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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































@Anink: how was Hyun's banmal, was she comfortable using banmal? sorry for asking. I didn't watch the livestream of happy together. I wonder how Yong would feel if he sees Hyun using banmal. we all know that he wants her to use banmal on him. but in the latest episode, I think he really accepted that it would really take a lot of time for Hyun to use banmal to him. also, he wants it without forcing Hyun.





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Guest monie1909







































in the preview of japan episode, yongseo went to a shrine "jinja". not a temple "otera". :)   difference of shrine and temple








it looks like they went to hikawa shrine. (you can see the same picture in this hikawa "jinja" japanese site)








hikawa shrine is popular for making wishes/prays for good partner/marriage.








they were writing their wishes on a "ema".   what is ema








































































I am not aware why Kgogumas posted in dc, as the reason of the number of the views is because those have japanese subs.








there are blogs which posts translationt from the raw episode.








but i think those vids are the only japanese fan subbed vid for now, since MBC got strict to YT uploders.








so i would be grateful if you kindly remove this link to avoid the vids to be deleted. for the japanese fan. well, deleting vids is not the nikodo style but. still








actually, WGM is already broadcasted in japan, the broadcast delay is 6-7weeks or so.








there are a few channels which broadcast korean enertainment in japanese cable television.








most are not a free channel, we need a wire transmission and to pay fee to view.








even not every one can watch WGM, there are a lot of WGM fans in japan :)  








and there are many people that watches in live and raw vids, just like me. hahaha.








i won't say nikodo is better than YT.







lots of talented people there, i do enjoy watching many good vids. and yes the streaming quality is good.







YT can be stated as a major/popular video site, nikodo still has an underground kind of side.







such sarcasm to spazzing, not always a very cheerful place, be careful when you traslate their commets.



























Thank you for explaining..i already remove the link.. :sweatingbullets:Didnt realize such sensitivity exist.Agree with you,i reread back my post..its pretty sarcastic if being interpret diffrently..Yea..so wgm already popular in Japan? Glad to hear that.. :D ..So, how was Yongseo being accepted there?









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Guest SophiaPia

before i go to bed just want to visit here again kekeke! i'll just watched happy together even i don't understand what they says i'm laughing as well esp. SeoHyun speaking banmal kekeke! i wonder if hubby Yong will watch this episode.

caliope : i will be very happy if it's YongSeo wedding photo shootwub.gifwub.gif if not, it's alright as well if this is wedding photoshoot for magazine or private function. But it's confirm that its a wedding photo shoot YEAH BABY! i guess we just need to wait what wedding photo shoot is this :) Thanks again for the info.

Night night every one

cheers to all

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Guest hihi_hehe
















































































































































Seohyun using banmal was uncomfortable ...
















































































































Just like when we see she tried to speak banmal with Yonghwa
















































































































She tried hard, but failed~ ... it was cute too XD
















































































































Oh Oh ... wedding photoshot? XD
















































































































maybe the day Seohyun was absent in fan signing because she went to pick the dress? :w00t:
















































































































LOL, I'm not in the right mind XD

















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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































knowing that we are YongSeo deprived for 2 weeks (well if we count, its 9 more days to go before the next WGM broadcast) is really messing with my brain. @hihi_hehe: thanks for sharing Hyun's banmal in Happy together. I think its a good thing that Seohyun is really uncomfortable with banmal with other people. it also shows what she said regarding using banmal with CNBlue brothers, that she only used it to alleviate awkwardness when she visited their dorm. being uncomfortable using banmal, using banmal to her friends, and using the formal speech (joedenmal?) to people she is close to (SNSD and Yong), makes me feel that to her, the way of speaking is not a gauge to how close a person is to her. and I feel like Yonghwa accepted this, but I think he still has the desire to hear her banmal, but not as much as in the earlier episodes. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. what kind of wedding photo shoot would YongSeo have????





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@ Joelyne ... thanks for the timeline.  I was just doing that in preparation for the marathon watching i'll be doing this weekend.  Just a clarification though, right after the visit at the CN BLue dorm and pool playing, next episode is the fishing trip...am I right?


