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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































omg.... so it's yongseo's 300th day!!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































man time flys fast!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































remember the time when these two just met and seohuyn said he is a gogu-burger?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































because he said he liked taeyeon out of snsd?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































remember when how awkward the car ride was on the first day they met?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































now look at them now!! (:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































especially how seohyun has grown!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and how patient and funny yonghwa is!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i know a perfect couple when i see one! ahahaah
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but yeahhhh.... time flys huh?! and in a little more than two more months it will be their ONE YEAR!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































omg!!! ahhhh!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i cant wait for mc jake's tweet tomorrow!! i bet this episode is going to be daebeak!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i mean look at the preview!!! (:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cant wait for the next episode!!! Saturday come sooner!!!

































































































































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Guest papapak

Happy 300 yongseo days..

my first time post in here i am ajumma fan from thailand.

i really love them.. and happy sooo much when looking at them to be together.

i wish they will have a happy life untill long life together not just only fake married.

i can feel how much they are so warm for each other..

happy and happy guguma ,sweet potato couple...

again Happy 300 yongseo days


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Guest toomuchsmiling




i tweeted MC jake for our #YongSeo300 trending.


He's so nice to have retweeted it!!! <3


As much as i was baffled, and too happy about it. I was able to compose myself and thanked him too! haha! and he tweeted back! awwwwww..... :wub:Rockstars are such SOFTIES! hehe.






awww lenovo!!! hahaha, as much as these rockers would like to have us BELIEVE they're all hardcore, I think they may (and maybe this counts only towards korea lol) be the biggest hearts on the planet. :lol:




baby_bo- such lovely fanarts!! :lol: thanks for sharing!!! ;D










:wub:~HAPPY 300TH DAY YONGSEO!!!!!!!!~:wub:





Somebody contact the PD님!!! it's time for a WEDDING PHOTOSHOOOOOT!!!!! B) hahaha, i wonder if the PD is waiting til they've been a couple for year?!! please say it ain't so!!!! HAS TO, I SAY IT AGAIN, HAS TO!!!!! ~BE SOONER!!!!!


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It's their 300th DAY!?!?







I can't believe that I've been watching these two for so long!







Cheers to our Goguma couple and their happiness!! May they never stop making eyeships at each other and always walk in-sync!!





















I have so many paper and exams... ugh.







It's Tuesday in Korea, right? I'm not sure about their schedules, but don't they usually meet on Tuesdays?














I wonder what they'll do to celebrate it?














to celebrate the YONGSEO's special day !!! (also an excuse for me to procrastinate writing a paper) my favorite picture of them:












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OMYGOD! i am so late!!!!
































































































i have been so MIA i did not realize what today was!
































































































happy 300th day yongseo!!!!!!!!!!!!
































































































oh this makes me so happy :wub::w00t:;):):P:D:lol:
































































































































































































well i would like to thank YONGSEO for being the most awesome people ever and because of them i've met wonderful people in this thread. to everyone, you know who you are, thanks and much love *HUGS!!!!!*
































































































too bad nothing to share right now, maybe i'll run and go do something quick! (i just got my laptop back from my sister i've been T.T all week long~~~)

















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Fellow gogumas,



Please allow me to apologize for the translated article I put up here earlier. I decided to delete the contents as I was notified by a fellow goguma that the source of the original article was not verified to be an accurate or truthful account.



I'm very sorry for getting you guys all hyped up with an article which seemed to be made up after all :tears:


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Guest Kerube-Chan
















































































@Jajay Thank you so much for sharing!!! OMG my eyes are full of tears, It is totally inexplicable, but I have to accept, that the goguma couple simply makes my life more happy!!!
































































They have come so far, I am so proud of them... I want to kiss this staff member of MBC for sharing this!!!
































































Best 300 day news!!! Again Jajay a million thanks to you!!!
































































Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas, I love you all!!!
































































P.D. I am really crying, maybe I am a little hormonal. Sorry for that...
































































Edit: I cant go without saying...
































































































































Edit: Now I have "Teenage Dream" on repeat... I am so frigging happy!!! Maybe I am more sentimental because I was doing a marathon of my favorite parts... kekekeke I am really happy!!!









