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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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The "slave contract" controversies have I believe changed a lot of the entertainment companies policies in South Korea. They want to keep their long contracts with entertainers because there is a big expense in training idols for years prior to their debuts, and so long as the companies pay their talent as promised in these contracts (even if the contract is fifteen years long) the contracts would most likely hold up under a legal challenge. Contracts limiting a entertainers personal life and choices wouldn't most likely hold up under a legal challenge and so that's why I believe companies are probably encouraging their entertainers to never come out to the public and admit they're in a relationship.

As Trent mentioned, I believe the Shin Se Kyung / Jonghyun incident proves my belief companies will not anymore get in the way of relationships, but the incident has also proved to idols the companies are correct and I'm sure they tell their idols weekly if not daily and mention the Shin Se Kyung / Jonghyun incident all the time - DO'NT EVER HAVE A PUBLIC RELATIONSHIP!

Hypothetically, if Hyun and Yong had a public relationship, I think Hyun would suffer more than Yong. SONE ahjusshis fan boys (I'm one) have never really saw Hyun as a woman before, always the pure, strong, and principled little sister. Even as Hyun has become more beautiful and has grown into a more and more sexy woman, sometimes as a SONE ahjusshi you feel bad for noticing Hyun in such ways. SONE fan boys also would I believe because Hyun is so smart trust her to have made the right decision. Boice Yong loving fan girls, that's another story ... and not just Yong fans but most fan girls, they're relentless in their crushes and many are unable to grasp the logic that they will never end up with their idol. So I think it would be Hyun to get the negative side of a public relationship and that's why we'll never know until their in their thirties if they end up with each other.

But if any girl could break a insane fan girl's heart and have a majority of them understanding their crush chose a really nice girl and a girl who will treat "their man" well and make him happy, it would be Hyun.

All I hope in the future after WGM is when asked about each other they describe each other something like, "Hyun is my best friend that's a girl," and then we can live hoping they will be making babies in the future!!

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Wow these past few post have been sharing some interesting views on a serious topic. Alsuo415 I've also wondered about the whole concept of WGM and how those involved deal with the show and feelings that may or may not develop. I think for a show like this it is really easy for things to become blurred but I don't think anyone is cheating/playing/using anyone through out the corse of the show because all stars who sign up for the show know what they are signing up for and I believe they are adult enough to talk to themselves or each other to figure out the real and reel and deal rationally with feelings that may or may not arise for one or both of them.








xueh on the one hand I agree with your rationality about WGM being a show for entertainment and that relationships are far more complicated and deal with far more than what WGM displays, however I believe that all involved know that WGM is light and that a real real relationship will be much heavier and complicated. If people do develop feelings for one another and decide I agree with Trent that although the idol life is complicated with fans, antis, companies, scandals, etc off course they find ways to date and make relationships work if they find someone whom they think is worth the effort and eventual consequences. I mean look at Se7ven, Simon D, and Jonghyung they are all in open relationships now that was once very well kept secret relationships. So again I think when you find someone whom you connect with and you feel is worth it even idols won't let their idols status stand in their way.








As far as Seohyun and Yonghwa go...I do feel think that their interactions on the show feels real and natural. I do think they have chemistry and a mutual attraction and IMHO real feelings are showing. Now will they become a couple outside of the show? Will it last? I don't know and if it were ever to happen it something I think they would keep to themselves and bandmates and a few close managers. And honesty it is none of our business if they are real or not, if they do date or not. I am just going to enjoy WGM for what I see on screen and be fangirly over that. Not to say that if I got a fancam, a tweet, pic, official statement, something that said/showed they were/are real I wouldn't be as happy as the next Yongseo shipper; I generally try not to think too much about it too much.



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first of all..i wanna say hi to everyone... i've been in lurker mode for so long, and i intend just to be one (hehehe) but the last ep really make me so happy and i don't have anyone to share it!!! so i said to myself it better i share this happy feeling in soompi than to be suspect as a crazy person telling every friend of mine about yongseo but they don't have a clue what i'm talking about ^-^, so i hope everyone accept me in thin go-chun place....



so iread all the post and i want to share my opinion about wgm in general. I watch wgm season 1 up until now, and i agree with this show is dangerous for people heart. i don't if u all remember but in season 1 Junjin and lee siyong(i don't if i spell her name right) indeed become a real couple but due to negative effect lee siyong got they broke after just 6 months dating, and hwangbo after wgm said in one interview that if she know it would like that (wgm filming) she would never do it, because she said it so hard to control her feeling, and on the last ep wgm the mature and independent hwangbo cried her eyes out in the last filming...( thats how emotional she gets), andy and solby i notice after wgm ended act like they don't know each other in strong heart... so i guess evebtually this filming makes people who involded indeed confuse between reel and real.but thats just my opinion ( don't bash me if u don't agree ^-^), and i hope our couple can handle what lies ahead for them.yongseo fighting!!!!


