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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Okay, I've translated husband's message to wife and wife's message to husband!

Yonghwa: My wife, you're really awesome. You're pretty and even good at studying. Because you're very upright, I would set a good example as well~ You've influenced me to read enthusiastically, and thank you for the beneficial drinks you've made for me. Though your culinary skills are not superb, I'm very touched by your intentions and sincerity~ There are some things that I can't bring myself to tell you, so my wife, if you get too close with other men (including 2AM's Jinwoon), I will get jealous~ Do you know that?

Seohyun: My husband, to me, you're so amazing. You always give in to me, and you give me a sense of security. You're also playful and humourous, never failing to make me laugh. When you're with me, I feel that time passes by very quickly. I love your music, and I admire your talents~ But you don't have to accommodate me about everything all the time, okay? I'll look foward to the day you would be frank and honest about your feelings with me! :)

The other 2 couples wrote messages to their partners as well, and our Yongseo wrote the longest message for each other. Kekeke!

Can goguma FBIs interpret when did they get interviewed about this?

It feels recent to me, and I can totally sense their love for each other LOL:wub:

Also, I just realised that there's a SNSD poster included in the magazine! Our Seobaby's so gorgeous. B)



zealous, I hope they bring CNBLUE here too!! I'm desperate to see Yongseo right in front of my own eyes~

oceanprince unnie! Good luck to your papers, hwaiting ok!!

Yeah, they should give us potatoes on soompi some priority seats kekeke.

So, are we gonna hold another goguma meeting in Singapore again? Yay! :)

Its so sweet! But whats with the percentage thing on the magazine? I saw some 75% and 83%. It wasn't very clear and the words were small so i couldn't read it. And can you perhaps translate the messages of the other couples? I want to compare it. keke       Hope goguma couple last long, until hey are 100 years old :D

www.wonderfulgeneration.net   :) I really love it. They are very loving and it also has eng suns. Enjoy :D

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Guest blueeye
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































wow, it's thursday already, and 2 more days to 34th episode. these busan filming news makes our Saturday feels like come faster, eh? :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































by the way, happy 295 days yongseo!! keke,, just want to remind you guys again about yongseo 300th day next Monday on December 7th, right?.... :D































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































another by the way, may i ask, is there any updates about the 300th i love yongseo project?
































































































































































































































































































































































































thanks in advance. :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































yongseo fighting! gogumas fighting!:)

































































































































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Good morning/night Gogumas!! Thank u a lot for the newest goodies, our YongSeo is amazing!! Holding hands? Time in home??? Necklace? I can´t wait to see that episode!!!
































Thanks for the pic of Korean Chinese festival, hope qe can get fancams ^^. I only can see Jungshin in the picture hahahaha, I´m blind ^^.
































I found this, PATi☆ACT Volume 06 - Keywords, Code name blue interview for a magazine. Even when there is nothing directly related to Seo hyun I found some ineresting stuff.
































[change] If you’re born again, as what do you want to be born?
































Yonghwa: Once again I myself of now              (myself of NOW?, he seems very happy,  isn´t he?)
































[back] If you can go back to past, what time do you want to go to?
































Yonghwa: Past is past, I want to think about the future.            (well said :rolleyes:)
































[bad] Who is the most innocent person?
































Minhyuk: Yonghwa
































[boom] What have you fallen into now?
































Yonghwa: Composing and writing lyric                (yeah, we know who is your inspiration lately)
































[lady] What’s your favorite behavior or face expression of women?
































Yonghwa: Smiling face
































[love] What time do you like most?
































Jonghyun: 23:30. I heard at that time, people have a dim consciousness and concentration and judgment are declined.
































(that is Psy line right? I think someone really paid atention to certain advices).
































[eat] What food have you fallen into now?































































Yonghwa: Doinjang Jjigae (Soy bean stew) (is this what Sebaby makes for him?):wub:









































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Hi fellow gogumas...




















Looks like everything is happy here especially with the news and photos of Busan filming. Thank you 2 all for sharing.










Hmm... this is what I think. WGM is just a big cover up for YongSeo. Why? Well, if you really think about it, if they do have feelings for each other, how could they take it to the next level? They are both famous celebrities, and they have to consider the feelings of their own fans, respected companies and other issues. Moreover, they are busy with their own schedule that it's impossible for them to meet up or date freely or comfortably outside the filming of WGM. So they're being clever and take WGM filming as the time to really get to know & date each other happy.gif (or at least that what I hope for *sigh*). That way, there would be no uproars or unpleasant comments thrown towards them (as in shinee's member's case) as they can always use'work' as an excuse (please don't kill me with this 'work' comment gogumas) when at heart they are actually happy to meet & date biggrin.gif










YongSeo has so many supporters like us gogumas, their members, their managers & of course the whole staff of WGM.They're happy to get these two beautiful people together and take them to certain places (Japan trip, goguma field, Busan trip) so that they could have a nice date. (thank U PDnim & crews) smile.gifPages back someone (sorry I could not remember you) said their managers are being trained to cover up YongSeo 'dating situations'. Well maybe the WGM staff are giving helping hands to them also. Recently they were filming in Busan. Now... that's another step taken to the next level. Will it be possible for Yong to take Hyun back to Busan if there's no WGM? Well, I think it'll be hard for them to do that. With WGM they could go to Busan, meet up with Yong's close friends, teacher or even family. (As posted by phoebechiu - Ride the car of a friend of Yong (Yong'sfriend was driving.  Yong and Hyun were sitting in the back seat. Left with Yong's friend around 6:30 pm.  Since then, they were not seen byfans.  A reasonable guess is that they went back to Yong's home. During 6:30-12:00 pm, filming was stopped.) 










