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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest bonbon31



@bee_ichigo: the first time I see this picture, I also thought that it is very different ring, however, when i saw others pics ( you can watched at CNBLUE thread). this ring is his couple ring. Maybe because of the light so we see it is different. So you can check other pics and let me know, ok? I hope I am not wrong.:unsure:

 " http://img838.images...101028jyh8.jpg/ " or you can see this picture, I hope it is clearer.

Credit: CNBLUE thread. soompi

I just watched other pic, in some pics He did not wear his couple ring, I don't know why! we have to wait some more pics from Japan fanmeeting.




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Guest cindyle




@bee_ichigo: the first time I see this picture, I also thought that it is very different ring, however, when i saw others pics ( you can watched at CNBLUE thread). this ring is his couple ring. Maybe because of the light so we see it is different. So you can check other pics and let me know, ok? I hope I am not wrong.:unsure:








I think so. i checked other pics as well. I think the stone of the ring was hidden so when i first saw it, i thought it might be a different ring too. But c'mon how could he wear another ring on his ring finger. He would be scolded by ...someone. It probably should be a couple ring.


I don't know if anyone have the same opinion, but i really don't like Yong with a long hair style. :( He looks more manly with the short style



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@bonbon31 : I saw the other picture too. But I still think it's different ring, or is it just me? wacko.gif
































here is another photo regarding the ring....
















































































































































@cindyle And scatterbrain : Maybe you right... maybe the stone just hidden somewhere
































I want to share this cute pic of Yong... 
















































credit : golden jyh
















He seem thought about something
















maybe he thought about his buin wub.gif
































with Love

































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Guest Faith_memory
















































































just wanna share something. lol, Hyun rocking the YongHwa-STARE!!!! ♥ hahaha!! not much to spazz about but seriously, yong's stares are the BEST!
















































bee_ichigo thanks for sharing those great shots of yo~ng!!! ♥

































































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Guest scatterbrain

i agree with bonbon31, i think this is his couple ring. i think it's just because we can't see the precious stone thta's why we thought it was a different ring...

maybe he doesn't want to make it too obvious that it's the couple ring because of the jonghyun(shinee)?shinsekyung incident?trying to avoid antis....im just thinking too much... :sweatingbullets:

i dunno if anyone notice...in happy together where yonghwa was guesting, there was a game where they give out statements, and if the statement describes you, you have to fold your finger. if all your 5 fingers are folded, they will spray you with water....sorry for the confusing explanation, hope you all understand...

here's the important part!when the statement was"if you're married, fold your finger" and i think yonghwa did fold his finger. coz before this statement was said, he had folded one finger. and after that, we couldn't see him on screen, but the MCs pointed at him and said"three(meaning 3 fingers left)...so he did confess that he's married to hyun :wub:

and i saw TRAX MV BTS in Arirang where they filmed Hyun. She said " i'm getting married AGAIN(yes,the sub said AGAIN)

so both of them consider themselves taken.

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Guest raindrops_919
















OUUU noo.. i haven't watched seohyun new mv, my downloader really is a snail   :crazy: but i know it must be GREAT
















@ crystal_malfoy : thank you =)
















@ aneng : thank you for sharing the BTS fancam
















i watched it like 4874521221254548 times and couldn't get enough, hyun eyes is all over yong and when lin sing "chagiea" yong pointing at hyun, and when lin sing "yeoboya" hyun pointing at yong (yong even pointing at him self too), correct me if i'm wrong, did ueno juri also made a gift for yongseo couple with this "chagiea" and "yeoboya" nicknames at the clay glass she made..
















yong's shyness after it is so cute, he cover his face with his hand because he can't stop grinning crazily happy, 
















ninja me says   :ph34r: yong's mind: ahhh finally i can call hyun "yeobo", been longin for that since along time ago  :w00t:























now i can't wait for saturday and of course monday for inki with yong and hyun (i hope some fancam will come along *me crossed fingers*)
















and i say, hey hey heyyy, i say hey, what's going on?? everyone on GOGUMA LAND love love love, everybody clap clap clap








edit: @ redrev: thank you *hugs*
























here's another one, hope you like it
































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Greetings all gogumas...

