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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest starfish_29







Someone, please help me off the ledge that I am on right now.....As I said I was watching the recent episode of our lovely couple when I asked my boyfriend to watch it with me. He really doesn't watch it but when we just hang out at my house he would watch it with me but not really spazz with me but suffice to say he has some knowledge about our couple and would even comment in some previous episodes that if these 2 were acting then they are really great actors because he said they seem to be really attracted to each other....So today when he was watching it with me, he suddenly commented that he thinks that the guy (Yong) seems to be backing off...I asked him how he can say that....and he said all of a sudden he doesn't want Hyun to speak banmal to him....he said when I guy who has waited for it for so long just suddenly say "No, nevermind.." it means the time has passed. Though my bf said that Yong seemed to not have really given a time limit for Hyun, my bf said he just think that Yong just seemed to be backing off.


And then he said look at the Japan scene....he felt like Yong is just hanging out with one of his friends rather than his gf or wife who he hasn't seen in a month. The jealous scene in the resto, my bf said it seems like he is still jealous but just not as much as before. Honestly he got me so sad that I just asked him to go home....and he teased me that I am too attach to a make believe couple which I must say ended up with me being a child and just ended up fighting with him. Though I know our fight is nothing that serious since he was smiling as he left and told me he will call me later....what he just told me just made me a bit insecure and I hope some helpful goguma can help me clear my head. Hopefully one of our male gogumas can enlighten me here.....what do you guys think....








Actually after watching the latest episodes, I feel the same way too. It feels like Seo Hyun is the one who makes all the moves, but Yong is like pushing her away or intentionally not giving that much attention to Seo Hyun just like before. Before, Yong seobang is really into the BANMAL thingy but now it seems that he doesn't care anymore not because it's not important anymore but it's because he doesn't care anymore or something like that. And also the fact that they haven't seen each other for how many weeks now, it's like Yong seobagng changed in a way because Hyun is can't understand the way Yong felt about her? Is that correct? I am really confused right now. I just hope someone clears our mind about the YongSeo couple.





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Guest shawn_daebak



























as a "male" goguma villager...















i can sense that our yongseo was just sensing each other all over again...















in japan episode, the sweetness of goguma couple will be at the next episode...















they will have their skinship at night if not just a sweet conversation at the temple...ok?















As a "male" as i can see, yong was holding back because he dont know if the push or pull game is over...















but for me, yong loves and cares for our dear seo joo hyun...















in the preview, what is the importance of asking hyun "how many gogumas?" huh?















in our hyun, as a genius lady, she just want yong to be jealous and make him jealous all over again...
























my fellow goguma villager,















as we can see in inki...thats another channel...















thats a work...they have to work because they are entertainers too...













































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Guest Faith_memory














Hi guys!!! I have watched and rewatched this new episode of our couple and though I found it sweet at most there are some points that just sort of confused me.












I'm putting it in spoiler and hope that those who will read this will help me out....












Someone, please help me off the ledge that I am on right now.....As I said I was watching the recent episode of our lovely couple when I asked my boyfriend to watch it with me. He really doesn't watch it but when we just hang out at my house he would watch it with me but not really spazz with me but suffice to say he has some knowledge about our couple and would even comment in some previous episodes that if these 2 were acting then they are really great actors because he said they seem to be really attracted to each other....So today when he was watching it with me, he suddenly commented that he thinks that the guy (Yong) seems to be backing off...I asked him how he can say that....and he said all of a sudden he doesn't want Hyun to speak banmal to him....he said when I guy who has waited for it for so long just suddenly say "No, nevermind.." it means the time has passed. Though my bf said that Yong seemed to not have really given a time limit for Hyun, my bf said he just think that Yong just seemed to be backing off.










tears.giftears.gif And then he said look at the Japan scene....he felt like Yong is just hanging out with one of his friends rather than his gf or wife who he hasn't seen in a month. The jealous scene in the resto, my bf said it seems like he is still jealous but just not as much as before. Honestly he got me so sad that I just asked him to go home....and he teased me that I am too attach to a make believe couple which I must say ended up with me being a child and just ended up fighting with him. Though I know our fight is nothing that serious since he was smiling as he left and told me he will call me later....what he just told me just made me a bit insecure and I hope some helpful goguma can help me clear my head. Hopefully one of our male gogumas can enlighten me here.....what do you guys think....
































