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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Crystal392






Stalking dcmarried I found a post http://gall.dcinside.com/married/532491 that quotes a post from soompi (it doesn't say it is from soompi but I'm 100% sure of that because it's exactly the same) :P It's about YongHwa's answers from an interview in a Japanese magazine :D






hehehehe *waves to all dcgallers* Gogumas united!






Thanks to everyone for the info, links, pics and everything.






chedda31: hehehehe after reading your post I remembered something that I forgot to ask everyone.






Sooo according to FnC the CNBLUE boys don't/aren't allowed to have a cellphone, but on the latest eps we've heard them talk about text messages and calls and Yong~ said they talk to each other often besides WGM so does that mean they let Yong~ use the phone just to talk to Hyun~? hehehe because I remember once Jang Geuk Seuk (TK from YAB - an actor who is friends with Yong~) said he hadn't talked to Yong~ in a long time because he didn't have a phone so they couldn't communicate. :o What are your theories? :)






Btw, I forgot to say congrats to everyone for finishing the 300 'I love YongSeo because...' and thanks to the amazing team (redtulip, bezbezbez, etc for organizing everything. You are amazing ^_^






DJHinata: Your artworks are awesome! Thanks for sharing them here ^^






dreamyboo: Yeah he looked pretty tired but I don't think it was related to Hyun~, he probably was just super tired from work and life in general, like super exhausted. I don't remember CNBLUE's schedule around that time (I will try to find it) but I remember a pic of Hyun~, Yong~ and UJ and he looked pretty tired... :(




dreamyboo: I found it, their duet was on August 29th right? So I assume they recorded the black room interviews the first week of September. I wonder if he had any sleep between 4th and 5th of September o_O When did they record the ep with UJ? On Sept 3? Woah! he must have been pretty tired. :o

09.01 [broadcast] MBC Incheon Branch Opening 6:50 PM (CNBLUE)

09.03 [Event] Korea Broadcast Awards Ceremony 4:00 PM (CNBLUE)


09.04 [broadcast] MBC Korean Wave Music Festival 3:45 PM (CNBLUE)


09.04 [broadcast] MBC We Got Married 5:00 PM (YongHwa)


09.04 [Performance] Daejeon Hana Green Concert 7:00 PM (CNBLUE)


09.05 [broadcast] SBS Inkigayo 4:10 PM (YongHwa MC)


09.05 [Performance] LG Dream Festival 5:00 PM (CNBLUE)


09.08 [Event] Thailand Promotion


09.09 [Event] Thailand Promotion


09.10 [Event] Thailand Promotion







euodsie: Hi! Thanks for sharing that pic :) But please make it YongSeo related somehow (you could add 'I'm sure Yong~ would feel super proud of his buin or something like that'), we Gogumas are a creative bunch ;)




Welcome to all new spazzers to Goguma Planet! You can find the latest eps with eng subs at 'Streaming/Downloading' on http://www.rdrsubs.org/ :D



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Guest euodsie
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hai gaiz, I know this is almost a week late D: (I thought other people would have better photos than I did so I didn't think I needed to upload it, plus the week had been busy so I didn't visit this thread. Until I came back after a week and backtracked and only saw one photo /hides)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyway, this is SNSD at Sg Kpop Night on Oct 23rd. Sorry I was really far behind so my picture isn't very clear. But after cropping it I didn't resize, so you can zoom in all you want and hopefully see what I saw too ^^ (ie. RING.)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Like someone else told me, Oct 23rd and both of them were captured with their rings on ^^ Even in different countries lol. Remind me again why I love them?~~ ♥
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I may have a few more but they ALL require massive zooming in T-T I need better camera lenses
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































edit: I thought the mod said photos of them wearing the ring at events outside of WGM was fine, so I seriously thought this photo was ok. But I guess not huh.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest toomuchsmiling




[JM MC Tweet translation] Today, watching the 3 couples in WGM, even through the monitor, could feel the tingling in our bodies, and goosebumps.




