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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Goguma06






I didn't see my name in the list for the "300 days" project although i already posted it....maybe it got lost in the pages...this thread is going soo fast :)


so all just repost my answer here:



I love Yongseo couple because... J'aime le couple Yongseo parce que...






They just put a smile in my face when i watch their 20 mins segment. It's good to see that, in this world of violence, war, racism etc. pure and genuine love still exists.



This couple gives me hope that true and beautiful love are not just in movies! Both of them are honest, down to hearth and beautiful in their own way. I love them for those simples reasons.






Joanie, 19 y/o , Québec, Canada



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Guest lovekin




sorry to cut off your post lovekin, and i believe this is the first time


i'm replying to u...


u write so well, so i'm a bit conscious, u know.. blush.gif  ^_^




so your Q is..


are there any scenes that hyun is mesmerized by yong?




i say plenty!


but the most vivid one in my mind right now, has got to be the one in the unseen


footage of MuCore.


see how she was staring at the monitor when hubby was performing Love.


that look, those eyes just screaming love to me..


not a care in the world if there are cameras and fans and even her yuri unnie   ^_^




know what? everyone should answer lovekin Q.


then we, gogumas, can compare notes, and start recalling some scenes






no worries!  i think your english is just finebiggrin.gif that is indeed my question!




that's actually a good one, thanks for pointing it out!  i think that scene, however, depicts the actual definition of being mesmerized.  i think his on-stage presence and charisma will do the same for most people.  i think it shows that she's a fan of his and really enjoys his music, as well as being happy/proud for him, and that she's intently focused on his performance; however, i think it lacks a little something-something.  tongue.gif  still, it's a good example that seo does pay attention to him!








Lovekin That's a good question. I don't think there was any specific moment that really stood out to me that showed Seohyun really mesmerized by him. Just a scene that comes up in my mind was when he did his performance before they went out to do their duet. It was just a moment that I felt like she was really proud and impressed by her husband. That expression on her face was priceless to me. Here are a few caps:






i think this fits with my above explanation to jnj, as well.  




others have mentioned numerous times that seo is not the type to express herself so openly, and that the fact that she's opening up to yong is her way of showing affection, but i disagree.  whether or not one is unused to showing deep emotions – much less to the opposite sex when one is inexperienced – it's almost an instinctive reaction to show a sense of love or meaningful appreciation if you're deeply touched by one's actions.  yong has been caught red-handed several times already, and while he's far more willing to show how much he cares for seo, i highly doubt he wants to be super mushy in front of the camera.




in fact, i think it was translated sometime here that he felt embarrassed during the birthday episode because of how open he was with his feelings, which led him to his pursuit of push-pull.  don't quote me on that, though!




but thank you~ i think seo really does enjoy his performances and, as his wife, i think she's drawn to him in such a way to support him.  but while it's not the kind of example i'm looking for, i know she's capable of it, contrary to popular opinion that her opening up to him is her only way of showing affection.








Hi villagers gogumas ^^, are you waiting for MC kim??? me too :P

lovekin about your question I remember the first time I thought, wait... what is that spark in Hyun´s eyes? hahaha, and it was when they went to play pool the first time. I don´t remember if it was in the preview or the episode, but Hyun was staring at yong with her eyes full of something ^^ (I think it was in the part when Yong suggested the piggiback, but again, don´t remember if it was in preview or episode).




Edit: guys I want to ask something related to WGM but not with our couple (not really important, just curiosity)...




I was watching the Horror ep and Vick called Khun appa, and 2 weaks ago they showed the ep where they decided their nicknames and I was wondering if khuntoria are also behind on their episodes, because they joined WGM after the strike, right?


I want to know how belated the other couples´s ep are ^^, nothing important, just curiosity... if anyone knows about it... thanks in advance







ahaha, thanks for pointing that out.  i think she was just really happy to be able to play pool, and i know it might have been the episode where she must have felt more comfortable being really close to him.






i don't know if they were behind, but i know they must have had to backtrack because they showed the episode where they started calling each other "mom" and "dad" after the chuseok special.









i suppose there's a unanimous agreement that seo is different from yong and that difference should be considered.  i agree with that sentiment to a certain extent, but i decided to do my own scene hunting and found one that fits with what i've been looking for.  after they exchange rings in the birthday episode and after he explains the meaning of "love light," there's a moment of silent satisfaction from both yong and seo, and seo outstretches her hands and says she feels good/feels happy.




