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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest YuyuSaiyuki
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i've got this at snsd❤소녀시대..
































































































































































































































but can i post it here?....

































































































































































































































































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Guest soshisoshisoshi
































































finally they go to BUSAN!!! this has been our hope for a long time..... so based on the photos it's confirmed that it is a WGM filming right? actually I was a bit worried because of the issues of their filming coming to an end. In the end it's just a STUPID rumour I would say.......






























































I'm feeling giddy now..... Hyun will definitely receive warm welcome, since I think yong's mother already likes her.






























































genxv........ You can now update your blog with the recent filming






























































owhhh I'm really happy right now...... This thread is a GO-CHUN afterall....

































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Guest anne0129
























WOW!!! This brought me out of my lurker mode. Could the lady be Hyun's mom? She somewhat looked like her....found a pic of her from when she guested in Chocolate with SNSD....
































Really not sure how to post picture...Hope this works.
















OMG!!! w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif They are in Busan. Hope they will stay overnight because we know that these 2 are more open as they film way into the night. I want to see more of their sweet gazes and intimate talks. :wub:





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Guest CheriMerci
































































Hello Everyone!






























































I'm so happy to see the pics of YongSeo in Busan.:wub:































I think the woman that's in the pic is Seo's mother. It's really good to see our couple's in Busan cuz maybe Seo'll meet Yong's parents.































But even happier to see YongSeo's parents meet each other. :lol:






























































This is Seo's mother pictures.






























































Cr : as tagged

































































































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Guest chachann
















































































































































































































































Today yongseo kkkkkkkkk
















































































































maybe.. with his mom???
















































































































(according to reliable information, she is not yong's mom. sorry) keke
















































































































WGM filming with yonghwa's high school friends!!!! and his friends are very hansome. kk































































































































































































































they look hot in the pic...































































































































































































































the ajumma really look like hyun's mom..































































































































































































































but i don't think her mom will follow her to busan for wgm filming..































































































































































































































maybe just random ajumma?? hehehehe.. i hope not... :sweatingbullets:































































































































































































































hope this episode will air before christmas... :rolleyes:

















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Guest SophiaPia




OMGGGGGGGGGG! w00t.gif our YONGSEO couple at hubby Yong hometown Busan DAEBAK really really COOL 


For me, i guess it's impossible that YongSeo will not meet hubby Yong parents since they are in Busan. They probably will meet the parents but it's up to wgmPD if they will show it or not. But for me i think YongSeo couple being so polite esp. wife Hyun i guess they will meet hubby Yong parents. YEAH BABY!


Thanks for the news and thanks for the photos bolmaejung. So after goguma harvest probably will cut again in 2 to 3 parts. Then rumor filming @ aquarium, they who knows maybe this Busan filming or they have film before Busan but we didn't know. 




MountainMadman thanks for the translations Nightstar,  i wonder what hubby Yong will says about wife SeoHyun taking so long in a bathroom kekeke! Thanks for that translations about inkigayo if only we can see fancam ^_^


EVERYBODY WAVE! it's seems that afterJapan date and heart to heart talk, our lovely YongSeo couple are really really changed a lot, changed for the better. YEAH!


TO ALL LET'S ALL BE HAPPY AND CELEBRATE, COZ WE ARE FAMILY. and CHRISTMAS IS AROUND THE CORNER. This will be 1st Xmas for our YongSeo. But before that, they will celebrate 1st their 300Days. 


Kamsahamnida also to YongSeo Korea, they are Daebak.


Cheers to all, cheers to YongSeo wub.gifwub.gif


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inferring from the photo...




they had lunch/dinner some sort of meal in Busan with either Hyun's mom, Yong's parents or both...




I read on dcgal (through google translate) that this is a restaurant




and you can see Yong holding what looks like take-home bag of leftover food...




just my guess





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Guest bizzie_b


I really think that they are with Hyun's mom. Whoah! And they look cute!  Hyun looks so beautiful that I think she's becoming my girl crush already! haha!  Whoops!  Hope my bf won't be able to read this! LOL!  But seriously, Hyun looks really beautiful in the picture most especially the side view.  YO SHIN indeed!  Can't wait to see this episode! wub.gif




Maybe Yong will guard Hyun from his friends most especially since someone mentioned that his friends are also handsome. haha.  sweatingbullets.gif 




 Now, I can somehow say that they are beginning to be more like a married couple rather than the boyfriend-girlfriend couple.  So I guess, I'm also becoming ready to hear that they'll be having their wedding shoot because at least now, I'm very much assured that they are really comfortable with each other.




I hope to see more pictures from Busan.  Guess they'll be filming the whole day or even the whole night.  wub.gif


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Guest wishwash
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I read from sweetpotatodays chatbox that the lady is yonghwa's teacher, not seohyun's mum.

































































































































































































































































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Guest wallpaperfood

apparently people from DC are saying that the woman in the pic is Yong's teacher, not anyone's mom... -.-"

I thought it was Hyun's mom - very convincing hairstyle.