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So I'll just add my two cents in...


First off, I do believe that in the beginning they both thought they knew what they were getting into since they've probably watched past episodes and with Hyun her unnie has been in the show before. But like life, things change because of events and people that you meet. I don't think they expected to be partnered with the person that they ended up with. Without wgm, I don't think that they would "know" each other just because we have our own idea of a type that we think we would be comfortable with and never go for something different. So them being "matched" has been a blessing. In my opinion they are learning more about relationships life than the other couples.


I do think that in the mildang period, Yong used the time to reassess his feelings - what he wanted to do about wgm. Just because their "relationship" started out as virtual or "fake" doesn't always mean that would be how it would continue or end up. We know that actors and actresses in movies play a role, but in taking part in that movie they become involved with their costar and some lead to relationships outside of filming that may or may not last. I don't see how that would be different for wgm. Like everyone said, Yongseo is different because they are more like a couple in the courtship phase or bf/gf rather than a married couple.


I think that all entertainment companies have an official policy of no dating for idols. It a convenient cover for them if rumors surface about their stars. I don't believe that SNSD girls don't date. Tiffany knows too much about guys to not have gone out with a few guys, heard in Strong Heart about Taeyang and Yuri being matchmake, in their recent hoot promotion in ShimShimPat there is a segment that suggests Jessica is dating someone right now, and in recent night star/nocturnal the girls went all poker faced when the MCs were trying to figure out who Hyeyeon's crush is. SNSD girls (more so than others) have to appear available to their oppa fans so they date in secret. I think the companies have a private policy of "we would like you not to date, but if you do tell us so the managers can help". This allows the company to have more control. Don't you think its interesting that in the upcoming ep Hyun visited CNBlue's dorm yet we didn't hear any rumors about it? How come we didn't see any airport photos of Yongseo (either individually or together) returning from their Japan trip? So I'm not that surprised that there was no sighting of Hyun in CNBlue's concert.


I don't think we will know 100% if Yongseo is dating just because in Korea, it would be detrimental to the girl reputation and to their idol image. I keep going back and forth as to whether they are in a real relationship. I think what has been happening around them is interesting and I wonder what it all means. The way that all mention of WGM stopped in the middle of Nov They acted in Love concert as if they don't know each other. The way SNSD was so well behaved in inkigayo. Without the fancams in bga we would not have known Hyun's reaction, SNSD teasing and yongseo's interactions. Yong not wearing the ring in public. Hyun and Yong visit to Pusan. I think they all mean something. When Onew said to Yong to "not hurt Hyun's heart" back in July, we wondered what it meant - and it turned out to be the mildang period. About Pusan, I don't think we should expect Yong's parents to make an appearance. I think that if Hyun met Yong's parents it would have been in private. Maybe I'm delusional, but I think that Yong would not have chosen to visit Pusan if they didn't get even closer. I don't think we will get to see them visit Hyun's family. I guess we will have to wait and see.


As we approach Yongseo's 1 year anniversary, I'm beginning to wonder whether they will renew their contract with WGM. About editing, I think that its not all up to the PD. I have a feeling that SME would have stipulated on Hyun's contract that they would be able to see the raw footage and have input on editing. They would be a fool not to do so where skinship are involved and Hyun's image can be damaged.


^^Am I to take from the post above that MC Jake is angry that they cut out his sign on Yongseo's 300 day sign? Because I would have thought he would be pissed if they cut unedited versions that reveal more about the couple - not because of something like that.


Sorry for the long post. A big thanks for the translations, pictures, screencaps, videos and everyone's opinions.



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Guest calculator


This weekend's episode was great.

It's great how they're not just filming for the We Got Married show, but mostly for themselves.

I felt as if the show ended way too fast. :wub:

I cannot wait until the next week's episode.