@ Caliope... I am so happy and excited to see your post about Hyun having her make up done for some wedding...if indeed the tweet is true that, that is for her "wedding pictorial" with Yong, all I can say is...It's about time that they do that and it's really timely to have it after all the slight commotion they had  :rolleyes:  That would make them closer even more :wub:, and the Japan trip would have become more romantic if they had it after the "wedding", don't  you think?  But,  well on the other hand they can always have a "second honeymoon" when CN Blue does their concert in Busan this December, then that would be more exciting cause Hyun would be able to meet her "parents-in-law ".:wub:



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Guest lunasol

Hyun's Happy story

It all began on a happy get-together with friends and family



After dancing, doing imitations and aegyo gestures, we decided to play games with the penalty of getting wet. Yong always tell me I am a genius, so I was confident that I was going to be okay biggrin.gif


But it seems that was not the casedry.gif because I was the first one getting attacked by the water guns tears.gif



But it is not that bad!!! I did not get wet because I could protect myself with the plastic they gave us!! w00t.gif




Not only I protected myself but I could show off my RING while doing so!!!! Yong will be so happy!! wub.gif


To be continued...

EDIT: I noticed that I did not reduce the ring picture to a 'messageboard size' so in case it is causing problems loading the page, I decided to change it to the smaller size. The link for the picture without resizing is: 


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Hello villagers!
































































































































































































































































It's been so quiet in the thread lately..keukeu.. I'm glad there are still spazzers who keeps this thread alive until next Saturday...
































































































































































































































































I'll be posting another fic: St. Seohyun
































































































































































































































































Take care goguma villagers!! :w00t:

































































































































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Guest lunasol

Before uploading another set of caps I took of the HT broadcast I wanted to tell some of the things that happened. Mind you, I don't understand what they are talking about, so my account is only based on visual interpretations.

At the beginning, the woman MC who is not MC Miseon, entered the stage dressed in Hoot video costume including boots. She danced to the song alone and when it got to the part of Hyun's first solo, they put side by side a video of Hyun doing the sexy catwalk  at the Music Bank Hoot Comeback performance of Oct 29 on the left screen, and the Mc on the right screen. 

Then the 5 girls danced to the song and they even gave Hyun a closeup on her part. They looked like girls dancing at a pajama party in socks and all hahaha.

There is a segment of them talking, etc. From what I interpret they were making imitations of each others gestures, exagerations of their own performing/dancing gestures... aegyo etc. At one point Hyun did like three or 4 set of winks. She looked so cute doing them!!! Yong will be happy watching her here.

When they got to a question game Hyun answered the first question correctly so she was supposed to take the prize. It was a set of 7 or 8 skin products?? I looked like lotions or sampoo, soap, I don't know. The funny thing is that Hyun only took 2 of the item products and everyone apparently told her it was all the products. She took them and then she started distributing them to all her unnies hahahaha. She is so good and generous!! But then the rest screamed again telling her that it was for her alone what she won.  

Later on the game with the water gun penalty started. I put some caps on my previous post. If I remember correctly she was the first to get shoot at with the water.

Then they played the game where you have to lower your fingers if the question apply to you. They made Hyun lose on purpose so she was shot directly to her face without protection with the water guns!!!biggrin.gif I will put the caps shortly.

Oh and for those 'ring stalkers', they did several closeups of her and you could see her RING clearly (ex, when she laughed covering her mouth with the left hand, or covering her head from the water attack etc.).

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Guest GogumaJjang
































































































































































































































































Seohyun moment at Happy Together
































































































































SNSD Seohyun (=.=") @HT

































































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Guest lunasol

Hyun's Happy Story (Part 2)

Hi Hi Hi!! I was so happy because as the game continued I was not getting wet! w00t.gif



But after I restored my confidence back again, they decided to change the game!! Now everyone has to lower a finger if the question being asked applies to you. As the maknae, and without my Yong here with me to protect me, I knew they were going to focus on me and make me lose on purpose. In just a few minutes I was in a difficult situation and I couldn't continue smiling widely!


