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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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kyu performed at inki today, idkw but i so much want yong to meet him.

at inki alone, there were a lot of ppl connected to uri yongseo couple.

there were hyun's fanboys..jw and that guy from beast

another bro-in-law..kyuhun

and lastly

yong's relationship consultant & snsd's champion..psy

i wish yong was the one who dance to Hoot with the girls instead of psy.

but nevertheless...it's still good.

one thing NOT good was that i didn't get to see them waved to each other..

yong was blocked and hyun was busy getting congratulated by her bff, nicole.


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i watched ingikayo...
































































































































































































































































yehey im so happy snsd won..again yong stood beside hyun..
































































































































































































































































im curious during backstage because TRAX junmo, khyuhyun and jinwoon are there...and all the fanboys. haha..what yong felt that time?..
































































































































































































































































i think more proud because he knows hyun is hers..
































































































































































































































































again yong dont want to leave the stage right away..he sad goodbye to hyun and sis-law's...

































































































































































































































































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Guest MountainMadman

@ Inkigayo stage:


Look VERY CAREFULLY starting from the 1:14 mark.

You can see for about a millisecond that Seohyun's waving to someone off camera to the left. About a second after that, a man in a white shirt - whose face is off-camera - waves in Seohyun's direction. About a half-second after that, Seohyun waves back.

I'd be willing to bet my last half-dollar that the man in the white shirt was Yonghwa. :D   

EDIT: @ jnj: it's after the wide shot of the stage when the camera's focusing on Sooyoung and Hyoyeon. You can glimpse Seohyun in the back. The whole thing goes by in about two seconds, so you gotta be quick! ^_^

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tks for the inki links, mountainmadman & shinhdeplol.

argh..i still can't see that wave, mountainmadman.

all i can see is yong turned towards hyun's direction and walking towards her?

but -_-

how could their last stage be like this... :rolleyes:^_^


pabo me!

haha...while hugging nicole, hyun nodded and waved at ......yong! :w00t:

crystal, i intentionally don't want to mention them...jealous much! :lol:

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Guest Crystal392
















jnj: There were also Yong's fangirls: Nana and Lizzy from OC hehehe :P








MountainMadman: I saw that too! Actually I saw that while streaming Inki ^^ But wasn't sure and asked Gogumas at twitter but no one was sure...then rewatched when SNSD won and yeah, I think she waved at Yong~. I will take some screencaps in a few minutes :P








Yong's vest was weird but he looked handsome and SeoHyun looked super cute, her hairstyle reminded me of the latest WGM ep ^_^





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Guest raia1303








did anyone notice when SNSD was called as the winner for this week's Inki, that at 0:23-0:27 when SNSD was approaching the front of the stage towards Yong, Sulli and Jokwon, that the SNSD unnies were pushing hyun towards Yong?! haha. so funny and that made me really smile! :D please confirm that it wasn't just me and my imagination dreaming of things here! wub.gif



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Guest glitterspark










OMG i can't see the wave!? :(












seobaby winked during her part!! it's the second time already!! it's for yong perhaps?












and her hair is tied in the same way during their epic japan trip


















i noticed that yong was looking for his buin after snsd won...












will scrutinize carefully for the wave XD



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Guest SophiaPia








jnj: start from 1:17 while wife SeoHyun hugging BFF Nicole wife SeoHyun look, bow and wave W/ BIG SMILE to non other than hubby Yong for sure. This is while wife SeoHyun hugged by Nicole and she bow, wave and smile to hubby kekeke! at 1st i can't see as well but keep replaying the vid. Coz cam didn't show Yong when wife wave to him. I'm smiling w/ wife SeoHyun so polite even hugging w/ Nicole still managed to bowed, wave to hubby Yong kekeke!




edit: then  after that hubby Yong and sis in law Jessica wave to each other as well.  oops sorry sis in law wave to jokwoon. Thanks crystal.




YongSeo couple comfortable now, thank God for the Japan date wub.gifwub.gif I hope they will have more dates Yeah!