My favorite scene by far is when they were running towards each other in Japan and not far in 2nd place is the Avatar scene.












i get what your bf said. I actually think the same way. about the banmal thing, even though yong was just joking about it, it seems that he meant it. after yong told hyun to not use banmal anymore, it kinda reminds me of what he said in the dark-room at the salon episode. yong said, 'it's getting tiring'. to be honest, i think he's tired of reminding his wife to use banmal. sadd really.. D: and yeah, everytime hyun mention abou trax and some other guys, yong wasn't that jealous. i may think that he's not the jealousy type, but i think he's more unto being in a close friendship with her.












it seems that yong is the one expressing 'different' kinds of emotions in this show, alot of emotions. his actions may show just a little, but there are deeper meanings that i can pull off from him while watching them together. while for hyun, she is indeed innocent and a newbie in these kinds of things. and it seems that she doesn't understand yong's actions most of the time.












well anyway, those are just my opinion. keke~ ♥












anyway the inkigayo today is ♥. haha! Seohyun still couldn't look straight at him whenever they're close or standing side by side. while yong, he's unto doing his MC stuff. it was like they were feelin' each other haha.



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Guest shane09

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest _d3seohyun



adding to jnj and fallenAnjewl's caps (:



it would have been nice if the cameraman captured yonghwa here.

if their fingers touched even slightly i'm sure we would be spazzing like crazy.

and i would like to believe that taeyeon is not looking at the trophy but trying

to watch YONGSEO's hands kkekeke








Did you guys notice on this part that Seobaby took a step towards yonghwa?

Uri Seobaby is smooth :lol:












maybe this part is just coincidental and me just being too biased..

Hyo( unnie who had d spent the most time with Yongseo) and Yuri(unnie who filmed with Yongseo recently)

were smiiing while YONGSEO were greeting each other :P




On this part, after Seobaby and fany looked at each other, you can see Seobaby

taking a quick glance over fany, where yonghwa headed off :P

just my assumptions ok? i choose to believe until proven otherwise :D





and how i wished soshi's outfit for music core yesterday was the one for inki :P




@j2dlee. @sun_sun. THANK YOU!!!!!


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Guest hellojanedoe




Just sharing my thoughts on the latest episode.




While it wasn't like EPIC EPIC like the double birthday episode (i think us gogumas have been spoilt by that haha and keep expecting something to that degree), i still think it was very sweet! And i'm somewhat glad that it asn't a cliffhanger like last week, because having to wait 2 weeks till another episode might just kill me! So ending it like this is still good.




With regards to skinship, i think its something the couple is sensitive about because its ALWAYS been looked out for since the beginning. These are just my thoughts, but with Khuntoria couple for instance they've both been in relationshpis before and are older. So they are able to have natural and casual skinship amongst EACH OTHER, where they don't feel awkward even though every move may be calculate hahaha. but with Yongseo, its like they are dangerously aware of their skinship. Since the beginning Yong has never really casually touched Seohyun save for a few moments, so for him to suddenly touch her, he might feel really self conscious. This is the vibe i get from him because whiel you know he totally wants to hug her ie. when she won Vic during the horror ep, he stops himself just as he's about to and gently pats her shoulders instead. It also doesn't help that everyone including Hyun's unnies and the MCs are all looking out for signs of skinship. Thats why i think when they met, they totally ran towars each other ( BEST part hahaha) but they didn't hug or hold hands after. Its not that "natural" to them yet such that they won't be conscious of it themselves. Though, they showed their concern in other ways wtih Yong buying her Apple Juice and her saying "i can't believe i found you". But i think at the rate they're going - they will over come all this very soon :)




Anyway yes! The episode. I think it really showed how much they missed each other. Hyun was "really hap~py" to see him again and you could just see her excitement when she talked about him. Just like when a girl has a crush and keeps blabbering on about him. About how his hair grew longer and his faceshape changed.. you could tell she was totally glad to see him. And his analogy of letting her hand go in the war was so adorable. They were totally glad to meet each other IN PERSON and in a different country! It must have had such a fresh fun feeling to be overseas together.