raindrops_919 Thank U 4 d lovely fanart. Yongseo in the clouds.... they look like angels. Total PURENESS.. wub.gif

DJHinata as well as other gogumas... thanks 4 liking my post biggrin.gif

bee_ichigo, sophiaPia, bonbon31 & cindyle... I don't think it's a different ring. It's the couple ring. Sometimes if the ring is twisted a bit, the stone would rest between the fingers. I could see this happened in some of their other photos or videos. Besides, Yong loves to play with the ring, maybe he was playing and twisting it before, thus making it looked the way it is. As cindyle said.. he wouldn't dare wear other ring or else he has 2 face Hyun's wrath again kekeke 

jnj, I like your setting....  ahh... eating apples and walking around campus at night could be romantic too... 

Opps... suddenly this come to mind.... Yong and Hyun walking hand in hand along Han River, then they stop and sit facing the river (It's beautiful to look at Han River at night) to talk and making promises to wear their ring 24/7.  

My imagination is working overtime again here... Saturday better come quickly *sigh*

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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































hey guys, I had a really long drive today so I stopped by the mall for a a little break and to check this thread. then I saw that someone posted the Hoot MV and I hopped back in the car to drive home. 
























thanks for the Hoot MV. Seohyun is really pretty and I think Yonghwa has something to do with Seohyun blossoming. 
























I wish Yonghwa took Siwon's place in the MV, and the sort of female spy when she turned around at the end of the MV was Seohyun. that would be awesome!
























now I'm really hoping to see their interaction in Inkigayo. I would like to see also the unnies' reaction when Yonghwa interviews them. I think Yong would probably look at Seohyun more often than the other members and surely it would lead to some teasing. or better yet, Yonghwa would stand next to Seohyun during that interview.
























Yonghwa mentioned that he has 3 gifts, one of which is the 200 day pin on his guitar strap. wonder if Seohyun saw it. or if Yonghwa would give it to her when they are home.
























I feel that since Seohyun was still in high school during her training days and SNSD's debut, she missed out on things that normal high school girls experience. I think Yonghwa would like her to experience those things. I'm not a girl so I don't know what those things are.
























I feel that they would seriously talk about the "pushing-pulling" game. Yong would explain his side, then Seohyun would explain hers. and after that talk, everything would be better, that's why they were so happy and oblivious to their surroundings during the UJ episode.
























EDIT: about the ring. I think its the same ring. its just that the diamond sometimes goes out of place. and when you watch Running Man, he is wearing the ring and the diamond was not in the center of the the ring finger. it was placed near the middle finger. some photos that I've seen has the diamond near the pinkie finger. 





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EDIT: about the ring. I think its the same ring. its just that the diamond sometimes goes out of place. and when you watch Running Man, he is wearing the ring and the diamond was not in the center of the the ring finger. it was placed near the middle finger. some photos that I've seen has the diamond near the pinkie finger. 
















































































































































If the diamond can move here and there, meant that it is not very tight in the first place. But I always thought it is a just a plain silver band with a diamond in the middle. Now it looks like there are design around the band too.
















































































































































The khuntoria couple hasnt exchange rings right? I just think it is so clever of the PD to get YongSeo a house and Khuntoria a car. I mean Yongseo is really more the indoor cosy type? Their horoscopes are both cancer! :)
















































































































































2 more days to the next ep!

















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i was away for a few days to the place where yong and hyun are. walking in the street, going to the book store and supermarket, thinking of them, guessing if they went there together before ... hoping that i would meet them or any of them..

i am tryng to catch up what i have missed in this thread in the past few days. can i ask something you may find me silly ... about the phone calls and messages yong and hyun talked about. i am really confused. who calls who usually (it seems it's yong calls hyun usually) ? who texted who but who cannot received the messages and who did not reply to who ? they argued about these in the two eps, but the more they talked about the more i feel confused. to me, it seems yong called and texted hyun, but hyun insisted that yong did not text her.

hyun is really a caring wife. she knows yong was jealous about the wedding shooting with trax and yong did mind that hyun did not tell him in the first place. so this time, she took the liberty to tell him and yong was happy about it. what a baby husband ! in fact yong understands that it's part of hyun's job, but he wants her to tell him in advance, then he will be fine. very lovely couple. really love them.