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Guest Crystal392
















*Screencaps of YongSeo at Inki (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VazumS4HlDk&feature=player_embedded):





































~Yong is about to go but turns towards SNSD girls~









































~Hyun is waving at someone while hugging Nicole~









































~She stops hugging Nicole and turns towards the fans/audience, you can see YongHwa on the background which indicates he had just passed through where Hyun was waving at a couple of seconds ago (JoKwon is waving at Jessica)~




























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Guest _d3seohyun

thank you so much for the links, translations and cap! haven't been able to fully spazz here lately because my pc crashed and my new laptop is not very scap making friendly :(

I'm going to miss inki *sigh*

hugging nicole while smiling/waving to her yong seobang




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Guest wallpaperfood

yay I knew she had waved to Yong beause I saw Yong-birdman walking in front of JoKwon in the next shot.

And it was cute that Yong was looking for her rght after the MCs were done! Even though his chingu Simon D was near him, his line of vision searched out buin~

It would have been scandalous of Kyuhyun/SM Ballad bros had gone up to congratulate Hyun SNSD blocking Yong (instead of Kara) hahahhaaha. Imagine what our reaction would be like here ^^

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Guest sun_sun
































































































































































































































Yeahhh ...Congratulation for SNSD and our Hyun who winner this week inkigayo ^^ so happy....






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you j2dlee's Translation and this week special thanks to snsdpowerof9 for helping me do on part 1 that make this ep. out faster ...Thank you.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and here link to watch >>>






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ep. 33-1































































































































































































































































































































Ep. 33-2






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































^__^ sorry part 2 finished first...pls wait for part 1






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































>>>and I have to tell you all here ...I have to go oversea for work that mean I cannot sub Ep. 34 and 35 for you...SO SORRY..anyway I will do it later and post link for download.....BUT I'll be back on EP. 36...for sure ^^...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest glennpaulo






@ Inkigayo stage:





congratulation to SNSD.... Yongseo didnt have much interaction to each other here.








while watching and listening to that link ^^ i heard they mention Yonghwa,(maybe i heard different things, tsk tsk) in 1:20, i thought they saying the three MCS name like Salli So 


nyuh Shi dae, kwoannie SNSD, jonghwa SNSD but i doesnt sound like it, kindly check.



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Guest ikekeyou
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thank you crystal malfoy for the clear yongseo moment caps!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and thank you everyone for have such great eagle eyes to spot it!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































now i believe!! ahahah at first i was like what is everyone talking about?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i seriously did not see.... no matter how many times i replayed it
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but im glad you guys did!! :D

































































































































































































































































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Guest nafa_yongseo




yeee... yongseo at inkigayo again...


hyun and yong always together...


CAN SOMEONE GIVE ME JUST MC CUT PART... I want to see yong say "sarangeo".... PLEASE....


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Guest FallenAnjewl
































































































































I just watched teh inkigayo cuts and i can say SNSD DEFINETELY know something between yong and hyun.
















































































































When they announced the winner, as someone said before in the video at around 0.23 jessica pushed hyun into yong and then you can hear someone giggling and from what i can hear and see, i believe it was jokwon. Cause jokwon was looking that way and the laugh also sounded like him
















































































































And then when SNSD did their encore performance. You can see after yong waved to hyun, he also waved to jessica. So yong seems to be really close to the SNSD unnies.
















































































































Seohyun has been looking so pretty and happy these days and i believe yong has something to do with this
















































































































Hope to see more of them together <3









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i dont know that i am the only person think the thread moving quite slowly this time. i hope a lot of analyis will come soon, because i really miss that, and a lot of cap of our couple. may be all the gogumas were so busy with exam and work. fighting:-)




thank you for the sub videos, and sun-sun have a nice time oversee and please back soon, we sure miss you.


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it so quite after inkigayo performance....































I'm still on my way to download the latest episode with engsub. So I will be make my fav moment with caps later.
















Thanks again to mountain_madman, j2dlee, synkyss(?), sun_sun and another goguma who share their tought, caps, link and many other.































