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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I foun new fanfic of uri couple today, heheh really lovely story, one week without Yongseo, fanfic is the food we all neeed.




To all the writers of fanfics: thank you to post the links here, because i love to read all fanfics about our couple.:-)


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Guest Crystal392




Just one more week until we watch a new YongSeo episode. I agree with Faith, I am also going to do a YongSeo marathon :w00t:


Thanks to all who have shared links to fanfics, screencaps and fanmade videos. :D


Uri Hyun~ soo pretty on that perf... Well she always looks pretty xD Right now I'm on my iPod but I swear that pic of Hyun pouting reminds me of one pic Of Yong~...(I'll post it later) I think during his YAB days. Kyaaa Hyun was wearing star earrings ^^ I really can't get over how Yong draw a star on the tip of his finger on one of the pics he gave to her on the photobook... Some may think it was just decoration or maybe he was drawing a ring but I want to believe it's something more meaningful... Something like 'Youre my star' ;)


Yong~ so handsome on those screencaps :D and he is wearing THE ring too <3 :w00t:


Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the guy next to Hyun at the backstage interview JoongKi? The one who was with Yong on Running Man? Hehehe if it's him I just wanted to say: Kpop is a small world :lol::)


Welcome all new Gogumas to Goguma Planet *throws confetti*


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Guest Kerube-Chan
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I foun new fanfic of uri couple today, heheh really lovely story, one week without Yongseo, fanfic is the food we all neeed.
































































































































































































To all the writers of fanfics: thank you to post the links here, because i love to read all fanfics about our couple.:-)































































































































































































































































































































































































Hello! The author Princessjulia, was originally posting the fic in her blog... The fic is updated until chapter 6 in her blog... Follow the link, it is getting super good!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































She is using her blog to add new chapters.
































































































































































































Hope it helps!!! Happy spazzing gogumas!!!

































































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Guest Crystal392




Qwenli: I just read your post, oooh I had forgotten about that. I think that time was when I didn't visit the thread much because I was super busy but I remember someone mentioning that. Hope it's true :D hehehehe I wonder the same, probably it was edited out. Btw, didn't Hyun once said on an interview that his ideal man had to be someone with goals/dreams and who pursued them ;)


Zealous: thanks for sharing that :D btw, Inki will be cancelled this week right? So that will air next week? O_o he is going to be with sis-in-law! ^^ And if I'm not wrong YoonA is a YongSeo fan too hehehehehe She always squeals with Sooyoung :P I hope to see Yong and Hyun taking care of a baby one day... :wub: I think that ep would be aegyo explosion.... I'm squealing by just thinking about it :)


What would you like to see uri YongSeo do?


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What would you like to see uri YongSeo do?
































For me...
































- visiting each others' parents :)
































- writing a song together
































- New year's party with snsd and cn blue together



































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Guest yuri261

after I have read that SNSD will be performing

for Nongshim Love Sharing Concert this Sunday,

and Yonghwa will be an MC (together with Jo Kwon and Yoona),

I suddenly thought that it's okay to not have WGM and Inkigayo for this week

as long as Hyun and Yong will be seeing each other on Sunday for the concert...

I think that they'll be meeting each other back stage and maybe talk about some things...wub.gif

i admit that i'm also really excited to watch the next episode of WGM...

but the wait will be worth it as long as our Goguma couple will be meeting each other for this week =D

I hope that there will be fancams of our Goguma couple on Sunday...

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suddenly i have the idea they should learn classic dance toghether,nhanhahha then Yong can hold her naturally, classic dance make people closer, and that is perfect for our couple




i want Yogn and hyun back to practice room of him agqin, because i think that is the place the story of our couple begin, yeah, the place yong got chilled because of her music. love just come...:-)


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Gogumas!! morning/nights to everyone!!!
































































































Thank you all for the goodies here, we all helping to survive this week ^^.
































































































And now my crazy mind is going to show up again ^^
































































































I was thinking about Hyun not being questioned about WGM and it is fishy!! hahaha and I can´t help but smile :wub:.































































































































































































 Cause what is the worst thing they can ask?, "Why is she always wearing the ring?" but I think that is easy to answer... "Because he is using it too" or "watch the show" ...  and what about this question, "Are you dating for real?"... "no, we are just friends" or just "no".































































































































































































