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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest ichigo_kawai


I wanna share this thing..

I've got this from old show of snsd..&  I think everyone know about it.. ke..ke..ke, but I wanna share this with everyone in here....

Seohyun facts part 1.......

Seohyun has the most popularity with the manager oppas..


MC: We brought a person who knows SNSD the best  into our studio..we asked him to tell us some truths about SNSD

MC: Out of the SNSD members, who would have been a bigger hit if they had continued to study?

Secret guest: From what I saw, Seohyun and Tiffany." Seohyun's bag is like a student's bag filed with english books, chinese books,   History books. She always has books in her bag.

MC: Which member would you most like to go out with? This is important because he's seen their real, personal life!

Secret guest: As a wife, I would say seohyun.

Suyong: I know who he is, I know who he is.....

Tiffany: There's only one person that absolutely loves seohyun...

 (They know that the secret guest is their manager...)

SNSD manager: I don't only love seohyun, but when I see seohyun as a girl and seohyun as a wife,they are different.

MC: What is the difference?

SNSD manager: As a girl, she is too shy.

MC: He really loves seohyun no matter what. This is fun..

Yuri: Seohyun has the most popularity with the manager oppas..

Last time, kibum oppa (snsd manager) drank a little at a dinner party, so we asked him in a mean way. "Oppa, truthfully, who do you like the most out of all of our members?"

And he said " you guys are all very pretty, but maknae is soooooo pretty.

(Seohyun shy)

MC: It's like when you have kids. You always think the youngest is so pretty and cute. that's the kind of heart he has.

And I saw another show of snsd.. and KARA's manager like seohyun the most.....

ke..ke..ke cute.....

Cr: Shoshi subs...

Edit: @ seohyun_yh.... Ohw really?... ke..ke..ke sorry if I'm wrong.. 

:sweatingbullets: I think is snsd's manager, coz his name is " Song Kibum" , and that is not information from the video that " kibum" is kibum from suju.... ke..ke..ke. And the secret guest is their manager "song kibum". So I think "kibum oppa" is snsd's manager... sorry if I'm wrong....

Thanks for correct me...... :w00t: ke..ke..ke


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Thank you woollylamb, sally 7, jnj, monie 1909, dreamyboo, crystal_malfoy, sun_sun (and for subbing the video), genxv, miel_1301, linh80, anne 0129, icegabrielle, panGG, icarus_fly, tecle, hallycraze, magdal, icigo-kawai, bamz, rjcm 127, heartbreak_warfare 22, mrsjoker, Purestupidity, krissylia, SwEEtGoguma_7, hacker 8, _d3seohyun, SophiaPia, xia-87, l1nn3, ninyaah, basiCblacK-jung, iuvtokki, Sweetcake_, zealous, BlueFreak, dalin, chime_31 and other Goguma lovers for all your warm welcome, humongous numbers of ‘PLUS’ and pics, links, news, and all. I missed you a lot.












I enjoyed reading all your posts regarding Yong’s ‘backing off’(?), the Banmal issue, Trax and Yong’s jealousy and so on, and here’s what I think (it's going to be a long post, so please skip it if you don't want another Yongseo analysing post).












Actually I think it’s Hyun who’s changed, not Yong. To be honest, I like Hyun in later episodes better than her in earlier ones, where Hyun was all so innocent, pure, and clueless(!) about men or relationship. Hyun in these days seems to understand the mechanism of mildang (pull and push) better than Yong. I think mildang is not about actual, obvious ‘pull’ and ‘push’ (as Yong did), but about being ambiguous, not letting the other know or be sure how I feel or what I know. That way the other has no other choice but to take a step further in order to know and understand the person better.