Also, maybe its just me but i have a feeling they've definitely been in contact since their last filming (actually we all know they do). Either texting or calling. Because the way Yong called her and was just like "Are you in the station or outside?" they just seem really familiar with each other over the phone. Usually if you haven't spoken to the other in a long time you'd say "Yeobosaeyo. Ahh.. its been a long time. *laugh laugh* are you excited? where are you now?" you know what i mean? But you can tell they totally talk to each other on the phone. Kekekeke.




Also, for them to have recognised each other from either side of the corridor, so cute!!! Hahahaa.




Can't wait till next next week. lets wait patiently fellow gogumas :):)



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Someone, please help me off the ledge that I am on right now.....As I said I was watching the recent episode of our lovely couple when I asked my boyfriend to watch it with me.  He really doesn't watch it but when we just hang out at my house he would watch it with me but not really spazz with me but suffice to say he has some knowledge about our couple and would even comment in some previous episodes that if these 2 were acting then they are really great actors because he said they seem to be really attracted to each other....So today when he was watching it with me, he suddenly commented that he thinks that the guy (Yong) seems to be backing off...I asked him how he can say that....and he said all of a sudden he doesn't want Hyun to speak banmal to him....he said when I guy who has waited for it for so long just suddenly say "No, nevermind.." it means the time has passed. Though my bf said that Yong seemed to not have really given a time limit for Hyun, my bf said he just think that Yong just seemed to be backing off.  

tears.giftears.gif   And then he said look at the Japan scene....he felt like Yong is just hanging out with one of his friends rather than his gf or wife who he hasn't seen in a month.  The jealous scene in the resto, my bf said it seems like he is still jealous but just not as much as before.  Honestly he got me so sad that I just asked him to go home....and he teased me that I am too attach to a make believe couple which I must say ended up with me being a child and just ended up fighting with him.  Though I know our fight is nothing that serious since he was smiling as he left and told me he will call me later....what he just told me just made me a bit insecure and I hope some helpful goguma can help me clear my head.  Hopefully one of our male gogumas can enlighten me here.....what do you guys think....


My favorite scene by far is when they were running towards each other in Japan and not far in 2nd place is the Avatar scene.


We should look at other scenario. 


    *Maybe he feelsthat it doesn’t need anymore as they are already close to each other.


    *He doesn’t wantit to be a burden to hyun to speak informal to him.  If there's affection already, some guyssacrifice something important to him for the sake of the one he love the most. Andhe is willing to do it even it will take some pride out of him (if she's yours, she is yours).




For me backing off, dropping the banmal thing is not a bigdeal.  Just put it like this, a flower,leaves is only part of it. Even without leaves it is still a flower.  i think also, even he drop it (Banmal) in thelast ep, it doesn’t mean he is going to back off from each other.  Maybe it’s a process of slowing it down forhyun to speak banmal to him (voluntarily). 


That’s only my opinion xD



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Guest soshisoshisoshi












Hi guys!!!  I have watched and rewatched this new episode of our couple and though I found it sweet at most there are some points that just sort of confused me.  








I'm putting it in spoiler and hope that those who will read this will help me out....












Someone, please help me off the ledge that I am on right now.....As I said I was watching the recent episode of our lovely couple when I asked my boyfriend to watch it with me.  He really doesn't watch it but when we just hang out at my house he would watch it with me but not really spazz with me but suffice to say he has some knowledge about our couple and would even comment in some previous episodes that if these 2 were acting then they are really great actors because he said they seem to be really attracted to each other....So today when he was watching it with me, he suddenly commented that he thinks that the guy (Yong) seems to be backing off...I asked him how he can say that....and he said all of a sudden he doesn't want Hyun to speak banmal to him....he said when I guy who has waited for it for so long just suddenly say "No, nevermind.." it means the time has passed. Though my bf said that Yong seemed to not have really given a time limit for Hyun, my bf said he just think that Yong just seemed to be backing off.  