But why meet up with his teacher? Hah maybe she can reveal stuff about Yong during his hs days ^^


guess i posted the same time as wishwash lol..at least there's more confirmation? =P

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great news! wow! i am secretly hoping that they get to meet each others parents. that would be fun and it will definitely make all us Goguma Villagers spazz for weeks... but i guess that depends on the parents if they want to appear on the show. if they hardly appear in the past, in programs where they show their parents then probably they wont appear on WGM. i remember in season 1, Solbi's parents appear a few times on the show and so were Kangin's mother in law. I cant wait to see the Busan episode. Yonghwa showing Seohyun his hometown... the place where he grew up, the place where lots of memories were made... ahhhh... this couple is so addicting...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Suddenly i remember a scene in YAB when Shinwoo was supposed to bring Minam to his hometown to meet his parents but Minam did not show up at the airport. Now, Yonghwa finally brings home the girl....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh...*blag* *blag* *blag*

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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I know I'm late to spazz the bout YongSeo in Busan...






























































































































Thanks everyone.














































































































Really...Really hope that the couple make a visit to Yong family...































































and be shown/capture in film... for us.....














































































































but I think that possibility Yong family appear at any show is minimal...































































Since neither Yonghwa family has been in the news with picture...































































Even in Yonghwa previous/child picture, he never shown any of his family.































































If I'm not mistaken..































































(but maybe.. just maybe with higher hope, they will agree to appear with their daughter in law... who knows right)














































































































but for Yong to meet her mother in law on screen is high, since Seohyun mom already make an appearance several times.














































































































& i think that Hyun already meet her in-laws at the concert... ;)































































personally introduce by hubby Yong....














































































































Just my thought,































































































































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Omo they really are in Busan O_O!!! Seems like the PDs actually take fans' opinions into account. Lucky for us, the PDnims love our couple a lot kekeke














































































































































































Oh and that can't be Hyun's mom cos Hyun's mom is quite tall and that woman is a bit short... (no offense to her! >_<)









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Guest miel_1301
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I just came right on time to see these captures of our Beautiful Couple in Busan. Thanks bolmaejung for sharing them here.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seobaby...SeoGoddess is even looking more beautiful while YongHwa is getting more handsome. And he's looking oh so manly with specs. A Perfect Pair indeed!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's about time!...Or should I say, It's just the right time, in this stage of their relationship, that YongHwa brings HIS GIRL to his hometown.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Pdnim, we all know that you no longer have enough footages filmed and resting on your shelves after the Japan Date, after The Goguma Harvest Day and after the rumored Aquarium Date, so just take your time and film as many episodes as you can in Busan. We, gogumas, will not mind to see this Busan filming being stretched and spread out to as long as two months of airing, for as long as we get to see a beautiful, meaningful and memorable continuation of the unfolding of our "YongSeo Couple Story ". Let the couple spend two days, at the most, in YongHwa's hometown. Just don't let them leave Busan until all memorable places of YongHwa's childhood days have been visited by HIS HYUN.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Time flew so fast. "Hoot" had it's goodbye stage at Inki last Sunday, marking the girls' Triple Win. SOMEONE will be missing his Seobaby for sure watching her on stage every week. But it's good that after the "Hoot" promotions, Hyun and Yong were given the chance to spend some quality time together [inside WGM, okay?] before they resume their respective group activities. I gathered that YongHwa [and his dongsaengs] will just be in Korea for the remaining days in December, ending the year with two concerts.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































While Seobaby [and her Unnies] will still be quite busy with Year-End Award Shows and Performances and will still be flying to and fro Korea and Japan for more appearances and promotions.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Geez! I reckon that I am being quite "cheesy" with my post. Hahaha! This only shows that I've missed spazzin lately. So just indulge with me, Gogumas, okay?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In episode 33, Yong said that he even watches Hyun's CF even while he's flippin' channels, so here's a NEW CF of Seobaby [with her Unnies] that Yong Nampyeon will be monitoring.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































101130 SNSD Goobne Chicken New CF






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr: keoconvoinewseason
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hahaha! Even in the CF, the Production crew of Goobne let the Maknae do [practise?] the cooking/baking herself.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I suddenly recall Yong's message to his Buin about her culinary skills.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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i had a good laugh watching yongseo's parodies..daebak!

tks for the links, caliope!

gie girl, its amazing that u did that..

mountainmadman..tks for translating the inki fan acct & the Busan tweet. :D:)

we got to learn more of yongseo's juicy bits...i love it!

mrsjoker, by any chance, are u living on the same side of the world as i am?