With only 1 finger left I even started trying to hide my face with my hair because I knew what was coming!!



But it was of no use. I knew it was coming!!


And BAM!!!!


Yuri unni even sacrified herself trying to protect me!




But it was of no use! If Yong would have been here I am sure he would have thrown himself completely in front of me!! tears.gif


Even though I got soaking wet, I still got to show the world my couple RING!!!wub.gif


And Yuri unni, I am thankful but I can't help but think that my Yong is more gentle than you treating my hair sweatingbullets.gif


Maybe I should just have stayed back home with Yong today sleep.gif... After I finish here I will tell him that when I arrive home I just want to see his bright smile and a plate of Gogumas cooked by him to help lift my spirit.


Oh, and it will be better if while cooking, he is also dressed in a sexy rocker style with our couple apron, because he is my good 'bad' boy wink.gifwub.gif.


Since the thread have been a little slow these days I tried to connect the show with Yong so I decided to put the caps like a story. (Also, because moderators said that everything need to be Yongseo related in some way or anotherhappy.gif). Hope you like it!! biggrin.gif

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is there any yongseo related topic on Happy Together?







































I'm really curious.







































Just finished watching and though it was hilarious and fun, too bad there was no mention of Yongseo. They did talk about marriage, they asked Yuri (she said Won Bin lol) and even about Taeyeon and Hyung Don on WGM. Maybe they purposely didn't mention YongSeo for whatever reason?




















I did notice Seohyun has gained some kind of 'feel' for variety shows as in the past she was always quiet and never really did anything. The Banmal was hilarious, how everyone cracked up and she remained calm. During the 'finger folding game' Taeyeon said 'Whoever doesn't have bangs should fold', Seohyun quickly put her hair, covering her eyes. (Which explains the caps above :P ) Even as an outsider, you can clearly see Seohyun changing bit by bit. And I believe Yonghwa is a large part of the cause *mwuahaha*




















I absolutely totally amazingly crazily hope that it's true that YongSeo did their wedding shoot. How long will it take before we get to see it? Aigoo.. My tiring week has to be lightened by some older YongSeo clips before we get to see their lovely date in Japan.




















Oh and on Seohyun's banmal, it was better than during the punishment with Yong. It came out more fluently, but she spoke in such a robot-like tone that's just too funny.





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@mimayree  no i dun think so.... mainly about their album, cuteness how did they display their ageyo, what are the various habits and so...


what i felt is that the purpose of making seohyun using the banmal(?) is actual display how uncomfortable and uneasy is it for her... maybe this program will be seen by yonghwa and boost his morale increase his confidence with his buin that they are actually closer when she is more at ease using the formal speech wif him....


jus my 2 pence worth of thoughts. ^_^


HI everyone,


I've been lurking here for the pass week enjoying the enormous amount of info and passion shared by fellow goguma villagers.


This thread have overwhelm me with everyone's love, dedication and concern for the Yongseo couple.


Pls allow me to say that i am privileged to be given an opportunity to add my little post here with everyone.:D


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Guest Crystal392




Joelyne thanks so much for explaining that :) and thanks to all the Gogumas who shared info about uri Hyun at happy together :) I was going to wait until it is subbed but I will probably just watch the raw cuts as soon as I arrive home :P hehehe


Lunasol I loved your story <3 soo cute ^_^


I was hoping they would ask her about yong :P


Btw Has it been confirmed if she will also appear on Strong Heart? :o


One more week and 1day and a half until WGM ^^


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Guest _d3seohyun




Gogumas! 60502713.gif

One of my favorite scenes from last episode. He simply loves seeing/making her laugh.

It's adorable how the more she laughs, the crazier he gets. <3

Love the little shrug he made when he caught her gaze, still laughing.


AFter reading the letter.


Y: Why did you pretend as if you had forgotten about it?