tears.giftears.gif   And then he said look at the Japan scene....he felt like Yong is just hanging out with one of his friends rather than his gf or wife who he hasn't seen in a month.  The jealous scene in the resto, my bf said it seems like he is still jealous but just not as much as before.  Honestly he got me so sad that I just asked him to go home....and he teased me that I am too attach to a make believe couple which I must say ended up with me being a child and just ended up fighting with him.  Though I know our fight is nothing that serious since he was smiling as he left and told me he will call me later....what he just told me just made me a bit insecure and I hope some helpful goguma can help me clear my head.  Hopefully one of our male gogumas can enlighten me here.....what do you guys think....











My favorite scene by far is when they were running towards each other in Japan and not far in 2nd place is the Avatar scene.












Hi there..... I understand your thinking and as a guy myself, I try to analyze YONG's action, especially when he rejects hyun's request for speaking banmal........








This is what I think.....












just like some of the gogumas here have pointed out, yong doesn't want his wife to feel pressured and obliged to speak banmal to him, if SHE IS NOT UNCOMFORTABLE WITH IT. I have this sense that although YONG might be slightly guilty for rejecting HYUN's request, he is already happy with the fact that the PUSH-PULL thing is already over and what he only think is to be comfortable with each other. Does you boyfriend always watch our couple's episodes or just watch it only ONE episode then give comments regarding that particular episode without taking the other episodes as a barometer to find how our couple have been really comfortable with each other??








Anyhow,,,,,, this is only the first part of their japan date, and there are more parts to follow. So I believe you shouldn't be worried too much because many have said that the japan date is the TURNING POINT of yongseo's relationship. Also, when we look at the preview, we can't help but imagine about their eyeship, conversations, and also how they miss each other....








Not to be forgotten, the japan date was filmed at least 3 weeks after their last meeting, so I guess it is understandable why you feel Yong is backing off..








nonetheless, there is nothing to worry about them, just follow the following episodes and just enjoy their relationship as time passes on, because I think it's always fun to watch them...



















J2DLEE..... welcome back to the goguma world and please don't ever go back to lurker mode hehehe :D:D





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Guest slylychee

Hi guys!!!  I have watched and rewatched this new episode of our couple and though I found it sweet at most there are some points that just sort of confused me.  

I'm putting it in spoiler and hope that those who will read this will help me out....

Someone, please help me off the ledge that I am on right now.....As I said I was watching the recent episode of our lovely couple when I asked my boyfriend to watch it with me.  He really doesn't watch it but when we just hang out at my house he would watch it with me but not really spazz with me but suffice to say he has some knowledge about our couple and would even comment in some previous episodes that if these 2 were acting then they are really great actors because he said they seem to be really attracted to each other....So today when he was watching it with me, he suddenly commented that he thinks that the guy (Yong) seems to be backing off...I asked him how he can say that....and he said all of a sudden he doesn't want Hyun to speak banmal to him....he said when I guy who has waited for it for so long just suddenly say "No, nevermind.." it means the time has passed. Though my bf said that Yong seemed to not have really given a time limit for Hyun, my bf said he just think that Yong just seemed to be backing off.  

tears.giftears.gif   And then he said look at the Japan scene....he felt like Yong is just hanging out with one of his friends rather than his gf or wife who he hasn't seen in a month.  The jealous scene in the resto, my bf said it seems like he is still jealous but just not as much as before.  Honestly he got me so sad that I just asked him to go home....and he teased me that I am too attach to a make believe couple which I must say ended up with me being a child and just ended up fighting with him.  Though I know our fight is nothing that serious since he was smiling as he left and told me he will call me later....what he just told me just made me a bit insecure and I hope some helpful goguma can help me clear my head.  Hopefully one of our male gogumas can enlighten me here.....what do you guys think....

My favorite scene by far is when they were running towards each other in Japan and not far in 2nd place is the Avatar scene.