know what, just like u, i will also smile silly whenever i think of yongseo.

but at least u were putting on your makeup when u were thinking of them..

which i'm sure will make u more prettier.. ;)

as for me, the sudden thought of yongseo sometimes came at the wrong time..

there was once where i was doing my marketing, then the sudden thought of yong choding

flashes thru and i ended up smiling widely at the fish!


rxp, i agree.

lack of skinship doesn't mean lack of affection. i think it is more..

i love their heart to heart talk the most! it is where we can see those eyes

communicate too ;)

bolmaejung..tks for sharing that tweet here and yongseo Busan pic!

precious! i was kind of concerned that yongseo has not been filming a new epi,

but tks to u...my worries are gone!

redtulip, we will always need u. appreciate what u're doing for this thread,

since Baidu is also another good source for yongseo news..

if yong's friends are indeed with them...wow! Busan guys are cool!

i'm v sure they're going to tease yong abt that arm-linking busan style... :lol:

we are in GO-CHUN indeed!

our wishes are granted one by one..

*going over to mbc site to thank PDnim*

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Guest catcheungcw
































































































































































































































































































































Today's Busan filming news from DC.
































































































































































































credit to: 百度紅薯夫婦吧
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Filming content: They had lunch with High school teacher and friends in a restaurant nearby Haeundae.
































































































































































































It was not awkward at all.
































































































































































































Seohyun always smile and looks happy. Yonghwa seems a little bit nervous. He spokes in Busan dialect fluently.
































































































































































































Seohyun is cute as a doll (writer is a 3 yrs Seohyun male fan, please understand). This is the first time to see Yonghwa in a short distance. Yonghwa looks thin and smart. They are well matched.
































































































































































































Staffs like Seohyun and Yonghwa, they are always joking and laughing when taking rest.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa's hand was spotted with coco milk, he wanted to wash his hands. So the PD stopped filming and Seohyun went to washroom with Yonghwa.
































































































































































































Seohyun came out first and wait for Yonghwa. They went back to filming together.
































































































































































































Not so many staffs as expected. The atmosphere is very god. PD and writer like Seohyun and Yonghwa very much. While stop filming, Seohyun and Yonghwa sit together, and talked with PD and writer.
































































































































































































ps the fat PD (YongSeo's PD) looks very cute, nice and warm.
































































































































































































































































































































































































我住在釜山,今天看到了郑容和和徐贤,在拍我结哦~郑容和回到故乡了,明星就是明星阿~实物真的是男的帅女的美,近距离看到他俩,郑容和眼睛好大,鼻子也很挺,长得很立体,徐贤很白很瘦,像洋娃娃。吃完饭之后工作人员打包装备出去的时候,他们俩个人一起看相机捧腹大笑,徐贤在重新扎头发的时候 ,容和一直在旁边捣乱,还帮擦掉徐贤脸上的灰?头发?总之看起来很美好
































































































































































































































































































































































































I (the writer) live in Busan. Today I saw Jung Yonghwa and Seo Hyun filming WGM. Yonghwa went back to his hometown. They are stars. Yonghwa is handsome and Seo Hyun is beautiful. Yonghwa has big eyes and a high nose. Seo Hyun is thin and white skin, just like a doll.
































































































































































































The staffs were packing the cameras after the meal, Yonghwa and Seo Hyun were looking at the digital camera and laughing together.
































































































































































































Yonghwa disturbed Seo Hyun when she was braiding her pigtail, and toke off something (dust or hair?) from her face. They looked very very good when they were together.
































































































































































































PS they went to Busan by KTX

































































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Guest archiehon




























He..he..he… here I come again. I’ve watched the ep for nth time and suddenly reallised that I’m really glad that many of our goguma wishes are not fulfilled yet.




















1. I’m glad ( for the sake of viewers) that they did not contact each other that much outside of the show. Everything that we watched in the recent episode is as JJANG as it was because they did not get the chance to talk about their disappointment openly outside the show. As the audience, we are allowed to peek into a very natural and real emotions of these two. Though, I'm sure they would contact each other more frequently now.




















2. I’m glad that they didn’t get their wedding photo shoot before this trip. I’m anticipating the shoot now more than ever because I know they are more comfortable and less inhibited than, say in June- after Sarang Bit confession. Seo Hyun are more comfortable with skinship and Yong Hwa is more assure of buin's affection.




















3. I’m glad that they haven’t met each other’s parents before the Japan trip. This is especially for Yong Hwa’s sake. Before this trip, I think he would feel very uncomfortable and forced to do it for the show. Now, I think he would have the confidence of Seo Hyun’s trust and affection with him. It would be a lot better for his self confidence. I'm so happy to see the news that they are in Busan for WGM. Hopefully they meet Yong Hwa's parents (fingers cross). This is just too good to be true!




















So, anyone agree with me?