The reason why Hyun buin was acting…

H: Why? There’s a reason…

Y: What is it?

H: Hmm… because there was no Goguma left…

MC Park: Ah~

H: I’m curious though, why did you start ‘pull and push’?

The reason why Yong starts his long-term ‘pull and push’…?

Y: I…

H: I… yes?

JW: I thought I could have you in this way~

Y: I thought there’s a wall between us…

A wall… between us…

H: Oh~ a wall? Give me an example.

Y: You speak Banmal with easy to your friends…

H: But…

Y: But you didn’t…with me.

H: Eh~ it’s not like that.

Y: What’s not?

H: It’s not that I became closer to brothers in law (than to you). It’s because I wasn’t really close to them, I intentionally used Banmal.

She tried to speak informally in order to get rid of awkwardness…

Y: Who does that?

H: Me, I do that.

But in truth, Hyun feels closer to her hubby than anyone…!

Y: Then why@%&*$~

H: Then, do you really want it?

Finally, Hyun’s last gift for their 200th day…

c: j2dlee

Was he biting his lips because he knew a "talk" was coming or

he simply found his wife irresistible at that moment? :P

When Seobaby mentioned in the blackroom interview before that there was no goguma left,

I guess she really meant zippo gogumas. I didn't take it literally before.






@lunasol. hope you don't mind if i borrow some of your caps for seobb's thread. tnx :D


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The thread has been less active lately, but I hope you don't bore anyone with my posts lol




















Soompi is being weird, so I can't edit my previous post. This can be quite long so just a quick warning before some of you start reading. :)




















My mom (I think some people would remember her from my previous post; the same woman who insinuated she smelled something fishy between YongSeo.) is a big part of my life and as I get older, I tend to want to share every little spazz-worthy thing with her. I don't ever see my mother as my 'friend' (it might be the culture as for me, calling her a friend somehow feels disrespectful), but seeing her enjoy the same things I do create a stronger bond between us. AND I find it cute how she beams when she watches something sweet. Today that something sweet was when I showed her YongSeo's First Meeting. By now, I've successfully converted my mom into a Goguma.




















I can't tell you how that feeling is; watching your mother smile at the smallest things YongSeo did during their awkward first meeting. YongSeo is not my life; it's not like I wasn't able to sleep during the mildang or felt like I would die when I saw them hold hands 'for the first time' during their duet. YongSeo does however represent those long nights I stayed up to time and encode the subs of their very first episodes, my love for the music both respective groups made when I got to know them. It's that tiring feeling mixed with contentment when I look back, because during that time it was one of the lowest points in my life. I found comfort and rest in both of them as I kept myself busy with whatever that kept me busy. Those nights that I secretly cried when my mom went to sleep and only their voices gave me a pat on my back; the reason for my love for this couple runs deeper than I'd initially like to admit.




















And there it was - the expression on my mom's face when Seohyun chose Yonghwa with the blanket out of all CNBlue members, when she realized how pure and innocent Seohyun really is, when she agreed with Yonghwa how 'different' Seohyun really is ('All those books.. oh my.').




















Suddenly she commented: 'You know, when they finish filming this, if they get together for real... I'm sure their family would be against it.'




















I got taken aback and laughed: 'What? What are you talking about? Why would they be against it?'




















She was making this face: 'No, but really! That's what you see in kdramas. Parents always finds these reasons to object.'




















Me: 'Nah, I don't think so. She had talked to his mom on the phone before and he did the same with her mother. You know how they call each other Yo~ong and Hyu~un right? Hyun's dad does that with his wife too: Aa~al~




















It was a simple conversation that made a smile dance on her face.




















And though I haven't mentioned this before, watching YongSeo cuts after dinner has been a habit of mine that I picked up just a few weeks ago when I was overloaded with exams and stress in life. I wanted to relax myself and just forget everything for a while, so since then watching WGM and mostly YongSeo cuts has helped me clear my thoughts and forget my tiring day for an hour or so.




















