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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Woaaa...so happy that SNSD won again this week at Inkigayo!!!! ^^

SNSD looked so gorgeous as usual..Seohyun so pretty even though I like her hair better on Inkigayo last week..but still..pretty! :)


And Yong who gave the award to her...*big smile*


Yong and Jokwon must be happy since their wives won the Inkigayo mutizen award...heheee Just wanna say sorry that I misquoted someone on my previous threat..It supposed to be Ninyaah who quoted this one (thanks to winnieho who told me about it ^^)




"And I hope I am right about YongSeo too, because from watching them, I have a strong feeling that what they have is something real... something fragile that must be handled with care and protected at all times. They may be close friends or a step closer to being lovers, but I believe that what they have is something special. "










Wish all the best for our Goguma couple in the future..they are so cute together! watch them every week on WGM never failed to make me smile....I know u all feel the same about it.. :)




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Guest krissylia
























sun_sun thnx a lot...... don´t worry we will wait patiently ......








j2dlee thnx for the translation....and welcome back......








todays inki was good snsd won....yong and hyun standing beside..... and of course RING DING DONG!!!









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Guest K1L1On1Mr4








Just finished watch Inkigayo, Yonghwa went to congratulate SNSD without other MCs. He went backstage for the artists :D




SNSD unnies also bowed to Yonghwa, Hyun also bowed then waved to her nampyeon :D




Congrats SNSD for their winning, and congrats for Yonghwa for having such gorgeous and excellent buin :wub



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Guest SophiaPia

Congrats to SeoHyun and her unnies. Hubby Yong gave the award to wife SeoHyun, stand next to each other, for sure hubby Yong is happy as well and yes! looks like it, SeoHyun and Yong bowed to each other and did i hear someone shout Saranghae SeoHyun kekeke! YongSeo couple RING watch yeah baby!Hopefully we can get behind the scene stories again from baidu :)

Now, running man hubby Yong is 1 of the guest (this is filmed in Japan) it's in TVU now 81037 if u guys want to watch.

Today inkigayo video is already out it's in CrazyCarrot360. Thanks carrot


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Guest pandasoori
















































HAH ? where do you see he go to backstage to congratulate snsd ? i want to see too . pls share . ahhh









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Guest synykiss

















Congrats to SeoHyun and her unnies. Hubby Yong gave the award to wife SeoHyun, stand next to each other, for sure hubby Yong is happy as well and yes! looks like it, SeoHyun and Yong bowed to each other and did i hear someone shout Saranghae SeoHyun kekeke! YongSeo couple RING watch yeah baby!
















I beleive it was yuri and she actually shouted saranghae sowones(aka sones)!
































omo lurking for a while but just here to say thank you Sun_sun + j2dlee.

















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Guest CallMeDayDreamer
































































































































Just saw Inki...






























































































































































































































I'm loling over Yong calling Hyun "Seohyun-shi"...






























































































































































































































lmao so new to my ears... :lol:




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































During 0:23 - 0:24






























































































































































































































You can clearly hear Yong call Hyun...






























































































































































































































Yonghwa: Seohyun-shi... ohhh :wub:






























































































































































































































































































































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tks for the inki link, callmedaydreamer

i can't wipe my silly grin as i'm typing this


we know who that smile is for, hyun...sparkling sparkling bling bling bling...


cameraman is not being nice today..

didn't capture much of yongseo on same screen as last week

but we know when to 'catch' them on our own... :phew:


what are u looking at yong? u don't have to be soo obvious u know :rolleyes:



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Oh I just watched the Inkigayo video too. :wub:












I love the fact that Yong gave her the award, looking all serious and the unnies must have designate her to receive it and say the thank you speech.












What I love is that they are so open about Hyun standing beside Yong, its like they know that everyone just want them to do so. Very natural, its like it is just the way it is suppose to be.












Ahh, they bow to each other, very nice, very polite. Not avoiding each other, but just very open that they are partners.... :P


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Yongseo acting 'indifferent' towards each other
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: dc married
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's weird yet adorable at the same time. It's even confusing to describe how these two would act on Inkigayo. We could all pretend (the couple included) that there's nothing going on between them on Inkigayo yet when you look at their left hand, you would all get these giddy and confusing thoughts all over again.

































































































































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Guest anne0129
























Hi guys!!! I have watched and rewatched this new episode of our couple and though I found it sweet at most there are some points that just sort of confused me.
















I'm putting it in spoiler and hope that those who will read this will help me out....
