Hyun’s is not yet at that stage (?), but she seems to enjoy every reaction from Yong whenever she is playing hard to get. In earlier days, when Yong teased her about taking pictures with her male friends in school, she couldn’t understand his jealousy (?) and simply asked back, ‘Why? They are just friends.’ But in the latest episode, when Yong asked ‘Did you take pictures with other men?’, instead of her usual ‘What? Why?’ she said ‘Well…I don’t know.’ (her first answer was ‘no,’ but when he asked her again, she answered ‘kkeulsseyo’ which means ‘well’, ‘let me think’, ‘I’m not sure’, ‘I don’t know’). She knows he’s half-joking, and even if there’re pictures of Hyun with other men, they’ll be just pictures of her and her ‘(male) friends/colleagues’. Yet, her ambiguous answer implies something else, like ‘Maybe, maybe not. Wanna know?’ This is kind of thing that makes your partner keeps alert, which is quite effective when used moderately (hahaha! It sounds like some illegal drug ad!). I think this is why Yong looks bewildered or timid a lot in later episodes (some may say ‘backing off’), because it’s totally unexpected, especially from innocent Hyun. Yong always thought he is one step ahead of her, but she is catching him fast.












But being ambiguous is not point of mildang, it’s to achieve something, whether it’s someone’s emotion or understanding. (Why do I sound like some corny, amateur relationship advisor?). Her ‘not knowing 200th day’ is to tell him that as a result of his long-term (highly ineffective) mildang, he actually lost Goguma points from her (in other word, ‘If you want to regain my trust, don’t ever do it again!’), and by asking him directly, she made him tell her his inner thought, which he only kept in his backroom interview (well, he said something about ‘a wall between us’ in his letter, but his actual explanation was much more detailed than that). All his cards were on the table, and I think when Yong said ‘it’s okay, you don’t have to speak Banmal’, he only rejected her Banmal to keep his (remaining) cool. I think he wants to listen to her Banmal more than anyone, but he didn’t want to leave her impression that he’s narrow-minded or jealous over his brothers. He couldn’t completely hide his smirk when Hyun asked ‘Do you want it (banmal)?’ but managed to hold himself back, just. If he meant it, he’d simply say ‘use Banmal when is comfortable for you,’ but instead he started blabbering, ‘I’m not going to force you,’ ‘I know you were unhappy,’ ‘I think we’re closer than before,’ ‘you may not understand, no, you can’t understand…’ ‘speak formally from now on,’ ‘you get the feeling of respect… but I will speak Banmal’ and so on (about keeping his ‘cool’, I may need other male Goguma lovers’ opinions).












Now I’ve no idea what I’m blabbering here, but anyway, they’re getting more and more exciting in my point of view. I don’t need saccharine-coated words, lots of skinship, or surprise events to know that they’re serious about each other (if they’re going to show them, well, thank you very much- but that’s about it). I found it’s just adorable how they spontaneously respond to each other’s words or expressions, keep trying to hide their minds (mildang) when their face and gesture tell it all. In the last two episodes there quite a few captions about mildang, like, ‘Eventually such a long mildang game is ended…’ ‘mildang explosion’ ‘Isn’t our mildang over?’, but I think the game has just started.












l1nn3: I translated it as 'I've been carrying...', since she used the word 'ddeulda' which means 'to carry'. But I understood it in a line of 'have it with me' rather than 'carry them in my bag all this time.' Or maybe she actually carried the books with her for the last couple of weeks to give them to Yong during WGM filming, but since it was 'mildang punishment period' she decided not to. I don't know~












p.s. it feels weird posting something other than translation. Once again realised that I'm a natural lurker... Sorry for other Goguma lovers who are tired of Yongseo analysing post.





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Guest pseudonykkaii

I totally get you crinkle_twinkle!! Theres too much that we dont see that makes all these assumptions seem unreliable~

[[bUT. its really up to out goguma-imaginations to keep the dream alive!!!<3 and thats what i love about being a goguma--my mind can go as wild as it likes and still have that glimmer of hope that i could be real.xD]]


I just realised. We dint get to see the pics from cnblue's jacket photo~

Wonder why...


