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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Hi, everyone!
















I believed the clip is from Come to play (thanks to the MCs), in this show, I think he was wearing his ring. I saw some gif from this show and it clearly shows his ring... (I'm trying to find these gifs) The interview clip with MinHuyk, it looked like them doing a CF or photo shoot, maybe it's the designer's ideas.
















































Couldn't find the gif, but here are some photos.
































































































Different clothes but same show
































































credit to: iloveyongseo blog link

















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On Friday 26th November 2010, @hiros2008 said:








#SNSD on Music Station. Phrases on SeoHyun's Japanese textbook.
















to buy rings








to determine the ceremonial hall








to buy furniture








to send invitation letters








to arrange dishes








to make reservations for the honeymoon trip








to choose the wedding dress








...it looks like she is preparing for the wedding o.O








credit: hiros2008@twitter








edit: since a few of you asking me about what it is all about, i have edit the source of the image to make it clearer so you can read the contents of the book on the right page.



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Guest chilipadi_22



oooooo....after seeing the preview, i am getting really excited for tomorrow's episode. but i cant watch live streaming tomorrow.

and i think that by the time i come online, this thread would have jumped alot of pages. heehee^^

hyun also got her driving license???

i am so curious abt the heart to heart talk between yong and hyun!

counting down the time now to saturday afternoon! :)

nights fellow gogumas who are still online.

by the way, there is inkigayo this sun??


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Yeah, we should be too concerned - and I think it's partially my fault. I really, really sorry if I have made anyone feel overly concerned. Everything is peachy. My only explanation for this is that my relatives will invade my place this evening and I have to cook, which is making me fidgety.

Again, really, really sorry.

Best regards,


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Guest hallyucraze






Yeah, we should be too concerned - and I think it's partially my fault. I really, really sorry if I have made anyone feel overly concerned. Everything is peachy. My only explanation for this is that my relatives will invade my place this evening and I have to cook, which is making me fidgety.




Again, really, really sorry.




Best regards,










awww.. trent.. don't need to apologise.. it just goes to show we love our Yongseo couple soooo much.. but after some clarifications.. I think u & the rest of us gogumas can put our mind at ease... don't worry so much abt them..N your cooking? I'm sure it will turn out fabulous! hehehe!!




Enjoy the company of your relatives! While I .. will be unable to watch Yongseo tml... My late grandma's 100 days prayers.. I hope u guys will update here on soompi & I get to watch it when i get back!!




Enjoy the lovely weekend gogumas.. N we are gonna get 'drunk' on Yongseo!!! :D



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Guest MountainMadman

Aww darn, I was all giddy when I found the previews were up and it turns out they were already translated. :P

Anyways, wow! I'm looking forward to what would happen with a little bit of alcohol in their systems...and did Seohyun finally pass her driving exam? Sure looks like it...

Can't wait for Saturday.   

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Guest yslovelightys




























I can't stop staring at Yong's pics that santak posted.






























































He looked real good in those photos! 






























































Especially the first two..






























































I loveee his smile. biggrin.gif






























































Btw, thank you santak for the photos. 






























































I know you've made many gogumas happy with that caps of Yong wearing the ring. 





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Guest Caliope

Thank you so much for the translation (preview) ^^


Last night in Japan, Yonghwa and Seohyun's first time drinking together!

Drinking newbies YongSeo! After one question by Seohyun, the atmosphere completely changes ~ Now they can talk! Things they couldn't say before come spilling out! Due to the power of alcohol, what sorts of emotions come spilling out?

After the Japan trip, they're going to Kanghwado to harvest their gogumas! Yong is busy preparing bags to harvest the gogumas while shocking Seohyun cooly brings a truck?

About changing times or suspended due to NK...

If you want your country back to normal (without chaos), do not change nothing (TV Programs, festivals, works... etc.

At the minimum you modify something, it's worse.

In my country there is a terrorist group (ETA) that has killed more than 50 years. They do it because they want independence from Spain. Bombs at airports, on trains...

I know that is not the same one country against another, that a group of people against a country.

I know it sounds selfish, but it is the only solution.

If you change, they think it's because of them.

They will think they are important. They can make you shake and this is not true.