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Fellow gogumas,
































































YongSeo BTS diary (by a temporary WGM staff on 6/12/10):
































































Note: The write of this note is a temporary staff in the WGM team filling in for his/her friend. The major job duty is to take care of the apartment in Sangdo-dong.
































































After sorting out the pictures I went to check out some books. Amongst them there were three of which SH gave to YH, and SH wrote on the first page of all of them. “Even though oppa doesn’t have the habit of reading now, as time goes by, the lives of those who read and those who doesn’t will be different, so please keep up the reading to realize your dream” How can a 20 year old girl have such profound thoughts? On another one she wrote “ Hope you will share and discuss this with your brothers, it will help with your lyric writing.” But to this YH replied “No, I will read it by myself “ ^^ So far SH has already given more than 10 books to YH.
































































Since SH likes to decorate the house, YH will always get what SH likes whenever he goes overseas. The heart-shaped décor piece in the kitchen is a handmade piece by SH herself.
































































The couple has become a lot closer after the Japan episode. Whatever jokes YH cracks, SH will accept them, so people around are saying that SH is more and more like YH now…^^ There are two WGM writers who are especially fond of Goguma couple… Once during a meeting Yong cracked a really childish joke, to which the writers replied “How can you be so childish~~!” But SH smiled and said “What’s so childish about it?! It’s really funny!” During the meeting, it was mainly YH who gave the ideas and SH has not once objected and always respected YH’s opinions.
































































YH’s wearing of the couple ring during the YAB photoshoot had touched a lot of goguma fans. As for SH, she was asked to take off the ring during a shoot, but she persistently refused… Both are very serious about their commitment, what a lovely couple~~!
































































I was smiling and feeling fuzzy inside as I translated this. I hope it'll make your day too! :wub:































































































































Hi fellow Gogumas! Was a lurker here for the longest time until I saw the post above and just HAD to reply ! And because today's a holiday for me. :P
































































Anyways, the letter that was written by the staff was so adorable! I especially love the part where Seohyun refused to take off her ring for the shoot. :))
































































































































1. Very sorry [quote name='jajay' I cut your post cos didn't want mine to be too long.
































































2. I wasn't really into the couple as I thought Seohyun was a bit too boring (don't throw gogumas at me just yet) but everything changed when I watched the Horror Special. I watched it for Khuntoria but after the episode I never looked back, it's Goguma Couple all the way now. She has transformed from this awkward little girl to someone who matches Yonghwa alomst in every sense. It's very cute to watch.

































































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Fellow gogumas,




To celebrate the 300th day anniversary, I would like to share this heartwarming gift with you all. All credits to Baidu Goguma forum!




YongSeo BTS diary (by a temporary WGM staff on 6/12/10):




The Hallyu concert was a huge event, so SH was a bit nervous that morning when they had to prepare for it. Although Yongwha was absent, SH still had lunch with her CN bros-in-law. She seemed to have gotten quite close to them that day… when YH came back from his rehearsal , the bros-in-law called SH “Hyuuuun~” to which YH said “ You guys have to call her SeoHyun” but JungShin replied “We’re closer to her than you are^^”








:tears: Poor Yong, no wonder he's so sensitive about that. But don't worry, she wanted to get closer to them to get closer to you... :wub:




Thank you so much jajay for bringing this over. And thank you to all who have shared their really awesome artwork with the rest of us! I'm sorry I'm not very artistic, but I would still like to wish the.cutest.couple.ever a very






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Guest baby_bo
















































Fellow gogumas,
































To celebrate the 300th day anniversary, I would like to share this heartwarming gift with you all. All credits to Baidu Goguma forum!
































YongSeo BTS diary (by a temporary WGM staff on 6/12/10):
































Note: The write of this note is a temporary staff in the WGM team filling in for his/her friend. The major job duty is to take care of the apartment in Sangdo-dong.
































First we dropped by the TV station, then rode the staff car to Sangdo-dong. On the way there was the supermarket goguma couple visited in the episode where they made soup. At the shop front a sign was posted that said “Goguma couple was here.”
































The owner of the apartment is actually a fan of SeoHyun, and that’s why the WGM team decided to settle there as they have no idea how long they need the place for filming.
































Went up to the 2nd floor, and saw that the fridge was left open with some food and beverages inside. The living room is the same as what’s seen on TV. The bedroom was filled with presents from fans, sorted according to origin of countries and neatly stored inside the drawers. It’s Seohyun’s idea to arrange it that way and Yongwha helped out.
































Since Seohyun had always lived in the hostel, she treasures the very first home she owns at 20 years old. Remember the episode of Happy Together with SNSD where the MC jokingly said that SH will bring the presents she won to her home? That home is actually referring to the apartment at Sangdo-dong ^^ that's because SH actually always secretly bring her stuff from her hostel to their apartment without her unnies knowing… There are a lot of pictures at their home, and a lot were taken with CN Blue during their Hallyu concert.
































