'm so excited...


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today they go skiing
































































































































tomorrow they'll be congratulating each other at Melon Music Awards
































































































































on Thursday they'll be on the Music Bank Broadcast for the special...featuring special stages (hopefully a CNBLUE &SNSD collab *fingers crossed*)
































































































































on Saturday Yong's Concert....(hopefully Hyun will make a secret visit just like last time!)
































































































































on Sunday Yong's Inkigayo....
































































































































































































































































this week they'll be able to see each other almost EVERYDAY!wub.gifwacko.gifwub.gif
































































































































































































































































Goguma FBI will need to be prepared this week and watch out for a lot of fancams!
































































































































Such a busy week for both of them!
































































































































especially Yong! I'll be praying his voice and health can last through this week!
































































































































































































































































say Hyun's 2011 Calender scans on dcmarried
































































































































she is always with a guitar these days!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I guess Yong's comment from this past week's episode to keep practicing guitar really hit home!

































































































































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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Fist, I'd like to talk about this...
































































































































































































































Yonghwa and Seohyun sure had a choice to do on the filming day.
































































































































































































































The question is, why must they choose skiing? They could be in their house,buy some stuff and cook, have a dinner, good enough ! But they go skiing?
































































































































































































































Hey! and Don't get me wrong, I also worry about their health too, Cnblue has packed schedule, so does SNSD, the two groups are known to be busy this week
































































































































































































































But again, THEY GO SKIING!
































































































































































































































now, take it positive, now! deep breathe and think "Oh Maybe, they're having fun in their busy week"
































































































































































































































Ok, :lol: GOOD? GOOD right? They will be attending MMA tomorrow, Cnblue will have an awesome concert in this Saturday

































































































































































































































































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Guest wallpaperfood

wah why am i travelling during yongseo's busiest week?! (sigh rxp you rubbed it in even more :P)

not enought time to spazz

It's great that Yongseo's skiing - lots of skinship and backhugs hopefully ^^. Snowball fights too. THanks for the heads up hihi_hehe. And mountainmadman, for the confirmation :)

This thread jumps extremely fast considering we get a 20min slot of our couple each week! I wanted to talk about what Yong might have been feeling when pushing her into the water in the most recent ep but now that feels like ages ago! (very outdated.. -.-" hehe). I bet he did that wanting her to squeal (which she did) and cling onto him more to prevent herself from falling, thus increasing the skinship >=). Either that, or she wanted him to grab his hand in the pocket tighter, I guess teasing her. I asked my guy friends and they said I was pretty much spot on, but male gogumas can correct me anytime haha.

dreamyboo chingu!! *waves* yes 2 weeks of limited and unstable internet! gahhhh

PS lovekin I sent you a PM

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Guest soshisoshisoshi
































whaat??? they are skiing???  there's going to be skinships, am I right?? :wub::wub: . just imagining Hyun hold Yong's arm while skiing is soo sweet. then if Hyun stumble Yong will catch and hug her........ arrggh, I'm imagining again :wub:















wah, they meet so often now. I'm really happy for both of them






























anyways, just dropping by one pic. did anyone notice this?? same hand movement and gesture




























































I hope the rumour is true, but I hope Yong will not get sick, remembering his packed schedules this week

















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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































omg our couple filming again?!?! and this time skiing?!?!
































































































































i hope some body confirms this!! before i go crazy!! ahahah
































































































































i always wanted to see this couple go skiing!! (esp. ice skating)
































































































































but you know what that means! more skinship? ahahahaha
































































































































this whole month have been a bunch of goodies for the yongseo couple!!
































































































































ohh man i cant wait!!
































































































































thanks for the news guys (:

































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Guest K1L1On1Mr4












Our couple really want to speed up their activities, i guess they are really in good mood. As long as they have enough rest at night i'm sure they'll be okay. They are youths anyway, youth's body is healthier than most of old goguma villagers in here rolleyes.gif




Surely can't wait for every saturdays, their films must be daebak wub.gif



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Guest CheriMerci
































































































































Hi ! All






























































































































I see these in DCmarried. Maybe they're about our YongSeo's skiing at Oak Valley. Pls translate to us. Thank You in advance. :D
































































































































아참 오늘 오크밸리에서 우결 용화 서현 촬영하는거 봤습니다 서현 오렌지색 스키복 입고 보드 강습 받는듯 하네요 난 대여복 꼬라지라 멀찍이 보고만 있었습니다<U>7 minutes ago</U>
















































































































































EinishStyle Dongjae Jeff Lee 용서커플 스키장촬영은 끝난듯싶네요ㅎ식당에서 촬영하러가는듯ㅋ1 minute ago
































































































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Guest SophiaPia












Hi every one good morning, afternoon, evening to all 'lil bit busy preparing for Christmas party this coming saturday. So! i'm going to miss live streaming of wgm. I will watch the raw vid instead the next day. Thanks








edit : Skiing rumors, i hope it's true :) edit : cheriMerci google translate Seo wearing orange skiing hubby Yong bring her to lessons. This person watching from a distance 7mins ago. Thanks

















Hi jnj, crystal_malfoy, MountainMadmadn, j2dlee, redtulip, Wallpaperfood, genxv, kubih, luvtokki, ichigo_kawai, bee_ichigo, lenovo, miel, d3SeoHyun, rxp, dreamyboo, soshisoshisoshi, bezbezbez, qwenli, lovekin, Uolam, sweettaeng, DJhinata,  TO ALL OF YOU, EVERY BODY HERE. SEASON'S GREETINGS TO ALL. WISHING YOU ALL. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAVE A BLESSED NEW YEAR.

















YongSeo Internationals, SweetpotatodaysDC, Baidu, all YongSeo lovers all over the world. Merry Christmas.

















Wallpaperfood have a nice trip. 








jnj have a nice trip as well








luvtokki you said already what's in my heart and mind in your POV. Thank u. 








It will be a big bonus, if YongSeo will become REAL even they keep it a secret it's fine. :) 
















edit : lenovo and wendy THANKS FOR THE LOVELY NEWS. KYAAAAA!



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hi guys, my second post here... i know we said about the ring couple if they wearing it or not doesn't a big deal nowdays, but i can't stop myself everytime i see i new picture about them the first thing i search is their finger :P so i want to ask all the FBI goguma here, i see a picture of yonghwa on the ep 5 Ninght after Night, and i think i see the ring ding dong, but not so sure, i don't know how to post a picture so please can anyone give a better and clear picture???


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Guest YuyuSaiyuki
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i juzzzzzzzzz love panggg































































































































































































































































































































































































































































can i upload your pict here??...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































coz i juz luv how u do it....































































































































































































































































































































































































































































seriously...those 2 look sweet here....































































































































































































































































































































































































































































at 1st i thot they come 2gether on red carpet...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































wif the same hair color n seobaby, u looking hotzz!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































panggg, u are briliant!!!..































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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