You are stronger.

The country must move forward, getting stronger and not letting your citizens are in a cloud of chaos. You can change, making things more safe, but never removed.

And Never forget the people who are gone. They make us even stronger :)

All this from someone who knows what terrorism is and who her grandparents were fighting in the Spanish Civil War.

I just wanted to express my opinion. I hope nobody has bothered.

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Guest wallpaperfood

kubih, I love you so much right now. Although everything's still hush-hush regarding the pics of hyun at the bridal makeup place, we get this awesome piece of news :) (I wonder how come no news of Yong and wedding-related matters though? So far everything stems from Hyun hahaha). I'm also so hyped that I see "honeymoon trip" on the list! Don't want to get my hopes up though. Seemed too good to be true after Japan trip just aired. But I guess since that was like, 2+ months ago.....:P . I want to see CNB and SNSD family together too hehe.

santak, thanks for clearing that up. I thought he looked like he was wearing the ring anyways, but I couldn't be 100% sure becuase of the vid's resolution.

trent, good luck cooking for your relatives! Last time I did that, they all got diarrhea lol. ... o_0 . And don't worry about getting us confused/worried about the Inki showing. It's what we tend to do best here on this thread anyways ^^. Looks like Inki is showing after all, so yay :)


caliope, I like what you shared :). It was strong, tragic and uplifting at the same time. I salute your grandparents, and all civilians who have ever fought in wars for their country. Very patriotic and admirable.

---second edit---

awww dreamyboo I'm scared now too... :"( i'm not good at dealing with stuff like that, i'm too addicted to yongseo as well AND it doesn't help that I can be very melodramatic...hopefully it's not the case!! :) think nice thoughts to keep sane :)

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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If you have enough patience to think about the rings, go back to about 800 or 700 pages. We once debated over that <_<
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































ok back to happy mode :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The text preview is........*faint*!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Drunken YongSeo ... tsk...tsk... Just tell each other what is in your heart kekekeke
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun is preparing a weeding or what?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the list is just simple ..... WEEDING!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OMG... I'm so over the moon !!!

































































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hello gogumaz~ ^^

thanks everyone for the links, fanarts, POVs, news & other goodies! been working my butt off these few days... T.T

ichigo-chan~! thanks for the sweet fmv... :wub:sorry, i haven't got the time to reply ur PM -.-" will reply u later~! ;)

aisuo, thanks for the pics :)... although it pains me to see those pics, but u're right... we shouldn't bash on a person just 'cause we don't like her/him.

whoa... kubih! after reading about hyun getting ready for all that was listed in ur post... IDKW am i feeling more sad than happy? :( although i'd like to see yongseo taking their wedding shots, but right now i'd rather not since to me, it's an indication that they might end their WGM contract any time. sorry, i know i'm being selfish/immature to actually feel this way but i guess the main reasons could be that i'm scared: 1) i'll be missing them like crazy, 2) i'll be very disappointed for not being able to know much of yongseo's progress after WGM, 3) to face the truth that isn't according to what i've always wished for yongseo to be.

sigh... i guess i'm getting too attached to this couple to feel this way. pls forgive me for bringing the mood down. i need someone to cheer me up right now. maybe i should do another marathon of them later.... jyeahhh!!!

wow... so tomorrow we'll see yongseo confessing to each other??? ohohohoh this must be GREAT!!! and hyun driving a truck??? IDKW, but i'd like to see yong drive hyun around... on 2nd thought, yongseo is a very unique couple so i guess i don't really mind to see somethingt outta the norm. xD geee, i think i made myself feel better after thinking about tomorrow's ep!!! LOL :P


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Guest SwEEtGoguma_7







hi everyone, yeah finally tomorow we will see how many gogumas Yong is given by Seohyun ^^.









Im so excited...I want to share this with you guys it is not Yongseo related but Seohyun related










Why did Seohyun cry at Hyoyeon’s birthday party?














Seohyun revealed the story about herself crying and drinking in SNSD’s dorm in Japan. On KBS 2TV’s “Night Star”, Seohyun unveiled her story amidst the discussion about Hyoyeon’s birthday party in their dorm in Japan.