while she doesn't address yong directly, i thought it was a sweet moment.  i believe there were several instances where she confirms that she's happy with a certain situation, but the look of serenity on her face in the birthday episode set it apart from the rest.  she was truly happy to have their couple rings back, and i suppose it would be safe to say that she was extremely content and kind of pleased with the outcome of their conversation.  and the way she said how she was feeling in that moment~ i think that was a kind of bliss that she rarely shows.  there may not have been love in her eyes, or the kind of struck-in-the-moment feeling yong had while she was singing to him, but it's close enough to the real thing.




i still say she has a way to go, which is why i'm waiting for the japan episode.  apparently they seemed much more comfortable together abroad than they do in korea (according to netizens ... or japanese netizens, which is significant because their opinion might be biased), and we've seen how close they remained in proximity even while sitting down, so it's tough to say!




who knows.  maybe seo has blossomed more than we know since we're still catching up.  only time will tell!






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Guest lovely_ocean
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hi I'm back again with good news.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Probably lots of you already heard but there was a Vote [which WGM couple is Ideal?]
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yongseo was no2 got 3616 votes. (No1 was Sanchu couple? 5305 votes, adam No3 566, Kuntoria No4 175)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So in Japan, Yongseo is very very popular
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Another good news is that in Japanese magazine interview (Creasta short for Crazy for asian star magazine)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa said
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Q: You are in WGM with SNSD Seohyun, If other member would be in the show who would you want to be with? Yonghwa, probably you have someone else you may want to be in the show with?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa: I would choose Seohyun in any case. As we became closer over the time, I got to know that Seohyun is very caring person. When I was suffering from vocal cord nodule, she cared for me and brought something good for my throat and nutritious food for me even when we were not filming.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Q: Ideal type
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa: I liked Lee Yeon hee when she was in a millionaire's first love, but now SNSD's Seohyun who is very caring person is my type.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Q: What do you want the most at the moment?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yonghwa: I got a driving license now so I want a sports car.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































There are some other answers reminded me of Seohyun in his interview but these are cleary related to Seohyun.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hope these make Yongseo lovers happy

































































































































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Guest Wilhelm1066








In a quintillionth of a moment you can say it's ?-?-?-?:







Her thoughts = I'm cool about this!




His voice = geuh deh neun darling




























Her thoughts = ***********Dadeung********** Dadeung************




His voice = bam ha neuk byul bit boda ah reum da wuh yo




























Her thoughts = What am I doing? What will mom & dad say?




His voice = neh mam sok gip peun got eh suh ban jjak guh li neun




























Her thoughts = Giggle(embarassed)giggle! Giggle(awkward)giggle!




His voice = naman eh soiqhfoiqjfoijqfojeoifjoihfoh (trailing of in titterings)



























How come a totally professional young woman gets embarassed by sitting and holding a young male's hand if it's only acting?




She's afraid of changing her public image?




She's a bad actor?




She doesn't like the guy! And THAT's making her ashamed?




Or some other unknown reason beyond my simple mind?











Something absolutely not plausible: LOVE!







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Guest Maekiwi






Since I have nothing new or special to share, i just put it in spoiler ---

I dont wanna say this but I feel really weird. Whenever I refresh the link at IMBC, YongSeo increased 1-2 more views ( the most I have seen is 5 at a time) but K couple, its about 45-90 views more for every click I made. I dont say they cheat or something but to tell the truth, its so.. I dont know -- fishy ??? Dont let me wrong, I dont want to make war but I dont think MBC could see this as competition or poll or whatever to cut out couple time slot.


That must be really annoying for all of us whether which couple would be cut and which woud gain more time- I mean I dont want anyone feel sad - if MBC cut the slot time of either couples, our idols themselves must have felt more pressure [they may think that because of their faults] or unhappy.



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Morning gogumazz
































































I hate MBC for doing this to us..gosh can they even realize that it is just plain stupid..People can spam and etc..enough of that
































































Let's spazz about our couple
































































Have u guys realize that our couple seem to have prob with their msg..not once but more than twice already.
































































It is weird just to think about it..i believed that both of them not lying about not getting the reply
































































Perhaps this might be cuz"someone" deleted their msg ..let say their manager.. u know, how company react when their artist have a relationship whether it is love relationship or best friend relationship..
































































A lot of idols try to keep it low from their company...
































































Some of them even got monitor from messages and calls ..
































































Most of their prob due to unreceived msgs and lead to misunderstanding

















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Guest CallMeDayDreamer

I read the new that there is a choice for singers between attendance in MNET MAMA or MCORE and SBS INKIGAYO. So I wonder which show will snsd will choose b/c Yonghwa is definitely in INKIGAYO. Will YongSeo gather together at SBS INK.? I hope that they will... buin don't leave hubby alone...