Ill be frequenting this thread as of today(as the thought of no yongseo weekend makes me wanna have a yongseo support group;) )

<3 keep spreadin the goguma love~

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Guest seohyun_yh










I wanna share this thing..



I've got this from old show of snsd..&  I think everyone know about it.. ke..ke..ke, but I wanna share this with everyone in here....






Yuri: Seohyun has the most popularity with the manager oppas..



Last time, kibum oppa (snsd manager) drank a little at a dinner party, so we asked him in a mean way. "Oppa, truthfully, who do you like the most out of all of our members?"



And he said " you guys are all very pretty, but maknae is soooooo pretty.






(Seohyun shy)












hey, in that part there is an mistake.


yuri talks about kibum at that time, the member from super junior.


snsd´s members still have communication with him. Kibum has long, he said  liked Seohyun. :sweatingbullets:





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Guest kodoque_1




















The part that I found the funniest is when Yonghwa asked Seohyun whether she took any pictures with guys and she's like..no..












Credit j2dlee:












And photos taken in the last month!












H: Oh~












Y: Kyah~












SO: Keeps showing her pictures which he looks good in.












And Hyun buin…












H: And….Y: Are you deleting images?












H: No, I’m not. I just pushed a wrong button.












Y: Show me pictures already! Why you keep hiding them from me? Did you take pictures with other men?












H: No.












Y: No?












H: I don’t know.



































Hmm...we all know that she did..she took pictures with a lot...of guys :wub:












Seohyun + Super Junior - SM Town 2010 BTS





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Guest baby_bo






hey, in that part there is an mistake.




yuri talks about kibum at that time, the member from super junior.




snsd´s members still have communication with him. Kibum has long, he said  liked Seohyun. :sweatingbullets:











oh let me just correct.




seohyun_yh, NOPE not kibum of suju but kibum, snsd's manager. That show is from champagne during gee days. The girls even thought they are guesting with Kim bum of BOF! lol.




Here's the vid for those who haven't seen it :)Managers likes Seohyun




and also.. really .. STOP OVER ANALYZING.. there are too many problems in the world, let YONGSEO make you happy and stop being so critical. They are their to entertain us and not give us headache/heartache.







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Hi All,

I'm sitting here with a bit of time (finally) to make my first (proper) 'meaningful' post since joining a couple of days ago...And thought I'd chip in with my thoughts on the sweet potato couple to date. It'll be a bit lengthy so I'm going to put it into a spoiler....

To start at the beginning, I only started to watch Yongseo after the cheosuk special as I was watching the Khuntoria couple then and the horror special wasn't split into couple cuts. I had some time on my hands after that and thought ah that guy's pretty cute so I could watch and see. (lol). To be frank, up to the driving licence episodes I was really watching Yongseo because Yonghwa's personality is really fun, and he's always joking (of course he's pleasing on the eyes too). I wasn't feeling the spark between the two.

The double birthday episode changed everything though; to be more precise, the moment Seohyun have Yonghwa his surprise gift and Yong's reaction to it was....It felt electric (and so I landed in goguma-land).

I came to this forum and started to read what everyone else had to say and especially in the last few episodes, there's been so much discussion and analysis it's made me think alot as well.

What is it that made my heart beat faster when I watched these 2? What was the difference between this pair and the other WGM pairs for me? And the answer I came up with is the same as what I saw from many others here. We know that they joined the show as a job, and they have obligations to treat each other a certain way. We know that what we see is not the whole truth and just parts of what happened, and subject to edits and comments and captions that may not be representative of what really happened.

But the vibes that Yongseo have given off (especially in later episodes) don't come across as acted, scripted, insincere or premeditated. I'm sure some of this is debatable but most people just can't look at someone else in that kind of way without genuinely being attracted to the other party. 