Your bf's analysis is rather upsetting even though I had an inkling something was off when I watched the gift scene too. HOWEVER, you and your bf are just TOO cute! Now I'm a fan of your couple too! Hehe. I kinda agree and disagree with the analysis of their Japan meeting tho. Yes, Yong seems to be acting a little different, but that can be attributed to finally getting some (relatively) "free" time in Japan after non-stop performing/variety shows/interviews the past few weeks. It maybe that he's just feeling carefree for the moment. If he was just hanging out with "one of the guys", he wouldn't have gotten her a drink and looked so proud when he got recognized. All the same, I hope that having more time together will bring Yong and Hyun closer together again. 

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Guest monie1909
















Omo...sad to see some of us think so little of Yong.Did Yong occured as someone who will give up on things that he want.Yong didnt seem to me like that type of weak spirited guy who give up half way because some difficulties arrised.Ambitious and goal oriented guy like Yong will give up and surrender half way?Dont think so.Even Hyun is not a thing,Yong is Yong.If he at the first or at some point,had a genuine feeling for wanting Hyun,dont think he's the type of guy that gave up that easily until she's confirm him that she didnt want him.I believe Yong is much bigger/tougher man than some of us think.









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Guest bolmaejung

I watched running man~

yonghwa answer is wrong on the quiz for music.

correct answer is 'NoBody'(wonder girls), but he answered, 'Tell me your wish.' kkkkkkkkk

in addition, caption : he has an ulterior motive.(SNSD-hyun!!!!)

he gets a hint, but yong can't remember title of this song.('NoBody') for a while.

I think he had a lot of courage. runningman is SBS, not MBC



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We should look at other scenario. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    *Maybe he feelsthat it doesn’t need anymore as they are already close to each other.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    *He doesn’t wantit to be a burden to hyun to speak informal to him.  If there's affection already, some guyssacrifice something important to him for the sake of the one he love the most. Andhe is willing to do it even it will take some pride out of him (if she's yours, she is yours).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































For me backing off, dropping the banmal thing is not a bigdeal.  Just put it like this, a flower,leaves is only part of it. Even without leaves it is still a flower.  i think also, even he drop it (Banmal) in thelast ep, it doesn’t mean he is going to back off from each other.  Maybe it’s a process of slowing it down forhyun to speak banmal to him (voluntarily). 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































That’s only my opinion xD































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i agree with what you said, that's what i think so too. Hyun explained that she only spoke informally to her bro in laws because they weren't that close, and to break the barrier with his brothers he talked to them using informal language,I guess it's just her way of getting closer with them.As for Yong rejecting Hyun's usage of banmal, He thought that they're really that close since she doesn't have to use banmal with him to get closer. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just like the other gogumas, i felt that they were sort of apart from each other from the past episodes. But i am positive that it is a result of their month of no contact. If i were in their position, i would feel the same way too. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































 It's not a question of being reel or real, So what if they do not have skinships? Their eyes tell us all. ;) I'm looking forward to the next episode, the way they stare at each other is just wub.gif

































































































































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Guest shane09

















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest bowzo12


Hey you guys don't be so sad about the banmal thing.


I think he didn't back off, he just didn't want to pressure Hyun and he thought that they're close enough so no need banmal to reassure that.




And one more thing, the cafe part was filmed before Ueno Juri episode right. Don't you guys think that in Ueno Juri episode, they're really lovely dovey?


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Greetings all gogumas...

Aww... don’t get yourself down about Yong not wanting Hyun to use Banmal with him anymore. Maybe now he realised that though Hyun is not using Banmal with him, she is a lot more closer to him than any other guys. She is opening up to him more nowadays. Maybe he is doing it as not to pressure Hyun coz once you force or pressure someone in doing something out of her norms she’ll feel it burdensome. Hence, Yong didn’t want to burden her with something like this. Just leave it alone and it’ll come (Hyun using banmal) naturally. People tend to change naturally when there’s no pressure on them.

Besides, by looking at his expression I don’t think Yong is letting the issue off completely. He is just being considerate by being indifferent to it now,  but hopes it’ll come naturally in the future. It’s more like a reverse Psychology thing.  I hope they’ll have sweeter moments in Japan to erase all these mildang effects once and for all.


