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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest .:love_ya:.
















































































































































ke~~~~~~~~~~~ Hyun buin's flexibility has increased tremendously! LOVE LOVE LOVE ^^ and of course we all know it's all because of Yong seobang's influence hehehe I SOOO CAN'T WAIT TILL WGM AIRS!!! these few hours just feel longer than these 20 years of my life! >.< but I think holding hands would be the most reasonable since they're going out for a walk? :D
































































@lovekin: r u a psychic? cuz u've just totally read M Y M I N D! lol I totally agree with all you said goguma buddie! ^^
































































@luvtokki: lol you cracked me up budd hahahahaha









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Guest nadihee












i really hope rdrsubs or soshisubs or whatever can sub it really fast! they are all my heroes. i will die if there arent them ^_^



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Guest dbskisluv2
































































































i can't wait for this episode i wonder what kind of skinship she would try
































with seohyun i never know she always surprises me
































while i was waiting i made this(:

































































































































































































































































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Guest desirenhope
































































































Reading everyone's prediction about today's daebak episode have only made me feel more tingly. While reading everyone's prediction, I imagined the scene if Yonghwa & Seohyun were to really do it and I laugh an evil laugh.
















































































I will be satisfied even if its just holding hands. But of course, since its Yonghwa & Seohyun, anything under the sun can happen.









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Guest chilipadi_22



its SATURDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and its less than 6 hours till wgm.


i guess everyone's getting really excited! because I DEFINITELY AM!!!! ^^

whats going to happen to uri goguma???

the answer is going to be released soon!!!

OMONA~ i cant wait! :)


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Guest fr0zenxen



Hi guys. Reading all of your dreams and guess about skinship from Hyun makes me smiling and laughing and my imagination goes wild. w00t.gif

My guess is only holding hand but yea, expect the unexpected from them. 

Ohh I probably cant stream today [although I cant understand anything], so I depend on you guys for any news. 

I remember my first-time streaming, and the episode was the romantic episode of their birthday celebration , I screamed happily and hug my two small nieces who knew nothing. Yea yea crazy, they make me crazy. sweatingbullets.gif

And the small children fight from the last episode "I will get the signature thingy" showed that they show their emotions more. rolleyes.gif I love this part, perhaps it is my favorite part.


Oh I think I can improve my english writing if I post more. Hehe


Gtg, bye~! 


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Guest Crystal392

Reading all your posts makes me feel more excited :D

I am really anxious and feel so curious.

I really wonder what will Hyun~ do and what was Yong~'s reaction.

Always expect the unexpected from our YongSeo right?

hehehe I am dying to know!! :o

Before we begin spazzing like mad let's remember it's against soompi rules to quote pics and to post less than 20 words or one-lines. Please don't write just to ask where you can watch WGM or if anyone has cuts :P Let's all take care of Goguma Planet!

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Guest archiehon
























































monkie2804: I agree it would not be hyun if she kissed him. We have to wonder if she was possessed by something if that happened, keuk keuk keuk....








































I'm hoping Yong's reaction would not be something that will discourage Hyun. Ooooooh, it's possible with this couple rite......*sigh*, I know, i know, i know, expect the unexpected. But i want them to have a good time and they will cherish this memory forever!









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Guest soshisoshisoshi
































































it's finally saturday everyone!!!! (in my country)































gogumaland is going to explode in a few hours and this thread will be full with comments......






























































just like crystal_malfoy said, we always expect the unexpected coz our lovely couple always provide surprises!!






























































mmmmm...... i dont know what to share so today we can happily declare that today........















































































































































































































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guys can you check..is he wearing the ring....




i cant verify it...








gosh..this afternoon i have to go somewhere..hope i will be back on time before wgm airs...




what kind of skinship will it be?... i was really imaging what could it be that it fits to our couple...holding hands will be cute..but interlocking fingers is sweeter...hehe..anything will be fine with me as long its skinship!...level up yongseo couple!..




but i think it will be more..because of the mc's volcanic reaction..haha




it is already a sign for yong that hyun is open for skinship..he better grab the opportunity..hehe...




i have a short story to tell you guys...




once, my brother pass by at my back and look on the monitor and i was watching yongseo episode...




he said "are they lover?" out of the blue he commented on what i was watching...(note: my brother is not interested in kpop so he doesn't exactly know them)




what i want to say is that...see guys even other people who's not into yongseo couple...they can see the spark between them... :wub:





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Hi... It's SATURDAY!!! 








biggrin.gif YongSeo will make me fly laugh.gif


























Reading all gogumas posts makes my imagination running wild. 










        holding hands










        linking arms            










        head on the shoulder










        back hug










        piggyback ride










        kiss on the cheek





























The anticipation is driving me nuts. I'm    thinking... Both of them lying down a meter apart, facing each other    with their secret smiles & looking deep into each others' eyes until they    fall asleep 











































luvtokki, your imagination is 'CRAZY'. love it 

























I can dream....






















