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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest sun_sun
































































































































































































































Hi everyone ^^...Yeah SAT's coming... Thank you for translate preview  and Thank you Hacker8 for advice how to save the vid...But if someone cannot do that , I still upload at MF and here link that folder >>> WGM Link to download  (j2dlee's trans)  It's not complete all...
































































































































































PS. YT already found my channel...Ep.32 part 1 was blocked in some countries cannot view it....so sad T.T

































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Just found & wanna share this













































































































































































Is he wearing a ring? Yes but not sure if it's the 'wedding ring' or not.































































Jung Yonghwa
































Hobby: Music --> everybody knows it already. ;)
































Specialty: clarinet, beat box --> I really have no idea that he really can play clarinet....in ep earlier I thought they just playing around... hehe. Hyun really knows her's husband
































Fave clothing brand: TOPSHOP--> Nice choice...
































Type of girl: honest and supportive-->We know who is it...
































If you’re animal, you’d be a: dog (because he’s active)-->really suit you Yong seobang...
































Personality: honest--> we know it already
































Got it from Daily Kpop News
































with all BIL info...
































To Sun_Sun : Really thankful for MF link.

















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Guest SophiaPia














Thanks sun_sun, yeah! tomorrow YongSeo day, based on the preview looks like it's gonna be another sweet episodes for our lovely YongSeo couple ^_^  As always thanks to j2dlee for translations and to u for doing the sub. 










edit : 










zealous yes! it's the wedding ring 




















d_????? : Thanks yeah! it's ok coz looks like wife SeoHyun don't wear her unnies ring either. Hubby Yong turns to scold her tongue.gifkekeke!










We all excited for tomorrow :) I think while watching YongSeo i might drink wine kekeke! to join them ^_^ Cheers










Hi everyone ^^...Yeah SAT's coming... Thank you for translate preview  and Thank you Hacker8 for advice how to save the vid...But if someone cannot do that , I still upload at MF and here link that folder >>> WGM Link to download  (j2dlee's trans)  It's not complete all...










PS. YT already found my channel...Ep.32 part 1 was blocked in some countries cannot view it....so sad T.T












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today's performance in japan..she is not wearing the ring..




maybe to avoid questions or something?....








Uploaded with ImageShack.us




but its no big deal to me...




better if she does not wear the ring..so that i would be use to it and be ready if the time when wgm ends..




how sad...





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Guest Faith_memory


















ohh... so seohyun did not wear their 'couple ring'.. sad.. sad... anyways, the management must've told them not to wear accessories but still, sad. Is it just me or 'am i thinkin' that Yong is the one wearing the ring most of the time, in photoshoots and performances and stuffs. anyway, they are artists so it's fine if they don't wear it, but still part of me wants them to wear the ring 27/7.. lol, well, that's only part of me.. so please don't hate me.














anyway, no one should call Yonghwa 'bad boy' because of not wearing the ring in the past... Seohyun didn't wear the ring this time. sighs, our couple.. keke ♥ anyway, their bond and feelings are not just in the ring.. but in the heart kekeke. so excited for tomorrow.



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Guest desirenhope
































































































i think all the girls in SNSD aren't wearing any accessories, so their management must have told them not to wear any.
















































































But since we're on the topic of couple rings again, was browsing around and this clip was recent (aired today) Mnet Wide News.
































































































































































Yonghwa wasn't wearing his ring too. *correct me if i'm wrong*









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Guest Faith_memory




























LOL, i was boread and stuffs so i went to seohwa international.




















just wanna post something here.. sorry if this was posted already before. keke~ ♥




















credit : bhlee0203@youtube.com




















the DUCK




















this girl, must be a goguma hahaha! ♥








































yong boasting. hahaha!! ♥








































reminds us of seohyun giving the duck thing to yong~ kekeke ♥




















LINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7LcJ3QaID4




















mark 4:50 - the girl gave the duck




















mark 5:13 - yong showing the duck. lol





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I'm so happy, please YongSeo talk!!!! MC kim said it was daebak (talking about 3 couples and even in his down mood) So pleaseYongSeo be daebak!!!
















































Thanks a lot gogumas, innon, cloiee18, you've made my day :rolleyes:. Thanks sun_sun, sophiapia, faith_, Zealous, d_3, desirenhope, kubih, blueshoes, sancho and everyone!!!






























































































































































I just saw this fanart in facebook...






























































































































































































cr . dcmarried ; reuploaded by jaslovesYG@iloveyongse

















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i think all the girls in SNSD aren't wearing any accessories, so their management must have told them not to wear any.