I think there is big chances that Yong will be in Inkigayo during that time.

I heard that there is an on going conflich between Mnet and other broadcasting because of Mnet MAMA being held in Macau.

As for Yong, he will surely be in Inki at that time coz i don't think the management will allow him to go to Macau coz Inki is his permanent show.

As for Hyun, SM did not allow their artists to attend Mnet MAMA. so yeah, there is a possibility that we wil both see them on inkigayo.

But, i don't want to expect any interaction between them  in Inkigayo though coz i'm sure it's not allowed since WGM is from MBC...-_-

Although, i wish for fancams though... I just want to see Yong's reaction when SNSD performs on stage... :sweatingbullets:

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Guest my.yonghwa.baby

































































































































































































































































I noticed the same thing. Every time I refresh the page for YongSeo, Khuntoria jumps anything between 15-25 views. I don't understand. Like you said, I don't want to say that they're cheating, but it's just weird. Hmm
































































































































Like everybody else, I'm infuriated that YongHwa won't be able to attend MAMA with the rest of CNBLUE. He has every right to be there. 
































































































































But anyway. I really hope YongHwa introduces SNSD's performance. I want to see his face. happy.gif
































































































































Also, I have a feeling that everybody misunderstood teoki61's post.
































































































































[extract]Omg the Khuntoria couple has so many votes Can someone tell me how I can vote?? Where do I have to click??[/extract]
































































































































I'm pretty sure the question meant where she needed to go to vote for YongSeo because Khuntoria has more views. mellow.gif

































































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Guest YongxHyun




















Hi I'm back again with good news.
















Probably lots of you already heard but there was a Vote [which WGM couple is Ideal?]
















Yongseo was no2 got 3616 votes. (No1 was Sanchu couple? 5305 votes, adam No3 566, Kuntoria No4 175)
















So in Japan, Yongseo is very very popular
















Another good news is that in Japanese magazine interview (Creasta short for Crazy for asian star magazine)
















Yonghwa said
















Q: You are in WGM with SNSD Seohyun, If other member would be in the show who would you want to be with? Yonghwa, probably you have someone else you may want to be in the show with?
















Yonghwa: I would choose Seohyun in any case. As we became closer over the time, I got to know that Seohyun is very caring person. When I was suffering from vocal cord nodule, she cared for me and brought something good for my throat and nutritious food for me even when we were not filming.
















Q: Ideal type
















Yonghwa: I liked Lee Yeon hee when she was in a millionaire's first love, but now SNSD's Seohyun who is very caring person is my type.
















Q: What do you want the most at the moment?
















Yonghwa: I got a driving license now so I want a sports car.
















There are some other answers reminded me of Seohyun in his interview but these are cleary related to Seohyun.
















Hope these make Yongseo lovers happy































I would choose Seohyun in any case. As we became closer over the time, I got to know that Seohyun is very caring person. When I was suffering from vocal cord nodule, she cared for me and brought something good for my throat and nutritious food for me even when we were not filming.
















that's for sure!!
















OMGGG~~ so lovely!!
















"nutritious food for me even when we were not filming."































Thanks for these good news!! That makes me so exicted now































and I'm waiting for the EP that yong will drive seohyun to the goguma field ^^





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Guest uh-ohxev
































































































































































































































































Wow. I'm a bit angry at MBC for doing this now... so, they're going to give our couple little airtime because of this?! :unsure:
































































































































Make them divorce first? I'm sorry, but usually in Korea when there's popular videos going around it's even a surprise when they reach 100,000+ I find it really hard to believe 400,000+ watched the other couple so quickly.. I'm not trying to say they cheated, but there's something fishy in that. Whenever there's a viral video going around in Korea, the views don't even generate that fast.. I can't see why a couple on a TV SHOW would get higher views than the average viral videos in Korea. I wish I had an MBC account and could write fluent hangul, because I would definitely give MBC a piece of my mind. Now I'm sort of worried about what this means for our couple and their future on WGM... it can't be that serious right?































































































































































































































































Yong's answers in that Japanese magazine are so sweet! :wub:
































































































































I believe he meant all of that! :) I'm sure if they asked it when WGM first started, he'd be awkward about that question.. but, of course getting to know Seohyun for himself, he saw what a great wife she makes. No doubt in his mind that she's the only one! Now date for real please?! :w00t:

































