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I also think it's the couple ring ^^ It's just that the stone was placed between his ring finger and middle finger.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































original pic: http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/5163/1288244607101028jyh4.jpg

































































































































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DJHinata I love it! thanks for sharing all your previous artworks again! love it! hyun did look gorgeous in the video! and it makes me wonder, since snsd shows a lot of legs, is yong a legs kind of guy? ;) hahaha. but super excited for hyun and her snsd unnies comeback this weekend ending with, hopefully, an interview with yong and other inkagayo mcees. :)
































































dreamyboo i miss you! i swear we havent spazzed together in forever now. we need to fix our timezone change so we can spazz about yongseo together. :lol:
































































jnj its all because of you. hahaha. what do you expect from healthy women after seeing that. i wonder what hyun thought too? hahaha okay, i'm going to stop now XD
































































crystal_malfoy thanks for those screen caps. those are really good! and like i said to dreamy i miss spazzing about yongseo with you too.
































































raindrops_919 AWWWWW! i love that new one. gosh, you're in major yongseo mode right now! i wish i had the time to do that too. i've been so tired lately! and this weekend will be a family weekend, so i dont know if i'll have time to yongseo spazz. but thanks thanks for sharing! (saving...) edit i just now saw your newest one! and i love it too. gosh so good!! i need to get tips from you ;)
































































BlueFreak aww, thanks for sharing that fmv it was so good. makes me regret not doing my yongseo marathon last night! but i was too tired and fell asleep. but that was really cute. love it.
































































Ae-Rin OMG! i love it! hahaha. it looks like she maybe showing it off to luna, but luna isnt looking, making it just hyun oogling her couple ring. good eyes!
































































cloiee18 LOVE LOVE the gifs. thanks for sharing.
































































aneng that is so sweet. thanks for sharing the video. love love love.
































































maybe07 maybe... (see what i did there with your name and... yea, lame i know, lol) but thats a really good thought! huh! haha. and we all know how detailed our yong is, heck he even claims it hisself. lol but good point! hm... makes me super excited now.
































































lenovo i went back to rewatch it again just to see what you were talking about and yes, she does look towards the left of her which would be the mcee's circle :) yay!
































































bee_ichigo thanks for the pictures. funny how the ad covers the hand exactly in the first picture. lol
































































so since we're technically not suppose to talk about snsd and cn blue in here, i decided to put this in here, hopefully i dont get a warning or anything... lol. but i was on allkpop and they listed the nominees for the MAMA and cn blue is up for MALE ROOKIE AWARD and BEST BAND PERFORMANCE. i seriously hope they win!
















































:) and then snsd is up for FEMALE GROUP AWARD. they deserve it i think. but the reason why i'm talking about this here is because both cn blue and snsd are up for the same award!!! The Shilla Duty Free Asian Wave Award i have never heard of this award, but how awesome is it that both groups are nominated for this award. too bad that snsd probably wont be going and cn blue... well thats still in the talks i guess, but i'm sure both yongseo would be so supportive of each other, win or lose. i love it! it would have been great to see this. because maybe there could have been a special shout out or something. :) but just wanted to share that















































































































so as i went back to rewatch the snsd hoot video i saw that during the first chorus dance they do a shoulder brush, and seohyun is in the front too, and that made me think of yong's shoulder brush during the ring mission. so i thought i'd share that! lol
































































































































and who else thinks that the bow and arrow dance is super awesome?!
































































and also some more airport pictures posted by iheartyonghwa@tumblr
































































































































































































you can clearly see his ring i this one.
































































































































only 2 more days!

















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i just watched CNBLUE's new CF ..one with sony xperia x10
















i cant help but notice that the bg things look similar to the ones for SNSD...like the fire in CNBLACK and the hearts in CNPINK...