But since we're on the topic of couple rings again, was browsing around and this clip was recent (aired today) Mnet Wide News.


Yonghwa wasn't wearing his ring too. *correct me if i'm wrong*

Hmmmm ... not sure. In the scene before it changes to the photoshoot, there SEEMS something to be on his hand, but resolution of the entire thing is WAY too bad to see it well. But I believe it's the ring.

GogumaFBI anyone?



Here. If you compare it to his other fingers, there seems to be something there. Does anyone have a clearer pictures?

Best regards,


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Guest wallpaperfood

Trent, I agree, there seems to be something on his finger but the resolution is too poor (plus his hand moves very fast when it is captured onscreen anyway). However, he wasn't wearing it for the rest of the vid, I think that's what desirenhope meant. And I think the snsd girls were told to take off jewelry as mentioned, as none of them are wearing them anyway.

Omo I can't wait to see how Hyun handles a drunk Yong! She looked a bit scared/freaked/unsure of what he would do in the preview before he reached over and grabbed her hand. I thought that was hilaaarious because her eyes were stuck so wide in anticipation.

and faith_memory, thanks for the vid link and the screencaps! I had never come across it before, and was pleasantly surprised :). Yong looked sooo elated over receiving the duck toy, he was super excited showing it to Minhyuk and Jonghyun too hehe.

Tomorrow, PALLI!!!

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Hello, everyone.

The rest of the video was a Behind-The-Scenes for a photoshot - and depending on the designers, sometimes you are required to talk off your entire accessories (including the ring). As for Seohyun not wearing the ring:

It's not an MBC show and she isn't wearing the SNSD-ring either, so ... oh, well.

Best regards,


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Guest desirenhope
























































































Hmmmm ... not sure. In the scene before it changes to the photoshoot, there SEEMS something to be on his hand, but resolution of the entire thing is WAY too bad to see it well. But I believe it's the ring.
















































































GogumaFBI anyone?
















































































Best regards,















































































































































































































































I actually downloaded the clip and its in good quality *for some reason, i can't play dailymotion videos on my browser* and he wasn't wearing any ring throughout the interview.
















































































Nevertheless, let's not all worry. I heard there's Inkigayo this Sunday which happens to be SNSD's goodbye stage. So we shall see continue with the ring progress on Sunday. :P
















































































I can't wait for tomorrow's episode. Looks like alcohol really helps our couple to loosen up. A LOT.
































































































































































Trent, the screenshot from that video was from an MBC footage Come To Play a few months back which was shown in the short news report.









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Guest glennpaulo






Wearing couple ring is one of their mission given by the WGM management, that they need to fullfill while they are filming WGM . maybe, if they will not wear it in a couple of week or a month. their filming might be finished.





EDIT: I Hope one of them will show wearing couple ring.



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Guest yslovelightys
















































Sooo excited for tomorrow! w00t.gif




















The preview is really interesting.








































crystal_malfoy It's really weird. I mean who wouldn't look at yong or talk to him when they meet him in person??? I think even an anti-fan would have something to say. lol. I really do hope its one of those "prophetic" dreams too. I was thinking about that dream the whole day you know. I've even been spazzing about it. haha. biggrin.gif




















Faith_memory I just love the caps you posted. Yong's expressions were daebak! He really is Yong Choding. haha. laugh.gif




















It's sad though that I can't stream live tomorrow. School's really starting to get crazy. wacko.gif




















 I hope raw + translations would be out though by the time I arrive home. biggrin.gif








































Edit: There won't be music core or inkigayo this week. I read it from allkpop. LINK





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@glennpaulo: Ehhhh ... let's not tink about that, because that's what all of us are MOST AFRAID of!!!! Let's wait for Inkigayo and see what happens, alright?

Ahhhh, now I'm nervous. Any recent pictures of them? We should do some cyberstalking. ;)

EDIT: Thanks to Nat-sshi for pointing this out. Yonghwa wore the ring yesterday at the NII fanmeeting. Pictures (and therefore evidence) can be found at Yonghwa's thread here at Soompi. Am really sorry for prematurely panicking.

