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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest mluvzsx3
















































Hmmmm this may contrast A LOT with what is going on in atm with the two, but I just wanted to let everyone know that I updated my fic! :)
















(If you haven't read it, just a warning... it's sad...? XD )

































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Hello, everyone.

I've got a WEIRD question. I just noticed something while rewatching the first episode:

The episode doesn't include a lot of scenes that the episode over at Seohyun's fan facebook has (for example the one where they are taking a selca of themselves) - are there two versions of WGM?

Found out that there was a special episode during The Strike. That's why one of the episode has the description "Special". However, why it was edited differently is beyond me.


That's the one with some small edits (like the missing selca scene):


Best regards,


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@crystal_malfoy and aisou415 the post was just the phrases in the japanese book which seohyun is currently using to study her japanese. i have already edit the image to a clearer and bigger resolution for you to view the contents of the book's right page. i think seohyun had scribbled something in that book.








@trent i think the 2nd image you posted where the word you circled is 스페셜 (special). maybe another raw video source?



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Guest seohyun_yh




@crystal_malfoy and aisou415 the post was just the phrases in the japanese book which seohyun is currently using to study her japanese. i have already edit the image to a clearer and bigger resolution for you to view the contents of the book's right page. i think seohyun had scribbled something in that book.


@trent i think the 2nd image you posted where the word you circled is 스패설 (special). maybe another raw video source?



maybe , these drawings are like a stream for an future wedding. Seohyun had to write the steps to follow in an orderly manner to prepare for a wedding in that example.


but the funny thing is:  why they decided to focus in this practice? XD perhaps there is a hidden message ...


maybe soon we´ll watch  that episode of "wedding"



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Guest MountainMadman

Found this juicy article while I was browsing the official MBC site. :)


Seohyun and Yonghwa, currently a couple on MBC's We Got Married (WGM), tell each other their secrets as they have a drink for the first time.

WGM, which will be broadcast at 5:15 PM on the 27th, will have a segment about the YongSeo couple's Japan trip. Seohyun showed increased comfort around Yonghwa as she attempted surprise skinship on their way to the grocery store.

On their last night, they decided to have a drink and Seohyun drank non-alcoholic beer and Yonghwa had a mini-can of regular beer. The PD said that "the alcohol brought out their true feelings" and also "confirmed the level of their mutual affection for each other through courage (?) brought by alcohol".

MBC '우리 결혼했어요'(이하 '우결')를 통해 가상부부로 샣활하고 있는 서현과 정용화가 함께 처음으로 술을 마시며 서로의 속마음을 털어놓는다.

27일 오후 5시 15분 방송되는 '우결'에는 정용화-서현, 용서커플의 일본 자유 여행 마지막 이야기가 공개 된다. 두 사람은 일본 여행의 마지막 밤을 장식하기 위해 근처 편의점으로 나갔고 이곳에서 서현은 깜짝 스킨십을 시도해 한결 가까워진 듯한 모습을 보였다.

일본에서의 마지막 밤, 두 사람은 맥주를 한 잔 하기로 했고 서현은 무알콜맥주로 정용화는 꼬마맥주를 시원하게 들이켰다. 제작진은 "알코올의 힘을 빌어 두 사람의이 솔직한 속마음을 꺼냈다"며 "그렇게 술기운(?)을 빌어 그동안 조심스러웠던 서로에 대한 애정도도 확인했다"고 전했다.

On a side note, I'm reposting my link for the latest episode of Love Story because, hey, I can advertise, right? Please enjoy and leave a comment! ^_^


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Guest desirenhope
























































































maybe , these drawings are like a stream for an future wedding. Seohyun had to write the steps to follow in an orderly manner to prepare for a wedding in that example.
















































































but the funny thing is:  why they decided to focus in this practice? XD perhaps there is a hidden message ...
















































































maybe soon we´ll watch  that episode of "wedding"































































































































































this is purely my imagination. :P
































































































































































Since Yonghwa & Seohyun are always centered around Japan such as Ueno Juri and Japan trip episode, who knows maybe they will hold their wedding in Japan? And Seohyun has to plan everything in Japan such as the guests, wedding place etc.
















































































I can only dream. Anyways, thank you MountainMadman for the latest scoop. Both of them have feelings for each other alright.