Maybe Hyun did go to his house & meet up with his parents, have dinner together at home - of course the staff was invited but no filming was done or... there was filming at his house. We'll just have to be patient & wait for the episode to be aired to know.










With WGM staff around them, they can still be comfortable & in their own world. Physically they are filming but emotionally they might not. It's not scripted (as what the PD said) therefore they might be talking what's really in their mind and the WGM staff are giving them the opportunity to do so.










Gogumas... don't take my POV too seriously, maybe I was imagining too much or maybe not. They are the only one who know their real feelings be it LOVE or just affection. Whatever it is, I still LOVE  & support YongSeo till the end. I'm sorry if my writing seems to be random or unpleasant in anyway.




















BTW, hachimitsu, your soundtrack compilation is SUPERB! It takes a great effort & dedication for you to do that, soo... thank you very very very much. I always like listening to the songs used for uri YongSeo but to actually search for the full songs seems too much for me as sometimes I couldn't identify the actual song. So... thank You again for all your hard work. wub.gif



















I don't know why... but I'm so in LOVE with their expressions here 







































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i am happy many people agree that the managers are being trained for possible future real dating for these two.
































































































































































































































































on top of that...dont you guys find it VERY SUSPICIOUS that during all SNSD talk appearance, be it radio or tv, NONE of them talking about WGM...like AT ALL!!
































































































































































































































































WGM is popular...by mentioning about WGM...seobaby popularity will increase also...even other couples in WGM are being asked abt their partner all the time...they use it WGM to increase their popularity...
































































































































































































































































but why the silence for goguma couple?? i believe all had been instructed not to ask at all. even the unnies teasing have somewhat died down....I understand SM trying to do damage control after shinee's scandal....but if yongseo is REEL not REAL....why SM act like they are trying to cover up or hiding smth...
































































































































































































































































kyaaaa...thiking about it make we warm inside

































































































































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Guest Crystal392










Thanks to everyone for the info, pics and everything :D






Awww so uri Yong (and his brothers) and Hyun (and her sisters) performed at the Korea-China event ^_^ Can't wait to see some fancams of them performing :D I am sure they looked handsome/gorgeous as always :lol:






Just two more days until a new WGM ep! :w00t:






genxv: *waves* haven't seen you in a while ^_^



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buin @ Korea China Music Festival.

wearing hubby's fave colour (gold) outfit.



and hubby..looking right into the camera...


and from wallpaperfood link, yong looks so lonely here..

missing someone already? :phew:


since yong is blocked by the taller guys..

he had to send bro minhyuk to see if hyun is 'safe'...lol


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Guest wallpaperfood

ooh looks like cnblue and snsd are standing not too far from each other ^^

CNBlue in Korea-China festival (okay it's a Shinee Jonghyun fancam, but it captured all of CNB and Supreme Team anyway, lol)

I like to think that at 0:12 and 0:26, Yong is trying to see what Hyun is up to, or at least, hoping that she is the reason for turning his head left  (as he's not hvn fun with the other boys waving their flags around). ...assuming hyun is on his left on stage (referring to the picture posted above by bolmaejung)

Most likely my wild shipper imagination XD

PS, sally7, thanks for pointing that out =). I thought he was the PD -.-"


 lol jnj, nice use of my link XP, you captured his yearning for Hyun perfectly! haha

soshisoshisoshi, omg you could be right!!! I'm so excited thinking of it now! ur daebak!!

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Guest soshisoshisoshi
































































I thought just popped into my mind. they went to busan for a day isn't it?? Does that mean they have to rush for the Korea-Chinese concert...... And there is a possibility that they went together from busan...... Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. Thinking about it makes me feel giddy hehe






























































by the way, today is Friday already!!!! (gmt +8). Tomorrow is yongseo day!!! And also in a few days it's our couple's 300 days anniversary!






























































Happy spazzing in go-chun to all!!

































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@soshi filming@Busan on 30 nov I don't think they rush for this concert
































but from fan cam and photo Yong look tired maybe from his practise for Concert
































credit : one in a million & jessture fan cam

































































































Yong stolen glance to his left all the time and that where Hyun stand

















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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































































































































































































awwww poor yong!! being blocked my his fellow cnblue members!! ahahaah
































































































































































































































































































and hyun (SNSD) wearing her hubby's favorite color... (:
































































































































































































































































































i hope to see more fancams later!!
































































































































































































































































































also thank you everyone for posting the things that happen in BUSAN!!
































































































































































































































































































you guys are awesome!! and a GREATER thank you to MountainMadman for translating all the info!!
































































































































































































































































































omg. 5 more days until their 300 DAYS!!! wow time fly's by fast huh?
































































































































































































































































































i just noticed that DEC. 7th is on a TUESDAY!!!
































































































































































































































































































could it be that they could film again next week?!?
































































































































































































































































































or is this BUSAN episode their early 300th day celebration?!?!!?
































































































































































































































































































doogeun doogeun...

