This couple is brightening the year 2010 and also keeping us warm for this year's Christmas.

I watched this episode many many times and it always seems new to me.

Hoping other goguma fans agree with me on this one.

Early Merry Christmas to all the YongSeo fans!

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Guest K1L1On1Mr4








After watching Yonghwa in WGM and Running man, i believe Yonghwa is a smart guy, he can analyze the situations around him, make some plans, and get advantages from the situations. I believe if by any chance Yong and Hyun really want to make their relationship as the real one, Hyun will let Yonghwa to make up some plan and please not forget that Yonghwa is more than capable to lead Hyun. From this time i choose to believe Yonghwa is making the strong hold for his relationship with Hyun by using WGM. He tried to make as many as memories he could with Hyun so whenever and whereever Hyun is, she will think about Yonghwa. I'm assuming this because there are so many events from ep1 to current episode that so memorable throughout someone's life. Why would he made Love Light and Banmal Song for Hyun? Why did he gave the potato field? He tried his best to make Hyun will not ever forget him in her entire life :)




Forgive me for my gibberish english, many thanks for every subbers, translators, uploaders, reporters, and supporters of this YongSeo couple wub.gif 



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so i'm thinking i might do some caps for this episode, since i havent done it in a long while... i miss the spazzing!
































































































































































































but we'll see what happens.
































































































































































































reason why i'm here thou? because i sort of had a... kick in the stomach? hahaha. well while i was going back to look at the pictures of hyun with her snd unnies and yong with the brother in laws, i noticed something about these certain picutures from the red carpet:
































































































































































































































































































































































































1-yong and hyun are both walking with 2 other people
































































































































































































2-they are of course walking to "the wall"
































































































































































































3-their steps are in sync!
































































































































































































how is it possible that their steps are in sync in a random paparazzi picture?! hahaha :lol: i maybe over analyzing but its too good to be true, right? anyways. i got inspired some from this lame excuse of a thing that popped into my head and so this was the final product:
































































































































































































































































































































































































i wanted to remove jonghyun completely (i do apologize for covering up his beautiful face!) but it didnt look right when i did so i just added some sub text in there. haha. it's not the best, but it was fun making something.
































































































































































































i havent done this in a while, obviously. being the major lurker i am now.
































































































































































































but i hope you guys like it!
































































































































































































have a great day/night everyone!!!!

































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Guest rainie_chu
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just my two cents.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































For the Shin Se Kyung / Jonghyun incident:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In the first place, I don't really think they intended to confirm the relationship. If you notice, the pictures that came with the article were "paparazzi" pictures, it seems like they were taken without the couple's knowledge. I wouldn't think that they would pose that way just to leak the news out. Maybe it's just the "You're Beautiful" fan in me talking, but it kind of reminds me of that episode when Shin Woo (OMG THAT'S YONGHWA SO WEIRD) confessed to dating Go Mi Nam's twin, just so they could explain the weird photo that the snoopy photographer discovered. So I really don't think that when SM admitted the relationship to the public, that is was because SM was getting soft. I think SM admitted the relationship to the public because they had no choice. And I really think they gave Jonghyun hell for that.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































For our couple, I can't say that they could be dating right now, because really, no one knows. I have a feeling that probably one of the things preventing them from dating each other is that they might think it would be too cliche to end up with each other. At this point in time, there are too many outside factors that could affect their relationship- their fans, entertainment companies, other responsibilities, etc. It might even put too much of a strain on their budding romance. So to be quite honest, no, I would rather that they not date right now.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This we know for sure though- they're not seeing anyone outside of the show. To do so would be unfair to the other parties involved. You can't date someone else and pretend to be married to someone else. It's just not ethical.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































That being said, we can be sure that Yong and Hyun are only experiencing all these romantic moments (albeit, hypothetically, "make-believe") with each other. Surely, special feelings can develop. They're only human too, it's impossible not to feel anything. Surely, even if they're not dating each other right now, they've already become special to each other. I even think they've found a friend in each other for life.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What's more crucial now is what happens after the show ends. Because it is going to end, someday (hopefully someday far, far away). Are they going to continue keeping in touch? Will they still share "moments" even when they are not doing the show anymore? I think only then can they start exploring possibilities because then, they would be acting on their own accord, without the "protection" that the show is giving them right now. Right now, if they act all lovey-dovey, they can always pass it off as "for the show". But if in the future, they do decide to actually date, then it's going to be dating as Yonghwa and Joohyun as individuals, not as a make-believe couple.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And that's what I want to happen. Not now when everyone is breathing down their necks. Maybe in the future, when everything is in less ambiguous, when their fans are less murderous, when they're free to make their own decisions. Until then, I hope they get to know each other better and enjoy each other's company because all good relationships are based on priceless friendships.

































































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Guest exceptional.chic








































I'm just about to go back to my dormitory but i just can't leave without watching and spazzing.
