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it should be the one and only ring, gogumas.

see? even the boys (jungshin, minhyuk & jonghyun - last cap)

are making sure that their hyung is wearing the right ring. :lol:

these 3 love their caring sis-in-law so much..

by now, yong would've seen the MV on his way to Jpn!

haha...MY BUIN! smooth move!! :w00t:


raindrops, u know i love u right? tks dear!

chyme, i'm also waiting for a fancam to see how yong drool over his buin kekeke

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Like most of you here I'm really excited about Inkigayo.. I can imagine them backstage being lovey-dovey before the performance.. blush.gif
































Yong opened the door of SNSD's waiting room after knocking "Hyun" his eyes met hers and smiled as if they're the only ones in that room ignoring SNSD members' chaos
















"Yong" Hyun called while blushing
















"Good luck on your comeback stage." he said, his voice husky "Do a mission for me" he continued changed into a playful mode
















"What mission?" she answered a little flushed
















"I don't know.. Surprise me" Yonghwa took her hand, "let's go to my waiting room there's no one there" they walked at the hallway cautiously and secretly went inside his waiting room
















What I left off I leave it to your imagination...LOL

Although, I read from somewhere (sorry can't remember), that a couple from WGM should not be on the same show (outside wgm/mbc) together portraying husband and wife. Adam couple has made this mistake, due to that Gain was not able to perform her comeback stage at Mcore.









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Guest raindrops_919
































why are our couple so often pouting their lips?? yong at airport is just to cute..please stop it!!
















and that arrow dance hyun OMO so cool, yong, you must be proud to have such a goddess buin B)
















@ panGG: thank you, ahhh i don't know why my mood is depending on the weather of yongseo, HA..this lately i'm so excited about last episode this makes me want to do some artwork.. then if i'm in lazy mood, or maybe like when they bickering at salon, i got really lazy and being sulky...haaaa, i guess this couple has infected me so much ^_^ oh and i hope your weekend goes well..we'll spazz later after you back *ahishh why did it feels so great even thinking about yongseo this saturday?*  :w00t:
















here's another one..as jnj said i make school uniform YONGSEO *right theme for this saturday*

























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Guest glitterspark














you can clearly see his ring i this one.











sorry to cut post... but yong looks like he caught hyun's pouting habits..






here's a pic of the couple pout:












they say a couple will naturally adopt each other's habits... (or maybe they're already pouters before they got to know each other)









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Guest danedane






I was looking at old CN Blue videos, and I came across this live performance of love light:









The date on the video says July 12th - does that mean its after the fishing episode? :o




I think he looks SO TOTALLY IN LOVE here especially from 2.37 - 2.40!!!!! Check it out ~~~ Immensely in love!!!



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the same?...hehe
































































































































































































































































































































im really anticipating for his gift...what could it be.. ?????
































































































































































you guys really have lots of ideas..and its not bad...it could happen..
































































































































































but we have to wait..(gosh)..for Saturday to come... :rolleyes:
































































































































































yong you've been target!..

































































































































































































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lenovo-cuz~! word of the day...OGLE! ekekkeke i'm sure all the gogumas here are expecting yong to OGLE at hyun buin this sunday~! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA @ the thought! :w00t:

panGG dear, i also miss spazzing with ya!!! >.< timezone crisis! keke btw, what video are u talking about hyun looking towards the MC's side? which vid is that!? omo!! i'm confused here!! :wacko: did they actually record inki earlier???? UHHHHHH...@_@ oh ya, those pics of yong's are KILLERs! xD they just remind me of the 1st time he brought hyun to his practice room & he was gulping some water with the exact expression in those pics! uwahhh & that was 8 months ago! time sure flies!

jnj~! yes, it's pretty obvious that they're very fond of her. in the latest ep, JH looked like he had a cocktail of emotions going >.< and how about the unuform he was wearing? is that his old busan uniform? (my mom said it is yong's 'cause she saw some students from busan wearing the same in some variety show... but she may be wrong -.-")

edit: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO i shouldn't have edited!!!!! now parts of my post are lost & i'm too lazy to retype them. anyways, am sleepy already so GOONITE & SLEEP TIGHT GOGUMAS~! :wub: AND I'M SORRY IF MY POST SOUNDS WEIRD. U MAY IGNORE IT. soompi's weird again fury.gif

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