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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Crystal392
















ikekeyou: you are welcome :) I'm glad it helped you see the wave ^_^








Nafa_yongseo: you can find the MC cuts on allkpop Inki articles or on soompi Inki articles (it should appear on the top left corner of this page) :)








Thanks to everyone for the pics, links and everything you've shared ^^ where all the Gogumas went? It seems the thread went a bit quit after Inki hehehe








What was your fave part of the latest ep??








Seriously I loved all the ep but my fave part was when Hyun thanked Yong for changing her and Yong told her that if he didn't call first and she missed him she could call him first. :wub:








I loved those moments...





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Guest ahn_annann
































YongSeo in Inkigayo today 20101128
















my pics
















Yong - where is my target ..
































Yong - turn right to congrate my wife
































Hyun - I knew you found me..

























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Guest wishwash



Seohyun - 'I've never had a boyfriend before marrying Jung YongHwa.‘


cr: Dylan@hellokpop




On the latest broadcasting of MBC’s We Got Married, SNSD’s Seohyun and CN Blue’s Jung YongHwa spent the last day at Japan having a drink. Seohyun accepted a non-alcoholic beer whereas Yong Hwa tackled light tasting beer.




After revealing her unknown fact, she continued, ‘I am very thankful to my husband for putting effort into being a great partner.’ YongHwa followed on: ‘At one time I tried calling my wife but she didn’t pick up so I suddenly missed her alot. It was when she was filming for her featured role in TRAX’s latest release, so I felt quite lonely.




It’s good to see both of them revealing true emotions and feelings as if they were really a dating couple.




I don't recall reading/watching Yong mention anything like that during the episode. Anyone?




Here's the source: http://www.hellokpop.com/2010/11/seohyun-ive-never-had-a-boyfriend-before-marrying-jung-yonghwa/


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Guest Joh-Eun
















































































YongSeo and PDNim really knows how to maintain a good balance of excitement for us fans.
















































The previous episode was DEABAK because of the momentous Hyun initiated skinship.
















































This time around, our YongSeo made it simple but sentimental (no volcanic eruption and no world cup winning moments among the MC's).
















































I watched it again and again, oh who doesnt, really? Seems like once is never enough. We all wish it's GoGuMa everyday of the week.
















































I can't help but notice how serious these two became, during this episode. I was keenly observing the way they were answering during their blackroom interviews.
















































Yong was quick to dislike Hyun's statement that she ends up watching related videos because his name is attached to hers whenever she looks it up online.
















































Because even if Yong said he was just acting or saying that for fun, (I heard the hissing laugh of one of the crew and one of the MC's said "Kyopta") when he came back to sit down, I can still see a trace of disappointed smile in his face. Later on you'll find Yong doing the same thing again and you'll hear Hyun saying she doesn't know which one's supposed to be a joke and which one's isn't anymore.
















































When it was Yong's turn to speak what's on his mind, it was hard for him to spit it out without hesitation, that he needed 30 to 45 seconds to figure out how he's gonna make his wife take what he wants to suggest. They are not a real couple, yet there is this feeling that either one of them has to initiate making contact, or else it's gonna make the other party hurt or sad. Yong was suggesting this on National TV. His blackroom interview portions show it all.
















































About the GoGuMa points... this was really serious talk. When Yong said he was just gonna answer it during their individual interviews (the same way how Hyun wanted to answer it), notice that Hyun's expression screams "What the... Are you try'n to get back at me". LOL. Smart Yong, it allowed us to see another expression of Hyun. I would like to think that it was because of that thing she was drinking, but her expression was just too raw to be mistaken. She wasn't afraid to be pissed off anymore, letting her usual guard go off and just be true about it.
















































The hand grabbing moment won't get unnoticed. My sarang MC Kim and I (hehe) really got excited, only to find out, eh... it was nothing we thought this time. Really, it drives me crazy how come, whenever there's an unexpected skinship like this, I get all so HYPED up. Yong wasn't really expecting a simple response like that from her. But anyway, maybe this is better, because we are already being spoiled so much of too much DEABAK moments.
















































I really hope Hyun will keep her words for it. It's satisfying to know that she's come up with realization's like this. Hopefully we'll see a more mature relationship. In a few episodes from that point, I should expect these two to be treating each other more like a real life partner, no more boyfriend-girlfriend like, but more intimate than ever, something we have yet to see.
















































For the last, Hyun kept fixing her looks infront of the rear-view mirror . . . Although I like the fact the she is indeed blossoming like she's really in-love, hehehe conscious, Yong did told her she doesn't have to work hard on that kind of image infront of him. Because as her husband, he will love and adore her, the song goes, "just the way you are".
















































Have a great week guys.
















































Love and GoGuMas.

