During the party, the members played a game among thems...elves and maknae, Seohyun was asked to take alcoholic drink as a ‘penalty’. Knowing that Seohyun does not take alcoholic drinks, the members deliberately asked her to drink more.














Out of a sudden, Seohyun got up and went straight to her room. Upon seeing Seohyun’s action, the members started to feel worried about her. Seohyun who was crying then opened the door, and carried out the ‘penalty’ by finishing off the alcoholic drink. After that, she went straight back to her room and cried again. Upon hearing Seohyun’s story, Sooyoung lighted up the atmosphere by cracking a joke about Seohyun’s unexpected behavior.














What was the reason for Seohyun’s behavior? Don’t worry. The answer will be revealed on November 28th at 11.15pm KST.










see you tomorrow Goguma Lovers.


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Guest calculator

Seohyun is preparing a weeding or what?

the list is just simple ..... WEEDING!

Did you mean "wedding"?

Weed is a drug btw.

Anyways, I had a question to SwEEtGoguma_7... What show is "Night Star"?

I would know if that was written in Korean or have other Soompiers post up

a downloadable site by how you mentioned on Nov. 28, 2010?

Hopefully, you could help me out with it. Thank you!

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Guest ikekeyou












































yay one more day till yongseo time!!! (:




































wow the preview got me hooked!!!




































i wonder what seohyun asked him?!?!




































(hmmmm.... did yong do anything between their time spent apart?!?)




































maybe.... it's the question from the preview "how many goguma do i have?"




































ahhhh omg!! i cant wait!! ahahah




































and seohyun cooly brings a truck??!?




































maybe seohyun drives the truck there and surprises yonghwa and then yonghwa drives it back!!












































































































i hope seohyun takes a sip from yong's beer!!! ahahaahh :D





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Guest SwEEtGoguma_7







Hi :calculator 














to answer your question I only know night star is an  overnight variety program where they play games and talk and I watched it  once because Yonghwa,Jungshin chingoo were the guests and Shinee`s Onew as the MC









(Where Onew warned Yonghwa dont hurt Seohyun).Im sorry I cant give you more information.









I found some pics from SNSD on night star especially where you can see









 uri pretty Seohyun^^.Looks like the girls had fun and Im curious what they ate.(<_<)





 I hope I didnt break some rules if yes please tell me.Ahh and I see ring ding dong












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On Friday 26th November 2010, @hiros2008 said:










#SNSD on Music Station. Phrases on SeoHyun's Japanese textbook.




















to buy rings










to determine the ceremonial hall










to buy furniture










to send invitation letters










to arrange dishes










to make reservations for the honeymoon trip










to choose the wedding dress










...it looks like she is preparing for the wedding o.O










credit: hiros2008@twitter



















Is this really true? :blink: Your post has a lot of thumps up, but no one really spazzes about it which is very weird. The whole list is weird... Why would she write that on her Japanese textbook... and how did this news suddenly came out? Someone help? I'm so confused by the sudden news and the lack of reaction from other Goguma's haha


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Guest Crystal392




santak: Thanks for sharing those pics ^^ Yeah it seems the CNBLUE boys were doing a photoshoot on the 'Coffee' video.





kubih: Thanks for sharing that. Woah is that what she wrote or what was already written on her textbook? :o





Trent: Aww don't worry. Good luck with cooking *hugs*





hihi_hehe: Hiii *waves* :)





calculator: Maybe you can find more info at SNSD thread ;)





aisou: It's the translation of what it's written, but I also wonder if she wrote that or if it was already written on the book (there are little draws of what I think is a couple).





*Photoshopped pic:





~YongSeo at the airport~

















~Looking at the stars~











~Picnic ♥~









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Guest calculator

I have figured out what it is. It's called 야행성 in Korean.


Comes out on Sunday. Just saying, lol.

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aisou: It's the translation of what it's written, but I also wonder if she wrote that or if it was already written on the book (there are little draws of what I think is a couple).








Thanks for responding. Now that I look closer, I believe that 'the list' is just an exercise in the Japanese textbook. It's not very clear, but on the right page you'll see that the images matches with each 7 points of the list.








Aigoo and I almost believed they were planning a wedding haha


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