I've found it really hard to digest how difficult this show could be for the participants. Surely the line is easy to blur between real and reel. Here you are told that you should play the role of someone who loves the other party and I think as long as the person you're paired up with is reasonable attractive to you, it's not something you couldn't do. But as humans, what often happens is we start to believe what we do...So in a way, I think this is a pretty 'dangerous' show. 

I can't remember who (and there have too many pages of discussions to go through to quote properly my apologies), but someone else mentioned here that there could be a lot of uncertainty for Yong and Seo on how sincere and 'real' each others' actions and words have been and I can only imagine that surely they do think about this consciously or unconsciously. And I think this would be true even if they treated each other as friends. But in this situation the other party has really done too much beyond friendship so is there any intention beyond 'playing' the spouse on the show? Surely even as friends and 'colleagues' on the show, the thought would have crossed their minds.

Maybe they've done such a good job on the show that they've kept us all analysing and and wondering about how they feel but I guess we just can't help but be affected by the electricity that's coming off them. 

In truth I actually felt a bit uncomfortable a few days back because even as a 'spectator', everything was starting to look too real. I couldn't help but feel, if there's something real between them how would THEY be feeling about it. It kind of made me hesitate to watch the next episodes and feel rather unsettled because as a goguma villager, I think they're both lovely people and what would be nice to me ultimately, is for both of them to be happy for real (whether real or reel relationship).

With regards to the latest episode...I belong in the camp that believes their comments in the dark room interview say the most with the fewest words. Seohyun doesn't seem like the type of person who would be paying attention to someone's looks that much, but her comments were about how Yong's hair has changed and how his face shape's changed. The grin she had on her face was probably one of the happiest ones since the birthday episodes? And Yong's analogy...That was for me, an unusual analogy. If it came from an older, smoother guy, I would say it's slick and overly dramatic but coming from Yong it felt like alot of thought was put into it and he didn't think that simply saying 'I felt really anxious when I couldn't find her and my phone battery died'. I think he could only explain just how anxious and subsequently relieved and happy he felt when they found each other. So relieved that they would start running to each other. 

I think things are in good shape. With human relationships, platonic or romantic, there will always be some frustration and friction, but the whole point of it is working through things or coming to mutual compromise. It hardly seems like uri Yongseo is experiencing anything that's a real major disruption between them.

Umm last thoughts on the banmal thing...I think Yong really misunderstood why Seo didn't use banmal with him despite speaking to the rest of the band in banmal. The expression he had on his face (if there was no funny editing here of course) looked pleased to me (a milder version of when he received Seo's birthday song!), so I think he accepted Seo's explanation which indirectly meant that he was 'different' from the rest in a good way. I think he realised then, that even though Seo was offering to use banmal for him as a gift, and because she was doing it as a gift and was consciously doing it, it meant that she wasn't really ready to do it naturally. If I were Yong, the only real reason I would want to hear banmal from Seo is because it means that I would be her equal, someone that was so close to myself that it would be talking to myself, my other half. I agree with those here who said Yong would still like to hear Seo's banmal, but only  when she does it naturally and not as a special, deliberate, gift. It doesn't feel like Seo understands this yet but I think she will eventually. 

Ah that was a long long post! To put things in perspective, I'm a regular office lady; not old enough to be yongseo's mom (haha) but older than anyone in the current 3 wgm couples. 

edit: lol I didn't close the spoiler tag properly..OOPS!

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Hmm...we all know that she did..she took pictures with a lot...of guys  :wub:

Seohyun + Super Junior - SM Town 2010 BTS























These are my not so happy thoughts... You don´t have to read it -_-












Even I am jealous for Yonghwa. I know that a lot of you guys also like others couples, but this is goguma planet, and for me, that wasn´t really nice to watch here.  I really hope Yong is not as jealous as he looks, really, because is a horrible and not healthy feeling...












And now I'm hoping he has seen those pictures on her camera, for the sake of their "relationship"...