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Guest SophiaPia














WOW! w00t.gif Thanks MountainMadman for that juicy article. What could it be? 










































1 ) Do u like me? 










2 ) or Do u love me? 










3) Do u have regret marrying me?





















something like that wub.gifw00t.gifwub.gif 










We will found out later Yeah!





















BTW. I check TVU just now i can't find any channel for we got married :( 82048, 89991, 92328. Nothing. If you have TVU pls. kindly check as well. Cheers



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Guest chilipadi_22



its just a few more hours to ge before this week's wgm.

i am getting really excited!!!

after reading the post abt hyun preparing for the wedding......i got me totally!!!

really wanna see yong and hyun's wedding photoshoot!

counting down 5 hours. :)


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Guest toomuchsmiling


Thank You everyone who shared the preview text and the translations. :)






Found this juicy article while I was browsing the official MBC site. :)






Seohyun and Yonghwa, currently a couple on MBC's We Got Married (WGM), tell each other their secrets as they have a drink for the first time.




On their last night, they decided to have a drink and Seohyun drank non-alcoholic beer and Yonghwa had a mini-can of regular beer. The PD said that "the alcohol brought out their true feelings" and also "confirmed the level of their mutual affection for each other through courage (?) brought by alcohol".






I'm really excited about this ep...like 'WHAT KIND OF THINGS did they spill to each other???' :lol: but at the the same time, i'm kinda confused. Seohyun had "non-alcohlic" beer, so i think the PD kinda got confused here b/c seohyun HAD NO alcohol. UNLESS she took a sip of Yonghwa's drink which...idk, maybe that's what happened but at the end of this weeks' episode Yonghwa asked her if she wanted to try and she was like 'no' so :huh:




Unless of course, seohyun just felt tipsy? B/c didn't Nayoung(?) the younger woman MC who always sits next to Seulong, she said "that kind just makes you feel drunk. i've had it at noraebangs." so maybe THAT'S what they mean. i think that's what they mean. :huh:




but anyway.... :rolleyes:TRUE FEELINGS & MUTUAL AFFECTION huh? :lol::w00t:




p.s.- i am sooo watching this live tonite. xD




macy16- please do not quote longer posts such as the one u quoted. If u could edit it and make the quote shorter it'd b much appreciated. :)


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Hi, happy Goguma lovers!

Still remember me? It's been a while, hasn't it?

I don't know whether I should translate the whole episode or not. It'll take some time T^T

I watched the episode to the part 3 so far, translated bits and pieces.

I didn't translate every word, comment, or conversation, but Yongseo's part is more or less all in there.

If you're happy with this kind of lousy translation, I'll do the rest of the episode in this way.

You can always ask me if you want to know more about what they're talking or if there's something unclear about my translation.

Ah, before I forget: Thank you genxv for the links, redtulip for the translation; panGG, blueshoes and oceanprince for awesome pics; Hi, miel_1301, monie 1909, jnj, crystal_malfoy, heartbreak-warfare22 and many others (sorry if I left out your names...Thank you, thank you for your posts, pics, links and all)

See you soon!

(Part 1-3)

Hyun: It’s so hot.

Yong: No one’s coming-

Y: we’re always punctual.

H: Yes.

Y&H: YEA~ (a hip-hop greeting?)

Other couples join them

Y: It’s a bit awkward….

(In a bus)

Jokwon: Where’re we going by the way?

Y: Battle Royal! Battle Royal! A war!

Mission Card: As the Korean biggest holiday (Chusuck) is coming, today we’re holding the ‘WGM strongest couple tournament’ to give lots of joy and laughs to the WGM viewers.

JK: How long have you guys been married?