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Guest Faith_memory
































hm... is he wearing the ring?? there are TWO rings!!! on his ring finger!!! lol. I think one of that is the couple ring, but turned around. kekeke~ ♥ yong really loves stars!














"I wish i don't be silly, she's popular"














from I don't know why - cnblue!














Hello my fellow Gogumas!!!!!!!



























our moment is fast approaching!!! kkeke!! im so excited, we'll have wgm this week!!! ♥♥♥



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Guest SophiaPia







Hello to all





Today is the day, i'm excited and nervous at the same time what will happen later on, only translations from mountainmadman we're all excited already what more later on geeeeeeeeee! 





what ever it is holding hands, hug, back/front hug, piggyback, KISSSSSS it's fine coz the good thing about it, is from wifey Hyun kekeke! i'm gonna try tvu later on. Cheers to all 










edit: d_????? i think one is the couple ring but he turn it around 







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hmm..anyone know where i can watch online this show.. sory for asking,i think someone has post the link but i cant find it...sad.gif
















































Dear goguma, please change your post and add something about yongseo couple, because is against the rules just ask for links :sweatingbullets:.
















































Here you go, some sites where you can watch ...
































































































http://soshified.com...hp?/page/stream channel #5































































































http://www.tvunetwor...atchTV/#c=82048 (the best for me) or http://www.tvunetwor...ex.html#c=89991 (once they aired in this channel)
















































You can go to My linkhttp://sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com/p/video.html for more links!!
















































Can´t wait can´t wait, here another preview that was shared in twitter

















































Watch the skinship episode that made Jung Yonghwa excited on We Got Married Nov 20th tonight.
















































































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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































finally saturday is here. after a long 2 week wait for the next episode, we can finally enjoy YongSeo couple today, plus the news about Seohyun initiating skinship and Yonghwa's reaction to it make today's episode extra special. making us wait for 2 weeks plus giving us news article (thanks to the translation of Mountainmadman), made us crazy at the same time, super excited for today's episode. *^*^*^ regarding Seohyun's skinship. I have a few ideas. a back hug or holding hands would be enough for me considering its Seohyun. but let's not forget, both Yonghwa and Seohyun have surprised us countless times because they are really unpredictable, because they are not your usual couple. they are special, very special. so whatever Seohyun attempted to do, it would be awesome and its might probably blow our minds. the same would apply to Yonghwa's reaction to Seohyun's skinship attempt. and at the end of the day, all of us goguma villagers, man and woman alike, would have a big richard simmons smile plastered on our faces for a few hours, probably even a few days.





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Guest Crystal392

Soompi is acting weird... <_< I just hope it won't act weird when WGM airs :P

I wonder if Yong~ will call Hyun~ 'Jasshik~~~' today... I love when he calls her that way ♥

*From dcmarried, so cute:

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hi guyssss.. eheheh it's been quite a while since my last post! i miss this thread and since i know that it's already saturday there in korea, i kinda expect this thread to be merrier at this hour. turns out i'm right! i've read MountainMadman's translation and OMG i swear I jumped around my room like an idiot...! hahahhaha i don't even bother what kinda skinship it is at first.. hehehe.. i realised that since the last episode, hyun's been showing more initiative in terms of their relationship's progress.. what a good thing.. maybe this is the beginning of her response towards yong's real reason for the mildang? ahhh i don't wanna get too caught up in my own thoughts here.. anyway, since a lot of you have made your guess already, here's mine: BACKHUG. why? because i think even though hyun may be too shy to do it, in my opinion, armlinking/ holding hands sounds too ordinary for someone as 4D as hyun.. idk though.. the biggest percentage so far goes to holding hands.. but a girl can dream can't she? heehehhee i'm expecting yong's "Jashik" too.. and since the preview said that "to remember their last day, the couple took a walk and wife Hyun attempted skinship on Yong husband for the first time.Furthermore, Yong husband baffled expression made the whole We Got Married cast cheered loudly.
















































