In times like this is when I blame my self for be so emotional attached with yongseo. Seems like I have to start to repeat even more often that WGM is just a TV show :tears:...























sorry gogumas, I just felt the need to take this out :(





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Guest Crystal392



yslovelightys: I agree with you, that song is THEIR song. Have you seen this fanmade video? YongSeo Couple...What I Want To Do If I Have A Lover. And please join us on Goguma Planet :D


DJHinata: Welcome back!! *hugs*


pseudonykkaii: I feel I haven't seen you post in a loong time! *waves*


I think I write this on every post but I really enjoy reading all your posts. :) I know some Gogumas only watch the show just to kill time and have fun and others like to analyze their actions. We are so different but the only thing that we have in common for sure is our love for YongSeo (if not then what are you doing on this thread? xD). Some people like to be critical, some people like to live on Goguma Dreamland... I respect them and their opinions and I apologize to Gogumas who don't like to analyze uri YongSeo but I really enjoy reading all those posts blush.gif

Btw, I know someone already said this but YongHwa appeared yesterday on 'Running Man' and he had to guess a song (it was 'Nobody' by Wonder Girls). When I read (before watching the ep) that he had said it was 'Tell me your wish' I thought 'How could he say that? those two songs are very different :lol:' and laughed... but when I watched the ep he somehow made it sound as it was TMYW (the 'soaneul marebwa' part). I laughed even more, I am 99.9% sure he thought of Hyun~ that moment. ^_^:w00t: and to all Gogumas who channel their inner Gollum (obsessed with THE ring) he was wearing THE ring through all the ep ;)



Yeap, let's not forget this is a YongSeo thread. It's like when someone posted here the links to YongHwa photoshoot with a female model.

Anyways, don't feel sad. If you've actually watched the video you will realize how comfortable she is with them but at the same time how she keeps her distance (when they were taking photos). They all are like her older brothers, they saw her since she was a little girl and they grew up together. That's SME family love ^^ And don't take Heechul's comments too seriously, he loves to joke. Remember when YongHwa couldn't speak and CNBLUE went to Heechul's radio show and he teased him with Park Shinhye? That's just Heechul's personality xD


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Guest seohyun_yh




oh let me just correct.


seohyun_yh, NOPE not kibum of suju but kibum, snsd's manager. That show is from champagne during gee days. The girls even thought they are guesting with Kim bum of BOF! lol.


Here's the vid for those who haven't seen it :)Managers likes Seohyun



oh, thank you  for the clarification, this news was  on a blog, and  the video was short and they said  this guy was Kibum from Super Junior and  I´d not watched the TV show whole, from now on I will not rely so much on that blog. :sweatingbullets:



ichigo_kawai:  you don´t have to apologize, I'm the one who had the mistake.


I'm sorry and thank you so much for the information.



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Guest baby_bo














Btw, I know someone already said this but YongHwa appeared yesterday on 'Running Man' and he had to guess a song (it was 'Nobody' by Wonder Girls). When I read (before watching the ep) that he had said it was 'Tell me your wish' I thought 'How could he say that? those two songs are very different :lol:' and laughed... but when I watched the ep he somehow made it sound as it was TMYW (the 'soaneul marebwa' part). I laughed even more, I am 99.9% sure he thought of Hyun~ that moment. ^_^:w00t: and to all Gogumas who channel their inner Gollum (obsessed with THE ring) he was wearing THE ring through all the ep ;)

























sorry for cutting your post..