cr: kkaplinesubs @ twitter


sounds like an exciting episode!






sassysnsd- Thanks for the trans!! :lol:




Kay, gogumas I don't think i should go out to kill MC Kim b/c he's a FELLOW goguma as well but i dunno whether to be HAPPY about his tweets? they make so JUMPY SRSLY. his spazzing makes waiting 2 or so days UNBEARABLE. :lol: I always have to keep myself super distracted to try not to go crazy thinking about the possibilities for our Yongseo!!! :wacko:




haha, at any rate TINGLING?? GOOSEBUMPS?? ALL 3 COUPLES?? so something made DAEBAK history with our Yongseo???! ahhh! can't wait




jnj- ahh, Yong looks like a pimp, a HOT pimp, a hot MARRIED one who wears THE RING!! :wub: Gaaaah, they are SOO lucky they married each other i say. xD










Now who is ready to get their HOOOT on? ;D






SophiaPia- ru kidding? i am TOTALLY ready to get my Hoot onn! B) i'm with ya there, someone in the Inkigayo audience PLEEEEZ be a yongseo fan capture Yong's face wen he watches his wife perform!!! :w00t: that would be a miracle, i'm just gonna hope he's even an MC on that day and doesn't miss out on something we all KNOW will be daebak.


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shoo shoo those pervy thots,

erxmeeza, panGG, dreamy, toouchsmiling (and that include me too hehe)

yong ah..RAWR!!! :lol:

sassysnsd & heartbreak, tks for the MC Kim tweet.

so all couples will be celebrating their anniversaries. :w00t:

panGG, raindrop, DH..nice ones u got there...

but my memory is failing me...

besides performing with their groups at the Dream Concert,

what else did our yongseo couple did to celebrate their 100th day ann.?

abt dreamy Q, does anyone know when do they go for their darkroom interview?

i mean, is it a day after or a week after they shoot an episode?

i'm so worried abt this thread. so its good that we're taking things slow. ;)^_^

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Guest Crystal392






jnj: I think they didn't have a 100th day celebration :o They didn't even mention it if I'm not wrong :o






From tvdaum ( http://tvzonebbs.media.daum.net/griffin/do/talk/program/wemarried/read?bbsId=354_a&articleId=5405&pageIndex=1&searchKey=&searchValue= ) there are lots and lots of gifs and screencaps.




















They are soo cute and look so good and happy together. Seriously thanks so much WGM PDs, if it weren't from you and your matchmaking abilities they would have probably never even talked to each other nor become at least friends.






YongSeo ♥












lovely_ocean: Again, thanks a lot for sharing that interview and that info :D



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Guest lovely_ocean
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It seems the translation from Japanese magazine I posted here is spreading and saw a post in DCmarried talking about when the interview was held.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So here is my thoughts, in the magazine the interviewer asked How was the first concert in Korea which took place on the 31 st of July. So the interview must have been had in Aug or Sep. Then they talked about gigs they did in Japan they performed 18 songs in venues where 1000 fans gathered. So I assume it was while their Tomeihan tour in Sep though not 100% sure.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hope this clarify people's question

































































































































































































































































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crystal...*hugs* thanks so much for the timeline~! :D at least we now know that yong had quite a hard time in coping with everything around that time when he had the interview.

oh, i forgot to thank all the other sweet gogumas for all the other goodies too -.-" KAMSAHAMNIDA for the pics, infos & links~! :D

thanks lovely_ocean for the info. i was also browsing thru' DC & was surprised to see ur post there xD u're famous now ya know kekeeke

haha jnj, calm down! not too much RAWR! remember hyun buinnnnnn :sweatingbullets: LOL

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Guest raindrops_919
















annyong GOGUMA   :wub:
















@ jnj: thank you ^__^ and that yong's picture is a sin, haha..yong shouldn't has that too much charm, it's a crime  :w00t:
















@ panGG: thank you   ^__^  i'm also smiling happily while making it, that's my favorite one
















@ DJHinata: omo, your artwork is awesome, keep that coming pleaseee..thank you!
