Best regards,


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Guest CallMeDayDreamer
































@glennpaulo: Ehhhh ... let's not tink about that, because that's what all of us are MOST AFRAID of!!!! Let's wait for Inkigayo and see what happens, alright?












Ahhhh, now I'm nervous. Any recent pictures of them? We should do some cyberstalking. ;)












Best regards,



































Inkigayo will not air this weekend.










































SBS has also canceled “Inkigayo” with  deference to the social atmosphere, following the Yeonpyeong Island  shelling earlier this week.























Source : Allkpop

















































I was hoping for SNSD to win this week, so we can see a little Yongseo interaction... ^_^

Nevertheless, let's not all worry. I heard there's  Inkigayo this Sunday which happens to be SNSD's goodbye stage. So we  shall see continue with the ring progress on Sunday. :P























Sorry to cut your post...






































It's SNSD's goodbye stage already? That was quick.























Anyways, that's sad. 






































What if they win this week?  I was hoping that they would get it this week,






































then next week the MC's will personally hand them their trophy on the MC's corner.






































Maybe we could see another Yongseo interaction just like what happened during their comeback stage.






































oh well... better luck next time... :sweatingbullets:






































EDIT: Awww gosh... i topped the page... brb i'll find something to share...blush.gif












Here's our extra touchy Hyun buin in the Japan episode...












To be honest, i still can't get over how AWESOME she is in this episode...












You can tell she was really planning it... lol (I bet her unnies has something to do with it...:lol:)




























Thank God she pulled it off... cheerleader.gif
















I'm just so proud of Seohyun in this episode... i feel like a proud momma...
























So sorry for the horrible caps... I really don't know how to make proper SC's..:sweatingbullets:





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Guest Kerube-Chan
































































































































































































































































































































I have to post because we are increasing the stress level of the thread talking about the ring...
































































































































































































































































In the page before (or the one before that) there is a picture of YH in a fansigning event in wich we can clearly see the ring... the fansinging event was on november 25 (yesterday)... People please dont panic we know that because of their work they have to take it off sometime.
































































































































































































































































Sometimes SNSD doesnt wear ANY accesories in their performance so no worry on that side too.
































































































































































































































































Lets keep coming the happy thoughs... Happy spazzing gogumas.... the preview had me hyperventilating... How I wish I understand korean, the good thing is that this thread is full of angels that will keep us updated... XD

































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Guest desirenhope
























































































Inkigayo will not air this weekend.






























































































































































































































































SBS has also canceled “Inkigayo” with  deference to the social atmosphere, following the Yeonpyeong Island  shelling earlier this week.































































































































































Source : Allkpop




















































































































































































































































































































































































































I was hoping for SNSD to win this week, so we can see a little Yongseo interaction... ^_^































































































































































Sorry to cut your post...






















































































































































































































































It's SNSD's goodbye stage already? That was quick.































































































































































Anyways, that's sad. 






















































































































































































































































What if they win this week?  I was hoping that they would get it this week,






















































































































































































































































then next week the MC's will personally hand them their trophy on the MC's corner.






















































































































































































































































Maybe we could see another Yongseo interaction just like what happened during their comeback stage.






















































































































































































































































oh well... better luck next time... :sweatingbullets:






















































































































































































































































EDIT: Awww gosh... i topped the page... brb i'll find something to share...blush.gif







































































































































































I read it from SNSD's thread that Inki will still air. The news report on Allkpop was during the day but the latest news i read from SNSD's thread was released in the evening. So not very sure if Inki will still air for sure or not. YAY for inkigayo!
















































































Oh yes! The Nii fansign! I think we Gogumas are too excited at every single little thing that's YongSeo related.
















































































And while repeatedly watching last week's episode, I can't help but still feel so proud at their progress. Seohyun is not even shy to tell Yong that he's looking good.
















































































Anyways, I cannot livestream's tomorrow's episode as I have an exam. And I can still joyfully post on this thread when I should be studying.









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Guest Crystal392
































































About the ring and being an indicator on whether they are still filming WGM or not, well (like Kerube_Chan said) CNBLUE had yesterday a fansign and Yong~ wore the ring ;) So don’t worry my dear Gogumas! :)














































































































Yay the preview is out :w00t: I really don’t think they got drunk, not even slightly tipsy... imo WGM PDs are exaggerating a bit but who knows right? Can´t wait to find that out tomorrow :D














































































































and Inki will air as usual? :o

















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