Do you have the link on where I could watch that cut? Haven't really seen it but i read here that he did say TMYW lol






















Oh and also today, Yonghwa will steal Seohyun away from her fanboys kekeke












I pity the fanboys but im happy for the villagers! kekekke












Hope they go to Busan today to visit Yonghwa's parents.. *wishful thinking*



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Oh and also today, Yonghwa will steal Seohyun away from her fanboys kekeke


I pity the fanboys but im happy for the villagers! kekekke


Hope they go to Busan today to visit Yonghwa's parents.. *wishful thinking*



Yes, I was thinking abt this today, since snsd will be in Korea for the next couple of weeks at least due to Hoot album promotions, WGM Pd must definitely make use of this time frame and arrange the 'meet parents' for both Yonghwa and Seohyun. After meeting each side's family and getting their blessings, then our lovely couple will have their wedding, oops, I mean wedding photoshoot! Hahahaha! And since, snsd are all in Korea, they will be able to attend the wedding, oops sorry again, I mean wedding photoshoot! Hahahaha! I'm going all giddy here myself with thoughts of this!


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Guest SophiaPia

I think, in every episodes of YongSeo we have our favorites scenes:) coz in every episodes of YongSeo couple is different. Like we always says hubby Yong and wife Hyun gives us surprises all the time. Whether they are in a lovely dovey mood or mildang mood biggrin.gif That's why YongSeo is different and the best. Yap! we are all for YongSeo couple, so we should support Yong and Hyun in good times and bad times (is this is song kekeke!) Ur right we should enjoy YongSeo while they still here, once this is finish :( we will miss them big time. Like this coming saturday we missing them already. I just hope if the rumor is true that they filming today we can get bts photos of them. Cheers

after a hard days at work, this is THE place i come to, to relax and have fun spazzing

but something is missing today...

i agree with fellow gogumas who said that we tend to analyse

yongseo too much..and ended up 'microscoping' either yong or hyun individually..

i got this feeling lately..

so where are the fun gogumas? come out of your lurker mode pls..

*i maybe alone on this*  :phew:

but here's some of my fave scenes of the day..

1 - when hyun gave yong the first book. she wrote 'to nampyeon' instead of to yong.

i find this so sweet! imagine yong opening up the book, and saw what she wrote..

i'm sure he'll feel giddy everytime..  ^_^

2 - yong with the room spray ,see how playful he is.. :lol:

3 - DJ yong reading hyun's letter sound 'seductive' (or maybe its just me hehehe)

he loves what she wrote, and she's embarrassed by his 'cheesy mushy' way..  :w00t:

4 - when they took photo, he put his arm arnd her with ease. another good memory made.

don't they look like high school sweethearts?  :wub:

5 - when he asked her what she'll do if she misses korea?

she said she'll look at the photobook.

and we know what/who is in that photobook, don't we?  ;)

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Guest Crystal392




baby_bo: Don't worry sis :D The links to the whole ep can be found on 'Running Man' soompi thread, you can watch that cut (uploaded by our lovely blueshoes) here: http://www.twitvid.com/X5EGD It's really funny, he has to guess the song but the other teams are trying to distract him... as I said before at the beginning it's obvious is 'Nobody' but he somehow made it sound as if it were TMYW xD I remember what he once wrote on a draw of his brain: 'WGM... it never leaves my mind', I think he meant 'Hyun~' instead of WGM ;) I am hoping to see some pics, fancams and fanaccounts :w00t: *fingers crossed & using Goguma powers*





Purestupidity: I loved your post. I am feeling giddy now too! hehehe







~Hyun wants to 'connect' with Yong












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Yes, I was thinking abt this today, since snsd will be in Korea for the next couple of weeks at least due to Hoot album promotions, WGM Pd must definitely make use of this time frame and arrange the 'meet parents' for both Yonghwa and Seohyun. After meeting each side's family and getting their blessings, then our lovely couple will have their wedding, oops, I mean wedding photoshoot! Hahahaha! And since, snsd are all in Korea, they will be able to attend the wedding, oops sorry again, I mean wedding photoshoot! Hahahaha! I'm going all giddy here myself with thoughts of this!
































PUREstupidity...you are sooo funny.. anyway...I really want to see their wedding....ooopsss I meean wedding photoshoot..., the same...
