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Hi rebby...just want to make it clear...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so what if one post something like this:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1. yongseo is the best or i love yongseo so much
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2. may I know where to find the sub video?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































3. then maybe someone reply smth like...' you can find at rdr website'
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































4. thk u very much for the link!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































so all of the above is actually permitted at this thread??
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































because all the while i think e are under the impression that it is not allowed ( or is it only my own mis-judgement?)...i am really sorry if it is
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i thought: one-liner = posting must be at least 20 words?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































really appreciate your explanation































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































All your one-liner examples are actually fine in Photos forum since they do not violate the minimum 20-character rule. "Characters", not words. A-Z has 26 characters. Our rules are not THAT strict :sweatingbullets:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Of course whether its a good post or not its up to the readers to vote up (+) or down (-).

































































































































































































































































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Thanks to all who provided caps of Inki. Sorry to see SNSD leaving so soon!


The first thing I noticed when looking at a pic of Hyun singing was of all the accessories she's wearing. 2 rings on her right hand and one on her left, plus the earrings. Looking more like her "husband" everyday! :wub:





crystal_malfoy: What was your fave part of the latest ep??




Hmmm.... Yong making up her bed and teasing her as they were saying their good-nights; then taking a long time to leave. Also, his statement in the blackroom interview: "I heard that there is a sweet potato that is as big as a person." lol


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Guest SwEEtGoguma_7







hi everyone I just want to share this with you guys.










                      Yonghwa Tweets...









1 원빈이와인기가요를함께했습니당ㅋㅋㅋ일요일마다길동무가있어서 행복해용ㅋㅋ사랑해또사랑해홧팅!









With  Wonbin at Inkigayo. Kkk. (Having) a travel companion on Sundays – I’m  happy. Kkk. “I Love You and I Love You” fighting!2 짠 !!!!!!!! 우리 커플가방  맸어요 !!!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ









Jjan!!!!!!! We are wearing COUPLE BAG PACKS!!! Kkkk














.... I think Seohyun will be jealous.LOL















Couple bag, Yonghwa ! Do you betray your wife?? HAHAH they look so cute with couple bag......And










[News] Seobaby’s Got it! [spoilers for WGM]





Step away if you haven’t caught up with We Got Married and hate to have your episodes spoiled 





After  failing twice with her husband on the driving test, the Maknae stepped  up her game and finally got her license! Rumors had been circulating for  awhile and Seohyun confirmed it herself on the November 27th episode of  We Got Married. She even stuck to her words and got the Type I license  unlike her unnies who all have Type II  Congratulations~ Ba Bam!










The  difference between Type I and Type II is that Type I allows one to not  only operate personal cars but also business purpose vehicles. The test  for Type I is also harder than Type II.





No word on whether Yonghwa  got his but I knew the Maknae would eventually pull through and get her  license. Such a persistent lady (: Now maybe the girls can go steal  their managers cars and race around Seoul~ Kidding..but really.





And here are two photos of young Yonghwa ^^ soooo cute 

















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hi rebby...thks for the explanation....it still confuse me though...cos this thread was warned for 2x now...and i was under the impression it was due to many people spam the thread with one-liner posting ( less than 20 words) or did not remove the IMG tag...now i am not so sure anymore...heheheh...


20 characters seems very easy to follow though...hmm....why was our thread get the warning then? someone can enlighten me or us?




anyway...moving back to yongseo matter...




does anybody ever wonder why yong said ' hyun's backroom interview most of the time give him a shock', and he also implied that hyun said different thing in front of him compare to the backroom interview...




i have been replying all the episode aired before the japanese trip...wgm air only up to sushi resto scene (where ueno juri pretended to be the waitress) at that time...


so far...all hyun's comment has been positive in the black room (which good right?? no reason for yong to complaint there)...with the exception where hyun said she didnt feel happy her nampyeon looked very happy meeting his ideal type...




any other theory?



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AISH!!!! talk about LOST IN TRANSLATION!!!!!






I was reading your post as this... see below.












hi everyone I just want to share this with you guys.







                      Yonghwa Tweets...



1 원빈이와인기가요를함께했습니당ㅋㅋㅋ일요일마다길동무가있어서 행복해용ㅋㅋ사랑해또사랑해홧팅!