The Hallyu concert was a huge event, so SH was a bit nervous that morning when they had to prepare for it. Although Yongwha was absent, SH still had lunch with her CN bros-in-law. She seemed to have gotten quite close to them that day… when YH came back from his rehearsal , the bros-in-law called SH “Hyuuuun~” to which YH said “ You guys have to call her SeoHyun” but JungShin replied “We’re closer to her than you are^^”
































After sorting out the pictures I went to check out some books. Amongst them there were three of which SH gave to YH, and SH wrote on the first page of all of them. “Even though oppa doesn’t have the habit of reading now, as time goes by, the lives of those who read and those who doesn’t will be different, so please keep up the reading to realize your dream” How can a 20 year old girl have such profound thoughts? On another one she wrote “ Hope you will share and discuss this with your brothers, it will help with your lyric writing.” But to this YH replied “No, I will read it by myself “ ^^ So far SH has already given more than 10 books to YH.
































Since SH likes to decorate the house, YH will always get what SH likes whenever he goes overseas. The heart-shaped décor piece in the kitchen is a handmade piece by SH herself.
































The couple has become a lot closer after the Japan episode. Whatever jokes YH cracks, SH will accept them, so people around are saying that SH is more and more like YH now…^^ There are two WGM writers who are especially fond of Goguma couple… Once during a meeting Yong cracked a really childish joke, to which the writers replied “How can you be so childish~~!” But SH smiled and said “What’s so childish about it?! It’s really funny!” During the meeting, it was mainly YH who gave the ideas and SH has not once objected and always respected YH’s opinions.
































YH’s wearing of the couple ring during the YAB photoshoot had touched a lot of goguma fans. As for SH, she was asked to take off the ring during a shoot, but she persistently refused… Both are very serious about their commitment, what a lovely couple~~!
































From what I heard, among the 3 couples, the working atmosphere is the best with YongSeo couple^^ We can expect more sweet goguma moments in the future!
































Happy 300th day anniversary to the Goguma couple ~~~~ ^*^
































I was smiling and feeling fuzzy inside as I translated this. I hope it'll make your day too! :wub:































































Wow those heartshaped designs was actually made by seohyun?? kyah! that's awesome. everyone complimented the apartment decorator for that but didn't realize it was actually SH who made it!! super cool :)
































































jajay, thank you so much for sharing and translating the staff account. YOu surely made every goguma's day :) kahmsahamnida :D

















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Guest SophiaPia










OMG! jajay thanks so much. I'm really touched reading this. I love it to pieces. LOVE LOVE LOVE. Imagine i'm always wishing YongSeo will be real. But little as i know SH and YH are real. From decorating the couple haus, from bringing stuff in the couple haus, from the couple RING. wow! this is not imaginary thingy. Hubby Yong and wife SeoHyun put all real effort here. real feelings, real them. This is real yeah baby!












Wife SeoHyun decorating the haus. Bringing stuff in the haus kekeke! i thought bring it to the dorm but she's talking about YongSeo haus hahaha! So, all the gifts from the fans are in their couple haus wow!. loads of photos in there that we didn't see. Hahaha! she's bringing more stuff from her dorm to couple haus w/o her unnies knowing hahaha! . We only saw 4 books i think that she gave to hubby Yong but it says 10 books already. wow! Wife seo wants him to share it to the blue member but hubby Yong wants to read it by himself hahaha! 






edit: and that message from wife Hyun in the books. How can a 20 yr old has such a profound thoughts then HUBBY YONG DON'T WANT TO SHARE IT TO members kekeke! also wife and bro in law had lunch (which we didnt see it edit out already or private lunch during 200th day duet). i guess hubby Yong lil jealous kekeke!






edit again: pls. jajay there's another staff acct at baidu, hope u can translate it again, its about what seohyun wrote on the pics that she took with cnblue at the duet concert. it's in chinese i think. Thanks
























wife SeoHyun now close to bro in law but looks like hubby Yong CALL HER SEOHYUN hahaha still lil jealous hahaha! Jungshin chingu we're closer than u are comment hahaha!






Yes! that RING really has a significant meaning to YongSeo yeah baby! that RING is LOVE. CHEERS 






kekeke! the fashionable owner is seoHyun fan :) 



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Guest quisty86
















jajay - what you shared has made my day soooo much better. I'm not kidding. It's my belief to always try to make myself happy before sleep and you did it for me tonight! 