Nichkhun: 2 months.

Y: Half a year.

H: Yes, 6 months…

(Jungshin gets on the bus)

H: Jungshin Chingu!

Y: Jungshin? Why?!

Adam: Did you know he’s coming?

Y: No.

Jungshin is a special MC for today’s tournament.

JK (pointing to the red circle): What is this?

JS: That I k-k-k-know.

Y: Ah, Jungshin-a. You look very uncomfortable.

Y(to Hyun): He’s really nervous now, seeing so many celebrities- Look at him sweating, he never sweats.

JS explains the games, prize, etc, only looking at his hyung.

Y: Stop looking at me, Jungshin-

The rule of the game: to stay in a red circle for 1min.

Y: Jungshin-a, come over here. It’s okay, just try not to overdo it.

JS: I’m nervous…

Y: It’s okay, wait for a bit.

Yong’s turn

H: Yong fighting!

JS: He (Y) appears to have the slowest reflexes out of all (three men).

Y: What’s the use of competing against Beastly Idols (Jimseung-dol)?

Y: Speed bump! Speed bump! Oh, yea!

H: No, no, no!

JS: 31 sec!

JK’s turn

JS: Encouragement from a wife?

Gain: If you fall, I’ll be here to catch (embrace) you.

Y: When we’ve been married for a year, can (we) be like you?

NK’s turn

Y: There are kids outside, they’ll be thinking; ‘What is NK from 2PM doing in a bus wearing a helmet?’

NK win! 100 points to the couple!

JS: We’re almost there, will take a short break.

(on top of the bus: Welcome to the special horror show)

MC Park: But the couples have no idea!

In front of the school)

JK: Where are we?

Y: It looks like a school…

JK: It looks a bit….It’ll be scary at night.

JK: I don’t think it’s in use.

Husbands are playing, doing a performance(?) while waiting for their wives to come out.

JS: The first round is sit-ups.

JS: Encouragement from the wives?

Victoria: Appa (daddy), fighting!

H: Yong, fighting-


MC Park: Yong seems struggling.

H: Well done.

Y: Where am I…?

NH 76, Y 41, JK 71. Now the wives’ turn.

Y (counting): twenty-nine, FORTY!

JS: Now, how many?

NK: 29.

Y: 40.

H:…? Isn’t it 30…?


NH: She’s done 28.

Gain, 16.

Another 100 points to the Khuntoria couple.

JS: The second round, a wrestling! 200 points for this one.

Y: I think this tournament is made for Khuntoria.

JK: I agree!

Vic: I did wrestling before.

Y: Really?

Vic: Yes, with Narsha (from BEG).

Y: Did you win?

Vic: Yes, I was a champion.

Y: Did you hear that? She was the champion!

NK vs.JK

Y: Wow, why am I nervous?

NK won.

Gain: Are you okay? Should we go to the hospital?

Y: Now I have to wrestle with NK!

NK vs. Y

JS: I think this game will finish in 5secs.

MC Park: I think Yong will lose.


Y: Did I win?

Vic vs. Gain

Vic won in 3secs.

Y: What happened? I didn’t even see it.

Vic vs. Hyun

Y: Seo Hyun, show your power!


Hyun won!

Y: Seo Hyun-a!

Na Young: How come this couple are so good at wrestling?

Y: She is a little giant!

Khuntoria 200pts, Yongseo 200pts. Adam 0pts.

JS: The next round is a relay race… with 300 points…the rule is….hang on a minute…

Y: Now you know how hard MCing is? Don’t you criticize me from now on.

Khuntoria won.

Y: When I was younger, used to be in a relay race team.

JK: Same here. If it were not with this darn sack…!

Khuntoria 500pts, Yongseo 200pts, Adam 0pts.

After dinner, in a room

JS: Next is a popularity poll. Seo Hyun, please go inside and follow the instruction.

Mission Card: It only has been a warm-up, the real horror show to determine the strongest couple will start now (It wasn’t a popularity poll after all. Just to tell each one about their ‘horror’ missions).