@ ichigo_kawai: i love your new video and the song fit so well =)
















@ dreamyboo: *hugs* thank you ^__^  
























edit: @ jnj: aigeeesssimiddaa, i'll make one after i find match picture of hyun and yong =)
















two days to go, saturday pallliii.. here's another one, hope you like it   ^_^

























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so yongseo didn't celebrate their 100th day anniversary.

isn't that sad, crystal? i wonder why?

i cracked my brain trying hard to rmbr what they did on that special day,

but nothing comes to mind. u know anything abt this, dreamy?

i guess their 200th day celebration would be like making up for it

hyun gave hubby 3 surprises on their birthday, (perf love light, pic book and ring)

so now yong's turn to match it up..

(200th day ann. pin, a date in school uni and ...dugeun dugeun)


hey there raindrop.

waiting for your 'yongseo back to school' wallie ;)

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Guest FallenAnjewl
































































































































































































































hmm i was just watching some old videos and i just found out that when SNSD was promoting Oh! at Music Bank. THey were up against CNBLUE and they both were wearing couple rings
































































































































































But its funny because they didnt look at each other or talk to each other and its funny how much the couple has grown together to be so comfortable around each other. You even notice that when yong is talking, hyun doesnt even look at him and when yong walks by, hyun doesnt turn around LOL
































































































































































Here are some pics of the couple rings
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr: xibuaxibua @ yt
































































































































































Here is the link
































































































































































Music Bank 100209
































































































































































im so glad to see how much they've grown together as a couple and how they've  been getting more and more comfrotable with each other and actually being more like a real couple :wub:

































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Guest bizzie_b


OMO!  Soompi had problems and it didn't post my quite long post! argh!  Hope I still remember everything I said. haha wacko.gif




Anyway, I'm also wondering how our couple celebrated their 100th day because a lot of fancams and pictures during the Dream Concert served as evidence that they might have actually filmed during that day.  Many fans know about.  They were seen talking and waiting for each other.  They left their particular groups and left the concert together. The day the Dream Concert was held was their 100th day together.  Seeing those fancams and pictures made fans speculate that they were indeed filming for WGM for their 100th day.  wacko.gif So where is it MBC?  Hope MBC could release another BTS of the couple.  Make it weekly guys!  Because we all know that we are missing a lot of special scenes.  MBC!  ROCK are goguma planet even harder! hahaha laugh.gif   wub.gif




Oh, I would also like to thank and congratulate everyone for participating in making the 300th day project possible.  Thanks for sharing your POVs, gifs, pictures, fan arts, fmvs and fanfics!  All are really worth saving!  And of course, I would also like to thank everyone for helping out in increasing the views count of our couple (in MBC).  We just showed our immeasurable love for our couple!  Really appreciate that. wink.gif




Another thing, I hope to meet all of you personally! haha.  I'm from the Philippines, so I'm hoping to see other Filipino Gogumas out there!  I know we're quite a number already!  Maybe we could meet before the 300th day of our couple.  Take some pictures, share stories, laugh together and spazz together!  It is also possible that we could post our group pictures here with some Yongseo goodies or banners.  You'll never know, it might even be included in the Yongseo project that they'll be sending our couple. haha.  And of course other Gogumas from other countries could do that too!  OH FUN! wub.gif




And so I learnt my lesson well, I will definitely copy my post first so just in case soompi will have problems again, I don;t need to retype everything again! ahahaha tongue.gif


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Guest Crystal392






dreamyboo: *hugs back*






raindrops: Woah that is awesome! Seriously ^_^






jnj: Yeah it's sad but for some reason it doesn't make me feel too sad xD hehehe maybe is because they weren't too comfortable around that time? xD I can't wait to see their 200 day celebration, and their 300, and the year anniversary, and then 5 years.. and then 10... hehehe I think I got carried away xD kekekekeke