YONGSEO couple is love love love....
































giggling now...hehe because of the last episode...:)





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Guest SophiaPia

yes! me too i'd like to say thanks everyone kekeke! 

j2dlee, jnj, woollylamb, sally 7, lunasol, faith_memory, monie 1909, dreamyboo, baby_boo, crystal_malfoy, sun_sun, genxv, miel_1301, linh80, anne 0129, icegabrielle, panGG, icarus_fly, tecle, hallycraze, magdal, icigo-kawai, bamz, rjcm 127, heartbreak_warfare 22, mrsjoker, Purestupidity, krissylia, SwEEtGoguma_7, hacker 8, _d3seohyun, xia-87, l1nn3, ninyaah, basiCblacK-jung, iuvtokki, Sweetcake_, zealous, BlueFreak, dalin, chime_31, Dihata ( to all the names i miss thanks every one).


for the love of YongSeo couple. Hwaiting!

I love YongSeo couple, and i'm happy w/ the ring as the sign of their love wub.gifwub.gif

Cheers to all

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Guest Crystal392




Uri YongSeo have grown so much.



Both have learned so many things... Hyun gave Yong inspiration and Yong taught Hyun some things about life and changed her in a positive way. Both are amazing people and together they are awesome! :D





Yong~ has been such a good influence on Hyun~ and Hyun~ has been such a good influence on Yong~. I am really happy WGM PDs paired them :)

















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this thread has space for everyone, but

when some start to raise their expectations of yongseo,

especially hyun's lack of actions, the analyzing turns to critics.

this thread has lately turned so 'heavy' with deep discussions.

i sometimes think that some take yongseo as a case study..

do we need to analyze everything?

i do love long posts with motivations and positive approaches,

gogumas who accept yongseo as a pair..

and i thank these gogumas for it.

abt wgm filming today, as much as i want yongseo to meet, i also

don't want hyun to miss the chance of meeting her fans.

these fans are the ones who stood by her since day One, who accept her

for who she is, her uniqueness and all..and these are also the fans who will be with

her when wgm ended...

i'm at a crossroad btwn being hyun- biased and yongseo shipper

ah...i'm being emotional here..


i just found out that there'll be another snsd fansigning on 13th sept.

alright! my dream scene, the same with purestupidity

hyun can follow hubby back to busan, greet parents-in-law, :wub:

eat yong's mom's famous kimchi soup? then comes back and meet fans..

okay...things are working out fine for yongseo... :w00t:


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Guest Crystal392






You have to understand we all come from different places, like uri lovekin is a psychologist (someone correct me if I'm wrong please) and they are used to analyze things. Two of my best friends are studying Psychology and they tend to analyze most of the people around them that they care about and the actions they make from every aspect posible.





I think it's not that some 'need' to analyze them, they just want to because that's their way of showing they care about YongSeo :)





About the deep discussions, imo it's always been like that... the difference is that now those are discussions where people respect each other and Yong and Hyun, before it used to be almost arguments between Gogumas and then we would spend a couple of days daydreaming and then someone would say something again and the arguments would begin; I remember I even cried a couple of times. Remember how some used to criticize YongHwa before for every little thing he did? It was awful. I know you do because you are an old Goguma like me hehehehe ^_^ That's why I am glad that now if someone has something to say, they just say it but showing respect. First they were talking about YongHwa backing off, then about SeoHyun's motives when she showed YongHwa TRAX's CD. I really haven't any posts today about Hyun's lack of actions.





About Hyun not meeting her fans today, if I am not wrong it was confirmed she wasn't going to go to the fanmeeting. It is a rumour that she is going to film WGM but I think the probabilities that it's true are very high... I also didn't want her to miss the fanmeeting because, as you said, fans are everything for the idols. But if life gives you lemons you should make lemonade right? The decision (that she isn't going to the fanmeeting) is probably already made, and there is not much we can do about it; just always support her as her fan ;)










Just read your edit :lol: OMO that is awesome!! :) I hope you are feeling better sis *hugs*








~Our two angels~









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