The light goes out…the voice says: ‘The horror show begins now… Everyone be quiet….’

NK: Please don’t do this to us….

JS: Now, the real tournament for the strongest couple starts. The couple who clear the each course fastest will be the winner with a prize.

Yongseo goes first, then Khuntoria, and Adam

JS: You start with the first floor, go through every room and up to the second floor then come back here.

The voice: It’s time to start. We’ll start with the first couple, Yongseo.

JS: Even I’m scared.

MC Park: But when they went to the ghost house the other time, he totally depended on her.

Seulong: He was so terrified.

NY: He should redeem himself this time.

Hyun screams

Gain: I really don’t like this.

JK: Let’s memorize where she screams.

MC Park: Wait, can we expect some skinship from the couples?

MC Park: They (Yongseo) are already holding hands.

MC Kim: You should, definitely!

Yongseo enters the building.

Y: There is a ghost.

H: First, a kitchen…

MC Park: It’s really dark! You can’t see anything in this darkness.

H: Oohahurr….!

Y: You stand behind my back.

H: No, I’m okay.

MC Park: Oh, Yonghwa is different today.

Y: Stand behind.

Y (opening the door): Come out!

NY: I’m scared, shall we watch holding hands?

SO: What?! No, I mean…

i just hope that you could put into writing the other subs of yongseo couple. thanks

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Guest Crystal392




Trent: Watching those screencaps I feel melancholic... aww our YongSeo has grown a lot, haven't they? ^_^





kubih: Thanks for answering my (and aisou) questions :)





seohyun_yh: Yeap it seems it's just a book excercise, but as you said, I also wonder why they decided to focus on that excercise... that book has lots of pages so they could focus on any other example, but the example they focused on Hyun~'s book was about steps to prepare for a wedding... hehehe coincidence? fate? ;)





MountainMadman: Thanks soo much for sharing that ♥ Lots of Gogumas to you ^_^ Like toomuchsmiling I also wonder what the PD meant with 'the alcohol brought out their true feelings', hmmm.... I guess I'll just have to wait and see ;)





*To all the ones who want to stream WGM, you can find links here: http://sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com/p/video.html





*Can't wait to watch the next ep :w00t:

























tinybeatingheart: Awww I hope to see you later spazzing with us :D


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Guest tinybeatingheart

































The PD said that "the alcohol brought out their true feelings" and also "confirmed the level of their mutual affection for each other through courage (?) brought by alcohol".
































































































































































































Oh my gosh, thanks MountainMadman. Now, why do I have to go out at 1PM I won't be able to catch up the livestream *sigh* I expect something cheesy when I get back home. Major spazz later, everyone! Ah, Yongseo.. I knew it. wub.gifMaybe because of this new episode, Yongseo will trend again on Twitter. Haha!
































































































































































































Want to make another FMV but it takes a lot of time *sigh again* Want to use this song because it kind of fits Yongseo. See for yourself XD
































































































































































































I'm only me when I'm with you - Tayor Swift
































































































































































































Friday night beneath the stars,
































































































































































































in a field behind your yard,
































































































































































































you and I are paintin' pictures in the sky.
































































































































































































And sometimes we don't say a thing;
































































































































































































just listen to the crickets sing.
































































































































































































Everything I need is right here by my side.
































































































































































































And I know everything about you
































































































































































































I don't wanna live without you.
































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm only up when you're not down.
































































































































































































Don't wanna fly if you're still on the ground.
































































































































































































It's like no matter what I do.
































































































































































































Well you drive me crazy half the time;
































































































































































































the other half I'm only trying to let you know that what I feel is true.
































































































































































































And I'm only me when I'm with you.
































































































































































































Just a small town boy and girl
































































































































































































livin' in a crazy world.
































































































































































































Tryin' to figure out what is and isn't true.
































































































































































































And I don't try to hide my tears.
































































































































































































The secrets or my deepest fears.
































































































































































































Through it all nobody gets me like you do.
































































































































































































And you know everything about me.
































































































































































































You say that you can't live without me.
