FalleAnjewl: That was a week or so after they 'got married' right? It's amazing how closer and comfortable they've become with each other. YongSeo daebbak ♥






bizzie_b: Knowing that probably they didn't film for WGM after Dream Concert makes it all more special because it means they talked because they wanted to and Hyun~ waited for him because she wanted to ;) hehehe right now I am writing on Notepad and then I will copy it on Soompi just in case soompi acts weird and what I wrote disappears :P



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@bizzie_b: i agree.. we could meet somewhere and spazz for the whole day!!:wub:  i'm also from the philippines. God knows and my sister knows how passionate i am when it comes to our beloved couple. i could talk and talk and explain and explain anything about YONGSEO couple. i think i'm obsessed with this couple.. hihihi :P




regarding the next episode, i can smell some skinship in there. B) hmmm, base from the funny facial expression yong made when they were walking towards wherever they're going and base from the subtle backhand touch of yong on hyun's backhand. haha do i make sense? i hope so.




i'm excited for the text preview tomorrow! there is a text preview right? hmmm.









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Guest chilipadi_22
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































after watching SNSD's new MV. i am really looking forward to this sunday's inkigayo!!
































































































































































































































































hyun is gonna dance OFFICIALLY for the first time in front of yong~
































































































































































































































































she has not danced in front of him before except teaching the cn blue boys to dance.
































































































































































































































































OMG~i am spazzing alr.
































































































































































































































































*anticipating with eyes wide open*
































































































































































































































































saturday and sunday palli nawa~

































































































































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Guest lingzw87






just watched the video...


Wow Hyun looks really pretty and cute... the dance is real good...


haha wonder what does Yong think... Will he get shot by Hyun's "arrow"? afterall since he get prime of view of the cheoreo... 


Cannot wait for Sat & then Sun's inki!!


Hoot hoot hoot!!





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Guest DJHinata

OMG!! Seo Hyun in the NEW VIDEO !! MY GOD SO SEXY !!

 i can't wait to see her on the musics shows 

here some scaps !! 






Raindrops your artwork is killing me XD SO awesome !! ♥ Thanks to all for +one on my works ^^

I really love this AMV but Yonghwa would be better for the role of Secret Agent ~~ keke ~ 

Because Of You , My heart wears an armor

Now i'll Fight Back

Your arrow is Trouble, Trouble, Trouble

it aimed at me ~

You Shoot, Shoot , shoot

I Hoot, Hoot, Hoot

And if this Sunday on Inkigayo Yonghwa wering an outfit with Retro theme , you know they always have a theme  ~~ wouldn't be cool? omg i can't wait for the weekend !! 

My god the channel of sm on Youtube its super crazy !! XD haha my god more thant 5000 watchs and more !! 4:20am of Thursday for me ! ♥

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Guest starfish_29






I just watched the SNSD's MV. omg!! SPAZZ!!! really.


Seohyun unnie daebak!! :) I'm really excited tomorrow for their comeback and the Inkigayo comeback. so excited...


Yong Seobang you are very lucky you have a KILLER WIFE... :))) kekekeke.


SNSD hwaiting.


YONSEO saranghae. :)))



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Guest icarus_fly








the MV is so great...




can't wait for the live performance...




and must be watching yong for his reaction...




hy`un is so pretty...





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Good morning dear goguma villagers!








First I saw when I woke up was this MV! It's so cool, and Hyun is so pretty... But what you said si true: Yong shoud take Siwon' place... That would be soooo great. And he would be so HOT. And let's not forget that it would be priceless seeing all the sisters singing "Shoot shoot shoot" to him x)








I was watching the english version of the MV for "Let's Go", and I noticed something... Well, if someone posted it before me, I'm sorry :x The thread is advancing so fast... Anyways, here it is!
















Hyun, my dear, can you explain what are you doing, please? ;)









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