                                            What do these expressions say?


I’m glad that Hyun noticed the changes in Yong. They met after a month and she pointed out his hair has gotten longer and his face have V-line shape now. She was really happy to see him. If a girl is not interested in a guy she wouldn’t notice these minor changes. It means she really knows and takes notice on things related to her hubby.

As for YongHwa we know that he always monitor his buin and know many things related to her. 

When she told him about the hand holding incident (ep 29).  he said he already knew about it.  He saw her fansigning event in the news (ep25), When she showed him the photo taken while doing a photoshot with TRAX, he said he had seen it before, then he knew that SNSD  is on the oricon chart. 

Though Hyun did not realise CN BLUE had released album in Japan first (when Yong gave her CN BLUE 2nd album ep 6) or they are also on the oricon chart (ep 31), she did notice he was looking tired (while working at the goguma field ep 26), his hair is longer and brighter, his face is having V-shape now (ep 31), and most importantly, during the mildang period, she did asked other people on Yonghwa’s  news and was really worried about him.  I think these awareness are more personal. 

Ohh... I really love the part when Yong took out their avatar babies, the frog and spider. Then he was doing voice imitations which was very CUTE. He is good. I just love that playful side of him. To be able to goof around like that in front of a girl means he is really comfortable around her.




Hyun & Yong was happy at the thought of meeting each other. She was smiling happily and he was snapping his fingers in joy.

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Hi guys!!! I have watched and rewatched this new episode of our couple and though I found it sweet at most there are some points that just sort of confused me.


I'm putting it in spoiler and hope that those who will read this will help me out....


Someone, please help me off the ledge that I am on right now.....As I said I was watching the recent episode of our lovely couple when I asked my boyfriend to watch it with me. He really doesn't watch it but when we just hang out at my house he would watch it with me but not really spazz with me but suffice to say he has some knowledge about our couple and would even comment in some previous episodes that if these 2 were acting then they are really great actors because he said they seem to be really attracted to each other....So today when he was watching it with me, he suddenly commented that he thinks that the guy (Yong) seems to be backing off...I asked him how he can say that....and he said all of a sudden he doesn't want Hyun to speak banmal to him....he said when I guy who has waited for it for so long just suddenly say "No, nevermind.." it means the time has passed. Though my bf said that Yong seemed to not have really given a time limit for Hyun, my bf said he just think that Yong just seemed to be backing off.

tears.giftears.gif And then he said look at the Japan scene....he felt like Yong is just hanging out with one of his friends rather than his gf or wife who he hasn't seen in a month. The jealous scene in the resto, my bf said it seems like he is still jealous but just not as much as before. Honestly he got me so sad that I just asked him to go home....and he teased me that I am too attach to a make believe couple which I must say ended up with me being a child and just ended up fighting with him. Though I know our fight is nothing that serious since he was smiling as he left and told me he will call me later....what he just told me just made me a bit insecure and I hope some helpful goguma can help me clear my head. Hopefully one of our male gogumas can enlighten me here.....what do you guys think....



My favorite scene by far is when they were running towards each other in Japan and not far in 2nd place is the Avatar scene.


Hi guys!!! Tell you the true when i've watch streaming i feel little awarkness between them, but when i rewatched, i dont feel it anymore.Why? because after 3 weeks no filming, they finally met and like they said in the black room, they were happy,and even ran to each other. in my opinion, they just too shy to confess their feeling.i have experience about it.in the past, i liked one guy but we couldnt meet up everyday, but we called and texted sms whenever we had time. after 1 months, we met up. suddently i felt shy (he were also). we tried not to see each other's eyes, but we all smiled. i felt it again when i watched our lovely guguma. And remember that there wasnt only two of them. we have staff, cameramen, PD, stylist or may be manager.just imagine, you and the boy u like are chatting and more than 5 people are watching. i will feel uncomfotable for sure or may be i just hold my feeling.