With  Wonbin at Inkigayo. Kkk. (Having) a travel companion on Sundays – I’m  happy. Kkk. “I Love You and I Love You” fighting!2 짠 !!!!!!!! 우리 커플가방  맸어요 !!!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ



Jjan!!!!!!! We are wearing COUPLE BAG PACKS!!! Kkkk



...I think Seohyun will be jealous! LOL













.... only to find out later that the SEOHYUN part was more like your personal opinion and IS NOT/WAS NOT included in his original tweet!!!!! arrrgh! LOL.




















Congratulations to Yonghwa, Jonghyun, Jungshin, Minhyuk --- CNBLUE for winning Best New Male Artist Award in this year's MAMA.





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Guest digidigibob

These Q&As are from the YAB guide book. There are 100 but I'll only post those that I found interesting. To see the whole interview, go here. Yong Interview Btw, credits to saturn. @ CN Blue thread! :)

13. What age do you want to get married : When I really want to

(Maybe SOON? Haha.)

36. When was your first love? : 1st year of middle school.

37. What person was her? : Who made my heart overbeat so that I couldn't speak a word.

(He's a really CHEESY person! :wub:)

38. Have you ever been dumped? : Every time, because I can't say 'let's part'.


41. Where you want to have your wedding ceremony : No idea yet...

(You should be planning about this now! Haha. JK)

66. Book you're reading now : 'The Secret'

(He's reading! We know whose influence it is!)

86. Age you got a driver's license : I can't say yet whether I have license or not.

(Maybe he already got it but he can't say because of WGM?)

93. Your celebrity friends? : A.N.JELL, FTIsland

(Doesn't he consider Seo Hyun a friend 'cause she's more than a friend?)

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noticed that hyun had many thoughts about yong in filming TRAX music video and they bothered hyun in some ways at that time. here are my guess.




it is the first time she wore wedding dress and for a music video for a group of male band (not cnblue). i think she felt sorry not having her first wedding dress filming with yong. she is a traditional thinking girl. i have an interesting thought here. i noticed that she did not dress her wedding dress in a formal and traditional way, with her hair casually made and casual shoes on. maybe she hope that if one day she has a chance filming wedding photo with yong, she would dress formally really like a bride and it makes her formal wedding shooting the first time. she is a meaningful girl.




she wanted to tell yong about the video filming, but he was playing his 'push and pull' game and did not call her. after meeting the first time at salon, she told yong purposedly about the filming in the studio when practising for their duet performance, but received not much response (at least not as much as she expected). she was disappointed. so she raised the matter again (seems like the first thing she raised during their morning meal) when the album is out, yong said he watched it but said nothing more. it made hyun more sad. she hope he would be jealous, but he did not. the worse is that he looked quite calm at that moment. so she thought yong did not care about her. it had bothered her nearly three months. finally she took the chance to ask yong the final time in their honest conversation. she finally got her husband's confirmation that he monitored her activities and cared about what she did. then she felt released. i could think of how uncomfortable she felt during the three-month time.




i recall i read somewhere about a proposed kissing scene which was finally rejected by hyun. and hyun was joked about her refusal because of yong. at that time, who knew yong did not contact this poor girl. i can imagine how helpless she may be. like holding hands with kyo, hyun wanted her husband know first before other people telling yong. just like she wants yong to tell her when yong going overseas, rather than knowing it through other people. just remember, there is a video showing hyun taking photo with super junior oppas. she was also having a hard time at that moment.




she cares what yong thinks and how yong feels. she is so committed in her relationship with yong. lucky yong having hyun who is, i would say, so loyal to him. on the other hand, yong deserves all these.


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hi guys sorry if this have been shared






























































Two books Seohyun gave to Yonghwa on 200th day anniv.





























































































                              The Secret to Teen Power Author : Paul Harrington






























































The Secret is an international phenomenon that has inspired millions of people to live extraordinary lives.The Secret to Teen Power makes that knowledge accessible and relevant to today's teens. It explains the law of attraction in relation to teen issues such as friends and popularity, schoolwork, self-image, and relationships. It explains how teens can transform their own lives and live their dreams.






























































Letters to Sam Author : Daniel Gottlieb






























































When his grandson was born, Daniel Gottlieb began to write a series of heartfelt letters that he hoped Sam would read later in life. He planned to cover all the important topics—dealing with your parents, handling bullies, falling in love, coping with death—and what motivated him was the fear that he might not live long enough to see Sam reach adulthood. You see, Daniel Gottlieb is a quadriplegic—the result of a near-fatal automobile accident that occurred two decades ago—and he knows enough not to take anything for granted.