Reading the diary, it makes perfect sense why Yonghwa is actually very affected of how Hyun interacts with the CNBlue members. There's alot going on behind the scenes that somehow the consequences find their way in front of the camera. Jungshin chingoo, don't tease your hyung like that. I wonder how hurt must Yonghwa be when he heard that even if it was meant as a joke only.








And decorating the house? Bringing stuff secretly into their house? 








I'm going to stick by my feeling. WGM is just a front for this couple's emerging feelings hahahaha. 10 books Hyun? Really? How many did we see in broadcast? How many of those were "private life" gifts? :) 








PDnims, please buy Seohyun a piano so the couple can enjoy their music together. 








Happy 300!








Speaking of ring - even at that wedding where Yong and Jong sand Lovelight (I giggled at the whistles/woots of the people during the rap part), I think Caliope shared the picture, the ring was shining. The rings mean so much than just their REEL relationship. 








PS I wonder if theyre using their bank account? :)





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Guest glennpaulo








Thank you for sharing it. I'm very happy while reading it. Although we didn't get the worldwide trending topic 


for our 300 yongseo couple celebration. but they give us a wonderful writings in return. 


I'm quite dissapointed why there's no philippine in the tweeter trending countries. I have a feeling that Yongseo's is trending here in our country..


I'm also hopiing that PD-nim will give us an unseen footage of yongseo couple.. 


HAPPY 300th day Anniversary for our YongSeo couple!!!



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hello gogumas..






HAPPY 3O0TH DAYS ANNIVERSARRY TO YONGSEO...and i want to thank this couple for always bringing smile to me..






for making my heart feel young always ( though im at my forties already kekeke..)and for being a good example






to young generation now. Seohyun is every mother dreams daughter in law, so i hope that my son will find






someone ( though not as perfect as her ..but..) like her.. Yonghwa is every mother dream son, like me who has






2 sons as well, how i wish tothat my sons will have a touch of his talent, wits, dedication.















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Guest lovekin


S O S:  unsure.gif






okay, this is not my normal posting pattern at all.  and i feel bad for having to even pose this question with it being the 300th day and right after jajay posted what should be a pick-me-up, amazing article.  unfortunately, i'm feeling a little under the weather and extremely sensitive to even the slightest indication that WGM is first and foremost a business (e.g., i interpreted what the writer said about yong/seo insisting on wearing their respective rings as a "commitment" to their job than something they attribute to one another).




which is weird, isn't it?  i typically take these little things in stride, and i'm usually the first one to agree that it is a job (provided that i also try and contradict it with something positive in favor of yongseo).  and while i am a realist, i know when to overlook insignificant details and when not to read too much into something.  but i want to be able to appreciate the goguma couple and be delusional [right now], if you will.




that being said, are there any articles/interviews/proof that you can recall in the past that would suggest whatever yong and seo have is real?  i'm not saying they have to prove they're dating (because while it would be cute, i just don't think it's feasible with their individual popularity and idol status), just that there is some interest on both their parts that isn't merely platonic.  and nothing on "eye-ships," please.  while i do believe in meaningful gazes, and i think yong and seo do share them every once in a while, i am actually of the belief some creative editing goes into it.





thank you, jajay~  if not for my reason behind my post, i think i'd be melting into puddle among the rest of you.  however, i will say that i believe the WGM crew really do love the goguma couple.  i know it said the writers are particularly fond of them, but i'm sure the adoration isn't limited to them.  adam and khuntoria are equally lovable, but there is something about yongseo that stands out, even if their popularity (in comparison to the other two) isn't really on the same wavelength.


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Guest Revelmonk




S O S:  unsure.gif






okay, this is not my normal posting pattern at all.  and i feel bad for having to even pose this question with it being the 300th day and right after jajay posted what should be a pick-me-up, amazing article.  unfortunately, i'm feeling a little under the weather and extremely sensitive to even the slightest indication that WGM is first and foremost a business (e.g., i interpreted what the writer said about yong/seo insisting on wearing their respective rings as a "commitment" to their job than something they attribute to one another).




which is weird, isn't it?  i typically take these little things in stride, and i'm usually the first one to agree that it is a job (provided that i also try and contradict it with something positive in favor of yongseo).  and while i am a realist, i know when to overlook insignificant details and when not to read too much into something.  but i want to be able to appreciate the goguma couple and be delusional [right now], if you will.




that being said, are there any articles/interviews/proof that you can recall in the past that would suggest whatever yong and seo have is real?  i'm not saying they have to prove they're dating (because while it would be cute, i just don't think it's feasible with their individual popularity and idol status), just that there is some interest on both their parts that isn't merely platonic.  and nothing on "eye-ships," please.  while i do believe in meaningful gazes, and i think yong and seo do share them every once in a while, i am actually of the belief some creative editing goes into it.





thank you, jajay~  if not for my reason behind my post, i think i'd be melting into puddle among the rest of you.  however, i will say that i believe the WGM crew really do love the goguma couple.  i know it said the writers are particularly fond of them, but i'm sure the adoration isn't limited to them.  adam and khuntoria are equally lovable, but there is something about yongseo that stands out, even if their popularity (in comparison to the other two) isn't really on the same wavelength.