And hi anne0129, i have read ur spoiler but i think another way. i remember one of WGM PD said that yonghwa is naive, he wanted seohyun to speak bammal because he thinks she is not close with him. bit he got it wrong.Seohyun is not simple girl, she is DIFFERENT.other girl will only speak bammal to the ones they close. but we all know even with SNSD unnies, she still speaks bammal and we know how close they are. And yonghwa misunderstood it. but in the latest ep, she said she speaks bammal to Cnblue boys beacause they dont close and she is closer with yonghwa.Finally he understands how close they re now. and he doesnt need bammal anymore.he just likes her to being herself.that's the reason he doesnt want her to speak bammal. i dont think he is backing off because if he does, what's the reason for him to showing their couple ring in oversea? that's all my opinion ^^ sorry for my long past and my lacking english. and anne0129, please let ur bf watch uneo juri ep and show him how lovely dorky they are :D



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Guest SophiaPia

Welcome back j2dlee thanks and sun_sun thanks as well. Yesterday epi is fine w/ me. But i must admit watching it for the 1st time i had mix emotions as well (sometimes it's the editing, for sure loads of good stuff but they cut it short :( ) but looking forward to the coming episodes coz YongSeo always gives us surprises. I was thinking right now while i have YongSeo i want to cherish every minute of it whether they are sweet or not. Coz when the time's comes (i know 1 day this might have THE END) I'M GONNA MISS THEM TERRIBLY. So, right now, i don't want to complain i just want to be happy w/ YongSeo. 

Thanks bolmaejung i'm watching it in TVU earlier but my connection is not brilliant. kekeke! i guess wife SeoHyun is always in hubby Yong's mind kekeke!

I watched running man~

yonghwa answer is wrong on the quiz for music.

correct answer is 'NoBody'(wonder girls), but he answered, 'Tell me your wish.' kkkkkkkkk

in addition, caption : he has an ulterior motive.(SNSD-hyun!!!!)

he gets a hint, but yong can't remember title of this song.('NoBody') for a while. 

I think he had a lot of courage. runningman is SBS, not MBC 

@ inkigayo today, YongSeo doing their job professionally but, they couldn't help but look at each other ( we can see in screen caps from d3Seohyun wub.gifwub.gif )

Cheers to all

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maybe i am a very positive guy or simply an ignorant person because i couldn't detect any negative vibes from both of them in the recent episode. probably i'm just disappointed about the Japan trip that i thought it was too short. however, i know that to enjoy the whole Japan trip is to watch the it after the whole episode is completely aired to get the full picture of their latest progress. i think another heartily conversation between them would be one of the yongseo's legendary couple talks.








yonghwa rejected banmal from hyun after reading her small letter and explanation why she talks banmal to jungshin and minhyuk. as we all know yonghwa is also an unlikely innocent guy. he might jump to a conclusion that they are not close enough for her to speak banmal with him. that was a few months before their 200th day anniversary. maybe he had a second thought about it that the way he feels is quite narrow-minded since he begins to feel the closeness with her after the mildang period. is he backing off? i don't think so. i would also hate to make a girl do things for me forcefully. it shows in the facial expression and body language. at that point he did feel that they have become closer because of his mildang project plan. yeah after he witnessed seohyun's 'real life girlfriend-like' reactions.



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Guest anne0129
























To heartbreak_warfare22, shawn_daebak, dHiiE, soshisoshisoshi, slylychee, and to all the rest....thank you for your POV....I am actually smiling again while typing this cause it helped ease the confusion in my mind. I'm not gonna quote all of your opinions but suffice to say that it helped clear my mind. And so now I know I will just have to wait patiently for the next episode to see the end of their Japan trip together.
















I love what dHiiE wrote,

Maybe it’s a process of slowing it down forhyun to speak banmal to him (voluntarily).
















and also what slylychee wrote just made me laugh,

If he was just hanging out with "one of the guys", he wouldn't have gotten her a drink
















Unless you have nothing to do just ignore this because it is just nonsense, I kid you not...
















and by the way I just received a dozen sweet potato from my bf. He just apologized for making me sad...












blush.gif He said he thought of getting me flowers but since I'm not the girly girly kind of gf he thought otherwise (he is right, I'd just probably shove the flowers in a vase and be done with it) and promised he will watched the next episode with me again. With the goguma present I think my bf is just being a cheapskate...hahaha!!!



