Then, when Sam was only 14 months old, he was diagnosed with Pervasive Develop-mental Disability, a form of autism, and suddenly everything changed. Now the grandfather and grandson were bound by something more: a disability—and Daniel Gottlieb’s special understanding of what that means became invaluable.































This lovingly written, emotionally gripping book offers unique—and universal—insights into what it means to be human.






























































source amazon.com + libro.co.kr + naiin.com + chulabook.com + se-ed.com credit yongseo.exteen.com/yongseofacts













































































































































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@Digidigibob : I think that book "The Secret" was one of the two books given by Hyun on their 200 days anniversary, if not mistaken, the 1st one Hyun gave, where she wrote encouragement message at the 1st page :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@Sun_Sun, J2dlee, MountainMadman : thank u for translations & subbing

































































































































































































































































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Guest _d3seohyun

It's official! SEOBABY had dropped SWEET POTATOES for a BOY <3


originally posted by QWl09 @soshi thread

Seohyun.. Before and After


Q : Song Seung Hun vs Goguma?


A : Goguma. (Straight answer)



Q : Do you like gogumas, or your husband?


A : That’s stupid! How can you compare something you eat to a person?


credit: Kaskuone

**okay,, thanks to WGM.. now Seohyun becoming not a straight woman (Straight on Seohyun's case is when she choose Goguma over anything). Now she started to playing smart. She pretending to not remembered that she once picked Goguma over a man. And she can even answered like that. Now Yonghwa only one more left to catch all Seohyun's love. Yeahh,, that's Captain Jack Sparrow~

Once again thanks to WGM and Yonghwa. Now you made me more broken hearted


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Guest monie1909
































































































































innon wow..thank you for sharing that info.i didnt know that hyun gave the secret as present for yong.I'm amazed that she read that book.I was introduced with the secret cd two years ago by my bf.It is the best thing that he ever gave me.It was really really amazing way to practice in life.It change my life and my view of life so much.I achieved lots of things that i think impossible before through practising what was thaught in the secret.I wish i knew about it when i was younger. To think such a young kid like hyun and yong are reading those book really impress me.I believe that they will achieve everything they aim and want in their life..sorry,its out of topic but i'm just so proud of them..i hope yong finish the book.no wonder hyun insist him to read the book.and i know how valuable the knowlegde that was taught in that book.It is the best presnt anyone could give to someone.And i'm not even exaggerating.Seriously,i recommend everyone who didnt know yet about the secret,to google it.I hope i didnt break any rules.its still relate to yongseo,right.
































































































































Edit: crystal
































































































































really?no wonder i think u understand when we talk about the power of positivity before..
















;) it amazing knowledge if we applied it.just sharing,i got my dream job from practising the secret.true story here. :)
















































































































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Guest lovekin




@ Inkigayo stage:








Look VERY CAREFULLY starting from the 1:14 mark.




You can see for about a millisecond that Seohyun's waving to someone off camera to the left. About a second after that, a man in a white shirt - whose face is off-camera - waves in Seohyun's direction. About a half-second after that, Seohyun waves back.




I'd be willing to bet my last half-dollar that the man in the white shirt was Yonghwa. :D   






EDIT: @ jnj: it's after the wide shot of the stage when the camera's focusing on Sooyoung and Hyoyeon. You can glimpse Seohyun in the back. The whole thing goes by in about two seconds, so you gotta be quick! ^_^








haha!  i actually saw that the first time i watched that clip, but i initially thought she was waving to jo kwon because i saw yong move ahead of him.  good thing you pointed it out again because i had to re-watch it, and i suppose the timing makes sense that she was waving to him.  in which case - awww!  wub.gif  they need to stop; i'm getting cavities.


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Guest hellojanedoe
































I want to share my thoughts on the latest episode. Its going to be very long and i hope it doesn't offend. I am just saying what i feel.
































First of all, i really really appreciated it, i know its weird because i'm not the one in the relationship, but i appreciated the honesty they had with each other because it gives us (the goguma fans) a deeper understanding of their relationship.
