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Guest YongxHyun
























Hyun got her driving license too i think
















so they both got it~~~
















wondering how their car will looks like





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Guest monie1909
























Wow. I'm a bit angry at MBC for doing this now... so, they're going to give our couple little airtime because of this?! :unsure:
















Make them divorce first? I'm sorry, but usually in Korea when there's popular videos going around it's even a surprise when they reach 100,000+ I find it really hard to believe 400,000+ watched the other couple so quickly.. I'm not trying to say they cheated, but there's something fishy in that. Whenever there's a viral video going around in Korea, the views don't even generate that fast.. I can't see why a couple on a TV SHOW would get higher views than the average viral videos in Korea. I wish I had an MBC account and could write fluent hangul, because I would definitely give MBC a piece of my mind. Now I'm sort of worried about what this means for our couple and their future on WGM... it can't be that serious right?


























Yong's answers in that Japanese magazine are so sweet! :wub:








I believe he meant all of that! :) I'm sure if they asked it when WGM first started, he'd be awkward about that question.. but, of course getting to know Seohyun for himself, he saw what a great wife she makes. No doubt in his mind that she's the only one! Now date for real please?! :w00t:
































Regarding to your spoiler





















i agree with you on that and if what we claim is true,there's something fishy about the view count,we shouldnt be worry then.correct me if i'm wrong but i think mod,admin of certain web can track ip adress of viewer or poster,so if they care enough to check,they will likely to find it weird if certain ip adress with let say 1000 views in 1 hour,how could it possibly be,right.they will know for sure if someone is cheated.but only if they care enough to check.Plus,like when our couple hit first 20,000 views in 4 hour,the press make a big deal out of and my guess is mbc/wgm themselves release this to the press.Is there any news regarding this 'extra ordinary' views by other couple yet?Anyone care to share if there is?because it would mean,mbc or wgm aware of something fishy too.so we have to wait if there will be news about this to be certain if there is something fishy going on or it is a real number.Even if it real number,our couple views is already really really amazing,we shouldnt worry about it.




















well,it just my opinion,i dont think mbc/wgm will do that to our couple time slot.As i said,just believe in our couple.Their views is already really really amazing.They have many followers in korea.Just check their articles/post at dc,daum ..they most likely to hit very high views everywhere.i wouldnt worry to much cause if they do,they have to deal with many many angry gogumas in korea and internationally.
















lovely_ocean thank you for sharing that news cut from japan mag.
















Edit:Err,guys..reminder again about the rules..if you want to post something about cnblue or snsd,please make sure it related to wgm in any way.As someone said before,we are creative bunch of people.Mode are watching us.Please be careful with our post.Please dont go overboard while bending the rules.









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Guest Crystal392







I wonder the same, if you see 2AM is included in the list of MAMA performers so that means Inki gave JoKwon permission; why can't they also give YongHwa permission? I am not 100% sure about this but saturn posted on the CNBLUE thread that if they are not present in MAMA they won't probably win the 'Rookie of the Year' award =/ and that makes me sad because they deserve it...







I am so happy for SNSD and CNBLUE! Hyun~ and Yong~ ftw!! ^___^






Thanks to everyone for sharing news about them. YongHwa's answers at the Japanese magazine interview make me happy :D






And while we wait for 'Hoot hoot hoot' MV, I know this pic has already been posted by I love it!














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Regarding to your spoiler

i agree with you on that and if what we claim is true,there's something fishy about the view count,we shouldnt be worry then.correct me if i'm wrong but i think mod,admin of certain web can track ip adress of viewer or poster,so if they care enough to check,they will likely to find it weird if certain ip adress with let say 1000 views in 1 hour,how could it possibly be,right.they will know for sure if someone is cheated.but only if they care enough to check.Plus,like when our couple hit first 20,000 views in 4 hour,the press make a big deal out of and my guess is mbc/wgm themselves release this to the press.Is there any news regarding this 'extra ordinary' views by other couple yet?Anyone care to share if there is?because it would mean,mbc or wgm aware of something fishy too.so we have to wait if there will be news about this to be certain if there is something fishy going on or it is a real number.Even if it real number,our couple views is already really really amazing,we shouldnt worry about it.































































































































































































































































well,it just my opinion,i dont think mbc/wgm will do that to our couple time slot.As i said,just believe in our couple.Their views is already really really amazing.They have many followers in korea.Just check their articles/post at dc,daum ..they most likely to hit very high views everywhere.i wouldnt worry to much cause if they do,they have to deal with many many angry gogumas in korea and internationally.
































































































































lovely_ocean thank you for sharing that news cut from japan mag.
































































































