Again thanks for your input....I just hope and pray that all will be great come next episode. Thanks to bolmaejung, that was a funny piece of info...Yong answering Tell Me Your Wish.... w00t.gifw00t.gif





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Guest wallpaperfood

Hi guys, I stayed off the thread for one day, and had to backread nearly 10 pages o_O, but keep them posts coming!! hehe

With regards to the last episode,

- Honestly, I didn't feel the "distance" thing some people have been bringing up (i'm not hating on you guys, I'm just sharing my feelings <3)

I actually thought that Yong dismissing the importance of banmal as a key to a close relationship showed how much more he understands her, and how he has come to the realisation that this is who she is, and that speaking formally with him does not necessarily indicate familiarity between them. I never once felt he was backing off - perhaps the "It's getting exhausting lately" line crossed my mind, and I think perhaps he did get tired of 'waiting', but take note of the look on his face when Hyun told him her reason for using banmal with Jungshin/Minhyuk: it was a mixture of being assured/embarrassed/flattered/pretty-darn-pleased/smug. When he says "Who does that?" while not looking at her, I think it's hit him at that moment to question how he could have missed the fact that Hyun is not your normal girl per se, and that he shouldn't have been so hung up over the issue - her reason was so honest, I don't think he was expecting it, and when he heard it, he realised that she considers him close enough to not have to force-speak banmal.

His playful/friendly side in the patbingsoo place and in the Japanese rest. just showed: his joy to finally get a day off, and to spend it with someone whom he is comfortable with. I mean, who said that couples always had to be so lovey-dovey all the time? It's equally important to be able to hang out with your loved one as you would with a best friend. If they acted lovey-dovey everytime they got together, it would get old...

When they ran to each other at the station - and met and failed at skinship again - I realised that Yong quickly looked away in the other direction when he reached her. It was like he really wanted to hug/hi5, but was shy and suddenly aware of cameras. Or maybe just shy that he had just ran like a mad cow when he caught sight of her. ^^

With regards to Trax; I think that since Hyun's brought it up so many times, he has built resistance (lol)/ become immune to anything to do with it. Hence, we don't see his jealous face. I do that when something upsets/concerns me. I make myself immune to it because it's a bother getting continuously hung up over it. He was probably looking at the pictures and thinking "Yes, these are nice and all, but wait till they get hit with our WEDDING PHOTOSHOOT, which will be much better. That''ll blow everyone away and shut her up about Trax"!

lol @ Yong getting "Nobody" wrong. Actually, does this indicate that he doesn't know/can't remember what SNSD's TMYW sounds like? Lol, both groups need an apology!

and I'm stoked after reading that Hyun's going to be on Happy Together! MC Miseon will be sure to ask her something, and her unnies will be all too glad to reveal stuff! XD

AND I love how Yong went to stand on Hyun's side after SNSD won. (I bet Sulli and JKwon purposely went to the other side, as did SNSD unnies making sure maknae stood on the side to receive trophy and make speech)! She looked so adorable yet gorgeous with her hairstyle, and hey, even though there were no midriffs like yesterday, at least their in hot pants/jumpsuits..! Note how Taeyeon and Hyo check Yongseo interactions. <3

So everyone, no worries about Yongseo's distance whatsoever - I'd attirbute it to no filming after 3 weeks - they were still getting comfortable with each other at the start of Japan segment. They will be the usual next ep :)


anne1209; glad to know ur bf has tried to make it up to u!! the goguma pressie is daebak - so considerate hehe

kubih; what you posted is exactly what I was trying to express in my first paragraph - when I wrote "I think it's hit him at that moment to question how he could have missed the fact that Hyun is not your normal girl per se, and that he shouldn't have been so hung up over the issue "; I meant that he realised he was being perhaps a little "narrow-minded" regarding Hyun.

shawie829, I love your whole post! You pointed out things that have not been mentioned yet. I was also wondering about the "heart bruise' Yong was referring to! kekeke. And yeh I think we all felt Yong's hurt at Hyun's lack  of monitoring...

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