As daebak as the previous "surprise skinship" episode was, i think this one carried a greater meaning and the skinship really led up to it. Usually when having such talks, if one is still reserved and the other more open and trying to pursue the relationship, it'll be one sided and one person will share a lot while the other is more of the listener, and doesn't share. It's not like that for every relationship, but i'm comparing it to a couple where one likes the other more. WHich many people have thought of before (that yong likes hyun more than hyun likes him). But in the episode, we could clearly see they were on the same page and didn't hold back. If you remember during the Couple Duet episode where they celebrated their 200 day at the cafe, yong said a similar thing to hyun about sharing their dissappointments with each other. In that episode, yong shared his thoughts on banmal and hyun was more on the receptive end (i felt - i can't remember exactly what the conversation was about i must rewatch it, but i remember feeling this at the time). However, now, past their 222 day you can see how they BOTH took the step to confront each other and share their true feelings. I see a trend here which is that Seohyun is a girl who wants communication. She likes calling and talking and knowing what the other is up to all the time. WHen Yong did the mildang, he stopped that communication between them and left her feeling insecure. So when Yong doesn't call her, she doesn't know what to think. This is something many girls who've experienced mildang can relate to (myself included :))
































Yong himself too, has pride. ANd i think because of this, a lot of times he says things that are still issues, but perhaps not the main issue. This is just my opinion because as i watch yonghwa, you can tell he says things that aren't his true feelings - and usually you can tell. YOu can see this a lot in the backroom interviews where he says thigns like "i'm cool with it" "it was busan namja style" where the MC's and viewers all know that thats not what he's really feeling - but he says it because of his pride. I'm not saying this is a bad thing, but i think his pride is also something that holds him back from saying what truly bothers him. This of coruse is conflicting with his easy going and open nature. But i think yong like everyone else is a human being, and so he is complex. The reason i am saying this is because i felt that in their truthful talks, he too deserves the recognition of stepping out of his comfort zone and telling hyun "you can call me". The very fact that he needs to have 45s is to compose himself. And during that time he's probably thinkign "should i tell her? or should i just talk about banmal or another exisitng manner that we already know about? Or maybe that she takes photos with other guys? no. i must tell her what i really feel." its this hesitation that makes me think that this time, what he's saying is close to his heart. I think you can tell they both appreciated it because of the way they looked at each other. By sharing their honest feelings about the same problem, they will be able to solve it and grow closer.
































For the viewers, i think this added great meaning to their relationship. Sometimes, though its weird, i dislike that they are called "husband" and "wife". I don't mean that i don't like them to be married, i mean that because of this label, a lot of things that are important points are not considered important points, especially by the MCs and PD writer who writes the captions. I'm aware that this IS a fake marraige and they have to pretend to be married, but theres no denying that they were 2 strangers that met, and got to know each other better before blossoming into a relationship between 2 people. Its strange to me how the MCs spazz at some things like the skinship, but at other times expect certain actions from our couple. For example in the Ueno Juri episodes, Hyun was asked how she felt about yong meeting his ideal type, and she replied "it didn't feel good". To this the MC's went "ahhh.. of course she's his wife". I find this strange, because to me a viewer, this is important! Its a spazz worthy moment because she's saying she feels uncomfortable that yong being near his ideal woman which is telling of her true feelings towards yong. But because they are "husband" and "wife", this is brushed off. I think they need to decide how they are going to see the relationship as either a fake couple on a tv show, or a boy and girl getting to know each other. WHy is it that hyun's jealousy is expected, because she is the "wife"? While at that moment when hyun locked arms with yong, it was such a surprise? If they considered her actions the same way they did when she admitted she didn't feel good, then they shouldn't be reacting so wildly to her skinship because following that line of thought, she is the WIFE, and its natural that husband and wife have skinship.
































The thing that confuses me is that this isn't the case. They spazz because she isn't actually his wife, but a GIRL showing her affections for a boy. I know this is a double edged sword but it is something that always bothered me. So why then at that point, is she ocnsidered a girl, and not a "wife"? This is why i feel they show is confusing. It blurs the lines of reel and real really really far. I believe the titles of "husband" and "wife" are more like excuses for letting 2 people get to know each other in a romantic manner. Take away the title, and the show really is just having a blind date with someone, and for some unknown circumstance, keep continuing to have dates with that person. That way, they can say to the fans - no we are not dating. We are meeting because of the show. I act this way because she is my wife and thus avoid scandal. BUt how can you get upset with someone if this is what they claim - fake? I'm sorry that i am getting a little emotional. I don't mean to offend anyone or say that the MCs aren't good. Its just that it has always been a weird to me. I know they are not dating and i'm not a delusional fan sayign that they are. I just think, seeing the way they talk about their problems, the way they have blossomed and changed that it is their honest feelings. These epic, important honest feelings are being undermined because of the label "husband" and "wife". This is why at times, i dislike them being called this. To me they don't even have to be "boyfriend" and "girlfriend". Just "boy" and "girl". Either this, or they are really good actors.
