This episode is just as great as the others that made me smile like no other. Skinship was not an issue anymore and I'm glad that they we're able to do that at their own pace. The scenes at the prawn/shrimp resto or so I called it didn't failed me. They were able to tease each other comfortably.
























The song. Ohhh, the song. C'mon its like he's telling the whole world that she loves Hyun. I can't wait for the song to be out soon. It would sell millions. :)
























Yes, it is really hard to know if they are dating right now or not. Everything else around them are so not in good condition for them to date. You see, all those fans, their agency and their careers. I believe they are contacting each other. Well, at least, right? Loving each other secretly. :wub::wub:
























If the time comes that they'll be dating maybe in the future but i guess not now, then cheers to us, gogumas!









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Guest WendyLoveSoshi




[NEWS][12.13.10] Seohyun Voted For Someone Who Owns A ''High Class Nose''




Girls' Generation's Maknae has been chosen to have ''High Class Nose'' Among girl groups. The Poll started from 28 November To 8 December and within 10 days, 781 Voters participated in the poll to choose ''Which Girl Group Member has a ''High Class Nose''.  In the end. Girls' Generation Seohyun Claimed First Place With a total of' 368 Votes. (47.1%) f(x) member Sulli claimed second place with a total of 201 votes. (25.7%) T-ara's Hyomin Claimed 3rd with 187 Votes. (23.9%) A Makeover teacher said: ''After this poll  we can understand who has the high class nose among people. First place is Taeyeon. She's jade white skin, big eyes and V lines. These features added up with her nose became Seohyun's face. Seohyun's not only have a good nose,  It also gives people a good impression of her. Sulli and Hyomin also has noses that people admire.




(Not Related: This Part Omitted)




Credits: 小六 @ Baidu


Translated To English By: WendyLoveSoshi@SoNyuhShiDaeNews/ Soompi



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Guest gogumaforever
































































































































































































Does anyone have screencap/ fancam of KOREAN-CHINA KAYO FESTIVAL? it was broadcast last night i guess. 






























































































































































































































































SNSD and CN BLUE both performed.






























































































































































































































































Please post some link/ pics... :( :(:(































































































































































































































































































































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wow... aisuo, crystalblue, otty, cailel, rainy_chu ... ur posts are DAEBAK!!! if only i could write such posts but my mind isn't as articulate as u guys' to do so *sigh*

but i still wanna say something after reading all those daebak posts... -.-" i agree with u guys that during the mildang period, yong was very much shocked by hyun's gift & the feelings that he felt from her & also from himself... but in the end, his feelings overcame his thoughts (thank God!). from what i see in all the eps after the birthday trip is that, yongseo were like waiting for each other. it seems like they've been waiting to see whether they should move forward with the relationship that they have right now. i'm sure they're going with the flow that they've put themselves into as of now. and i know for sure that they've thought about the time when their WGM contracts would end... how would it be for them both after WGM. IDKW, but i've a feeling that even after WGM... yongseo could very well be doing what they've been doing all these while since they're already accustomed to each other. they're somewhat an unofficial couple in real life. who knows, when WGM ends... they could be friends with an "intention". what i mean by intention is that sometimes when u like someone, u start of as a friend 1st right. so yeah... with that kinda intention ;) AND they won't be just normal friends kekekeek! and i think i kinda know part of the reasons why yong is very close to simon D! simon D is yong's guru to having a secret relationship! xD yahhh i hope he'll teach yong well!!! gahhh pls forgimme for the rambling of words...

btw, i think at that time when hyun was recording for that MV with lotsa artists (she was close with luna) gahhh i forgot what MV was that... it was filmed in October right? and she was spotted wearing the butterfly necklace! could that be filmed after their daebak goguma harvest??? :w00t:

panGG!!!! yahhh girl! i was planning to be a major lurker too but look at me now...FAILED!! but who knows i will too soon :P but jyeahhh those pics... sharped-eyed-panGG u are!