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Guest ahn_annann
































on pic yong stand nearly yuri.. haha of course he likes to look hyun in behind..
















Credit and Thanks to LeeJungShinA the owner's file from JYH DC
















Fancam - C.N.Blue
















































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hahahaha! is all I can say tonight.
























Oh well, i went frantic seeing the first "sad" vids/pics... but really, after some HELP. (yes, we do have that YONGSEO institution now, as of today, for those who needs to do away with NEGATIVISM, UNBELIEF, and all sorts of stuffs... - PM me for more details. LOL. )















I'm okay now...... um, really, this is ok. hahaha!

































So, the new pic... aisssh!!! It's the LOOK that says,
























"I'm tired... but BUSAN me one more time baby!!!" - hahahaha!








PS. this crazy comment was made at around 2am my time, after looking at the previous pic with YONGHWA - biting his lips like that. DEYM!!!!! so i know ud understand. LOL!



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Seohyun 101202 KORCHN Concert Fancam

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest fabregas215

@magdal: u forget to mention another most important thing about the intrview.

[umbrella] Do you like rainy days?

Yonghwa: I like most

well, yong,we know why you like rainy days the mostw00t.gif

[lonely] Who feels lonely most?

Yonghwa: Jonghyun

Jonghyun: I

yong,we know that you have Hyun. so u don't feel lonely anymore,rite?

poor jonghyun.must feel so left out since yong is busy with his buin..no time for him now..LOL

ok, i really need to study now.my winter exam is next week.crazy.gif

to those who dont have to study,happy spazzing!!!!! 

Busan trip is too good to stop spazzing.

opps! i topped up the page without anything new to share just my craziness towards these two couple.

my pov to share:

yep, i kinda agree with some of u that say they are using this WGM as an excuse. Both of them know that they start to really care for each other. for REAL not REEL anymore. anyone will fall for Yong,needless to say, Hyun who don't have any male friend before nor any experience in the boy and girl relationship.

both are learning in taking care for each other.

honestly, i do feel that Hyun is taking this more seriously than Yong. ( not to say that yong is not serious) but for someone who did not have any experience with this kind of thing, she started to change, just for yong.

notice how she'll do anything what yong said.( eg: in Japan ep: untie her hair as soon as yong say that he likes it better that way)

just like other young girl,she is not good at expressing her feeling. i do believe that she monitor yong too.

you'll notice how quickly she say that she too watched Yong CF after yong said that he watched her CF.

she don't say it first, as she'll too shy to say that.

she don't call yong first as she's too shy to do that.

she don't mention that she searched about Yong in internet in purpose, as she is just too shy to say that.

every girl must feel that way in their first relationship.

i'd feel it too before, so i know how embarassed she must have felt.kekekeke.

and i know she really take this relationship seriously..

both of them. 

and who told them to always wear those couple ring everywhere.

their hearts maybe..kekekeke..

ok i really need to go and study..enough of babbling.

sorry for this long post.just a thought to share.hahahaha..even if its not true, since i'm in goguma land, i have the right to gets my imagination high..

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Guest crystalblue




on pic yong stand nearly yuri.. haha of course he likes to look hyun in behind..




Credit and Thanks to LeeJungShinA the owner's file from JYH DC




Fancam - C.N.Blue





Sally 7 Thanks for the awesome clip because at 0:55, Minho turned around and clearly - I mean clearly checked out Yonghwa for a few seconds - hahaha Poor Minho- as hot as he is, he has to check out who he lost Seohyun to. ... and doesn't Yonghwa look more and more handsome and confident lately than ever before? Oh there's nothing like having your insecurities and jealousies smashed because your dream girl loves you!!! and you know it!!! Congrats to Yonghwa for winning over such a tough little cookie - tough and beautiful and pure! Consolation hug to Minho. . .


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Gogumas!!! me again ¬¬... thanks a lot for fancams and everything :wub: and yes fabregas, I forgot about rainy days ^^.
































































































































































































































































Who is as crazy goguma as I am? hahaha lets spazz about this fancam :w00t:
































































































































































































































































Who are you looking for, Seohyun????????????????? :rolleyes:

































































































































































































































































































































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What's up with the same expression, Yongseo? I swear they were wearing the same poker face while they were on the stage with the other performers. XD


















Seobb in her own world. It's very rare to see her like this.




















credits as tagged



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Guest Crystal392










Thanks so much to everyone for all the pics, fancams and everything you've shared :D


















I just watched some fancams ^_^ YongHwa looked super handsome and SeoHyun gorgeous and she was wearing gold :w00t:


















magdal: Let me join you in Goguma Dreamland :) hehehe Yong is looking for her beautiful buin and Hyun is looking for her handsome hubby~ ^^



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