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm only up when you're not down.
































































































































































































Don't wanna fly if you're still on the ground.
































































































































































































It's like no matter what I do.
































































































































































































Well you drive me crazy half the time;
































































































































































































the other half I'm only trying to let you know that what I feel is true.
































































































































































































And I'm only me when I'm with you.
































































































































































































When I'm with anybody else it's so hard to be myself.
































































































































































































Only you can tell.
































































































































































































































































































































































































That I'm only up when you're not down.
































































































































































































Don't wanna fly if you're still on the ground.
































































































































































































It's like no matter what I do.
































































































































































































Well you drive me crazy half the time;
































































































































































































the other half I'm only trying to let you know that what I feel is true.
































































































































































































And I'm only me
































































































































































































Who I wanna be
































































































































































































Well, I'm only me when I'm with you
































































































































































































With you
































































































































































































Uh huh































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ah, yea. Gotta go!
































































































































































































EDIT: Hey guyss, I watched again the preview for tonight and it seems like Yong is kind of drunk by his tone! OMG *correct me if i'm wrong 8)* K- bai

































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Guest teukiie































‘YongSeo’ couple spends their last day in Japan










































Following last week’s episode of MBC’s “We Got Married“, in which Seohyun initiated skinship withYonghwa, the upcoming episode will document the couple spending their final day in Japan.














In the upcoming episode, the YongSeo couple decided to go out for a beer. Then with the help of a bit of alcohol, the two reportedly decided to open up their true feelings and discussed about things that they originally kept to themselves.














Stay tuned to the broadcast on November 27th to watch the sentimental moments between the YongSeo couple.

















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Guest luv_yesung
































hi all gogumas!!unnie,oppa,dongsaeng and chingu!!
















i'm new to this thread and soompi too,so please let me know if i make any mistakes.been a lurker and spend the last 2 weeks reading all pages,and so happy that our couple is so loved!!love their progress.it's so natural and believable,not too rushed just to make everybody happy.it's so natural that if they really fall for each other it's just how it should be happening right??i believe love in a first sight,but love which come gradually,slowly but sure surely more strong,sweet and beautiful.sorry my blabbers. :sweatingbullets: LOL
















can't wait for the new episodes btw!!! :wub:

















































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I was asking myself why Hyun has no black room interview on their latest episode. So I rewatched Episode 31 and looked at Yong’s clothes during his interview for their Japan trip. I was expecting it but still it surprised me, his clothes were the same (Black room interview ep 31 and 32). As for Hyun, the interview must have started from she was really happy seeing Yong, his hair became lighter and longer and his face V shaped. But what happened with her interview before she initiates skinship?
































































































































































































































































That coaxed me to make this: Black room interview

































































































































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Guest lovekin


separation anxiety:


i was told by a mod the last time that all fics should go to the fic section so on it goes!  it's my first attempt at a multi-chaptered story and, generally speaking, i don't really have an outline for things, so i'm making stuff up as i go along.  hope this will tide you guys over until tomorrow!




good night~  laugh.gif


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Guest Crystal392








While we wait until the next ep.... I found some cute gifs/screencaps at dcmarried:

















~This screencap is from a CNBLUE show (I think 'Making the artist'), when CNBLUE was promoting 'I'm a loner'... Yong~ was filmed reading a book, later we found out that book was a gift from Hyun~



















~The first time Hyun~ visited CNBLUE dorm she gave the CNBLUE boys some gifts... Yong~ was really happy :) Duck ♥~



















~The first time Hyun~ met her bro-in-laws~






































~Always expect the unexpected from our YongSeo~



















All pictures and gifs: cr to Gogumas@dcinside






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I'm sorry to ask this, but I'm kind if new here. I want to watch WGM live but really don't know how. Can anybody help me with a link or any suggestion that I can learn about.
















Btw, is it about one more hour left to the show? :)

















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