Someone, please help me off the ledge that I am on right now.....As I said I was watching the recent episode of our lovely couple when I asked my boyfriend to watch it with me. He really doesn't watch it but when we just hang out at my house he would watch it with me but not really spazz with me but suffice to say he has some knowledge about our couple and would even comment in some previous episodes that if these 2 were acting then they are really great actors because he said they seem to be really attracted to each other....So today when he was watching it with me, he suddenly commented that he thinks that the guy (Yong) seems to be backing off...I asked him how he can say that....and he said all of a sudden he doesn't want Hyun to speak banmal to him....he said when I guy who has waited for it for so long just suddenly say "No, nevermind.." it means the time has passed. Though my bf said that Yong seemed to not have really given a time limit for Hyun, my bf said he just think that Yong just seemed to be backing off.












tears.giftears.gif And then he said look at the Japan scene....he felt like Yong is just hanging out with one of his friends rather than his gf or wife who he hasn't seen in a month. The jealous scene in the resto, my bf said it seems like he is still jealous but just not as much as before. Honestly he got me so sad that I just asked him to go home....and he teased me that I am too attach to a make believe couple which I must say ended up with me being a child and just ended up fighting with him. Though I know our fight is nothing that serious since he was smiling as he left and told me he will call me later....what he just told me just made me a bit insecure and I hope some helpful goguma can help me clear my head. Hopefully one of our male gogumas can enlighten me here.....what do you guys think....



























My favorite scene by far is when they were running towards each other in Japan and not far in 2nd place is the Avatar scene.





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Guest inyeon.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hi guys!!! I have watched and rewatched this new episode of our couple and though I found it sweet at most there are some points that just sort of confused me.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm putting it in spoiler and hope that those who will read this will help me out....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Someone, please help me off the ledge that I am on right now.....As I said I was watching the recent episode of our lovely couple when I asked my boyfriend to watch it with me. He really doesn't watch it but when we just hang out at my house he would watch it with me but not really spazz with me but suffice to say he has some knowledge about our couple and would even comment in some previous episodes that if these 2 were acting then they are really great actors because he said they seem to be really attracted to each other....So today when he was watching it with me, he suddenly commented that he thinks that the guy (Yong) seems to be backing off...I asked him how he can say that....and he said all of a sudden he doesn't want Hyun to speak banmal to him....he said when I guy who has waited for it for so long just suddenly say "No, nevermind.." it means the time has passed. Though my bf said that Yong seemed to not have really given a time limit for Hyun, my bf said he just think that Yong just seemed to be backing off.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































tears.giftears.gif And then he said look at the Japan scene....he felt like Yong is just hanging out with one of his friends rather than his gf or wife who he hasn't seen in a month. The jealous scene in the resto, my bf said it seems like he is still jealous but just not as much as before. Honestly he got me so sad that I just asked him to go home....and he teased me that I am too attach to a make believe couple which I must say ended up with me being a child and just ended up fighting with him. Though I know our fight is nothing that serious since he was smiling as he left and told me he will call me later....what he just told me just made me a bit insecure and I hope some helpful goguma can help me clear my head. Hopefully one of our male gogumas can enlighten me here.....what do you guys think....






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































My favorite scene by far is when they were running towards each other in Japan and not far in 2nd place is the Avatar scene.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































honestly...I sorta kinda just a little feel the same way. ): I don't know, its not the same as in the episode when they were fishing. There was a true FEEL in that episode, and I didn't really feel it in the recent ones. I tried to deny it at first, but I kinda realize that what your boyfriend is saying is correct. They sorta lost a spark after the push/pull thing. Maybe its the fact that they only saw each other 2-3 times in a span of 2 months. That's REALLY LESS, and especially the fact that they didn't contact each other for a whole entire month (thats crazy x_x). Maybe thats why I don't feel as much love as I did before.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I sat here for like 10 minutes trying to elaborate on this, but I just can't seem to speak my mind correctly e_e Hopefully someone else can put some input into this, cause I really cant. ):<

































































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Hi guys!!! I have watched and rewatched this new episode of our couple and though I found it sweet at most there are some points that just sort of confused me.


I'm putting it in spoiler and hope that those who will read this will help me out....