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Guest full-of-love

so i'm thinking i might do some caps for this episode, since i havent done it in a long while... i miss the spazzing!

but we'll see what happens.

reason why i'm here thou? because i sort of had a... kick in the stomach? hahaha. well while i was going back to look at the pictures of hyun with her snd unnies and yong with the brother in laws, i noticed something about these certain picutures from the red carpet:

http://img842.imageshack.us/img842/9761/2010120920251710021.jpg http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/6506/64138510.jpg

1-yong and hyun are both walking with 2 other people

2-they are of course walking to "the wall"

3-their steps are in sync!

how is it possible that their steps are in sync in a random paparazzi picture?! hahaha :lol: i maybe over analyzing but its too good to be true, right? anyways. i got inspired some from this lame excuse of a thing that popped into my head and so this was the final product:

i wanted to remove jonghyun completely (i do apologize for covering up his beautiful face!) but it didnt look right when i did so i just added some sub text in there. haha. it's not the best, but it was fun making something.

i havent done this in a while, obviously. being the major lurker i am now.

but i hope you guys like it!

have a great day/night everyone!!!!

oh i also wanted to add something in from panGG info lol... They also have the same hair color. Don't you guys think it's weird that whenever Yong hair changes color, soon after Huyn changes her hair color too??? :phew: They some how just end up being a like one way or another. Is this chemistry or what?

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Guest kudougirl






Fantaken picture of Girls' Generation's official 2011 calendar



Hyun with guitar again. phew.gif




is this posted already? sorry if it is happy.gif



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Guest Crystal392










I haven't had much time to spazz with all of you today :ph34r: but I just saw this screencaps at dcmarried and I HAD to post them here hehehe :)

























~One sunny afternoon...~








































~After a couple of months...~






























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Guest Revelmonk




  In the pictures above you could tell yonghwa really wanted skinship, but knowing how hyun was not ready for it he took it slow(very smart guy).



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Guest crystalblue


Man, all I would like to say right now is I LOVE your post lulu2 and I think it's worth much much more than two cents!!! Ok, so now in order not to get red minuses due to a short posting, I need to S-T-R-E-TC-H this out right? Oh and I also think this thread has a ton of villagers that are brilliant, thought provoking, caring and respectful. It's amazing what we have in common in our thinking and how our differences are entertaining to read and at times, educational as well. Thank you to translators ( I love you the most hahaha) and everyone who shares. Why can't politicians be more like us???


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Guest constantia11




Ohhhhhhh!! How I miss this thread so much. I'm stuck in a place with a very slow internet connection and almost no phone signal. And I will be here for another 4 months!!!! :tears:

Neways, I managed to get out during my long weekend breaks to downtown and got a better connection and look what I found???!! The thread moved so fast because of the heartwarming and lovely episodes.

I watched the last 3 episodes in a rush and was awestruck with the development uri couple has reached so far.

I was grinning from ears to ears and even laughing and gasping and reasonable enough, made some people in the cafe looked at me like I was crazy.


Some things I love from the last episode:

- the way Yong naturally offers to link arm and suddenly grabs Hyun's hand, as if they have done it million times

- the way they mentioned each other names after made a sentence during their walk towards the restaurant. I found it quite intimate and it made me giddy.

- Yong's voice when he serenade Hyun with his new composed song. The song is so damn good and the way they look each other is so adorable. Hyun always looks amazed and proud everytime Yong sings. I can't blame her coz I also feel that way about him. He is such a talented guy.


I can't wait to see the final product of the song they composed. I'm sure it will be a hit.

I really want to post some more things, but I have to go back to work.


One final thing:








Thats's all I can say for now. I don't know when I will be back to this Goguma HEaven. Keep up the spirit guys!