This is why i felt the latest episode was meaningful to the viewers and all who adore this couple. Their issue about calling each other - this isn't something prescribed by WGM PDs. The PDs never said they had to stay in contact outside of filming. It is their personal desire. If the PDs wanted drama, and hyun and yong were really both acting their roles, their main issue of concern shoud have been something that happens on the show itself like.. Yong getting jealous when Hyun talks about her oppas/ being close to his dongsaengs to stay within their characters on the show. I'm not putting down these issues because they are also indeed real, but amplifying the significance that their problem was something outside the show. I would not be upset if my co worker didn't call me, he is not obligated to. We are just working together. I would only be sad and dissappointed if i had feelings for this co worker. Same for my co worker. He doesn't have to call me. But he does because he wants to talk to me. He doesn't have to wait for me to call him, or be bothered that he is always calling, because we are only co workers. Yong and Hyun clearly have established an attachment to each other, whether they are dating in real life or not is another matter. Something that no one can deny is that by revealing this calling issue, they have a bond. They enjoy each others company. This is why i think many people are obsessed with the Goguma Couple. Theres no fan service, its just them. They just seem so so real and this whole calling issue further proves that they have real affection for each other.
































Of course.. there are also good points to them being "husband and wife". This gives them an excuse to justify their own feelings. It allows them to act and behave a certain way as a partner in a couple. The show provides a platform for them to spend time together and voice their concerns to build a strong relationship. Not forgetting it is because of this show that us viewers can even have a peak into their lives. ANd on the light hearted side - it must be fun for them too! Fake dating or real dating, you have to admit it must be extremely fun!
































Moving on now! Haha. I apologize that it is long. Our hyun really has changed, and she knows it too. They say that a couple starts to talk like each other and behave like each other. I think this can be seen in how Seohyun jokes now and plays with him when he makes jokes. Like Seulong said "she has learnt how to handle her husband". By now, she already knows his ways and is becoming more open and expressive (like him). The way she talks, though still typically hyun, is more lively and animated. I loved how excited she was when she was waiting in th car. Her blsisful expression cannot be controlled. Same with yong. The way he kept smiling at his phone when he talked to her. These are not calculated expressions for the viewers pleasure. These are small, minor things that his body can't help do when he thinks of someone he likes. They are no longer trying to impress each other or evoke emotion out of the other. LIke how they decided in japan and felt like they were close already. They are merely enjoying each others company. And that is the reason for their blissful looks. I can only imagine, since their japan night. How often they have been talking on the phone (hyun calling yong or yong calling hyun..) that they are this happy. And that hyun greets him with a warm, bright and excited "Hiiiii". They are breaking their walls and growing as individuals.
































Out of all the couples (i've watched season 1 too), this couple is the only one that has given me this feeling. I'm so attached to them myself haha. I have grown too, watching them. As hyun and i are the same age, i can also see myself in her as i don't have any relationship history myself, just a boy i used to like and had a *thing* with but never developed. This is the charm of our couple, they are so relatable to anyone of any age or background. Through her experience, i am learning to be a strong woman. From yong, i'm learning how boys think. Like Hyun said in an interview before, WGM is a valuable experience for her. It definitely is for Yong too, who has learnt to be more understanding and caring and sensitive. And he also is a great oppa. I think when the time comes that they have to leave (though i hope it will be in a long long while), even if they don't start dating secretly, i will be happy. I think they will both be happy too. Because the personal growth they achieved is something to be proud about and they are forever thankful to each other. I'm very glad that Yong met Hyun and Hyun met Yong, and i "met" them! Hahahaha.
































YongSeo forever :):) I'm sorry that this is so long i didn't even know i wrote so much. If someone can teach me how to make this a spoiler i will do it so i won't clog up the page. I'm sorry i'm not sure hwo to work soompi yet.
































Maybe one day i will take YongSeo less seriously :lol: but till then i will be watching them from my computer screen with a silly smile on my face the entire time :)

















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I´m so loving Yong´s tweet, but since I don´t have any prove for what I´m thinking I will keep it to myself LOL!
































































































































So he is reading Hyun´s book... He always keeps his promises about reading ^^.
































































































































_d3: your post is so funny, I love the title keke!































































































































































































































































































digidigibob: Thanks for the interview, pretty interesting indeed ^^
































































































































and here a pic of Hyun from 101128 SNSD @ NightStar... couple ring?:wub:

































































































































































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