Edit:Err,guys..reminder again about the rules..if you want to post something about cnblue or snsd,please make sure it related to wgm in any way.As someone said before,we are creative bunch of people.Mode are watching us.Please be careful with our post.
































































































































Now our couple´s points are jumping in a rare way too :wacko:, I think someone did the same to YongSeo´s clip... sigh... this is not good. are you guys sure this points have some value to the air time???, I´m hoping not, please don´t!
































































































































Thanks for CNBlue info, I´m so proud of Yong seobang and his band ^^ (hope the moderators reconsider the spam thing U.u)
































































































































Edit: Topped the page, so I´m going to repost this :wub:
































































































































Hi I'm back again with good news.
































































































































Probably lots of you already heard but there was a Vote [which WGM couple is Ideal?]
































































































































Yongseo was no2 got 3616 votes. (No1 was Sanchu couple? 5305 votes, adam No3 566, Kuntoria No4 175)
































































































































So in Japan, Yongseo is very very popular
































































































































Another good news is that in Japanese magazine interview (Creasta short for Crazy for asian star magazine)
































































































































Yonghwa said
































































































































Q:  You are in WGM with SNSD Seohyun, If other member would be in the show  who would you want to be with? Yonghwa, probably you have someone else  you may want to be in the show with?
































































































































Yonghwa: I would choose Seohyun  in any case. As we became closer over the time, I got to know that  Seohyun is very caring person. When I was suffering from vocal cord  nodule, she cared for me and brought something good for my throat and  nutritious food for me even when we were not filming.
































































































































Q: Ideal type
































































































































Yonghwa:  I liked Lee Yeon hee when she was in a millionaire's first love, but  now SNSD's Seohyun who is very caring person is my type.
































































































































Q: What do you want the most at the moment?
































































































































Yonghwa: I got a driving license now so I want a sports car.
































































































































There are some other answers reminded me of Seohyun in his interview but these are cleary related to Seohyun.
































































































































Hope these make Yongseo lovers happy































































































































































































































































Thank you lovely_ocean

































































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hmm i found that @hyuksu and @YongxHyun recent post were irrelevant posts because it should be discuss on the artist's thread since it didn't mention anything about wgm or yongseo couple. please remind yourself to post the artist's articles/activities that has no relation with yongseo couple or wgm in their designated thread. it would be a waste of space for this forum. the moderator has reminded about it that these kind of irrelevant posts were the main violators of soompi's rule. please be more aware of it. thank you.
















@YongxHyun thank you for your quick reaction by editing your post.





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so yong finally got his driving license now!

yeah! so the rumour that he was on the

driver's seat (the latest filming)

is true after all

and didn't hyun got hers too?

wow.. looking forward to this epi

tks lovely ocean :)

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cre: merru86





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About the vids on MBC... I have never been trusted polls, ratings and so on per i-net because everybody knows that there are so many opportunities to easily manipulate them nowadays. Also don't want to be a know-it-all, still I can't avoid to not mention it here... I smellt something fishy even when I was reading a few first comments on VicKhun's vid (watched it just out of curiousity like everytime I watch other couple's parts when have some time). It seems like translators for whole sentences were in the pie. For example: I was confused by a German comment (which contents isn't complicated!) because the words is used, the sentence construction and the way of speaking are really odd ehm or rather like a translator does. In that case if the writer is really a German I don't think the person isn't able to write a few simple English sentences since English is taught as a second/third language since elementary school here.

















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Guest raindrops_919
















annyong GOGUMA   :wub:
















@panGG: Haiiii..i thought so too at first time but then yoreizei tell me about that mask (yoreizei also give a screen cap, you can see at page 1280) , it's already there at their house since episode 10, the mask is captured at their coach when they show their memorial stuff.. i would be great if yong sings for hyun personally, well maybe we can imagine it without mask from now on...hoho  :w00t:
















@ ilovesnowwhite: me too, it's just excited to think about it, i keep guessing what was yong's gift for hyun, and don't forget, we may have a surprise too from hyun, since she said she never forget their 200 days and hyun is DAEBAK too at giving surprise!
















ohh no, i don't want to be considered spamming because i don't share much info..well here's artwork i made yesterday, hope you like it.

















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Guest joojong289


that simple i want to share my feeling about YONGSEO


i love YONGSEO because


they make me remember " where my first love begin- that is the eyes" .In that "place", i still have see smile of my love _ smile make me happiness when i remember again


nho do, 23 , vietnam




i want to say thanks to YONGSEO (for all)


hope happiness always beside YONGSEO (whatever, wherever, whenever)






YONGSEO is always sweetness in my heart 










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