And of course i love this episode. They are talk freely about what they think about each other, about what they want from each other. Just like a real couple conversation. It's sweet...
















When hyun said that maybe she's not the type to call first, i think that I understand it. With Hyun's personality it will hard to make a call to a guy. She is uncomfortable around guy (except Yongw00t.gif). But, I will glad if she call him first, sometime a guy want to be take care despite the one take care for someone. 
















What i'm curious about is , why Hyun suddenly said that she had no male friend before they doing WGM?? It is just a spontaneous talk or the PD cut what they talked before it?
















I like MC Kim reaction when Yong's grab her arm... he want something more than just grabbing. biggrin.gif. But, I think the other MC is used to it now. 































Yonghwa has tweet at CNBlue account. here the pict Yong with Oh Won Bin
















I'm sure, he use his ring at this pict





























































I hope Yong will upload a photo of him and his buin wearing a couple bag wub.gif































PS : I just found a video of CN Blue doing the cow herding dance. Hyun teach them that dance right?? 































it's around july, maybe someone already post it a long time ago































this is when hyun teach them cow herding dance














































this is random, so i put it in spoiler. I made a poem(?) about Yongseo using CN Blue's song
















































Yong's confession















































one time you suddenly come in my life
















and bring love light when i'm a loner
















You are different from another people
















You are one of a kind
















You are a honest person
















I always wanna be like you































But, it's wrong
















I tell my self that i will forget u
















for a second But i can't
















I always can hear your voice
















even tough you are far away
















You leave your name in my heart
















just like a tattoo































Y,why I become like this
















I asked my self 
















is it really love?































I'm thinking back our memories
















under the moon eclipse
















And I know that I can't lie to my self
















I'm sure that love come to me
















And I decide to let's go crazy
















it's never too late in confession
















now or never































this is my love revolution for you
















so, just please listen to me
















see my eyes and see my lips
















sarang hae... and I don't know why
















it just happen to me
















Arigatou for becoming my love light































Are you ready and go with me?
















Going to our sweet holiday
















just the two of us






























































it's a bit weird tough...































bye bye now
















































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i am wondering why yong did specifically ask hyun not to play the "pull and push" game. he said "you don't have to do that". he mentioned it even after they nearly finished their conversation. he brought it out again. it seems that it is very important to him.




I think the main reason is that yong now knew how hurt the game is, no matter to he himself or to hyun. i believe that he finally realised that in the game, he is totally a loser. that is beyond his expectation. i rewatched all the eps after yong told hyun about the his game, i had a feeling that yong was deep down not as happy as before even he met hyun. he had worries and it showed in his face (at that time, i thought he might be worried about the cnblue concert preparation and i appreciated hyun giving him books to ease his hardship). until this honest conversation with hyun, i see his usual wholehearted happiness, his blissful smiles and all these continue in the preview. then i know his worries are gone.




though you may not agree, during the game, hyun was really tough and hrash to him in some ways. i believe that it is not what hyun really wanted to do, but she somehow had no choice at that moment. she was hurt and very upset. you could see her tearful face when sometimes talking about yong. luckily she is a strong girl, otherwise she could not hold her tears in front of the camera for many times. yong should have known it. that's why he mentioned it again in his journal to hyun. yong was suffered from the game and at the same time hurt his most cared hyun. i think he can't bear if it happens twice.




asking hyun not to play the game and at the same time promising not to play the game himself - that means no hurt and no harm anymore. i am glad that he brought out the matter again and made promise not to do it again. after all, he knows that testing his partner is not the best way to show his love to her. if it is not hyun, his partner may run away from him already. but as what hyun said in the backroom interview, the game might have some good impact on her (though it's a little bit late), maybe making her to choose to run away or to stay. of course, we know she chose to stay for the only reason is that yong is deserved her to stay even she had to go through her "revenge" game which won't be easy for her and she would get hurt again. it may give her chances to think over about their relationship again. and hyun, you made a wise decision, a decision that i think you won't regret. i remember hyun said when practising 'love light' duet with yong, "it would be a happy ending". yes, it is.


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