Someone, please help me off the ledge that I am on right now.....As I said I was watching the recent episode of our lovely couple when I asked my boyfriend to watch it with me. He really doesn't watch it but when we just hang out at my house he would watch it with me but not really spazz with me but suffice to say he has some knowledge about our couple and would even comment in some previous episodes that if these 2 were acting then they are really great actors because he said they seem to be really attracted to each other....So today when he was watching it with me, he suddenly commented that he thinks that the guy (Yong) seems to be backing off...I asked him how he can say that....and he said all of a sudden he doesn't want Hyun to speak banmal to him....he said when I guy who has waited for it for so long just suddenly say "No, nevermind.." it means the time has passed. Though my bf said that Yong seemed to not have really given a time limit for Hyun, my bf said he just think that Yong just seemed to be backing off.

tears.giftears.gif And then he said look at the Japan scene....he felt like Yong is just hanging out with one of his friends rather than his gf or wife who he hasn't seen in a month. The jealous scene in the resto, my bf said it seems like he is still jealous but just not as much as before. Honestly he got me so sad that I just asked him to go home....and he teased me that I am too attach to a make believe couple which I must say ended up with me being a child and just ended up fighting with him. Though I know our fight is nothing that serious since he was smiling as he left and told me he will call me later....what he just told me just made me a bit insecure and I hope some helpful goguma can help me clear my head. Hopefully one of our male gogumas can enlighten me here.....what do you guys think....



My favorite scene by far is when they were running towards each other in Japan and not far in 2nd place is the Avatar scene.


Hahaha regarding ur spoiler: I understand ur rage towards ur bf. My opinion is ask him to watch the next episode with u, especially when yonghwa asked seohyun abt how many gogumas is he now. I kinda of see ur bf's point of view but if it was that case, yonghwa shouldn't have care or even ask abt the goguma points if u understand what I mean.


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Guest constantia11






Hi guys!!! I have watched and rewatched this new episode of our couple and though I found it sweet at most there are some points that just sort of confused me.




I'm putting it in spoiler and hope that those who will read this will help me out....






Someone, please help me off the ledge that I am on right now.....As I said I was watching the recent episode of our lovely couple when I asked my boyfriend to watch it with me. He really doesn't watch it but when we just hang out at my house he would watch it with me but not really spazz with me but suffice to say he has some knowledge about our couple and would even comment in some previous episodes that if these 2 were acting then they are really great actors because he said they seem to be really attracted to each other....So today when he was watching it with me, he suddenly commented that he thinks that the guy (Yong) seems to be backing off...I asked him how he can say that....and he said all of a sudden he doesn't want Hyun to speak banmal to him....he said when I guy who has waited for it for so long just suddenly say "No, nevermind.." it means the time has passed. Though my bf said that Yong seemed to not have really given a time limit for Hyun, my bf said he just think that Yong just seemed to be backing off.

tears.giftears.gif And then he said look at the Japan scene....he felt like Yong is just hanging out with one of his friends rather than his gf or wife who he hasn't seen in a month. The jealous scene in the resto, my bf said it seems like he is still jealous but just not as much as before. Honestly he got me so sad that I just asked him to go home....and he teased me that I am too attach to a make believe couple which I must say ended up with me being a child and just ended up fighting with him. Though I know our fight is nothing that serious since he was smiling as he left and told me he will call me later....what he just told me just made me a bit insecure and I hope some helpful goguma can help me clear my head. Hopefully one of our male gogumas can enlighten me here.....what do you guys think....





My favorite scene by far is when they were running towards each other in Japan and not far in 2nd place is the Avatar scene.






That's exactly what I feel (as I stated in my previous post).

I can sense that Yong is making a distance here. The difference is, your bf saw it since their scene in the bakery, but I see the distance when they are in Japan. Hence the reason I blame the one month of them not seeing each other.

We definitely need an insight from male gogumas.

I feel a little better after reading the reasons posted by some gogumas in a few pages back.

But the insecure feeling is still there.

I still have a hunch that something is changing in Yong's heart.

I am praying hard for that not to happen.

I want to believe that they are still into each other.



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Guest SwEEtGoguma_7







Hello everyone









First I wanna thank all of you for pics and your post.









J2dlee, Welcome back is really good to hear your are back,finally.Im super happy.We really miss u a lot.





I love this couple since the first episode.I really falling in love and Im so addicted that I search news and etc. everyday.





I watched the last episode and this time its my first time that I have a strange feeling how can I describe that...I have the feeling Yonghwa keep a little distance towards Hyun.This is really my first time seeing Yonghwa acting like that.:(





I love this couple and hopefully they ended up together thats my wish cause they really suits each other and complete each other.





Guys ,please dont blame on me and Im really sorry for my english.