Today was even worse and train delays occurred twice in a day, making me spend 5 hours total either in the train or in the cold. Mind you, the forecast said there would be a storm coming up later in the evening and let's just say that The Storm has kind of let us know he'll be coming with its strong winds that slaps in our faces. I got home enormously pissed, tired and half-dead and turned on my laptop immediately after I filled my tummy. I had downloaded the Horror Chuseok Special, but totally forgot to re-watch it.




















My mom suddenly came and sat next to me (which she rarely does during dinner as she's busy doing this and that).




















I fed her some orange and excitingly told her what the Special was about. She didn't follow everything chronologically so I first showed her their mission part. My mom loves these kinds of stuff (seeing other people get scared out of their wits) and laughed out loud most of the time.




















Then there it was; the wrestling game and when Seohyun won. I know a lot of people were posting about how Yonghwa was so happy he almost hugged Seohyun but that he 'refrained' himself. My mother saw something totally different and as expected she was not shy to blurt out whatever came to her mind;




















'Oh look at him, helping his girlfriend get up.'





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Guest Kerube-Chan
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I am so happy and hyper that I decided to stalk youtube and found some very cute and interesting videos... Hope you like it!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































All credits go to the rightful owner of the channel...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































- This is with one of our favorite songs for Yongseo "What I Want To Do If I Have A Lover" I was awwwing like crazy!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBhucqfHOcA
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































- This is with CN BLUE "Y, Why" by our dear DreamyBoo. I really like it!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































- BTS CNBLACK - CNPINK - CNLIME (It was really funny, especially CN PINK) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBkdOs9rLNo
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































- For the old times, lets make a tribute to the GAG Concert that made SH think about her event for their B-Day date... CN BLUE is cut in gag concert with eng sub... that was hilarious and I felt so bad at the same time, poor YH...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































- This have me cracking up really bad... It is so random... Yonghwa is scared of...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































SH should watch this... YH is afraid of her favorite ducks and cats and goldfish!!! kekekeke

- And last, again the fancam of Inkigayo while YH was watching Trax perform... I realized that this is after his date with SH in Japan, and he really likes the song... he was so not impressed with anything else, but really pay attention during trax performance... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMCNlPm8cF4
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































@ Magdal... You are right, I just edited my post to use the spoiler...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think you were asking for the video with CNBLUE is live performance of "I dont know why" in Japan... I found it!!! Yeyyy!!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































They are totally cool... Wish I could be there... another random performance "Inside of You" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5KIy2W4yJ0































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Happy spazzing Gogumas!!! Love you all!!!

































































































































































































































































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Kerube-Chan: Thank you very much!!! you are daebak!!! I really like that performance (t's the only one I've seen of that song). Another amazing goguma sent me the link too ^^, it is just that with all the rules we are not sure about what  we are allowed to post :sweatingbullets:.












Thank s to all gogumas for pics, links, Rumors, Funny stories, and everything!, please keep them coming, we have to survive for one more week ^^.












From the very same concert in Japan I like this one one of a kind, I think the lyrics is shouting yongseo :wub:.












I want to spazz about Inki fancam of Trax´s video. please look at Yong, he did not even blink while he was watching the monitor :rolleyes:.












Last but not least, I will share again last week´s inki Hoot and winner and preview?












Bye for now gogumas, thank you all for everything!!





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Kerube - thanks for answering my question.






















If you want to believe,believe.






















If you don't want to believe, don't believe.






















Yes, I believe.











































Caliope - I really want to believe, but I am protecting myself from dissapointment so I will not believe as yet.






















I think if it really does happen, the WGM team will want to keep it as top secret till nearer the broadcast date otherwise the pressure from viewers to see it will be so great. And looking at the current scheduling, the earliest we will see it is probably Xmas or new year's time. We still got the Japan and driving a truck thing to see (and maybe the aquarium part too).






















Everybody on WGM is probably signed to secrecy.... :ph34r:






















But I think it will happen, one day, and the longer the wait, the hearts get fonder... :wub:



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