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hi guys...is it too late to comment abt yong dissapointment on hyun only checking his news by incident.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































this is my take:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i do believe hyun didnt actively seach abt yong as much as he does.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































simply bcos hyun always study in her room whenever time permit (which is not much considering how tight her schedule is), even her unnies commented before that she didnt spend time with them cos she is always studying.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so when she is free, as a famous person, ofcourse there will be times she want to chk on her popularity status (imagine if u guys famous...ofcourse every now and then u want to chk news abt urself).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































it is inevitable that when she chk her news, yong's name came up also and she end up reading all those news also. This does not mean she didnt have the intention to not searching news abt yong. she might be thinking abt looking for his news after reading abt hers, but then she ended up doing it both together.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































to give credit to hyun, a person that people know NOT INTERESTED IN GUYS,she can just ignore yong's news when she sees it, but SHE DID NOT, cos she is also curious abt yong. and dont forget during the mildang period, she actualy try to find news abt yong from the people around her, which mean she is actively looking also.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I for one understand yong dissapoinment because when you like somone and you are actively monitoring the other party, u will also want the other party to do the same thing. but hyun saying she didnt know CNBLUE is on the same daily oricon chart as SNSD and now she implied that she saw yong's news by accident, ofcourse it will make him a bit sad.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but i do believe their relationship is stronger than ever now and this issue has become one of the small thing in the past. look at how comfy they are now and how happy they are in the truck and on the field

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest BluMistLaydee




thanks so much for all the updates!


and catcheungcw



you are awesome for translating that for us.


now excuse me while I have improper thoughts running through my head at the thought of them going to the bathroom together :lol:


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Guest ahn_annann
































catcheungcw.. thank you for updates and translated..
































here my friend found another fan account from WGM DC ..
















Please you help to translate..
















Credit : DC;WGM
















지금 닥복하고 나 좀 놀랬어요ㅜㅜ
















오늘 부산 에피 용화 은사님과 고향 친구들 함께 했다는 소식듣고...
















나 직업이 예술쪽 사람들 상대하는 일이라 연예인들과도 얘기 종종 하거든요.
















근데 촬영하기 싫은 프로그램 얘기에 늘 공통적으로 빠지지 않는 것이
















자신의 가족이나 일반인 친구들 방송에 보여주는거에요.
















특히 젊은 연예인들이나 어느정도 인기있는 연예인일수록
















자신의 사적인 관계의 사람들을 노출하기 꺼려한단 말이죠;
















그런 촬영을 꺼리는 이유는 대부분 자신의 문제있는 과거가 드러날 위험성이 있어서이거나....
















사생활 자체를 노출하는게 부담되서 인데.....
















나 서현팬으로 우갤들어왔지만 서현이를 대하는 용화의 진지한 모습에
















용화도 좋아하게 되었는데 나 부산에피를 통해 용화에게 더욱 빠져들것 같아ㅠㅠ
















나님 아직 잘 모르지만 용화가 연예인이 되어서도 부산친구들 모임에 나간단 얘기 들었고
















고딩때 선생님께 아직도 연락드린다는 얘기 들으면서....
















용화가 괜찮은 학생이자 좋은 친구로서 학창시절 잘 보냈구나. 싶었거든.
















근데 용화의 개인촬영도 아닌....서현이와 함께.....게다가 '우결'이라는
















온갖 소문의 진원지 프로그램에서 자신의 은사님과 고향 친구들을 보여준다는것은
















일단....용화가 우결 스텝에 대한 믿음이 있고....서현이에 대한 믿음이 있고
















자신의 과거에 대해서 떳떳하다는 자신감의 표현이라고 생각해(용화야 과거 깨끗하다는거 누구나 알지만 ㅋ)
















게다가 촬영전에 일일이 용화가 직접 선생님과 친구들에게 연락해서 방송에 관해 협조를 얻었어야 하는 수고를
















생각하니 더욱 더 용화의 진지한 자세가 가슴 깊이 느껴져ㅠㅠ용화야....누나가 더욱....사랑하게 될 것 같다ㅠ
















닥복하다 보니 서현이가 용화 고향 친구들이랑 있어서 불편하게 촬영하지 않았을까 걱정하는 횽들 있던데
















그런 걱정은 가뿐히 넣어둬도 좋을것 같아.
















서현이가 일찍 소시 데뷔해서 학창 시절 추억이 없기 때문에
















용화의 은사님과 고딩친구들 만나면서 굉장히 부러워하고 즐기며 촬영했을거야....ㅋ
















게다가 은사님이 남자도 아니고 여선생님이기 때문에 서현이가 은사님에게 이런 저런 얘기 많이 했을지도 ㅎㅎ
















그리고 중요한것은 든든한 용화가 곁에 있는데 무슨 걱정이야~^^









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