I think as outsiders looking in it is very hard to determine where they are in their relationship(ie: do they feel that they are in a real relationship but just going through the motions of filming for wgm and if they do not feel they are in a real relationship how far they will go once wgm has ended.) 




Personally I saw some good signs from the fan account for example : Once during a meeting Yong cracked a really childish joke, to which the writers replied “How can you be so childish~~!” But SH smiled and said “What’s so childish about it?! It’s really funny!”




Another ex: when seohyun said “ Hope you will share and discuss this with your brothers, it will help with your lyric writing.” But to this YH replied “No, I will read it by myself “




As for the fan account of them refusing to take off their couple rings, this can be an example of how someone can word things badly and make it seem like yonghwa and seohyun are only wearing the rings for their job. I personally believe the rings mean alot to each other since they both care about each other so much, irregardless of whether they are a real couple or not. If it is only a wgm job it would be much easier to take the ring off especially for another job they have to do after all they are professionals.


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Guest Crystal392










Hiiiiiiiiii everyone! I should be sleeping right now but I wanted to say: happy 300 day anniversary Goguma Couple!!! :D






I am sure they had lots of fun today, and if they are still filming that they will keep having fun :P






Thanks to all Gogumas for sharing amazing translations, pics, links and everything ^^






YongSeo jjang <3






Cant wait for next Saturday :P



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Guest Kerube-Chan








































































edit again: pls. jajay there's another staff acct at baidu, hope u can translate it again, its about what seohyun wrote on the pics that she took with cnblue at the duet concert. it's in chinese i think. Thanks





































































































































































































































































































































Another Fan account, please if someone could help!!!
































































































































About your comment, this is the point in wich the only thing that is left for us is believe it or not.
































































It can be resume into that. As far as I remember there have never been any situation in wich they have given a hint of anything (I refer to spoke about it).
































































But for me, their interactions, reactions and behavior in WGM and other shows (when the subject is brought up) speaks volumes of their situation. Remember what happened to YH in NAN (Yonghwa at NAN)
































































In the end, this is a really complicated matter for them, their careers are in the line and pressure from their companies, fans, groups members, etc. can complicate things more.
































































What is left for us, is keep supporting them as a couple and in their group or individual careers.
































































From my part, I choose to believe they have real feelings for each other. Hope they realize how lucky they are for been able to meet a person that complete and understand the other so well. And pray for their health and to see them together in the future, better if they are a couple, but if they end up been just very good friends I will totally respect that.
































































Edit: All the things I mentioned are intagible things, and I know you want something tangible, but in the end we just have to believe and be ok with the 20 minutes we get to see each week. Imagine that, 12 hours of filming represents 720 minutos, we get to see 2 or 3 episodes from the same day... The only thing we see is just 10% of their time together, the things that could happen!!! Well this is my personal opinion only.
































































Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas!!! I love you all!!!









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Hi GOGUMA NATION smile.gif























And to all the goguma shippers out there lets face it this is as much our anniversary as it is theres, don't get me wrong I'm not trying to take away from Young & Hyun the importance of this day. But i can't help but feel that we (or ME) are in this relationship too. Its crazy w00t.gif I cant believe that I am totally obsesses with these two individuals who as a whole is total DYNAMITE. So cheers to LOVE wub.gif






















This is my first post here, bean a lurker for months. I couldn't keep silent any more,love this forum and every ones comments.




You guys don't know how HAPPY your comments have made me TODAY. This is my face as I am typing biggrin.gif thanks to u guys I've bean dancing and singing all day. Love Love Love.












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Guest K1L1On1Mr4








OMG, many thanks to jajay for your super duper sweet post. Even tough i'm a man but your post about uri YongSeo really touched deep within my heart. I'm being so melancholic now :P




They're really treasure each other, hopefully it will lead them to real relationship we've been dreaming of. Happy 300th day anniversary for YongSeo, i do really love both of you wub.gif




Group hugs for all Go-Chun villagers, keep sharing and keep making peace in this world wub.gif 



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