Or this one, "Why did you gave a rin to YongHwa?"... "Because I felt touched when he looked for the ring while performing and even glued it". Of course there must be restrictions about questions (like when they asked YongHwa if he loves Seohyun), such questions are not appropriate, but not questions at all?... mmmm,  for some unknown reasons they are not letting the MC to ask about yongseo ... fishy fishy :rolleyes:.
































































































Hyun was on a radio show today and I think she was wearing the ring!! ^^
































































































EDIT: Weird soompi, I didn´t press post  button <_<

What would you like to see uri YongSeo do?                                                 
































































































mmmmmmmm... I want them to go ride bicycles to the island that SeoHyun mentioned in Daum´s advertising :wub:
































































































Edit 2:
































































































Linh80: I prefer the tango :P, you need an emotional conection with your partner and they say that real couples can dance it better...
































































































Jayjay!!! you are the best!!! thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

































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It's almost winter now so it's very cold, but I'd like them to go to the beach together some time :P Or now that Yonghwa has got his license, have a midnight drive to somewhere special? lol
































































































































































































































Though I feel that simple activities are more fun to watch for YongSeo rather than these big events, I'd like Yonghwa to serenade Seohyun with Love Light. Since she sang it to him on his birthday, it'd be nice to see him softly sing it to her while playing his guitar... Swoon!
































































































































































































































Also, during Young Street (Heechul's radio), SNSD were asked to text some people and ask what animal they resemble. Seohyun sent a text to Kara Nicole and 2AM Jinwoon! I wish she sent one to Yonghwa though haha what would he think of this :P
































































































































































































































Edit: Heroine, almost all your caps are out of bandwidths! Gah, I manage to still see some of your second post but went back and they were gone :( Thanks for your posts though!

































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Guest SophiaPia




















yuri261 : wow! is it true? so even though we don't have wgm this sat. looks like YongSeo will meet @ Nongshim Love sharing concert? SNSD 1 of the performers then hubby Yong and sis in law Yoona will be MC's YongSeo might greet each other back stage COOL !












Thanks every one for sharing screen caps @ today music bank + night after night and all the good stuff (esp. the RING) kekeke! re: YongSeo couple. I hope we can get any news about YongSeo coz we miss them already sweatingbullets.gif












i'd like YongSeo couple to cook again like the last time and have sweet conversation on that lovely couch :)












I'd like SeoHyun play guitar 1 more time. 












I'd like YongSeo to compose a song together and featured it maybe, either cnblue album or snsd album












I'm off to bed catch u all tomorrow.  Cheers to all





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Hi goguma villagers,



It's been a while since I last posted but I have to say it's not easy catching up with the moving speed of this thread! Like all of you I'm missing my weekend goguma dose BADLY so my only way to alleviate it is to do re-runs haha~ Anyway, I'm sure the second half of the Japan trip will really worth the wait ~



As usual I've been browsing the Baidu forum and found something interesting about Yong's new variety show Night after Night. A fellow goguma translated the preview for the show and I'll put it up here briefly:



Yongwha, even with his glamarous appearance and tender voice, is asking for relationship advice from PSY? (who's PSY btw?) Moreover, the girl concerned is "a young lady who lives a proper lifestyle". What was supposedly a relationship counselling session took an unexpected turn as Yongwha started to get bombarded with questions from PSY! Faced with such pressing situation, what secrets will spill from Yongwha's lips?








Yongwha's interesting relationship advice inquiry which caused a commotion in the recording studio and PSY's insightful answers will be revealed!



credits to Baidu goguma forum



After reading this, I just can't help but think who else can this girl be but Hyun?! As such I decided I have to watch this episode of Night After Night because I can't wait to see what beans are Yongwha ready to spill regarding his relationship with Hyun!! :w00t:


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Guest soshisoshisoshi

















wow I'm getting curious now........... who else except HYUN buin right? hahaha. By the way PSY is the entertainer who recently made a comeback.is various music shows..... well since PSY himself is a big fan of snsd, maybe he can give advise to yong how to pursue hyun  LOL...... thinking about it makes me laugh :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:






anyway, can anyone post the story of SONAGI (rainshower) again, the re-enactment our couple made in episode 26. browsing through hundreds of pages back should be tiring hehe... thanks in advance









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Guest lunasol



jajay: OMG We have to watch that show more than ever!!