All Goguma Lovers please stay healthy and be happy.:wub:


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Thanks to sun_sun for the video and j2dlee for the translation.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I have been waiting for this to come out since 10 hours ago: :sweatingbullets: , BUT,
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































this video is totally worth the wait: clear resolution and smooth translation. :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I don't mind waiting as long as it is as perfect as this!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks for all the hard work.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm sure all gogumas would also want to give both of you what Yong handed over to Hyun at Inkigayo:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































an award with a silver STAR!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
















@anne0129: I watched the latest episode and with regards with what your bf said, I would like to contradict it. I didn't get the vibe that Yong was sort of backing of. with him withdrawing Hyun's banmal I think was a good thing. I think he intends to "not force" her into speaking banmal to him. I think he wants Hyun to speak banmal to him but not in a situation where she is forced or was required to do so. he could be thinking that "its not that important anymore" in the 1 month mildang period. when a guy (at least myself) goes to a period when we are given time away from a girlfriend, we realize the things that really matter. and I think with Yong's case, Hyun's closeness. and probably he thought that Hyun using banmal is not a gauge to determine how close they really are. and he also said in his letter that he won't get tired whenever he thinks of the memories that they shared. so I think in the 1 month period, he remembered the memories that they created and realized that banmal is not really that important. 












with regards to the Japan trip part, both of them suddenly ran towards each other. and it does seem to give off the impression that they are just friends hanging out in a foreign country, at least at the start of the Japan part. but if you look at how Yonghwa was playing and dancing out of Yoshinoya, he was really happy. and the fact that he is more familiar to the Japanese environment means that he has to lead her and take care of her while they are travelling to the goguma place. and with regards with his jealousy towards Jungmo, it really is not that of a big deal because Jungmo is SM family. and Yonghwa and Jungmo talked already, even joking with each other.












just sharing my opinion on the matter.



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Guest FallenAnjewl




























@anne1029, inyeon: i understand what you guys are trying to say, how we feel that yong is kinda tired in continuously trying to make hyun show her feelings for him. And that he is kinda backing away and just letting things flow without him trying to do anything anymore.




















I feel that he also may be kidna frustrated like how he was like he thought she knew about the 200 days but she pretended she didnt. and then in Japan when he told her that CNBLUE was also on Oricon charts and she didnt know and also in te preview how he says that she doesnt understnad how he feels




















I just hope that maybe this is because they hadnt seen each other in a long time, so they kinda lost their interaction with each other. However i also hope that when he says she doesnt understand how he feels is in reply to hyun giving him high goguma points.




















I really want to see a turning point in this couple, i want to have the same fuzzy feelings as when we watched the fishing episode.




















HYUNNn!!! show yong how you feel. Let it out !!! Express it. Lets hope the unnies help out a bit. If the rumour is true that yuri filmed WGM with the couple, then i think yuri would hopefully bring this couple even closer.




















On the other hand, inkigayo today. Did yong call hyun, seohyun-shi when he went to give her teh trophy?? it sounded so weird as im use to him calling her Hyyuunn or buin ah. Too bad they couldnt talk to each other but maybe they had a little catch up session backstage




















Thought ill post this picture up. I dont know if any of you noticed. but when inkigayo finished, the MCs are meant to exit the stage so from what we see, turn to the left hand side. But then yong turned to the right where hyun was standing with her unnies and their eyes met before she bowed to him and he left the stage

























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Guest chilipadi_22
































































































































































































































































Omo Omo Omo~ I hate to think that our goguma couple is not as sweet as before alr!! After reading the previous 2 posts abt yongseo backing off from each other is so sad!! I hate to thinkvtht try are moving away from each other!!
































































































































Maybe we should wait till 2 weeks later before we see WGM again and see how they progress. I think that they should be ok with each other from the preview that we see!!
































































































































Yong would definitely have more gogumas right?? :)

































































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Guest craniejung

Actually if you guys look at 1:44 of this video, you can see Hyun showing off her ring. I thought it was a dance move at first, but it turned out that the others werent' doing the same. 


Maybes its an 'inside' mission for them to show off their rings? 

Anyhow I totally understand their awkward connections on Inkigayo. I think as a new emcee, Yonghwa doesnt really want to spoil his image as an unproffesional person whereas for Hyun -  we all know how proffesional and "strict" she is when it comes to 'theories' lol. It's a rule for them to not act as a couple outside of MBC so maybe they're alwasy trying to keep it low (on stage).

But the glances that Yong steals is....just...fail. 


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