Watch the skinship episode that made Jung Yonghwa excited" 
















































































i think it's really possible that it's a backhug hehehe.. since they took a walk in the evening right? i assume it's dark then, and the lack of light gives hyun more courage to do the skinship hehehe.. i can't wait to see yong's baffled face hwhahahaha.. honestly i have high hopes here.. i hope the PDnim will show us the full scene, and give yongseo more airtime! i'm not easily disappointed by the absence of little things, but i swear imma be disappointed if... the episode ends before hyun does the skinship or right after she did it. i hate cliffhangers more than anything..! but anyway i better keep my mind thinking bout prospective positive things to happen between them hehehe.. go go go gogumaaaaa... 
















































































btw, i am a mac user, and tvu doesn't work for me.. do any of u guys know the solution to stream wgm live for mac users like me? my browser: flock, chrome, safari. thanks before!
















































































btw i can't help but notice that both of them dyed their hair color lighter now... hihihi.. and hyun is often caught wearing blue outfits these days.. what's with this compatibility thingy?  hohohoho..




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































looking forward to some serious spazzing here in the next few hours/ days
































































:D :D 































































































































































have a good day my fellow goguma villagers, wherever you are <3
















































































































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Guest YongSeo
























After reading the translation by Mountainmadman, I rewatched the preview. the part where they were back in their inn and Yong asking hyun how much goguma pts he has of then, I think that it must be after they were back from their stroll to the grocery shop becos their table was full of snacks and can drinks. So Hyun initiating skinship must be before this. couldn't really tell from this small part or find any clues to tell at what stage is their r/s at. Okie.. another few more hours to go before the truth reveals. Looking forward to another episode that is as daebak as or even better than the bday epi!!! =D
















Personal guess to what skinship that Hyun initiated: hold hands or link arm. Haa.. dont think that she is that daring to give her first kiss in front of national tv. lol.. but still we are allowed to dream........
















enjoy watching to all gogumas!!









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Guest Faith_memory
















After reading the translation by MdmMadame, I rewatched the preview. the part where they were back in their inn and Yong asking hyun how much goguma pts he has of then, I think that it must be after they were back from their stroll to the grocery shop becos their table was full of snacks and can drinks. So Hyun initiating skinship must be before this. couldn't really tell from this small part or find any clues to tell at what stage is their r/s at. Okie.. another few more hours to go before the truth reveals. Looking forward to another episode that is as daebak as or even better than the bday epi!!! =D














Personal guess to what skinship that Hyun initiated: hold hands or link arm. Haa.. dont think that she is that daring to give her first kiss in front of national tv. lol.. but still we are allowed to dream........














 enjoy watching to all gogumas!!



























yeah i agree with your post. keke..im excited for when hyun initiate skinship, but for some reason im more excited to see yong's reaction. kekeke~ ♥ what ever happens in today's episode shall be loved ♥














hmmm... by the way, has anyone has the rumor about I don't know why... by cnblue. is that really for seohyun? what do you guys think? I think it is?? who wrote the lyrics of it?? yonghwa gave hyun a copy of it in the japan trip, right? there is something in the lyrics that suits their situation there. haha ♥














Long time no see anything new down your way can you hear this



























She is not fussed about my news I don’t care I’m understand



























Long time no see anything new down your way can you hear this



























She is not fussed about my news world you mind look at me boo














- i don't know why -cnblue.














interesting part, after 1month of not seeing each other, in japan.














remember when yong and hyun was talking about, being at the oricon charts??














yong, knows that snsd was at the oricon chart.














and hyun said, she doesn't know that cnblue was at the oricon charts too.














hahaha~ and yong was like 'I thought you knew. anyway, you don't have the reason to look for it.' *being updated at yong's activities.*














i just found it fitting. keke~ ♥



























I think about you a lot take care I wanna do



























and I wish, don’t be silly she is popular.



























I think about you a lot take care, do you wanna do?



























everyday I want you in my life all about you














- i don't know why -cnblue.














anyway, im so bored and can't wait. so excited. ♥



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