PSY is a Korean hip-hop artist. He is a crazy exuberant fellow, and currently he is promoting his song "Right Now". He is a strong SNSD fan/supporter/defender so I am sure we need to watch what he is asking Yong and advicing him biggrin.gif. Besides, who else is the best example of a proper lady? Also, this show's first episode was recorded awhile ago. Does somebody knows if it coincides with the time that Hyun was doing the heavy 'pull and push' because she was feeling hurt?


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Guest raindrops_919

annyong GOGUMA  :wub:

i keep praying for wedding photoshoot of uri yongseo, hope that recent issues that hyun has some make up do at wedding planner salon is for yongseo wedding photoshoot. hmmm i've been lurking our thread this lately, been in a bad mood because no wgm tomorrow  fury.gif so i make a rerun of yongseo episode and make this today, hope you like it  :D 


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i know this is so off...




but because i miss the couple...i need some vitamins to be sustained...hehe




i need to see the couple together... huuhu




wish next saturday will come fast.. so i can see their progress..























101112 SNSD @ Youngstreet




oh..as she entered..




makes me think..is she texting yong?..












still texting..keke








and replied so fast..cute..












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annyeong gogumas!!!! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA @ jajay's POST!!!!! :w00t:

OMIGOSHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! jajay's post & also after looking at jnj's pics (thanks for those chingoo), i must say... YONG IS SOOOOOO IN LOVE WITH THAT PROPER LADY ALRITE!!! dangggg my heart keeps on going DUGEUN DUGEUN nonstop after knowing about it!!!! luv u jajay! xD tell meeeee... how can they not be in a relationship?! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I'M GOING GAGA OVER THIS! :w00t:

oh ya... thanks for sharing my fmv kerube-chan~! it's very sweet of ya :D

uwahhh raindrops.... love ittttttt~! thanks~!! ^^

ahoyyyy... i wonder when will that night after night air??? anyone?

omigoshhh i'm totally empty-handed most of these days... *rummaging*

ahhh but still nothing interesting in the bag right now...pls forgimme T.T


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Guest ichigo_kawai

Anyeong my lovely family.....I miss u all.....


@JNj thanks for the pict...^_^

@Raindrops...^_^ thanks...love it..

@Dreamyboo..unnie .....anyeong

And to everyone.....Thanks for all about yongseo couple.... ^_^


Edit: Bonus pict....^_^



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Yuri - Thanks for the infor. Oh it will be good if they can meet up!






















Actually I just got my hands on a copy of a really clear DVD of SBS Dream Concert on May 22. Cnblue was the group who sing at the end of the concert when all the other performing artiste came out. When the camera take on Yong, he wasnt looking at the camera nor infront but looking to the side where the artistes are coming out. I cant help but wonder if he is looking out for Hyun to come out (SNSD performed there too)! If you guys can find that footage, go to the final moments when the concert is closing...






















Magdal - I think Happy together is a KBS show so they will try not to mentioned to much about WGM which belongs to MBC. Much to our dismay...






















Jajay - Its so funny, I just finished watching Strong Heart (hosted by Lee Seung Gi) which has Psy guest starring inside and I come here and see your post. LOL. he is a rather slapstick and funny. You can search for Strong heart on Nov 2 and 9th to watch him.






















Seriously, Yong asking relationship advice with regards to a girl who lives a proper lifestyle? hahahah what is he trying to hide, everyone knows who she is! :D






















Raindrops - Your pix is very nice. Are we expecting part 2?



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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































I would like to comment on SNSD in YoungStreet. Hyun was asked to text some people and ask what animal resembles her. and someone (sorry I forgot) mentioned that she texted KARA's Nicole (her close friend) and 2AM's Jinwoon (a friend). I kinda feel glad that she did not text Yonghwa. its hard to explain. but if she texted Yonghwa, alongside Jinwoon and Nicole, it give off the feel that Yonghwa is on the "friend level". and what makes Yonghwa special is that she mentioned that she texts Yonghwa, even when she has activities outside Korea (duet episode, when she told Yong about the Kyuhyun duet). so not texting Yonghwa in Youngstreet is ok. also, correct me if Im wrong, but I think YoungStreet is SBS so they might be discouraged to mention people or things related to shows from other networks.





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