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Guest lovekin


eh.  i don't want to keep beating a dead horse, considering a lot of other people here have brought up good points ... but here i go, anyway.  behind a cut because i do kind of ... it's not entirely positive, but it's not negative either.  i think it's somewhere conveniently in the middle.






as far as the rings are concerned, i have really stopped paying attention to when they wear them.  i'm almost bemused by how many fans place so much emphasis on whether yong or seo wears their rings because it isn't indicative of anything, especially when they're not.  the only thing you'll end up with is false agitation when there's no need for it.




i happen to have a practical standpoint to this and, as such, disagree with mrsjokerdon't misunderstand; she does present a good theory, but it's a huge assumption to think that C.N.BLUE and SNSD's fan following will speculate that wearing the ring = they must be dating (at least i felt this was implicated; sorry if this wasn't the intended message).  if you want to see it that way, you can obviously choose to do so.  for me, that's a hefty jump.  yes, the latest episodes have been mushy, but it's no reason to give up wearing the ring.




in fact, i feel that it would raise more alarms if they stopped wearing the rings.  why?  because they're on WGM.  i think people have a set expectation that their ring is significant to the show, and it plays on these fans' imaginations that it's "fake."  for all intents on purposes, let's assume that yong and seo are interested in pursuing something outside of WGM.  the best logic would be to continue wearing their rings, so that their respective fan bases are convinced that they still have some ties to the show.  if they stopped wearing it, it's not at all uncommon for their devoted fans to assume reverse psychology at play (e.g., "because we're not wearing our rings, our fans will think we're doing it to throw them off our trail").  however, like mrsjoker stated, it can just as easily be interpreted the other way around (e.g., "because we're not wearing our rings, fans will be thrown off our trail").




my opinion, however, is of the former possibility.  couple that with the amount of interaction they have off-set, and it really does make you wonder.  a relationship isn't always hindered by an object.  (although i'd personally love to see them wearing it off-set, whether or not they're "together," because seo did take the initiative to have them applied in silver and customizing the size.  i don't think their rings have to have any romantic symbolization for either of them to continue wearing it long after they've parted – literally or figuratively.)





i had some things to say about the latest episode, but i got too lazy to go into detail.  suffice it to say, i:




- loved every minute of it


- cannot get over the hands-in-pocket scene




however, unlike a lot of people who seem to be spazzing over said scene, i actually liked it when they were flirting.  and i'm not talking about the actual skinship that occurred between them while they were playing around (though that was cute too), but it was the sheer comfort between them that had me grinning for ages.  it felt like the moment they sat down, silence was nearly non-existent, if not entirely, and that's what i'm always hoping for between them.  and should there be silence (like on the beach when they're basking in the pretty moonlight), it should be comfortable.




but anyway, i probably had more to go on, but i can't remember it anymore.  however!




i have meta coming up soon, once i write it all up!  i find it rather interesting, because it's supposed to be this whole essay thing that i really put a lot of thought into and brings up this main point that i haven't seen yet (knock on wood), and you guys might get a kick out of it.  maybe!  the stuff i find interesting seems to be subjective so yeah.  sweatingbullets.gif




and also, rainie_chu, i love your post!  which probably isn't saying much, but i know it's not something i say very often eithertongue.gif


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Guest kuroPii








































































































































































the whole ring situation: honestly, i do still pay attention to whether or not they wear their rings [it's become more of a habit for me everytime i see one or the other..] however, i do believe that they are not in any way obligated to wear those rings 24/7.
























































































































































anyways, on to this past weeks episode. as everyone else has said before me, totally DAEBAKK!
























































































































































so much happened in this episode and every second of it was precious!
























































































































































my favorite scenes would have to be: them walking on the beach, yong offers his arm, hyun grabs onto it, but he was already planning on grabbing a hold of her hand, he just didnt wanna do it directly. ^^
























































































































































the scene where they're teasing each other while they feed each other. i personally LOVE situations like these. i enjoy doing them myself, & it's not even with a significant other. so to watch THEM do it themselves was just pure awesomeness for me!
























































































































































there was A LOT of skinship in this episode, and i can only hope it improves/continues with our future episodes to come. hyun has finally decided to come out of her shell and show herself to yonghwa without being so, defensive?
























































































































































& with her doing that, yong is finally able to actually show his full potential on the show.
























































































































































this couple is definitely my favorite. i dont think i loved a wgm couple this much since our lettuce couple [joongbo] from season one. this couple is so real to me, none of that overly excessive cute stuff like khun & vic do [even though i've sworn khun to be MY idol hubby.. >.< ] they just dont cut it like our yongseo couple does.
























































































































































i look forward to seeing their progression in the future episodes. (:
























































































































































saturday, please come faster! xD









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